The worst ones out there do the limited-hangout bit. Your insight into him getting those tail feathers ruffled is more likely the case. Thus my judgement would be that like many another ex media maven, he has only partially awakened. Long-term, sometimes a single step can lead to a thousand mile march. Maybe not gonna happen in this instance, but maybe, just maybe something more along the line will induce him to open BOTH eyes. Point is, he was living a life of acclaim and quasi-luxury and it's hard to adjust to wake-up call reality.
Yeah, he's a self-serving POS in my humble opinion. Would never have spoken up if his own feathers hadn't been a little ruffled.
The worst ones out there do the limited-hangout bit. Your insight into him getting those tail feathers ruffled is more likely the case. Thus my judgement would be that like many another ex media maven, he has only partially awakened. Long-term, sometimes a single step can lead to a thousand mile march. Maybe not gonna happen in this instance, but maybe, just maybe something more along the line will induce him to open BOTH eyes. Point is, he was living a life of acclaim and quasi-luxury and it's hard to adjust to wake-up call reality.