I always think that if something is imperative to get out to the masses you wouldn't charge for it. But what do I know, being a nobody? Imagine if the founding fathers kept their movement behind a paywall?
I always think that if something is imperative to get out to the masses you wouldn't charge for it. But what do I know, being a nobody? Imagine if the founding fathers kept their movement behind a paywall?
We’re all somebody and nobody. And i get it - he has mouths to feed i expect, employees and all that. But if you are looking to affect change, well, you got to represent the change. At least a little.
I probably shouldn’t out this one, but my suspicion first piqued when MT nearly always called him by his surname on his pod, but everyone else (Lee Fang, Aaron Mate, CJ Hopkins and on and on got the full name treatment)
I hope he succeeds, all that said. The thing is way bigger, but I have my doubts.
Paywalls are a dead giveaway. Any author putting up paywalls is too self-centered to be a leader for freedom. Fake leaders are everywhere. Some are groomed (think Bob, Jr.), others just kind of naturally assume the mantel.
Please do not invoke the "founding fathers". By doing so, you immediately limit your reach to just those that live in a certain part of the world. Plus they made sure to install a 'Democracy', where the 'Electoral College' has the last word and did not include women or slaves.
Personally, I think the Electoral College is genius. It keeps major cities from controlling elections over and over. As to the US "Republic" not including women and slaves upon its founding, can you direct me to any other Republics during that time that did include women and slaves? I admit being ignorant on that fact.
My point was that there was a revolution in thought, and government, and it wasn't only available to those that coughed up some dough.
"Founding Fathers" As a Canadian, when I see that phrase I think of the fact that my country emerged from those who did not go along with the "Founding Fathers" but who rallied around King George and the British Empire. The Declaration of Independence makes a ridiculous cartoon character out of King George III. Until Trudeau became PM, Canada was a pretty decent country that was able to shape our constitutional monarchy into a system that served the citizenry reasonably well. I see the Indian leader Tecumseh, martyred by the US military, as one of Canada's primary founders. For an explanation please see my book
"... where the 'Electoral College' has the last word and did not include women or slaves"
In 1787. Could you tell me which people *with power* at that time were not -- by today's standards -- abusing it? Far from being at the bottom of the barrel, collectively, they seem to have been at the top of it.
Liked for your comments on paywalled information.
I always think that if something is imperative to get out to the masses you wouldn't charge for it. But what do I know, being a nobody? Imagine if the founding fathers kept their movement behind a paywall?
Imagine no longer. Washington has been behind a paywall for ages.
We’re all somebody and nobody. And i get it - he has mouths to feed i expect, employees and all that. But if you are looking to affect change, well, you got to represent the change. At least a little.
I probably shouldn’t out this one, but my suspicion first piqued when MT nearly always called him by his surname on his pod, but everyone else (Lee Fang, Aaron Mate, CJ Hopkins and on and on got the full name treatment)
I hope he succeeds, all that said. The thing is way bigger, but I have my doubts.
Paywalls are a dead giveaway. Any author putting up paywalls is too self-centered to be a leader for freedom. Fake leaders are everywhere. Some are groomed (think Bob, Jr.), others just kind of naturally assume the mantel.
Please do not invoke the "founding fathers". By doing so, you immediately limit your reach to just those that live in a certain part of the world. Plus they made sure to install a 'Democracy', where the 'Electoral College' has the last word and did not include women or slaves.
Personally, I think the Electoral College is genius. It keeps major cities from controlling elections over and over. As to the US "Republic" not including women and slaves upon its founding, can you direct me to any other Republics during that time that did include women and slaves? I admit being ignorant on that fact.
My point was that there was a revolution in thought, and government, and it wasn't only available to those that coughed up some dough.
"Founding Fathers" As a Canadian, when I see that phrase I think of the fact that my country emerged from those who did not go along with the "Founding Fathers" but who rallied around King George and the British Empire. The Declaration of Independence makes a ridiculous cartoon character out of King George III. Until Trudeau became PM, Canada was a pretty decent country that was able to shape our constitutional monarchy into a system that served the citizenry reasonably well. I see the Indian leader Tecumseh, martyred by the US military, as one of Canada's primary founders. For an explanation please see my book
"... where the 'Electoral College' has the last word and did not include women or slaves"
In 1787. Could you tell me which people *with power* at that time were not -- by today's standards -- abusing it? Far from being at the bottom of the barrel, collectively, they seem to have been at the top of it.