It was interesting to read your perspective from in Israel. Although, I am sorry to hear how bad it is. I had hoped some Israelis were moving away from the hardline attitude. The atmosphere is here is maybe not exactly like over there. But it is "fascistic, militaristic" and entrenched in a (destructive) narrative. We have big corporatio…
It was interesting to read your perspective from in Israel. Although, I am sorry to hear how bad it is. I had hoped some Israelis were moving away from the hardline attitude. The atmosphere is here is maybe not exactly like over there. But it is "fascistic, militaristic" and entrenched in a (destructive) narrative. We have big corporations and all kinds of smaller companies feeding off contracts and grants related to "homeland security." All of them are dependent on "enemies within" to make money. If they can't find any terrorists, these interests apparently have no problem cannibalising the lives of innocent citizens. Their careers in "domestic intelligence" or "homeland security" depend on enemies. Charges of terrorism are being used to silence constitutionally protected speech. Innocent people are having their lives destroyed. A college student was charged with terrorism related crimes for peacefully handing out animal cruelty flyers. A non-violent 11-year old was put in solitary confinement on terrorism related charges based on gossip from another elementary school kid. This was the "evidence." He did not actually do anything.
It seems that everywhere in the west there seems to be regression to infantile fascism and religious-nationalist supremacism. I won't say anything here about the spiritual and psychological aspect of this, becasue that can easily fill up a whole book, but will just say on a more superficial level that it seems to me that this supremacist religious-nationalist fascist movement (and even neo-nazi movement, in the case of israel) seems to have two components, economic (by the corporate-capitalist empire and its NeoConservative/Zionist military-industrial complex, which benefits from a constant state of hatred and war and therefore funds and arms the warmongering religious-nationalists & supremacists all over the world) and cultural (the actual religious-nationalist supremacist fascists on the street and flooding social media and in militaries and in parliaments. Supremacist NeoCon Zionists and NeoCon Christian Zionists seem to be at the heart of this movement. A small number of them stirring this ship from positions of power in the economy and govt and media, and a huge number of them enforcing the religious-fascist cultural zeitgeist in tje militaries and on the streets and on social media and zionist-christian "alternative" media.
Historian and economist Michael Hudson recently suggeated that we are back at the age of the crusades (only with much more deadly weapons this time) that were very similarly guided by economic empire's interests pushing a religious funtamentalist zeal, for their geostrategic and geopolitical aim. For example here
And the insightful, wise and heart-based Caitlin Johnstone is out in the trenches and breaking down all the cynical emotional manipulations and propaganda tricks that the supremacist religious-nationalist fascists and their warmongering empire are using to push this anti-life fascist wave everywhere. For example
This video does a good job of breaking down the very powerful neo-nazi movement in Israel. He speaks mostly of the political aspect of it, but it has also very deep and widespread roots in israel society, and its talking points are indeed now the mainstream discourse in Israel. The situation is actually much worse then what he depicts in tne video since they are now actually forming the governemt (the video was from before that happened), have cancelled all judicial oversight over them (literally can do whatever they wish with complete impunity) and are openly hunting down '"eftist traitors" in the streets, stealing homes abd land openly, and slaughtering non-jews by the thousands.. this is the mainstream of israeli society and politics now. Voices like mine are a tiny tiny miniscule minority in a huge fascist religious-nationalist wave..
You are welcome. And if I may add one more link - this is really a MUST-SEE powerful eye-opening video to understand Israeli mentality (the video is from a few years ago, things are actualy even worse now). It is an interview/testimony by an Israeli soldier of the mentality and indoctrination with which Israelis enter the military (which is compulsary for all of society), of what the Israeli army does to the local people of palestine, of how dispossesion, violence, dehumanization & ERASURE of Palestinians is institutionalized & systematic. Quite a profound and eloquent testimony. Very highly recommended!!
It was interesting to read your perspective from in Israel. Although, I am sorry to hear how bad it is. I had hoped some Israelis were moving away from the hardline attitude. The atmosphere is here is maybe not exactly like over there. But it is "fascistic, militaristic" and entrenched in a (destructive) narrative. We have big corporations and all kinds of smaller companies feeding off contracts and grants related to "homeland security." All of them are dependent on "enemies within" to make money. If they can't find any terrorists, these interests apparently have no problem cannibalising the lives of innocent citizens. Their careers in "domestic intelligence" or "homeland security" depend on enemies. Charges of terrorism are being used to silence constitutionally protected speech. Innocent people are having their lives destroyed. A college student was charged with terrorism related crimes for peacefully handing out animal cruelty flyers. A non-violent 11-year old was put in solitary confinement on terrorism related charges based on gossip from another elementary school kid. This was the "evidence." He did not actually do anything.
Amazing and horrifying!!
It seems that everywhere in the west there seems to be regression to infantile fascism and religious-nationalist supremacism. I won't say anything here about the spiritual and psychological aspect of this, becasue that can easily fill up a whole book, but will just say on a more superficial level that it seems to me that this supremacist religious-nationalist fascist movement (and even neo-nazi movement, in the case of israel) seems to have two components, economic (by the corporate-capitalist empire and its NeoConservative/Zionist military-industrial complex, which benefits from a constant state of hatred and war and therefore funds and arms the warmongering religious-nationalists & supremacists all over the world) and cultural (the actual religious-nationalist supremacist fascists on the street and flooding social media and in militaries and in parliaments. Supremacist NeoCon Zionists and NeoCon Christian Zionists seem to be at the heart of this movement. A small number of them stirring this ship from positions of power in the economy and govt and media, and a huge number of them enforcing the religious-fascist cultural zeitgeist in tje militaries and on the streets and on social media and zionist-christian "alternative" media.
The brilliant theologian and investigative journalist Chris Hedges wtote about this extensively, for example in this book
And I also very highly recommend his substack
Historian and economist Michael Hudson recently suggeated that we are back at the age of the crusades (only with much more deadly weapons this time) that were very similarly guided by economic empire's interests pushing a religious funtamentalist zeal, for their geostrategic and geopolitical aim. For example here
And the insightful, wise and heart-based Caitlin Johnstone is out in the trenches and breaking down all the cynical emotional manipulations and propaganda tricks that the supremacist religious-nationalist fascists and their warmongering empire are using to push this anti-life fascist wave everywhere. For example
This video does a good job of breaking down the very powerful neo-nazi movement in Israel. He speaks mostly of the political aspect of it, but it has also very deep and widespread roots in israel society, and its talking points are indeed now the mainstream discourse in Israel. The situation is actually much worse then what he depicts in tne video since they are now actually forming the governemt (the video was from before that happened), have cancelled all judicial oversight over them (literally can do whatever they wish with complete impunity) and are openly hunting down '"eftist traitors" in the streets, stealing homes abd land openly, and slaughtering non-jews by the thousands.. this is the mainstream of israeli society and politics now. Voices like mine are a tiny tiny miniscule minority in a huge fascist religious-nationalist wave..
Plenty more to say, but I have to go now :-)
Thanks for the links.
You are welcome. And if I may add one more link - this is really a MUST-SEE powerful eye-opening video to understand Israeli mentality (the video is from a few years ago, things are actualy even worse now). It is an interview/testimony by an Israeli soldier of the mentality and indoctrination with which Israelis enter the military (which is compulsary for all of society), of what the Israeli army does to the local people of palestine, of how dispossesion, violence, dehumanization & ERASURE of Palestinians is institutionalized & systematic. Quite a profound and eloquent testimony. Very highly recommended!!