Because all this antisemitism is an outright lie! I live 15 minutes outside of NYC - you can google the population figures yourself for anything. The five Boroughs of NYC to see how enormous the Jewish population is. Lakewood NJ also has a huge population.
It's a standing joke when there's a Jewish holiday there's no traffic that's how hu…
Because all this antisemitism is an outright lie! I live 15 minutes outside of NYC - you can google the population figures yourself for anything. The five Boroughs of NYC to see how enormous the Jewish population is. Lakewood NJ also has a huge population.
It's a standing joke when there's a Jewish holiday there's no traffic that's how huge the population is. It's not meant disrespectfully and just that its true. Same holds true for getting a reservation in a fancy restaurant. On the high holidays - everythng is empty.
Not only are there never any acts of antisemitism in this area the vast majority of the pro Palestinian protests in NYC were all sponsored and organized by Jewish organizations. Huge numbers of Jewish kids were all participating in the college protests. Everywhere you go you see signs NOT IN MY NAME. The jews are standing with the Palestinians. You drive through Teaneck NJ - home to 15,000 Jews and they all have pro-Palestinian yard signs. One Jewish man I know personally even has a huge Palestinian flag hanging from his tree.
Right after 10-07 it was reported Israel was spending one billion dollars on this propaganda campaign. There were billboard signs popping up all over NJ. There were pop-up advertisements on my emails. The NY Post doesn't stop - each and every day the stories are even more egregious. But then again they are desperate because journalism is bleeding jobs so of course they took the money.
I am surrounded by Jews and and I can tell you nothing boils my blood more than when they drudge up this antisemitism crap. You see the ultra orthodox in gas stations all over the highways. Never once is there so much as a slur let alone anything else! EVER! EVER!
On Saturday you see hundreds walking with their families because of the Sabbath and yet again not one derogatory comment or anything else. EVER!
Please I beg of you never ever listen to or get information from the Internet. Social media is the absolute worst. I know very little about it per se because I would never engage in it but I have read that millions of these posts are not even real.
I can tell you from first hand experience not only is there no antisemitism there is no boycotting Jewish businesses either. There's a very famous delicatessen here in NYC called Katz's. It's been there forever. The line on Sunday is around the corner. The place is always packed and still there has never ever ever been an incident. It's pure unadulterated BS! I ask my friends constantly why are there never any police cars in front of the synagogues if antisemitism has been on the rise ever since 10-07? It the same thing when they say malls are packed. But look how many shoppers are carrying bags? You go by what you see!
I don't pray often, but in this case... I pray you're right about there being no anti-semitism! It's a wonderful thing, all you said. I pray that what you see today-- no anti-semitism-- holds over into tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow!
Thank you for the words, as well, about the Social Media. Great advice!
What truly truly, truly, concerns me is how far they are pushing this envelope. It's almost as if they don't stop exploiting this you'll put the thought in people's heads.
I say this with all due respect as you cannot compare the two cultures, but they pushed the racism issue so far the black community began to exploit it and now that there is hatred that did not exist previously. I believe Obama played a huge role in stetting the Civil Rights movement back 50 years. But specifically when Michelle said I have never been more proud of my Country until now!
It happened with the gay community as well and low and behold the hate crimes erupted. In other word both groups took advantage of something that was non-existent and because of it eventually turned it into something that now is.
Picture it this way - raise your kids that everyone hates them simply because they're Jewish and tell me what will become of it? Teach your kids that everyone hates you because you're black and how will they act? Teach your kids that everyone hates gays and how will react? It's all deliberate. That's why you have to stop it.
BJ— here’s a quick note (no need to respond-- I just needed to say this):
… About Blacks, Gays, Jews and their hyper-vigilance; their unwillingness or incapacity to let down their guard and their seeing monsters everywhere, in every corner— as I do… Sometimes whole groups of people can be and often are like abused children; unable to let down their guard.
The trauma in families of peoples who’ve been traumatized is passed down verbally, yes, but too— something like physically. One grows up with a kind of heaviness in the air. An invisible weight. It feels emotionally like swimming in paste or walking halfway through the cement.
I think we all might find value in listening to the personal stories of those who’ve had histories filled with violence. We might understand better why they can’t let go of the knowledge and can't trust easily.
I recall in the 1990’s, I was working in a bar, singing and playing piano in a gay bar for men. It was during the time of AIDS. Many of the guys had AIDS and there was one guy, Ricky— around 20 years old, extremely kind— a Mexican kid who got AIDS. When I went to visit him in the hospital, he told me he was HAPPY and WANTED to die because his Mexican father hated him for being gay.
We just can’t know what people go through, have gone through and why they act as they do.
You're apparently referring to the Hasidim, an ultra-orthodox sect of Judaism. They are completely different from Reform or Conservative Jews.
You need to clarify that they are specifically whom you are discussing in your comments, not all Jews collectively.
There are very distinct areas of NY and NJ where Hasidic Jews live. Your description gives the impression that Hasidic Jews comprise the predominant demographic of the entire area. That's simply not true.
The only time you will see "hundreds walking with their families" is if you travel to a Hasidic community like Monsey, NY. It's possible that a rest stop on the highway going through that community has a "kosher section" but "every single rest stop/convenience store on the highway"? Nope.
I lived in Bergen county NJ for over 30 years. And no, there aren't synagogues everywhere you walk. In my town (pop. 15,000) there wasn't a single one.
As far as your statements about the non-existence of antisemitism toward this particular group of Jews, let's go back to the not so distant past, circa 2017, and do a quick search for "eruv in mahwah, nj".
An unfortunate number of those good townsfolk tried to pass unconstitutional laws forbidding Hasidic families from using Mahwah's parks. Yep, petitions were signed, and many derogatory comments about the Hasidics were made to media. They were loud and proud of their antisemitism. Mahwah, a largely upper middle class/wealthy town of 26,000 distinguished itself for all the wrong reasons.
But they were just following in the footsteps of Tenafly, NJ.
So let's be honest. Just because you don't see blatant examples of Jew-hating, doesn't mean it's not there.
There's always that undercurrent, just below the surface.
Correct, I live in Rockland county near Monsey and they are fine. Ive never heard of any incident nor anyone saying hateful things about them. New York treats them like royalty.
Thank you ever so kindly for confirming everythng I've said. BTW I live right over the boarder in Northern Bergen County where thousands travel on the GSP and route 17.
Might I ask if you feel there is rampant antisemitism but even more imperatively - that it has INCREASED since 10-07? They took over all of Suffern NY as well and no incidents.
I think the worst thing that ever happened was when Dr. Vladimir “Zev” Zelenko, the Hasidic doctor who came to national prominence for treating presumptive Covid-19 patients with an unproven drug regimen, was forced to leave Monroe NY after his own people started multiple investigations against him.
Because all this antisemitism is an outright lie! I live 15 minutes outside of NYC - you can google the population figures yourself for anything. The five Boroughs of NYC to see how enormous the Jewish population is. Lakewood NJ also has a huge population.
It's a standing joke when there's a Jewish holiday there's no traffic that's how huge the population is. It's not meant disrespectfully and just that its true. Same holds true for getting a reservation in a fancy restaurant. On the high holidays - everythng is empty.
Not only are there never any acts of antisemitism in this area the vast majority of the pro Palestinian protests in NYC were all sponsored and organized by Jewish organizations. Huge numbers of Jewish kids were all participating in the college protests. Everywhere you go you see signs NOT IN MY NAME. The jews are standing with the Palestinians. You drive through Teaneck NJ - home to 15,000 Jews and they all have pro-Palestinian yard signs. One Jewish man I know personally even has a huge Palestinian flag hanging from his tree.
Right after 10-07 it was reported Israel was spending one billion dollars on this propaganda campaign. There were billboard signs popping up all over NJ. There were pop-up advertisements on my emails. The NY Post doesn't stop - each and every day the stories are even more egregious. But then again they are desperate because journalism is bleeding jobs so of course they took the money.
I am surrounded by Jews and and I can tell you nothing boils my blood more than when they drudge up this antisemitism crap. You see the ultra orthodox in gas stations all over the highways. Never once is there so much as a slur let alone anything else! EVER! EVER!
On Saturday you see hundreds walking with their families because of the Sabbath and yet again not one derogatory comment or anything else. EVER!
Please I beg of you never ever listen to or get information from the Internet. Social media is the absolute worst. I know very little about it per se because I would never engage in it but I have read that millions of these posts are not even real.
I can tell you from first hand experience not only is there no antisemitism there is no boycotting Jewish businesses either. There's a very famous delicatessen here in NYC called Katz's. It's been there forever. The line on Sunday is around the corner. The place is always packed and still there has never ever ever been an incident. It's pure unadulterated BS! I ask my friends constantly why are there never any police cars in front of the synagogues if antisemitism has been on the rise ever since 10-07? It the same thing when they say malls are packed. But look how many shoppers are carrying bags? You go by what you see!
I don't pray often, but in this case... I pray you're right about there being no anti-semitism! It's a wonderful thing, all you said. I pray that what you see today-- no anti-semitism-- holds over into tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow!
Thank you for the words, as well, about the Social Media. Great advice!
What truly truly, truly, concerns me is how far they are pushing this envelope. It's almost as if they don't stop exploiting this you'll put the thought in people's heads.
I say this with all due respect as you cannot compare the two cultures, but they pushed the racism issue so far the black community began to exploit it and now that there is hatred that did not exist previously. I believe Obama played a huge role in stetting the Civil Rights movement back 50 years. But specifically when Michelle said I have never been more proud of my Country until now!
It happened with the gay community as well and low and behold the hate crimes erupted. In other word both groups took advantage of something that was non-existent and because of it eventually turned it into something that now is.
Picture it this way - raise your kids that everyone hates them simply because they're Jewish and tell me what will become of it? Teach your kids that everyone hates you because you're black and how will they act? Teach your kids that everyone hates gays and how will react? It's all deliberate. That's why you have to stop it.
Be well my friend!
BJ— here’s a quick note (no need to respond-- I just needed to say this):
… About Blacks, Gays, Jews and their hyper-vigilance; their unwillingness or incapacity to let down their guard and their seeing monsters everywhere, in every corner— as I do… Sometimes whole groups of people can be and often are like abused children; unable to let down their guard.
The trauma in families of peoples who’ve been traumatized is passed down verbally, yes, but too— something like physically. One grows up with a kind of heaviness in the air. An invisible weight. It feels emotionally like swimming in paste or walking halfway through the cement.
I think we all might find value in listening to the personal stories of those who’ve had histories filled with violence. We might understand better why they can’t let go of the knowledge and can't trust easily.
I recall in the 1990’s, I was working in a bar, singing and playing piano in a gay bar for men. It was during the time of AIDS. Many of the guys had AIDS and there was one guy, Ricky— around 20 years old, extremely kind— a Mexican kid who got AIDS. When I went to visit him in the hospital, he told me he was HAPPY and WANTED to die because his Mexican father hated him for being gay.
We just can’t know what people go through, have gone through and why they act as they do.
Anyway, I just needed to say that.
Have a good night.
You're apparently referring to the Hasidim, an ultra-orthodox sect of Judaism. They are completely different from Reform or Conservative Jews.
You need to clarify that they are specifically whom you are discussing in your comments, not all Jews collectively.
There are very distinct areas of NY and NJ where Hasidic Jews live. Your description gives the impression that Hasidic Jews comprise the predominant demographic of the entire area. That's simply not true.
The only time you will see "hundreds walking with their families" is if you travel to a Hasidic community like Monsey, NY. It's possible that a rest stop on the highway going through that community has a "kosher section" but "every single rest stop/convenience store on the highway"? Nope.
I lived in Bergen county NJ for over 30 years. And no, there aren't synagogues everywhere you walk. In my town (pop. 15,000) there wasn't a single one.
As far as your statements about the non-existence of antisemitism toward this particular group of Jews, let's go back to the not so distant past, circa 2017, and do a quick search for "eruv in mahwah, nj".
An unfortunate number of those good townsfolk tried to pass unconstitutional laws forbidding Hasidic families from using Mahwah's parks. Yep, petitions were signed, and many derogatory comments about the Hasidics were made to media. They were loud and proud of their antisemitism. Mahwah, a largely upper middle class/wealthy town of 26,000 distinguished itself for all the wrong reasons.
But they were just following in the footsteps of Tenafly, NJ.
So let's be honest. Just because you don't see blatant examples of Jew-hating, doesn't mean it's not there.
There's always that undercurrent, just below the surface.
Correct, I live in Rockland county near Monsey and they are fine. Ive never heard of any incident nor anyone saying hateful things about them. New York treats them like royalty.
Thank you ever so kindly for confirming everythng I've said. BTW I live right over the boarder in Northern Bergen County where thousands travel on the GSP and route 17.
Might I ask if you feel there is rampant antisemitism but even more imperatively - that it has INCREASED since 10-07? They took over all of Suffern NY as well and no incidents.
I think the worst thing that ever happened was when Dr. Vladimir “Zev” Zelenko, the Hasidic doctor who came to national prominence for treating presumptive Covid-19 patients with an unproven drug regimen, was forced to leave Monroe NY after his own people started multiple investigations against him.