not where i live mate, where i live my so called "prime minister" has offered "unequivocal support" for "israeli" genocide of the indigenous Palestinian people, by the non indigenous "israelite" "idf" and a few thousand am-eri can "special forces" lgbt inclusive of course.. so......
im wondering who actualy lives in a sensory depravation …
not where i live mate, where i live my so called "prime minister" has offered "unequivocal support" for "israeli" genocide of the indigenous Palestinian people, by the non indigenous "israelite" "idf" and a few thousand am-eri can "special forces" lgbt inclusive of course.. so......
im wondering who actualy lives in a sensory depravation tank?
as i write however a large part of the local world of Palestine has laid down the requirement for israel to cease and desist or cease to exist, does that still constitute silence, or is merely the sounds you filter out?
at the end of the day and likely by the end of the week all voices will be irrelevant as the inside job of Oct 7th leads to its intial purpose that being the incitement of war on Iran by "israel" using "usa" (who being bereft of oil, money and honour seek the merest of excuses and having depleted finally their strategic oil reserve and global credit)
the gross mismanagement of "usa" and "eu" as so vividly shown in the former "ukraine" over the last 2 years will be shown again as they still conceive that the middle east are camel bashing savages, well done "usa", well done "israel", build that fkn 3rd temple on the site of Al Aqusa (see current military expansion into West Bank), seat your "messiah" on your toxic, radioactive "throne", let satans mans relish the depravity, For that is whom they serve, if one would merely do the required research and i so wish you all would, its kinda important right now
we are talking about the extremists in "israel" the self same extremists that created their mirror images and set them to their bidding
It is all mighty fucked up, but humanity still, just about has a choice
not where i live mate, where i live my so called "prime minister" has offered "unequivocal support" for "israeli" genocide of the indigenous Palestinian people, by the non indigenous "israelite" "idf" and a few thousand am-eri can "special forces" lgbt inclusive of course.. so......
im wondering who actualy lives in a sensory depravation tank?
as i write however a large part of the local world of Palestine has laid down the requirement for israel to cease and desist or cease to exist, does that still constitute silence, or is merely the sounds you filter out?
at the end of the day and likely by the end of the week all voices will be irrelevant as the inside job of Oct 7th leads to its intial purpose that being the incitement of war on Iran by "israel" using "usa" (who being bereft of oil, money and honour seek the merest of excuses and having depleted finally their strategic oil reserve and global credit)
the gross mismanagement of "usa" and "eu" as so vividly shown in the former "ukraine" over the last 2 years will be shown again as they still conceive that the middle east are camel bashing savages, well done "usa", well done "israel", build that fkn 3rd temple on the site of Al Aqusa (see current military expansion into West Bank), seat your "messiah" on your toxic, radioactive "throne", let satans mans relish the depravity, For that is whom they serve, if one would merely do the required research and i so wish you all would, its kinda important right now
we are talking about the extremists in "israel" the self same extremists that created their mirror images and set them to their bidding
It is all mighty fucked up, but humanity still, just about has a choice