N.B. As regular commenters are aware, I usually delete anti-Semitic comments in my BTL replies, but I'm going to be especially liberal regarding such comments this time, as they serve to emphasize one of the main points of this column. Don't get used to it, though ... it's a one-time deal, for educational purposes.

Also, if folks get tired of the “Israel killed everyone on 10/7 and blamed it on Hamas!” nonsense, they might want to read this piece of actual grown-up journalism by Jeremy Scahill, featuring actual Hamas members discussing Hamas’ strategy for the October 7 attacks, and framing events in their historical/political context. https://www.dropsitenews.com/p/on-the-record-with-hamas

Here's Part Two of Scahill's reporting, for anyone who is still capable of reading and thinking critically. https://www.dropsitenews.com/p/the-resistance-will-continue-hamas

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I've never (until now) seen or heard anyone make the absurd claim that, “Israel killed everyone on 10/7 and blamed it on Hamas!” So how could anyone get tired of it?

The Hannibal Directive is real, and it was employed on 10/7. Many Israelis citizens were killed by the IDF. We don't know the exact numbers.


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You might want to talk to Lena (i.e., the commenter below). She'll be happy to explain to you how, "there was NO mass murder," how Hamas "never intended to and never killed anyone with an intent to kill," and so on. I featured her absurd claim in one of my previous columns (https://cjhopkins.substack.com/p/asymmetric-idiocy). Or you could just have a look at the examples that I provided in this column (i.e., the column you are replying to). But that might require a bit of reading, and thinking.

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C.J. wrote in his previous column, “I’m not a fan of murdering civilians. Not even for the Revolution. ... Soldiers killing each other is one thing. … Especially the murdering of the women and the kids ...”

I agree that it's absurd to believe Hamas "never killed anyone with an intent to kill." However, (as I wrote yesterday in my comment on Scahill's 1st post), I'm inclined to believe the claim of Hamas leadership that their policy was not the "mass murder" of civilians but the capture of hostages. But, in practice, some Hamas soldiers weren't well disciplined (and certainly not the more radical groups and hooligans that later arrived).

With the Hannibal Directive, Israeli leaders ordered the "mass murder" of their OWN people; both soldiers and civilians ("everyone knew what it meant to not let any vehicles return to Gaza .... what the fate of some of the kidnapped people would be").

Unfortunately, Hamas leadership didn't realize that today's Israeli leaders don't place much value on the lives of their own hostages, and place no value on Gazan life ("it is a full destruction of Gaza“ ... No one expected this reaction from the Israel side … many Hamas leaders expected a more intense and prolonged version of previous Israeli attacks on Gaza”).

What's morally horrifying about the Hamas's 10/7 “Revolution” is that it ignited a “collective martyrdom operation launched without the consent of 2.3 million Palestinians” with Gaza now turned into a Warsaw Ghetto; “If we have to die, we have to die in dignity. Standing, fighting, fighting back …” (with Gazan civilians dying from bombs, disease, and starvation .. not much dignity there).

What's morally horrifying about the Israelis "defending themselves" is that they are eager (or at least indifferent) to accommodate the "martyrdom" of Gaza and carry out their own “Final Solution.” Israelis are now reprising the role of the Nazi regime & German soldiers who liquidated the Warsaw Ghetto (largely by burning it down when faced with resistance).

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You seem like someone who is still capable of critical thought, which I appreciate and which, sadly, I am finding all too rare these days, so let me share an excerpt from a little speech I gave back in April. The point is, consider the possibility that there are always "monsters" on both sides of any armed conflict. Pretending that one side is innocent or more "moral" is childish. War is war. It always has been.


"What’s my point? Well, my point is ... that is war. Indiscriminate killing. Rape. Mass atrocities. That’s what war is. That is what it has always been. And we’ve been doing it to each other since the dawn of civilization. It is not going to stop. We are not going to stop it. Art is certainly not going to stop it. We are, whether we like it or not, a violent species, human beings. It isn’t all we are, but it is part of what we are. We are also lovers, teachers, healers, artists, and other beautiful things. But sometimes we are vicious killers. Monsters. Genocidal monsters.

A crazy old German philosopher once warned us, “beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster.” He was joking, of course. There are no monsters. Or, rather, there are only monsters, on every side of every war. In a war, there are no good guys and bad guys. There is just our side and the other side. Our atrocities and their atrocities. And whoever wins gets to write the history.

That’s it. The rest is propaganda. Their propaganda and our propaganda. Of course, our propaganda is not propaganda. Our propaganda is just the truth. Because we’re not monsters. They are the monsters.

This is Day 202 of Israel’s war on Hamas, or its liquidation of Gaza, depending on your perspective. I haven’t said too much about it publicly. I said a few things about it when it began. That didn’t go well. No one was listening. The propaganda from both sides was already deafening. I described the Hamas attack as mass murder. My pro-Palestinian readers didn’t like that. I described Israel as a typical mass-murdering nation-state, no different than the United States of America, Germany, France, Spain, The Netherlands, the Soviet Union, the British empire, the Ottoman empire, the Holy Roman Empire, or any other mass-murdering nation-state or empire. My pro-Israeli readers didn’t like that. Neither side wanted to hear about history. The history of asymmetric warfare, or terrorism, depending on your perspective. The history of nation-states and empires. They wanted to hear a story about monsters. About the monsters on the other side."

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“there are only monsters, on every side of every war. In a war, there are no good guys and bad guys. There is just our side and the other side. Our atrocities and their atrocities.”


Your quote reminds me of a Yugoslav War movie starring Dennis Quaid that I saw back in the '90s (“Savior” 1998, produced by Oliver Stone). It was not what many viewers were expecting from a “war” movie and it only got 56% on “Rotton Tomatoes” with mixed reviews (like the reaction to your column).

The reviewer “s p” wrote, “It was a very brutal movie, it actually shows what can happen in war without the glamour, … To me this movie was not about sides , it was about the harsh reality of … warfare which involves civilians ... thought provoking and very emotive and very sad, with that said a very very well made movie.“

Also, some good reviews at https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0120070/reviews

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C.J., Why did you censor my comments regarding the government's physically impossible and intelligence insulting 9-11 grand conspiracy myth? Does the free fall symmetric drop of this hurricane and fire resistant steel framed high rise look like it was caused by uncontrolled fires to you? Why isn't the raging inferno visible in any of the demolition videos? How did gradual, random heating cause *all* the steel perimeter columns to lose *all* their strength instantly, totally, and simultaneously? Why was molten and vaporized steel in the rubble? Why was WTC7's collapse reported 20 minutes before it happened? Why did extremely high temperature, nearly inextinguishable fires persist for weeks under the towers? The fires were near the top. Why, according to FDNY members, was molten steel flowing "like lava, like you're in a foundry" deep in the rubble?


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If I deleted your comment, it was because you posted just a link without setting it up or explaining why you were posting it. Spam links get summarily deleted.

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C.J., The only links I've posted are the link to the Haaretz article documenting the employment of Israelis "Hannibal Directive" on 10/7, and the link to the 1 minute compilation of various video clips of WTC7's demolition, which you allowed this time. My censored post also had some other commentary about the government's 9-11 "cave man" conspiracy myth. No credible 9-11 researchers claim that holograms were used, or that there were no plane strikes. That's disinformation intended to divide, discredit, and obstruct the 9-11 truth movement - and there's a *lot* of it. And as you demonstrated, it works.

Do you agree that if the demolitions of WTC1, WTC2, and WTC7 on 9/11/01 were proven, that would also prove that 9-11 was a false flag operation? Can you answer any of the questions I asked in my previous comment?

Everyone who has studied and understands the evidence, and has a basic understanding of high school physics knows that those building were professionally demolished on 9-11-01. They also agree that the demolitions prove foreknowledge and inside cooperation.

The people I've encountered who still believe the "official" conspiracy myth all have two things in common - a very limited knowledge of the evidence, and and no interest in discussing the evidence.

"Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance." -

Albert Einstein

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"Have no respect whatsoever for authority; forget who said it and instead look what he starts with, where he ends up, and ask yourself, 'Is it reasonable?'" - Richard Feynman

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No aeroplanes but possibly missiles [1, 2]. Aeroplanes cannot disappear through the steel perimeter of a skyscraper, even if those walls were not (floor) load-bearing.

A friend was there on the day, and insisted, to me, he had seen the tail of an aeroplane protruding from one of the towers. (He knew which tower, of course, but, if he told me, I've forgotten.) This illustrates the unreliability of witness reports.

1. https://911crashtest.org/the-missiles-of-911/

2. https://911crashtest.org/south-tower-evidence-of-missile-impacts/

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Thanks for the link, Henry. A sober, detailed analysis of the events on Oct. 7. Contrasts sharply to Hopkins near hysterical response.

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This column is what happens when someone decides to suddenly become interested, being dead silent all these years - as Hakim Siddiqi said: "As long as we only talk about the war and don't talk about the causes of the conflict at all, we will never understand what is happening and why.

Because sooner or later the war will end, we will stop arguing, the media will stop covering the events, people will forget about Israel and Palestine, cats and dogs will post on Facebook again as if nothing happened.

I've seen it all many times before. В 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2018, 2019, 2021...

Every time it's like the first time, people wake up and write "everything was fine, but Hamas suddenly started bombing us with their ROCKETS".

Of course you were fine, you forgot about the war that was 2 years ago, but for the Palestinians the war never ended. They see your soldiers every single day.

That's the tragedy. I remember very well, I told my opponents that the war will end only for them, not for the Palestinians, and in a couple of years, when patience runs out again, or when some Israeli prime minister gets caught up in a corruption scandal, or wants to go to early elections, we will go back to talking about the war.

Anyone who talks about war but doesn't talk about the causes of war I consider a charlatan, a hypocrite. Or just plain stupid."


Other side of this sad column is, if course, complete ignorance of Palestinian resistance, who they are, what their program is, why the armed brigades, what their goals are and what they are fighting for. There is that strange pretension that it is "hamas" and that it is just plain hating Jews. The level of the imagination about what happened on October 7, is like Hollywood "bad Arabs" movie or King Kong grabbing a beautiful Jewish girl.

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Thanks, Lena, it is always so edifying, hearing from you. Oh, and, you might want to get in touch with the Hamas guys quoted in that Jeremy Scahill article I linked to above and edify them regarding their October 7 strategy. I'm sure they will be just as grateful for your knowledge and wisdom as I am.

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I hope I get your point. My point is: how on earth can an uprising against violent oppression be sucessfull without being allowed to use violence itself? Jeremy Scahill's article shows just that. 'Tyrannenmord' needs a murder and a murderer.

Not nice, no. But if I only focus on the murder of the tyrant, what am I doing? Audiatur et altera pars.

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No, you don't get the point. Try reading the column you are replying to again and responding to what I'm actually lampooning, i.e., the "Hamas didn't mass murder anyone because the Israelis 'Hanniballed' them all" nonsense.

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Chris, this was not "my wisdom" but the words of Hakim Siddiqi. Whoever does not see where justice and injustice are, in the case of Zionism (plus brutal illegal besettlement of non-Israeli land) and Palestine, whoever denies that the Resistance HAS ALREADY TRIED all other means before taking up arms on October 7, whoever denies everything that Israelis were doing to Palestinians since January 2023, murdering hundreds of civilians - is simply a deeply dishonest and morally unhealthy person. Regarding Hamas and their objectives - here is Hamas press conference on Twitter, right after October 7, where they clearly explain why they did it and what for. I do not need Scahill. https://x.com/Aldanmarki/status/1712738101108384185

Also, I will provide some background. If you prefer to deny that Gaza prison itself was made of people who were expelled and confined to this "strip" in 1948 and the years after, you do not need any information. Because you cannot speak at all in this case. But for those who might not know the background:

Israel does not need peace. It needs a card-blanche to expand the Lebensraum and annex more and more.


Between the Second Intifada in 2000 until the settlers moved out of Gaza in 2005, 3352 Palestinians (681 children) and 995 Israelis (118 children) were killed.

July and November of 2001 - Israel breaks ceasefires with Hamas and Fatah

January and July of 2002 - Israel breaks ceasefires with Hamas and Fatah

June and July of 2003 - Israel breaks ceasefires with Hamas and assassinates ceasefire negotiator Ismail Abu Shanab, described as “one of the most powerful voices for peace”.

2003 - Gaza concentration camp is in the works

“…seal the territory off from the outside world, and simply shoot anyone who tries to break out”

— Arnon Soffer, the DEMOGRAPHER, the Mastermind behind the creation of Gaza concentration camp

January 2004 - a proposed “10 year ceasefire” was broken with the bulldozing of 40 homes in Rafah and the killing of 5 civilians including an 11 year old boy.

January 2005 to June 2006 - Despite the usual bad faith actions of the Israelis in Gaza, Hamas would maintain an internationally recognized unilateral ceasefire for close to EIGHTEEN MONTHS.

Summer 2005 - Shortly after the disengagement, 6 months before Hamas were elected in to power and while Fatah was still the ruler of Gaza, Israel and the US had violated the understandings made to ensure the border crossings into Gaza remained open after Jewish settlers left.

“Every aspect of that agreement was abrogated,”

— US Special Envoy John Wolfensohn

2005 - The already in place siege, multiple provocations and assassinations where 183 Palestinians, including 49 children died, didn’t break the unilateral ceasefire.

Ehud Barak, Israel’s defence minister, and his deputy Matan Vilnai…were plotting an invasion of Gaza throughout the…ceasefire with Hamas…they ignored every diplomatic overture from them, including offers of indefinite truces.

January 2006 - 50 per cent unemployment and a collapsed economy likely lead to the Hamas election.

April 2006 - Hamas stopped the use of suicide bombers that had killed 300 Israelis previously.

June 2006 - 18 month long ceasefire shattered with the massacre of an entire family on Gaza beach and the targeting of Hamas leaders. This, without taking in to account the killings of 20 Palestinians in the weeks before.

“Operation Summer Rains” (June) - 240 Palestinians killed, 197 of the total were civilians, 40 of those were children and 12 were women.

November 2006 - “Operation Autumn Clouds” - 80 Palestinians killed

665 Palestinians in total are killed this year. And 23 Israelis. A nearly 30 to 1 ratio.

2007 - Blockade tightened: The blockade was described as “like an appointment with a dietitian. The Palestinians will get a lot thinner, but won’t die.”

— Dov Weisglass, Ariel Sharon’s right hand man in Washington

384 Palestinians die, including 52 children. And 13 Israelis.

A nearly 30 to 1 ratio.

June - November 2008 - Hamas ceasefire. Rocket fire reduced by 97%. 153 violations of the cease-fire by Israel, and 36 Palestinians in Gaza were killed. The economic siege of Gaza continued.

November, 2008- Israel assassinates 6 Hamas members to destroy ceasefire

27 December 2008 - 18 January 2009 - Operation “Cast Lead”.

Between 1200 and 1400 Palestinians were killed. 35 Israelis are killed in 2008 and just 3 in 2009.

2009-2012 - Sporadic skirmishes occurred but these skirmishes still resulted in 274 Palestinian deaths, including 37 children. And just 24 Israeli fatalities.

March 9, 2012 - Israel violates an Egyptian-brokered ceasefire and assassinates the head of the Gaza-based Popular Resistance Committees. 24 Palestinians killed.

70% of rockets/mortars were fired from Gaza during three distinct periods of escalation in March, June, and late October of 2012. Each of these escalations correlates with an assassination/killing, incursion, or other Israeli military action.

IDF Gaza commander recognized Hamas’ ceasefire efforts but still boasted of plans for a ground invasion.

10 - 21 November - Operation “Pillar of Defense” resulted in the deaths of 174 Palestinians. And 112 Palestinians died that same year during “more peaceful times”.

November 14, 2012 - two days after a ceasefire is implemented, Israel assassinates the leader of Hamas’ military wing, Ahmed Jabari, described by Israeli peace activists as “…one of the more practical actors on the Hamas side”, after a week in which at least six Palestinian civilians are killed.

He was assassinated just after receiving a draft for a long term ceasefire from Egyptian intelligence to open contact with Israeli intelligence.

November 2012 to July 2014 (TWENTY MONTHS) - Hamas again maintained a prolonged unilateral ceasefire despite Israel immediately and continually breaking it on a daily basis throughout that time and tightening the siege even more. Other groups sporadically responded to Israeli provocations.

Throughout 2013 there were a total of “32 rockets and 12 mortars” allegedly fired from Gaza. A 98% drop in numbers from the year before. None were fired by Hamas.

38 Palestinians would be killed in 2013, the lowest number since 2000, but still higher than the number of Israelis killed by rockets fired from Gaza over TEN YEARS.

January 1 to June 12, 2014 - Israelis killed 30 Palestinians, 4 of them children.

June 12, 2014 - Three Israeli settlers allegedly kidnapped. They had been killed that same day but the Israeli government, police and intelligence hid this fact, even from the families, to whip up a hate frenzy.

13 Palestinians would be murdered by Israel after the kidnapping of the Israeli settlers and BEFORE the first Hamas launched rockets on June 28

9 MORE Palestinians would die BEFORE “Operation Protective Edge” was launched on July 8

July 8, 2014 - “Operation Protective Edge” - 2271 Palestinians were slaughtered, including 562 children.

August 2014 to 2022 - another 1,265 Palestinians were killed during “peaceful” times, including the 2018 Great March of Return protests where 266 people were killed, including 50 children, and almost 30,000 injured in one year. 122 had legs amputated and 14 their arms.

(Al Jazeera, 30 Mar 2019)

And this year, 2023, before October 7, 213 Palestinians, including 44 children were killed.


THIS is why we are where we are today.

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Well, I've scrolled through a good number of the comments and haven't come across anything that might have appeared in the Dresden Times-Picayune back in 1937, so you cast a wide net on what you consider anti-semitic.

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I take it you missed the thread discussing the possibility that "the Jews who control the US government" assassinated Thomas Massie's wife, and the "Khazarian Mafia" garbage just a few replies below ... or perhaps you just cast a teeny tiny net.

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None of those things you mentioned are anti-Semitic in any way, you brainwashed boomer. It seems that you think mentioning Jews in any context that isn’t awash in glowing praise is “antisemitic.” Take that circumcised cock out of your mouth for a second.

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And the asshole wonders why he lost subs...

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I can't think of a single example in history where a government would act in such an underhanded fashion. Not one.

Any idea why Darya Dugin is not returning my emails?

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Both can be true, the former certainly is since you believe talk about Ashkenazi power is "anti Semitic".

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You're embarrassing yourself CJ. Quit while you're ahead.

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Hamas was created and is still funded by Israel for the purpose of creating a bogeyman enemy to excuse Israel’s genocide not only of Palestinians but its own poor Jews who it hates equally. Recall how it was happy to impose the jabs on its own people.

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Any comment on the extant evidence that Israeli military and monetary have financed and facilitated Hamas?

To the purposes of Israeli retaliation to Hamas attacks?

Or any comment on how the Israeli defense infrastructure was attenuated and removed in the area?

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Go on Rumble and search for James Corbett, he has reported extensively on this over the years.

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I'm sure he has ..As I am also sure that James Corbett promotes the planes into buildings on 911.


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You failed with that verbal legerdemain CJ. To Jews though, legerdemain is success.

...Have you got any other tricks?

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I'm not sure what to make of this column.

It seems like a veiled or maybe not so veiled effort to knock down allegations that Israeli forces killed at least some Israelis on 10/7, a charge that seems to have some factual basis

If the writer's goal is to ridicule "10/7 truthers," a pejorative term by itself, a reasonable person might ask where the humor is in what happened that day.

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Yeah, this column is the very definition of fatuous. As if the Israel govt killing their own citizens and soldiers is some far fetched fantasy that needs no response other than mockery? And dismissing the FACT that the US govt is run by Jews (it objectively IS; just look at the ethnic composition of Biden’s cabinet) as ‘mind-garbage’. And this coming from someone who is currently being harassed by Zionist-aligned forces in his country of residence. Honestly, pathetic stupid and weak of you CJ. Someone like you shouldn’t be so blind about this.

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And I just need to add, trying to smear people with the term “truther”? What CJ, do you actually believe in the “official” story of 9/11? Please tell me you’re not THAT much of a fucking muppet.

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Dear CJ, I'd like to congratulate you for joining the ranks of the wonderful AIPAC, ADL, GOP+DNC, the Israeli and US gov't and our wonderful evangelical christian zionist fundamentalist friends in declaring together with those wonderful people that anti-zionists are evil antisemites who oppose the century-long zionist project (to disposses, massacre, throw out, take over, annihilate, dehumanize and erase the local people in Palestine) who oppose that for no other reason but because we are evil antisemites who want to kill all the jews. I mean, take for example the millions of anti-zionist jews across the world (obvious antisemite jew-haters of course) or the holocaust survivors who very strongly speak out against tbe poison of zionism, against the neo-nazi heart-corrupting supremacist zionist ideology and its murderous implementation, holocaust survivors who say that the zionist torturers are nazi criminals no different than the supremacist fascists who persecuted them in europe (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YVmCwhFk6Pc&feature=youtu.be-) . These holocaust survivors are clearly evil antisemites driven by jew hatred!! Only a fool cannot see that!!

Those evil antisemite anti-zionists clearly want to kill all jews (just like, you know, those evil activists against the apartheid regime in south-africa who clearly wanted to kill all white people and "wipe south africa off the map"). Both the anti-zionists and anti-apartheid activists, they're all evil racists, which is exactly what the benevolent bearer-of-light netanyahu is constantly teaching us (thank you CJ for amplifying the voice of the hero luminary netanyahu and repeating what he's saying all the time). And also thank you for linking to theJC, AIPAC's chief propaganda rag, to debunk all those evil antisemite conspiracy theorists. I'm glad you finally saw the light CJ and joined the righteous people in AIPAC, ADL & the Israeli gov't.

And yes, that goes for me too, I'm Jewish and an Israeli citizen (would be happy to send you a private message with my israeli ID) and I'm obviously also an antisemite Jew-hater because i thoroughly reject and stand up to the mass-murdering child-abusing Godless zionist billionaire ruling class (who not only brutalize the local people but who also treat ordinary israelis like sh*t and with complete contempt, I will say more about this in a moment). Thank you for clarifying and enlightening me CJ regarding who i am. For a moment there i almost forgot what an antisemite Jew-hater i am and how i want all jews to die, including my family (which is obviously what all anti-zionists want, as we all know, don't we). Thank you for clarifying that CJ in your enlightening post.

Okay, now putting aside the sarcastic voice (you're clearly much better at this than i am), i'd just like to point out where i think is your blind spot CJ, that lead you to write what in my view is a severely misinformed piece (and to be clear, i ususlly love your stuff and have restacked your posts many times, but in my understanding, as an Israeli, you're severely misinformed on this matter). It seems to me that you might not be aware that what the billionaire ruling class (in both israel and the muslim world) are doing is employing the divide-and-rule tactic (that billionaire oppressors always play on the people) through creating a boogeyman enemy to divide and pit us against each other along tribalistic-religious-ethnic lines to make sure we fear and hate "those evil scary monsterous enemies over there who want to hurt us for no reason whatsoever, simply because they're evil" and thus unite behind our billionaire-representitve leaders (who pretend to be our "protectors" from "those evil monstrous enemies") and abandon any rebelling against our oppresseros (who screw us and have complete contempt for us) because "now is not the time to criticize the great leader who is here to protect you from your real enemy - those scary evil satanic palestinians over there who feel antagonism towards you for no reason whatsoever, simply becasue they are evil antisemites").

This boogeyman tactic is described in detail in this profound essay (which in my view is a must read for every human on the planet) https://www.pdrboston.org/oppressors-need-bogeyman-enemies..

If you still cannot see how that is related to the october7 operation then please read this very important piece that details how the above boogeyman-enemy principle is applied more specifically in the case of the zionist ruling class and hamas. I can confirm is 100% accurate to the reality in israel https://www.pdrboston.org/israel-s-government-attacks-jews-to (there are also very informative links leading out from this essay that I highly recommend to pursue in order to learn more). I recommend this research essay to all non-Israelis who wish to understand what is ACTUALLY happening in this country and what fuels this conflict.

And I would also very highly recommend this essay https://www.pdrboston.org/israeli-leaders-hamas-need-each-oth to understand in detail how the boogeyman principle (in the first link) is applied very skillfully by the billionaire israeli and billionaire hamas leadership, for their mutual benefit (and for the devastation of the rest of us).

If you read the essays above then you'll understand why the israeli billionaire ruling class have initiated and funded hamas for decades now. Hear it directly from the mouth of numerous israeli & american gov't+military officials here https://swprs.org/why-israel-created-hamas/ and don't miss this piece that shows you the evidence AND shows you WHY the israeli ruling class are doing this https://www.pdrboston.org/israel-funds-hamas-keeps-it-in-power

Now, if you read the above factual essays (with full-citations) and understood how the israeli billionaire ruling class work and what they are trying to achieve then it will be no surprise to you to learn that they and their intelligence agency (mossad) have conducted numerous terror operations across the globe under the false flag of 'islamic terrorism'. Hear directly from these two mossad whistleblowers how they do it https://swprs.org/ari-ben-menashe-on-israeli-black-operations/ and here https://swprs.org/mossad-whistleblower-victor-ostrovsky-1994/

Once we understand all of that, then we might be in a position to start realizing the level of criminality, deceit and disregard for life that the NeoCon Zionist ruling class are capable of in their false flag operations (cynically using their armed and funded patsies for the aims described in the 'boogeyman' essay above).

To understand specifically the psychology and ideology that drives that NeoCon zionists to conduct their deceptive atrocities, i recommend the second half of this research paper from an academic in the Sorbonne University (starting from the sub-header 'machiavellian meta-zionists') in which he goes deeply into their supremacist & tribalist ideological underpinnings and their machivellian approach to geopolitics, which drive them to conduct the massive false flag operations that they do (in the first half of the article he gives the factual evidence for the 9/11 false flag terror operation they conducted) https://www.unz.com/article/911-was-an-israeli-job/

If anyone's interested, i could elaborate a lot more on the root of the identitarian tribalist psychosis that guides zionists to their deceptive & genocidal operations (i was a devout zionist for the first half of my life so i know exactly how these supremacist tribalist nazis think)

As for the October7 operation specifically, I can tell you with 100% certainty that it was an inside job. Of course it was conducted by the israeli billiobaire-funded hamas but it clearly and obviously coordinated with those in positions of power in Israel (in the military and politics), with the israeli billionaire ruling class who run israel, and who don't give a sh*t about ordinary israelis and view us with complete contempt, despite their fake "patriotic" rhetoric.

Many people in Israel know this. The numerous profoundly striking anomalies were glaringly obvious to many people in Israel even on the day itself, and much more so in the days after when we started looking more into the official story of what the billionaires and their propaganda media tell us of what happened, and seeing clearly that it makes no sense whatsoever. In English, you can see some of the most obvious anomalies here (though there are many others). The video is far from perfect and i personally dislike the style of the narrator, and don't fully agree with some of his interpretations of the facts, but try to ignore that and focus only on the factual evidence https://rumble.com/v4l4oqw-october-7-was-an-inside-job-documentary-2024.html

And some more blatant anomalies here https://truthinmedia.com/episode/how-did-october-7th-happen/

It was very very clearly coordinated with those in positions of power in Israel (in the military and politics)

As for why would the israeli ruling class do such things, i direct you again to the profoundly important factual essays here https://www.pdrboston.org/oppressors-need-bogeyman-enemies and here https://www.pdrboston.org/israeli-leaders-hamas-need-each-oth and here https://www.pdrboston.org/israel-s-government-attacks-jews-to

So this comment is just becasue I wanted to strongly suggest to you CJ that your basic assumptions in this post (that this was a hamas intiated operation that caught the israeli ruling class by surprise, and that they view hamas as the enemy, while in fact it is their brainchild which they've been funding for decades) is very very obviously and clearly a faulty assumption.

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Fantastic comment. I do hope CJ responds - it is certainly worthy of a response.

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The fact that he did not respond says a lot, no?

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It doesn’t really matter whether or not he responds. Even if he does respond, he will just regurgitate talking points from the official narrative. He won’t directly address any of the excellent points that Trump/Biden made in this very long but quite good comment. And even his regurgitated talking points will be difficult to decipher due to his clumsy mixture of seriousness and satire.

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^^like... well said. Capturing links... The essay wasn't worth reading but glad I found this comment.

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Dual citizenship plus funding from AIPAC gives Israel lots of power over the government. How anyone can deny that is beyond me.

Netanyahu has been accused of war crimes and crimes against humanity, but our captured government has invited him to address congress. Now imagine Putin doing this.

AIPAC just spent $14 million to defeat Bowman who was critical of Israel. Maybe CJ isn’t aware of that?

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Plausible deniability, as many of us have discovered, knows no bounds.

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Pathetic response. We Jews are going to poison your water.

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Israel and Zionism are not "we Jews". And it became as clear as day. Instead of pathetically saying "we Jews", just say "we supremacists who use Jewishness as a shield from all accountability". This is what Zionism and Israel are. Ask any anti-Zionist Jewish Israeli.

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What is an Israeli who is antizionist? Someone who wants to destroy the country he/she lives in?

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Whatever your name is - sorry you must hide it - an antizionist Israeli citizen is a person who was born into this regime and decided to fight to end it. That's all. The State (Zionist Jewish State) is NOT A COUNTRY. Palestine is the country. Listen to Ilan Pappe what their vision is. They want to eliminate the racial supremacy, colonial conquest, race inequality, fascist militarism in order to subjugate and dominate. What do they want? Same as antifascist Germans and Italians, anti-apartheid South Africans, anticapitalist Russian revolutioners wanted. To end the injustice and oppression. Why don't you read many available descriptions of what the anti-Zionist Israelis want? You sound like you are saying that the only way Jews can live, is by subjugation, oppression, fascist racism and racial supremacism. That otherwise these Jews will have to perish. If THAT is not antisemitic, I don't know what is.

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Where do you live in Israel?

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Right back at ya, your best response to reply with a non sequitur. Would you like to refute what he said zionist?

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Well you're poisoning everything else.

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Since you're "not sure what to make of this column," I'll attempt to summarize its theme: some people refuse to believe that Islamic extremists committed a genocidal attack on Jews in Israel on October 7th - an assault that included mass murder, mutilation, rape, and abduction, most of which was livestreamed, photographed and video-recorded by the perpetrators, and which was widely celebrated throughout the Muslim world as a joyous event. Because some people refuse to believe this - despite the fact that the organization responsible for it has not only taken full responsibility but promised to do it again - those same people choose to blame Jews instead.

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Jul 10Edited

Alex you left out some crucial facts - why did the IDF stand down for seven hours? Why was the concert moved? Why did they refuse to believe the spotters who informed them for weeks, Hamas was training? How did all the cars get completely burnt at the concert and why did Israel then bury all the evidence, claiming it was for environmental purposes?

How come there were never any rapes reports filed with the police and or positive rape kits? How come over one million Israel's have since emigrated to Europe to the USA and are not returning? Do you think it "might" have anything to do with witnessing your own government slaughter it's own military and citizens? Just imagine rushing to defend your Country on 10-07 and then, being murdered by them instead? The only thing you did neglect to mention were the beheaded babies which I assume you also saw the photographs of?

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You raise valid points BJ. The fact that Hamas was able to breach the border, the concert being moved, and the military not responding for 6 to 7 hours do raise a lot of questions. This situation in Israel is complex and confusing. Too complex for my little brain. I’m gonna stay out of it. I’ve tried understanding. I’m hoping someone below answers my question about what is Zionism. I need the basics. 😉

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The confusion in Israel, Ukraine, and many other places around the world is engineered. The motto of Mossad is, "By way of deception, thou shalt do war." They've been practicing this for decades and now are proficient in the means and ways, including the infiltration of govt, media, and the creation of Hollywood (druid wands) as "entertainment". You can look up the King David Hotel bombing and the USS Liberty for documented examples of this devious tactic.

To understand Zionism, I would suggest looking into the connections between Theodore Herzl, Arthur Balfour, Lord Acton, and Walter Rothschild for starters. The basic concept is that Khazarian (Ukraine, Turkey) "Jews" are due an ethnostate called Israel located in Palestine. This is based on their interpretation of the Torah and their Babylonian Talmud which is a very telling read.

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None of those are facts. There are some legitimate questions - such as why the Israeli government ignored intelligence about the planned attack, and why the military response took so long - but others are pure nonsense. Nowhere close to a million Israelis have emigrated since the attack, and you can't do a rape kit on a burned corpse. Even the UN, which hates Israel, had to admit that Hamas engaged in mass rape and murder. https://www.nbcnews.com/investigations/un-finds-clear-convincing-information-hostages-raped-gaza-rcna141789

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I will not waste my time having this conversation with you. If you had done your research you would've known Israel published the information about burying the cars That's just one of many facts you know nothing about.


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Nice try. I've been following this story extremely closely since the day it happened. The decision to bury cars was based on Jewish tradition regarding respect for the dead. You're right though, this conversation would be a waste of time because you've already decided to blame the Jews. Maybe when the jihadists come to cut your head off and rape the women in your family, you'll realize you were wrong about who your enemy is.

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We've have all been following this story from Day One. But the difference between you and the rest of us is that we do the extensive investigating in search of irrefutable facts and pay no attention whatsoever to mainstream media. NBC you can't possibly be serious?

I myself happened to be retired and live alone. I spend at least 12 hours/day reading, if not more. I don't own a TV nor a cell phone. I read the comment section of everything I read where you can often uncover even greater information which we all then pass on to each other.

For the record the last thing any of us are is close minded. We also discuss in great an enormous length what we believe to be fact from fiction. Uncovering the truth today is almost but thankfully not yet, impossible. I am grateful to all the great people on Substack that I have met who also spend as much time doing the extensive research.

This is Israel admitting the truth!


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Alex! Here's some more news for you! But those of us who actually do thorough and extensive research rather than simply spew the vile propaganda mainstream belches out, knew about ALL of this back in October right after it happened.


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Jul 10
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NBC "News" as a source, zzzzzzzzzzzzz

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Why? that is why. The first "hamas suicide bombing" happened 40 days after Baruch Goldstein massacred 29 praying Palestinians at Ibrahimi Mosque in Nablus. 40 days is a traditional mourning period. Zionists keep pretending that "hamas" did it just because they "hate Jews" and "what monsters would target civilians on purpose".

Such is every made-up story of "unprovoked hamas terrorism".

Israel first commits a mass-murder or a massive attack on Palestinian civilians (like Goldstein and like the beating and killing of Al-Aqsa worshipers in 2023 and mass-taking of Palestinian hostages (several thousands, not a few), to made Resistance to respond and then claim "Hamas attack". Why? Because they wanted to have Gaza for themselves already. The October 7 (not that date, but that deliberately provoked response by the Resistance) was the needed "atrocity" to manufacture international support for plain and simple Final Solution to make Gaza "a land without people". Jonathan Ofir, Israeli anti-Zionist: "Israeli think tank lays out a blueprint for the complete ethnic cleansing of Gaza

An Israeli think tank with ties to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu issued a report on October 17 promoting the "unique and rare opportunity" for the “relocation and final settlement of the entire Gaza population. The Hamas attack on Israeli towns surrounding Gaza on October 7 has provided a pretext for an unprecedented, genocidal revenge campaign by Israel involving the massacre of now nearly 5,000 Palestinians, including over 2,000 children – and that may only be the beginning. Now, an Israeli think tank with ties to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is promoting plans for the complete ethnic cleansing of Gaza. " - https://mondoweiss.net/2023/10/israeli-think-tank-lays-out-a-blueprint-for-the-complete-ethnic-cleansing-of-gaza/

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Nonsense. As many have said, when a lie gets repeated enough, it becomes Israel. When did you personally decide you couldn't publicly defend the beheaded babies libel? Good for you for wising up, I guess. (Btw, I've heard that half a million Israelis have left, a still hefty number.)

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Still no response from the author and his followers? Proof that they themselves know that the content of the article is pure bullshit that does not worth defending.

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Rape reports? Fuck you. The women were dead.

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then how would you know they were raped?

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Clear false flag operation and stand down order (published by Haaretz) to keep Net and Yahoo! in power and finalize their 75 year land grab. This has been mainstream for six months now. Ignorance of this is a choice at this point.


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Always amazing to me that people prefer to believe in shadowy conspiracy theories about Jews, rather than listen to what Islamic extremists have been publicly saying, publishing, and broadcasting for the last 100 years. You don't have to like Israel or Jews, but if you think Hamas or the ideology they represent are the good guys in ANY equation, you are very sadly mistaken.

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I published that Oct 8th. The day after. I knew what it was from the start because I don't watch CNN and don't belive what governments tell me and didn't start paying attention to all this yesterday. Who funds Hamas? Who is on record saying they need to keep funding Hamas? Who formed Hamas to undermine the PLO and two state solution? Who removed soldiers from that portion of the fence the week before and sent them to the west bank? Cui Bono from the false flag? How? All governments derive their power from enemies. If they can't find them, they create them and manufacture them and will not hesitate to sacrifice their own people in the process. This is all well documented Alex. You can choose to ignore it and whine about "conspiracy theories" but don't expect honest people who care about truth to respect you for it.

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So you jumped to an immediate conclusion with zero evidence, based on your existing biases, and now you cherry pick whatever you can find to support your predetermined conclusion. But you say you "care about the truth." Got it.

If you care about the truth, look into the actual history of Hamas. Yes, Netanyahu had an ill-advised policy of supporting Hamas in order to keep the Arab factions divided. But by no stretch of the imagination did Israel create Hamas. It was a direct offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood, which was founded in the 1920s, when "Palestine" - including the modern state of Jordan - was still a British colony.

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Hamas along with the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) is and was resistance fighters...fighting an apartheid regime that is brutal, sadistic, and bent on the genocide of the Palestinian people...are they being abused and used, probably...what fighting machine isn't used and abused by the Globalist. The fact that ethnic cleansing is happening should haunt all of us for we are in the middle of a culling.

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"So you jumped to an immediate conclusion with zero evidence, based on your existing biases..." Good description of the allegations of rape and mutilation by Hamas. (If those things had actually happened the world would have been subjected to 24/7 replay of it for 9 months now.) Israelis have been presumed to be noble and truthful and eternal victims since 1948; that people are finally questioning that narrative is sticking in many a craw at the moment. It must be especially galling that so many Jewish people are out there protesting the barbaric behavior of the Israelis and their Apartheid system. You can keep on gaslighting but, with all due respect to PT Barnum, it seems that since October 7th there is one less sucker every minute of this genocide.

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Yup, those are definitely the right questions to be asking!

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Always amazing to me that so many people who comment on Israel and Hamas don’t know that Hamas was created by Israel, and is still run by Israel. Yes, many or perhaps most of the Hamas fighters are Muslims who hate Jews and Israel, but they are just clueless useful idiots who are unknowingly working for Israel while thinking they are attacking Israel. Just ask yourself who benefitted from the 10/7 attack. Certainly not the 130,000 dead Palestinians, many of whom were children.

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Technicality: Hamas was not created by Israel, but yes funded by Israel. Back in 1987 BEFORE Hamas was a terrorist org., Israel made the totally butt-headed tactical error of fundin' Hamas thinkin' it would be a clever move to split up the potentially united "Palestinian" front--b/c Hamas was a religious-not-political group (they wanted ta kill the joos but not "for territory"--just on "religious grounds") -- an' again, at the time Hamas had not been terrorist. Thus Israel thought it was a safer "bet"--better than fundin' the PLO (which was political in aim AND territorial)

Boy golly were they wrong---an' I'll add that however fatal an' dumb a decision that was--Israel didn't actually create Hamas (or Isis fer that matter either--folks are sayin' Israel created "them all"...) So yup, it's amazing that some folks think Israel created Hamas an' don't know the backstory (embarrassin' as it is...with fatal results).

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You have your shoes on the wrong feet...Israel is a terrorist organization...Hamas is a rag tag band of resistance fighters fighting for their homeland...

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Daisy, Daisy, give me your evidence; do!

What you wrote looks like a prime example of a limited hangout.

“Article 31 Describes Hamas as ‘a humanistic movement’, which ‘takes care of human rights and is guided by Islamic tolerance when dealing with the followers of other religions’. ‘Under the wing of Islam’, it is possible for Islam, Christianity and Judaism ‘to coexist in peace and quiet with each other’ provided that members of other religions do not dispute the sovereignty of Islam in the region.” [1]

1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1988_Hamas_charter#Summary_of_the_1988_charter

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"Hamas … is Israel's creation" [1]

"To a certain degree, the Islamist organization whose militant wing has rained rockets on Israel the past few weeks has the Jewish state to thank for its existence. Hamas launched in 1988 in Gaza … But for more than a decade prior, Israeli authorities actively enabled its rise." [2]

"Most of the time, Israeli policy was to treat the Palestinian Authority as a burden and Hamas as an asset. Far-right MK Bezalel Smotrich, now the finance minister in the hardline government and leader of the Religious Zionism party, said so himself in 2015.

According to various reports, Netanyahu made a similar point at a Likud faction meeting in early 2018, when he was quoted as saying that those who oppose a Palestinian state should support the transfer of funds to Gaza, because maintaining the separation between the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank and Hamas in Gaza would prevent the establishment of a Palestinian state." [3]

1. https://web.archive.org/web/20131026001612/http:/online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB123275572295011847

2. https://web.archive.org/web/20150813061240/https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2014/07/30/how-israel-helped-create-hamas/

3. https://web.archive.org/web/20231008160329/https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/

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I urge caution in any diagnosis of hatred and its specific targets.

I’m pretty sure this video’s a theatrical production, but, that aside, it isn’t really illustrative of any particular hatred: https://www.israelhayom.com/2024/05/22/chilling-footage-from-kidnapping-of-idf-female-troops-aired/

I doubt it’s unduly speculative to imagine people being nonplussed at being reduced to untermenschen in their own land, nor that this might darken their disposition towards their conquerors and those who maintain the oppression. We ought not, though, presume an especially high instance of blind hatreds of entire, generalised, groups being engendered.

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To hear the independent media tell it, Hamas is winning - or has already won.

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as the now peecee Jane Fonda once said (likely her most articulate quote!): "feel the burn"-- Poor CJ got a little singed an' I'm sure there'll be a lot more coals tossed on the fire... The rest of us need Kevlar gatkehs!

ps I hope this comment doesn't come off wrong--when I said he got singed--I'm sad--he bravely did his satire thing which of COURSE has a lotta truth in it--all good satire DOES-- an' folks got out their bic lighters... he did not deserve it... no writer should git this--I mean "poor" genuinely--I feel bad for 'im--some of us are used ta feelin' this burn all the time... just sayin'... (ps fer those not up on their yankee yiddish--gatkehs are long johns an' kevlar is fireproof fabric!)

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Isn't it perfectly possible, perhaps even entirely usual, for both sides in this sort of thing to be in the wrong?

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My issue with this is that the only people who are genuinely advocating that Zionism does not equate to Judaism are "10/7 Truthers".

While the pro-Israel camp seemingly does everything it can -- even through shockingly successful attempts to ratify into law this absurd false equivalence -- to equate Zionism to Judaism (and vice versa, of course).



The false equivalence is the root of so many problems, and it actually makes a lot of sense that the Israel lobby is pushing for this false equivalence because it would create anti-Semitism, by default. Why else would they be spending millions on turning the equivalence into legislative reality in the US?

If people give up on nuance, of course the prevalence of critical thinkers is going to recede. Extremist and polarized perspectives will take their place, but I personally do not see how Aaron Mate is contributing to this issue -- and I certainly do not see how his perspective is extremist or polarized.

I listen to a lot of perspectives, especially on the subject of Israel ever since October 7th. While I also seek to preserve nuance and critical analysis, I do not believe that Hopkins' manner of addressing the discourse in this post contributes positively to that cause.

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Valid points. It's Israel itself that -- overtly -- equates the two. Leading to anti-Semitism (another misnomer as there are many "brands" of Semites) by default.

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If "anti-Zionists" weren't harassing and attacking random Jews on the street and on college campuses, your argument would be more persuasive. In modern parlance, "Zionist" is 100% a synonym for "Jew." As for lobbying ... Israel barely cracks the top 10 in terms of money spent to curry favor with US lawmakers. China spends over twice as much money lobbying the US government, and Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and United Arab Emirates all outspend Israel. From Israel's point of view, it would be suicidal to allow their enemies to lobby while they did nothing.


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Alex Fox: "harassing and attacking random Jews on the street and on college campuses" - oh, you mean using words to tell people that they have got the world wrong is now "harassing and attacking"?

If words are violence, what do you then call the actual killing of tens of thousands of Palestinians?

I am afraid you are fighting for a lost cause. The world has turned it's back to Israel, and rightly so.

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No - Zionism does NOT equal Judaism. Many proud Jewish people, secular and religious (including many in the Rabbinical community) are staunchly anti-Zionist.

Look into Rabbi Dovid Feldman, or Miko Peled, or Max Blumenthal.

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then why are the VAST MAJORITY of zionists christian??? biden is a zionist. 99% of all democrats and republicans are zionists

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It goes back to the Scofield (sp?) Bible which misinformed the Evangelical movement in the US, and the massive evangelical Zionist, churches in the US with their dubious funding.

Thomas Getman


Historical Roots of Christian Zionism


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If there is an argument I was making, it revolves around the false equivalence that I repeatedly addressed. But then what is your counter-argument? "No, Zionism equates to Judaism because of 'modern parlance'?

I reject the assertion that Zionism = Judaism. That appears to be the root of many issues, especially in socio-political discourse. If you actually object to this false equivalence, since you see it in "modern parlance", you would reject it too.

Also it isn't about the amount of money spent on lobbying (but those stats are certainly interesting so I appreciate you sharing those). It's about the actual legislative power the lobby holds. Which you'd know about if you had read these articles or any other literature that documents the power of the Israel lobby.

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Which Jew, converted Ashkenazi & Sephardic descendants of Ham? Or the genuine Hebraic descended from Shem?

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The touted equivalence is usually with Jewishness, not with Judaism.

Here’s a guy [1] who professes to perceive equivalence:

“I am a Jew; therefore, I am a Zionist. Attack me as a Zionist, you attack me as a Jew. I write this not to insulate Israel from criticism but to assert the centrality of a Jewish state to my Jewish identity. … I will loudly proclaim my Jewishness and my Zionism, both of which are inseparable from each other, and from my progressive values.”

His working definition is:

“Zionism is Jewish self-determination, and independence from the authority and yoke of regimes that mostly tried to annihilate Jews for millennia. Zionism is the right and the necessity of the Jewish people to survive, and it is the need for a Jewish state to ensure that very survival.”

I really cannot see what logic he followed to achieve his conclusion that being Jewish is identical to being an advocate of “Jewish self-determination”, etc., and it actually looks that he’s fallen into an infinite recursion.

Nevertheless, taking his Zionism definition, being anti-Zionist clearly would be hostile to Jewish people (which many would then want to call “anti-semitic”).

So, the clarity that is often missing is that the thing to which billions of people are objecting is, strictly, “Palestine Invasional Zionism”. I can see, of course, why this is invariably shortened to “Zionism”; the current, variously recognised, State of Israel is the only place, since Biblical times, where most of us are aware of “Jewish self-determination” having been pursued. When Berger (as quoted above) refers to “a Jewish state”, it is the only extant place that is brought to our minds.

1. https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/community/articles/progressive-except-palestine

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That's a good amendment; Jewishness is more accurate than Judaism for this phenomenon. It's more all-encompassing for describing the "Jewish identity" that I've been learning more about since October 7th.

I read the article. I'm going to read some of the other articles that Berger references, but I'm almost shocked by how clearly the cognitive dissonance is put on display here. It's a horrifying fusion between liberal identity politics and Zionist identity politics which is why it is very revealing. Thank you for the share!

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I cannot keep myself from suspecting disingenuity.

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I fear that disingenuousness and deliberate lies (even by omission) would be preferable to what is emerging in my ongoing study into all of this.

In fact, this article is the most direct reflection I've seen so far of the destructive thing that seemingly resulted from the merging of Critical Theory (Frankfurt school) and Zionist/Jewish identity politics.

The author is saying "I've put in the work for liberal identity politics, just look at my record! I've also put in the work for my Zionist identity politics, just look at my record!" And they seem to almost insinuate that they are a rare breed of a "true" Zionist progressive.

However, the reality is that both these forms of identity politics have been used in very destructive ways -- especially on the Zionism front.

I can see how Berger may be a victim of this gross identity politics abomination that is currently undergoing some sort of metamorphosis since October 7th. But I'm sure that Berger will think of my words as anti-Semitic even though there isn't a single trace of anti-Semitism.

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That's an opinion post from two months after the event (while investigations were still ongoing), quoting unnamed sources and zero actual evidence. Is it possible that, since Hamas fighters wear civilian clothes and (despite the brown victim/white oppressor narrative) physically resemble Israelis, the Israeli military forces accidentally fired on their own people? Yes, that is certainly possible. Historically, "friendly fire" accounts for up to 20% of all warzone casualties, so it would be odd if there were zero such tragic incidents. HOWEVER, to take isolated and unverified anecdotes of mistaken identity and use them to "prove" that October 7th was perpetrated by the victims is both rhetorically unsound and morally reprehensible.

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morally reprehensible is what's going on in all ostensible camps of this killing zone. The cabal are extremely good at manipulation and control of the narrative, at setting up and funding extremists to do the dirty work they want done, at spinning and selling stories that have zero truth in them, at creating and funding "protest" groups that shit stir, at creating bot farms to do the same, and at executing false flags.

Every single person on earth should assume this to be the case in EVERY single conflict on earth. Nothing pushed is to be assumed to be true at this point.


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Johnson is a retired CIA analyst with good sources so I believe him.

My understanding is that Israeli forces kept Gaza under tight surveillance.

It's therefore hard to credit the notion that whatever happened was a surprise to Israel.

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It is well known that Israeli intelligence collected extensive information about the planned attack. However, the Israeli government did not think Hamas was capable of executing the plan. This is identical to what's happening in the United States today, where our government blithely ignores the extreme danger of Islamic terror attacks facilitated by our open border.

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From 10/7 to the "extreme danger of Islamic terror attacks facilitated by our open border."

That's some serious goal post movement.

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It's actually the Chinese and not the Islamic terrorists who are the fastest-growing migrant group encountered by the US Border Patrol.

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We're still all digesting and debating this but there is clearly a lot of factual and irrefutable evidence enclosed such as articles and videos from esteemed sources. Legal documents that have also been filed


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And you can’t see that there might be a reason for that? An occupied person having every right to fight the occupier and if you think Israel is innocent of that then take a look at what’s happening in the West Bank where there is no Hamas. Does Israel have the right to steal Palestinian home and land? Imagine what Israel would do if Palestinians had the power to steal Israel’s land. Or yours.

There is ALWAYS two sides to a story.

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Zionists: "There's no place like someone else's home."

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And the truth is usually hidden somewhere in between.

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Is it? When God is fighting Satan do you think the truth lies somewhere in between?

I'm not suggesting that this is necessarily a case of God vs Satan, but wanted to illustrate the somewhat platitudinous nature of your assertion.

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God vs. Satan is a matter of faith, and faith is not about truth.

What, pray tell, is "platitudinous" about my statement—in the context of "there is ALWAYS two sides to a story"? The "believer" (or even the biased one) BELIEVES one story or the other. The "seeker" SEARCHES for the truth in one story or the other or somewhere in between.

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There are always two sides to a story. The truth does not *always* lie somewhere in between. Sometimes one party is lying and the other is telling the truth. I used Satan and God in my example simply because they are archetypes.

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Alex, you are a breath of fresh air here. I shared your brilliant Substack on cognitive dissonance and Palestinian terrorists with my subscribers.

I am curious why CJ finally decided to confront his more radical readers at this time. Despite his previously misguided commentary, where he voiced support for an illusory "more moderate" group of Palestinians and advocated for a ceasefire and Israeli withdrawal to stem innocent civilian casualties, it seems even he could no longer tolerate the Jew-hating extremists (the ones who call themselves "anti-Zionists") that make up a substantial majority of his readership. I say, "At last!"

CJ's views seem to align with those of Vera Shalev, the medical freedom activist and Holocaust survivor who recently joined the chorus of self-hating Jews labeling Israel's military response as "genocidal." I am republishing my views on Shalev and wonder if you have an opinion on her recent unfortunate comments.

It is disheartening when Vera Shalev, a significant figure in the medical freedom movement, allows remnants of leftism to infiltrate her thinking. She might as well align with the woke, vaccinated, mask-wearing Marxist college students who idolize Hamas. Remarkably, throughout her entire interview, she fails to address the glaringly obvious issue.

Ms. Shalev claims that the Israeli government colluded with Hamas to permit the October 7th massacre. This revives the tired claim that Israel supported Hamas by returning Gaza to the Palestinians, a decision now seen as a grave misjudgment. It was naively believed that Hamas could prove more progressive than the radical PLO at the time. However, this is now ancient history.

Today, Ms. Shalev confuses hubris for collusion. Why did military leaders ignore all the warning signs? It’s improbable that a country which, only a few years earlier, traded hundreds of terrorist prisoners for one soldier has now become allies with their arch-enemy. The reality is likely that these commanders were so confident in their military superiority over Hamas that they became complacent, caught off-guard by their own arrogance, neglecting other perspectives.

The fundamental issue remains: Hamas is a terrorist organization, a point Ms. Shalev refuses to discuss. While she acknowledges the goodness of most Palestinians, she overlooks their lack of control over a government committed to Israel’s destruction—as stated in their charter.

Ms. Shalev labels the situation a "genocide," basing her assertions on statistics from Hamas. What should Israel do? Withdraw and allow Hamas to regroup for another attack like the one on October 7th? And what about the hostages? Disregarding them is not an option; rescuing at least four was a significant achievement, preventing further torture by their captors.

In all conflicts, civilian casualties are tragic but sometimes unavoidable, particularly when the enemy uses civilians as shields.

Ms. Shalev uniquely criticizes Netanyahu as one of the worst offenders of medical tyranny, ignoring that similar policies are widespread globally. She incorrectly compares the restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic to the situation in Gaza. The two are incomparable. In many countries, people faced tough choices regarding vaccination and employment, but some resisted. In contrast, Hamas represents an existential threat with the explicit aim to kill.

While I respect Ms. Shalev, her overly idealistic worldview is difficult to comprehend.

The only solution to terrorism: Listen to the hit song "KILL THE BEAST." Subscribe to Turfseer's Newsletter: https://turfseer.substack.com/p/kill-the-beast

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Thanks, Turfseer! Usually, I steer clear of the comments section, but in this case, I got sucked into a pointless argument. I appreciate your kind words, and agree with your position. Unfortunately, the Israeli military has a history of underestimating the vitriolic hatred it faces from the Arab nations surrounding it - an error which, when compounded with the hubris of Israeli leaders who place undue confidence in their own technological superiority, led to being surprised by the 1973 Yom Kippur war, and again on 10/7.


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Who sre you talking about? Vera Sharav?

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Thanks for asking, arturo! I don't think he really knows who and what exactly he is giving a lecture about.

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“What should Israel do? Withdraw and allow Hamas to regroup for another attack like the one on October 7th?”

If the Israelis withdraw to Europe, Russia, the Americas, and whencesoever they came, there couldn’t be any possibility of another such attack (false flag, hoax, or authentic).

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Great. Just be defenseless again so you can repeat the Holocaust.


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It's not by being defenceless that the Israeli regime is able to reprise the holocaust.

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You suggest the Jews return to Europe so they can be murdered again.

Next, you continue the false charge of genocide. It was false yesterday. It was false today. it will be false tomorrow.

However, the charge, as manufactured as any slur of the Nazis, is part of the propaganda efforts of Hamas and its patrons. You repeat it, because, like your Nazi ancestors back in the 1930s, who told the Jews "Get out of Europe, go to Palestine." You once again want to be master of life and death over the Jews. "Get out of Palestine, come back to Europe. So we may kill you again."


You're not getting that chance.

Enjoy the Muslims you imported to replace us.

If they're so wonderful, you'll do just fine.

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False flag and unlike 9/11 and the lead up to the Iraq war all these events happened in Mordor itself so the truth is almost impossible to find. All funded and armed by the Great Satan itself.

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Because we know what kind of cock sucking dogs Israel is...



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Well that certainly helped me understand it. Thank you.

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You remind me of a line from Dashiell Hammett: ”The sign over the bar read: ‘Only the finest, genuine pre-war Scotch whiskey served here.’ I was counting the lies in that sentence, and got to three, with promise of more, when I had to go.”

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did you leave out the Hannibal directive where the Zionists themselves would massacre their own in order to keep from having to release the Palestinian hostages that they have in their political prisons.

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I can’t figure out this column either. Satire isn’t very effective when it is impossible to figure out whether or not it is satire. This post actually does an admiral job of pointing out the criminal activities of Israel in general, and related to 10/7 in particular. But I don’t think that was his intent. I think his intent was to ridicule 10/7 Truthers. If so, he didn’t do a very good job, because as I said, this post is like a greatest hits compilation of documenting the lies of 10/7 (as well as 9/11, the JFK assassination, etc.). But I am cancelling my Substack subscription regardless of which is the case. If he can’t do a better job of explaining his actual position then he doesn’t deserve my financial support, especially if he is in fact ridiculing 10/7 Truthers.

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When the official story about an event is implausible people naturally try to figure things out on their own.

It's a natural and healthy response to official mendacity.

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Interesting. Some People pay for confirmation bias only.

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You would probably be surprised by how many people think of their paid subscriptions more or less like the treats you throw to a dog after he performs a trick for you.

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Yes, I would be surprised, CJ because that assumption of yours is simply, not true. We subscribed because you are a gifted writer.

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Thank you. I didn't say everyone. I said quite a lot of people. And I think the flood of unsubscriptions now pouring into my in-box kind of bears that out.

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That conclusion of yours does not follow for me. There’s nothing anyone could say here who also agrees with the Max Blumenthals, Aaron Mates, Glen Greenwalds, Medea Benjamins, or Norman Finkelsteins of the world, that you would not tear down. Being a contrarian is just in your bones, I guess, even in the face of tens of thousands of child deaths.

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I too am puzzled by this piece. My intuition is that you wanted to piss everyone off, to see who would be willing to stick around through all the uncertainty.

I'm willing... Your insights have been too valuable for me to bail now, even though your barbs appear to be aimed at my sacred cows. What comes next? More detachment from certainty?

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I see that reading comprehension is not one of your strongpoints. I said that the main reason I was cancelling my subscription was because his satire (if that is in fact what it is) is terrible. I don’t expect everyone to agree with me all of the time. I financially support many writers (mostly via Substack and Patreon) that I don’t always agree with. And in fact, I haven’t agreed with many of CJ’s posts in the past, but I didn’t cancel my subscription because overall I liked his satire and though he was doing a pretty good job most of the time. But not being smart enough to figure out that the official narrative of 10/7 as publicized by Israel, our government, and the MSM, is mostly lies is a bridge too far. And ridiculing 9/11 Truthers is definitely a bridge too far. 9/11 is my litmus test. Anyone who still to this day believes the official narrative of 9/11 is not someone I am willing to support financially.

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That's an interesting litmus test, David. Would you cut someone in main stream politics a break on that, knowing they might believe it in their heart, but could not say it out loud due to fear of resulting political suicide?

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No, I won’t cut them a break, as in donating to their campaign or voting for them, if they don’t at least publicly question the official 9/11 narrative. But I will understand if they don’t want to ruin their careers by questioning it (I just won’t support them). But I certainly won’t understand if they publicly support the official 9/11 narrative or, worse yet, ridicule 9/11 Truthers. I lost all respect for Ron Paul when he adamantly stated (I believe it was in a debate when he was running for president in 2008 or 2012) that he didn’t doubt the official 9/11 narrative.

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CJ is actually demonstrating superior intelligence here. With the larger crackdown on reporting truth or even mentioning certain words on Meta’s platforms, he’s thinking ahead by presenting all the incriminating evidence to viewers while coming across as mocking them. This tactic effectively sidesteps the upcoming AI sentiment analysis based information scrubbing technology. AI would pick up on his negative sentiment towards readers seeking truth and allow his content through for all to see and silently make their own conclusions. Responses that question his motives may lessen the effectiveness of this tactic so think carefully for future articles and comments.

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I can’t tell whether or not your comment is sarcasm, but regardless of which is the case, it is an interesting theory. But it is almost certainly wrong. After reading and re-reading this post a few times and reading most of his comments here, it is pretty obvious that he has swallowed the official narrative of 10/7, hook, line and sinker. If he is in fact sympathetic to the 10/7 Truthers, he did such a poor job of conveying that that he should be disqualified on that basis alone. I have already unsubscribed, and will not be reading any more of his posts after this one.

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It may have been sarcasm but the main point is that the contextual uncertainty is one of the potential ideas I have presented for communicating under totalitarian conditions. Communication online would need to evolve beyond rearranged L3tter$ for spam bots to bypass the YT et al. algorithms. It might be useful for people to start contemplating such ideas more deeply.

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Depending on your time zone, 10/7 becomes 10/8.

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This article was a muddled mess. Friendly fire kills its soldiers in every war or military encounter and 10/7 was no exception.

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I think he's afraid of another trial. Whatever. It's been obvious Israel took out most of the people killed on 10/7/23 since 10/7/23 to anyone with a brain. There was no mass rape. And no beheaded babies. Unless you count the ones Netanyahu dropped 2000 lbs. bombs on as they slept in their tents. You don't have to respond, CJ. I get it. Once burned, twice shy. Don't blame you but you can just keep your head down on this one. Let the German government go after someone else for a change.

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Isnt there a translation of the said Directive to cite ?

Relying on what '[...] the IDF as quoted in Haaretz in 2014', claimed it's

about, is not the same, surely ?

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"By way of deception, though shalt wage war."

That would include Propaganda War...

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I used to hear the jokes about Jewish Control and snicker. I think to myself even it were true good luck proving it. That was until I learned what seems to be the overwhelming majority in high levels of govt holding dual passports. IMHO that whole dual citizenship thing is pretty hard to deny. Look at both Biden’s and Trump’s cabinets. Maybe I am mistaken, but the fact no one seems to want to research it tells me I am probably correct.

That seems very odd to me CJ. What if the dual passports were with China? You would have a real insurrection on your hands from the right. Many of them don’t seem to care about this however. They just don’t like them any Muslims.

I do know this sir: No one at the highest levels of government and high impacting institutions should have allegiance to another nation. I don’t think that’s too much to ask.

This tiny nation seems to be doing its best to drag our asses into a war. Not just any war, the mother of all fucking wars at that. According to Thomas Massie (Tucker interview) he said damn near every Rep congressman has an AIPAC babysitter.

Now i can’t tell you where the joke ends and reality begins. But there’s something very fishy about that. And no I’m not a Nazi, i don’t even hate them. Just a simple American that doesn’t appreciate what I am seeing.

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You're really noticing too much Luke and this is clearly dangerous (See Massie's wife). Have you asked your doctor about Extra Strength Noticinol? It appears to be working well for millions of Americans.


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Thanks will check that out in a bit. Not sure if you read this piece from Donald Jeffereys but it’s in line with what you mentioned. Great article!


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Jul 10
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Read that piece I just sent in this thread. Apparently they’re calling it an allergic response to food I think. However the silence is very eerie. I went back and listened to his interview with Tucker. God you could tell he really loved her. That must have killed him. D Jeffries said it’s very unlikely it was the vax.


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Jul 11
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Let’s for a moment assume the worst. If Massie does indeed suspect foul play he may not be wanting to see another member of his family hurt. Like Jeffries said seeing how reacts (med-long term) will probably be a clue.

I hope people aren’t harassing him about it. Fuck man the guy has to beyond grief right now. I have a strong feeling those two were next to inseparable. He talks about her a lot in the Tucker interview. Very sad stuff.

That interview is crazy. Listen to what he, wife and kids came about their house. They built it together and lived completely off the grid. Amazing man.

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I was in Jerusalem in 1960, and 1966, ‘67, and ‘70. I lived and worked there. My grandparents are buried there. My father was smuggled out of Germany in a milk truck. His father missed that truck, so he caught the next one, to Auschwitz.

My father shared the opinion of many of his German friends that if the Jewish people had not been the target of the Third Reich, they would have been its most enthusiastic lieutenants. That’s a hard one, I know. But it conforms with what I experienced there after the 6-day war, and it conforms with what I’m seeing in Gaza today. So to me, the news that Ha’Aretz published yesterday, which corroborates the findings of Aaron Maté months ago, is not surprising.

The opinion of Einstein and Arendt, published in the NYTimes in 1948, was this: “Among the most disturbing political phenomena of our times is the emergence in the newly created state of Israel of the Freedom Party" (Tnuat Haherut), a political party closely akin in its organization, methods, political philosophy and social appeal to the Nazi and Fascist parties.”

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It’s such a sad commentary on human nature that the sins visited upon a population are often repeated when that population is out of danger.


👆🏻Here’s a BBC documentary about the genocide of German Christians after World War II by Czechs and Russians.

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Fascinating. I had never heard of this letter before, thank you for sharing!

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"Truther" is a manufactured pejorative, coined after 9/11 to discredit anyone who questioned the official narrative; same with 10/7. As the State, or "Deep State," claims a monopoly on violence, so too does it claim a monopoly on Information, or the "Truth." The "Truther" label, again, manufactured, is used to banish all critique of State policy/narrative to the lunatic fringe. Step outside the guardrails of "truth" narrowly defined by the State and its Narrative du jour, and suddenly you're a "Truther"--and that's the Truth!

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This "truth" is uncannily similar to the Protocols of the Elders of Zion of circa 100 years ago. The hunger for such "truth" never seems to abate but is aided by today's means of mass communication.

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I don't consider the term truther a pejorative at all, I proudly call myself a truther. Many of us do and we should own it.

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Totally agree. “Truther” is an invented term meant to discredit anyone who “tells the Truth.” Intel Agencies run on the gas of the Big Lie; therefore, they disparage the idea of Truth by inventing a term like “Truther,” which is meant to annihilate the idea that there is any “Truth” at all. Same deal with “Conspiracy Theory,” which was a CIA diktat intended to fringe-fy anyone who questioned the Warren Commission report.

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“Nonetheless, The Truth is The Truth. As Aaron Mate put it in a recent piece, “under the Hannibal doctrine, Israel’s aim was to kill its own people rather than let them be traded in a future exchange for Palestinian prisoners held in Israeli prisons.” OK, sure, that’s not exactly what the so-called “Hannibal directive” is about, at least not according to the IDF as quoted by Haaretz in 2014 … 'rather, it is the suspension of safety procedures which normally prohibit firing in the general direction of an IDF soldier, specifically firing to stop an escaping vehicle.'”

. . .

Why quote Haaretz from 2014? Why not not from 2024? Here's some quotes from Haaretz's July 7th article, “IDF Ordered Hannibal Directive on October 7 to Prevent Hamas Taking Soldiers Captive” But, the headline is misleading. if you actually read trhough the article, a “Mass Hannibal” was ordered on both Israeli soldiers AND civilians: https://archive.is/iAgIy#selection-1645.0-1645.502

“At 10:32 A.M. … all battalions in the area were ordered to fire mortars in the direction of the Gaza Strip. … would endanger them [kidnapped civilians] as well. … Some of these were in open areas or in woods along the border, trying to hide from the terrorists.”

“Another order given at 11:22 A.M., according to which no vehicle would be allowed to return to Gaza, took this a step further. "Everyone knew by then that such vehicles could be carrying kidnapped civilians or soldiers," … everyone knew what it meant to not let any vehicles return to Gaza .... it was entirely clear what that message meant, and what the fate of some of the kidnapped people would be. ... a procedure known in the army as the "Hannibal procedure.”

“... at 2:00 P.M. ... At that point, the border area was under intense fire, directed at anyone in that area, making it a danger zone. "The instruction," says the source in Southern Command, "was meant to turn the area around the border fence into a killing zone...”

One case in which it is known that civilians were hit, a case that received wide coverage, took place in the house of Pessi Cohen at Kibbutz Be'eri. 14 hostages were held in the house as the IDF attacked it, with 13 of them killed [killed by tank fire on the direct order of Gen Hiram even after he was told by a hostage others were still in the house].

So, it's clear the Hannibal Doctrine has been “upgraded” since 2014. Aaron Mate's claim that “Israel’s aim was to kill its own people rather than let them be traded in a future exchange for Palestinian prisoners” certainly appears to be backed up by facts.

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UPDATE: Three hours ago, "Gilgamechit" asked: “would be fair if you responded to the [7/07/24] Haaretz report itself, at least as a preamble to what is otherwise a strawman argument against the likes of Aaron Mate ...”

CJ Hopkins replied: "I thought it was a good article."

After writing my above comment, I realized that C.J. was largely writing satire and trying to ridicule the propaganda of "both sides"? By writing my comments to his essay, I now feel like I was playing the "straight man" in a comedy sketch.

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Thanks for that.

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Great essay. Thank you for your courage.

It’s fashionable today to hate the Jews and want them dead; thus, people who’ve harbored resentment of any sort for years have been today given the Go-Ahead sign— “Go ahead! Release your venom on the latest demonised target— it’s COOL!” Someone or someone’S is spreading a poisonous soil throughout the world... “It is not, nor it cannot come to good,” as Hamlet said.

Again, thank you for your work.

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I love this "everyone hates the Jews argument or "blame the Jews for everythng" it's kind of like everyone hates the blacks and the gay's too, right? All these race cards, how many are actually in this deck?

Lets see we elected a black President right? And how about that whole gay marriage thing? Not to mention giving them an entire month of JUNE! But that's because everyone hates them right?

Allow me to explain how it works here in the New York Metropolitan area. In NYC alone there are over 1000 synagogues and thousands more throughout the entire area - that's not even taking into account the Yeshivas' and all the other schools.

How many Jewish hospitals are there versus how many other religions but we won't go there because it's not point. Teaneck NJ is home to over 15,000 Jews, Brooklyn is home to over 500,000 Jews. Over a quarter of a million Jews on Long Island. Another 6000 Jews in Monsey NY.

Every day all of these thousands upon thousands of people travel on the roads where every single rest stop/convenience store also now has a Kosher section. And yet every single day there is not one instance of hate crimes against Jews.

You can't walk anywhere in Bergen County NJ and not come across a synagogue and yet ever since October 7th there has not been any beefed up security. Whereas in the past if a car so much as backfires - there will be a police car parked outside for days. I doubt there is anyone in this area that doesn't use Jewish doctors and or lawyer because they are both known to be the very best primarily of their stellar educations.

So do please tell me again how everyone hates the Jews?

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First, I need to say that I have no interest in making you angry.

Second, if the numbers you put out are correct and there’s thousands of Jewish people in the New York/ New Jersey area and thousands of Jewish businesses and synagogues, can you clear up what is the link… what is the link between the poisonous soil of Jew-Hatred which I see being spread across America in recent times in many many podcasts and on social media with there being thousands of Jews and Jewish businesses in the NYC area today and in the past?


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Because all this antisemitism is an outright lie! I live 15 minutes outside of NYC - you can google the population figures yourself for anything. The five Boroughs of NYC to see how enormous the Jewish population is. Lakewood NJ also has a huge population.

It's a standing joke when there's a Jewish holiday there's no traffic that's how huge the population is. It's not meant disrespectfully and just that its true. Same holds true for getting a reservation in a fancy restaurant. On the high holidays - everythng is empty.

Not only are there never any acts of antisemitism in this area the vast majority of the pro Palestinian protests in NYC were all sponsored and organized by Jewish organizations. Huge numbers of Jewish kids were all participating in the college protests. Everywhere you go you see signs NOT IN MY NAME. The jews are standing with the Palestinians. You drive through Teaneck NJ - home to 15,000 Jews and they all have pro-Palestinian yard signs. One Jewish man I know personally even has a huge Palestinian flag hanging from his tree.

Right after 10-07 it was reported Israel was spending one billion dollars on this propaganda campaign. There were billboard signs popping up all over NJ. There were pop-up advertisements on my emails. The NY Post doesn't stop - each and every day the stories are even more egregious. But then again they are desperate because journalism is bleeding jobs so of course they took the money.

I am surrounded by Jews and and I can tell you nothing boils my blood more than when they drudge up this antisemitism crap. You see the ultra orthodox in gas stations all over the highways. Never once is there so much as a slur let alone anything else! EVER! EVER!

On Saturday you see hundreds walking with their families because of the Sabbath and yet again not one derogatory comment or anything else. EVER!

Please I beg of you never ever listen to or get information from the Internet. Social media is the absolute worst. I know very little about it per se because I would never engage in it but I have read that millions of these posts are not even real.

I can tell you from first hand experience not only is there no antisemitism there is no boycotting Jewish businesses either. There's a very famous delicatessen here in NYC called Katz's. It's been there forever. The line on Sunday is around the corner. The place is always packed and still there has never ever ever been an incident. It's pure unadulterated BS! I ask my friends constantly why are there never any police cars in front of the synagogues if antisemitism has been on the rise ever since 10-07? It the same thing when they say malls are packed. But look how many shoppers are carrying bags? You go by what you see!

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I don't pray often, but in this case... I pray you're right about there being no anti-semitism! It's a wonderful thing, all you said. I pray that what you see today-- no anti-semitism-- holds over into tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow!

Thank you for the words, as well, about the Social Media. Great advice!

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What truly truly, truly, concerns me is how far they are pushing this envelope. It's almost as if they don't stop exploiting this you'll put the thought in people's heads.

I say this with all due respect as you cannot compare the two cultures, but they pushed the racism issue so far the black community began to exploit it and now that there is hatred that did not exist previously. I believe Obama played a huge role in stetting the Civil Rights movement back 50 years. But specifically when Michelle said I have never been more proud of my Country until now!

It happened with the gay community as well and low and behold the hate crimes erupted. In other word both groups took advantage of something that was non-existent and because of it eventually turned it into something that now is.

Picture it this way - raise your kids that everyone hates them simply because they're Jewish and tell me what will become of it? Teach your kids that everyone hates you because you're black and how will they act? Teach your kids that everyone hates gays and how will react? It's all deliberate. That's why you have to stop it.

Be well my friend!

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BJ— here’s a quick note (no need to respond-- I just needed to say this):

… About Blacks, Gays, Jews and their hyper-vigilance; their unwillingness or incapacity to let down their guard and their seeing monsters everywhere, in every corner— as I do… Sometimes whole groups of people can be and often are like abused children; unable to let down their guard.

The trauma in families of peoples who’ve been traumatized is passed down verbally, yes, but too— something like physically. One grows up with a kind of heaviness in the air. An invisible weight. It feels emotionally like swimming in paste or walking halfway through the cement.

I think we all might find value in listening to the personal stories of those who’ve had histories filled with violence. We might understand better why they can’t let go of the knowledge and can't trust easily.

I recall in the 1990’s, I was working in a bar, singing and playing piano in a gay bar for men. It was during the time of AIDS. Many of the guys had AIDS and there was one guy, Ricky— around 20 years old, extremely kind— a Mexican kid who got AIDS. When I went to visit him in the hospital, he told me he was HAPPY and WANTED to die because his Mexican father hated him for being gay.

We just can’t know what people go through, have gone through and why they act as they do.

Anyway, I just needed to say that.

Have a good night.

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You're apparently referring to the Hasidim, an ultra-orthodox sect of Judaism. They are completely different from Reform or Conservative Jews.

You need to clarify that they are specifically whom you are discussing in your comments, not all Jews collectively.

There are very distinct areas of NY and NJ where Hasidic Jews live. Your description gives the impression that Hasidic Jews comprise the predominant demographic of the entire area. That's simply not true.

The only time you will see "hundreds walking with their families" is if you travel to a Hasidic community like Monsey, NY. It's possible that a rest stop on the highway going through that community has a "kosher section" but "every single rest stop/convenience store on the highway"? Nope.

I lived in Bergen county NJ for over 30 years. And no, there aren't synagogues everywhere you walk. In my town (pop. 15,000) there wasn't a single one.

As far as your statements about the non-existence of antisemitism toward this particular group of Jews, let's go back to the not so distant past, circa 2017, and do a quick search for "eruv in mahwah, nj".

An unfortunate number of those good townsfolk tried to pass unconstitutional laws forbidding Hasidic families from using Mahwah's parks. Yep, petitions were signed, and many derogatory comments about the Hasidics were made to media. They were loud and proud of their antisemitism. Mahwah, a largely upper middle class/wealthy town of 26,000 distinguished itself for all the wrong reasons.

But they were just following in the footsteps of Tenafly, NJ.

So let's be honest. Just because you don't see blatant examples of Jew-hating, doesn't mean it's not there.

There's always that undercurrent, just below the surface.

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Correct, I live in Rockland county near Monsey and they are fine. Ive never heard of any incident nor anyone saying hateful things about them. New York treats them like royalty.

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Thank you ever so kindly for confirming everythng I've said. BTW I live right over the boarder in Northern Bergen County where thousands travel on the GSP and route 17.

Might I ask if you feel there is rampant antisemitism but even more imperatively - that it has INCREASED since 10-07? They took over all of Suffern NY as well and no incidents.

I think the worst thing that ever happened was when Dr. Vladimir “Zev” Zelenko, the Hasidic doctor who came to national prominence for treating presumptive Covid-19 patients with an unproven drug regimen, was forced to leave Monroe NY after his own people started multiple investigations against him.

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I have no idea if this is factual or not we're all still analyzing every single part of it.


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FYI: by “soil” I mean lies… a lack of understanding about Israel, a lack of understanding about the Hamas and the Palestinians, a lack of understanding and lies combined and trumpeted all over the place.

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You're wrong about "not one instance of hate crimes" - just look up the FBI stats on that - but I agree with your conclusion, which is that most people actually don't hate Jews. There is a vocal minority that likes to blame Jews for everything, and there is a growing faction of Islamists that hates Jews on principle, but most people simply don't care one way or the other.

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This is nonsense. They aren’t trying to kill Jews, they’re trying not to be killed. As for killing Zionists, that’s a very different matter. Zionism is against all of the basic beliefs of the Jewish faith.

Palestine has a right to defend itself. Zionists are jailing, torturing, and killing them in mass numbers. Let’s wait until there’s a true investigation of the 10/7 crime scene. Forensics should easily determine what number of Israeli civilians were killed by the IDF. That number, according to Ha’aretz, is quite large. If there is no independent investigation then one has to be very suspicious about the reason. Fair enough?

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How about speaking with your friend Max Blumenthal about this in a recorded session?

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Hell yeah!

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“The point is, the IDF murdered everyone, or, the Zionists killed all the victims (or most, or many, many of the victims) on October 7OK, maybe Hamas helped a bit … "

. . .

You're using a Straw Man argument when you claim that the “10/7 Truthers” allege “the Zionists killed all the victims (or most, or many, many of the victims) on October 7...” Aaron Mate, and his colleague Max Blumenthal at “The Grayzone” (who, along with the “Electronic Intifada” first reported this story 8 months ago) never said “all” or “most” of the victims were killed by the IDF. I don't think they've given a number. Perhaps they said “many”?

“Another order given at 11:22 A.M. … no vehicle would be allowed to return to Gaza... "Everyone knew by then that such vehicles could be carrying kidnapped civilians or soldiers," … everyone knew what it meant to not let any vehicles return to Gaza .... what the fate of some of the kidnapped people would be. ... a procedure known in the army as the "Hannibal procedure. ... Haaretz does not know whether or how many civilians and soldiers were hit due to these procedures .... many of the kidnapped people were at risk (Haaretz, 7/07/24). https://archive.is/iAgIy#selection-1645.0-1645.502

I recall reading that IDF have admitted to killing 70 civilians, and another 13 at a kibbutz house by tank fire. I think that's a low estimate. Just watch the Associated Press video showing many twisted cars (later literally buried!). “Israeli rave survivors return to look for cars after Oct. 7 Hamas attack”Associated Press https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=92&v=P1T51_iroHo&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fsonar21.com%2F&source_ve_path=Mjg2NjY&feature=emb_logo

Many, maybe 100 of those cars, appears to have been destroyed by Hellfire missiles or cannon fire from Apache helicopters. I was a firefighter to 30 years. I've never seen a car that got all twisted and mangled just from burning up. The body of the car stays intact. Assume each vehicle held 2 hostages. That would mean the IDF ordered the death of about about 200 dead hostages just in the vehicles. More in the kibbutz communities in the homes hit by tank fire.

Initially, Israel claimed 1,400 were murdered on 10/7. Later, the number was reduced to about 1,100. About 200-300 were actually Gazans that were badly burned. I would guess an equal number were Israeli, so that would fit with my estimate.

To put things in perspective, 1,100 Israeli's were killed, about 400 were soldiers/police/paramility. So, about 700 civilians killed that day. IF 200 - 300 were purposefully killed by the IDF using the Hannibal Directive; that's about 30 - 40% of the total civilians. I think that would qualify as “many, many” victims.

So, how many Israeli civilians were murdered by the IDF? “The IDF spokesman responded … the IDF has begun conducting internal investigations of what transpired on October 7 … When these investigations are concluded, the results will be presented to the public with transparency." Yeah, sure. Not holding my breath.

P.S. " Many" IDF soldiers were also ordered killed on 10/7 using the Hannibal Directive. See the Harretz article for more details.

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Anything to take culpability away from the savages of Hamas. An obsession really. Fuck all of you.

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As they strike you...

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UPDATE: Three hours ago, "Gilgamechit" asked: “would be fair if you responded to the [7/07/24] Haaretz report itself, at least as a preamble to what is otherwise a strawman argument against the likes of Aaron Mate ...”

CJ Hopkins replied: I thought it was a good article.

After writing my previous comments, I realized that C.J. was largely writing satire and trying to ridicule the propaganda of "both sides"? I now feel like I was playing the "straight man" in a comedy sketch.

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Except the comedy sketch wasn't funny

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This piece was a satire, angry, and heavy on sarcasm. Last night, I read CJ's 10/15/23 post "Israel's 9/11" https://cjhopkins.substack.com/p/israels-911

"Instead of today's satire, C.J. wrote, "... I’m going to drop the sarcasm for now, and say a few things for the record. Maybe just to get this out of my system." Gives you a better idea of where he's coming from."

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The more important story at this point isn't how those people died on Oct. 7, but the daily death toll of Palestinians as Israel continues the program of ethnic cleansing it began in 1948.

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The population of self-identified Palestinians has increased steadily and at a rapid pace since 1948. The only ethnic cleansing in Israel occurred when the Israeli government forcibly withdrew every Jew, living or dead, from Gaza in 2005.

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yer onna roll today ;-)

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To quote Michael Corleone, "Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in!" I should have known better than to even look at the comments section. I don't have the self-control to see this crap without trying to oppose it.

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lol! me too tho' I gotta skedaddle an' start makin' dinner for the fam--

So if ya know the Power Puff Girls -- a set of kindergartners "fighting crime to save the world before bedtime?"-- my daughters say I'm Power Puff Mama Fightin' the Haters to Save the Jews Before Bedtime! (imho it's in the genes--I call it the "do something, say something, don't just stand there like a dummy" gene!)

ha ha, just "rewartched" the Godfather (Part 1) last week--now "that's a movie!" (cue the cheesy italian accent)

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Hope the door didn't hit you in the elbow on your way out.

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The confusion between Jews and Israelis and zionists and anti-semites and all is deliberately pushed and conflated precisely to confuse. Then throw in "that settler shooting Palestinians with a Made-in-USA machine gun is just a bad apple" and what is one to think? If one can still think.

The Jewish state IS the Jewish state. AIPAC IS the Jewish lobby in US for that state. It is largely with support of the American Jewish community that this holocaust goes on. Expecting US politicians to move until the American Jewish community owns up to its role is unrealistic. AIPAC and the ADL are specifically exempt from FARA... why? Why are dual citizens "serving" the Jewish state from within the US administration? Even wearing IDF uniforms in Congress. I don't want them here; it's their war OF CHOICE and I don't want them here. Boot them out of Congress and the administration and send them back to their war-zone.

The run-of-the-mill American Jew who says this is none of his business is full of shit. The American Jewish community is being exploited, held hostage even, by the Jewish state and it is on them to stop this carnage. Past time for a divorce.

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AIPAC is a Zionist lobby, I'm sure they look out for elite Ashkenazis but the priority is to advance the interest of Israel.

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The truth is the truth whether you like it or not. The truth has no conscience. The truth has no religion. It is still the truth.

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If only we could figure out what the truth actually was.

Alas, not in the 21st century.

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If in doubt just assume the military industrial biowarfare complex did it. You won’t be wrong very often!

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Sorry, CJ, like a wise man once said: you're not deep - you just ain't clear...! Where the hell are you coming from and WHAT are you actually saying?

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The first lie of the zionist propagandists was that "israel has a right to defend itself." This is actually a lie under international law.

israeli settlers on occupied land actually don't have a right to defend themselves.

This is an extremely uncomfortable fact for zionists to contend with, as is the fact that more children were abducted by israel on 10/6 than the total number of hostages taken on 10/7.

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Israelis had a right to defend themselves on October 7th when the attack was happening. Of course they did. Individual people being attacked always have a right to defend themselves. But the idea that "Israel has a right to defend itself" doesn't make sense, since Israel is a concept, an idea (like all countries). Also, using an atrocity as an excuse to go in and kill tens of thousands of innocent civilians and starve tens of thousands more doesn't meet any reasonable definition of self-defense.

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Meh. All of Gaza is full of terrorist infrastructure. The Gazans know this. Maybe you don’t.

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They surely did not. Permanent occupation is illegal, and waaaay downstream from that is the bullshit you're regurgitating. Wipe the vomit off and take a fresh look.

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If you are human, then congratulations. You beat the reverse Turing test. I can't tell if you're a bot or not.

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It is my understanding that an occupying force has the responsibility to protect the indigenous people, but they don't have a right to defend themselves? That doesn't sound logical to me. Regardless, I wish the Khazarian "Semites" would find a vacant island somewhere to occupy by themselves and quit fkg with everyone else.

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Well- the ICJ just agreed with me. 🤷‍♂️

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Yeah, the 10/7 truthers are the real problem right now. Raging famine and mass murder in Gaza but let's just focus on the rampant new truther movement. Wha's your point?

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