U re being Judgmental and Self-righteous. It appears that u believe that yor posture is the “right” one. Someone who has one contrary or different from yours is ignorant, or worse yet, they r an idiot. U r not impartial, rather u r predjudiced (/or biased).
Perhaps your perspective has given those with anti-Semitic sentiments a feeling of being welcome to spout their hateful remarks. Just sayin'
I’m not quite sure what the point is that you’re trying to make here.
I fully support their right to speech.
It lets the world see who they are. Sunlight is the best disinfectant after all.
U re being Judgmental and Self-righteous. It appears that u believe that yor posture is the “right” one. Someone who has one contrary or different from yours is ignorant, or worse yet, they r an idiot. U r not impartial, rather u r predjudiced (/or biased).
Oh sweet irony!
Caroline--it would really improve your substack cred if you would stop writing like a 12 year old with the "U rs" and other teenage mechanisms.