Oh for goodness sake. These 'Nazis' send warnings before they bomb a building, and they are delaying their invasion (if indeed it ever comes) in order to give civilians an opportunity to escape. If Egypt won't let them in, that's Egypt's failing.
Oh for goodness sake. These 'Nazis' send warnings before they bomb a building, and they are delaying their invasion (if indeed it ever comes) in order to give civilians an opportunity to escape. If Egypt won't let them in, that's Egypt's failing.
Imagine yourself in the position of being told to get up and leave your country before you get bombed. I'm sure it wouldn't be the casual attitude you have about that is happening to others, right?
Barely, but that doesn't make it much less horrible. It certainly doesn't excuse it from being a war crime and genocidal.
Imagine a serial killer putting out leaflets in a park the night before he goes on each of his killing rampages. If he goes to the park and still finds someone there, does that make the murder that ensues any less deplorable?
"If Egypt won't let them in, that's Egypt's failing."
So then, if the objective is still to give them "an opportunity to escape" where do they go? What's the new Israeli humanitarian plan for the residents of Gaza?
Surprising, really, that you would recommend stooping that low. Aren't you better than that?
There are far more effective unilateral economic and psychological, and even interactive diplomatic (if it actually comes to that), techniques that can be employed to keep people from getting restless. These are ones that I imagine Israel may well know about, as they do appear to have been in close touch with the U.S. over the years, where I know from experience these varied techniques have been employed, by somebody.
So, too bad they weren't employed in Gaza years ago, maybe this whole mess could have been avoided ... somehow. Dunno, though, ... I'm no expert.
I think that's the point of moving the entire 1.1 million people out of North Gaza and squeezing them into the bottom 2/3 (originally in 24 hours) right?
But it's surprising to me that people would shoot at the people who support them, and, conversely, the people at risk of being shot would support people who are liable to shoot them (while not wanting to be shot, of course). Because, Israel told me that Hamas is only stays there because the Gaza population (a healthy majority, I would imagine) supports them. It seems kind of weird. Could you help untangle this for me? Thanks.
Untangle what - what's so hard about it? Yes, I believe a majority of Palestineans are broadly supportive of Hamas and share the wish to destroy Israel. I also believe that when push comes to shove, the vast majority of people do not wish to be used as human shields in a kill zone. I also believe that Hamas is willing to murder their supporters if their supporters try to escape.
If you can't explain something to an allegedly stupid person, that tells me you don't know it.
EDIT: Like most people, some parts of me are intelligent and knowledgeable, some parts of me are stupid and ignorant, but you'd rather assume malevolence, and punish me by shunning. And so it goes in most modern politics...
But it's OK. I know I am unworthy person for being stupid (excuse me, "deliberately obtuse"), and not pulling myself up by my (latent?) intellectual bootstraps. (unmalleable stupidity = malleable ignorance? It's confusing, sorry!)
So, I'll assume for now (during my info gathering as I explained in my initial post) that it's:
(a) Hamas is mighty intelligent and sneaky, and so can fool *all* the dummies who live right next to them, so that the word doesn't get out (seems unlikely, but I suppose it's possible; plus they don't read these websites, it's too over their heads); or,
(b) Hamas basically isn't fooling the rest of the Gazans, so the rest of the Gazans are aware of this danger, some portion want to martyr themselves, but some (most?) others don't, and so will submit to Hamas' "democratic" rule (i.e. the "will of [its] people"); or,
(c) Hamas doesn't *actually* want to kill all the Gazans running away -- you're just fibbin', man!!
Currently, (b) looks to me most plausible (but (c) maybe??) Of course, (b) comes with the problem that Hamas isn't exactly a democratic ruler. (Shhhhh!)
Now, I know these can't be *all* the possibilities, or even correct ones, they're just the ones off my pretty little head, which I was hoping you'd help me straighten out, but...
... I vote. And, in addition, I'll explain my substandard "reasoning" to my stupid pals, who, being stupid herd animals, will do the same. Good job! Thank you!
Once the American regime gets rid of the dummy voters (well, in fact, it already has, but is still keeping up the pretense until its "Democracy is being killed by the [current scapegoat]!!" is finally pounded into our heads), I won't need your help. I'll have Big Brother.
Oh for goodness sake. These 'Nazis' send warnings before they bomb a building, and they are delaying their invasion (if indeed it ever comes) in order to give civilians an opportunity to escape. If Egypt won't let them in, that's Egypt's failing.
Imagine yourself in the position of being told to get up and leave your country before you get bombed. I'm sure it wouldn't be the casual attitude you have about that is happening to others, right?
I'd prefer it to bombs with no warning. Wouldn't you?
Barely, but that doesn't make it much less horrible. It certainly doesn't excuse it from being a war crime and genocidal.
Imagine a serial killer putting out leaflets in a park the night before he goes on each of his killing rampages. If he goes to the park and still finds someone there, does that make the murder that ensues any less deplorable?
Except Israel bombed the crossing into Egypt, but hey, don't let facts get in the way of your servicing genociders.
"If Egypt won't let them in, that's Egypt's failing."
So then, if the objective is still to give them "an opportunity to escape" where do they go? What's the new Israeli humanitarian plan for the residents of Gaza?
What's Martha's Vineyard up to these days?
Ask Barak Obama
What's the point of bombing anything? Let alone civilian suburbs.
Fight the war by the rules of Hamas.
Hamas says babies are targets.
Surprising, really, that you would recommend stooping that low. Aren't you better than that?
There are far more effective unilateral economic and psychological, and even interactive diplomatic (if it actually comes to that), techniques that can be employed to keep people from getting restless. These are ones that I imagine Israel may well know about, as they do appear to have been in close touch with the U.S. over the years, where I know from experience these varied techniques have been employed, by somebody.
So, too bad they weren't employed in Gaza years ago, maybe this whole mess could have been avoided ... somehow. Dunno, though, ... I'm no expert.
They could move away from militarily-significant sites, for a start. If Hamas allows them to leave without shooting them, that is.
I think that's the point of moving the entire 1.1 million people out of North Gaza and squeezing them into the bottom 2/3 (originally in 24 hours) right?
But it's surprising to me that people would shoot at the people who support them, and, conversely, the people at risk of being shot would support people who are liable to shoot them (while not wanting to be shot, of course). Because, Israel told me that Hamas is only stays there because the Gaza population (a healthy majority, I would imagine) supports them. It seems kind of weird. Could you help untangle this for me? Thanks.
Untangle what - what's so hard about it? Yes, I believe a majority of Palestineans are broadly supportive of Hamas and share the wish to destroy Israel. I also believe that when push comes to shove, the vast majority of people do not wish to be used as human shields in a kill zone. I also believe that Hamas is willing to murder their supporters if their supporters try to escape.
"I also believe that Hamas is willing to murder their supporters if their supporters try to escape."
Do their supporters know this? Then why do they support them?
OK, you're being deliberately obtuse. I suspected as much with your previous comment but I decided to take a chance. No more. Bye!
If you can't explain something to an allegedly stupid person, that tells me you don't know it.
EDIT: Like most people, some parts of me are intelligent and knowledgeable, some parts of me are stupid and ignorant, but you'd rather assume malevolence, and punish me by shunning. And so it goes in most modern politics...
But it's OK. I know I am unworthy person for being stupid (excuse me, "deliberately obtuse"), and not pulling myself up by my (latent?) intellectual bootstraps. (unmalleable stupidity = malleable ignorance? It's confusing, sorry!)
So, I'll assume for now (during my info gathering as I explained in my initial post) that it's:
(a) Hamas is mighty intelligent and sneaky, and so can fool *all* the dummies who live right next to them, so that the word doesn't get out (seems unlikely, but I suppose it's possible; plus they don't read these websites, it's too over their heads); or,
(b) Hamas basically isn't fooling the rest of the Gazans, so the rest of the Gazans are aware of this danger, some portion want to martyr themselves, but some (most?) others don't, and so will submit to Hamas' "democratic" rule (i.e. the "will of [its] people"); or,
(c) Hamas doesn't *actually* want to kill all the Gazans running away -- you're just fibbin', man!!
Currently, (b) looks to me most plausible (but (c) maybe??) Of course, (b) comes with the problem that Hamas isn't exactly a democratic ruler. (Shhhhh!)
Now, I know these can't be *all* the possibilities, or even correct ones, they're just the ones off my pretty little head, which I was hoping you'd help me straighten out, but...
... I vote. And, in addition, I'll explain my substandard "reasoning" to my stupid pals, who, being stupid herd animals, will do the same. Good job! Thank you!
Once the American regime gets rid of the dummy voters (well, in fact, it already has, but is still keeping up the pretense until its "Democracy is being killed by the [current scapegoat]!!" is finally pounded into our heads), I won't need your help. I'll have Big Brother.