Reporting from deepest, darkest soon to be commie/fascist (again) Spain here... the masks are firmly in place still on all public transport and "medical" environments (including pharmacies which technically are just shops). What grinds my gut is seeing the kids on school busses all wearing muzzles to this day. It makes me wonder what's g…
Reporting from deepest, darkest soon to be commie/fascist (again) Spain here... the masks are firmly in place still on all public transport and "medical" environments (including pharmacies which technically are just shops). What grinds my gut is seeing the kids on school busses all wearing muzzles to this day. It makes me wonder what's going on in the schools. And then there's the relentless faithfull that I see stumbling around the local towns with muzzles drawn tight while everyone else is muzzle-free. I'm wondering what the rates will be when they drop the next stage of this ongoing psyop.
Reporting from deepest, darkest soon to be commie/fascist (again) Spain here... the masks are firmly in place still on all public transport and "medical" environments (including pharmacies which technically are just shops). What grinds my gut is seeing the kids on school busses all wearing muzzles to this day. It makes me wonder what's going on in the schools. And then there's the relentless faithfull that I see stumbling around the local towns with muzzles drawn tight while everyone else is muzzle-free. I'm wondering what the rates will be when they drop the next stage of this ongoing psyop.