"So you jumped to an immediate conclusion with zero evidence, based on your existing biases..." Good description of the allegations of rape and mutilation by Hamas. (If those things had actually happened the world would have been subjected to 24/7 replay of it for 9 months now.) Israelis have been presumed to be noble and truthful and et…
"So you jumped to an immediate conclusion with zero evidence, based on your existing biases..." Good description of the allegations of rape and mutilation by Hamas. (If those things had actually happened the world would have been subjected to 24/7 replay of it for 9 months now.) Israelis have been presumed to be noble and truthful and eternal victims since 1948; that people are finally questioning that narrative is sticking in many a craw at the moment. It must be especially galling that so many Jewish people are out there protesting the barbaric behavior of the Israelis and their Apartheid system. You can keep on gaslighting but, with all due respect to PT Barnum, it seems that since October 7th there is one less sucker every minute of this genocide.
"So you jumped to an immediate conclusion with zero evidence, based on your existing biases..." Good description of the allegations of rape and mutilation by Hamas.
Good description of the allegation that Osama bin Laden committed 9/11 too, another event which CJ (an author I previously respected) apparently believes happened precisely as we have been told.
Wow. You're actually denying that Hamas terrorists raped and mutilated their victims on October 7? I guess if the extensive first-hand testimony, photographic and video evidence, coroner's reports, and even the conclusion of an investigation by the notoriously anti-Israel United Nations didn't convince you, nothing I could say would possibly make a difference.
And here you have it: apologists for Israel invoke horrific acts supposedly committed by Hamas but go silent when asked for proof. They expect everyone to be cowed by their wild, unfounded statements (and, presumably, the threat of being called "anti-semitic" for questioning Zionist BS), so they keep throwing out there whatever the hell they want, no matter how debunked. I get it though, what with genocide being so hard to defend. Must be hard to hold a position so minority that literally millions of people around the world take to the streets to denounce it. Why they can't bring themselves to finally come over to the side of truth and decency is beyond me.
"So you jumped to an immediate conclusion with zero evidence, based on your existing biases..." Good description of the allegations of rape and mutilation by Hamas. (If those things had actually happened the world would have been subjected to 24/7 replay of it for 9 months now.) Israelis have been presumed to be noble and truthful and eternal victims since 1948; that people are finally questioning that narrative is sticking in many a craw at the moment. It must be especially galling that so many Jewish people are out there protesting the barbaric behavior of the Israelis and their Apartheid system. You can keep on gaslighting but, with all due respect to PT Barnum, it seems that since October 7th there is one less sucker every minute of this genocide.
"So you jumped to an immediate conclusion with zero evidence, based on your existing biases..." Good description of the allegations of rape and mutilation by Hamas.
Good description of the allegation that Osama bin Laden committed 9/11 too, another event which CJ (an author I previously respected) apparently believes happened precisely as we have been told.
Wow. You're actually denying that Hamas terrorists raped and mutilated their victims on October 7? I guess if the extensive first-hand testimony, photographic and video evidence, coroner's reports, and even the conclusion of an investigation by the notoriously anti-Israel United Nations didn't convince you, nothing I could say would possibly make a difference.
Let's have the proof, and none of this "All the victims are dead." Cut the bullshit, show us credible proof, or shut up.
And here you have it: apologists for Israel invoke horrific acts supposedly committed by Hamas but go silent when asked for proof. They expect everyone to be cowed by their wild, unfounded statements (and, presumably, the threat of being called "anti-semitic" for questioning Zionist BS), so they keep throwing out there whatever the hell they want, no matter how debunked. I get it though, what with genocide being so hard to defend. Must be hard to hold a position so minority that literally millions of people around the world take to the streets to denounce it. Why they can't bring themselves to finally come over to the side of truth and decency is beyond me.