I respect and appreciate your, as i see it, conscientious attempts to reach this person; however, I am puzzled by your last two sentences in this comment: are they simply a lapse into exasperation ? In your years of careful observation and assessment, have you not become aware that Netanyahu, to whatever extent I can't say, but to an app…
I respect and appreciate your, as i see it, conscientious attempts to reach this person; however, I am puzzled by your last two sentences in this comment: are they simply a lapse into exasperation ? In your years of careful observation and assessment, have you not become aware that Netanyahu, to whatever extent I can't say, but to an appreciable extent I am convinced, is CIA ( and thus, at his level, almost by definition psychopathic ) ?
I appreciate hearing this. I'm reading "The Israel Lobby"--out of print and used copies are way over priced--and just finished the second chapter on the financial, military, logistical support the U.S. has given to Israel up to the time of publication (2006). From what I'm reading about the relationship between the two countries, and the attempts US presidents, beginning with Eisenhower, have made to rein in Israel, I don't think that last statement is true. They may work together--in fact Israel has been given access to highly classified American intelligence that no other "ally" has ever been given--but it looks like even Eisenhower could not rein in their influence on Congress. We're talking 75 years at least. Presidents and their reps (even including Kissinger, according to this book) have tried to rein in Israeli behavior and have been unable to because Congress was captured so long ago. I'm sorry to say this but I really do think American Jews have a LOT to answer for. This is a classic example of why we all need to deal with our individual traumas for fear of exaggerating them and visiting them on people far beyond our circle. I know my Baby Boomer Jewish cohort were raised, most of them, with the most godawful emotional abuse by their parents and grandparents re the Holocaust (which is an industry and I'll leave it at that in deference to CJ's legal situation). But according to this book Israel was controlling the U.S. and not the other way around from the very start because Congress is afraid of the American Jewish voting bloc. The U.S. historically tried to rein them in by promising rewards if they did such-and-such. They would receive those rewards (ridiculously generous ones) and then renege on their promises. So they would be bribed again. It's kind of like Charlie Brown and Lucy. I'll leave it to you which country was which cartoon character. I do not believe the CIA controls Netanyahu. I've known (too many) CIA personnel and I wouldn't call them psychopathic. I would call them suburban cowboys who are pretty narcissistic, racist, lacking in empathy, lacking in historical education, terribly ignorant of and indifferent to other people's cultures--the list goes on. I would say they have a neurotic need for approval from daddy. Some of them are clinically sadistic. I would say they use psychological manipulation tactics that would cause any parent to lose custody of their kid. And they are well-paid and honored (not by ME) for it.
I think Mearsheimer and Walt need to bring their book out in a new edition, possibly on-demand. Everyone should read it. I've been following the multiple aid streams from the U.S. to Israel since I was a kid but I only knew about a fraction of it.
What we really need to do is cut Israel off from everything--aid, of course, private aid (on which donors receive a tax exemption, allowing the really big donors to engage in extreme tax fraud), lump sum payment (on which they can earn interest on our financial instruments until they actually use the money), no oversight on aid (thus they want loans that are later waived so that there is no U.S. oversight on how they are used--that's h ow we finance all those settlements), access to highly sensitive intelligence in real time, discounted military hardware--financial support to build their arms industry which is now 7th or 8th in the world, on and on and on. Everyone who cares about this genocide should read this book.
But it's not the CIA that is telling Netanyahu what to do. Quite the opposite.
I respect and appreciate your, as i see it, conscientious attempts to reach this person; however, I am puzzled by your last two sentences in this comment: are they simply a lapse into exasperation ? In your years of careful observation and assessment, have you not become aware that Netanyahu, to whatever extent I can't say, but to an appreciable extent I am convinced, is CIA ( and thus, at his level, almost by definition psychopathic ) ?
I appreciate hearing this. I'm reading "The Israel Lobby"--out of print and used copies are way over priced--and just finished the second chapter on the financial, military, logistical support the U.S. has given to Israel up to the time of publication (2006). From what I'm reading about the relationship between the two countries, and the attempts US presidents, beginning with Eisenhower, have made to rein in Israel, I don't think that last statement is true. They may work together--in fact Israel has been given access to highly classified American intelligence that no other "ally" has ever been given--but it looks like even Eisenhower could not rein in their influence on Congress. We're talking 75 years at least. Presidents and their reps (even including Kissinger, according to this book) have tried to rein in Israeli behavior and have been unable to because Congress was captured so long ago. I'm sorry to say this but I really do think American Jews have a LOT to answer for. This is a classic example of why we all need to deal with our individual traumas for fear of exaggerating them and visiting them on people far beyond our circle. I know my Baby Boomer Jewish cohort were raised, most of them, with the most godawful emotional abuse by their parents and grandparents re the Holocaust (which is an industry and I'll leave it at that in deference to CJ's legal situation). But according to this book Israel was controlling the U.S. and not the other way around from the very start because Congress is afraid of the American Jewish voting bloc. The U.S. historically tried to rein them in by promising rewards if they did such-and-such. They would receive those rewards (ridiculously generous ones) and then renege on their promises. So they would be bribed again. It's kind of like Charlie Brown and Lucy. I'll leave it to you which country was which cartoon character. I do not believe the CIA controls Netanyahu. I've known (too many) CIA personnel and I wouldn't call them psychopathic. I would call them suburban cowboys who are pretty narcissistic, racist, lacking in empathy, lacking in historical education, terribly ignorant of and indifferent to other people's cultures--the list goes on. I would say they have a neurotic need for approval from daddy. Some of them are clinically sadistic. I would say they use psychological manipulation tactics that would cause any parent to lose custody of their kid. And they are well-paid and honored (not by ME) for it.
I think Mearsheimer and Walt need to bring their book out in a new edition, possibly on-demand. Everyone should read it. I've been following the multiple aid streams from the U.S. to Israel since I was a kid but I only knew about a fraction of it.
What we really need to do is cut Israel off from everything--aid, of course, private aid (on which donors receive a tax exemption, allowing the really big donors to engage in extreme tax fraud), lump sum payment (on which they can earn interest on our financial instruments until they actually use the money), no oversight on aid (thus they want loans that are later waived so that there is no U.S. oversight on how they are used--that's h ow we finance all those settlements), access to highly sensitive intelligence in real time, discounted military hardware--financial support to build their arms industry which is now 7th or 8th in the world, on and on and on. Everyone who cares about this genocide should read this book.
But it's not the CIA that is telling Netanyahu what to do. Quite the opposite.