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I don't call writing to be abuse. You're associating real life with online life. Online it must be always free as it's words on a screen. I can ignore you too but you can say anything you like about me. It's your opinion and opinions are a dime a dozen. Substantiated opinions are what matters to me. Calling someone who disagrees with you a moron and all the diatribe you did above, just shows you do not know how to argue. And I think the guy was right about you. If it is really you, it goes to show that an education doesn't necessarily mean intelligence.

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I am so happy you do not equate real life with online but nonetheless you are stupid, Denise. You do not have to take any abuse in life, not IRL, nor online because you are NOT GOVENRMENT. OK? Neither do I. I know how to argue, and you don't. You only know how to bend backwards for your abusers, and I pity you.

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So you say that Denise doesn't need to take any abuse and then you abuse her multiple times in about 60 words?

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Yes, precisely! Denise still has not learned the lesson I am demonstrating here. She still thinks I am exercising free speech (which I am not, I am just abusing her), and therefore she is obligated to "uphold it here".

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The line between free speech and abuse is a very subjective one. Open to abuse.

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You can see the state humans are in - and this is why. You just demonstrated it. We cannot talk except if it's in accolades or certain language that dazzles our egos. How you responded is a full demonstration of what I talk about. I don't feel abused because it's just words on a screen. In "real life" if you did that, which also happens a lot if someone speaks their truth and it "hurts someone's ego", it can be quite dangerous. I'm a woman and women are constantly made to shut up, so I see the internet as a place that we can safely say what we want. But it's women who are throwing that away with claims of abuse or "cyber bullying" which I am constantly trying to explain that life is different online than it is in "real life". I think you showed yourself to be quite discombobulated in your thinking, chaotic and without reason. That's what happens when one speaks from "the wound" meaning the ego. Striking out like a wounded animal rather than a cogent, intelligent, top of the food chain, human. I get what you were trying to do, it doesn't escape me, but that you acted like a troll yourself in order to prove your point which got unproven as I didn't censor you at all, which is what you tried to provoke to justify your own actions, and when your little test didn't work out, you claim it did. Talk about discombobulated!

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I am quite logical Denise, and I don't play a woman card when I lose an argument also. I explained and demonstrated my points very clearly. This concludes my demonstration, and I reiterate that trolls, and entitled assholes will be banned from my page. If someone hates content of my writing I absolutely uphold their right to start their own newsletter in free access on Substack or elsewhere and do it there, instead of seeking notoriety and writing bullshit on my page. The internet is vast and has space for everyone. My work product is mine, and I edit my newsletter the way I see fit.

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Of course you can do anything as I believe in freedom. But that doesn't mean can't call you out. So what you're saying is to have knowledge is good but you will curate that knowledge and you will decide what is acceptable for "your" page. On "your" page you will dictate all. Yes for sure that is your right, but I tell you one thing, I am probably many others who want true freedom of speech, won't be bothering to listen to you anymore. Your knowledge may be great but your wisdom pretty much sucks.

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I am delighted Denise, absolutely delighted that after several hours of this exchange you finally GOT IT! You got what I have been patiently explaining to you - if you don't like reading someone, DON'T read it. Read something else.

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Not so fast Sasha, I don't think you have got it at all. I always "got it" that people can read whatever they like and people can even censor if they like. So there is nothing new there. Censoring is like administering a bludgeon over someone. Wow, that's really something to admire *not*. Your name is going on a database that true freedom seekers are making up because censors enable fascism. Of course everyone is free to do censor but we are also free to name you. Why waste precious time with one-sided opinions. It is always interesting to see how people respond to disagreements. I'm sure if this was "your page" you would have banished me by now. But our database will name the violators of free speech and like you say, people can then do what they want but with knowledge. The fascist enablers will be known because our freedom is too precious to just ignore people like you who don't "get it".

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oooh Denise, you have a database!!! wow, you know who also had databases of "people we don't like"? - stazi and the commies in the Soviet Union and in China come to mind, since I have first hand experience. Also I recently found myself on the NYC health department list of "misinformation spreaders", you may want to consult with them to enrich your database of people who offend you. Yes, why are you wasting your precious time on my one-sided opinions and getting literally bludgeoned here I don't know?

PS. I do not have any lists or databases of people I don't like. I just ban them off my newsletter and let them run free and create all databases they want to create.

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This data base will be public - that's the difference Sasha. We cannot afford to let the ones who trash freedom to just go quietly into the night. Anyone can challenge any of these claims as it will be open to the public just like this substack is, just like we're doing now. You have completely ignored the points I made about what you would have done on your page were this conversation have been held there. It's only because this is not your page that you cannot banish my expression and thus make people go on thinking you're not endangering their freedom. You don't seem to think freedom is important, you haven't raised one point about it, all you've raised is your sensitive ego and how you enforce your beliefs if someone happens to cross your idea of acceptable speech. I'm glad to be having this conversation because freedom of speech is the bedrock of freedom. What you advocate is the same old ideas which are disguised in pretending your for freedom by offering either accepting your terms or the highway. Same old patriarchal programming that we've had for eons. Not the kind of thinking we need to advance ourselves. And see, nobody has been hurt even though you've lambasted me and I've lambasted you. And everyone who views it can decide for themselves. Public - everything needs to be made public. Everything. You know why? Because in the digital age there is no such thing as privacy anymore. Everything is recorded but only some get to see that data. If we believe we are all created equal, then everyone must see the data. Information is the real wealth. But here you are, advocating that we must maintain the superior/inferior dichotomy so that we can keep replicating this hellhole of a world. But I don't think you realize that. Yet.

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"This database will be public" - lmao! And this exchange is not public? You are a genius Denise with a database. I didn't read the rest, please learn to be concise.

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Wow.... what a show confirming everything that Denise says about you. Bludgeoned is not a word I would use here but you do. Disgraceful but so predictable.

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Wow Sasha. Extraordinaire. 🙌

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