It's really depressing that I have to reiterate this, again. If you post anti-Semitic slurs or any other type of bigoted garbage in my Comments, I will ban you with extreme prejudice. There are many venues on the Internet where people are free to post anti-Semitic/bigoted garbage for the creeps who enjoy that kind of thing. This is not one of them.

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This piece is thus far probably the sanest thing I’ve read on the Hamas attacks and Israeli “We’re just getting started” responses. It adds to the mix the 9/11 comparison replete with how the US and its friends leveraged it at home and abroad to undermine a host of civil liberties. The inclusion of the perspective from Germany is invaluable to Americans like me who appreciate that increasingly disheartening situation.

Coincidentally, the next thing I read after CJ’s piece was Jacob Savage’s nauseating piece in the Free Press, “Can A Donor Revolt Save American Universities?” https://substack.com/app-link/post?publication_id=260347&post_id=138000952&utm_source=post-email-title&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=hchs&token=eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo4MDkzNDQsInBvc3RfaWQiOjEzODAwMDk1MiwiaWF0IjoxNjk3NDUxNDE5LCJleHAiOjE3MDAwNDM0MTksImlzcyI6InB1Yi0yNjAzNDciLCJzdWIiOiJwb3N0LXJlYWN0aW9uIn0.Oqizkds4xj_B3ic-zNmRDiP5nwZL50LqYywbO3HPMOs

Don’t take my word: at least skim Savage’s offering. To me, it represents “the real Bari Weiss.” Since leaving the NYT, Weiss, like a lot of cancel culture addicts who feign (particularly to themselves) having kicked the habit, professes to be a new, more reasonable person. I couldn’t make sense of it in that I saw no convincing cause for an epiphany and consequent “new leaf.” But the things I read in the Free Press (hardly everything that’s appeared, of course) didn’t show the dropping mask.

I should have known, however, that something like the recent Hamas attacks would remove all doubt about Bari & friends. And so we get today’s anti-free speech, anti-academic freedom, anti-intellectual expression screed from Savage. A “guest piece,” to be sure. And I would not want it censored or hidden. But perhaps some other piece to balance it would keep Weiss’ true self more in doubt. Nah. Given the chance, she doesn’t disappoint.

Since I won’t pay to read the Free Press, I can’t comment there. What I wish I could do is post the link to this column from CJ and invite comment. But money is extremely tight for me for the first time in four years, so I just can’t. If anyone reading this has a paying subscription to the Free Press and agrees with me, PLEASE post a link there to CJ’s article. If you want to use any or all of my comment, feel welcome.

And to repeat: this is a fine column that deserves widespread readership. Thank you for some sanity, CJ.

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Bravo, sir! So many great SS have been hijacked by Joo-haters posting their vitriol and arguing, and diverting from the topic at hand. And most of them are historically illiterate. I appreciate your efforts. Thank you.

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Maybe actually write out ”Substacks” next time instead of “SS” when posting on this topic.

Seems obvious , doesn’t it?


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Lol I thought the same... “great SS??? Wut?” ...”oh....”

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That, my friend, is BS. Just as u r fee to have, as well as, promote yor opinion, so does any one else regardless of how abhorrent u may personally find it. As I must tolerate and respect your opinion, so shud u. Don’t confuse an “opinion” with “the Truth”!!!

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Got it. Dogma, not tact. Heard.

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I did it because many others do, so it seemed a sort of common practice to me. Did you have trouble understanding? No one else has complained.

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Don’t be obtuse please.

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It seems to me that being obtuse is your specialty. I'm obtuse because I wrote "SS" instead writing the word out??

I'm thinking that maybe it's not my "SS" to which you object, but the content of my post. Anyway, CJ doesn't object, so I'm good.

Let's move on to something of substance. Buh-bye.

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A little prickly, aren’t we?

The Schutzstaffel also known as the SS was a powerful arm of the Nazis and any tactful person aware of holocaust history would probably refrain from using that abbreviation when posting on this topic.

It doesn’t appear that you are “thinking”. It’s funny that you think that because CJH hasn’t weighed in is relevant, standard appeal to authority approach - “well teacher didn’t care”. I suspect you’re just young and oblivious to the history. I wasn’t trying to scold you, dude. And I have no issue with the substance of your comment. Don’t be a dick. Thanks.

I’m Jewish BTW.

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Also as of typing this 9 other people seem to agree. It’s a moment to learn some thoughtfulness. Thanks.

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Have you ever even heard of the Schuts Staffel?


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Ok. Here is another complaint. I am sure there are others here who have just scrolled past your comment, but not me.

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Generally speaking, as "radical" as this may sound, I do not support mass murder in any case. For that matter, I don't even support individual murder or even violence outside of defense of actual physical violence.

However, I think it's an "interesting" (for lack of a better word) situation when you look at present-day Germany, Russia, and Israel with their mutual history in mind. Specifically, I'm talking about how the German government slaughtered millions of Russians and Jews for whatever reasons.

Now, on one hand, they block and censor any amount of dissent against the continued slaughter of Russians and, on the other, they block and censor any amount of dissent against Israel's overt slaughter of Palestinians.

I can't be the only one that thinks that maybe Germany (the government specifically) should sit down, shut up, and not lecture others on what is morally correct in terms of state-sponsored violence and mass murder in particular. Can I?

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Germany is not the only european country that “that should sit down, shut up, and not lecture others on what is morally correct in terms of state-sponsored violence and mass murder in particular.”!!! There are many who are guilty of “Crimes Against Humanity”!!! They all suffer from self-induced AMNESIA. (fyi. & all of them considered themselves to be “CHRISTIAN” nations. (We slaughter and abuse our victims in the name of “GOD”.)

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Jan 6, 2024
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I'm American. If you're referring to the treatment of Uyghurs in China, I don't know much about it beyond the surface, and it sounds all bad to me.

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Jan 6, 2024
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Most of what you just spewed out, I'm not going to dignify with a response. You're assuming countless points and attributing them to me. I am not here to convince you or anybody else of anything. The points in my original post still stand as written.

Along those lines, just to give you an example of your gross assumptions, no neither of my parents were born in the USA. My mother's side of the family are old world Hungarians that lived in Yugoslavia during WW2. My mother was born there during the war. So don't lecture me and I'm not agreeing with anything you say.

Oh and lastly, I have to say that the idea that the Chinese are using martial arts (!!) to oppress people is one of the dumbest things that I've ever read or heard about.

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Jan 7, 2024
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Maybe you should hear a Saudi Speech about Palestinian Heritage


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A request to those readers sending me furious emails and demanding to be "taken off my list." Please post your furious responses here in these BTL Comments (I will read them) and use the "unsubscribe" button at the very bottom of the Substack email. Many thanks to those readers already doing that.

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Unfortunately, your readers that want to be taken off your list, aren't keeping an open mind.

They aren't seeing the situation from both sides. Thank YOU for your insightful article.

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"“Well, my point is, at times like this, everything conspires to keep everyone from seeing things clearly and thinking critically. Everyone’s selling you a narrative and punching your emotional buttons to force you into joining their side… "

Unsubscribe is Mission Accomplished.. humans are such silly irrational creatures.

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Aren't they, though.

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Wait a minute, you're the person who accused me of "fomenting anti-Israel sentiment" in The Free Press comments, then couldn't show me how I was doing that. It's hard for me to imagine more irrational behavior on social media than those and other comments you made to and about me in which you said very prejudicial things and didn't support a single one. What gives?

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I have no idea what you are talking about. It wasn't me. I have said nothing about Israel to anyone. I'm reading everything that comes my way on both sides. You are referring to

someone else. I don't make accusations about matters. I read what I can and make my

own decisions. We can all make comments on Substack. We can all have opinions.

That's called Free Speech.

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My mistake. I apologize. I definitely believe in free speech.

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I have never had a problem reading or knowing the Truth. Keep it coming.

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Contemplate this sequence: in order for there to be Peace, Justice has to prevail; for Justice to prevail, it must be preceded by Truth, and for Truth to prevail Honor is required. Can you dig it? (as we used to say in the sixties--the dress rehearsal for NOW)

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you know the 'truth' when you see it - how exactly are you able to fathom truth? to know that something is true when you simply read it?

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Truth resonates within one's humanity, it strikes a chord deep within one's soul and being. It is a "knowing" that cannot be explained but only experienced.

In the words of John Keats "‘Beauty is truth, truth beauty,—that is all

Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.’

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I agree wholeheartedly and it’s an excellent description.

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Relentless scrutiny and cross examination are the required tools; along with the application of both deductive and inductive reasoning; and the discernment to identify prevarication and obfuscation. When you apply all these you may not arrive at absolute truth but you can know what isn’t true. Or, you can just turn on The Telescreen and assume the exact opposite of what it’s programming.

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hmmm... absolute truth is a truth which is true in all possible worlds 2+2=4 is true by the definitions of 2, +, = and 4 regardless of where the observer is in the universe...

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In the multiverse, different maths rules may apply.

Are maths our brains describing the world around us?

Or are they something concrete, like the tree falling in the forest?

More than just base 7 for the Venusians with that many digits - I'm certain there are maths that we cannot conceive of.

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base 7 is of no consequence - base 7 arithmetic functions in the universe as does base 10 unless you mix base 7 with base 10 in a single arithmetic equation - you would be adding apples and oranges and expect a single answer however there is no single answer when adding apples and oranges together in any universe

if adding a number in base 10 with a number in base 7 one of the numbers needs to be converted to the same base as the other

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It's a tricky one , isn't it? But you know it's truth when there is no agenda and simply calls out what has been happening for decades or longer.

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Recognizing what is "True" requires (I believe) humility and sincerity; it requires an open mind free of prejudice. I suppose we can only aspire to recognizing what is "true". (More often than not we dellusionally (sp.?) are sure that "we know best"; we are certain oof our assumptions.) But i believe we are able to discern what is "True".

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there exist objective truth which means 'true in all possible worlds' such as 2+2=4 there also exists subjective truth which is based on subjective values and therefore is only 'true for that person' which may become a shared subjective 'truth' when more than one person believes the phenomena to be true such as a religious truth - the bloodiest encounters between people or groups are over what is subjective truth - 30 years war in europe between roman catholics and protestants is an unfortunate example of killing based on subjective truth

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I love that you want to put it into the open. That's how we should live, in the open. Right now we are surveilled but as it plays out, openness will actually make the sociopaths and psychopaths be known, and they don't want that. This is one of the most excellent articles I've read in a long while. Let them unsubscribe themselves, why should you do it? Notice there is again an element of bossiness in them expecting you to unsubscribe them? This bossiness is the concealed fascism that is in most people, I'm sad to say. And when some crisis occurs, gives them all the reason to act like thugs. These people do not know how to reason or put an argument together so they threaten or tyrannize. This is so big a part of our culture but it all goes under the surface. We need to weed it out and expose it because exposure is what makes them shrivel.

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having fURioUs rEaDErs that send you emails and want to unsubscribe, but can't even find an "unsubscribe" button?

let them squirm, says I !!!!! :D

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Think of it as a form of whiny protest.

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Indeed, it's a pathetic form of attention seeking. "I'm going to hold my breath until you....." If you want to leave, there's the door.

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It's passive aggression at its finest. "I object to what you said, but it's your job to make it impossible for me to see more of it so I don't suffer."

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That's the woke credo in a nutshell. It's your job not to offend them, ever.

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I do wish people who don't know the actual definition of "woke" would stop throwing it at anything that doesn't fit their cult's ideology. The mindset you describe is the exact opposite of what the term means.

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If they click on "CJ Hopkins" just under the title above, it takes one to a page where they can unsubscribe quickly :) Hopefully this will clear a few of them out . . .

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I’m willing to bet that most (if not all) of the people making that request are coming from the “I Stand with Israel” camp.

Am I Right?

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Wow, now I'm really surprised! I really thought it was the other side wanting to leave!

(It's my first time reading the comments here and by first observation is that they are livelier than I would have expected, but these are very tumultuous times)

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I’m here to stay... excellent and some excellent comments both ways ... looks like we all could review some actual history .... I watched a documentary on Palestine 1920 yesterday and another that reviewed the double dealing the Allies did to the Arabs post WW2 to break up the OTTOMAN empire and the UK 🇬🇧 got Iraq 🇮🇶 in the deal and needed a port on the Mediterranean Sea 🌊 to get oil out .... and they lied to both sides ....creating Israel was the European way to finally “get rid of their Jews” so for the 1950 years of them been born into these countries but never accepted .... they thought their solution was creating an Israeli state on lands occupied by Arabs since 70 AD .....WOULDN’T THE NATIVE AMERICAN INDIGENOUS PEOPLE LOVE TO TELL THE EUROPEANS WHO ARRIVED IN 1630’s GO HOME ....We support manifest destiny for ourselves but not for the Arab culture who conquered the Holy Land 1950 years ago .... and the 12 Jewish tribes were dispersed....the DNA of those 12 tribes was most likely identical to their Arab neighbors .... the dna from European Jews will most likely be European ....why couldn’t European cultures accept a different religion and let people exist and prosper side by side ... why couldn’t they accept diversity.... why was there the inquisition😫⁉️.... convert, in slave (ghetto).....or die.....looks to me like human nature hasn’t changed much since man crawled out of the slime.... I refuse to accept either position as correct .....PRAYING FOR A PEACEFUL SOLUTION ☮️🙏🏼♥️

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Peaceful solutions are always good. It appears that you are a bit confused about history. The majority of the ancient Hebrews, mostly the rural and small trader/craftsman folks, were not deported by either Titus or Hadrian. They make up today's Palestinian people. The Arab conquest occurred when the majority had long converted to Christianity. That happened in the 700's. Several generations later, the crazy Crusaders messed up everything. The central problem as I see it is the Talmudist agenda to make that much fought-over land into an exclusively Jewish entity. Logically, that Eretz Yisroel agenda of "from the Nile to the Euphrates" needs to be examined and somehow a two-state solution needs to be achieved. Jerusalem should become a free-city, where Jews, Muslims and Christians all have equal rights.

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If only! Can we throw in a few Hindus, Buddhists and, especially, Taoists? And can we all learn from one another? (Realizing this is ridiculously optimistic…or is it?)

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Somebody on another stack commented that the Palestinians should immediately cede all their land in return for full Israeli citizenship. Then demographics would take over. Palestinians have more children than Israelis. They could conquer by doing nothing other than existing. Makes sense.

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Welp now ypu just explained the reason the Israeli govt created an Apartheid state. Its a huge disaster

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Read some Whitney Webb on MintPress, and she will speak of the Christian dispensationalist movement - money and people - which greatly exceed any Jewish interest in the region. Christians from UK & US funded the original settlements in the late 1800's, early 1900's, long before any WW's.

Though I agree: why can't we all just get along? (hint: follow the money, peace is not profitable)

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Yes most people are unaware Jews and Pakestinians are related through DNA. Ty for bringing that up

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Oct 15, 2023
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Oops. Wrote my comment five+ hours after it should have been done as a reply. So look elsewhere in this thread for my comment on Letsrock's statement.

History can be as a slippery eel, as our educational institutions often infuse us with false history and the educational system here in the U$$A has been in the business of normatively socializing children and kids instead of impelling creative thinking, with some critical aspects in train.

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Islam claims to be the "Final word of God"

“And whoever seeks a religion other than Islam it will never be accepted of him and in the hereafter he will be one of the losers.” (3:85)

The adherents of Islam are NOT peaceful.

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Harley, there are plenty of scriptures in the Torah and Bible that speak similarly. The common thread of the 3 Judaic religions and their offshoots is that the believers are the chosen ones, that god favors them about all others, and that he will smite the non-believers and/or make them the servants of the chosen ones. As it is with religion books, most people cling to the specific writings that match their hearts. You won't often - if ever - hear loving and open-hearted people quote the domineering parts of the Bible, Torah and Quran.

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Could you please share a few from the old testament that tell Jews to murder innocent civilians because they arent Jewish? I dont remember that in the Torah. TIA

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That is totally untrue on all counts. It’s not the “final word” of God (Muhammad was considered to be a prophet just as they consider Jesus, Abraham, Isaiah, Moses, Ezekiel, Jeremiah, etc. Islam accepts all believers who are “People of the Book,” meaning the scriptures of the Abrahamic religions, and Islam is predominantly a peaceful religion with a profound devotion to the concept of brotherhood among it’s 1.5 billion adherents. The are relatively few extremists who have probably been groomed, agitated and provoked to be that way.

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The Islamic interpretive laws of abrogation indicate that the Prophet's earlier writings are superseded by anything he wrote after, because they are contradictory. This is confused by the fact that the Qu'ran is ordered by length of chapter, not chronologically.

Deeper studies show the verses of peace to be early in his prophetic career, and verses of jihad, conquest, slavery & conversion much later, as he discovered that conversion was more successful at sword point.

There may be Islamic scholars who can argue against the way I understand it, but abrogation is important in interpretation of the Qu'ran.

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Renewing my subscription with you right now.

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Thank you for articulating the complexity of the situation with wisdom, compassion, and the historical hindsight many of the button-pushed appear to be lacking, CJ. I knew I could count on you to bring some reality-grounded sanity to counterbalance the madness raining down around us.

I’m surprised anyone on your mailing list would find this controversial given how levelheaded and nonpartisan your analysis is. It fits well with my philosophy of “Maybe” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/i/137255701/maybe), which can be applied in any situation where the propagandists on all sides are trying to force us to choose between their prefabricated choices in a false dichotomy.

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These people you are so readily dismissing are the same people you were recently begging for money.

Not a good look

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Yes. We responded to the appeal for money and support. And what was our payback? Being trashed, not just by CJ but by his other followers. So let's all exercise our dollar vote and leave.

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Why don't you pack your bags and leave the U.S. while you are at it? We'll give you the same warning the IDF gave people in Gaza 24 hours for mass small hat exodus.

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Mr hide behind a fake name Raven

Which do you pick ?

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That is MORE warning than Hamas gave.

Keep proving you are a coward.

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So you commit to something you believe in, and then disagree with one thing completely different, you suddenly think everything is one thing all at once. That's like hating all black folk because one mugged you. You must be in love with convenience, just a pity its an inconvenient world.

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Oct 15, 2023
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One is supposed to take sides. Immediately! On command! Even (and *especially*) before all that fog has cleared... Don't you understand how war works?!

Me, I'm a dummy. I still have a hundred questions about how this latest series of events came to pass, and I'm sure thousands more will certainly come with unfolding events... So, I'll continue to contemplate and study before decision-making, as a citizen (of the U.S.) should.

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Yeah keep asking questions and standing aside as the Israel war machine is revving up to commit genocide funded by American tax payers. Thus the victims of the Nazis become the Nazis themselves, the only thing that's constant is the world standing by and doing nothing.

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Oh for goodness sake. These 'Nazis' send warnings before they bomb a building, and they are delaying their invasion (if indeed it ever comes) in order to give civilians an opportunity to escape. If Egypt won't let them in, that's Egypt's failing.

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We live in a culture of dismissing and labeling others but we expect better from you CJ

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He doesn't need subscribers.

Just thier money.

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It's almost like something polarizing happened in the interim.

hmmmmm whatever could it be

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Glad you know how propaganda work. But, David Cashion, it also means that we know what you're doing.

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But this thread is so long I don't know what you are talking about

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Sorry, Mr. Raven, you are gone. I have a strict policy about anti-Semitic and other bigoted slurs, as in I don't tolerate them.

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Thank you!

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Did you actually just write that on a public forum, you POS? 'Eternal wanderers'? Get out of 'civilised western' countries? Jesus H Christ.

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Oct 15, 2023
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I found his comment to be condescending.

Not a good look.

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You deserve to be condescended you nebbish coward who wants other people to fund your genocide.

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Who is a coward? The bully, you, resort to name calling.

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Maybe he's tired & fed up from the trolls in his emails.

I know I would be, especially if they were voluminous.

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Not sure why people would do that, "unsubscribe." You're a voice of reason.


Now that I think back to March of 2020 and the following 20 some-odd month afterwards, I lost a lot of friends, family, and acquaintances then as well for pointing out the glaring holes in the commonly accepted narratives pushed by the media and governmental agencies and institutions. We're just coming around full circle like a plane doing 'touch-and-goes.'

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🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂Really, they are requesting to be removed from your Substack??!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 What freaking children!! Oh wait, most 9yrs olds I know can actually deal with teasing, insults or challenges to their world view, so these peeps are frigging babies!!!🤣😂🤣😉

Bravo! CJ, I don't always agree with your perspective, but I'll %$#@&!@ defend your right to have it. You know, 'cos that's what grownups used to do!😉🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🙏

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It's ironic that those offended don't see that they are falling for the same story all over again. I guess it's different because this time it feels personal? They'll play along if the strategized subterfuge and propaganda involves their heritage? It just goes to show you that the ruling class mafia knows what they are doing. Pulling out the Kew/Arab conflict seems to be a fool-proof psy-op, especially after years in the making.

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Remain steadfast, CJ. Those who oppose the unjust/immoral politics of Israel are a pathetic minority. I am an expat. Since I do not live “stateside” I don’t suffer recrimination (at least so it seems, but ya never kno!) of going against the status quo of the HERD!

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I am Dutch, but I do not want to be held responsible for the actions of prime minister Rutte, or any of his cronies in The Hague. Likewise, one should not hold Israeli people responsible for the actions of Netanyahu. God knows they would've like to get rid of him. (Fat chance this will happen now), or Palestinians for the actions of Hamas. That's why I mourn all loss of lives in these conflicts, be it Israeli, Palestinian, Ukrain, Russian etc etc. They are all somebody's son, brother, sister, father, mother. Also, it's never actually Netanyahu's life, or Zelensky's, or Rutte's, that gets lost, isn't it?

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I do believe you have it backwards. The goal of the Arab world has always been to demolish Israel and rid the world of all Jews. Read the history I posted on the link I shared. Literally the hatred for the Jews began way back in Constantine's time. It began with the Christian movement which blamed the Jews for the death of Jesus and was the beginning of anti-semitism worldwide which continues to exist today.

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Christian movement? A curious term. Any self-professing Christian who blames the Jews for the death of Jesus does not understand his or her religion. Christians (the ones who understand their religion) believe that Jesus is the Messiah promised to the Jewish people. He is the fulfillment of Jewish prophecy. Jesus was not killed by the Jews. He was killed by all of us. He is the ultimate sacrifice. Adam created death through sin. Jesus destroyed death by his death on the cross and resurrection. He is the bridge to salvation. We are all responsible for the death of Jesus because we all sin against God. He died for our sins. All of us. For all time. Believer or not. To be a Christian is to believe that Jesus is who he said he is and that faith in Him is the pathway to salvation.

I recommend you read Matthew 16. Since you probably won't, here's an excerpt.

Jesus Predicts His Death

21 From that time on Jesus began to explain to his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things at the hands of the elders, the chief priests and the teachers of the law, and that he must be killed and on the third day be raised to life.

22 Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him. “Never, Lord!” he said. “This shall never happen to you!”

23 Jesus turned and said to Peter, “Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns.”

24 Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. 25 For whoever wants to save their life[f] will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it. 26 What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul? 27 For the Son of Man is going to come in his Father’s glory with his angels, and then he will reward each person according to what they have done.

28 “Truly I tell you, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom.”


If you read the Gospels, you would understand Jesus claimed he came to save the Jews, his people. His followers were Jews as were his persecutors. Most early Christians were, in fact, Jews. They were persecuted for nearly three hundred years until Emperor Constantine's mother converted to Christianity. It is claimed that Constantine was baptized on his deathbed.

It's important to separate the actions of human beings from the teachings of Jesus. Many people have used his name to justify all kinds of evil.

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People justify all sorts of evil in all sorts of manners. I’m waiting for people to justify love, at long last.

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Occupy Peace. Justify Love. Transcend History.

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That always seems to be last on the list, and the list always burns up in flames before we get even close to it's last item.

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Can we fireproof that list?

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Jesus was also a Jew. A Rabbi, as the apostles called him.

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Oct 15, 2023
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??? So, are you saying that the Hebrew Mashiach (Messiah), whom they believe is yet to come, and the Christian Messiah, Jesus Christ, are one and the same in both religions?!

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"The goal of the Arab world has always been to demolish Israel and rid the world of all Jews."

Yeah, yeah, yeah, and vice-versa. You've got it ass-backwards, Maurine.

And that makes your viewpoint as unique as a penny. Or as unique as any Jihadist.

"Skinny Legs and All"

By Tom Robbins



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Everything is equivalent. Everything is abstract. Everything is remote. Until it’s in your house. Then who will you call, AOC or Tranny Du Jour?

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LOL IDF bombs are going to murder ten times as many people as Hamas scalpers.

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To paraphrase; If it results in the death of one Hamas terrorist, it's well worth it!

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“And whoever seeks a religion other than Islam it will never be accepted of him and in the hereafter he will be one of the losers.” (3:85)

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Muslim countries were traditionally a safe haven for Jews, until 1948.

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Evidence please.

The history afaik says that Islam will conquer all the world.

“And whoever seeks a religion other than Islam it will never be accepted of him and in the hereafter he will be one of the losers.” (3:85)

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To give one example, when the Jews were kicked out of Spain in 1492, the Ottoman Empire took the refugees in.

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Did they settle in Israel? the land that they live in now?

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None of which is relevant to the point.

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Goalposts have been moved...

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They were secondery citizens with a lot of obligations and few rights. What a nice "safe" heaven.

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Compared with Europe at the time, it was.

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? Just google firestorm bombing, dresden, hamburg...

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Don’t worry, history and facts will not penetrate the Kumbayah force field of stupid that envelopes this discussion.

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Not exactly. It has been the imperial colonialists who have always wanted to destroy the Arabs dating back to probably the Crusades. It is mostly driven by racism and colonial intent to wipe out indigenous people and steal the land and the resources. Zionism played right into that ambition as you can see from the Balfour Declaration. The origins of Zionism, those to hit Palestine first after WWI, were atheists from Russia. That Thomas guy who invented it 1896, was an atheist. Listen to Kim Iverson on Sabby Sabs. Then read the piece below. https://www.middleeasteye.net/opinion/nakba-palestinian-catastrophe-began-19th-century-and-continues-day?fbclid=IwAR0Q_2xfHt3vsc5fltR8yERWGwl1t--pxrGDNsq_oAfuXO1dgB5rxevGbLk

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Stop lying or educate yourself.

The Crusades were a response to the new "religion" that conquered 2 of 3 Christian holy sites.

The same religion that claims to be the LAST WORD OF GOD.

“And whoever seeks a religion other than Islam it will never be accepted of him and in the hereafter he will be one of the losers.” (3:85)

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What would Saint Francis say. This is why i supported the Interfaith Movement, that got squashed by many religious fanatics, like your favorite Christian Zionists/Dispensationalist.

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I now don't even know what you are saying?

I am not religious at all. I do not know saint Francis nor do I care.

Address the Point: the Crusades were a response to Islam's aggression.

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then there is always god's chosen people... they are special in the eyes of the Lord.

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Oct 15, 2023
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Yes. memory fart

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Oh please, the ghastly evil war lords in Israel have murdered many time more civilians than the Palestinians could even dream of killing by like 10:1. And as per usual Jews are such skinflints they can't even be bothered to fund their own genocide they insist American tax payers provide the weapons and foot the bill.

I used to wonder why the German people rose up in anger and did things like Kristalnacht, it's perfectly clear to me now. Jews rob you blind and then laugh in your face and gaslight you after doing so. Goodbye to Pareto's Foxes, now is a time of Lions!

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Your comment-Antisemitism at its finest. Who funded Hamas-not the Palestinians but Iran.

"Jew rob you blind"-right from this oldest history of anti-semitism, which remains alive and well all over the world. You just proved my point. Thanks.

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There is a lot of material online dating back to 2002 about Israel creating Hamas. Israel funded them to undermine Arafat and the PLO. That is how they dealt with the little RIGHT OF RETURN issue that many Jews supported, BTW. It would be great if you stopped with the ARABS ARABS ARABS complaint. Zionism was an imperialist launched project and mostly racist. Naeim Giladi and Finkelstein wrote a lot about it. My friend Naeim was an Iraqi Jew who was seduced to move to Israel and become a Zionist. After decades, he learned all too well racism was at the center of Zionist Israel. Israel is the biggest military in the region. It is an arm of US military in Mid East.

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Hamas is a splinter group of the Muslim Brotherhood. It's well documented. It's primarily funded by Iran.

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Yes, and no. Zionists are Israels worst enemy, and like Finkelstein said, Israel would do well to cut out USA. Seems more that Israel pushed Palestinians into the arms of Hamas. It seems as if the Crusades never did stop. https://www.wrmea.org/2002-november/israel-created-two-of-its-own-worst-enemies-hamas-and-hezbollah.html

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Seduced? really?

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Ok, found thread. You do not even know who he is. He left Iraq in 1950 to join this romantic Zionist movement. he was a young man. 30 year later he left after he understood what a racist country it was. He wrote a book THE SCANDALS OF Ben Gurion -- that was the period he lived there. I hear Tel Aviv is completely different than anywhere much else in Israel. Upper eschalon oligarchs are nearly all Russian or European origins. The British Empire project as outlined by Balfour Declaration.

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This is a beheaded comment. I do not know what it goes to, if i hit back, it just goes to the pool. Are you talking about Naeim Giladi? Have you read his story. If you know nothing about him, have not read him, then what does REALLY mean? That is the only time I use that word usually. wish you had included more words. i have to go. i am going itnop major PTSD heart attack once i found my tax accountant disappeared.

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Oct 15, 2023
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Your understanding is incorrect. Try reading history that doesn't use misinformation.

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No he is absolutely correct that Bibi had a hand in both creating and funding Hamas. He wanted the PLO out of power in Gaza. So did America and of course the CIA were right there too.

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Oct 21, 2023
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Oct 15, 2023
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"Ze Germans" didn't rise up in anger. It was a particular subset of Germans called the Nazis. They were never a majority in Germany or Austria. But like their modern day brethren in Ukraine, they hold greatly outsized power compared to their numbers, for the very simple reason is that they were/are willing to commit violence to get what they want.

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Are you saying that the 99% of votes for the Nazi Party in 1938 wasn't legitimately a measure of how Germans felt about the Nazi's?

The funny thing about "support", is that the numbers never really tell the truth. Even in the U.S., where an elected president often gets around 50% of the vote, at least 1/3 of people don't vote - most of which because they don't believe in any candidate. And, of course, of the votes that are counted, there's no way to know when it's fudged. That's true everywhere, and we should keep that in mind when hearing that a certain candidate or party is popular. We should ask ourselves "how many people voted?", "what were the choices, really?", "how many people felt pressured or were literally forced to vote a certain way?", "how do we know that the vote count is even remotely legitimate?"

I think the answers, examined rationally, would lead most people to realize that "popular support" is a theory, at best, and often quite plainly a fiction.

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Yup, that is exactly what I'm saying. The "collective guilt" thing only goes so far.

I won't repeat what you wrote and only add to it. People also tend to forget how slowly information traveled, and how ephemeral it was back then. Any news that was not "world shaking" that was not printed in a newspaper was mostly lost immediately. If not, it was just anecdotal and easy to refute. No video journalism at all, let alone on cellphones. It is much easier to lie and manipulate when you can't be called out with video evidence.

I saw this play out perfectly in the 2016 election. Hillary was campaigning like it was 1992 when Bill won the first time. She would tell one story at a campaign stop, and then say something completely different two days later in another town. But in that second town she was shocked that some uppity college student with her phone was in Hillary's face confronting Hillary with her own words promising the opposite two days prior. Hillary did what Hillary always does and got super aggressive. That was also caught on camera.

That happened numerous times that I saw, and I wasn't spending loads of time searching for things like that. It had a cumulative effect. It certainly didn't lose Hillary the election on its own, but it definitely was a factor in proving that she is a serial liar with a super thin skin and mean streak a mile wide.

I can imagine that 2023 technology was available in 1923, the elections between 1923 and 33 would have gone very differently. Of course, the counter to that argument is what has been happening in Ukraine from 2013 to 2023. The huge differences there is that Germany was a major power for centuries in 1920, even after losing WWI. Ukraine is not. There was not global hegemon pulling the strings and controlling media like the US does in 2023.

OK, I'm rambling when I should be working. I wonder if some uni student has written a dissertation on this subject. That'd be interesting to read.

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Sorry, about your Grandson. I live in Central Florida. Hello, neighbor :=)

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Hello to you neighbor and thank you

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God Bless +

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Please Maurine, share that link again.

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which link?

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And why would Muslims care about Christian hatred of Jews (which doesn’t have a basis in Christianity, but just ignorance + politics)?

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they don't. I was only pointing out the origin of anti-semitism. The Muslims hate the state of Israel and Hamas hates all Jews.

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The Palestinian people are NOT trying to get rid of Hamas. That’s the problem.

The Palestinian people overwhelmingly elected Hamas to represent them.

The Palestinians celebrated the massacre and the atrocities (just as they did after 9-11).

Yes, the Israeli response will be ugly..... but Hamas (and Iran) knew that it would be. They counted on it.

Great governance by Hamas, deliberately getting their supporters killed/sarc

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Sadly, after they elected Hamas, Hamas never again allowed an election. I would guess that half the people of Palestine don't support Hamas.

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The poll results are:

(88.9%) support the firing of rockets from Gaza at Israel.(75.4%) believe that the deterrence of the Palestinian Resistance has increased.(61.2%) of the Palestinians oppose the deployment of UN-multi-national forces in Gaza Strip.(54.0%) are satisfied with the performance of Palestine-president “Abu Mazen.”(64.7%) rated the stances of the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon as “negative.”(58.1%) are content with the ICRC performance, (71.2 %) with that of the UNRWA.

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Oct 15, 2023
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Israel never helped create Hamas. Hamas was the outcome of the lack of control from the Palastinian Liberation Organization and Hamas took advantage. Terrorists do that, you know.

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Oct 17, 2023
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You can blame it all on the Prime Minister, or the Jews, but there can never be a two state solution because the Arab countries have, from the beginning of Israel, always wanted to obliterate Israel and all the Jews in the area. Israel's role from day 1 has been to defend its state that all countries surrounding it want to exterminate. The so-called isolation you talk about is the direct result of continued attacks on Israel-check out who started all 5 wars. And read "Constaantine's Sword" and the beginnings of centuries of anti-semitism. It's written by a Catholic.

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Oct 15, 2023
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Don't know him or what he wrote.

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Were the leaders of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising elected in an internationally supervised democratic election?

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No. But they were trying to save their lives, not slaughter babies, putz.

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The Germans certainly thought of them as "terrorists". For that matter, apartheid South Africa labeled the ANC similarly.

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More amoral idiocy.

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Hamas was voted into power in 2006 and there hasn’t been a vote since. Did the Palestinians know that Hamas would turn out to be what it is today?

And just exactly how are they supposed to get rid of them when most of the leaders live in Qatar and Palestinians aren’t free to leave their open air prison?

Are you even aware of the events happening at the Al-Asqa mosque where Israeli settlers are invading it and Israel has plans to destroy it and then build their own temple? That would be equivalent to Muslims invading St Peter square, destroying the Vatican and building a mosque for themselves. Funny how the corporate media isn’t talking about this event.

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If you go look at the history of the Palestinian election only 44% of the Palestinians voted for Hamas. That leaves 56% that didn’t want them. We all need to start studying for ourselves. Know your facts!

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The Muslims invaded it first.


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50% of the Palestinian people were infants when Hamas was voted in.

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There's another piece here that's very compelling and not spoken to here.


Alec Zeck and Ihsan Abbas.

A beautiful conversation.

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they voted for Hamas in 2005 and Hamas hasn't held an election since. The average Palestinian is incapable of fighting Hamas. Doesn't mean the average person doesn't hate Israelis.

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Oct 15, 2023
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When is there ever honest, fair-minded reporting on Iran. Its all stereotypes and caricatures.

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the money is still on hold.

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Means nothing in the real world. You can easily get credit or a loan off “money still on hold”. You can fundraise off of that coming money. It shows solvency to investors. You can also allocate funding from 1 things to another thing pending the release of future funds. You can do lots with money still on hold.

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After they were elected in 2006 Hamas promptly canceled all future elections.

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All of these conflicts, both recent and historic, have been orchestrated by the "Owners" (globalists).

Simply another way to kill more "useless eaters".

Perpetual jabs, wars and deliberately created famine will keep the depop agenda moving along nicely.

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Keep spreading peace and discernment.

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No, and it's not LBJ's, GW Bush's, or JOE"s either. My Aunt's husband, 21, was KIA in

WW2 in Normandy, France+

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You might like this:


Alec Zeck and Ihsan Abbas.

A beautiful conversation.

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Don't get so soft you lack the will to defend the downtrodden.

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You might like this conversation. I found it very beautiful:


Alec Zeck and Ihsan Abbas.

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We were on the same page — as usual. It took me three days to write the beheaded baby story and people on twitter have accused me on holocaust denial and more but war propaganda always

makes things worse. The BB story was used to take the guardrails off an Israel response and virtually everyone, including Biden has used it. Echoes of 9/11 and I feel sick too, as I recall my then-idol Christopher Hitchens going off the deep-end with his support for the Iraq War. I couldn’t believe what he was writing. We should do a show.

Warm regards as always — BTW people I used to admire are making total asses out of themselves.It seems the more money an INDY makes — the more difficult it is for them to think clearly. I'm sure you know who I am talking about. So stay broke and think critically......Txx

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Thanks, hang in there, Trish, things are probably going to be rather ugly for a while. Folks have been whipped up to frenzies of blind hatred again. It's likely to get worse before it gets better.

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Just as an aside, the coalition we were building in favour of health freedom and against globotechno fascism has now been ripped asunder.

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You don't say ... funny how that works.

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I don't agree.

Shiny objects come and go.

Poland, New Zealand are good examples of what is in store for the Globalist.

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Oct 15, 2023
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When questions around what really happened on 9/11 were eventually snuffed out, and thereafter people who asked them become constantly ridiculed if not outright "canceled", well that was the beginning of the end. Up until around 2009-2010, there was no less a large minority of the population who seriously doubted the official narrative of 9/11 and were sometimes mocked, but were often able to speak out in the open (though there were already some firings). Around 2010, that came to an end. Ever since, censorship has exploded. 9/11 was major catalyst event #1, followed by Trump being (s)elected, followed by the release of sars-covi-2 on the population. Each of these three events were critical to reaching the tipping point in worldwide censorship we're seeing today.

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The plandemics are fizzling, the WHO is under fire, the Ukraine war has lost it’s propaganda power, but boy-oh-boy. The globalists hit a hot button with this. It will be difficult for most to step back & take a balanced view. Thank you for your thoughtful essay.

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Thannks CJ -- just saw your new piece. Really great.

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Thank you for writing this. It must have been hard to do. Thank you.

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I'd like to initiate November as the "Be kind to the people the media tells us we should hate month."

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This is so perfectly written and conveyed I have nothing to say. I have cross posted this on my substack. Thank you for taking the words out of my mouth. As I hear often, "I side with humanity"...

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I’m not going to call you names. This is mostly regurgitating a bunch of over simplified, fundamentally incorrect 1960’s Marxist anti-colonialist gobbledygook. This is not 9/11. Stop it. Israel isn’t invading a distant country. They are stopping murder and mayhem on their border. There are 2 million Arabs who live in Israel, not in the West Bank or Gaza. They like it in Israel.,They are judges, parliamentarians, soldiers. Many were murdered by Hamas recently. But the dead Bedouins and Arabs will get no love from CJ. No salute for those indigenous peoples that you stand up for. There is no wiping out of the indigenous population by the Jews. Jews are the indigenous population too. More bullshit. A German, snatched a Palestinian flag? Wow. That’s right up there with Auschwitz.

Nobody on the Israeli side takes pleasure in killing civilians. Which is why they are giving people time to get out. Ask Egypt why they lock their doors on their own people and have for 17 years. Like most Lefties you prefer to see the world in absolute terms that don’t correspond to reality. What is the reality of living with Hamas for decades and their terror attacks?

What is it like to have homicidal maniacs lurking in your backyard 24/7/365 waiting to kill you because they hate you. The land issue is bullshit. This isn’t about land. This is about wiping out the Jews. Grow the fuck up.

The dead babies are real, comrade and they were killed to show that they want to wipe out the Jews. Stop sanitizing genocide. You’re too invested in 1960’s boomer utopian thinking with a little intifada thrown in to spice things up. I’ll tell you something else. Hamas would be only too happy to wipe out secular humanists in Europe too because you are a nonbeliever. They hate you too.

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Well said. I agree with every word.

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All that to say, "Mass murder is cool. Don't you want to be cool?"

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Dumber than a box of rocks, Fisto.

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You headed to the front and doing it yourself? Or you gonna make some other poor guy's kids do it?

In any case, when you or your kids end up like Germans circa 1939, do think of me kindly.

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Hey fisted, you think anybody is making Israelis fight for survival? Dumber than a box of rocks.

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What's your point in all this? Jerking off to the footage or something?

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"Ask Egypt why they lock their doors on their own people and have for 17 years."

Egypt has answered this question. It’s because they know that once Palestinians leave Gaza then Israel will not allow them to return. It’s the definition of ethnic cleansing.

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No, it's the definition of letting VIOLENT SAVAGES leave so that you do NOT HAVE to kill them.

'Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will

obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it.' (Preamble)

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Well said but I can see where people are coming from where they say “don’t let your emotions blind your judgement” while ironically letting their feelings about a terror attack 20-years ago blind their judgement. You-do-you though, Godspeed.

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Some good points, but surely the land issue is not mere bullshit. Blut und boden (both) are important shit (fundamental human nature important) -- the Nazis (and other eugenicists from Herbert Spencer, to Alexander Graham Bell, to Helen Keller, to Margaret Sanger) rightly recognized that, regardless of the grossly evil twisting of this truth in the context of their broader agenda(s).

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Brilliant comment.

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Oct 15, 2023
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The measures outlined by Efrat, (she who knows the usual drills) removal of critical forces that patrol the border, sudden absence of normal breach detection, very slow slow response, and ?15 breaches of a fence that normally would detect the proximity of a cat, does corroborate the 'it was allowed to happen' narrative ( in spite of a years preparation and direct warning by the Egyptians). If so, then so too has the horrendous behavior. To spark what? THAT is the question. The deeper agenda?

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It’s amazing. One israeli who served in intelligence 25 years ago said something and immediately certain groups latch on to what is pure speculation because it suits their world view. Her answer is wrong. Not only is it wrong, it’s unnecessary. Why- because the Hamas attack was predicted by another high ranking former intelligence official in public in a think tank white paper, including the type of attack and the timing. In other words everybody was already warned in public a few months ago. So they can’t say they did not know it was a possibility. They disagreed with the assessment. The experts were wrong. It’s not a conspiracy. On top of that Hamas has publicly stated what they were going to do. Again not a secret. Experts make mistakes. Not every mistake is malicious. Netanyahu couldn’t afford to make this type of error, because he may very well lose his tenuous grasp on power as a result of the failure to stop the attack,


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Darkness cannot drive out darkness.

That's like trying to drive out spike proteins by forcing the body to produce more via injection (and compromising the immune system in the process).

Lose-lose-lose scenario.

Stop participating.

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"We’ve got to face the fact that some people say you fight fire best with fire. But we say you put out fires best with water. We say you don’t fight racism with racism. We’re going to fight racism with solidarity. We say you don’t fight capitalism with no black capitalism. You fight capitalism with socialism.

We ain’t going to fight no reactionary pigs who run up and down the street being reactionary. We’re going to organize, dedicate ourselves to the revolutionary political power and teach ourselves the specific needs of resisting the structure of that power. Arm ourselves. All right, we have to arm ourselves and we’re going to fight reactionary pigs with the international proletarian revolution.".

Fred Hampton


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You are correct. My heart is heavy.

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This is good. This is as reasonable a response as I can think of to the question of how to assess people’s reactions to attempted genocide. You are going to get a lot of shit for this.

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I posted it 30 minutes ago. You should see my in-box.

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You are getting exactly want you wanted and expected.

If you don't want to be part of it. Don't t be.

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Exactly. He loves it. He’s on stage.

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If CJ wanted a reaction, he would post something more inflammatory.

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Thank you for posting it. Good steady voice.

I've peppered this around, but you might like it:


Alec Zeck and Ihsan Abbas.

A beautiful conversation.

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Here's another take:

"I think that the great philosopher George Santayana got it exactly wrong. I think it is precisely those who insist on remembering history who are doomed to repeat it. For a subject with so little substance, for something that is really little more than a set of intellectual interpretations, history can become a formidable trap— a sticky snare from which we may find it impossible to extricate ourselves. I find it impossible to read the texts of Tisha B’Av, with their great themes of exile and return, and their endless sense of longing for the land of Israel, without thinking of the current political tragedy in the Middle East. I write this at a very dark moment in the long and bleak history of that conflict. Who knows what will be happening there when you read this? But I think it’s a safe bet that whenever you do, one thing is unlikely to have changed. There will likely be a tremendous compulsion for historical vindication on both sides. Very often, I think it is precisely the impossible yearning for historical justification that makes resolution of this conflict seem so impossible. The Jews want vindication for the Holocaust, and for the two thousand years of European persecution and ostracism that preceded it; the Jews want the same Europeans who now give them moral lectures to acknowledge that this entire situation wouldnever have come about if not for two thousand years of European bigotry, barbarism, and xenophobia. They want the world to acknowledge that Israel was attacked first, in 1948, in 1967, in 1973, and in each of the recent Intifadas. They want acknowledgment that they only took the lands from which they were attacked during these conflicts, and offered to return them on one and only one condition— the acknowledgment of their right to exist. When Anwar Sadat met that condition, the Sinai Peninsula, with its rich oil fields and burgeoning settlement towns, was returned to him. And they want acknowledgment that there are many in the Palestinian camp who truly wish to destroy them, who have used the language of peace as a ploy to buy time until they have the capacity to liquidate Israel and the Jews once and for all. They want acknowledgment that they have suffered immensely from terrorism, that a people who lost six million innocents scarcely seventy years ago should not have had to endure the murder of its innocent men, women, and children so soon again. And they want acknowledgment that in spite of all this, they stood at Camp David prepared to offer the Palestinians everything they claimed to have wanted— full statehood, a capital in East Jerusalem— and the response of the Palestinians was the second Intifada, a murderous campaign of terror and suicide bombings.

And the Palestinians? They would like the world to acknowledge that they lived in the land now called Israelfor centuries, that they planted olive trees, shepherded flocks, and raised families there for hundreds of years; they would like the world to acknowledge that when they look up from their blue-roofed villages, their trees and their flowers, their fields and their flocks, they see the horrific, uninvited monolith of western culture— immense apartment complexes, shopping centers, and industrial plants on the once-bare and rocky hills where the voice of God could be heard and where Muhammad ascended to heaven. And they would like the world to acknowledge that it was essentially a European problem that was plopped into their laps at the end of the last great war, not one of their own making. They would like the world to acknowledge that there has always been a kind of arrogance attached to this problem; that it was as if the United States and England said to them, Here are the Jews, get used to them. And they would like the world to acknowledge that it is a great indignity, not to mention a significant hardship, to have been an occupied people for so long, to have had to submit to strip searches on the way to work, and intimidation on the way to the grocery store, and the constant humiliation of being subject— a humiliation rendered nearly bottomless when Israel, with the benefit of the considerable intellectual and economic resources of world Jewry, made the desert bloom, in a way they had never been able to do. And they would like the world to acknowledge that there are those in Israel who aredetermined never to grant them independence, who have used the language of peace as a ploy to fill the West Bank with settlement after settlement until the facts on the ground are such that an independent Palestinian state on the West Bank is an impossibility. They would like the world to acknowledge that there is no such thing as a gentle occupation— that occupation corrodes the humanity of the occupier and makes the occupied vulnerable to brutality.

And I think the need to have these things acknowledged— the need for historical affirmation— is so great on both sides that both the Israelis and the Palestinians would rather perish as peoples than give this need up. In fact, I think they both feel that they would perish as peoples precisely if they did. They would rather die than admit their own complicity in the present situation, because to make such an admission would be to acknowledge the suffering of the other and the legitimacy of the other’s complaint, and that might mean that they themselves were wrong, that they were evil, that they were bad. That might give the other an opening to annihilate or enslave them. That might make such behavior seem justifiable."

~From Alan Lew's book, This Is Real and You Are Completely Unprepared: The Days of Awe as a Journey of Transformation

Thomas Merton said this:

“You do not need to know precisely what is happening, or exactly where it is all going. What you need is to recognize the possibilities and challenges offered by the present moment, and to embrace them with courage, faith, and hope.”

I said this:

"In considering my own cycle of early childhood abuse, when I make poor choices, I then feel bad about it, beat myself up, act out on those closest to me in anger or blame, feel bad about that, beat myself up and repeat. I have developed awareness around this. I'm not sure what else I can do except continue on the path that consists of: listening, looking, being present, practicing non-reactivity, discerning between the dark thoughts that arise from the cycle of abuse (the past) and present moment awareness, making healthy choices and refraining from making a case for or against... all from a place of softness, kindness, respect, gentleness and love. When I'm clicking on all these cylinders of awareness, I feel okay. When I veer off the path, the sensors often go off and I can re-adjust."

It starts from the inner and works outward.

We've all seen this movie before and it's mostly in our own minds, our homes, and our own communities. It's happening all around us. Sometimes we get jolted by events like what's happening now in the Middle East. The problem is the jolt usually leads us right back into the cycle of violence. Time to turn that movie off and lead with our hearts.

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Thank you for all of that. The need for vindication holds everything in a death spiral. Only in acknowledging the pain of the other can one begin to emerge into a different world. But you have to want to.

Eight months ago I found myself acting exactly as my parents did with me: freaking out with my four year son all the time about, really, nothing. I couldn’t stop. Luckily I found a therapist doing Parts Work, which helped immediately. That form of therapy seems ridiculous at first blush, and yet…could it be that many Israelis and Palestinians are acting from the in acknowledged wounded parts of themselves, individually and collectively?

Some on this thread have deplored the 1960’s hippie “kumbaya” vibe they perceive but, hey, is all this bloodshed solving anything? I think not.

I will look for the Alan Lew book. Thanks again.

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The important thing is you did stop. Thanks for your words of clarity. We can shift things through awareness, acceptance and action. ❤️

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Thank you!

I checked out Alan Lew on Wikipedia. My type of person!!

It was amazing that I was able to stop repeating that multi-generational cycle. Awareness was a big part of it. And allowing love to replace fear.

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Excellent post, Josh! Well done. 👏🏽🙌🏽

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Thank you!

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Interesting point, regarding the possible negative effects of history recall. It gets me thinking about animals I've had as pets. Those with the shortest memories seem to be the most forgiving, the most happy, the most capable of getting along with others.

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And we are, after all, just animals.

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In 2019 some Israeli minister advised Qatar to transfer some billion $ to Hamas. That was only 4 years ago. Hamas provoked a bloody attack that supposedly, despite warnings by US an Egyptian agencies, Israel was not prepared for. Reminds you of something 9/11ish?

What was the expected reaction by Israel? To set in motion the long ago formulated plan to oust both the residents of Gaza and the West bank to clear Israel of Palestinians. What about htis as a moment of clarity. After all, Hamas is a creation of Israel, and always played right along with it to the detriment of the Gazan population.

I link this here: https://simplicius76.substack.com/p/israeli-conflict-takes-eschatological

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Thank you for speaking to this piece.

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I look forward to your arguments CJ. You’re a good, smart guy. I just can’t side with Palestine/Hamas on this one. The Left & Right here in America know Hamas uses its own people as shields and any honest person would know that Israel pulled out of Gaza in 2005. Hamas was voted into power in 2007.

The Golan Heights (an imperative military location) and the West Bank (where Hezbelah is) settlements that possibly violate the Fourth Geneva Convention are on the opposite end of Israel. Hamas’ attack was on Israel proper. There is no gray area in this specific case that Hamas breeched International Law first in targeting civilians of uncontested area (I know, that’s pretty loaded since contests for the area span millennia) since 1948.

Does Israel play by the rules? No, it smudges them a little but tries to be a good nation state. Just like America’s Desert Storm (which displaced 400k Palestinians), Iraq, & Afghanistan. Collateral damage is terrible but recognized in International Law.

Does Palestine play by the rules they signed to play by in 1949 when the Holy See, State of Palestine and Cook Islands signed the Geneva Convention? Hell bloody no.

So if I took a non emotional stance and just looked at the Law: I think it favors Israel guys. At least they’re trying or alleging so. I’m just a commenter on the internet though. Even if I played the emotion game, it wasn’t Israeli’s attacking the Bataclan in France (2015), nor in planes on 9/11, and calling for worldwide Jihad in a recent video (which caused every police station in America to call everyone in this Friday & a French teacher to be stabbed).

If Israel liberates Palestine from Hamas it would be better for the world & Palestine. Their Arab-Israeli neighbors enjoy a much better life under Israel. Don’t believe me? Khaled Kabub is such a person serving on their Supreme Court.

“But Israel told Qatar to send them billions-“ the Hamas leader lives there I think. He doesn’t even live with his own people. Not only that, but the entire world has been giving Gaza (which Hamas intercepts) or their patron Iran aide. This whole “it’s only Israel’s fault” in comment sections on the issue is nonsense.

How many Israeli’s serve in Palestine’s government or Supreme Court? None. How many of Gaza’s own leaders are in Gaza? Few, the big guys are in Qatar living like millionaires. So spare me.

Sorry if I turned your comment section into a warzone CJ. I’m just like everyone else who wishes none of this even started. Maybe we agree to disagree? Looking forward to your work.

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Oct 16, 2023
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I believe you (perhaps we) have a tad of a misunderstanding. One of my first posts concerning the matter stated that Hamas is enemy #1. I’ll repeat from my previous posts, I want peace between all Jews, Christians and Islam. So sorry about that misunderstanding?

I’m having difficulty with getting a translation for the post you linked to. So my apologies for my technical difficulties. Couldn’t get it on my phone or desktop. Care to summarize please?

As for the claim the Israel has killed 150k people and 30k kids... are you sure that wasn’t because there’s 500 kilometers (311 miles) of tunnels under civilian targets? Or maybe the fact that they store weapons/munitions in homes making them military targets under the Geneva Convention?



This of course means that they are using human shields in violation of Protocol I of the Geneva Conventions. “Civilian targets” is Geneva jargon for homes and the like. It is also a specific intent war crime as codified in the Rome Statute, which was adopted in 1998. The language of the Rome Statute prohibits "utilizing the presence of a civilian or other protected person to render certain points, areas, or military forces immune from military operations."

Hamas was voted into power in 2007. As the link below shows they have been using human shields... since 2007. So is the excessive death because of Hamas who tell their citizens to stay in harms way or Israel telling them to run?


& Al-Quieda before them:


As for the woman treated with respect and the anecdotes that you presented those are just anecdotal. That doesn’t take away from what was done on Oct. 7th by the fighters that had less restraint. Does what good Oskar Schindler did justify what his party—the Nazi’s—did? No, of course not.

As for the hostage that was released before the others were bombed... why were they being held hostage in the first place? War is hell and this crap sadly happens. We don’t have to like it.

There are two types of Jihad. One is on the self-spiritual level. The other is usually The Holy War. Khalid Mashal called for a Jihad on Tuesday (Oct 5 I think, last week) and was available on YouTube as of Wednesday that week. I think YouTube took it down. Translations say that he asked specifically for the faithfuls “blood and souls”. So I take that means the physical Jihad? It was supposed to be on Friday the 13th and as far as I know nothing happened in America but police were on high alert.

As for Muslims not for believing the 9/11 story I sure hope that’s the case. Aimen Dean, an Al-Qaeda bomb maker that deserted to MI6, says Osama Bin Laden was very persuasive before he decided to split. Even altering the Quran to support his message.


As for the UN & all those religious groups you mention. Where are they about Armenia? Both the past genocide (that gave Hitler the hint he could commit his crimes and Stalin the Holomondor before that) and the Armenian genocide going on right now? There’s literally hundreds of wars the UN has either ignored or made worse in some cases. The majority of African countries aren’t even represented in the UN especially in the Security Council. The UN almost dragged us into WW3 in the 60’s and is about to do it now.

I’m also aware that Israeli riot control is different than here in the US. Namely, they use Ruger 10/22’s—a 22LR rifle—to stop someone from throwing something for example. What does Hamas do in Gaza? Just kill them. So... you want Israel to kill them outright so they can be equal?

As for the whole “2mill animals” part... Ben Shapiro, a Jew and hard advocate for the conflict, has never said anything about targeting civilians. Israel is not targeting civilians. It is targeting Hamas, or trying to. If Israel wanted everyone dead you don’t think they’d break out the bio weapons, WMD’s, or nukes?

As for the anti-Zionist bit... are you talking about the people in Australia clearing saying “gas the Jews”? Or BLM Chicago that recently caught heat for basically saying that they stand with the people who shot into a party in a confirmed-undeniable-and celebrated (by the Left) occurrence? Sure I’m cherry picking a little but humor me sir.

Also, you bash Israel (or rather the Zionist political movement) for calling Palestinians animals and then say “dogs eat dogs they’ll betray the west”... so they can’t dehumanize a political group as animals (Hamas) but you can? I mean, to each their own I guess but that’s kinda throwing water on your comment.

If you have the receipts though, please do share. I based my views and perceptions loosely upon what several Iraq/Afghanistan veterans have come across compared to the IDF and the brutality matches. Regardless of the lies or omissions that allegedly got us into those wars.

PS, I don’t care if they’re pretty or blonde

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None of this matters in my opinion. War is wrong. Preach peace, preach equity, preach, preach, preach. We the people want peace ☮️ The regimes of the world 🌎 apparently want to keep funding wars and selling weapons....The United States 🇺🇸 has a lot of blood 🩸 on its hands.

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All the 'Palestineans' had to do these past 75 years was behave themselves. They had Gaza, they had the West Bank, they had East Jerusalem - for goodness sake, they even had Jordan. They had one job - do some work, make some money, build a decent society, try to refrain from endless self-pity and try not to kill people. OK that's several jobs, sorry. They failed at all of them.

Is 'indigenous' meant to be some sort of spell-casting word that dissolves all objections? It doesn't work. And anyway, I seem to recall hearing about Jews being in the area for many thousands of years before the Arab conquerors blew in from the desert.

I don't intend to unsubscribe. If I unsubscribed every time a Substack writer said something I disagree with, I would never read anything here.

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Agree. The Arabs always played their bad hand terribly.

But there were reasons for that and a lot of duplicity on the Israeli and English&co sides that let to their all or nothing approach.


Now, enmity is cemented on both sides for centuries.

And Netanjahu's &co duplicit support for Hamas always had just that exact intention, s. Seymour Hersh's latest+


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