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Not ever “unsubscribing” from you, CJ. And a whole lot of other critically thinking adults love you, too. I loved Jimmy Dore’s recent take-off on a comment the late, great comedian Bill Hicks once quipped: “Looks like we got ourselves a reader!!” Just to spread the news, one of my favorite writers, Walter Kirn, has just started a broadsheet paper called County Highway that will come to your MAILBOX six times a year. CJ, if you ever get booted off the internet completely, you could start your own rag perhaps. Hang in there. You are loved.

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Loved that bit from Jimmy and happy to see him (and now you!) reference the great Bill Hicks. I can't even imagine what poor Bill would think of the state of affairs today haha

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Bill was one of a kind. I feel lucky to have seen him perform live five different times. Each time, we were unable to stop laughing until tears rolled down our cheeks. He was taken too soon. I remember one night, waiting outside the venue to go inside where he was performing on 6th St in Austin. A black car slowly rolled by the crowd, turning the corner and from said car, (Bill) yelled, “Bill Hicks is God!” We were laughing before the show even started. What a truly brilliant, dissident, crazy-good guy that one was. I still miss him so.

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But seriously I am so jealous that you saw Bill perform live, let alone five different times! That is so cool, and what a great story about Bill before the Austin show. Besides all of the laughs he gave me, when I get too black-pilled about things, I still think of his moving "just a ride" bit or of him spending those last weeks re-reading Lord of the Rings, and I smile and feel a bit better : )

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Me, too. I cried when he died. But “It’s Just a Ride” always makes me smile til this day. The last show I saw with him was at the Laugh Stop in Austin and he knew he was dying, but did not let on. That show was one for the ages. I’m glad you get to see his videos and listen to his CDs. They’re still so pertinent, even today. Mark of a genius comedian. Cheers, Apollo! Long may we laugh!

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Well said, Mel! I'll happily drink to that. Cheers to you as well!

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