Congratulations to Matt for meddling with the primal forces of nature! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=35DSdw7dHjs)

I highly recommend he or his freelance team contact Sasha Latypova (https://sashalatypova.substack.com) and Katherine Watt (https://bailiwicknews.substack.com) regarding the DoD’s role in contracting the manufacture of the bioweapons being used to depopulate the planet. I would be more than honored to make the introductions if you are willing to connect me with Matt.

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Feb 13, 2023·edited Feb 13, 2023

Yes, Taibbi offers only part of the picture.

However, one must start somewhere.

At least, one hopes, he can make people aware of how the "news' we get is manipulated and filtered through agencies like the FBI and CIA.

To attain a bigger picture, one may read Francis Stonor Saunders WHO PAID THE PIPER-THE CIA AND THE CULTURAL COLD WAR, Noam Chomsky's MANUFACTURING CONSENT, and your own excellent THE RISE OF THE NEW NORMAL REICH—and, if people want to know where we're rapidly heading, ZONE 23.

It's hard to be optimistic about anything.

Stay strong, CJ.

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Feb 13, 2023Liked by CJ Hopkins

I read this as something of a throwing-down of the gauntlet to challenge Taibbi and his team to dig deep. If so, that's a nice bit of reverse psychology, CJ.

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Readers who accept Taibbi as a viable source must not be aware of his participation in the coverup of 9/11. https://911truth.org/the-ultimate-911-truth-showdown-david-ray-griffin-vs-matt-taibbi/

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Feb 13, 2023·edited Feb 13, 2023

Independent journalists that will truly follow the truth to its full conclusion are a very rare breed and are some of bravest of the brave who too often end up 'suicided.' Others are fed material by the authorities in the true limited hangout. Most others will tinker around exposing truth but self censor, producing the same, a limited hangout. Why? Because they know that the State reserves for itself the right to commit the ultimate censoring and control mechanisms over the narrative for any length of time the State deems necessary in retaining its rock solid hold on the known reality. In the USA we have the political assassinations of Presidents on down to the people's 'True' leaders and control over the storyline of State crimes against democracy. The same with journalists. Gary Webb and Michael Hastings are just two examples of 'the brave' that spring to mind. Now the simple question that needs answering is if this 'Racket News' ( poor choice in name imho) and if Taibbi can change his 'spots' and become one of this rare breed? Churchill's observation on the reaction of people who come across the truth seems very apropos. After all as a young up and coming politico he was given a real in time demonstration when visiting the Wall Street stock market and understood the lesson he was being given. Only a complete and total cleansing of the human societal structure and its reality in determining the human experience will ever free humanity allowing our species to attain its true potential as a caring and cooperative species.

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The feline community supports Matt, but:

1. The Twitter Files merely confirmed what we all have already known for a long time now.

2. The same thing happens with every other social media platform. Twitter is just the one that we have documented proof of.

3. What's to prevent the Alphabet Agencies and their followers from smuggling in spies, saboteurs, malware, red herrings, outright misinformation and Bastet knows what else into the army of citizen researchers that Matt called for?

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This started after Obama left office? 🤣😂😅

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"Haven’t I been hopping up and down and bouncing off the walls of my enclosure hooting and screeching about how the so-called “Twitter Files” are a “limited hangout” and hurling verbal feces at all and sundry involved like an agitated baboon?"

Why yes, you have! It's been very entertaining as well.

"[your] enclosure" 🤣🤣🤣

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I certainly have empathy for those people who close their eyes and just want to go on vacation or party. We are living in a kind of death machine that has gone into self-destruction mode. Our only hope is that the imminent collapse will proceed in such a way that the continued existence of our species is possible.

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100% CJ. The powers that be have so cleverly and brilliantly sewn this whole thing up into such a beautifully and tightly bound rats nest of cobwebs and blurry disconnected dots and lines… that anyone attempting to make enough sense out of it in order to present it all as a neatly laid out piece of journalistic inquiry .. will either go totally batshit insane (or at the very least, be made to appear so), or be forever cast out into the shadows of the wilderness— or worse. These bastards are playing an absolute blinder! They’ve got all the bases covered.

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Matt needs to approach this task as he would a round of golf. Stay in the fairway of the hole you are playing, avoid slicing and hooking into neighboring fairways. Hitting shots that are short and straight is much better than hitting them long and wide. And the prize is the hole on the green, not the flag that's in the hole.

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Is the Consent Factory affected by supply chain disruptions too, as planned in Event 201?

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..."we no longer have, as past societies have had, any picture of individual Man(Stoic Philosopher, Christian Religious, Rational Gentleman) by which to recognize ourselves and against which to measure ourselves; we are anything. But if anything, then nothing, and it is not everyone who can live with that, though it is our true present position. Hence our willingness to locate ourselves from something that is certainly larger than ourselves, the society that contatins us."( Robert Bolt in his Preface to "A Man For All Seasons") But it is not today's "society" that offers hope or a way to save individual identity, anymore than society was able to save Thomas More from being beheaded; More made the ultimate sacrifice and gave up a life which he truly loved and there are no shortages of sacrifices of varying degrees to be found in our present condition; but, for the most part, our culture (world) remains ignorant and sorely in need of "educating" in the same sense that Bolt's play was a wake-up call for those of us living in the 60s and suffering from a similar loss of identity; CJ, we need another play to address the season of darkness that surrounds us, a play that reflects reality but still offers hope for redemption of the human spirit.

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I think there are several layers of reality/redefinition that 'normies' need to break through. It's also the case that very few could break through more than one layer at a time, asking them to jump too far is futile, it breaks too many circuits and they switch off.

So I see the 'twitter files' as part of the process, not an end game.

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hurling verbal feces at all and sundry involved like an agitated baboon? <---- ROFLMAO .. I love it.

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Is the ‘memory hole’ search a joke? Over 3500? results but show nary a one!?!?! Hummmm.

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