It is well known that Israeli intelligence collected extensive information about the planned attack. However, the Israeli government did not think Hamas was capable of executing the plan. This is identical to what's happening in the United States today, where our government blithely ignores the extreme danger of Islamic terror attacks facilitated by our open border.
It is well known that Israeli intelligence collected extensive information about the planned attack. However, the Israeli government did not think Hamas was capable of executing the plan. This is identical to what's happening in the United States today, where our government blithely ignores the extreme danger of Islamic terror attacks facilitated by our open border.
He also literally claims that what is happening on the US border is "identical". Have to wonder how long it's been since he consulted a dictionary.
He's right, though. We all know that the Patriot Act is in the past now; the War on Terror is totally over and was a complete success; and the US government hasn't been harassing its citizens for years -- oh, wait
Alex Fox appears to be a serial liar, and pretty racist too. Antony Lowenstein does a good job of listing the support Israel has given countless dictators, fascists and various other scum all over the world since its founding. Deniers of that country's nature are a dime a dozen, and getting pretty boring too.
Perhaps one good thing can come out of Israel's savage campaign against Palestinians if it causes Americans to see that Israel is no friend of America.
Americans might have seen that when Israel attacked the USS Liberty in 1967 except that the US and Israel lied about the incident.
Goal post movement? I'm just pointing out that the exact same thing could happen here. There have been Senate hearings going back 20 years discussing the way Islamic extremist groups, including Hamas, have established relationships with South American cartels and adversarial governments, such as Venezuela. If you think jihadists don't have active cells and arms caches all around this country, you're kidding yourself. They are just waiting for the right time to act.
We're still all digesting and debating this but there is clearly a lot of factual and irrefutable evidence enclosed such as articles and videos from esteemed sources. Legal documents that have also been filed
It is well known that Israeli intelligence collected extensive information about the planned attack. However, the Israeli government did not think Hamas was capable of executing the plan. This is identical to what's happening in the United States today, where our government blithely ignores the extreme danger of Islamic terror attacks facilitated by our open border.
From 10/7 to the "extreme danger of Islamic terror attacks facilitated by our open border."
That's some serious goal post movement.
He also literally claims that what is happening on the US border is "identical". Have to wonder how long it's been since he consulted a dictionary.
He's right, though. We all know that the Patriot Act is in the past now; the War on Terror is totally over and was a complete success; and the US government hasn't been harassing its citizens for years -- oh, wait
Alex Fox appears to be a serial liar, and pretty racist too. Antony Lowenstein does a good job of listing the support Israel has given countless dictators, fascists and various other scum all over the world since its founding. Deniers of that country's nature are a dime a dozen, and getting pretty boring too.
Perhaps one good thing can come out of Israel's savage campaign against Palestinians if it causes Americans to see that Israel is no friend of America.
Americans might have seen that when Israel attacked the USS Liberty in 1967 except that the US and Israel lied about the incident.
Goal post movement? I'm just pointing out that the exact same thing could happen here. There have been Senate hearings going back 20 years discussing the way Islamic extremist groups, including Hamas, have established relationships with South American cartels and adversarial governments, such as Venezuela. If you think jihadists don't have active cells and arms caches all around this country, you're kidding yourself. They are just waiting for the right time to act.
It's actually the Chinese and not the Islamic terrorists who are the fastest-growing migrant group encountered by the US Border Patrol.
We're still all digesting and debating this but there is clearly a lot of factual and irrefutable evidence enclosed such as articles and videos from esteemed sources. Legal documents that have also been filed