I look forward to your arguments CJ. You’re a good, smart guy. I just can’t side with Palestine/Hamas on this one. The Left & Right here in America know Hamas uses its own people as shields and any honest person would know that Israel pulled out of Gaza in 2005. Hamas was voted into power in 2007.
I look forward to your arguments CJ. You’re a good, smart guy. I just can’t side with Palestine/Hamas on this one. The Left & Right here in America know Hamas uses its own people as shields and any honest person would know that Israel pulled out of Gaza in 2005. Hamas was voted into power in 2007.
The Golan Heights (an imperative military location) and the West Bank (where Hezbelah is) settlements that possibly violate the Fourth Geneva Convention are on the opposite end of Israel. Hamas’ attack was on Israel proper. There is no gray area in this specific case that Hamas breeched International Law first in targeting civilians of uncontested area (I know, that’s pretty loaded since contests for the area span millennia) since 1948.
Does Israel play by the rules? No, it smudges them a little but tries to be a good nation state. Just like America’s Desert Storm (which displaced 400k Palestinians), Iraq, & Afghanistan. Collateral damage is terrible but recognized in International Law.
Does Palestine play by the rules they signed to play by in 1949 when the Holy See, State of Palestine and Cook Islands signed the Geneva Convention? Hell bloody no.
So if I took a non emotional stance and just looked at the Law: I think it favors Israel guys. At least they’re trying or alleging so. I’m just a commenter on the internet though. Even if I played the emotion game, it wasn’t Israeli’s attacking the Bataclan in France (2015), nor in planes on 9/11, and calling for worldwide Jihad in a recent video (which caused every police station in America to call everyone in this Friday & a French teacher to be stabbed).
If Israel liberates Palestine from Hamas it would be better for the world & Palestine. Their Arab-Israeli neighbors enjoy a much better life under Israel. Don’t believe me? Khaled Kabub is such a person serving on their Supreme Court.
“But Israel told Qatar to send them billions-“ the Hamas leader lives there I think. He doesn’t even live with his own people. Not only that, but the entire world has been giving Gaza (which Hamas intercepts) or their patron Iran aide. This whole “it’s only Israel’s fault” in comment sections on the issue is nonsense.
How many Israeli’s serve in Palestine’s government or Supreme Court? None. How many of Gaza’s own leaders are in Gaza? Few, the big guys are in Qatar living like millionaires. So spare me.
Sorry if I turned your comment section into a warzone CJ. I’m just like everyone else who wishes none of this even started. Maybe we agree to disagree? Looking forward to your work.
I believe you (perhaps we) have a tad of a misunderstanding. One of my first posts concerning the matter stated that Hamas is enemy #1. I’ll repeat from my previous posts, I want peace between all Jews, Christians and Islam. So sorry about that misunderstanding?
I’m having difficulty with getting a translation for the post you linked to. So my apologies for my technical difficulties. Couldn’t get it on my phone or desktop. Care to summarize please?
As for the claim the Israel has killed 150k people and 30k kids... are you sure that wasn’t because there’s 500 kilometers (311 miles) of tunnels under civilian targets? Or maybe the fact that they store weapons/munitions in homes making them military targets under the Geneva Convention?
This of course means that they are using human shields in violation of Protocol I of the Geneva Conventions. “Civilian targets” is Geneva jargon for homes and the like. It is also a specific intent war crime as codified in the Rome Statute, which was adopted in 1998. The language of the Rome Statute prohibits "utilizing the presence of a civilian or other protected person to render certain points, areas, or military forces immune from military operations."
Hamas was voted into power in 2007. As the link below shows they have been using human shields... since 2007. So is the excessive death because of Hamas who tell their citizens to stay in harms way or Israel telling them to run?
As for the woman treated with respect and the anecdotes that you presented those are just anecdotal. That doesn’t take away from what was done on Oct. 7th by the fighters that had less restraint. Does what good Oskar Schindler did justify what his party—the Nazi’s—did? No, of course not.
As for the hostage that was released before the others were bombed... why were they being held hostage in the first place? War is hell and this crap sadly happens. We don’t have to like it.
There are two types of Jihad. One is on the self-spiritual level. The other is usually The Holy War. Khalid Mashal called for a Jihad on Tuesday (Oct 5 I think, last week) and was available on YouTube as of Wednesday that week. I think YouTube took it down. Translations say that he asked specifically for the faithfuls “blood and souls”. So I take that means the physical Jihad? It was supposed to be on Friday the 13th and as far as I know nothing happened in America but police were on high alert.
As for Muslims not for believing the 9/11 story I sure hope that’s the case. Aimen Dean, an Al-Qaeda bomb maker that deserted to MI6, says Osama Bin Laden was very persuasive before he decided to split. Even altering the Quran to support his message.
As for the UN & all those religious groups you mention. Where are they about Armenia? Both the past genocide (that gave Hitler the hint he could commit his crimes and Stalin the Holomondor before that) and the Armenian genocide going on right now? There’s literally hundreds of wars the UN has either ignored or made worse in some cases. The majority of African countries aren’t even represented in the UN especially in the Security Council. The UN almost dragged us into WW3 in the 60’s and is about to do it now.
I’m also aware that Israeli riot control is different than here in the US. Namely, they use Ruger 10/22’s—a 22LR rifle—to stop someone from throwing something for example. What does Hamas do in Gaza? Just kill them. So... you want Israel to kill them outright so they can be equal?
As for the whole “2mill animals” part... Ben Shapiro, a Jew and hard advocate for the conflict, has never said anything about targeting civilians. Israel is not targeting civilians. It is targeting Hamas, or trying to. If Israel wanted everyone dead you don’t think they’d break out the bio weapons, WMD’s, or nukes?
As for the anti-Zionist bit... are you talking about the people in Australia clearing saying “gas the Jews”? Or BLM Chicago that recently caught heat for basically saying that they stand with the people who shot into a party in a confirmed-undeniable-and celebrated (by the Left) occurrence? Sure I’m cherry picking a little but humor me sir.
Also, you bash Israel (or rather the Zionist political movement) for calling Palestinians animals and then say “dogs eat dogs they’ll betray the west”... so they can’t dehumanize a political group as animals (Hamas) but you can? I mean, to each their own I guess but that’s kinda throwing water on your comment.
If you have the receipts though, please do share. I based my views and perceptions loosely upon what several Iraq/Afghanistan veterans have come across compared to the IDF and the brutality matches. Regardless of the lies or omissions that allegedly got us into those wars.
I look forward to your arguments CJ. You’re a good, smart guy. I just can’t side with Palestine/Hamas on this one. The Left & Right here in America know Hamas uses its own people as shields and any honest person would know that Israel pulled out of Gaza in 2005. Hamas was voted into power in 2007.
The Golan Heights (an imperative military location) and the West Bank (where Hezbelah is) settlements that possibly violate the Fourth Geneva Convention are on the opposite end of Israel. Hamas’ attack was on Israel proper. There is no gray area in this specific case that Hamas breeched International Law first in targeting civilians of uncontested area (I know, that’s pretty loaded since contests for the area span millennia) since 1948.
Does Israel play by the rules? No, it smudges them a little but tries to be a good nation state. Just like America’s Desert Storm (which displaced 400k Palestinians), Iraq, & Afghanistan. Collateral damage is terrible but recognized in International Law.
Does Palestine play by the rules they signed to play by in 1949 when the Holy See, State of Palestine and Cook Islands signed the Geneva Convention? Hell bloody no.
So if I took a non emotional stance and just looked at the Law: I think it favors Israel guys. At least they’re trying or alleging so. I’m just a commenter on the internet though. Even if I played the emotion game, it wasn’t Israeli’s attacking the Bataclan in France (2015), nor in planes on 9/11, and calling for worldwide Jihad in a recent video (which caused every police station in America to call everyone in this Friday & a French teacher to be stabbed).
If Israel liberates Palestine from Hamas it would be better for the world & Palestine. Their Arab-Israeli neighbors enjoy a much better life under Israel. Don’t believe me? Khaled Kabub is such a person serving on their Supreme Court.
“But Israel told Qatar to send them billions-“ the Hamas leader lives there I think. He doesn’t even live with his own people. Not only that, but the entire world has been giving Gaza (which Hamas intercepts) or their patron Iran aide. This whole “it’s only Israel’s fault” in comment sections on the issue is nonsense.
How many Israeli’s serve in Palestine’s government or Supreme Court? None. How many of Gaza’s own leaders are in Gaza? Few, the big guys are in Qatar living like millionaires. So spare me.
Sorry if I turned your comment section into a warzone CJ. I’m just like everyone else who wishes none of this even started. Maybe we agree to disagree? Looking forward to your work.
I believe you (perhaps we) have a tad of a misunderstanding. One of my first posts concerning the matter stated that Hamas is enemy #1. I’ll repeat from my previous posts, I want peace between all Jews, Christians and Islam. So sorry about that misunderstanding?
I’m having difficulty with getting a translation for the post you linked to. So my apologies for my technical difficulties. Couldn’t get it on my phone or desktop. Care to summarize please?
As for the claim the Israel has killed 150k people and 30k kids... are you sure that wasn’t because there’s 500 kilometers (311 miles) of tunnels under civilian targets? Or maybe the fact that they store weapons/munitions in homes making them military targets under the Geneva Convention?
This of course means that they are using human shields in violation of Protocol I of the Geneva Conventions. “Civilian targets” is Geneva jargon for homes and the like. It is also a specific intent war crime as codified in the Rome Statute, which was adopted in 1998. The language of the Rome Statute prohibits "utilizing the presence of a civilian or other protected person to render certain points, areas, or military forces immune from military operations."
Hamas was voted into power in 2007. As the link below shows they have been using human shields... since 2007. So is the excessive death because of Hamas who tell their citizens to stay in harms way or Israel telling them to run?
& Al-Quieda before them:
As for the woman treated with respect and the anecdotes that you presented those are just anecdotal. That doesn’t take away from what was done on Oct. 7th by the fighters that had less restraint. Does what good Oskar Schindler did justify what his party—the Nazi’s—did? No, of course not.
As for the hostage that was released before the others were bombed... why were they being held hostage in the first place? War is hell and this crap sadly happens. We don’t have to like it.
There are two types of Jihad. One is on the self-spiritual level. The other is usually The Holy War. Khalid Mashal called for a Jihad on Tuesday (Oct 5 I think, last week) and was available on YouTube as of Wednesday that week. I think YouTube took it down. Translations say that he asked specifically for the faithfuls “blood and souls”. So I take that means the physical Jihad? It was supposed to be on Friday the 13th and as far as I know nothing happened in America but police were on high alert.
As for Muslims not for believing the 9/11 story I sure hope that’s the case. Aimen Dean, an Al-Qaeda bomb maker that deserted to MI6, says Osama Bin Laden was very persuasive before he decided to split. Even altering the Quran to support his message.
As for the UN & all those religious groups you mention. Where are they about Armenia? Both the past genocide (that gave Hitler the hint he could commit his crimes and Stalin the Holomondor before that) and the Armenian genocide going on right now? There’s literally hundreds of wars the UN has either ignored or made worse in some cases. The majority of African countries aren’t even represented in the UN especially in the Security Council. The UN almost dragged us into WW3 in the 60’s and is about to do it now.
I’m also aware that Israeli riot control is different than here in the US. Namely, they use Ruger 10/22’s—a 22LR rifle—to stop someone from throwing something for example. What does Hamas do in Gaza? Just kill them. So... you want Israel to kill them outright so they can be equal?
As for the whole “2mill animals” part... Ben Shapiro, a Jew and hard advocate for the conflict, has never said anything about targeting civilians. Israel is not targeting civilians. It is targeting Hamas, or trying to. If Israel wanted everyone dead you don’t think they’d break out the bio weapons, WMD’s, or nukes?
As for the anti-Zionist bit... are you talking about the people in Australia clearing saying “gas the Jews”? Or BLM Chicago that recently caught heat for basically saying that they stand with the people who shot into a party in a confirmed-undeniable-and celebrated (by the Left) occurrence? Sure I’m cherry picking a little but humor me sir.
Also, you bash Israel (or rather the Zionist political movement) for calling Palestinians animals and then say “dogs eat dogs they’ll betray the west”... so they can’t dehumanize a political group as animals (Hamas) but you can? I mean, to each their own I guess but that’s kinda throwing water on your comment.
If you have the receipts though, please do share. I based my views and perceptions loosely upon what several Iraq/Afghanistan veterans have come across compared to the IDF and the brutality matches. Regardless of the lies or omissions that allegedly got us into those wars.
PS, I don’t care if they’re pretty or blonde