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Oh please, the ghastly evil war lords in Israel have murdered many time more civilians than the Palestinians could even dream of killing by like 10:1. And as per usual Jews are such skinflints they can't even be bothered to fund their own genocide they insist American tax payers provide the weapons and foot the bill.

I used to wonder why the German people rose up in anger and did things like Kristalnacht, it's perfectly clear to me now. Jews rob you blind and then laugh in your face and gaslight you after doing so. Goodbye to Pareto's Foxes, now is a time of Lions!

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Your comment-Antisemitism at its finest. Who funded Hamas-not the Palestinians but Iran.

"Jew rob you blind"-right from this oldest history of anti-semitism, which remains alive and well all over the world. You just proved my point. Thanks.

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There is a lot of material online dating back to 2002 about Israel creating Hamas. Israel funded them to undermine Arafat and the PLO. That is how they dealt with the little RIGHT OF RETURN issue that many Jews supported, BTW. It would be great if you stopped with the ARABS ARABS ARABS complaint. Zionism was an imperialist launched project and mostly racist. Naeim Giladi and Finkelstein wrote a lot about it. My friend Naeim was an Iraqi Jew who was seduced to move to Israel and become a Zionist. After decades, he learned all too well racism was at the center of Zionist Israel. Israel is the biggest military in the region. It is an arm of US military in Mid East.

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Hamas is a splinter group of the Muslim Brotherhood. It's well documented. It's primarily funded by Iran.

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Yes, and no. Zionists are Israels worst enemy, and like Finkelstein said, Israel would do well to cut out USA. Seems more that Israel pushed Palestinians into the arms of Hamas. It seems as if the Crusades never did stop. https://www.wrmea.org/2002-november/israel-created-two-of-its-own-worst-enemies-hamas-and-hezbollah.html

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Here is one video with Finkelstein and there are more on the Jimmy homepage with him.


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Ridiculous comment. Makes no sense.

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makes no sense, because you live in a black and white world, where apparently white jews are given a red carpet.

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The source you cite is extremely unreliable (the founders have problematic credentials, and the Directors listed have compromised bio. listings, as well). There are more reliable sources out there, such as the Middle East Forum (founded by Daniel Pipes, PhD) and others.

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Here is THE WASHINGTON REPORT's mission and description. You call this unreliable. WOW. now it is YOU who is unreliable, Eve. https://www.wrmea.org/about-us/about-us.html

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Here is the author's credentials you say are PROBLEMATIC. He was easy to find immediately with simple search. All you demonstrated was the lengths you will go to shut out reality. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Neff

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I feel really sad for Israelis. Being the biggest military power and outpost for US and being a strict religious state has to be horrible. As Kim Iverson said, who would want to live there? Oh, sorry, does Kim not pass your sniff test either?

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As a Jew, I can tell you Jews love Israel. It's not a strict religious state. Jews are allowed to leave anytime they want (except for now). I have many relatives who live there and trust me it's not horrible except for the Arab states that surround them. What a silly comment you made when you know little about Israel.

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Kim made the comment. Maybe you should listen to her and debate her on Twitter. It was pretty stunning what she said, i never knew it was that bad, but it explained a lot of the unrest.

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half the jews do not happy about Israel, but i guess they do not all come up and rub it in your face all the time that they are Jewish, in fact, most times they are labelled anti-semite for disagreeing with zionism.

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I don't think you understand anti-semitism at all.

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Are you one of those who thinks Zionism and being Jewish is the same thing? Because I have a bunch of Rabbis and Jewish journalists I would like to introduce you too, many are working hard protesting and leading protests right now.

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Are you an Arab Jew?

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Have you ever read Naeim Giladi or Norman Finkelstein, or would an Iraq Arab Jew (who was a zionist for decades living in Israel) and Jewish writer who lost family in the Holocaust not be unbiased enough for you? Have you ever heard of Jew Against Zionism and read their history? I am guessing not, and you probably do not want to know about them.

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Name me onereligion that does not have some different beliefs , especially when it involves some religious dogma. All Israelis do not agree on everything just as christians don't or any other religious sect.

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I really do recommend listening to Kim Iverson on Sabby Sabs .. it was show either Friday or Saturday

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That is my point. Judaism in not Zionism. Zionism was a political movement. Read about before you comment, the brainchild of Herzl 1897. Oddly, he was an atheist. At the time of the Balfour Declaration, Jews Against Zionism were quite prominent but neither they or the occupants of Palestine had any clout over the UK empire and Lord Rothschild. Israel is a highly militarized Zionist state, whose war against all Arabs of any religion was not a secret even since 1897, as Giladi pointed out, was no secret, it was Arabs they looked down on, clearly racism and imperialism. It is a throwback from the Crusades as well. As that one article from Massad points out, that even before Zionism emerging, these End Time Christians has been mobilizing. I just found out i am in serious tax time trouble, like never in my life, looks like my accountant who live in another county has disappeared and ditched me now. Ugh. I have had 5 surgeries, i am fragile, and still moving from a house sale from last year. Not sure where to turn. This is bad timing.

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Are you one of those calling for Joseph Massad to be fired?

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the crusades continue, the blowback resumes.

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The Crusades were in response to the new religion on the scene conquering Christian holy sites.

“And whoever seeks a religion other than Islam it will never be accepted of him and in the hereafter he will be one of the losers.” (3:85)

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I have some links to Mainstream establishment press if you prefer the Washington Post and other such "unbiased" sources as you call them. Looks like you did not bother to read or are willing to learn how to use a search engine.

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LOL, the Washington Post. The paper that hired Hillary's failed campaign manager in 2017?

Reliable? only as propaganda.

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obvious joke you did not get.

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I was joking about her comment, if you care to follow the thread and actually comprehend. She rejected a non MSM site for totally bogus reasons.

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You are the ignorant one about the crusades.

Also, any Sane person rejects the MSM as they are the dinosaur media now, dying out because they are Known, Proven Liars.

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again, you do not even get i was making fun of MSM because that poster had made totally bogus claims about my OUT OF THE BELTWAY source, which to me had exceptional credentials. try reading, ok, it was pure sarcasm on my part and you are more slapping her in the face, not I. I have been an alt press person my entire life, even did publishing on my own.

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Seduced? really?

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Ok, found thread. You do not even know who he is. He left Iraq in 1950 to join this romantic Zionist movement. he was a young man. 30 year later he left after he understood what a racist country it was. He wrote a book THE SCANDALS OF Ben Gurion -- that was the period he lived there. I hear Tel Aviv is completely different than anywhere much else in Israel. Upper eschalon oligarchs are nearly all Russian or European origins. The British Empire project as outlined by Balfour Declaration.

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This is a beheaded comment. I do not know what it goes to, if i hit back, it just goes to the pool. Are you talking about Naeim Giladi? Have you read his story. If you know nothing about him, have not read him, then what does REALLY mean? That is the only time I use that word usually. wish you had included more words. i have to go. i am going itnop major PTSD heart attack once i found my tax accountant disappeared.

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Oct 15, 2023
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Your understanding is incorrect. Try reading history that doesn't use misinformation.

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No he is absolutely correct that Bibi had a hand in both creating and funding Hamas. He wanted the PLO out of power in Gaza. So did America and of course the CIA were right there too.

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Oct 21, 2023
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Hopkin's philosophical discussions are a lot more palpable than his knowledge of the history of Palestine and Israel. His previous substack declared that the Palestinians were indigenous to Palestine and compared it to the U.S. government's war against Native Americans.

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Oct 15, 2023
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Netanyahoo said it himself, about Hamas, before Ritter did.

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"Ze Germans" didn't rise up in anger. It was a particular subset of Germans called the Nazis. They were never a majority in Germany or Austria. But like their modern day brethren in Ukraine, they hold greatly outsized power compared to their numbers, for the very simple reason is that they were/are willing to commit violence to get what they want.

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Are you saying that the 99% of votes for the Nazi Party in 1938 wasn't legitimately a measure of how Germans felt about the Nazi's?

The funny thing about "support", is that the numbers never really tell the truth. Even in the U.S., where an elected president often gets around 50% of the vote, at least 1/3 of people don't vote - most of which because they don't believe in any candidate. And, of course, of the votes that are counted, there's no way to know when it's fudged. That's true everywhere, and we should keep that in mind when hearing that a certain candidate or party is popular. We should ask ourselves "how many people voted?", "what were the choices, really?", "how many people felt pressured or were literally forced to vote a certain way?", "how do we know that the vote count is even remotely legitimate?"

I think the answers, examined rationally, would lead most people to realize that "popular support" is a theory, at best, and often quite plainly a fiction.

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Yup, that is exactly what I'm saying. The "collective guilt" thing only goes so far.

I won't repeat what you wrote and only add to it. People also tend to forget how slowly information traveled, and how ephemeral it was back then. Any news that was not "world shaking" that was not printed in a newspaper was mostly lost immediately. If not, it was just anecdotal and easy to refute. No video journalism at all, let alone on cellphones. It is much easier to lie and manipulate when you can't be called out with video evidence.

I saw this play out perfectly in the 2016 election. Hillary was campaigning like it was 1992 when Bill won the first time. She would tell one story at a campaign stop, and then say something completely different two days later in another town. But in that second town she was shocked that some uppity college student with her phone was in Hillary's face confronting Hillary with her own words promising the opposite two days prior. Hillary did what Hillary always does and got super aggressive. That was also caught on camera.

That happened numerous times that I saw, and I wasn't spending loads of time searching for things like that. It had a cumulative effect. It certainly didn't lose Hillary the election on its own, but it definitely was a factor in proving that she is a serial liar with a super thin skin and mean streak a mile wide.

I can imagine that 2023 technology was available in 1923, the elections between 1923 and 33 would have gone very differently. Of course, the counter to that argument is what has been happening in Ukraine from 2013 to 2023. The huge differences there is that Germany was a major power for centuries in 1920, even after losing WWI. Ukraine is not. There was not global hegemon pulling the strings and controlling media like the US does in 2023.

OK, I'm rambling when I should be working. I wonder if some uni student has written a dissertation on this subject. That'd be interesting to read.

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