I can't tell you how much I appreciated your voice in 2020-2023. It took a lot of courage to criticize this while it was happening. I do appreciate that some journalists with clout are now investigating, and I hope they continue to do so in order to prevent Our Rulers from shoving iit all down the memory hole. Still, it's safer now. People like you took the brunt of the vitriol. As someone who was pushed out of a job for refusing this "vax," you have my support. Thank you.
I'm not an "anti-vaxxer" either, so no need for the disclaimer ... but it is remarkable, isn't it, how firmly these derogatory labels the authorities apply to their critics stick?
I got lucky with the anthrax vaccine, they had the moratorium on it when I went to the sandbox. By the time they brought it back, I was stuck in endless rotations to SA fighting the "war on drugs".
Thank you for your service. They do make mistakes. I was reading about one the other day, in relation to a potentially unjust sudden infant death case in Texas.
'The whole-cell tetanus vaccine was not withdrawn, but the whole-cell pertussis component of the DTP vaccine was replaced with an acellular pertussis vaccine due to safety concerns.'
That's Google AI on the subject, even though historically there were a statistically mind-blowing level of twins who died at the same time, shortly after taking the vaccine.
I think what really happens in that most experts make a form of internal cost–benefit analysis, and advocate accordingly. What they fail to realise is that the stifling of dissenters and people with genuine 'malinformation' always means their cost-benefit analysis is way off the mark. Most vaccines are safe, but there is a tendency to brush flaws with particular vaccines under the carpet, lest vaccine scepticism spread more generally and cause significant human harms.
What they fail to realise is that trust is a feedback system. Treat adults like unruly schoolchildren and they will behave irresponsibly. Treat people like informed adults and persuade them to act in a socially responsible manner, then their actions will be far more exemplary than what can be achieved by force and state coercion. Sweden provides the most obvious example of this axiom, and it had nothing whatsoever to do with their population educational levels. They trust their institutions because their institutions are trustworthy- willing to furnish 'warts and all' information, even if inconvenient truths might tend to cause people to weigh a decision in the balance, rather than automatically comply.
Their other huge mistake is assuming that smart people are more able to spot deception or dissembling. The assumption is that people who didn't do well at school are more easily gulled. This is simply not the case. If anything, the highly educated have a real blind spot when it comes to the motives of experts, people like them. Besides, research on solution aversion proves that smart people are simply better at confirming their biases. Rather than being better at ascertaining truth, smart people are better at reinforcing their own prejudices.
Yes, the derogatory labels are used against anyone who speaks out with a counter opinion, akin to the smear tactics and lies used against us here by the deep state players.
However, their labels don't work if we embrace them, and I have become a proud anti-vaxxer the last three years, especially as more evidence against the deadly childhood vaccination schedule comes to light recently, as well as knowing the history of the corrupt medical establishment and the use of totally ineffective vaccines to supposedly "protect" people from even more contrived diseases. It's all lies and tyranny.
Anti-vaxxer is a sneaky ad hominem attack word programmed into the unconscious of our fellow citizens who have succumb to propaganda mind manipulation techniques. Those of us who see through the lies have a mission to gently bring in those on the fence into our understanding to continue enlarging our numbers. The demons running the corporate govenment and businesses will continue to lie via censorship and gaslighting, they will never reliquish control. However, one-by-one we will become a significant percentage that will not comply - we will be ungovernable which will ultimately set us free.
btw - there has never, ever been a "safe and effective" injection. There is plenty of credible evidence and books on this fraud. If interested start with either "Dissolving Illusions, Disease, Vaccines, and The Forgotten History." Or Forrest Maready's "Unvaccinated: Why Growing Numbers of Parents Are Choosing Natural Immunity for Their Children."
I'm anti-hemlock. And anti-vax for the same reason. Because I'm pro-life. Especially my own. And both hemlock and vaccines take life. Neither will take my life, ever.
Yes, we must embrace these "derogatory labels" and render them inert, take away their power. Like 'deplorables' and 'bitter-clingers.' Even 'fake news' was coined by MSM attempting to smear independent media.
Words only have the power we give them. Once we concede language to adversaries we give those words power over us they shouldn't possess. It's a self-defeating strategy.
I know many will argue that as a matter of practicality the term is embedded into too many minds and we should avoid it so we don't diminish our credibility. I understand that argument. But vehemently disagree. Especially since every word that follows "I'm not anti-vax, but..." begins from a place of deficit, is defensive. And you have to be on offense to score points, to win any competition. #NoApologies. Proudly anti-vax. As I'm proudly anti-hemlock. L'Chaim! To life!
I’ve never been pro-vax because, well, that’s what the immune system is for and I am pro immune system. Twenty years ago when my daughter was invited to Peru, they said she needed two shots. Turns out she didn’t, but I did gobs of vaccine research. Of course the sites I visited are no longer available, but ever since then I have been staunchly and irrevocably anti-vax. Jon Rappoport’s articles exposing the lies behind the covid vax are illuminating and thoroughly damning.
There is no genuine research supporting the wisdom of vaccines. Only propaganda, conjecture and false ‘evidence.’ If you’re anti-vax, it means you’ve done some work. Or at least some thinking. That’s nothing to be ashamed of.
Just need to mention top legal expert and Corona Investigative Committee front man, Dr Reiner Fuellmich, languishing in a top security goal not far from you in deepest Germany for the last twelve months or so, after his kidnap by German security agents in Mexico. The spurious charges against him are being used now to place him on trial in an ongoing farce whereby his defence case keeps refuting the charges which are then adjusted to open new equally spurious cases against Dr Fuellmich. The judiciary are utterly prejudiced and determined to find some grounds, somewhere that they can get something to stick.
I'm very happy to say that, although they treat him like a highly dangerous terrorist, solitary confinement, handcuffed for trips to court and back, no external communications except under stringent conditions, despite all this he's in high spirits and utterly knows he and we are winning and winning well. The global tyrrany is collapsing as we speak.
PS - you really do need to become an anti-vaxxer and declare that the holy land must go back to 1930s borders.......
I wrote him a letter in prison, which I'm pretty sure he got:
Good day Dr Füllmich,
I hope conditions are tolerable for you and that your full freedoms are soon restored to you - with fullest apologies for inconveniences caused etc. It seems almost inevitable that such attempts to silence and cancel you would be attempted - just as with poor Julian Assange - but, unlike Julian, you seem in a far better place to defend and free yourself.
As for many others, I found the work you and your erstwhile colleagues carried out giving platform to a number of crucial oppositional voices even early on in the Scamdemic, I found this work so crucial and was an avid listener.
In essence I was totally prepared for this militarised assault on the global population because I had long realised and written extensively about the total fallacy of vaccines. In choosing not to vaccinate my own three kids (1993), I'd started in myself a process whereby I had to engage my training and background in genetics, immunology and allergy in building defence to that decision. This led to three books - “Vaccinology, voodoo science” being the first, which kind of pinned my colours to the mast!
Through the first twenty years of the century I watched with increasing horror as the deeply unscientific industry seemed to be becoming overwhelmingly powerful. Further, it seemed to have entrenched and unflinching support in all quarters of society - government, education, research, media and, of course, everything connected to the mainstream health industry (NHS in UK).
I knew that bigger things were planned, just as I also knew that their existing vaccination products were increasingly being shown to be ineffective and often deeply damaging. But, although I knew something was brewing, I did not realise the scale of their “doubling down” to completely change the underlying mechanism and so attempt to move away from jabs such as MMR and DPT and the like. When I first heard, in May 2020, of the mRNA plan I said “That's not medicine, that's biological warfare”! So it has turned out….
Anyway this letter is aimed to cheer you up, not dwell on negatives, but, as I said earlier, it was the realisation that I was not alone which I got so strongly from you and the panel sharing so much and such positive and supportive critiques and explanations which really kept my spirits up. Especially knowing we were an international alliance able to clearly see what was happening. Truth will out and justice will prevail. Of that I am very, very confident.
Thank you again for all you have achieved in this crucial fight,
Am a proud "anti-vaxxer". Knew in my pure maternal gut as I refused each call to vaccinate my three very healthy baby boys (now adult sons who have consulted a doctor collectively on no more than a handful of times), that humanity's effort to try and outwit our fellow viruses, whose superpowers are mutation and feeding on the fearful, was collective madness.
You keep working to defend our rights, the least we can do is support you. You keep throwing wrenches and we will keep paying for the wrenches. Thank you.
I am actually a proud anti-vaxxer. AND a total non-user of pharmaceutical products. At age 81, my medical tests are perfect. My husband, also an anti-vaxxer and non-user of pharma poisons is 82, with similarly excellent medical scores. I understood what an immense scam vaccination was after meeting many parents of terribly vaccine -damaged children. And several of my friends and colleagues have been sickened, crippled, poisoned, or killed by the awful Covid bioweapon shots.
I suggest three excellent films...Vaxxed, Vaxxed II and Vaxxed III, which can give one a very good idea of the immense contrast between the robust health of the unvaccinated and the compromised...often totally destroyed...health of the vaccinated. In Germany, a pair of heart-breaking films, Unsichbar 1 and 2 (Unsichbar means Invisible) documents the terrible damage done to young, formerly fit and active people, young men and women permanently crippled by the Covid injections.
I also suggest three wonderful books on this subject of vaccination and its grim history: Dissolving Illusions, by Dr. Suzanne Humphreys and Roman Bystrianyk, Vax-Unvax by Robert F Kennedy Jr. and Brian Hooker, and Turtles All the Way Down, Vaccine Science and Myth, foreword by Mary Holland, Edited by Zoey O'Toole, and Mary Holland.
CJ Hopkins book, with its superb cover design, (award-winning artist Anthony Freda) clearly and persuasively tells the ugly story of the corruption of the German "health" care system. This book is a treasure, from an articulate truth-teller. He, like the courageous Reiner Fuellmich, now a political prisoner defamed and tormented for his unrelenting exposure of the Plandemic crimes... are being viciously attacked by modern day Josef Goebbels and Josef Mengeles, who have lied without ceasing, and without ceasing tried and tried to poison the overly compliant German people.
My husband and I are right behind you. Early 70's and haven't taken a pharmaceutical in any form in many decades. We grow our own food. Mostly. The bane of modern existence is "artificiality." We must eschew the fake and get back to what's real. And that includes real justice. 'Justice' these days is fake too.
I am IMPRESSED! I once had a garden, when I lived out in the CT USA countryside, and it was a wonderful experience, but a battle with the deer and the woodchucks. We live in a village in Germany, Bonn, now but as we travel a lot, we haven't done anything more meaningfull than a balcony with flowerboxes and herbs. We do make our own Pesto. But having a big garden, maybe with chickens and goats...that would be wonderful.
I hear that now the US food fascists want to pass a law forcing people to register every animal and bird...even backyard chickens, so some snooper official can come give everybody a faked PCR test for bird flu.....I hope this idiocy is ignored. The Amish ignored the entire Covid mandate/lockdown/mask/vaccine craziness and achieved herd immunity in a month. If the majority just refused to comply.....
EXACTLY!! I haven't heard of a recent "chipping chickens" etc. ploy, but we have several large gardens and chickens and we will register nothing. Ever. And we plan to dig our own well to avoid getting a 'permit.' They just want to know where all the water and food is for when they inform us that it is now theirs. If the people JUST SAY NO there is nothing the govt can do. Except take away what folks are taking from govt. Which is why they want everyone dependent on them. Which is also why my husb and I did not apply for soc. sec. or medicare. But I have a feeling I'm preaching to the choir.
P.S. Does anyone know yet if the vaxxed ever quit shedding?
You are definitely preaching to the choir, though I have not achieved nearly the independence and self-sufficiency you have. Have you linked up with your neighbors, so all of you can resolve to fight off invading "food inspectors"? It seems the larger the cooperating community, the stronger you are. It would be the best thing just to tell an invading govt. official waving a PCR. test that he is trespassing and to please leave.
For that matter, there have been some enlightening video presentations by lawyers on what to do when a govt. official from Child Protection Services shows up on the family doorstep. I don't know if you or your friends have children but the CPS has been a major kidnapper of people's kids based on extremely flimsy evidence. Sometimes the children...often grabbed from poor families who haven't the resources to fight back, are given to "foster parents" who use them as servants, or worse, sex traffic them. There have been some dreadful crimes reported of this nature, of course censored and covered up.
The website Health Impact News, (https://healthimpactnews.com) once the site Medical Kidnap, has focused on this issue. The guiding spirit is a very committed Christian who has been deeply involved in resistance to vaccines, and to government control of family relations.
The lawyers advise parents to tell the officials they may NOT come in the house , to please leave, and that the family is calling their lawyer. I don't know if this applies to gardeners and owners of chickens and herd animals, but it might.
There was a time when, as a former "liberal" I thought government help could be a good thing...free medical care, etc. Stupid me. I found out what that "medical care" actually meant! The more one depends on a police state the more enslaved one becomes.
You got that right. And what would 24 million govt employees do to hang onto their paychecks? Scary. I don't know if you heard much about the recent hurricane, Helene, that ravaged NC in particular. Big lesson on many fronts for lots of people. One is that govt is definitely NOT here to help.
I have a neighbor who would shoot a bald eagle if it threatened his chickens. That's the kind of neighbors we have.
My sister works in a hospital and says medical kidnapping is common. Another thing the media will never talk about.
Germanys judicial system is a disgrace which also Reiner Fuellmich can attest to. They try to silence everyone who make waves on the lies they state. I really hope both you and Reiner get out of this satanical system!
Kudos for standing up to the monster whose face is revealed more each day. I hope you prevail and can soon return to your work without this excruciating persecution dogging your every step. As an aside: I AM an anti-vaxxer and don't understand how after everything that's transpired that people don't see through the most damaging hoax every perpetrated by the medical cartel. For anyone who still believes in the worth of vaccines, I suggest you read "Dissolving Illusions."
I hope you will be spared the fate of Reiner Fuellmich, whose treatment goes from bad to sadistic. There is no trick that has not been tried, from administrative delays on and on to putting a raving lunatic in the cell next door, who bangs on his wall all night. The fact that it is what they have to sink to is symptomatic of desperation, but that does not help him! Best of luck.
Did you not know? Not merely imprisoned but tricked into attending the German Embassy in Mexico( to collect a passport), abducted by German authorities and held in solitary confinement in Germany for almost a year. Trumped up charges of fraud by his erstwhile colleagues, Vivianne Fischer amongst them! No internet and no contact with his attorneys by email or telephone. Appalling.
Sorry CJ, I am just a poor self-employed independent journalist who makes peanuts on Substack; so, I didn't contribute to your fund. But, I still very much appreciate your personal sacrifices and sincerely want to wish you the best of luck with everything going forward. Greetings from Canuckistan (a.k.a. Canada).
In Canada, the same rotation of experts who helped foster the Covid moral panic and the pseudoscientific rituals that went along with it are calling for an inquiry.
For what? To confirm that they didn't communicate their message better in order to lockdown, social distance, and mask early and hard enough? For more "targeted mandates" and vaccine passports?
The gaslighting was brought to its splendidly absurd peak when among them is one David Fisman. A cocky epidemiologist who promulgated school closures and was found to have been paid by a teacher's union in Ontario to do so. Nice guy. Itsokay though. Kids weren't that hurt. They're resilient. He also published a highly divisive "study" based on modelling announcing that unvaccinated people threatened vaccinated people right in time for the government to continue its unscientific, unethical and unnecessary mandates that including the only domestic travel bans in the Western world. The conflict of interest of interest here? He's taken pharma money.
This is the guy that's gonna be part of an 'inquiry". I can guess right now what they'll conclude.
The other interesting angle to this is that these establishment "follow the fucken evolving science" experts (is that Canada already has an inquiry going. Except it's the "wrong" kind of inquiry. It's the National Citizen's Inquiry and they've collected countless of startling and important testimonies from many people from all walks of life from nurses, experts to vaccine injured.
You can bet this inquiry proposed by the "right think" won't mention Sweden, vaccine injuries and any kind of evidence resembling a cost-benefit analysis.
Just my hunch by reading their Tweets and articles.
I can bu tip my hat to you and your fight against illiberal forces that have gripped our countries. I would like to hope your case will be such that it garners attention among so-called free nations of the West. Good luck, Godspeed and cheers.
thank you for the courage you exhibit. it is extraordinary and very inspiring to those of us not directly in the fight! Keep the faith, you are making a difference!
Thank you for fighting the good fight, we are truly behind you.
Right. Me too. For some reason I can't "like" your comment. Steve for President, I say.
In a world that is crying out for Heroes, you stand upright and tall, a giant amongst ordinary men.
Bless you Mr. Hopkins
I can't tell you how much I appreciated your voice in 2020-2023. It took a lot of courage to criticize this while it was happening. I do appreciate that some journalists with clout are now investigating, and I hope they continue to do so in order to prevent Our Rulers from shoving iit all down the memory hole. Still, it's safer now. People like you took the brunt of the vitriol. As someone who was pushed out of a job for refusing this "vax," you have my support. Thank you.
Well said, same here.
I am hardly an anti-vaxxer. But I am for freedom of speech for opinions I disagree with and for those I agree with.
I'm not an "anti-vaxxer" either, so no need for the disclaimer ... but it is remarkable, isn't it, how firmly these derogatory labels the authorities apply to their critics stick?
While in the military, I took every vaccine known to man except for the toxic anthrax vaccine.
Now someone will have to put a gun to my head and fire before I ever take another injection again.
Smart-- take care of your immune system💗
I got lucky with the anthrax vaccine, they had the moratorium on it when I went to the sandbox. By the time they brought it back, I was stuck in endless rotations to SA fighting the "war on drugs".
Thank you for your service. They do make mistakes. I was reading about one the other day, in relation to a potentially unjust sudden infant death case in Texas.
'The whole-cell tetanus vaccine was not withdrawn, but the whole-cell pertussis component of the DTP vaccine was replaced with an acellular pertussis vaccine due to safety concerns.'
That's Google AI on the subject, even though historically there were a statistically mind-blowing level of twins who died at the same time, shortly after taking the vaccine.
I think what really happens in that most experts make a form of internal cost–benefit analysis, and advocate accordingly. What they fail to realise is that the stifling of dissenters and people with genuine 'malinformation' always means their cost-benefit analysis is way off the mark. Most vaccines are safe, but there is a tendency to brush flaws with particular vaccines under the carpet, lest vaccine scepticism spread more generally and cause significant human harms.
What they fail to realise is that trust is a feedback system. Treat adults like unruly schoolchildren and they will behave irresponsibly. Treat people like informed adults and persuade them to act in a socially responsible manner, then their actions will be far more exemplary than what can be achieved by force and state coercion. Sweden provides the most obvious example of this axiom, and it had nothing whatsoever to do with their population educational levels. They trust their institutions because their institutions are trustworthy- willing to furnish 'warts and all' information, even if inconvenient truths might tend to cause people to weigh a decision in the balance, rather than automatically comply.
Their other huge mistake is assuming that smart people are more able to spot deception or dissembling. The assumption is that people who didn't do well at school are more easily gulled. This is simply not the case. If anything, the highly educated have a real blind spot when it comes to the motives of experts, people like them. Besides, research on solution aversion proves that smart people are simply better at confirming their biases. Rather than being better at ascertaining truth, smart people are better at reinforcing their own prejudices.
Yes, the derogatory labels are used against anyone who speaks out with a counter opinion, akin to the smear tactics and lies used against us here by the deep state players.
However, their labels don't work if we embrace them, and I have become a proud anti-vaxxer the last three years, especially as more evidence against the deadly childhood vaccination schedule comes to light recently, as well as knowing the history of the corrupt medical establishment and the use of totally ineffective vaccines to supposedly "protect" people from even more contrived diseases. It's all lies and tyranny.
Anti-vaxxer is a sneaky ad hominem attack word programmed into the unconscious of our fellow citizens who have succumb to propaganda mind manipulation techniques. Those of us who see through the lies have a mission to gently bring in those on the fence into our understanding to continue enlarging our numbers. The demons running the corporate govenment and businesses will continue to lie via censorship and gaslighting, they will never reliquish control. However, one-by-one we will become a significant percentage that will not comply - we will be ungovernable which will ultimately set us free.
btw - there has never, ever been a "safe and effective" injection. There is plenty of credible evidence and books on this fraud. If interested start with either "Dissolving Illusions, Disease, Vaccines, and The Forgotten History." Or Forrest Maready's "Unvaccinated: Why Growing Numbers of Parents Are Choosing Natural Immunity for Their Children."
Add "Turtles All the Way Down" to the reading list.
Couldn't agree with you more that there's never been a "safe & effective" vax.
But the monsters have done one hell of a job selling the public on them.
Yes. The need to state that you’re not one, is a sign of fragility and weakness.
A 200-year-old scam that will eventually come to its end. Vaccines have been just another pseudo religion like climatism.
Preach, brother!
- Choir member.
Another of their deceptions. We have always been free.
I'm anti-hemlock. And anti-vax for the same reason. Because I'm pro-life. Especially my own. And both hemlock and vaccines take life. Neither will take my life, ever.
Yes, we must embrace these "derogatory labels" and render them inert, take away their power. Like 'deplorables' and 'bitter-clingers.' Even 'fake news' was coined by MSM attempting to smear independent media.
Words only have the power we give them. Once we concede language to adversaries we give those words power over us they shouldn't possess. It's a self-defeating strategy.
I know many will argue that as a matter of practicality the term is embedded into too many minds and we should avoid it so we don't diminish our credibility. I understand that argument. But vehemently disagree. Especially since every word that follows "I'm not anti-vax, but..." begins from a place of deficit, is defensive. And you have to be on offense to score points, to win any competition. #NoApologies. Proudly anti-vax. As I'm proudly anti-hemlock. L'Chaim! To life!
'"I'm not anti-vax, but..." begins from a place of deficit...' So true!
I proclaim that I'm an ex-vaxxer. Too bad I can't fully claim the title of anti-vaxxer because I found out too late to avoid filthy harmful shots.
Makes sense.
So you are anti-suicide.
Why blame hemlock, a tree that knows not what ppl do with it.
I'm pro-tree.
Lol! Good point! An imperfect analogy. :D
A poem top off---
Dust Of Snow
The way a crow
Shook down on me
The dust of snow
From a hemlock tree
Has given my heart
A change of mood
And saved some part
Of a day I had rued. --- RFrost
I'm pro-crow, too.
I’ve never been pro-vax because, well, that’s what the immune system is for and I am pro immune system. Twenty years ago when my daughter was invited to Peru, they said she needed two shots. Turns out she didn’t, but I did gobs of vaccine research. Of course the sites I visited are no longer available, but ever since then I have been staunchly and irrevocably anti-vax. Jon Rappoport’s articles exposing the lies behind the covid vax are illuminating and thoroughly damning.
There is no genuine research supporting the wisdom of vaccines. Only propaganda, conjecture and false ‘evidence.’ If you’re anti-vax, it means you’ve done some work. Or at least some thinking. That’s nothing to be ashamed of.
Just need to mention top legal expert and Corona Investigative Committee front man, Dr Reiner Fuellmich, languishing in a top security goal not far from you in deepest Germany for the last twelve months or so, after his kidnap by German security agents in Mexico. The spurious charges against him are being used now to place him on trial in an ongoing farce whereby his defence case keeps refuting the charges which are then adjusted to open new equally spurious cases against Dr Fuellmich. The judiciary are utterly prejudiced and determined to find some grounds, somewhere that they can get something to stick.
I'm very happy to say that, although they treat him like a highly dangerous terrorist, solitary confinement, handcuffed for trips to court and back, no external communications except under stringent conditions, despite all this he's in high spirits and utterly knows he and we are winning and winning well. The global tyrrany is collapsing as we speak.
PS - you really do need to become an anti-vaxxer and declare that the holy land must go back to 1930s borders.......
I wrote him a letter in prison, which I'm pretty sure he got:
Good day Dr Füllmich,
I hope conditions are tolerable for you and that your full freedoms are soon restored to you - with fullest apologies for inconveniences caused etc. It seems almost inevitable that such attempts to silence and cancel you would be attempted - just as with poor Julian Assange - but, unlike Julian, you seem in a far better place to defend and free yourself.
As for many others, I found the work you and your erstwhile colleagues carried out giving platform to a number of crucial oppositional voices even early on in the Scamdemic, I found this work so crucial and was an avid listener.
In essence I was totally prepared for this militarised assault on the global population because I had long realised and written extensively about the total fallacy of vaccines. In choosing not to vaccinate my own three kids (1993), I'd started in myself a process whereby I had to engage my training and background in genetics, immunology and allergy in building defence to that decision. This led to three books - “Vaccinology, voodoo science” being the first, which kind of pinned my colours to the mast!
Through the first twenty years of the century I watched with increasing horror as the deeply unscientific industry seemed to be becoming overwhelmingly powerful. Further, it seemed to have entrenched and unflinching support in all quarters of society - government, education, research, media and, of course, everything connected to the mainstream health industry (NHS in UK).
I knew that bigger things were planned, just as I also knew that their existing vaccination products were increasingly being shown to be ineffective and often deeply damaging. But, although I knew something was brewing, I did not realise the scale of their “doubling down” to completely change the underlying mechanism and so attempt to move away from jabs such as MMR and DPT and the like. When I first heard, in May 2020, of the mRNA plan I said “That's not medicine, that's biological warfare”! So it has turned out….
Anyway this letter is aimed to cheer you up, not dwell on negatives, but, as I said earlier, it was the realisation that I was not alone which I got so strongly from you and the panel sharing so much and such positive and supportive critiques and explanations which really kept my spirits up. Especially knowing we were an international alliance able to clearly see what was happening. Truth will out and justice will prevail. Of that I am very, very confident.
Thank you again for all you have achieved in this crucial fight,
Yours sincerely,
Chris Hemmings, BSc Genetics MSc RRM
Thank you Chris for posting your letter to Riener Fullmich. The more places communications can be seen the more it can impress others to do the same.
Dr. Rainer Fuellmich, (like Michael Ballweg), a good and honest soul in a bad place. Praying he wins his farcical case and is released asap.
Am a proud "anti-vaxxer". Knew in my pure maternal gut as I refused each call to vaccinate my three very healthy baby boys (now adult sons who have consulted a doctor collectively on no more than a handful of times), that humanity's effort to try and outwit our fellow viruses, whose superpowers are mutation and feeding on the fearful, was collective madness.
AFAICT, anti-vaxxers came up with the label on their own.
Maybe you should be?🤔🧐
No one in their right mind ought to be for vaccines.
Proud anti-vaxxer here. I am ever grateful to people like CJ, who use their voice and platform, to defend the rights of people like me.
You keep working to defend our rights, the least we can do is support you. You keep throwing wrenches and we will keep paying for the wrenches. Thank you.
Thank you for having the courage to live out your strategy. The Monster has certainly shown itself.
I am actually a proud anti-vaxxer. AND a total non-user of pharmaceutical products. At age 81, my medical tests are perfect. My husband, also an anti-vaxxer and non-user of pharma poisons is 82, with similarly excellent medical scores. I understood what an immense scam vaccination was after meeting many parents of terribly vaccine -damaged children. And several of my friends and colleagues have been sickened, crippled, poisoned, or killed by the awful Covid bioweapon shots.
I suggest three excellent films...Vaxxed, Vaxxed II and Vaxxed III, which can give one a very good idea of the immense contrast between the robust health of the unvaccinated and the compromised...often totally destroyed...health of the vaccinated. In Germany, a pair of heart-breaking films, Unsichbar 1 and 2 (Unsichbar means Invisible) documents the terrible damage done to young, formerly fit and active people, young men and women permanently crippled by the Covid injections.
I also suggest three wonderful books on this subject of vaccination and its grim history: Dissolving Illusions, by Dr. Suzanne Humphreys and Roman Bystrianyk, Vax-Unvax by Robert F Kennedy Jr. and Brian Hooker, and Turtles All the Way Down, Vaccine Science and Myth, foreword by Mary Holland, Edited by Zoey O'Toole, and Mary Holland.
CJ Hopkins book, with its superb cover design, (award-winning artist Anthony Freda) clearly and persuasively tells the ugly story of the corruption of the German "health" care system. This book is a treasure, from an articulate truth-teller. He, like the courageous Reiner Fuellmich, now a political prisoner defamed and tormented for his unrelenting exposure of the Plandemic crimes... are being viciously attacked by modern day Josef Goebbels and Josef Mengeles, who have lied without ceasing, and without ceasing tried and tried to poison the overly compliant German people.
My husband and I are right behind you. Early 70's and haven't taken a pharmaceutical in any form in many decades. We grow our own food. Mostly. The bane of modern existence is "artificiality." We must eschew the fake and get back to what's real. And that includes real justice. 'Justice' these days is fake too.
I am IMPRESSED! I once had a garden, when I lived out in the CT USA countryside, and it was a wonderful experience, but a battle with the deer and the woodchucks. We live in a village in Germany, Bonn, now but as we travel a lot, we haven't done anything more meaningfull than a balcony with flowerboxes and herbs. We do make our own Pesto. But having a big garden, maybe with chickens and goats...that would be wonderful.
I hear that now the US food fascists want to pass a law forcing people to register every animal and bird...even backyard chickens, so some snooper official can come give everybody a faked PCR test for bird flu.....I hope this idiocy is ignored. The Amish ignored the entire Covid mandate/lockdown/mask/vaccine craziness and achieved herd immunity in a month. If the majority just refused to comply.....
EXACTLY!! I haven't heard of a recent "chipping chickens" etc. ploy, but we have several large gardens and chickens and we will register nothing. Ever. And we plan to dig our own well to avoid getting a 'permit.' They just want to know where all the water and food is for when they inform us that it is now theirs. If the people JUST SAY NO there is nothing the govt can do. Except take away what folks are taking from govt. Which is why they want everyone dependent on them. Which is also why my husb and I did not apply for soc. sec. or medicare. But I have a feeling I'm preaching to the choir.
P.S. Does anyone know yet if the vaxxed ever quit shedding?
You are definitely preaching to the choir, though I have not achieved nearly the independence and self-sufficiency you have. Have you linked up with your neighbors, so all of you can resolve to fight off invading "food inspectors"? It seems the larger the cooperating community, the stronger you are. It would be the best thing just to tell an invading govt. official waving a PCR. test that he is trespassing and to please leave.
For that matter, there have been some enlightening video presentations by lawyers on what to do when a govt. official from Child Protection Services shows up on the family doorstep. I don't know if you or your friends have children but the CPS has been a major kidnapper of people's kids based on extremely flimsy evidence. Sometimes the children...often grabbed from poor families who haven't the resources to fight back, are given to "foster parents" who use them as servants, or worse, sex traffic them. There have been some dreadful crimes reported of this nature, of course censored and covered up.
The website Health Impact News, (https://healthimpactnews.com) once the site Medical Kidnap, has focused on this issue. The guiding spirit is a very committed Christian who has been deeply involved in resistance to vaccines, and to government control of family relations.
The lawyers advise parents to tell the officials they may NOT come in the house , to please leave, and that the family is calling their lawyer. I don't know if this applies to gardeners and owners of chickens and herd animals, but it might.
There was a time when, as a former "liberal" I thought government help could be a good thing...free medical care, etc. Stupid me. I found out what that "medical care" actually meant! The more one depends on a police state the more enslaved one becomes.
You got that right. And what would 24 million govt employees do to hang onto their paychecks? Scary. I don't know if you heard much about the recent hurricane, Helene, that ravaged NC in particular. Big lesson on many fronts for lots of people. One is that govt is definitely NOT here to help.
I have a neighbor who would shoot a bald eagle if it threatened his chickens. That's the kind of neighbors we have.
My sister works in a hospital and says medical kidnapping is common. Another thing the media will never talk about.
Interesting website you sent. Thanks.
Germanys judicial system is a disgrace which also Reiner Fuellmich can attest to. They try to silence everyone who make waves on the lies they state. I really hope both you and Reiner get out of this satanical system!
Glad to hear that the fundraising went well. Best of luck with the "legal system."
Kudos for standing up to the monster whose face is revealed more each day. I hope you prevail and can soon return to your work without this excruciating persecution dogging your every step. As an aside: I AM an anti-vaxxer and don't understand how after everything that's transpired that people don't see through the most damaging hoax every perpetrated by the medical cartel. For anyone who still believes in the worth of vaccines, I suggest you read "Dissolving Illusions."
{begin quote}For anyone who still believes in the worth of vaccines, I suggest you read "Dissolving Illusions."{end quote} Exactly!
"Official Stories" by Liam Scheff is another un-put-downable.
Thank you for literally standing for "freedom."
I hope you will be spared the fate of Reiner Fuellmich, whose treatment goes from bad to sadistic. There is no trick that has not been tried, from administrative delays on and on to putting a raving lunatic in the cell next door, who bangs on his wall all night. The fact that it is what they have to sink to is symptomatic of desperation, but that does not help him! Best of luck.
Fuellmich was imprisoned?!
Did you not know? Not merely imprisoned but tricked into attending the German Embassy in Mexico( to collect a passport), abducted by German authorities and held in solitary confinement in Germany for almost a year. Trumped up charges of fraud by his erstwhile colleagues, Vivianne Fischer amongst them! No internet and no contact with his attorneys by email or telephone. Appalling.
Thank you for standing your ground, and for the so-far good news. Tyrannical governments and compromised courts are the enemy of free people.
Sorry CJ, I am just a poor self-employed independent journalist who makes peanuts on Substack; so, I didn't contribute to your fund. But, I still very much appreciate your personal sacrifices and sincerely want to wish you the best of luck with everything going forward. Greetings from Canuckistan (a.k.a. Canada).
In Canada, the same rotation of experts who helped foster the Covid moral panic and the pseudoscientific rituals that went along with it are calling for an inquiry.
For what? To confirm that they didn't communicate their message better in order to lockdown, social distance, and mask early and hard enough? For more "targeted mandates" and vaccine passports?
The gaslighting was brought to its splendidly absurd peak when among them is one David Fisman. A cocky epidemiologist who promulgated school closures and was found to have been paid by a teacher's union in Ontario to do so. Nice guy. Itsokay though. Kids weren't that hurt. They're resilient. He also published a highly divisive "study" based on modelling announcing that unvaccinated people threatened vaccinated people right in time for the government to continue its unscientific, unethical and unnecessary mandates that including the only domestic travel bans in the Western world. The conflict of interest of interest here? He's taken pharma money.
This is the guy that's gonna be part of an 'inquiry". I can guess right now what they'll conclude.
The other interesting angle to this is that these establishment "follow the fucken evolving science" experts (is that Canada already has an inquiry going. Except it's the "wrong" kind of inquiry. It's the National Citizen's Inquiry and they've collected countless of startling and important testimonies from many people from all walks of life from nurses, experts to vaccine injured.
You can bet this inquiry proposed by the "right think" won't mention Sweden, vaccine injuries and any kind of evidence resembling a cost-benefit analysis.
Just my hunch by reading their Tweets and articles.
I can bu tip my hat to you and your fight against illiberal forces that have gripped our countries. I would like to hope your case will be such that it garners attention among so-called free nations of the West. Good luck, Godspeed and cheers.
thank you for the courage you exhibit. it is extraordinary and very inspiring to those of us not directly in the fight! Keep the faith, you are making a difference!