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While it’s good that both Matt and Mike are waking up, it’s still early for them. It’s like they sometimes forget that it’s not just that things have changed, it’s that they were never what we thought they were. Matt will ask “what happened” and “how did we get here” but he forgets that the past was a lie and he’s asking the wrong questions.

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100% with you! https://ghostfromthefuture.substack.com/p/now-that-your-eyes-are-open

People seem to not think too much about the saying that it is the victors who write the history books.

There is no statement being made on the veracity of those history books, except for that the losers' view is likely not in it. The victors history books tell you what the victors want you to 'know'.

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And, most importantly, the mere fact that he would disrespect CJ Hopkins, who stands on his own. Blessed be he-long may he pester, as the great gadfly of our generation! Socrates had enemies within his own ranks, too...

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It’s almost as though they are controlled opposition. So familiar by now- ho-hum. Yawn.

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“Mike means well. He’s got a good heart.” Even CJ is an innocent summer child, to use SageHana’s great noun.

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In a chapter in one of his books, Matt Taibbi made malicious fun trashing people that investigate 9/11. Has he ever renounced that act or does he still go along with the discredited story that bin Laden and al-Qaeda did it? What about Mike's view of 9/11? To understand the roots of governance through emergency measures, it is necessary to study the extensive transformations brought about by the 9/11 deceptions. The deal with 9/11 is that you are not allowed to be a Very Important Person if you insist on investigating this crucial episode in twenty-first century geopolitics. And if you avoid the investigative process or just do it privately but keep your mouth closed so MSM continues to call, then your Big Picture analysis is pretty much shit. And you are exposed as a fake to those of us who have made the necessary investigations followed by forthright public conclusions.

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Taibbi provides me with many sends. They are most frequently naught but teasers. To get to the meat of his perhaps informative message, one must first pass his pay-wall. I know that jet travel and nice hotels are very pricey these days. However, most of us simply cannot afford that shit...and considering the negative environmental effects of such antics should also be plumbed by those who have been semi-deplatformed by the PTB.

Matt, in case you happen to view this posting, I'm talking to you.

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Yeah, he's a self-serving POS in my humble opinion. Would never have spoken up if his own feathers hadn't been a little ruffled.

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The worst ones out there do the limited-hangout bit. Your insight into him getting those tail feathers ruffled is more likely the case. Thus my judgement would be that like many another ex media maven, he has only partially awakened. Long-term, sometimes a single step can lead to a thousand mile march. Maybe not gonna happen in this instance, but maybe, just maybe something more along the line will induce him to open BOTH eyes. Point is, he was living a life of acclaim and quasi-luxury and it's hard to adjust to wake-up call reality.

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