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Here in Germany (or most of it), masks are still mandatory on public transport, doctor's practices, and other places, there are still "vaccination" mandates, etc. "Vaccine" injuries and deaths are still being denied by the authorities, media, et al. Censorship and demonization of dissent continues.

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To give up freedom for security is the devil's bargain.Security is the sweet sister of death ,it wraps its arms around us,and lulls us into sleepy narcotic waves of apathy. When do the Germans wake up and become a sovereign independent nation.

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I think someone tried to do that before... didn't go too well as far I recall.

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Reporting from deepest, darkest soon to be commie/fascist (again) Spain here... the masks are firmly in place still on all public transport and "medical" environments (including pharmacies which technically are just shops). What grinds my gut is seeing the kids on school busses all wearing muzzles to this day. It makes me wonder what's going on in the schools. And then there's the relentless faithfull that I see stumbling around the local towns with muzzles drawn tight while everyone else is muzzle-free. I'm wondering what the rates will be when they drop the next stage of this ongoing psyop.

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That's true, one of my friend went to Berlin and masks are still mandatory in subway and trains, similar is Dresden and Vienna. Here as we are neighbor country it was scraped since March 2022. Sometimes it's funny, that you can tell who is traveling from Vienna or Germany because they are only one with mask in train.

I didn't followed the German situation so closely recently, but we mostly follow some path sooner or later. Good situation is with air travel. At airports there are no covid passes and no masks mandatory. If I can say is that for Amsterdam, Prague, Italy and Turkey.

Regarding the vaccines and censorship. At YouTube is now allowed to mention excess mortality, covid and origin of virus from lab. Before they deleted any video mention this information but now its allowed to stay and reach many viewers. I was personally surprised, that video with Dr. So┼Иa Pekov├б got about 236.000 views in 6 days which is impressive for our region. (https://youtube.com/watch?v=r5wHrqwHllU) There are also other stories, many people are speaking up on many channels specially mentioned just for this information about censorship and manipulation - https://youtu.be/WUAP3CkT0Mc

Intersting is also official sources, which published the excess mortality which is currently highest ever been in Europe. https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/products-eurostat-news/-/ddn-20220916-1

I have to look how it's with Germany but I am sure, they also getting this information out. When you speak with Germans, the attitude and mental blocade is shifting. Somewhere is probably delayed or in different stage but the direction is similar in whole Europe.

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