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The world is silent about October 7th?

Does this guy live in a sensory deprivation tank?

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You've missed the irony in his statement.

Hopkins has been arrested and is facing trial for showing a swastika on the cover of his book. His book compares modern German government to the Nazis of the 1930s. Near as I can tell, the comparisons hold up.

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The Israeli ambassador to the UN is saying the world is silent regarding the events of October 7. That's newspeak for "We haven't heard any criticism of Israel for what we allowed to happen (or maybe even arranged)."

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You mean the modern government in Germany not the modern German government

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Yes. Thanks for clarifying.

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I'm not silent. Hamas tortured and murdered Jews who basically agreed with them, peaceniks, because they want to kill Jews. For no other reason, Their own statements bear this out. They want to kill Jews and Christians throughout the world, as well as LGBT people. (Remember this when it is your turn. Saying you don't go to Church won't work. They hate atheists too,) They brook no negotiation. There is nothing the civilized world can do except stop them with the least collateral damage possible. Hamas could follow the rules of war and there would be a lot less collateral damage - Israel is following them. (Human shields don't have to be respected.) Israel can't even afford to hold back attacks to protect the hostages. Unlike Hamas and its supporters, they take no joy in killing babies. The sooner Hamas and its allies are defeated, the less harm will come to all peoples.

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Maybe. Nobody knows at this point whether or how many Israelis Hamas may have killed. The facts are that the IDF flew quite a few Apache helicopters over the Israeli homes and dropped incendiary bombs on them. That's why you see all those charred bodies. Hamas did not dump bombs on the roofs of the Israeli homes. Their bombs can't go very far and are not that powerful. And they do not have incendiary bombs that will burn a human alive in a short time. So I'd say the Israelis killed at least 700 of their own citizens on October 7. Actually, *I* would say it was more than that. Their PR machine is in overdrive at the moment. The young woman they supposedly burned and raped (say what?!) was actually hit by rubble from their Apache helicopter bombs. When the Hamas "fighters" realized she had a brain injury, they put her in the back of a truck and took her to a hospital. Now the story is she was burned by Hamas and raped by them. Damn but those Zionist propaganda nerds are good! This was obviously a false flag operation. And, cynical to the last, Netanyahu chose progressive leftists to kill. Note they did not kill orthodox right-wingers. Takes a bit of heat off of him internally. Israel is falling apart. And this is not going to save Bibi's flaccid butt. Not this time. The dumpster full of "burned babies" was actually full of burned Hamas fighters. But we'll see whatever you tell us to see. FYI, in this situation Hamas are not terrorists. Israel's occupation of the West Bank and Gaza is ILLEGAL. Therefore, Hamas are resistance fighters and it is entirely legal to resist an illegal occupation. It is not legal to carpet bomb people you are illegally occupying. Hamas wants the Palestinians in Israeli jails released. 5500 on October 7th, and 6500 now. Israel has arrested an additional 1000 Palestinians in the West Bank since all this started.

Israelis may not love killing babies, but their government sure does. (And their mothers.) That's the whole goal. To lower Palestinian population.

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Please show any documentation or proof.

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I think this blog is about three hours' long and is well-worth watching in full. Lots of documentation and lots of analyses. If you really want to know the truth. If you just want to cling to your pre-conceived notions, don't bother.

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Thank you for the link. I have a new post brewing in answer to this immediate thread.

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Do you go by the name of "Steve" in another life?

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I call bullsh-t. A video isn't proof of anything. We see false descriptions of images all the time. There is no benefit to the Israeli government to preside over an immense failure of protecting its own people. They wouldn't exaggerate it. Hamas itself broadcasts its intention to do attacks like this and I believe them.

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Honestly, I feel sorry for you. Family members of the Israeli dead witnessed the Israeli Apache helicopters dropping bombs on their own homes. This has been reported by Ha'aretz, reportedly. The Israeli government, especially Bibi who is under the gun in internal politics, have much to benefit from this. The propaganda version of Oct. 7 gives them the excuse to carpet bomb Gaza and kill as many Palestinians as they can before they are stopped by the highly ineffectual, intellectually challenged American President. The more Palestinians they kill, the more Palestinian land they can take possession of, and the more land already stolen they will not have to return when, inevitably, they will be forced to follow international law and return Palestinian land. Unfortunately for Israelis and Jews who identify with Israel, this time Israeli violence is being watched by the whole world and they are hurting themselves more than they are hurting Palestinians. This time everyone has a cell phone with video, photographing and Internet capabilities. This doesn't render Israeli propaganda ineffective but it does even the conversation a lot. And it makes the mainstream press less significant. Everyone is watching so it behooves the Israelis to behave like decent human beings. They are so used to having free rein to do whatever they want and being paid handsomely (by the American taxpayer) to do so. Those days are over. They have been given all the rope they want and they have hung themselves. The question is only how long will it take for them to realize who they are really damaging? Every bomb makes the Palestinians more sympathetic to people who don't know much about the Middle East. It's shockingly bad optics. I'm so glad the rest of the world is finally seeing what has been going on in Palestine for 103 years. About time.

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Haaretz is the anti-Israel Israeli newspaper. THey seem to be outdoing themselves these days.

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Dunno. I'm not Israeli. Don't really care about their media environment. Ha'aretz is noteworthy because it's a main outlet for English-speakers. Sick and tired of the pro-Israeli lobby. Really tired of another country controlling who I get to vote for. Not playing that game anymore.

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Thank you so much for your righteous but articulate anger. I actually feel my blood pressure going down when I read comments like yours. We need more truth-telling and bullshit detection!

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Actually the people in the streets demonstrating are lowering my blood pressure. I do feel more hopeful about the Palestinian future than I have in a long time. With internet, cellphones, independent citizen journalists, etc. it is not so easy for Israel to skulk around and break international law and hide it with outrageous PR. COVID helped because people are a lot more skeptical about what they're told by "experts". It is outrageous that the Israelis are getting away with murdering so many Palestinians, for the umpteenth time. But I don't think those deaths are in vain. I've never seen the world so aware of the Palestinian situation. And the Israeli propaganda machine cannot cover up the truth this time. A couple more countries cut ties with them yesterday. What they should do, if they could afford to, is to cut ties with the U.S. while they're at it. And we need a law that Congress cannot invest in arms dealers while they're in office. This is a blatant conflict of interest.

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100%. I helped get divestment at my university in the 80s. I do think there comes a tipping point when oppression gets so much visibility it becomes impossible for people to credibly defend it. As for Congress, I've never been more disgusted by these absolute pigs on both side of the aisle. They are utterly immune to the concerns of their constituents and I will not vote for any of them ever again. As Matt Taibbi says, no hell is too hot for them.

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Thanks. We need to teach our kids how to consume media. But that will never happen. And we need to reform our tax system so that billionaires cannot commit tax fraud and contribute to political favorites and write off the cost (and then engorge their bank accounts with profits from investments supported by their tax-free "gifts")--we need to democratize our system completely. Citizens United was a terrible move. The Supreme Court justices need to be held to a higher standard of conduct, frankly.

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Wanna buy a bridge?

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Do you ever wonder why George Soros, a Jewish man, would personally fund organizations whose mission is to rid the face of the earth of Jews?

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No. This is the first I've heard of it. And given all your other claims about which I do have knowledge, I don't give it any traction. Honestly, I've heard outright anti-Semitic things said about Soros and I don't pay attention to them. I don't admire him. I don't hate him. He is who he is and he is not in my class of people. I am far more concerned with right-wing billionaires. They are dangerous and they dominate the international scene. I don't think Soros, who is Jewish, wants to get rid of you. I think you need to calm down. I do not want you to die. I don't want you to be upset as you clearly are. It is not helpful to YOU. You are damaging your heart. Do some meditation. Go swimming. Do yoga. This agitation is really bad for y our health. Eat some apples to lower your BP.

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So the Israelis were wearing gopros, recording as their compatriots dropped bombs?

This is ludicrous. See the video from trysted independent reporting: charred houses with bodies inside. No crater. No evidence of bombs.

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Don't understand your reference to gopros. Who said anyone videotaped anything? Independent reporting? Sources, please. Not all bombs leave craters. Granted, Israeli bombs sometimes do.

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The Hamas terrorists had GoPros on, videotaped their killing spree and shared it with the world.

Honest questions I ask myself:

Which government wants complete annihilation of the otherтАЩs entire population as its stated and written goal? ( the IOW, genocide.)

Which government wants to annihilate the terrorist organizations of the other government while sparing as many innocent lives as possible as its stated goal? (Not genocide.)

In which place can citizens living under government control of the other work, earn a living and dwell under the protection of that government?

When viewing videos, photos, news stories etc, how do you determine which sources to trust?

For example, if I see a photo of an dead infant which was, according to autopsy performed, left to cook in an oven, I look at the source. I evaluate the historical accuracy of the sourceтАЩs reporting and determine whether or not itтАЩs credible.

I just wonder how many of us read fall victim to our own pre-determined bias.

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Granny you do know that Israel created, controls and funds Hamas right?


Most Israelis hate Netanyahu. Just 4 weeks ago they were protesting in the streets in their tens of thousands, calling for his head because he was attempting to dilute the power of Israel's Supreme Court, quite likely in advance of his own prosecution after offering Israel up as lab rats to Pfizer, and the death and carnage that ensued.

The only people that believe Netanyahu cares for Israelis are Westerners, fed a steady diet of "Love Your Israel".

The Israeli people have suffered under his Government (twice) for a very long time.

So what does an embattled, hated Prime Minister with a public crisis on his hands do? Change the story/change the lead. Wag the dog.

Start pumping out stories to redirect everyone's gaze.

Exploit the situation to achieve multiple agendas.

Start the War you've always wanted.

And lastly, always, ALWAYS paint the other side as more sadistic and barbaric than yourself to try to keep everyone on your side, no matter how horrific your own behaviour.

Babies in ovens??! You are being played.

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IтАЩm sorry but I donтАЩt consider Mehdi Hasan an unbiased, credible journalist. HeтАЩs an advocacy journalist, not historically fact based.

Even so, what he describes is exactly the kind of thing our own government has done and continues to do. The CIA takes advantage of a radical group, funds trains and dispatches it to further some cause du jour. No doubt that is happening right now - see the protests in the rotunda recently or the White House last night? The Biden administration loves the RashidaтАЩs radicals when theyтАЩre targeting MAGA or prolife activists but when theyтАЩre chanting тАЬFJB,тАЭ not so much. ThatтАЩs the game. Live by it, die by it but itтАЩs the innocent that is hurt. ALL the innocent, known only by God.

As for the atrocities- IтАЩve heard many different things- first was, тАЬ They deserved it.тАЭ Then it changed to, тАЬThe Israelis did it with bombs.тАЭ Then I heard, тАЬAI made those videos.тАЭ тАЬStaged photos.тАЭ Who to believe?

Then I heard this heartbreaking talk given by a civilian first responder who testified to the things he personally confronted. You can read about it here.


I saw Gopro videos posted by Hamas of men riding into Israel confronting those kids at the outdoor concert - shooting and killing them. Others showed them setting fire to safe rooms. Hamas posted those videos. How exactly do you think Israel was responsible?

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Granny, you are so prejudiced that I feel sorry for you. I do. You can't see what is in front of your face. So I worry about your safety. I don't think you really understand who is a danger to you. I would get Bibi behind bars ASAP. Israel has stated for a long time that it wants to annihilate all Palestinians (and Arabs, actually). They want way more than Palestine. They are sparing no one. In fact, they just rounded up all Palestinians from Gaza in Israel who WERE allowed to work in Israel (jobs Israelis don't want) and dumped them across the border in Gaza, not to be allowed back. They basically dumped them to die. I have been following various substacks for 3-4 years through the COVID business and have figured out who knows a decent amount about various issues and who is clueless. I don't trust any Israeli source. Sorry. That's the price to pay with your Israeli Lobby in my country. It'll take a lot for me to trust anything an Israeli--even a liberal, humanistic, left-wing one--has to say. Sorry. It's been more than 50 years I've been shocked by the Zionist/Israeli (and often Jewish) willingness to lie and lie and lie. I am sure you are shocked because you believed a lot of those lies. That's between you and them. If I were a Western Jew, I would be FURIOUS. But not at people who defend the humanity of Palestinians. Not them. Zionists are not your friend, Granny62. They are endangering your life. Wake up.

I have no idea what picture you're talking about. But Israel has been at the forefront of surveillance and AI and facial recognition technology and using technology to misrepresent reality. I am skeptical of all photos, videos, news stories, etc. I watch behavior. Character is consistent. Bibi is super consistent. I watch his behavior and ignore what he says. I don't believe a thing he says. No one should. He's a fucking psychopath.

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I respect and appreciate your, as i see it, conscientious attempts to reach this person; however, I am puzzled by your last two sentences in this comment: are they simply a lapse into exasperation ? In your years of careful observation and assessment, have you not become aware that Netanyahu, to whatever extent I can't say, but to an appreciable extent I am convinced, is CIA ( and thus, at his level, almost by definition psychopathic ) ?

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I appreciate hearing this. I'm reading "The Israel Lobby"--out of print and used copies are way over priced--and just finished the second chapter on the financial, military, logistical support the U.S. has given to Israel up to the time of publication (2006). From what I'm reading about the relationship between the two countries, and the attempts US presidents, beginning with Eisenhower, have made to rein in Israel, I don't think that last statement is true. They may work together--in fact Israel has been given access to highly classified American intelligence that no other "ally" has ever been given--but it looks like even Eisenhower could not rein in their influence on Congress. We're talking 75 years at least. Presidents and their reps (even including Kissinger, according to this book) have tried to rein in Israeli behavior and have been unable to because Congress was captured so long ago. I'm sorry to say this but I really do think American Jews have a LOT to answer for. This is a classic example of why we all need to deal with our individual traumas for fear of exaggerating them and visiting them on people far beyond our circle. I know my Baby Boomer Jewish cohort were raised, most of them, with the most godawful emotional abuse by their parents and grandparents re the Holocaust (which is an industry and I'll leave it at that in deference to CJ's legal situation). But according to this book Israel was controlling the U.S. and not the other way around from the very start because Congress is afraid of the American Jewish voting bloc. The U.S. historically tried to rein them in by promising rewards if they did such-and-such. They would receive those rewards (ridiculously generous ones) and then renege on their promises. So they would be bribed again. It's kind of like Charlie Brown and Lucy. I'll leave it to you which country was which cartoon character. I do not believe the CIA controls Netanyahu. I've known (too many) CIA personnel and I wouldn't call them psychopathic. I would call them suburban cowboys who are pretty narcissistic, racist, lacking in empathy, lacking in historical education, terribly ignorant of and indifferent to other people's cultures--the list goes on. I would say they have a neurotic need for approval from daddy. Some of them are clinically sadistic. I would say they use psychological manipulation tactics that would cause any parent to lose custody of their kid. And they are well-paid and honored (not by ME) for it.

I think Mearsheimer and Walt need to bring their book out in a new edition, possibly on-demand. Everyone should read it. I've been following the multiple aid streams from the U.S. to Israel since I was a kid but I only knew about a fraction of it.

What we really need to do is cut Israel off from everything--aid, of course, private aid (on which donors receive a tax exemption, allowing the really big donors to engage in extreme tax fraud), lump sum payment (on which they can earn interest on our financial instruments until they actually use the money), no oversight on aid (thus they want loans that are later waived so that there is no U.S. oversight on how they are used--that's h ow we finance all those settlements), access to highly sensitive intelligence in real time, discounted military hardware--financial support to build their arms industry which is now 7th or 8th in the world, on and on and on. Everyone who cares about this genocide should read this book.

But it's not the CIA that is telling Netanyahu what to do. Quite the opposite.

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Vanessa Beeley's substack today, Nov. 12, 2023, has some compelling video footage of the IDF bombing on Oct. 7 that they are blaming on Hamas. This is when participants at the rave got in their cars and tried to flee. The footage shows helicopters (presumably--definitely not Hamas fighters) dropping bombs quite intentionally on fleeing vehicles. Also a huge bomb on cars full of people before they pulled out of their parking spaces.

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I just read CJ's Mindfuck piece and glad he admits to being mindfucked too. I lived in Luxor, Egypt for 3 years and stood up to a mob of men who were attacking a woman during the pandemic. My family escaped out of Egypt days before the 6 Day War (I was 11) and I will never forget Nassar's voice blasting on loud speakers in the streets of Cairo, "Death to America and its stooge Israel", while men roamed the streets with guns. When my dad told the tourist agent we wanted to go to Israel he was screamed at "Israel does not exist". I saw the hate first hand. They make no secret if it. I watch now as the mask comes off so many people around the world who can finally express what they always thought in the dark, hatred of Jews. I wrote about it but mostly it just angers people. Hard Facts: From the River to the Sea

"тАжthe left doesnтАЩt just have a Corbyn problem or a Tlaib problem or a Farrakhan problem. It has a big, fat Jew-hatred problem right in its ideological core.тАЭ NYU student, Tal Fortgang


and Tales of Eclipse: The Lost (Foreign) Women of Luxor https://open.substack.com/pub/khmezek/p/tales-of-eclipse-the-lost-foreign

and my latest piece Captagon, the 'jihad' drug

How we got to a place where drugs manufactured to pacify unruly children are now being used to incite terrorists to violence. https://open.substack.com/pub/khmezek/p/captagon-the-jihad-drug

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I think Clay is referring to the Israeli ambassador guy, Gilad Erdan, who was yelling at the UN / world for being silent -- "I will make you remember the shame of your silence every time you look at me" etc -- while IRL the world (aka the mainstream media and cabal-puppet governments) has been screaming so full tilt about the babies that even I who 100 ignore said puppet outlets heard it. I also heard in the screaming that Palestinian babies are not to be mentioned, because I think something yellow stars. Adding note here: Leveraging human compassion for babies to further the agenda of the cabal is deplorable across the board.

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it's a mostly satirical post.

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not where i live mate, where i live my so called "prime minister" has offered "unequivocal support" for "israeli" genocide of the indigenous Palestinian people, by the non indigenous "israelite" "idf" and a few thousand am-eri can "special forces" lgbt inclusive of course.. so......

im wondering who actualy lives in a sensory depravation tank?

as i write however a large part of the local world of Palestine has laid down the requirement for israel to cease and desist or cease to exist, does that still constitute silence, or is merely the sounds you filter out?

at the end of the day and likely by the end of the week all voices will be irrelevant as the inside job of Oct 7th leads to its intial purpose that being the incitement of war on Iran by "israel" using "usa" (who being bereft of oil, money and honour seek the merest of excuses and having depleted finally their strategic oil reserve and global credit)

the gross mismanagement of "usa" and "eu" as so vividly shown in the former "ukraine" over the last 2 years will be shown again as they still conceive that the middle east are camel bashing savages, well done "usa", well done "israel", build that fkn 3rd temple on the site of Al Aqusa (see current military expansion into West Bank), seat your "messiah" on your toxic, radioactive "throne", let satans mans relish the depravity, For that is whom they serve, if one would merely do the required research and i so wish you all would, its kinda important right now

we are talking about the extremists in "israel" the self same extremists that created their mirror images and set them to their bidding

It is all mighty fucked up, but humanity still, just about has a choice

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