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C.J., Why did you censor my comments regarding the government's physically impossible and intelligence insulting 9-11 grand conspiracy myth? Does the free fall symmetric drop of this hurricane and fire resistant steel framed high rise look like it was caused by uncontrolled fires to you? Why isn't the raging inferno visible in any of the demolition videos? How did gradual, random heating cause *all* the steel perimeter columns to lose *all* their strength instantly, totally, and simultaneously? Why was molten and vaporized steel in the rubble? Why was WTC7's collapse reported 20 minutes before it happened? Why did extremely high temperature, nearly inextinguishable fires persist for weeks under the towers? The fires were near the top. Why, according to FDNY members, was molten steel flowing "like lava, like you're in a foundry" deep in the rubble?


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If I deleted your comment, it was because you posted just a link without setting it up or explaining why you were posting it. Spam links get summarily deleted.

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C.J., The only links I've posted are the link to the Haaretz article documenting the employment of Israelis "Hannibal Directive" on 10/7, and the link to the 1 minute compilation of various video clips of WTC7's demolition, which you allowed this time. My censored post also had some other commentary about the government's 9-11 "cave man" conspiracy myth. No credible 9-11 researchers claim that holograms were used, or that there were no plane strikes. That's disinformation intended to divide, discredit, and obstruct the 9-11 truth movement - and there's a *lot* of it. And as you demonstrated, it works.

Do you agree that if the demolitions of WTC1, WTC2, and WTC7 on 9/11/01 were proven, that would also prove that 9-11 was a false flag operation? Can you answer any of the questions I asked in my previous comment?

Everyone who has studied and understands the evidence, and has a basic understanding of high school physics knows that those building were professionally demolished on 9-11-01. They also agree that the demolitions prove foreknowledge and inside cooperation.

The people I've encountered who still believe the "official" conspiracy myth all have two things in common - a very limited knowledge of the evidence, and and no interest in discussing the evidence.

"Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance." -

Albert Einstein

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"Have no respect whatsoever for authority; forget who said it and instead look what he starts with, where he ends up, and ask yourself, 'Is it reasonable?'" - Richard Feynman

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No aeroplanes but possibly missiles [1, 2]. Aeroplanes cannot disappear through the steel perimeter of a skyscraper, even if those walls were not (floor) load-bearing.

A friend was there on the day, and insisted, to me, he had seen the tail of an aeroplane protruding from one of the towers. (He knew which tower, of course, but, if he told me, I've forgotten.) This illustrates the unreliability of witness reports.

1. https://911crashtest.org/the-missiles-of-911/

2. https://911crashtest.org/south-tower-evidence-of-missile-impacts/

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