Quite frankly, I'm shocked that more people didn't see this coming. After all, Elon wants to put chips in our brains, he has launched more satellites than most nations, and he's working hand-in-secret-glove with the US DOD.

How many more red flags did we need to see?

Free Speech on Twitter: The Grand Illusion

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/e376085e148a

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There's also the “We will coup whoever we want! Deal with it.” tweet after his alleged involvement in the overthrow of the democratically elected government of Evo Morales in Bolivia November 2020.


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Wow! That's certainly horrifying. Somehow I missed this one. Just now added this link into the section on Musk in my "red pill" library:

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/f75740326d3a

Thanks for sharing!

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Metta, look at James Corbet on the Corbett report, his documentaries library he has a great one on Musk and where he came from. This will inform you even further. Now mind you Corbett is a virus defender, why I do not know but he is right on in this documentary, Jack.

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Who puts out his tweets? Who runs all of it? Not him. I look at him like a hologram for the predators.

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Yep. I left months ago...Twitter jail for my friend using the 'useful idiots' historically accurate term. Why aren't more people with a mic calling out Elon on his 'genius at work' BS. He owns/co-owns Twitter/X, Tesla, Neuralink, Space X, Boring Co, satellites... Excuse me, but even IF he were just delegating to ONE of those companies his plate would be pilled high and deep...but somehow we are suppose to imagine that he is in the trenches working on ALL of of these high-tech gargantuan businesses? Where the hell does he get time to Tweet often, go on long form podcast, travel around the world showing up at conferences and parties, family/kids and now train for a cage fight? He's a front man for the globalists or an AI robot that doesn't sleep. Which I don't buy because his language skills are neither sharp nor very clear and delivery often slow....so I'm left with controlled opposition ...just like Trump. They say enough to be viewed as savior and then tell you to get the jab 'it's great' or stick a chip in your brain after claiming that AI is an existential threat.

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Yes exactly. His job is to smoke dope on Joe Rogan, just like Trump's job is to say the corporate media are fake news. They are cartoon characters created by focus groups. They are the official spokesmen for doublethink. They all come from elite / globalist/ technocratic families and holiday at Epstein Island, and yet they are miraculously also 'of the people'.

They are as authentic as all big name young pop stars singing sincere songs about teenage angst..... all written by a handful of middle aged songwriters nobody's ever heard of, who use psychology and tried-and-tested formulas to appeal to the target demographic. Formulas that are proven to WORK, time and time again.

FUN FACT: Mainstream newspapers in the 50's wrote many articles on the big aerospace companies who were, at the time, developing anti gravity propulsion technology (and doing so quite openly). By all accounts they were on the cusp of a breakthrough and it was assumed the jet/ rocket age was about to be superseded by this new form of propulsion (AKA flying cars).

Then something weird happened. All talk of ant grav disappeared forever (and it became a taboo subject). Then the public was treated to the Apollo show, followed by the Shuttle show, and now the Space X show..... all of which are basically repackaged versions of 1940's rocket tech (with a few superficial bells and whistles added on). It's almost as if someone realised anti grav 'flying cars' (and lorries) would end the oil industry, liberate the masses, end the scarcity paradigm and level the playing field.

It is clear from Elon's interviews that he doesn't actually believe Space X is cutting edge. His role (like NASA's role) is to continually rebrand 1940's technology in a way that gives the illusion of progress. This is just as ridiculous as rebranding old rotary dial Bakelite phones as cutting edge today, just because they now have little wheels and an alarm clock attached to them. It's embarrassing - and he often looks embarrassed when talking about his stupid rockets. Same goes for electric cars (a technology we abandoned a century ago). And windmills!

The reason why the economy and society is going down the toilet is because the natural progression of technology has been un-naturally held back. Energy and propulsion technologies are being held back (and are now going backwards). The only technologies that are being allowed to advance in the public domain are Orwellian surveillance and Transhumanist technologies. Go figure.

The people at the top are keeping all the best toys for themselves, while encouraging the rest of society to embrace their slide back into a new dark ages under the WEF/ UN banner of 'saving the planet'. We are witnessing a breakaway civilisation sever their link to the rest of society. That is why social/ personal/ economic dysfunction and outright failure is not only being encouraged but celebrated. If they still needed a productive workforce to invent and build their toys we'd still see a strong work ethic being promoted in society.

People like Elon are there to promote the slide back to a kind of digital feudalism, in a society powered by windmills, where personal mobility will be limited to e-bikes and electric self driving taxis (but only for approved journeys). The proposed 15 minute cities will be like living in medieval society, where the peasants rarely travelled beyond the county where they were born.

Generations of hard working coal miners, steel workers, factory workers and inventors are all screaming from the grave... "stop worshipping Pied Pipers like Musk, and reclaim these suppressed technologies that 200 years of OUR hard labour and taxes created!"

We don't want brain chips, 15 minute cities and e-bikes. We want flying cars and free energy generators in our basements! We have to stop celebrating this awful 'slave think' mentality. I think even people like Musk would rather we all lived in a Jetsons world, instead of this Truman show of demoralisation, plastered with rainbow stickers.

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Beautifully written!

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But at least you can get your sex changed whenever you want. And your kids too! And don’t even think about objecting to that, or else!

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Thank you for this honest post. If you are familiar with Lyndon Larouche and his writing, videos and economic ideas you will see what reality is as opposed to the entropic falsity of the matrix we live in now. True visionaries are dangerous to the power structure and have to be smeared, jailed or murdered. We are led to believe in a twisted science that is not scientific at all. Many over the centuries have tried to show the verry real possibility of the human mind to create enough of everything to thrive into the future without any Malthusian lies that have been proven to be lies, Jack.

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Well said!

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BINGO! 100% SPOT ON! 👍 👏

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EXACTLY. James Corbett also has some amazing video s on Musk, very entertaining to,say the least

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"Quite frankly, I'm shocked that more people didn't see this coming. After all, Elon wants to put chips in our brains, he has launched more satellites than most nations, and he's working hand-in-secret-glove with the US DOD."

Oh, they did. What you are reading in all this supposed support of Musk are intelligence assets and "public relations" firms, propaganda firms.

Twitter, Google, Youtube, and Facebook, they are completely infiltrated and unsaveable. This may happen with SubStack as well in time. You might be thinking "well, how could anybody do that, betray all their users?" - Facebook did it, Google did it, Youtube did it, Twitter, WhatsApp, Yahoo! (remember the ex-king of the Internet everybody left when they betrayed their users?) did it, Telegram is doing it.

"Hey buddy, want to retire and be able to do anything you want?" - that's a powerful incentive.

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Never trusted Elon. Why would I? And changing the friendly (on the surface) bluebird to the creepy X (reminds me of the creepy X files)? Come on... How about a twitter strike? Go elsewhere for 3 months, ignore it completely, and see what happens. Even those of us not on it, but peek, could participate.

But let me try to interrupt the Elon hatefest and ask? Ok, so how do we do free speech? In the old days, cranks, loonies, and malicious trolls were filtered out simply because when they put up a box on Main Street, nobody listened to them. Or if they were obnoxious in the extreme, they were run out of town on a rail, nicely tarred and feathered. Obviously, we don't want self-serving creeps telling us what is "awful." But neither do we want anything goes, like 4chan. So I confess I am suddenly a little confused about the logistics of free speech. Anyone can point me?

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I think censorship should be limited to true hate speech aka threats of violence. I think platform moderation should include prohibiting direct harassment of other individuals. In other words, you can post things other people don't like so long as you aren't calling for violence against others. And moderators should tell users who are directly harassing others to stop with the unwanted contact or at least give the aggrieved party the ability to block the harasser.

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"Hate speech" is a useless fiction, and far removed from things like actual, credible threats of violence. That aside, everything else you said sounds like a great foundation for online speech policies.

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He thought the "cool cat" persona would circumvent him being exposed.

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Substack does the same thing e.g. almost all my posts have the word "memes" in it... And yet, use their search function to search for memes and see what comes up.... NOTHING... Except for a left leaning Substack and maybe Dr. Malone who they have to tread warily with as he is a public figure now with significant reach...

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Thank you for this Metta! I am after Mr. Musk took over still banned????????????? Go figure. His robots come out on stage stooped as if to poop and wave. This is touted as incredible when robots from I believe Boston U. not sure but I saw the doing back flips from one platform to another below and moving like humans. This made his lost in space junk look like junk. It was laughable but the audience clapped uncontrollably, pitiful.

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I never cease to be amazed how few people can spot a cockroach when they see one. And when you point it out, they abuse you or laugh at you. SO hard not to say 'sucked in'... Tough for you as you are so visible - because, as you say, it ain't the cockroach that gets the blame. It's us folks with the functional cockroach-spotting skills (eyes and ears at last count..). Heaven forbid people might impersonate a functional adult for 5 minutes and admit they were conned. Happens to all of us more than once in life, after all. Better to be the one being fooled than the asshole doing the fooling.. And there is no shame in wanting to trust people, after all. Keep up the good work. It is appreciated.

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Thanks! Yes, I've been fooled more times than I can count during my almost 62 years. I actually voted for Bill Clinton in 1992, for example. Don't tell anyone, though. It's way too embarrassing.

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Tell me about it-I voted for Trudeau 🤦🏼‍♂️ it all makes perfect sense though-keep the troops home-just send money and declare war on your own citizens. Let’s call it the fifteen minute country 🥷

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I did, too. But only the first time he ran, so I have decided to forgive myself since back then I didn't realize that the mainstream media didn't actually present news, just propaganda on behalf of the globalists.

Moreover, the system is now rigged to keep the globalists in power. Here's Klaus Schwab gloating about his influence on governments all over the world, including Canada:


Singh, another WEF puppet, is supporting Trudeau so he stays in power until 2025. I despair of how much damage will be done to Canada in the meantime.

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I wonder what JFK would have said about Klaus Schwab and the WEF now.

(JFK school of government)

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I'm afraid I don't know enough about JFK to comment. (I'm Canadian, so his short life was not really part of my folklore, plus he died before I was even born.)

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its worth a read. Find the top truth full book about him. He affected MANy countries across the world with his positive policies. In regards to his assassination read The Unspeakable.

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Ha! I remember talking to a Canuck couple in 2017 while waiting for a ferry ride to Heart island and Boldt Castle, near Alexandria Bay, NY in the 1000 Islands region. They were complaining bitterly about the influx of foreign refugees from the US, which were allegedly fleeing from the evil maniac Trump. When I told them they should thank young Castro/Turdeau (sic!) they almost jumped me and said he was simply the best. Wonder how they feel today.

Did you know that Canada has been the refuge for Nazi war criminals since shortly after the end of WW2? The infamous Ukraine SS Division Galicia was first “rescued” from Soviet captivity and brought to the UK, where many were then utilized in the British Army. Later on, many relocated to Canada where they still hold yearly memorial gatherings, parading around in full Nazi uniforms. The insignia of SS Division Galicia are still proudly on display in present day Ukraine Armed Forces. Apparently, it’s not Fascism when we do it. It’s just part and parcel of the New Normal Reich.

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Yes, I'm sure a lot of Nazi war criminals ended up in Canada after WW II. The reason that Trudeau's sidekick, Chrystia Freeland, is such a strong supporter of Ukraine is because her granddad was a Nazi collaborator.


Incidentally, the US scooped up Nazi scientists as part of Operation Paperclip:


I suspect that couple you met is no longer as fond of Trudeau, but who knows. There are a lot of left-leaning Canadians, even now. Talk about a clown world.

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You voted for Trudeau? You should be banned from CJ World!! /sarc

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The first time-probably had something to do with cannabis 😵‍💫

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That’s why they now want to legalize cannabis in Germany and lower voting age to 16 — they’re running out of useful idjits. But it doesn’t really matter b/c there’s no viable alternative anymore. You can vote your way into totalitarianism, but you can only shoot your way out of it.

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I voted for Jacinda Ardern. Cringe!

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You have my condolances.

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Same! Same age too...

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CJ, Substack does the same thing e.g. almost all my posts have the word "memes" in it... And yet, use their search function to search for memes and see what comes up.... NOTHING... Except for a left leaning Substack who does Saturday posts with the word meme in the title and maybe Dr. Malone who they have to tread warily with as he is a public figure now with significant reach...

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Fortunately, my father taught me how to identify porcine lipstick. Never fell for the monkeys dressed with silk garments mentioned here.

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Same, and I'm eight years older and wiser.

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You have been lied to all your life and the lie started before you were even born. https://ghostfromthefuture.substack.com/p/now-that-your-eyes-are-open

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Trump twice. But in my defense, he was only the second presidential candidate after Harry Browne for whom I ever bothered.

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I don't think you need to defend yourself. I would've voted for him, if I'd been American. I think he was surrounded by the deep state, who sabotaged him at every turn. In her book, Birx pretty much brags about how she lied to him. If he hadn't been surrounded by traitors, he could've achieved so much more. Plus he didn't start a single war; given the situation we're in now, that is a stellar quality in a world leader.

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Trump was a stooge. He’s a pro wrestling character and everything involving him is but charade. He was the prep psyop for the Covid psyop and more.

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Well at least President Warp Speed did not start ww3, admittedly a very low bar to attain.

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That’s being left to 47, President Harris and VP, Fetterman😂

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"I never cease to be amazed how few people can spot a cockroach..."

Or a rhinoceros, as in Ionesco's play.

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I agree, they should pay us to be in our company....

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Not ever “unsubscribing” from you, CJ. And a whole lot of other critically thinking adults love you, too. I loved Jimmy Dore’s recent take-off on a comment the late, great comedian Bill Hicks once quipped: “Looks like we got ourselves a reader!!” Just to spread the news, one of my favorite writers, Walter Kirn, has just started a broadsheet paper called County Highway that will come to your MAILBOX six times a year. CJ, if you ever get booted off the internet completely, you could start your own rag perhaps. Hang in there. You are loved.

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Loved that bit from Jimmy and happy to see him (and now you!) reference the great Bill Hicks. I can't even imagine what poor Bill would think of the state of affairs today haha

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Bill was one of a kind. I feel lucky to have seen him perform live five different times. Each time, we were unable to stop laughing until tears rolled down our cheeks. He was taken too soon. I remember one night, waiting outside the venue to go inside where he was performing on 6th St in Austin. A black car slowly rolled by the crowd, turning the corner and from said car, (Bill) yelled, “Bill Hicks is God!” We were laughing before the show even started. What a truly brilliant, dissident, crazy-good guy that one was. I still miss him so.

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But seriously I am so jealous that you saw Bill perform live, let alone five different times! That is so cool, and what a great story about Bill before the Austin show. Besides all of the laughs he gave me, when I get too black-pilled about things, I still think of his moving "just a ride" bit or of him spending those last weeks re-reading Lord of the Rings, and I smile and feel a bit better : )

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Me, too. I cried when he died. But “It’s Just a Ride” always makes me smile til this day. The last show I saw with him was at the Laugh Stop in Austin and he knew he was dying, but did not let on. That show was one for the ages. I’m glad you get to see his videos and listen to his CDs. They’re still so pertinent, even today. Mark of a genius comedian. Cheers, Apollo! Long may we laugh!

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Well said, Mel! I'll happily drink to that. Cheers to you as well!

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What's weird is that, I literally feel myself spiraling at this point into an almost Mac Miller-like "Good News" type mood these days; this weird ass summer with all of its conversations that no longer happen between friends and families, all of the unspoken horror on so many fronts, all of the apologies that are not forthcoming from anyone for anything (despite the massive need for apologies from all the aiders and abetters, but I digress). And then along comes this revelation from L Yaccarino about keeping X safe and "healthy" almost as if the final mole had been whacked into place by the machine; and suddenly the realisation that we really are all alone. No one is coming to help us. There is no help. We will have to figure this our for ourselves and on our own. Which is why I am so thankful for voices like yours CJ, akin to flames flickering in the massive dark abyss, reminding me I'm not entirely alone and going mad. I hope that this alone will be some comfort to you, because it is so for me.

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We're not alone ... just widely scattered.

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Probably better that way

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Why would anyone trust Elon? He's one of them. He doesn't care about freedom.

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Same reason people trust politicians. They are lost souls looking for a savior.

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You hit the nail on the head. It’s a lot of work to be your own saviour!

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Anyone who makes a billion dollars must be trustworthy.

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He is not a human

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It's worse than old twitter where at least you knew you ran afoul the censors and could crack open a cold one and high five your dog. Kim Dot Dilly Bar always has the most calorie rich takes, empty, nutrient free bloated calories that make you clench your stomach after reading. I had an idea about stopping all this years ago, it was called LEAVING TWITTER. Nobody did it. Here we are. As long was we are surrounded by imbeciles prepare for more clown world theatrics.

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"Leaving Twitter" ~ This is the answer to most of what ails the world today. Simply leave. Walk away. Do Not Comply.

Or, follow Christopher Walken's example, and just say "No""

> https://youtu.be/9yHYAG01aaY

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I cannot understand why anyone would want to be a part of Twitter—or Facebook.

"Today's narcissist, instead of gazing at his/her reflection, rearranges his/her Facebook page."

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Facebook is the main source of communication with my far flung friends and family.

I use it to talk to and entertain them. I keep the ads off, not a member of any groups, certainly don't follow any news or politicians, etc.

It's just a tool, the modern equivalent of the old phone system. (I'm 56).

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Oh, you are missing most of the fun. Start thinking about something you should research potentially to buy. Pay special attention to NOT running any searches on any computer for a few days. The item you were thinking about will appear in your Facebook feed. Now how do they do that?

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Original quote from ADBUSTERS magazine, Sept/Oct 2011:

"Instead of falling in love with his own image in a pond, today's narcissist gazes adoringly at his own Facebook page."

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Great quotation! Thanks so much for sharing this, along with your original, and most appropriate, comment.

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. . . when s/he is not taking selfies! ;-)

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I use them for my business. My business is based on Facebook groups.

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I read somewhere that Twitter can be summarized in three words: "I HATE YOU!"

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I can’t believe critical thinking people: watch television, use Facebook, and use Twitter. Stop being a dolt.

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I used to just comment on sites that talk about what is going on on Twitter. And then I thought: Is this really any different than twitter?

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Some sites are still free. Twitter would not allow much of the health advice I get from Substack! That is evil.

I could care less about Twitter.

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"We will be “free” to post whatever we like, but we will be talking to no one, in a digital void, which most people won’t even know exist."

Visibility is just a nuanced form of old-style shaddowbanning. You're free to write as much as you like and the App will even be kind enough to take your monthly subscription fee, however, you'll be basically writing love letters to yourself. 😁

The Twitter/X staff comprised of "ex-FBI" agents (X certainly marks the spot) will decide if your comments are "healthy" enough to be viewed. However, if your analysis is too keen and damages the ruling elites official propaganda narrative it'll be relegated to the "leprosy pile" never to be seen by normies, or any of the usual assortment of nutcases dwelling on social platforms.🤨

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Well said!

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Thank you for this, completely over the target, almost too obvious at the time but this is how the mechanism operates. Deprive, suppress, then let the valve open for a few seconds to let a bit of oxygen in before smothering completely. And your call to step back & look at all this more broadly couldn't be more apt. None of this started recently & there is a lot to know... Thank you again, as always, for clarity & irony, a very rare commodity in these parts (US of A)!

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“One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.”

—Carl Sagan

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The bamboozled attack the non bamboozled rather than the bamboozlers!

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Hopeium is such a deadly drug "because" it is so intimately tied up in human goodness and emotion. They think we are suckers because they use our goodness against us, but in the end we are unstoppable. That's why they hate us... because of love and hope, compassion and imagination.

Walk softly, aim for balance, always look inside first, but give no quarter to the Moloch Worshippers.

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Talking of the history of all this, I'm just getting to the end of Joseph Plummer's excellent 'Tragedy and Hope 101: The Illusion of Justice, Freedom and Democracy'. For anyone not familiar, it's a 200-page synopsis of the research of the historian Carroll Quigley, who was close to what he called 'the Network', started up by Cecil Rhodes in order to gain control over 'all habitable portions of the world'. He also had access to their private papers for a year or two and wrote his 1300-page tome, 'Tragedy and Hope' as a history of their doings (or, in his view, 'achievements', not that he agreed with them on everything - he certainly didn't think they should be so secretive about their 'achievements'). Anyway, the Joe P synopsis (also full of references to Quigley's 'The Anglo-American Establishment') is great as a quick primer on who runs the world and how they do it, or as a study guide to the full Quigley volume. Also worth listening to Ed Griffin's talk on 'The Quigley Formula' which is easily found online (and is cited early in the Plummer book, to which Ed G wrote the Preface). Always good to help by buying a copy but otherwise Joe's book is available online on his website.

There is an interesting factoid in Griffin's talk about Bill Clinton acknowledging Quigley as his mentor (he was his history professor) and why he mentioned that in at least three speeches at the start of his career.

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Thanks for the links to more info. Very interesting. I looked for Freedom Force International and did not see much. (Griffin’s group mentioned at the end of the video.)

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X is paying homage Xi, Musk's owner.

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More Israel than China, imo

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And I'm convinced Israel's owners answer to a dark spiritual power. Also, it was interesting that RFK Jr was quite emphatic of his support of Israel when interviewed by Jimmy Dore; doubtful he will really speak with Max Blumenthal of the Grayzone about Israel's human rights record. And no candidate will ever mention the USS Liberty incident either.

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im a long time supporter of RFK Jr, An American Jew with family in Israel who does NOT support the Israeli govt or their Genocidal policies towards Palestinians. I hope he does have a discussion with Max. Hes got ALOT of debriefing to do.

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Yes but... whoever thought that XTwitter was/is anything but corporate speech? Not me! Call it 'deamplifying', call it whatever you like, it is and always has been censorship. The real issue to address is why people continue to use it, especially those who claim to be supporters of 'free speech'? And this includes CJ himself! Now there's a contradiction to ponder. It's a bizarre version of self-censorship. The so-called legacy media has long practiced censorship and self-censorship, in other words not a damn, fucking thing has changed, just the vehicle of our enslavement! I suppose it has to do with the strange nature of the electronic media, where words (and images) are ephemeral, there is no solidity, the very nature of the medium itself is fluid, liquid, words dissolve. 'All that's solid melts into air' to borrow a phrase. It's as if the medium itself demands special attention. The only solution is a total boycott but I'm only dreaming.

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Unfortunately, it's part of my job.

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Using XTwitter is part of your job? I don't think so CJ, your 'job' is demystify, to demolish, to deconstruct. XTwitter's job is maintain the corporate order, to monopolise the medium, to exclude, to marginalise, to demote, to isolate. To make money for that fucking freak Musk and his megalomania. The reason you use it is, in part, your ego, it's why so many use it, so you're not alone. It's effectively an addiction. The medium is addictive, it's why I write here isn't it, it's so fucking easy but the words swirl down the drain, an infinite torrent, it's the nature of the medium. Jean Baudrillard called it 'Xerox to Infinity' (well it was an earlier age).

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I'm curious. How, exactly, do you imagine I would I be able to "demystify, to demolish, to deconstruct" anything it if I ran away and hid from it? I'm happy for anyone who is able to do that, as I'm sure it's a huge quality-of-life improvement, but, as I said, it's a part of my job.

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Surely CJ it's implicit in your criticism? Your words, if deemed 'dangerous' will not be read, that's the poison, you're there but not there. As to how, well what does your writing do? I find it paradoxical that you defend the medium that seeks to make you invisible. So they don't have tto lock you up, there are no jackboots.

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So if political satire is a person's job at all, how do you propose that a satirist publicise their material? Do you want everyone who bothers to publish anti-establishment stuff on the internet to stop, because they are being, to some degree, shadow banned? We will continue to do what we always do, and that is to try our best to stay one step ahead of the censors - or at least not too far behind. We are currently doing that with Substack and spraying out to the other social media platforms in the hope of landing on a few walls. But at this stage, Substack is the core of the operation. However, we KNOW, without a doubt, that at some stage, Substack WILL go the way of the rest of them. So what are we doing to ensure we have a future proof publishing platform where we do not lose all our readers when the requirement to censor catches up with the next "freedom loving" publishing platform?

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I think you completely missed my point; I'm not referring to Substack but to Twitter.

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Two Xs in XeroX.

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Google does a better job of giving CJ more "reach" than Twitter ever did.

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Hmmm... you think so? A Google search for 'CJ Hopkins' supplied me with 3 links, plus a sidebar to his published work, Substack was notable by its absence.

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Does it show his 2022 book, Rise of the New Normal Reich?

His Wikipedia page doesn't read like a hit piece... although it stops at 2009.

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The Consent Factory's Wikipedia Liason was banned from Wikipedia in 2019. You can read about it here if you're into that kind of thing ... https://consentfactory.org/2019/11/05/the-ministry-of-wiki-truth/

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I wouldn't trust a single word of anything you read on Wikipedia, it's run by the CIA/FBI (and no doubt MI6).

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I don't remember the titles but I think 4 or 5 of his books were shown in the sidebar

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Reminds me of when I dislocated my shoulder playing football and was told if you don’t want to get injured, don’t play. Everyone who participates in the social media sphere can’t complain about when bad things happen and blame others. Mark Zuckerberg didn’t become a billionaire because he was smarter than everyone else. It’s just everyone who uses Facebook/Meta is ignorant and that includes my children and many friends. Same goes for Twitter/X and the rest. One doesn’t obtain power by letting others be free. It comes from having control. Be free - you don’t need Elon Musk for that.

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Until the market speaks, nothing will change.

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Markets mattering is a thing of the past.

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Ask Bud Light.

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Ask a beer? Are you aware that corporation produces hundreds of brands. Plus, obviously, market forces never entered the equation for them. So maybe you think markets matter. They don’t.

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Ask a beer.

Target is being sued on behalf of their shareholders.

You keep telling yourself that your actions don't matter, if it makes you feel better

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Every squabble involving a public company ends up in shareholder lawsuit.

Wait and see what happens. I'm curious. I doubt that bud light's dip in sales is large enough to affect shareholders. But maybe?

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Bud Light was the number one selling beer in America, even if In Bev owns Modelo the new number one, I doubt they don't care.

What do you think would have happened if shortly after it became obvious FB was censoring they had lost 30 40 percent of users?

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Just FYI, as an adult male of 61 I have never had a medical or dental intervention. That’s the kind of behavior and taking of personal responsibility that is the most revolutionary.

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Huh? Bizarre non-sequitor. You might be “right,”but you interact like the “left.”

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In Bev has sold BUD LIGHT.

Ask a beer

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I prefer the term "globohomo", which is a portmanteau of either globalization + homogenization or globalization + homosexuality.

Musk being a controlled asset has been known for quite awhile, the details of which I went into here:


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