And Alex Berenson—he will NEVER touch the ivermectin/early treatment suppression, the lynchpin that enabled them to commit every single atrocity executed in the name of COVID:
Absolutely yes. It was awfully suspicious that when so many were losing livelihoods for speaking out about the narrative, Berenson sold the film rights to one of his books. Yeah, definitely not a payoff.
🤔 He's got to be getting something from Pfizer for shilling Paxlovid. There is no logical explanation for him pushing an experimental drug with a profile of serious side effects over a Nobel-Prize–winning medication with a 40-year safety record and hundreds of peer-reviewed studies demonstrating its efficacy against COVID.
I was somewhat aware of Berenson before covid for covering Eli Lilly's illegal marketing of Zyprexa in the New York Times a decade ago. I thought he was good then, but I'm beginning to wonder if that was a limited hangout too. There was a bigger story to be told, involving more than just Eli Lilly. Several major pharmaceutical companies had new atypical antipsychotics, marketed them illegally, forced them on vulnerable people (children, prisoners, elderly people in nursing homes, and people in mental hospitals), conned the government into paying, and covered up the effects. It was an industry-wide atrocity with many similarities to the vaccine fraud, but because it mainly effected people on the margins the story never got the attention it deserved. I haven't read everything he's written, but as far as I can tell Berenson didn't explore how the crimes went beyond a single company, and he doesn't really connect pharma's past crimes to today. It's a bit odd.
Even bigger and better rabbit-hole than this Ivernectin/Early treatment baloney, is the one where the 'virus' was never even proven to exist in the first place, never isolated/purified, the 'sequence completely made up on a computer program out of thousands of other fake virus sequences, the same goes for ALL so called 'viruses, totally blowing any need for alternative 'treatments', that also come from big pharma, right out of the water. That's the best rabbit-hole I ever plunged head first right down into. That was the actual 'lynch-pin' that enabled them to commit every single atrocity in the name CONVID. That's the kind of Red Pill only those who can skull a yard glass in 3 seconds should attemt.
Absolutely! To my thinking it’s maybe the deepest rabbit hole. I presume that you came across the diligent work of Christine Massey I was fortunate to come across her on Twitter early in the scam and she opened my eyes.
First I came across Dr. Stephan Lanka, Tom Cowan and Andrew Kaufman, then a great video by Spacebusters on Bitchute called GERMS that explains the whole hoax in simple terms from the beginning, Pasteurs original fraud, even going back before him to Edward Jenner. Massey is brilliant as well. Now we have the Baileys blowing the virus hoax up as well, and a few others. And I have to mention The Perth Group who proved HIV was a fraud as well back in the 80s. Yet still, here we are, with WHO wanting to base all illness on viruses and have eternal Scamdemics, and governments still pushing jabs on children and babies. I hope I live long enough to see the day when they can no longer keep this crap up because everyone learns the truth. There are no viruses. As soon as I learned they never went to the moon I thought, " My god, what else have they lied about"? It turns out, nearly EVERYTHING! Thank you for your reply to me.
That’s very much how I feel: I was a child when the “moon landing” happened and I had never as an adult looked at the photos and video properly. However, a thread on the subject popped into my Twitter feed and I read/watched the contents. Wow! How gullible are people! To think that the adults in charge of my well-being believed all that. 😳 So yes, I agree with you - if that was a lie, what can we believe?
I only personally know one single person who knows the truth about what really happened over the last three years. One person. All the truth is out there but people just lap up whatever crap is fed to them by the government and MSM. Anyway, you know all this. Sorry, now and again I go off on a little rant to release some of the frustration.
I have not seen the video GERMS so thank you for mentioning, I will give it a watch today.
I understand needing a little rant. and often that rant is to someone who already gets it, because you know it's safe and that they are going to 'get it'. I too only know one person, personally, that knows whats going on for these 3 years, and very fortunately, I share a place with him, so we can have little rants everyday and it really helps dealing with all this BS. Even the 'truther/freedom community ( if there is one ) have little idea what happened, and dwell on 'lab leaked viruses' GainOfFunctionFraudci' 'Ivermectin/Hydroxy treatments' and download QR codes for their favourite 'Freedom' Channels run by Pharma Shills ( like Malone or Robert Kennedy Jr.) It's all MENTAL. It's very nice to meet you, Susan. I'm in Australia and wed can't tell our neighbours what we really think anymore, just in case they dob us in to authorities when the time comes. And people wonder how the German people allowed the Nazis to do what they did. Now we know. You make people afraid, and then you set up their friends and family as the enemy if they don't follow orders. People are too afraid to try to stand up to the intimidation, and then they make themselves believe the lies in order to survive the New Normal. So yes, it's very nice to meet someone else who it is safe to have a little rant to. Thank you. Oh, btw, I assume you know this man made climate change bizzo is a load of bollocks too!
Yes, I do! I am no scientist but even I could see that there was no logical basis for their arguments, none of the data stacked up. Of course they are only experts in distortions: look at what they did with cholesterol, a life enhancing, essential was made into the enemy of everybody’s heart and vascular system. What a money spinner stains have been!
I used to share my place with another of us conspiracy theorists - so until recently I did actually know two - but sadly my husband passed away on Sunday. He spent a lot of time with doctors and in hospitals over the last three years and was constantly badgered to wear masks, get jabbed or whatever nonsensical thing they could think of next but he fought back ferociously.
I’m in the UK. Who’d have thought that our respective countries would have declined into such madness? Substack has been a wonderful gift and is one of the few things that keeps me sane. Have you come across ? They are UK centric but cover all these global issues.
If a journalist is not willing to face and report the whole truth, then what’s the point? Foremost in everyone’s minds should be the incorrigible fact that one in every thousand vaccinated die. That’s the truth that should keep us up at night.
People are still getting boosters every single day. Until that stops, no other news matters, in my humble opinion.
and Cait Oz too. For a while I thought getting into biological science and statistics was stretching too far for them so they wisely stood back. But I'm not sure, at all.
Elon picked Matt and Bari Weis for a reason. They won't go down that rabbit-hole.
And Alex Berenson—he will NEVER touch the ivermectin/early treatment suppression, the lynchpin that enabled them to commit every single atrocity executed in the name of COVID:
• “Letter to Alex Berenson on World Ivermectin Day” (
• “Alex Berenson Proves Himself a Man of Principal—Not Principle” (
Absolutely yes. It was awfully suspicious that when so many were losing livelihoods for speaking out about the narrative, Berenson sold the film rights to one of his books. Yeah, definitely not a payoff.
🤔 He's got to be getting something from Pfizer for shilling Paxlovid. There is no logical explanation for him pushing an experimental drug with a profile of serious side effects over a Nobel-Prize–winning medication with a 40-year safety record and hundreds of peer-reviewed studies demonstrating its efficacy against COVID.
I was somewhat aware of Berenson before covid for covering Eli Lilly's illegal marketing of Zyprexa in the New York Times a decade ago. I thought he was good then, but I'm beginning to wonder if that was a limited hangout too. There was a bigger story to be told, involving more than just Eli Lilly. Several major pharmaceutical companies had new atypical antipsychotics, marketed them illegally, forced them on vulnerable people (children, prisoners, elderly people in nursing homes, and people in mental hospitals), conned the government into paying, and covered up the effects. It was an industry-wide atrocity with many similarities to the vaccine fraud, but because it mainly effected people on the margins the story never got the attention it deserved. I haven't read everything he's written, but as far as I can tell Berenson didn't explore how the crimes went beyond a single company, and he doesn't really connect pharma's past crimes to today. It's a bit odd.
Fascinating! You make a compelling case for LH.
Even bigger and better rabbit-hole than this Ivernectin/Early treatment baloney, is the one where the 'virus' was never even proven to exist in the first place, never isolated/purified, the 'sequence completely made up on a computer program out of thousands of other fake virus sequences, the same goes for ALL so called 'viruses, totally blowing any need for alternative 'treatments', that also come from big pharma, right out of the water. That's the best rabbit-hole I ever plunged head first right down into. That was the actual 'lynch-pin' that enabled them to commit every single atrocity in the name CONVID. That's the kind of Red Pill only those who can skull a yard glass in 3 seconds should attemt.
Absolutely! To my thinking it’s maybe the deepest rabbit hole. I presume that you came across the diligent work of Christine Massey I was fortunate to come across her on Twitter early in the scam and she opened my eyes.
First I came across Dr. Stephan Lanka, Tom Cowan and Andrew Kaufman, then a great video by Spacebusters on Bitchute called GERMS that explains the whole hoax in simple terms from the beginning, Pasteurs original fraud, even going back before him to Edward Jenner. Massey is brilliant as well. Now we have the Baileys blowing the virus hoax up as well, and a few others. And I have to mention The Perth Group who proved HIV was a fraud as well back in the 80s. Yet still, here we are, with WHO wanting to base all illness on viruses and have eternal Scamdemics, and governments still pushing jabs on children and babies. I hope I live long enough to see the day when they can no longer keep this crap up because everyone learns the truth. There are no viruses. As soon as I learned they never went to the moon I thought, " My god, what else have they lied about"? It turns out, nearly EVERYTHING! Thank you for your reply to me.
That’s very much how I feel: I was a child when the “moon landing” happened and I had never as an adult looked at the photos and video properly. However, a thread on the subject popped into my Twitter feed and I read/watched the contents. Wow! How gullible are people! To think that the adults in charge of my well-being believed all that. 😳 So yes, I agree with you - if that was a lie, what can we believe?
I only personally know one single person who knows the truth about what really happened over the last three years. One person. All the truth is out there but people just lap up whatever crap is fed to them by the government and MSM. Anyway, you know all this. Sorry, now and again I go off on a little rant to release some of the frustration.
I have not seen the video GERMS so thank you for mentioning, I will give it a watch today.
I understand needing a little rant. and often that rant is to someone who already gets it, because you know it's safe and that they are going to 'get it'. I too only know one person, personally, that knows whats going on for these 3 years, and very fortunately, I share a place with him, so we can have little rants everyday and it really helps dealing with all this BS. Even the 'truther/freedom community ( if there is one ) have little idea what happened, and dwell on 'lab leaked viruses' GainOfFunctionFraudci' 'Ivermectin/Hydroxy treatments' and download QR codes for their favourite 'Freedom' Channels run by Pharma Shills ( like Malone or Robert Kennedy Jr.) It's all MENTAL. It's very nice to meet you, Susan. I'm in Australia and wed can't tell our neighbours what we really think anymore, just in case they dob us in to authorities when the time comes. And people wonder how the German people allowed the Nazis to do what they did. Now we know. You make people afraid, and then you set up their friends and family as the enemy if they don't follow orders. People are too afraid to try to stand up to the intimidation, and then they make themselves believe the lies in order to survive the New Normal. So yes, it's very nice to meet someone else who it is safe to have a little rant to. Thank you. Oh, btw, I assume you know this man made climate change bizzo is a load of bollocks too!
Yes, I do! I am no scientist but even I could see that there was no logical basis for their arguments, none of the data stacked up. Of course they are only experts in distortions: look at what they did with cholesterol, a life enhancing, essential was made into the enemy of everybody’s heart and vascular system. What a money spinner stains have been!
I used to share my place with another of us conspiracy theorists - so until recently I did actually know two - but sadly my husband passed away on Sunday. He spent a lot of time with doctors and in hospitals over the last three years and was constantly badgered to wear masks, get jabbed or whatever nonsensical thing they could think of next but he fought back ferociously.
I’m in the UK. Who’d have thought that our respective countries would have declined into such madness? Substack has been a wonderful gift and is one of the few things that keeps me sane. Have you come across ? They are UK centric but cover all these global issues.
Lovely to meet you too. 😊 I love your name btw!
If a journalist is not willing to face and report the whole truth, then what’s the point? Foremost in everyone’s minds should be the incorrigible fact that one in every thousand vaccinated die. That’s the truth that should keep us up at night.
People are still getting boosters every single day. Until that stops, no other news matters, in my humble opinion.
Exactly right. That Taibi and Greenwald assiduously avoided investigating so-called vaccines raises a big red flag, imo.
and Cait Oz too. For a while I thought getting into biological science and statistics was stretching too far for them so they wisely stood back. But I'm not sure, at all.