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“What should Israel do? Withdraw and allow Hamas to regroup for another attack like the one on October 7th?”

If the Israelis withdraw to Europe, Russia, the Americas, and whencesoever they came, there couldn’t be any possibility of another such attack (false flag, hoax, or authentic).

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Great. Just be defenseless again so you can repeat the Holocaust.


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It's not by being defenceless that the Israeli regime is able to reprise the holocaust.

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You suggest the Jews return to Europe so they can be murdered again.

Next, you continue the false charge of genocide. It was false yesterday. It was false today. it will be false tomorrow.

However, the charge, as manufactured as any slur of the Nazis, is part of the propaganda efforts of Hamas and its patrons. You repeat it, because, like your Nazi ancestors back in the 1930s, who told the Jews "Get out of Europe, go to Palestine." You once again want to be master of life and death over the Jews. "Get out of Palestine, come back to Europe. So we may kill you again."


You're not getting that chance.

Enjoy the Muslims you imported to replace us.

If they're so wonderful, you'll do just fine.

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You appear to be clinically insane.

Yes, I said that those who have, or whose recent ancestors had, moved into Palestine as part of the Zionist project ought to return to where they formerly lived. I called for no murders, though, and any reasonable assessment would conclude that these people would be considerably more safe in the places I mentioned than by continuing to hold out, on stolen land, against its understandably aggrieved legitimate occupants.

Let’s not get bogged down with the technicalities of “genocide”. The term is quite a recent addition to the English lexicon, anyway. Instead, we can simply agree that the “Israeli” regime is entirely wilfully perpetrating a mass slaughter of the impoverished, largely defenceless, people it has long imprisoned in the Gaza Strip, and, starting more recently, to a not immaterial extent doing similarly in the West Bank, also.

What evidence do you have for my ancestors having been “Nazi”? From my vantage point, it appears a delusional claim for you to have made.

I have never been the master of anyone’s life or death, and have not the slightest desire to become so. You are floundering in the effluent of your own diseased imagination.

I have imported no moslems, but anyone examining recent mass immigration into Europe should give some consideration to what this lady says, here: https://archive.org/details/barbara_lerner_spectre_on_jews_multiculturalism_and_europe

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I'm insane? You're the one that spread lies.

1) Land was not "stolen." It was won in defensive war launched by the Arabs. You do not get the territory you lost, in a war you started, so you have a better shot of success the second time around.

2) "Let’s not get bogged down with the technicalities of “genocide”."

Uh no. I disagree. You are going to throw one of the most slanderous, indendiary charges available in the modern world, then you better dot your I's and cross your T's and not say "Uh, maybe it's not really genocide but close enough."

“Israeli” regime is entirely wilfully perpetrating a mass slaughter of the impoverished, largely defenceless, people it has long imprisoned in the Gaza Strip"

Also false.

Hamas deliberately mixes military targets with civilian targets in order to inflate the death of the people they are supposedly fighting on behalf, to maximize casualties to use in propaganda.

If they didn't want deaths they could:

A) Free the hostages

B) Protect civilians within the tunnels that Hamas dug for military use.

C) Not instigate the rape, murder, kidnapping of 1200 Israelis which any country in the world would have responded to, and responded hard.

Further, Israel provides:

A) Aid to the people they're supposedly "genociding" to use your insulting and false and inflamatory term.

B) Provides warning and evacuation calls for targeted areas. (You may scoff. But the people Hamas murders do not receive such warnings, other than wide scale "We will kill all the jews" type strong arming.

C) Has achieved the lowest ratio of civilian to militant death of any urban conflict in history, beyond America's in Fallujah to take one example.

Of course, even if Israel does some truly ingenious methodology to target terrorists and not civilians -- by, say, selling pagers to members of a terrorist organization that can be detonated only on said terrorist to minimize damage to other civilians -- you would give no credit. You would STILL call it genocide. But let's not get too strict about the term, like you said. Absurdity.

"What evidence do you have for my ancestors having been “Nazi”? From my vantage point, it appears a delusional claim for you to have made."

Oh, let's not get too caught up on the term "Nazi." That's how you argue, right?

You support the genocide of the Jewish people. You do today. And had you lived in the 1930s, you would have done it then too.

"I have never been the master of anyone’s life or death, and have not the slightest desire to become so. You are floundering in the effluent of your own diseased imagination."

Ahhh, so you never had to make hard decisions. You get to stand on the sidelines and sneer and mock and insult and decide who should live and who should die while having no skin in the game -- but then protest your innocence because you are powerless.

How about you stop showing off your ignorance?

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If the Arabs launched a “defensive war”, someone must have been threatening them. Perhaps you’d care to suggest who you think that was?

It’s a distinctly odd telling of history that holds there was already any kind of war in progress when the Zionist terrorists commenced invading Palestine.

“maybe it's not really genocide but close enough” – You are confusing me, a real life person, with the products of your imagination. I’ve retracted nothing. All I said was that the applicability of one specific word is not worth arguing about. If you wish to cleave to something in particular in what “genocide” means to you, I’ll leave you to it.

Asserting something to be false does not make it so.

The inmates of a concentration camp cannot raise a formal army and construct well-defended military bases. Were that possible, we’d have seen it done in the 1930s/40s, when many of the most ingenious, and personally resourceful, people were imprisoned in such camps.

Those fighting an occupation must necessarily do so from within the general population. We saw that in Vichy France, with the French Resistance (and also the Jewish Resistance).

“Free the hostages” – I do not think that, on 6 October 2023, there were any hostages of the Gazans, but Palestinians in Gaza, and the West Bank, were having their lives truncated, and blighted, by the occupiers. So, I do not see how your suggestion could be any kind of solution.

“Protect civilians within the tunnels that Hamas dug for military use.” – You’d like to banish the legitimate people of Palestine underground. Cute.

“Not instigate the rape, murder, kidnapping of 1200 Israelis” – You are, at best, referring to much repeated allegations about the events of roughly 24 hours, fifteen months ago, not to anything currently occurring, except with the “Israelis” in the active role. If you want to see rape, visit Sde Teiman. Some of the MKs would probably treat you to a guided tour.

“Israel provides: A) Aid” – The Zionist invaders have taken everything the Palestinians had. Your excuses are pathetic.

“warning and evacuation calls for targeted areas” – The regime’s targets have nowhere safe to go, and it slaughters them while they flee, in their refugee camps, and even while they try to collect some flour. Your words vividly reveal your abject lack of humanity.

“the lowest ratio of civilian to militant death of any urban conflict in history” – The regime is murdering its prisoners. The fact people turn to violence to try to repel their oppressors does not make them legitimate targets. Would you have been applauding the putting down of the Sonderkommandos?

I did not say the pager (etc.) attack was genocide. Your imagination is running away with you, again.

If that operation was real, it was unnecessary, further, illustration of the utter moral depravity of the terrorist-founded regime you applaud. “Ingenious”, indeed!

“You support the genocide of the Jewish people” – You are a pathetic excuse for a human being, but I shall never extrapolate from you to any arbitrary group of which you might hope to be considered a member.

I am not going to review, for you, what decisions I’ve made in the course of my life, but what I told you about being “master of life and death” is true, as is all else I’ve said to you. If you’ve a need to assuage a vestigial conscience with claims of having been forced into a decision, that is purely an issue for you, and any judgement I might hazard, upon imperfect information, would be entirely irrelevant. Moreover, I believe that it is not what you did that is now important, but what you learn from it (though it doesn’t really look like this distinction is going to help you).

Your suggestion, if that is what it was, that solely men of violence should comment on issues of morality, is disturbed.

I am not powerless. It is correct that I cannot, directly, achieve very much at all, but one thing you really should not imagine is that the millions of us, countering your anti-human, twisted, delusions with plain fact and straightforward morality, are not going to prevail.

It does not escape me that you can type ludicrous nonsense all day long. You are already overdue on the substantiation of your allegation about my “Nazi ancestors back in the 1930s”. I shall now pay no heed to anything else you say (instruction of libel lawyers excepted) until you have made good on it.

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Well you start your lies right at the beginning. "Poor defenseless Gazans.

Right. Except Hamas was armed to the teeth by Iran, including Jaws of life to break into the security rooms of Israeli civilians.

You conveniently leave that part out.

Then you go on to describe them as inmates of Concentration camp.

Right! Because Auschwitz had 5 star hotels, didn't it? No? Ahh, but there are in Gaza!

You mock the idea of Gazans being able to use Hamas tunnels to take shelter in.

But you're indifferent to when Israelis do hide in bomb shelters when Hamas and Hezbollah shoot rockets at them.

Yeah, those rockets that came from those "unarmed" Gazans.

That's enough. Three tremendous lies and I haven't gotten into the bulk of your murderous hatred of Jews and your twisting of historical fact to create a fictional story for your outrage.

I've never seen such madness, evil or mendacity.

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