again, you do not even get i was making fun of MSM because that poster had made totally bogus claims about my OUT OF THE BELTWAY source, which to me had exceptional credentials. try reading, ok, it was pure sarcasm on my part and you are more slapping her in the face, not I. I have been an alt press person my entire life, even did publishing on my own.
I was joking about her comment, if you care to follow the thread and actually comprehend. She rejected a non MSM site for totally bogus reasons.
You are the ignorant one about the crusades.
Also, any Sane person rejects the MSM as they are the dinosaur media now, dying out because they are Known, Proven Liars.
again, you do not even get i was making fun of MSM because that poster had made totally bogus claims about my OUT OF THE BELTWAY source, which to me had exceptional credentials. try reading, ok, it was pure sarcasm on my part and you are more slapping her in the face, not I. I have been an alt press person my entire life, even did publishing on my own.