This makes certain assumptions about the nature of the universe that I'm not prepared to use as a basis for my reasoning, but in that context, I can understand your position.
This makes certain assumptions about the nature of the universe that I'm not prepared to use as a basis for my reasoning, but in that context, I can understand your position.
You can make assumptions on Press journalists based on their employers. Let's say you own CNN. Along I come for a job : I am woke , I am vaccinated to the hilt, and I know that the Russians are evil, and that Fauci was just doing his job >> You're going to hire me ?? No you're not. You are going to subject me to a cognitive analysis test, to see that I can be relied on to be a parrot, and a committed stupid, arrogant parrot .
This makes certain assumptions about the nature of the universe that I'm not prepared to use as a basis for my reasoning, but in that context, I can understand your position.
You can make assumptions on Press journalists based on their employers. Let's say you own CNN. Along I come for a job : I am woke , I am vaccinated to the hilt, and I know that the Russians are evil, and that Fauci was just doing his job >> You're going to hire me ?? No you're not. You are going to subject me to a cognitive analysis test, to see that I can be relied on to be a parrot, and a committed stupid, arrogant parrot .