mazel tov CJ, yer now "one of us" by proxy! (I say this with open arms as a former lefty, an' always chew (who loves bacon) / former new yawker, an' recent convert to "my bubbie was right" it'll happen again skool of paranoia that means "stock yer cellar with tunafish" an' "plan yer escape when they return. Oy.
mazel tov CJ, yer now "one of us" by proxy! (I say this with open arms as a former lefty, an' always chew (who loves bacon) / former new yawker, an' recent convert to "my bubbie was right" it'll happen again skool of paranoia that means "stock yer cellar with tunafish" an' "plan yer escape when they return. Oy.
When I was 7 ('fore movin' ta the now Rotten Apple...) I got chased 'round the skool yard by girls shoutin' "Christ Killer" at me 'til I wiped-out bloody an' got kicked until the recess bell rang. Of COURSE, the "truthers" in uniform blackwatch plaid "onta me" were right! We sneeky joos can travel back in time an' nail up saviors on crosses--mea culpa. Oh but I hear cut nails were too spendy so there was no nailin'--but they were NOT mistaken about lil' 7 yr old me bein' guilty! (In fact..."Jesus Christ was what my ma said when somethin' dropped on her foot). I always had Christian friends who cared not that I killed "their" lord--if they believed what they were told? I'm all fer folks worshippin' who/what they like. But now... we joos have caused every 'effin' hangail an' hemorrhoid an' canker sore on the planet. Need Blistex? Blame the nearest joo.. I'm SO sorry you've gotten a dose of our "collective curse." It sucks.
PS as we said in 7th grade, "DOI" all sides lie. Of COURSE Pallywood IsReal (but only believe Hamas...only doubt ANYTHIN' comin' outta the mouth of a chew!)-- DOI again that BBGun deserves ta be ripped a new one--joos in Israel are not gonna be able ta reproduce thanx ta his whorin' out the entire state ta the Big Pharma clot shots-- with bonus points fer his Green Pass an' sellin' all that jooish DNA to the CCP. So I'm notta fan of the current gubbamint--but then again the en-titty-known-as "Biden" is arguably just as bad (at least as many dead on his hands) . But "Killer Joe" ain't a chew--so he gits a pass. (Whooops! this one just in--"Killer Joe" is a secret Rothschild! no pass!) Don't mind my passin' out at all this... but like I said, welcome to the CLUB (ta reverse-riff on the late great Carlin--it's a SMALL club an' now yer IN IT!--no way ta rub it off either unless ya join the KKK... Oy!)
day in the life of my "shoos" on substack means enjoyin' all this cheerful "banter---an' of COURSE they mock us fer "cryin' crock-o-dile tears" about anti-semitism b/c it doesn't exist!
mazel tov CJ, yer now "one of us" by proxy! (I say this with open arms as a former lefty, an' always chew (who loves bacon) / former new yawker, an' recent convert to "my bubbie was right" it'll happen again skool of paranoia that means "stock yer cellar with tunafish" an' "plan yer escape when they return. Oy.
When I was 7 ('fore movin' ta the now Rotten Apple...) I got chased 'round the skool yard by girls shoutin' "Christ Killer" at me 'til I wiped-out bloody an' got kicked until the recess bell rang. Of COURSE, the "truthers" in uniform blackwatch plaid "onta me" were right! We sneeky joos can travel back in time an' nail up saviors on crosses--mea culpa. Oh but I hear cut nails were too spendy so there was no nailin'--but they were NOT mistaken about lil' 7 yr old me bein' guilty! (In fact..."Jesus Christ was what my ma said when somethin' dropped on her foot). I always had Christian friends who cared not that I killed "their" lord--if they believed what they were told? I'm all fer folks worshippin' who/what they like. But now... we joos have caused every 'effin' hangail an' hemorrhoid an' canker sore on the planet. Need Blistex? Blame the nearest joo.. I'm SO sorry you've gotten a dose of our "collective curse." It sucks.
PS as we said in 7th grade, "DOI" all sides lie. Of COURSE Pallywood IsReal (but only believe Hamas...only doubt ANYTHIN' comin' outta the mouth of a chew!)-- DOI again that BBGun deserves ta be ripped a new one--joos in Israel are not gonna be able ta reproduce thanx ta his whorin' out the entire state ta the Big Pharma clot shots-- with bonus points fer his Green Pass an' sellin' all that jooish DNA to the CCP. So I'm notta fan of the current gubbamint--but then again the en-titty-known-as "Biden" is arguably just as bad (at least as many dead on his hands) . But "Killer Joe" ain't a chew--so he gits a pass. (Whooops! this one just in--"Killer Joe" is a secret Rothschild! no pass!) Don't mind my passin' out at all this... but like I said, welcome to the CLUB (ta reverse-riff on the late great Carlin--it's a SMALL club an' now yer IN IT!--no way ta rub it off either unless ya join the KKK... Oy!)
day in the life of my "shoos" on substack means enjoyin' all this cheerful "banter---an' of COURSE they mock us fer "cryin' crock-o-dile tears" about anti-semitism b/c it doesn't exist!