Congratulations to Matt for meddling with the primal forces of nature! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=35DSdw7dHjs)

I highly recommend he or his freelance team contact Sasha Latypova (https://sashalatypova.substack.com) and Katherine Watt (https://bailiwicknews.substack.com) regarding the DoD’s role in contracting the manufacture of the bioweapons being used to depopulate the planet. I would be more than honored to make the introductions if you are willing to connect me with Matt.

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Thanks, Margaret, but I think Matt is probably inundated with offers of help and suggestions, etc.

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Haha, I figured. When he’s ready to tackle the DoD rabbit-hole, tho, Sasha’s and Katherine’s dossiers of evidence will be crucial.

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Elon picked Matt and Bari Weis for a reason. They won't go down that rabbit-hole.

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And Alex Berenson—he will NEVER touch the ivermectin/early treatment suppression, the lynchpin that enabled them to commit every single atrocity executed in the name of COVID:

• “Letter to Alex Berenson on World Ivermectin Day” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-alex-berenson-on-world)

• “Alex Berenson Proves Himself a Man of Principal—Not Principle” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/i/91947777/alex-berenson-proves-himself-a-man-of-principalnot-principle)

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Absolutely yes. It was awfully suspicious that when so many were losing livelihoods for speaking out about the narrative, Berenson sold the film rights to one of his books. Yeah, definitely not a payoff.

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🤔 He's got to be getting something from Pfizer for shilling Paxlovid. There is no logical explanation for him pushing an experimental drug with a profile of serious side effects over a Nobel-Prize–winning medication with a 40-year safety record and hundreds of peer-reviewed studies demonstrating its efficacy against COVID.

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I was somewhat aware of Berenson before covid for covering Eli Lilly's illegal marketing of Zyprexa in the New York Times a decade ago. I thought he was good then, but I'm beginning to wonder if that was a limited hangout too. There was a bigger story to be told, involving more than just Eli Lilly. Several major pharmaceutical companies had new atypical antipsychotics, marketed them illegally, forced them on vulnerable people (children, prisoners, elderly people in nursing homes, and people in mental hospitals), conned the government into paying, and covered up the effects. It was an industry-wide atrocity with many similarities to the vaccine fraud, but because it mainly effected people on the margins the story never got the attention it deserved. I haven't read everything he's written, but as far as I can tell Berenson didn't explore how the crimes went beyond a single company, and he doesn't really connect pharma's past crimes to today. It's a bit odd.

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Fascinating! You make a compelling case for LH.

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Even bigger and better rabbit-hole than this Ivernectin/Early treatment baloney, is the one where the 'virus' was never even proven to exist in the first place, never isolated/purified, the 'sequence completely made up on a computer program out of thousands of other fake virus sequences, the same goes for ALL so called 'viruses, totally blowing any need for alternative 'treatments', that also come from big pharma, right out of the water. That's the best rabbit-hole I ever plunged head first right down into. That was the actual 'lynch-pin' that enabled them to commit every single atrocity in the name CONVID. That's the kind of Red Pill only those who can skull a yard glass in 3 seconds should attemt.

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Absolutely! To my thinking it’s maybe the deepest rabbit hole. I presume that you came across the diligent work of Christine Massey https://substack.com/profile/95631395-christine-massey-fois I was fortunate to come across her on Twitter early in the scam and she opened my eyes.

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If a journalist is not willing to face and report the whole truth, then what’s the point? Foremost in everyone’s minds should be the incorrigible fact that one in every thousand vaccinated die. That’s the truth that should keep us up at night.


People are still getting boosters every single day. Until that stops, no other news matters, in my humble opinion.

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Exactly right. That Taibi and Greenwald assiduously avoided investigating so-called vaccines raises a big red flag, imo.

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and Cait Oz too. For a while I thought getting into biological science and statistics was stretching too far for them so they wisely stood back. But I'm not sure, at all.

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Agree wholeheartedly. I just recently discovered these two and WOW. Very grateful to have them.

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Another doing sterling work is Catherine Austin Fitts, though I confess to not understanding much of what she says or writes.

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Haha, yes, her first Planet Lockdown interview (https://planetlockdownfilm.com/full-interviews/) is what opened my eyes to the financial dimension of the COVID scheme, and her OvalMedia series with CJ (https://www.oval.media/en/mrglobal-2/) is spectacular, of course.

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Thanks for link to planet lockdown. Bookmarked.

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Sasha and Katherine are a one-way door to the inescapable region of which CJ writes, from which there is no escape, a black hole from which communications are not allowed to escape. Even Sasha and Katherine do not dare enter that region and are merely the doorway to the real Consent Factory of which CF writes.

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Re: Sasha Latypova: her well cited and researched info on DOD and Covid is an episode of RFK juniors brilliant Defender podcast.

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Yes, Taibbi offers only part of the picture.

However, one must start somewhere.

At least, one hopes, he can make people aware of how the "news' we get is manipulated and filtered through agencies like the FBI and CIA.

To attain a bigger picture, one may read Francis Stonor Saunders WHO PAID THE PIPER-THE CIA AND THE CULTURAL COLD WAR, Noam Chomsky's MANUFACTURING CONSENT, and your own excellent THE RISE OF THE NEW NORMAL REICH—and, if people want to know where we're rapidly heading, ZONE 23.

It's hard to be optimistic about anything.

Stay strong, CJ.

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Do we believe they’ll actually allow us the “whole picture?” If you can close the world... for 0.007% death rate.... ?

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We could start by forbidding censorship on social media platforms. Or move to platforms that don't censor. Without freedom of speech, all efforts to bring awareness will be thwarted .

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I dunno, shadowbanning seems far more effective and insidious than overt censorship.

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I read this as something of a throwing-down of the gauntlet to challenge Taibbi and his team to dig deep. If so, that's a nice bit of reverse psychology, CJ.

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"Sir, I am unaware of any such activity or operation... nor would I be disposed to discuss such an operation if it did in fact exist, sir."

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The Deep State threw down their gauntlet to journalists with their treatment of the heroic Julian Assange.

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Quite right!

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Julian Assange was a victim of his own ego in considering himself a publisher beyond prosecution/persecution . Just another dimwitted Aussie , and wanna be journalist in the end , who left himself no exit from a situation he created. That the powers that be deem him a continuing useful idiot as his new digs in Belmarsh and threats to ship him the US for a fun show trial indicate .

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Yes, foolish Mr. Assange absurdly expected those "enlightened" Western nations to actually stand by the principles they sell so hard to everyone else.

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The previous night, having a nervous break down, punching himself in the mirror...”I see you have a bad hand there....are you wounded? No sir a little fishing accident on R&R”

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Yeah, right!

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Readers who accept Taibbi as a viable source must not be aware of his participation in the coverup of 9/11. https://911truth.org/the-ultimate-911-truth-showdown-david-ray-griffin-vs-matt-taibbi/

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Thanks for this link! This was from 2008, seven years after the event. There are some people (not enough) who are open to changing their mindsets when exposed to new information. Some may do so, but keep it to themselves. In Taibbi's case, based on his status THEN AND NOW as a popular public figure and journalistic "influencer," who on the record attempted to disparage Griffin and the 911 Truth movement, I'd have to see a PUBLIC recanting of the views he expressed in this article and elsewhere for me to have any real interest, let alone faith, in his current undertakings.

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I spent a lot of time on the Alternet comment section during that period. Alternet's editors ran every 9/11 Truth hit piece Taibbi produced in those days. The most serious problems in the world today have ties to the fact that 9/11 truth has never been told to the masses. Many of the perpetrators are still in positions of power. After 22 years of hiding the truth, Taibbi's damage has been done. There is little chance he will ever own up to the fact that his 9/11 coverage is all lies.

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I will always loathe Taibbi for writing that article.

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The whole tone of it oozed pre-arranged malicious intent. Amazing how well Griffin handled it.

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Independent journalists that will truly follow the truth to its full conclusion are a very rare breed and are some of bravest of the brave who too often end up 'suicided.' Others are fed material by the authorities in the true limited hangout. Most others will tinker around exposing truth but self censor, producing the same, a limited hangout. Why? Because they know that the State reserves for itself the right to commit the ultimate censoring and control mechanisms over the narrative for any length of time the State deems necessary in retaining its rock solid hold on the known reality. In the USA we have the political assassinations of Presidents on down to the people's 'True' leaders and control over the storyline of State crimes against democracy. The same with journalists. Gary Webb and Michael Hastings are just two examples of 'the brave' that spring to mind. Now the simple question that needs answering is if this 'Racket News' ( poor choice in name imho) and if Taibbi can change his 'spots' and become one of this rare breed? Churchill's observation on the reaction of people who come across the truth seems very apropos. After all as a young up and coming politico he was given a real in time demonstration when visiting the Wall Street stock market and understood the lesson he was being given. Only a complete and total cleansing of the human societal structure and its reality in determining the human experience will ever free humanity allowing our species to attain its true potential as a caring and cooperative species.

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Well said!

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The feline community supports Matt, but:

1. The Twitter Files merely confirmed what we all have already known for a long time now.

2. The same thing happens with every other social media platform. Twitter is just the one that we have documented proof of.

3. What's to prevent the Alphabet Agencies and their followers from smuggling in spies, saboteurs, malware, red herrings, outright misinformation and Bastet knows what else into the army of citizen researchers that Matt called for?

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This started after Obama left office? 🤣😂😅

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Actually, it did, what Matt's referring to anyway, and what I covered in my essays from 2016-2020. There was a dramatic shift of focus from The War on Terror to The War on Populism (i.e., from the insurgencies in the Middle East to the insurgencies in the Western democracies), and it started in the Summer of 2016, so a little before Obama left office.

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I believe Bush2s attack on Iraq led us into this current cul d sac and Obomber's unprovoked attack on Syria as well as threats to invade Iran brought Russia and Turkey into the game

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Because Obama was regime, they had no need to use the machine against him. While the machine was put together over decades, the entire Obama administration was strained to complete the task by the time he left so they could undermine whatever domestic movements could arise after that. They were ready for a populist uprising. It's not just massive security state issues, it's little things like the war on single family homes and natural gas, the competence crisis through lowering standards in every important industry like medicine and military, with "equity" policies, pushing LGBTQ "rights" and anti-religious legislation. It was all put in place under Obama.

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Bush 2 Patriot Act , given larger teeth by the Obomber regime.

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But he also said the last 33 years...it intensified on social media since trump

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"Haven’t I been hopping up and down and bouncing off the walls of my enclosure hooting and screeching about how the so-called “Twitter Files” are a “limited hangout” and hurling verbal feces at all and sundry involved like an agitated baboon?"

Why yes, you have! It's been very entertaining as well.

"[your] enclosure" 🤣🤣🤣

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I certainly have empathy for those people who close their eyes and just want to go on vacation or party. We are living in a kind of death machine that has gone into self-destruction mode. Our only hope is that the imminent collapse will proceed in such a way that the continued existence of our species is possible.

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100% CJ. The powers that be have so cleverly and brilliantly sewn this whole thing up into such a beautifully and tightly bound rats nest of cobwebs and blurry disconnected dots and lines… that anyone attempting to make enough sense out of it in order to present it all as a neatly laid out piece of journalistic inquiry .. will either go totally batshit insane (or at the very least, be made to appear so), or be forever cast out into the shadows of the wilderness— or worse. These bastards are playing an absolute blinder! They’ve got all the bases covered.

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Matt needs to approach this task as he would a round of golf. Stay in the fairway of the hole you are playing, avoid slicing and hooking into neighboring fairways. Hitting shots that are short and straight is much better than hitting them long and wide. And the prize is the hole on the green, not the flag that's in the hole.

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Is the Consent Factory affected by supply chain disruptions too, as planned in Event 201?

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..."we no longer have, as past societies have had, any picture of individual Man(Stoic Philosopher, Christian Religious, Rational Gentleman) by which to recognize ourselves and against which to measure ourselves; we are anything. But if anything, then nothing, and it is not everyone who can live with that, though it is our true present position. Hence our willingness to locate ourselves from something that is certainly larger than ourselves, the society that contatins us."( Robert Bolt in his Preface to "A Man For All Seasons") But it is not today's "society" that offers hope or a way to save individual identity, anymore than society was able to save Thomas More from being beheaded; More made the ultimate sacrifice and gave up a life which he truly loved and there are no shortages of sacrifices of varying degrees to be found in our present condition; but, for the most part, our culture (world) remains ignorant and sorely in need of "educating" in the same sense that Bolt's play was a wake-up call for those of us living in the 60s and suffering from a similar loss of identity; CJ, we need another play to address the season of darkness that surrounds us, a play that reflects reality but still offers hope for redemption of the human spirit.

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If you happen to be in the vicinity of Adelaide, there's a play sort of like that opening there in a few days ... https://adelaidefringe.com.au/fringetix/horse-country-a-surreal-comedy-af2023

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I think there are several layers of reality/redefinition that 'normies' need to break through. It's also the case that very few could break through more than one layer at a time, asking them to jump too far is futile, it breaks too many circuits and they switch off.

So I see the 'twitter files' as part of the process, not an end game.

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hurling verbal feces at all and sundry involved like an agitated baboon? <---- ROFLMAO .. I love it.

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Is the ‘memory hole’ search a joke? Over 3500? results but show nary a one!?!?! Hummmm.

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I believe that Mr. Hopkins point was that his specific article at Consent Factory, titled. " How to memory-hole a PSYOP" was being suppressed by google not the generic term 'memory hole'.

That's the way I read it.

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Oh yes. I get it but did you see at the top ‘returning 3500 results’. But no results are listed. Did you see that???

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yep, Google is a mess. I usually try to use other search engines. And Thanks, Mr., Hopkins for doing what you do. There's more resistance to "the Narrative" than I think most estimate. Take Care Everyone.

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