You will find a kindred spirit in the works of Norman Finkelstein‘s Beyond Chutzpah: On the misuse of Anti-Semitism and the Abuse of History. A truth teller whose own parents suffered in camps during WW 2. He sees the Holocaust industry and use of anti-Semitism for what it is - a cudgel to block all rational discourse about the occupied …
You will find a kindred spirit in the works of Norman Finkelstein‘s Beyond Chutzpah: On the misuse of Anti-Semitism and the Abuse of History. A truth teller whose own parents suffered in camps during WW 2. He sees the Holocaust industry and use of anti-Semitism for what it is - a cudgel to block all rational discourse about the occupied territories. He even lost tenure due to attacks by Dershowitz a Harvard lawyer who is part of the Holocaust industry in the USA which he expands on in this book. Finkelstein has written other books and one on the Gaza situation specifically. When I have trouble understanding what Israel is doing to garner world favor I turn to this author for clarity. Best to you.
Thank you Karla I listened to Dr Finkelstein for two hours the situation very straight .... what a great human being ... my sentiments exactly .... Cease fire immediately and provide humanitarian relief and sit down and negotiate a peace... and Nicki Haley .... SHUT UP 🤐
Broadcast this to the world NM’s erudite passion must be heard. Genocide supported by the world especially the USA is beyond obscene. Remember folks our government is engaging. In democide by using bio-weapons, countermeasure under the guise of a vaccine on us their own population and now our government wants us to support genocide on another marginalized group.Wake up we are all being killed by immoral governments we are all Palestinians. Wake up!
You will find a kindred spirit in the works of Norman Finkelstein‘s Beyond Chutzpah: On the misuse of Anti-Semitism and the Abuse of History. A truth teller whose own parents suffered in camps during WW 2. He sees the Holocaust industry and use of anti-Semitism for what it is - a cudgel to block all rational discourse about the occupied territories. He even lost tenure due to attacks by Dershowitz a Harvard lawyer who is part of the Holocaust industry in the USA which he expands on in this book. Finkelstein has written other books and one on the Gaza situation specifically. When I have trouble understanding what Israel is doing to garner world favor I turn to this author for clarity. Best to you.
Thank you Karla I listened to Dr Finkelstein for two hours the situation very straight .... what a great human being ... my sentiments exactly .... Cease fire immediately and provide humanitarian relief and sit down and negotiate a peace... and Nicki Haley .... SHUT UP 🤐
Broadcast this to the world NM’s erudite passion must be heard. Genocide supported by the world especially the USA is beyond obscene. Remember folks our government is engaging. In democide by using bio-weapons, countermeasure under the guise of a vaccine on us their own population and now our government wants us to support genocide on another marginalized group.Wake up we are all being killed by immoral governments we are all Palestinians. Wake up!