We were on the same page — as usual. It took me three days to write the beheaded baby story and people on twitter have accused me on holocaust denial and more but war propaganda always
makes things worse. The BB story was used to take the guardrails off an Israel response and virtually everyone, including Biden has used it. Echoes of 9/11…
We were on the same page — as usual. It took me three days to write the beheaded baby story and people on twitter have accused me on holocaust denial and more but war propaganda always
makes things worse. The BB story was used to take the guardrails off an Israel response and virtually everyone, including Biden has used it. Echoes of 9/11 and I feel sick too, as I recall my then-idol Christopher Hitchens going off the deep-end with his support for the Iraq War. I couldn’t believe what he was writing. We should do a show.
Warm regards as always — BTW people I used to admire are making total asses out of themselves.It seems the more money an INDY makes — the more difficult it is for them to think clearly. I'm sure you know who I am talking about. So stay broke and think critically......Txx
Thanks, hang in there, Trish, things are probably going to be rather ugly for a while. Folks have been whipped up to frenzies of blind hatred again. It's likely to get worse before it gets better.
When questions around what really happened on 9/11 were eventually snuffed out, and thereafter people who asked them become constantly ridiculed if not outright "canceled", well that was the beginning of the end. Up until around 2009-2010, there was no less a large minority of the population who seriously doubted the official narrative of 9/11 and were sometimes mocked, but were often able to speak out in the open (though there were already some firings). Around 2010, that came to an end. Ever since, censorship has exploded. 9/11 was major catalyst event #1, followed by Trump being (s)elected, followed by the release of sars-covi-2 on the population. Each of these three events were critical to reaching the tipping point in worldwide censorship we're seeing today.
The plandemics are fizzling, the WHO is under fire, the Ukraine war has lost it’s propaganda power, but boy-oh-boy. The globalists hit a hot button with this. It will be difficult for most to step back & take a balanced view. Thank you for your thoughtful essay.
We were on the same page — as usual. It took me three days to write the beheaded baby story and people on twitter have accused me on holocaust denial and more but war propaganda always
makes things worse. The BB story was used to take the guardrails off an Israel response and virtually everyone, including Biden has used it. Echoes of 9/11 and I feel sick too, as I recall my then-idol Christopher Hitchens going off the deep-end with his support for the Iraq War. I couldn’t believe what he was writing. We should do a show.
Warm regards as always — BTW people I used to admire are making total asses out of themselves.It seems the more money an INDY makes — the more difficult it is for them to think clearly. I'm sure you know who I am talking about. So stay broke and think critically......Txx
Thanks, hang in there, Trish, things are probably going to be rather ugly for a while. Folks have been whipped up to frenzies of blind hatred again. It's likely to get worse before it gets better.
Just as an aside, the coalition we were building in favour of health freedom and against globotechno fascism has now been ripped asunder.
You don't say ... funny how that works.
I don't agree.
Shiny objects come and go.
Poland, New Zealand are good examples of what is in store for the Globalist.
When questions around what really happened on 9/11 were eventually snuffed out, and thereafter people who asked them become constantly ridiculed if not outright "canceled", well that was the beginning of the end. Up until around 2009-2010, there was no less a large minority of the population who seriously doubted the official narrative of 9/11 and were sometimes mocked, but were often able to speak out in the open (though there were already some firings). Around 2010, that came to an end. Ever since, censorship has exploded. 9/11 was major catalyst event #1, followed by Trump being (s)elected, followed by the release of sars-covi-2 on the population. Each of these three events were critical to reaching the tipping point in worldwide censorship we're seeing today.
The plandemics are fizzling, the WHO is under fire, the Ukraine war has lost it’s propaganda power, but boy-oh-boy. The globalists hit a hot button with this. It will be difficult for most to step back & take a balanced view. Thank you for your thoughtful essay.
Thannks CJ -- just saw your new piece. Really great.