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Dear CJ, I'd like to congratulate you for joining the ranks of the wonderful AIPAC, ADL, GOP+DNC, the Israeli and US gov't and our wonderful evangelical christian zionist fundamentalist friends in declaring together with those wonderful people that anti-zionists are evil antisemites who oppose the century-long zionist project (to disposses, massacre, throw out, take over, annihilate, dehumanize and erase the local people in Palestine) who oppose that for no other reason but because we are evil antisemites who want to kill all the jews. I mean, take for example the millions of anti-zionist jews across the world (obvious antisemite jew-haters of course) or the holocaust survivors who very strongly speak out against tbe poison of zionism, against the neo-nazi heart-corrupting supremacist zionist ideology and its murderous implementation, holocaust survivors who say that the zionist torturers are nazi criminals no different than the supremacist fascists who persecuted them in europe (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YVmCwhFk6Pc&feature=youtu.be-) . These holocaust survivors are clearly evil antisemites driven by jew hatred!! Only a fool cannot see that!!

Those evil antisemite anti-zionists clearly want to kill all jews (just like, you know, those evil activists against the apartheid regime in south-africa who clearly wanted to kill all white people and "wipe south africa off the map"). Both the anti-zionists and anti-apartheid activists, they're all evil racists, which is exactly what the benevolent bearer-of-light netanyahu is constantly teaching us (thank you CJ for amplifying the voice of the hero luminary netanyahu and repeating what he's saying all the time). And also thank you for linking to theJC, AIPAC's chief propaganda rag, to debunk all those evil antisemite conspiracy theorists. I'm glad you finally saw the light CJ and joined the righteous people in AIPAC, ADL & the Israeli gov't.

And yes, that goes for me too, I'm Jewish and an Israeli citizen (would be happy to send you a private message with my israeli ID) and I'm obviously also an antisemite Jew-hater because i thoroughly reject and stand up to the mass-murdering child-abusing Godless zionist billionaire ruling class (who not only brutalize the local people but who also treat ordinary israelis like sh*t and with complete contempt, I will say more about this in a moment). Thank you for clarifying and enlightening me CJ regarding who i am. For a moment there i almost forgot what an antisemite Jew-hater i am and how i want all jews to die, including my family (which is obviously what all anti-zionists want, as we all know, don't we). Thank you for clarifying that CJ in your enlightening post.

Okay, now putting aside the sarcastic voice (you're clearly much better at this than i am), i'd just like to point out where i think is your blind spot CJ, that lead you to write what in my view is a severely misinformed piece (and to be clear, i ususlly love your stuff and have restacked your posts many times, but in my understanding, as an Israeli, you're severely misinformed on this matter). It seems to me that you might not be aware that what the billionaire ruling class (in both israel and the muslim world) are doing is employing the divide-and-rule tactic (that billionaire oppressors always play on the people) through creating a boogeyman enemy to divide and pit us against each other along tribalistic-religious-ethnic lines to make sure we fear and hate "those evil scary monsterous enemies over there who want to hurt us for no reason whatsoever, simply because they're evil" and thus unite behind our billionaire-representitve leaders (who pretend to be our "protectors" from "those evil monstrous enemies") and abandon any rebelling against our oppresseros (who screw us and have complete contempt for us) because "now is not the time to criticize the great leader who is here to protect you from your real enemy - those scary evil satanic palestinians over there who feel antagonism towards you for no reason whatsoever, simply becasue they are evil antisemites").

This boogeyman tactic is described in detail in this profound essay (which in my view is a must read for every human on the planet) https://www.pdrboston.org/oppressors-need-bogeyman-enemies..

If you still cannot see how that is related to the october7 operation then please read this very important piece that details how the above boogeyman-enemy principle is applied more specifically in the case of the zionist ruling class and hamas. I can confirm is 100% accurate to the reality in israel https://www.pdrboston.org/israel-s-government-attacks-jews-to (there are also very informative links leading out from this essay that I highly recommend to pursue in order to learn more). I recommend this research essay to all non-Israelis who wish to understand what is ACTUALLY happening in this country and what fuels this conflict.

And I would also very highly recommend this essay https://www.pdrboston.org/israeli-leaders-hamas-need-each-oth to understand in detail how the boogeyman principle (in the first link) is applied very skillfully by the billionaire israeli and billionaire hamas leadership, for their mutual benefit (and for the devastation of the rest of us).

If you read the essays above then you'll understand why the israeli billionaire ruling class have initiated and funded hamas for decades now. Hear it directly from the mouth of numerous israeli & american gov't+military officials here https://swprs.org/why-israel-created-hamas/ and don't miss this piece that shows you the evidence AND shows you WHY the israeli ruling class are doing this https://www.pdrboston.org/israel-funds-hamas-keeps-it-in-power

Now, if you read the above factual essays (with full-citations) and understood how the israeli billionaire ruling class work and what they are trying to achieve then it will be no surprise to you to learn that they and their intelligence agency (mossad) have conducted numerous terror operations across the globe under the false flag of 'islamic terrorism'. Hear directly from these two mossad whistleblowers how they do it https://swprs.org/ari-ben-menashe-on-israeli-black-operations/ and here https://swprs.org/mossad-whistleblower-victor-ostrovsky-1994/

Once we understand all of that, then we might be in a position to start realizing the level of criminality, deceit and disregard for life that the NeoCon Zionist ruling class are capable of in their false flag operations (cynically using their armed and funded patsies for the aims described in the 'boogeyman' essay above).

To understand specifically the psychology and ideology that drives that NeoCon zionists to conduct their deceptive atrocities, i recommend the second half of this research paper from an academic in the Sorbonne University (starting from the sub-header 'machiavellian meta-zionists') in which he goes deeply into their supremacist & tribalist ideological underpinnings and their machivellian approach to geopolitics, which drive them to conduct the massive false flag operations that they do (in the first half of the article he gives the factual evidence for the 9/11 false flag terror operation they conducted) https://www.unz.com/article/911-was-an-israeli-job/

If anyone's interested, i could elaborate a lot more on the root of the identitarian tribalist psychosis that guides zionists to their deceptive & genocidal operations (i was a devout zionist for the first half of my life so i know exactly how these supremacist tribalist nazis think)

As for the October7 operation specifically, I can tell you with 100% certainty that it was an inside job. Of course it was conducted by the israeli billiobaire-funded hamas but it clearly and obviously coordinated with those in positions of power in Israel (in the military and politics), with the israeli billionaire ruling class who run israel, and who don't give a sh*t about ordinary israelis and view us with complete contempt, despite their fake "patriotic" rhetoric.

Many people in Israel know this. The numerous profoundly striking anomalies were glaringly obvious to many people in Israel even on the day itself, and much more so in the days after when we started looking more into the official story of what the billionaires and their propaganda media tell us of what happened, and seeing clearly that it makes no sense whatsoever. In English, you can see some of the most obvious anomalies here (though there are many others). The video is far from perfect and i personally dislike the style of the narrator, and don't fully agree with some of his interpretations of the facts, but try to ignore that and focus only on the factual evidence https://rumble.com/v4l4oqw-october-7-was-an-inside-job-documentary-2024.html

And some more blatant anomalies here https://truthinmedia.com/episode/how-did-october-7th-happen/

It was very very clearly coordinated with those in positions of power in Israel (in the military and politics)

As for why would the israeli ruling class do such things, i direct you again to the profoundly important factual essays here https://www.pdrboston.org/oppressors-need-bogeyman-enemies and here https://www.pdrboston.org/israeli-leaders-hamas-need-each-oth and here https://www.pdrboston.org/israel-s-government-attacks-jews-to

So this comment is just becasue I wanted to strongly suggest to you CJ that your basic assumptions in this post (that this was a hamas intiated operation that caught the israeli ruling class by surprise, and that they view hamas as the enemy, while in fact it is their brainchild which they've been funding for decades) is very very obviously and clearly a faulty assumption.

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Fantastic comment. I do hope CJ responds - it is certainly worthy of a response.

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The fact that he did not respond says a lot, no?

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It doesn’t really matter whether or not he responds. Even if he does respond, he will just regurgitate talking points from the official narrative. He won’t directly address any of the excellent points that Trump/Biden made in this very long but quite good comment. And even his regurgitated talking points will be difficult to decipher due to his clumsy mixture of seriousness and satire.

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^^like... well said. Capturing links... The essay wasn't worth reading but glad I found this comment.

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