You hit the nail on the head in this piece. In trying to get the " right VIP's" and perhaps due to the world Michael inhabits, he is not fully aware of the fact that he is creating a more establishment adjacent version of the anti censorship movement.-- or one that has some sort of approval from some sector of the establishment. In the f…
You hit the nail on the head in this piece. In trying to get the " right VIP's" and perhaps due to the world Michael inhabits, he is not fully aware of the fact that he is creating a more establishment adjacent version of the anti censorship movement.-- or one that has some sort of approval from some sector of the establishment. In the final analysis, a large grass roots movement is what is needed. A group large enough that their failure to fall in line, will create fissures large enough to put a dent in the control system. I have greatly appreciated CJ"s tendency to stubbornly follow his own instincts. These are the sorts of people we need most in this world full of trained followers and fragile status seekers.
You hit the nail on the head in this piece. In trying to get the " right VIP's" and perhaps due to the world Michael inhabits, he is not fully aware of the fact that he is creating a more establishment adjacent version of the anti censorship movement.-- or one that has some sort of approval from some sector of the establishment. In the final analysis, a large grass roots movement is what is needed. A group large enough that their failure to fall in line, will create fissures large enough to put a dent in the control system. I have greatly appreciated CJ"s tendency to stubbornly follow his own instincts. These are the sorts of people we need most in this world full of trained followers and fragile status seekers.