You are such a wonderful soul. Thank you again...

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Tessa! I was introduced to your Substack at the same time as CJ's and loved your Charles Kovess interview. I'll be responding to that sometime in the future because I think your statement that "None of us are so smart we can't be fooled" and your image of your grandparents as loving but duped are really key to how we respond.

CJ, I've spent the last two days studying and preparing a response to Margaret's interview. I abbreviate her questions and your answers for those looking for the Cliff Note version ;-) And I respond to your essays on "reality" vs. reality, and ask whether the Germans were taken in by Hitler or if we've been taken in by the bankers for the last 80 years since they won WWII. I'll post when it's done.

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In a weird internet bunching event, I just read a comment on an economist article about Germans living in a dream that said something to the same effect: To be fair, they would probably be running Europe if Americans didn't get duped in fighting ww2 for the bankers 😅

Hadn’t heard this idea before, definitely going to look into it more!

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Stephanie, could you give me the source of that comment? I'd really appreciate it.

The economic system that Hitler put in place was taken from Ben Franklin and Lincoln using sovereign money. He made unemployment low and the average quality of life high, but he stopped paying the war debt and reparations for WWI--I assume. The British banking cabal wouldn't have stood for that. So what happened that caused Hitler to occupy Poland? We in the US, the most hegemonic country in the world, have been told it was because he had delusions of running Europe. Russia ended that, at their expense, not the bombs dropped by the US. It doesn't add up and I feel there's some piece of the puzzle that's missing.

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I 100% agree...CJ is a wonderful soul...I'd love to see his play in Dublin

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Thank you, CJ, for inaugurating my new interview series, Dissident Dialogues, with such electrifying brilliance and wit. I had a blast, and I hope you did, too :-)

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It was indeed a blast, which I suppose says something about both of us. Looking forward to the rest of the series ...

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Buy the books and subscribe to the stack! There's no other voice quite like this one -- and on the ground in Germany, to boot.

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CJ, as someone who can't afford to subscribe to your or the many other worthy Substacks out there, I will recommend something that I did pay for - your book, "Zone 23". It's magnificent and foreshadows, in a left field sort of way, the situation we are living through now. It's sci-fi in the old-fashioned sense of the word: a thought-provoking fast forward to the one of the many possible versions of totalitarianism out there. And you wrote it before Covid! Prescient!

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So glad you enjoyed it. Tell a friend or two ... that's worth plenty, and more than just in the financial sense.

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I will order a copy as soon as I finish reading the comments.

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Please don’t stop gussying up! As Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “An incapacity to tolerate pseudo-literary gimcrackery is the hobgoblin of little minds.”

Of course, Emerson was dismissed by critics as a “limited hangout” in his day.

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I couldn't stop if I tried.

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It's the only thing that keeps me reading.

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And CJ, thanks for mentioning you and Margaret Anna Alice had a long chat.

I am looking forward to it...

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Nice to see you here, Duchess. I always enjoy your comments.

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That is very very kind of you TomTunes.

You just made my day.

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The blatant censorship of information to me has always been a red flag. If someone gets censored I'm immediately interested in what they had to say.

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CJ - I just read your latest missive in which you state, "I was just coming down with the “Apocalyptic Plague” for the second or possibly third time."

I am 69 years old, unvvacinated and utilize a diet rich in a broad band of antioxidants called NrF2 activators which work in synergy to boost the microbiome and immune systems. I consume these 3 - 5 times per week in a fiber rich fruit veggie smoothie to feed my microbiome.

I got covid in January 22 from a couple who were triple vaccinated and who had tested positive. I knew I had something different as I never get sick when doing my antiox smoothies. Upon recognizing symptoms 2 days after being told I'd been exposed, I started nebulizing with the formula recommended by Dr Mercola every hour for the first 48 hours or so until symptoms declined Interestingly, my 3x jabbed friends got quite a bit sicker than I did and were sick for longer. I experienced mild cold like symptoms and low energy for a week.

I 'd be curious to know what prophalactic steps you take to boost immunity? I have become aware that some seeming healthy people are genetically prediscposed to getting covid but understand this is relatively rare.

Here is a link to pubmed.gov on NrF2 activators for those interested. They have certainly worked wonders for me. There are more than 100 NrF2s of which I am aware including turmeric, ashwaghanda, milk thistle, bacopa, black seed (nigella sativa), black pepper, sulforophane (found in cruciferous vegetables) and quercetin (found in onions, apples etc).

Disclaimer - I am not a medical doctor, have nothing to sell and this is not to be construed as medical advice.)


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I can attest to the powerful immune-boosting effects of everything you mentioned - good comment thank you!

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Prove you got Covid. There is literally no test for it.

Posting NIH links as the cherry on top. Lawd help us.

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I'm not sure if there is any consistent criteria for announcing that various figures are "controlled opposition" but I didn't know that they could all be easily identified by simply seeing who gets sick...with anything!

Actually, I can understand the impulse. Many have lost so much faith in what used to be considered reliable sources that they now denounce anyone who deviates even a tiny bit from "their truth." But soldier on and keep doing what you're doing--most of them will eventually figure it out.

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I strongly suspect that most accusations of "controlled opposition" are part of the psyop. I avoid using that terminology and making that accusation like the plague.

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That is a really great interview with you and Dr Mercola. You expressed the details of this powerful form of totalitarianism so clearly. I've been aware of US propaganda and the more powerful covert ways to exert power over populations for about 15 years now. It's been rolled out so effectively during covid, quite impressive actually.

I'm new to your sub stack. I'm sorry people gave you a hard time for being sick. 💕

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Accusations of controlled opposition can be so common as to suggest many are manufactured psyops by shills and soldiers (aka controlled opposition) on behalf of shadow state agenda to sow discord and division among dissidents. After generations of politically correct polarization from left to right, whereby differences and disagreements, even the slightest, serve as grounds for separatist, sectarian disabling of popular movements, they have fertile ground to spread as weeds choking more unified resistance.

As it is, apart from such psywar, I'm not seeing much if any sign of resistance, at least locally where I live and in the US generally. The old left - and here I'm thinking of anarchism and socialism going back before the (exemplary) 'anti-globalization' movements of the 90's and early 2000s (and the later Occupy movement), rooted in more organic, on-the-ground working class culture and association (e.g., Wobblies) rather than professional, astroturf contexts of the nonprofit industrial complex, for instance - seems all but dead (with a lot of outright killing through political repression).

Its class-conscious inclusiveness and broad goals of social change and revolution have been replaced, as through business unionism and Cold War anti-communism, with more restricted if not manipulated organizations practicing self-interested, issues-oriented politics proving all too complementary to capitalist hegemony and GloboCap. It seems this alone seriously disables people from confronting the complex coordination of strategy of the Great Reset's world war on humanity.

Besides still attempting to organize locally, I suppose I keep hoping, perhaps quixotically, that such broad-based movements might be resurrected at this revolutionary turning point of history. In this respect, while I've appreciated the work of Mercola and other dissidents, many if not most of whom would not want to be considered leftist in the least, I find their approach rooted in middle-class Americanism that all but disappears the struggles of working class people like myself. And I'm not confident much common ground, beyond opposition to a common enemy, is to be found with those whose political identities have been shaped by libertarian ideology of the (un)free market, however variously conceived as entrepreneurialism, decentralized localism, anarcho-capitalism, etc.

Thanks, CJ, for your example. Yours is an all too rare voice - from the left - of compassion (and satirical solidarity!) for the exploited and oppressed amid the madness of 'civilization'.

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Sad to say it, but. Early 2021 I sent a message to the IWW saying I'd been alienated from mainstream trade unions during CronyVirus and could they send me application details. A curt email arrived a few days later saying "We don't think it would be a good fit."

So the Wobblies, in UK anyway, have also been Got.

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Similar experience for me, even before the covid coup, with the IWW and other leftist groups (e.g., ISO, now defunct) in different parts of the US, which I partly had in mind when making reference to sectarianism above. These contemporary representatives of anarchism and socialism seem largely composed of and led by college-educated 'radicals' and professional class interests, as from the nonprofit industrial complex, who have been captured by identity politics and woke ideology complementing abstract distancing and disconnection from working class people.

And yes, when it comes to covid, they've been got by the pseudoscience progressivism which is in league with the very institutions of control, like the Pharmafia and the corporate (police) state, traditionally anathema to the left (qualifications aside). Early on in 2020, I reached out to these and many other leftist groups and individuals, and I would have been lucky to have gotten even a curt reply from any of them, who came off as cronies with the virus crisis scamdemic to the max.

P.S. I've been very appreciative of Off-Guardian in the UK.

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I never unsubbed. I missed out on all the drama. I like Dr. Mercola. I wish I could see the interview.

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You can. Click the picture ... it will take you to his website.

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I just read the conversation with Margaret Anna this morning. Just wondering if you’re familiar with this recently released song by Slowhand and Van the Man who are suddenly unexpected voices for us who dissent - https://youtu.be/98NGdUBSjzw

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The interview with Dr. Mercola was really good. I don't know if people think you are controlled opposition because you got sick or because you interviewed with Dr. Mercola. Either way, the idea is ridiculous. I have great respect for Dr. Mercola, for all the years he has put in relentlessly opposing the status quo.

I love your posts. Purchased your book, but haven't read it yet. I spend too much time on substack.

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Those people are nearly as dumb as the cud-chewers who took the shots. Stuck in the binary.

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Continue to be courageous.

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Dr Mercola’s website/newsletter was the first natural health resource I ever subscribed to, so long ago I can’t even remember when that was? (10-12 years at least).

I’ve learned more from the humble, sincere Dr M than from all the other great folks (combined) that I’ve found and followed since - and that’s saying quite a lot, as it’s turned into quite a long list of brilliant/courageous individuals (nearly identical to the list of the Disinformation Dirty Dozen that was sent out earlier in this shamdemic, by the way. I found that asinine list infuriating on the one hand...amusing on the other.

I mean...if anyone needed a giant red arrow pointing them straight to the best sources of honest, well-informed covid vaccine info early-on, they’d have had a hard time finding a more concise and direct indicator than that notorious list - thanks a bunch CCDH!! 🙌🏼😁)

All this to say that the very mention of Dr Mercola as possible “controlled opposition”...? I really don’t know whether to be amused or infuriated by that? That ranks right up there as one of THE most ludicrous things I’ve heard yet in these last 2 1/2 years of nonstop insanity.

(And CJ, I’m very new to your work and don’t know much about you...but I have a strong feeling this statement is every bit as ludicrous if applied to you :)

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