Oct 2·edited Oct 2Pinned

My heartfelt thanks to everyone who is sending donations in. I'm overwhelmed. I hope you understand that you are making this fight possible. I'm not enjoying it, but it is a fight we have to fight, here, there, everywhere. Thank you!

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We must remember the statement by Martin Niemoller:

"They came first for the Communists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew.

They they came for the trade unionists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Catholic.

Then they came for me, and by that time no one was left to speak up."

or Winston Churchill who said in 1940:

"Each one hopes that if he feeds the crocodile enough, the crocodile will eat him last. All of them hope that the storm will pass before their turn comes to be devoured. But I fear greatly that the storm will not pass. It will rage and it will roar ever more loudly, ever more widely."

This is not a time to keep our heads down and remain silent. Tyranny has never been defeated by compliance. We all have a part to play.

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I love your integrity and your soul and you are one of the most important people for humanity right now, thoughtful, poetical and with a great sense for what is appropriate - I wish I had more money but I am absolutely with you till the end !

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Your papers, please, Herr Hopkins.

It seems you've had a little too much to think.

Prayers for you.

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I’ve just got a years subscription. May St. Michael the Archangel defend you in battle. We stand with you.

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Donated on the freefunder page. We're with you CJ. Thank you for standing up to the Big Pharma capitalists and their representatives in gov't. Please take this to the highest court and make those tyranical ruling class bastards show their real face for the whole world to see

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I just doubled my subscription. Keep fighting the good fight! I loved your remarks at both trials, and especially the most recent.

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Doubled my yearly subscription amount; not a lot of help, but I hope some is better than none.

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I will transfer you what I can afford this month as soon as my online bank stops being 'temporarily unavailable' Good luck.

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My credit union account was locked up because I bought 50 bucks worth of socks. First time. Have a friend with a shopping addiction, they never lock up their account, and they should. The whole thing is so fucked up, banks and cu's seem a bad hole to put your money into now.

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Bank wouldn't work so Paypal did it for me.

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Just donated by signing up for your founder tier. It is outrageous what has happened to you. Keep up the fight!

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Just transferred €20. Wanted to do €18 but then thought let’s not provide you with additional problems. For those transferring an amount of money: don’t use an amount which is on the hate list.


Good luck CJ!

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Whaat holy moly I’ve led a sheltered life. Not quite sure what I just read in their “handbook”. Apparently I’m far worse than I could ever have imagined. I like number 13 and Thors hammer, I’m Swedish after all. Lordy Lordy.

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According to the list I can never go grocery shopping again without affiliation to some hate group! Gosh, I hate that list (I guess that's pretty hateful, so please accept for my apologies for an outlawed human emotion - at least you can't hate me for it, unless you're beyond the pale).

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Wow. I had never heard of any of that. Must admit I only read through 6 of the 60 pages! My thoughts were someone has too much time on their hands to come up with this stuff. I will once again petition my local library to add your book to its collection CJ. I have been doing this regularly since it was published. Not giving up!

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Will send on to others since the world seems to be going exactly as Maria Ressa talked about in 2021 as she was vilified for her questioning of the government authorities at that time . Hope you get lots of responses regarding your legal defence funding - glad I have subscribed to your remarkable substack and that I was able to purchase two of your books - especially The Rise of the New Normal Reich . Appreciate anything you can write given such a grave turn of events that I know isn't lost on many of us who have been questioning the intentions of our forces whose aim is to control us on so many levels .

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Vicious and evil. The lack of self awareness is monumental.

BE strong... move to Florida...

read this for some laughs

Posted on August 23, 2022 by Steven Hayward in Leftism

Power Line’s Lexicon of Leftist Terms, Update 2

Some new definitions of popular lefty terms have reached us, and I thought it is high time to update the whole list, since it is such a handy reference. We’ve got new definitions for “woke” and “nationalism,” among others. Herewith:

Populism: When the wrong person or cause wins a free election, like Brexit or Trump.

[Alternative: John Gray’s definition—“Populism is a term used by centrist liberals to describe political blowback from the disruption of society produced by their policies.” (In The New Statesman.)

Nationalism: Patriotism that liberals don’t like.

The Administrative State: Rule by an overwhelming minority.

Woke (1): The belief that (1) all of society is currently and intentionally structured to oppress, (2) all gaps in performance between large groups illustrate this, and (3) the solution is ‘equity’—proportional representation without regard to performance. (From Wilfred Reilly)

Woke (2): A state of awareness only achieved by those dumb enough to find injustice in everything except their own behavior.

Racism: Any kind of resistance, conscious or unconscious, to the political program of the left.

Democracy: Any institutional design or voting system that enables the left to get what it wants. [Updated version: “Our democracyTM”—democracy as the left defines it]

“Threat to democracy”: When Republicans win an election.

Diversity: Where everyone looks different, but thinks the same thing, and speaks in identical cliches.

Equity: The phrase leftists use when they reach for your wallet.

Inclusion: The deliberate exclusion of white males.

Disinformation: Anything a conservative says.

Holistic: Leftist adjective for “we have no idea what to do about a problem and want to change the subject”

“Investment”: Democrat-speak for “spending money on our favorite constituency groups”

Root causes: Method of deflecting attention from solutions that can relieve a problem immediately (like locking up criminals instead of playing catch and release).

Property: Theft. (See Marx, Karl, & Proudhon, Joseph.)

Social justice: Alternative phrase leftists use when reaching for your wallet. (See “equity,” above.)

Neoliberalism: Anything the left doesn’t like. (Often a synonym for “racism.”)

“Structural oppression”: Synonym for “we hate capitalism.”

“Hate speech”: Any statement that challenges the dogmas of the left. Usually deployed whenever a conservative is about to win an argument. (See also, “Racism,” above.)

Free speech: The firebombing of public buildings by Leftists.

Violence: The expression of conservative ideas.

Child: A legal adult under 21 who wants to own a gun

Adult: A 12-year-old who wants to have his or her genitalia removed

Inflation: the consequence of the federal government spending an insufficient amount of money. Alternative definition: something caused by Vladimir Putin.

“We need to have a conversation about. . .”: You shut up and agree with the left.

Dialogue: A monologue where the Left explains and the Right agrees.

Living Constitution: The written Constitution is dead.

Compromise: Moving left to the position the left wants.

Public-Private Partnership: A half-baked feel-good proposal doomed to inevitable failure resulting from inept management by government officials with no business experience. Syn: “urban renewal”.

Latinx: What comes before Latiny and Latinz. (Or it’s a long-lost sixth declension.)

Meritocracy: Created originally by liberals, now means racism/white supremacy.

Voter Suppression: Elimination of Democrat election fraud.

Divisive: Any opinion the left doesn’t like.

Advocate: People without real jobs who live to complain.

The left: How dare men make law about abortion!

Also the left: Men can get pregnant.

Re-Imagine: A term conservatives don’t use.

Denier: Label for anyone who dissents from leftist positions that can’t be successfully defended (or who didn’t vote for Liz Cheney)

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Donated. It was the least I could do …

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Donation via bank. Better withdraw it before they freeze the account or de-bank you!

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I've just donated thru Paypal...I hope I"m not on some watch list now. Best of luck, CJ, and thank you from this little Aussie battler.

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