This is good. This is as reasonable a response as I can think of to the question of how to assess people’s reactions to attempted genocide. You are going to get a lot of shit for this.
This is good. This is as reasonable a response as I can think of to the question of how to assess people’s reactions to attempted genocide. You are going to get a lot of shit for this.
This is good. This is as reasonable a response as I can think of to the question of how to assess people’s reactions to attempted genocide. You are going to get a lot of shit for this.
I posted it 30 minutes ago. You should see my in-box.
You are getting exactly want you wanted and expected.
If you don't want to be part of it. Don't t be.
Exactly. He loves it. He’s on stage.
If CJ wanted a reaction, he would post something more inflammatory.
Thank you for posting it. Good steady voice.
I've peppered this around, but you might like it:
Alec Zeck and Ihsan Abbas.
A beautiful conversation.