That, my friend, is BS. Just as u r fee to have, as well as, promote yor opinion, so does any one else regardless of how abhorrent u may personally find it. As I must tolerate and respect your opinion, so shud u. Don’t confuse an “opinion” with “the Truth”!!!
The Schutzstaffel also known as the SS was a powerful arm of the Nazis and any tactful person aware of holocaust history would probably refrain from using that abbreviation when posting on this topic.
It doesn’t appear that you are “thinking”. It’s funny that you think that because CJH hasn’t weighed in is relevant, standard appeal to authority approach - “well teacher didn’t care”. I suspect you’re just young and oblivious to the history. I wasn’t trying to scold you, dude. And I have no issue with the substance of your comment. Don’t be a dick. Thanks.
U re being Judgmental and Self-righteous. It appears that u believe that yor posture is the “right” one. Someone who has one contrary or different from yours is ignorant, or worse yet, they r an idiot. U r not impartial, rather u r predjudiced (/or biased).
Maybe actually write out ”Substacks” next time instead of “SS” when posting on this topic.
Seems obvious , doesn’t it?
Lol I thought the same... “great SS??? Wut?” ...”oh....”
That, my friend, is BS. Just as u r fee to have, as well as, promote yor opinion, so does any one else regardless of how abhorrent u may personally find it. As I must tolerate and respect your opinion, so shud u. Don’t confuse an “opinion” with “the Truth”!!!
Got it. Dogma, not tact. Heard.
I did it because many others do, so it seemed a sort of common practice to me. Did you have trouble understanding? No one else has complained.
Don’t be obtuse please.
It seems to me that being obtuse is your specialty. I'm obtuse because I wrote "SS" instead writing the word out??
I'm thinking that maybe it's not my "SS" to which you object, but the content of my post. Anyway, CJ doesn't object, so I'm good.
Let's move on to something of substance. Buh-bye.
A little prickly, aren’t we?
The Schutzstaffel also known as the SS was a powerful arm of the Nazis and any tactful person aware of holocaust history would probably refrain from using that abbreviation when posting on this topic.
It doesn’t appear that you are “thinking”. It’s funny that you think that because CJH hasn’t weighed in is relevant, standard appeal to authority approach - “well teacher didn’t care”. I suspect you’re just young and oblivious to the history. I wasn’t trying to scold you, dude. And I have no issue with the substance of your comment. Don’t be a dick. Thanks.
I’m Jewish BTW.
Perhaps your perspective has given those with anti-Semitic sentiments a feeling of being welcome to spout their hateful remarks. Just sayin'
I’m not quite sure what the point is that you’re trying to make here.
I fully support their right to speech.
It lets the world see who they are. Sunlight is the best disinfectant after all.
U re being Judgmental and Self-righteous. It appears that u believe that yor posture is the “right” one. Someone who has one contrary or different from yours is ignorant, or worse yet, they r an idiot. U r not impartial, rather u r predjudiced (/or biased).
Oh sweet irony!
Caroline--it would really improve your substack cred if you would stop writing like a 12 year old with the "U rs" and other teenage mechanisms.
Also as of typing this 9 other people seem to agree. It’s a moment to learn some thoughtfulness. Thanks.
Have you ever even heard of the Schuts Staffel?
Ok. Here is another complaint. I am sure there are others here who have just scrolled past your comment, but not me.