Once again, I have to ask angry readers to please put their angry comments here in my Comments section, and not send them to me via email. I delete such emails unread, but I do look at these BTL comments for a while after I publish a column. UPDATE (17 hours later): seriously, people, please stop with the angry emails. I don't read them. I delete emails from people I don't know personally, unread. Please vent your outrage here in the Comments, where someone (maybe even me) might actually read what you wrote.
Why would anyone be angry reading it? I very much enjoy sarcasm used in this way and found it entertaining. You have a skill if you can get your point across while leaving a smile on the readers face. Anyone who feels the opposite and has anger issues from it, aint human lol <3
I'm incensed that this piece wasn't anger-inducing. If there's one thing which makes me spew my corn flakes it's having my expectations short changed, not to mention having me nod my head in agreement over one or two observed points. It won't do. Please advise where I can send my angry letter of complaint, and warn the recipient [i.e. you, if you're one and the same] that postage will need to be paid at destination, since it's not my fault that a letter is required.
I'm sad there are fewer people I can share your writing with (without causing a fight) than there were this time last year - it's exhausting and disappointing and totally demoralizing to see how easily the human mind can be completely captured by emotional manipulation. None of us are immune no matter how hard we try to be, but it's sure getting lonely again these days...
Not in my experience. To give an example, to this day, plenty of Obama cultists continue to ladle on the excuses for their hero, even as he betrayed them over and over and over.
It’s because the only knowledge they have of him is sound snippets and taglines. They know nothing about him, really. And the reason they don’t, is because their lives are too easy and they’re too numb to think through gratification and over indulgence.
That stopping ,would be the only thing that would make them stop and actually think.
Obama - born in Kenya - his mate - an anomaly - tis known. His mate was born the way he-she-it was, but that ain't no excuse for lack of transparency. Obama was born on a field in Kenya - Hawaii deserves better.
Do you remember - "Change for the better" - well it just turned out - more of same.
Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.
Obama's mate is an anomaly.
Got tits and a dick seems to be...if you don't care for that - then know this - I don't care for that call in the NFL when the Bills got first down - and one thing leads to another - so lets just be transparent please - and then - let the chips fall where they will.
I'm hoping Stargate will show mRNA jabs are dangerous and counterproductive. And that Ivermectin is a wonder drug against single strand RNA viruses and prevents and treats cancer alone and/or when paired with Fenbendazole putting big pHarma out of business. We all can dream.
Take the White pill and let the negative feelings go. Blessed are the peacemakers.
And people thought I was hyperbolizing, joking, and/or overreacting when I said over and over again for 15 years, "We'd better bone up and save the world or we're all gonna end up enslaved or dead."
You may be right. You bastards are already releasing the bird flu and sending troops (I mean peace keepers) to ratchet the Ukraine encroachment on the Russian border. Hopefully, the PRESIDENT and his troops will be able to use his law and security agencies against you lot in the same way you used them against him. I can't wait for PROJECT 25 under Steve Bannon, Peter Navarro, General Flynn and Roger Stone
I hear you. It really is lonely. Several COVID dissidents who were very valuable to me and helped relieve my stress and isolation at the height of that hysteria have now more or less jumped on the Trump bandwagon, switching sides in response to being punished so severely by Team Blue. Why can't they figure out that both "sides" are in the bag? In real life, I have, besides my partner, exactly one friend left. Sigh.
Thank you for sharing that. There are a lot of people going through more or less the same thing these days. I have never seen society so polarized, and I am old. Hang in there.
Let's see, who was it came to office thanks to the White vote twice and ended up losing the black vote? Who was it came to the White House on the White vote and then retook it thanks to the black, hispanic, latino, jewish, muslim, asian and native AMERICAN vote... Plus 18-30 vote?
Lonely here in Holland too. No Trumpists in sight here, but I'm surrounded by nutcases who think Trump is orange man bad and know for 100 percent sure he is evil because he is a climate denier. They also know with absolute certainty that Putin is evil because he started the war in Ukraine and wants to conquer all of Europe, if he doesn't nuke us all first. They are also convinced that Holland is the only place on Earth with a functioning democracy. They still believe they are open minded and tolerant. And if I told them I think Putin is a better statesman than any of the Western wannabees, if I would say Trump is pretty stupid but I'm glad Kamala didn't win, or if I would hint I never got my fix during the covid hoax, or even that the climate thing is all based on a lie, they'd burn me at the stake in front of their precious community hall and they'd be proud of eliminating such a nefarious foe. I feel like I'm swimming in a shark tank sometimes.
You can’t rely on other people for your happiness start eating right opposite of what any government s tell you exercise know every “expert “ is shilling for their corporate masters and most people are hopelessly unaware of how the world really works f them enjoy anyone in your family who is sane and hang in there when all the hero’s are gone be your own hero
I know exactly where you're coming from, having lived there for about 8 years now. With about two friends left, neither of whom I can discuss any of these things with. If I do, I'll soon have zero friends.
Thank God for the comment section. A sorely needed outlet for those of us who can no longer discuss much of anything anymore with family and friends. Keeps me sane.
What I am is tired of people who won’t read a book to save their own life, much less that of their child. I doled books out like candy and the harm of “vaccination” and heard a bazillion times, “I don’t read. Just tell me what’s in the book” after which they followed what their televisions told them to do. A lot of those folks are dead or injured now.
A lot of people won't even read an article like this one on Substack. I keep trying and I share on Farcebook, my 'friends' ignore, except for a couple of stalwarts. Preaching to the choir.
We might be at cross purposes and if we are I apogise. At 74 I refused all the vaccines and boosters and never had the China virus. I lived in a complex with 40 other people and three died. Not from the virus but with the virus when they were in hospital with other problems
The one friend I have left is someone I CAN discuss these things with. More or less. Even she has been unwilling to REALLY look at Covid, for example. She and all her kids took the shots, so I think she shuts down a bit, head in sand, when I talk about all that. Somewhat disappointing, yet somewhat understandable too. But she doesn't shut ME down or out. I wish you a new friend!
The way the people fall for the sham over and over and over again is so depressing. It has never been more obvious that the game is rigged, but they continue this need to believe in the fairytale.
You can’t rely on other people for your happiness start eating right opposite of what any government s tell you exercise know every “expert “ is shilling for their corporate masters and most people are hopelessly unaware of how the world really works f them enjoy anyone in your family who is sane and hang in there when all the hero’s are gone be your own hero
Personally I think arriving at the planned destination is far scarier than grokking the itinerary ahead of time, but since when was I ever in the majority? 😂😮💨
I feel like I have no friends. They are all vax bullies. They would deny me care at an emergency room because I am not shot up with poison. Why are so many unvaxxed Trumpers when he promotes the poison shot?
I know what you mean. I have a few more friends than one but that's just bc they don't pay any attention to what's going on in the US . I expect they don't pay much attention to anything political here in Canada either as we head into a merry go round of switched parties who all say and do the same thing. :(
OK, so BOTH blue Dems and red Repubs are really only puppets in the same puppet show, with the same Globalist/Oligarch Banksters pulling their strings....agreed?....
But think....so what? We "may be going to hell in a bucket, but at least I'm enjoying the ride."....as long as it lasts! Trump2.0 is WAY MORE fun and FUNNIER than Obama/Clinton/Biden could EVER be! I'm laughing all the way to the bank over this clown show! MAGAAAAAA!....Make America Great Again And Again And Again And Again And Again And Again and again,etc., ad nauseum.... ONLY TRUMPISM is truly sustainable in the long term. LOL!, KUTGW, ttyl,
And I'm pretty sure I'm sitting on the blueprint for an effective catalyst, but everyone wants convenience and money instead of truth and the closest thing to actual unity that exists.
You don't think this bullshit isn't propaganda? It seems that it's only the black, hispanic, latino, jewish, muslim, asian and native AMERICAN communities who have been able to cut through the crap written here. They've seen you democrats throw a cripple down the White House stairs and try to replace him with a cackling Kamal.
I'm sure that you alreay knew this, but most readers simply want their tribe supported and their priors confirmed, and they get mighty butthurt when you don't perform.
Notice that Trump support seems independent of what Trump actually does, or even when he reverses his campaign promises. They don't care, because they are members of a cult of personality.
Something else disturbing (I keep trying to locate something that isn't) is how many erstwhile left-liberals like Greenwald, Taibbi, Walter Kirn, and many others are now rooting for Trump in nearly every respect. They all totally ignore any third party, non-aligned with D's or R's, efforts to overthrow this corrupt and dying system and its murderous empire. Their contempt for the Dems, which I fully share, was instantly transformed into MAGA-adjacent cheerleading for everything Trumpy. To me, it screams of a disastrous erosion of socio-political IQ.
“Journalists”, purveyors of propaganda, it’s their way of life. Ever notice how over the last several years “news” articles seldom recap the history of why the information currently be posted is relevant based on the original article which also seldom contain the 5 W’s of first class journalism? Anonymous sources? Editor confirmation of two sources? That’s old school, no longer required to publish damaging information…specially with blogs and podcasts.
That's why you can't have topical, logical discussions with them. It doesn't matter if they run out of anything to say that makes any sense - for example, they deny that Trump and Gates are buddies, (because they hate Gates and vaccines) they say stupid stuff like: "Trump is playing 5G chess" or "he keeps his enemies close, but Gates will be wiped out by Trump soon."
It would be pretty hilarious if it wasn't so bloody dangerous:
Personality cult was and always will be the hallmark of dictators.
I am so happy I planned a six-week camping trip in very remote areas of Australia and I am forced to go off-line. The next months will be unbearable until the hang-over slowly sets in.
I'm a former Progressive that became politically homeless, but now strongly support most of Trump's policy initiatives (especially those involving free speech and MAHA). I'm amazed at the level of competence being displayed by Trump's team. He's a mixed bag, but I'm delighted to find some good there. I don't believe I fall into the cult follower group...
I avoid ideology in general, as it short-circuits critical thinking.
I try to call balls and strikes with regard to Trump or anyone else. When he does something right, I acknowledge this. When he does something wrong, I acknowledge this as well.
Not in my case-- I expected a post modern Germanic interpretation of how Germany is slowing circling the drain. It's all about blaming someone else by pissing on the expression of the future cultural growth of another nation (one abandoned by the Author). Standard treatment by insecure insular blackpillers. But as an artist CJ must hide it in his art.
like the way ya put it--an' this "persona" was epitomized so bee-u-tee-fully by the brilliant an' darkly adorable Peter Sellers (half chewish ta boot!) in Dr. Strangelove as AN'NUTHER ersatz Mad Scientist Nazi (who love da bomb) an' just couldn't help involuntarily SAL-OOTin' Sieg Heil style with his "arty-fish-all" robotic arm (how Muskian!)
Arguably Strangelove AND Sellers were also far from "neurotypical" but both arguably 2x more funny than (f)Elon who is not remotely autistic (Sorry Charlie as they say 'bout the tunafish, he's a nerd; I have an aspie young adult daughter so I should know, an' nope they really do not go inta Nazi spasms...)
Charlie Chaplin, Mo Howard (as Hitler), an' Sellers make far better Nazis but (amusin'ly?) (f)Elon's gran'pa wuz a card caryyin' one!
Does your litigation fund need topping up? Serious question.
And jumping on the Musk Nazi salute bandwagon is lame-o spaghetti-o. That was the shittiest salute I’ve ever seen (and of course it wasn’t one). Criticise the guy for the actual shit he’s doing, there’s plenty.
My "legal defense fund" is OK at the moment. Thank you for asking. My attorney is paid, and the Bundesverfassungsgericht (i.e. the German supreme court) is reviewing our appeal. So we're in a holding pattern until they decide whether to hear it.
I actually discarded the salute talk as typical stupid American hype about not much and was not even tempted to look it up, until my 17-year old daughter asked my opinion if it "was a real one" or a "fake one". She saw it on Tik-tok and it goes wild in her age-group.
My 17-year-old is in a phase where everything I say (and I hold back to the absolute minimum and necessary) is negated and dismissed.
So, this was kind of a big deal. She really cared about this. She, for once, considered my assessment important because I am 62-year-old German. And for 17-year-old, Germans must be experts in "Hitler Salutes".
This is comical because the last place you will ever see a "Hitler Salute" in post-war Germany. I never saw a live version there ever, because you end up in prison doing one.
I didn't tell her that, of course. But there are countless photos and clips of it online to compare with and I watched many versions of it in history movies at school.
After I saw Elon Musk doing it, I asked her, "What on Earth makes you think that this is not a Hitler salute?"
It is the best Hitler salute by far I have ever seen. Hitler himself would be jealous.
Firstly, the hand on the heart gives it immense feeling and authenticity. And the facial expression of pride and determination with a hint of glory gives it depth.
Further, unlike most documented and filmed Hitler salutes, this one was meant, and I think, very spontaneous and unplanned.
When the Hitler salute was in widespread use in Germany, it basically replaced the handshake and, over time, became as emotionally meaningless as a handshake. Just an empty ritual performed for conformity.
But Elon's Hitler Salute was a meaningful and felt one. He almost teared up. I wouldn't be surprised if very early footage of historic Hitler salutes show a similar emotional charge to it.
You know what - I just decided to do a little Substack on that and throw in my two cents. After all - I must be an expert on this if my daughter thinks so.
To save time, I will steal your photo CJ. I hope you don't mind.
Mush-y actually did perform a Nazi salute. That is some of the actual shit he is actually doing. I don't find any of the rest of what he's doing less lame.
Is that what you mean? He should only be criticized for lesser lame things? Not really lame things?
Maybe you could make a chart of less and more lame things Musk is actually doing so we're all clear on which are worthy of criticism?
It’s unfortunate that reading is a prerequisite for reading this. This seems very exclusionary for a large demographic of Americans. Could you put this in picture form for them?
I get and share the skepticism. Who knows how much Trump and co will get accomplished or even want to get accomplished. Maybe this is the best yet establishment play to fool the gullible masses. I'm waiting to see what happens.
But Musk wasn't giving a Nazi salute by any stretch of the imagination. Anyone waving to someone far away can be snapped in a Hitler salute like pose.
And to suggest he's openly displaying his Nazism is the sort of gotcha nonsense that turns me off institutional media (among plenty of other things).
I liked to read about your free-speech battle with the German establishment and was keen to support you. But I got literally nothing out of this piece except a strong whiff of very bitter, very cynical, not very insightful skepticism that says nothing more than "we always get screwed by these people and this time it will be no different, watch".
Here is a question: let's suppose for a minute that Trump and co are the real deal and actually intend to reform things in the way they say. In what way would it look different to what they have done so far?
Agree entirely; and have also supported CJ. But he does seem to be caught in a victim/abuser relationship, both by remaining in Germany and continuing to post on X.
I concur - resorting to labeling of the other is not truly free speech but spiteful speech. - when can we return to civil discourse to make the same points - take the high road, set an example CJ one that reflects your true humanity.
I'm not sophisticated or clever... and yet sometimes I wonder if both sides (and I've been on both sides) are genuinely, intensely, voraciously, and religiously following the script which has been meticulously prepared and fed to us - all the while believing we have discerning free will and choices.
I don’t know if you’re really the symbiotic lost brother genius I imagine you to be, or just another sharp-witted but deeply flawed ape like I actually am. It doesn’t really matter. You’re currently the only dude on the planet who gives me that old Twain/Mencken/Vonnegut/Dr Thompson jolt. Thanks again for the badly needed jumpstart.
Linda G, jealousy, do you mean the author is jealous that the Trump approach might actually work. I would not have used the word jealousy but I find this piece extremely wrongheaded. It seems like complete nihilism to me.
Its black pill on steroids posed as some sort of post modern "humour". It's very hard to find anything funny about censorship. If this is CJ's pre next round of German legal BS humour-- I am out. Its been real.
Agree with everything you say. I’m in because I wanted to support him financially in his legal difficulties. So I joined for a full year. Pretty sure it’s not my thing, full black pill.
I would have thought so too except for the Obama comment. That gave it away. People often stick in the opposing side to say “see I am being fair”. I am criticizing both sides.
5 days in? That idiot of a mayor had weeks and that asshole of a governor had years. But I agree Israel is far more important than communist california
Move to Israel? I did. In 1973 I volunteered to go to Israel the day the Yom Kippur War broke out. My girlfriend had gone out a week earlier. Have you ever volunteered to go to a war zone
1 Corinthians: When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me.
MEDIAsteria: Best Elon Musk Gives a "Nazi Salute" Memes
Hand signal guide (so you know where NOT to put your hand), some NAZI salutes are more equal than others, where real NAZIs giving real NAZI salutes are and more Elon Musk gives a Nazi salute memes!
Criticizing refugee rapists, posting accurate stats or memes, stopping stabbing sprees, etc is verboten. Then one day, the German people voted for you know who and more Germany memes!
Pure sacrilege CJ. You ought to know by now that certain things can be said and certain things must never be mentioned. Because if there’s one thing that TeamRed and TeamBlue can agree on without debate it’s that Hope and Change and Make America Great Again must never, never, NEVER be conflated..
Nope. The “TDS” thing is so 8 yrs ago. Because the hopeless Dems “couldn’t find anything” Trump was guilty of only means their areas of interest had bodies in it put there by both parties.. “TDS” 😂
Once again, I have to ask angry readers to please put their angry comments here in my Comments section, and not send them to me via email. I delete such emails unread, but I do look at these BTL comments for a while after I publish a column. UPDATE (17 hours later): seriously, people, please stop with the angry emails. I don't read them. I delete emails from people I don't know personally, unread. Please vent your outrage here in the Comments, where someone (maybe even me) might actually read what you wrote.
Who would get angry over this? I thought this was hilariously brilliant!
I'm with you. I felt my whole body decompress.
Many folks are looking to find reasons to be angry. They are not a happy in life and are easily offended.
Why would anyone be angry reading it? I very much enjoy sarcasm used in this way and found it entertaining. You have a skill if you can get your point across while leaving a smile on the readers face. Anyone who feels the opposite and has anger issues from it, aint human lol <3
I am angry that this splendid satire did not go on longer! I will eventually clam down.
I'm incensed that this piece wasn't anger-inducing. If there's one thing which makes me spew my corn flakes it's having my expectations short changed, not to mention having me nod my head in agreement over one or two observed points. It won't do. Please advise where I can send my angry letter of complaint, and warn the recipient [i.e. you, if you're one and the same] that postage will need to be paid at destination, since it's not my fault that a letter is required.
Kind of you to read the comments on your own article - and really that is smart - cause could be you got some hard lessons to learn.
And what would those hard lessons be, exactly, Ken?
I laughed out loud . Thanks!
How bout I answer it metaphorically - what you think Ralph Baric out of UNC Chapel Hill is thinking bout his mouse studies?
How about I just ban you for being an annoying troll.
Rather benign comment to deserve a lifetime ban... interesting how "free speech" is so unwelcome here.
I dunno. CJ asked Buffalo for "exactly" and Buffalo whiffed. I think I would have banned him too. Hit the showers, boy! You're done here.
Are you saying that lifetimes are indefinite? That's rather upsetting.
Are you serious with this question - I ask before I answer.
What if we don't have an angry comment? Haha. ;-)
Please republish them here and pin them to the top.
Why angry, folks? CJ here is suffering from lingering Trump Derangement Syndrome. Some compassion is in order! LOL
With the ongoing Scholz-Musk tussle…Is this your ploy to appease the German authorities ?
I'm sad there are fewer people I can share your writing with (without causing a fight) than there were this time last year - it's exhausting and disappointing and totally demoralizing to see how easily the human mind can be completely captured by emotional manipulation. None of us are immune no matter how hard we try to be, but it's sure getting lonely again these days...
Give it a few months, or a couple years. Most folks are pretty drunk on the Kool-Aid at the moment. The high will wear off eventually. It always does.
Not in my experience. To give an example, to this day, plenty of Obama cultists continue to ladle on the excuses for their hero, even as he betrayed them over and over and over.
It’s because the only knowledge they have of him is sound snippets and taglines. They know nothing about him, really. And the reason they don’t, is because their lives are too easy and they’re too numb to think through gratification and over indulgence.
That stopping ,would be the only thing that would make them stop and actually think.
Obama - born in Kenya - his mate - an anomaly - tis known. His mate was born the way he-she-it was, but that ain't no excuse for lack of transparency. Obama was born on a field in Kenya - Hawaii deserves better.
Do you remember - "Change for the better" - well it just turned out - more of same.
Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.
Obama's mate is an anomaly.
Got tits and a dick seems to be...if you don't care for that - then know this - I don't care for that call in the NFL when the Bills got first down - and one thing leads to another - so lets just be transparent please - and then - let the chips fall where they will.
May the best ideas prevail.
I know what side I am on - do U?
Unfortunately, I think we may be running out of the time required for sobering up.
And I think that's part of the plan.
STARGATE will be up and monitoring 24/7 before anyone can say Alka Seltzer.
I think you are correct. I wish I did not.
I'm hoping Stargate will show mRNA jabs are dangerous and counterproductive. And that Ivermectin is a wonder drug against single strand RNA viruses and prevents and treats cancer alone and/or when paired with Fenbendazole putting big pHarma out of business. We all can dream.
Take the White pill and let the negative feelings go. Blessed are the peacemakers.
And the blind will lead the blind right over the cliff.
Do you honestly think 500 billion dollars is being invested in Stargate so mRNA injections can be tossed in favor of alternative treatments?
Hopium is very addictive. Dreams and fantasies are not the same.
I'm doing a hard pass on all pills regardless of color. No negativity here.
And people thought I was hyperbolizing, joking, and/or overreacting when I said over and over again for 15 years, "We'd better bone up and save the world or we're all gonna end up enslaved or dead."
They'd all rather wait for Godot, it seems.
And just like the two characters in Waiting for Godot, most people do nothing.
It gets tiring, don't you think?
Oh no... another Elizabeth who thinks you are correct.
Stargate, the new South Sea bubble.
STARGATE your new siamese twin.
Alka freaking Seltzer indeed!
You may be right. You bastards are already releasing the bird flu and sending troops (I mean peace keepers) to ratchet the Ukraine encroachment on the Russian border. Hopefully, the PRESIDENT and his troops will be able to use his law and security agencies against you lot in the same way you used them against him. I can't wait for PROJECT 25 under Steve Bannon, Peter Navarro, General Flynn and Roger Stone
I hope so. It's lonely out here..at the end of the world
I hear you. It really is lonely. Several COVID dissidents who were very valuable to me and helped relieve my stress and isolation at the height of that hysteria have now more or less jumped on the Trump bandwagon, switching sides in response to being punished so severely by Team Blue. Why can't they figure out that both "sides" are in the bag? In real life, I have, besides my partner, exactly one friend left. Sigh.
Thank you for sharing that. There are a lot of people going through more or less the same thing these days. I have never seen society so polarized, and I am old. Hang in there.
Let's see, who was it came to office thanks to the White vote twice and ended up losing the black vote? Who was it came to the White House on the White vote and then retook it thanks to the black, hispanic, latino, jewish, muslim, asian and native AMERICAN vote... Plus 18-30 vote?
Lonely here in Holland too. No Trumpists in sight here, but I'm surrounded by nutcases who think Trump is orange man bad and know for 100 percent sure he is evil because he is a climate denier. They also know with absolute certainty that Putin is evil because he started the war in Ukraine and wants to conquer all of Europe, if he doesn't nuke us all first. They are also convinced that Holland is the only place on Earth with a functioning democracy. They still believe they are open minded and tolerant. And if I told them I think Putin is a better statesman than any of the Western wannabees, if I would say Trump is pretty stupid but I'm glad Kamala didn't win, or if I would hint I never got my fix during the covid hoax, or even that the climate thing is all based on a lie, they'd burn me at the stake in front of their precious community hall and they'd be proud of eliminating such a nefarious foe. I feel like I'm swimming in a shark tank sometimes.
My dear Dutch friend here in NZ is the same alas.
Greetings my fellow Kiwi, sometimes I feel like we really are hobbits living in middle earth lol.
You can’t rely on other people for your happiness start eating right opposite of what any government s tell you exercise know every “expert “ is shilling for their corporate masters and most people are hopelessly unaware of how the world really works f them enjoy anyone in your family who is sane and hang in there when all the hero’s are gone be your own hero
Thanks for sharing that. We hardly see any information coming from other countries and Ive been so curious about what the people think.
There are lots of Trumpists in Holland, but they are apparently not in your social circle. Time for a change of social circle ?
I feel this!
I know exactly where you're coming from, having lived there for about 8 years now. With about two friends left, neither of whom I can discuss any of these things with. If I do, I'll soon have zero friends.
At this point, I’d rather have no friends than willfully ignorant morons for friends. It sounds mean, and I really don’t care now.
Thank God for the comment section. A sorely needed outlet for those of us who can no longer discuss much of anything anymore with family and friends. Keeps me sane.
Sounds smart rather than mean. “Friends” have been dropping like flies since 2020…
4 years of PRESIDENT TRUMP. Unless you lot can organise another assassination attempt before Kash is appointed to the FBI
Sounds like you're a white woman
What I am is tired of people who won’t read a book to save their own life, much less that of their child. I doled books out like candy and the harm of “vaccination” and heard a bazillion times, “I don’t read. Just tell me what’s in the book” after which they followed what their televisions told them to do. A lot of those folks are dead or injured now.
A lot of people won't even read an article like this one on Substack. I keep trying and I share on Farcebook, my 'friends' ignore, except for a couple of stalwarts. Preaching to the choir.
We might be at cross purposes and if we are I apogise. At 74 I refused all the vaccines and boosters and never had the China virus. I lived in a complex with 40 other people and three died. Not from the virus but with the virus when they were in hospital with other problems
The one friend I have left is someone I CAN discuss these things with. More or less. Even she has been unwilling to REALLY look at Covid, for example. She and all her kids took the shots, so I think she shuts down a bit, head in sand, when I talk about all that. Somewhat disappointing, yet somewhat understandable too. But she doesn't shut ME down or out. I wish you a new friend!
Shaking hands with you Basil, and Laura!
Well they are still your friends Basil. You just cant talk about much ATM
The way the people fall for the sham over and over and over again is so depressing. It has never been more obvious that the game is rigged, but they continue this need to believe in the fairytale.
100% right.
They need to believe because the alternative is facing the reality
of existential threats.
Anything other than God. Even a con man named Trump. Sad indeed.
Trump supporters are cheering that he paused all money for social programs that will hurt people like them because they too rely on aid.
Hopefully they are well enough off to help their grandparents buy food and medicine.
You can’t rely on other people for your happiness start eating right opposite of what any government s tell you exercise know every “expert “ is shilling for their corporate masters and most people are hopelessly unaware of how the world really works f them enjoy anyone in your family who is sane and hang in there when all the hero’s are gone be your own hero
It's scary to look.
Personally I think arriving at the planned destination is far scarier than grokking the itinerary ahead of time, but since when was I ever in the majority? 😂😮💨
Yes, belief is a mighty sword…
I haven't even got my partner. Sigh
To be fair I wouldn't have him if he begged now. He's totally narrative-led.
Can I introduce you to Basil?
Ah, I see him now, a few comments back. He might be a bit too gregarious for me, with his two friends and all :-) Hi Basil! How's Nigel?
You have the beginning of a song there!
I feel like I have no friends. They are all vax bullies. They would deny me care at an emergency room because I am not shot up with poison. Why are so many unvaxxed Trumpers when he promotes the poison shot?
I know what you mean. I have a few more friends than one but that's just bc they don't pay any attention to what's going on in the US . I expect they don't pay much attention to anything political here in Canada either as we head into a merry go round of switched parties who all say and do the same thing. :(
OK, so BOTH blue Dems and red Repubs are really only puppets in the same puppet show, with the same Globalist/Oligarch Banksters pulling their strings....agreed?....
But think....so what? We "may be going to hell in a bucket, but at least I'm enjoying the ride."....as long as it lasts! Trump2.0 is WAY MORE fun and FUNNIER than Obama/Clinton/Biden could EVER be! I'm laughing all the way to the bank over this clown show! MAGAAAAAA!....Make America Great Again And Again And Again And Again And Again And Again and again,etc., ad nauseum.... ONLY TRUMPISM is truly sustainable in the long term. LOL!, KUTGW, ttyl,
I am in the same boat as you. Lonely. Alienated and sick of people’s bullshit.
Same here on all counts.
And I'm pretty sure I'm sitting on the blueprint for an effective catalyst, but everyone wants convenience and money instead of truth and the closest thing to actual unity that exists.
If only I'd been rich.
I hear you, wish I didn't.
Those China virus *dissidents, were they saying the China virus was released from the Wuhan lab?
You don't think this bullshit isn't propaganda? It seems that it's only the black, hispanic, latino, jewish, muslim, asian and native AMERICAN communities who have been able to cut through the crap written here. They've seen you democrats throw a cripple down the White House stairs and try to replace him with a cackling Kamal.
Dammit. I really need to remember not to sip tea while reading your columns, CJ.
Sorry about that.
The Devil does not like to be ridiculed. This is perfect. Great stuff
But isn't it wonderfu to feel that way?!?!
I'm sure that you alreay knew this, but most readers simply want their tribe supported and their priors confirmed, and they get mighty butthurt when you don't perform.
Yes, I have kind of noticed that recently.
Notice that Trump support seems independent of what Trump actually does, or even when he reverses his campaign promises. They don't care, because they are members of a cult of personality.
Obama supporters did much the same.
Something else disturbing (I keep trying to locate something that isn't) is how many erstwhile left-liberals like Greenwald, Taibbi, Walter Kirn, and many others are now rooting for Trump in nearly every respect. They all totally ignore any third party, non-aligned with D's or R's, efforts to overthrow this corrupt and dying system and its murderous empire. Their contempt for the Dems, which I fully share, was instantly transformed into MAGA-adjacent cheerleading for everything Trumpy. To me, it screams of a disastrous erosion of socio-political IQ.
The enemy of my enemy is not always my friend.
Case in point.
I admit I’ve fallen in to that trap as well a bit, but I try to catch myself and still think big picture
“Journalists”, purveyors of propaganda, it’s their way of life. Ever notice how over the last several years “news” articles seldom recap the history of why the information currently be posted is relevant based on the original article which also seldom contain the 5 W’s of first class journalism? Anonymous sources? Editor confirmation of two sources? That’s old school, no longer required to publish damaging information…specially with blogs and podcasts.
Even Kim Iversen has succumbed to the madness.
She doesn't read. :(
Well spotted.
That's why you can't have topical, logical discussions with them. It doesn't matter if they run out of anything to say that makes any sense - for example, they deny that Trump and Gates are buddies, (because they hate Gates and vaccines) they say stupid stuff like: "Trump is playing 5G chess" or "he keeps his enemies close, but Gates will be wiped out by Trump soon."
It would be pretty hilarious if it wasn't so bloody dangerous:
Personality cult was and always will be the hallmark of dictators.
I am so happy I planned a six-week camping trip in very remote areas of Australia and I am forced to go off-line. The next months will be unbearable until the hang-over slowly sets in.
I'm a former Progressive that became politically homeless, but now strongly support most of Trump's policy initiatives (especially those involving free speech and MAHA). I'm amazed at the level of competence being displayed by Trump's team. He's a mixed bag, but I'm delighted to find some good there. I don't believe I fall into the cult follower group...
I avoid ideology in general, as it short-circuits critical thinking.
I try to call balls and strikes with regard to Trump or anyone else. When he does something right, I acknowledge this. When he does something wrong, I acknowledge this as well.
I’m gonna I unsubscribe and not renew if you pick on my tribe or invalidate my worldview!🤭
Not in my case-- I expected a post modern Germanic interpretation of how Germany is slowing circling the drain. It's all about blaming someone else by pissing on the expression of the future cultural growth of another nation (one abandoned by the Author). Standard treatment by insecure insular blackpillers. But as an artist CJ must hide it in his art.
Thanks for the rueful morning chuckle! Only you can make me laugh at the thought of a bunch of autistic Germans with involuntary Nazi salute spasms!
like the way ya put it--an' this "persona" was epitomized so bee-u-tee-fully by the brilliant an' darkly adorable Peter Sellers (half chewish ta boot!) in Dr. Strangelove as AN'NUTHER ersatz Mad Scientist Nazi (who love da bomb) an' just couldn't help involuntarily SAL-OOTin' Sieg Heil style with his "arty-fish-all" robotic arm (how Muskian!)
Arguably Strangelove AND Sellers were also far from "neurotypical" but both arguably 2x more funny than (f)Elon who is not remotely autistic (Sorry Charlie as they say 'bout the tunafish, he's a nerd; I have an aspie young adult daughter so I should know, an' nope they really do not go inta Nazi spasms...)
Charlie Chaplin, Mo Howard (as Hitler), an' Sellers make far better Nazis but (amusin'ly?) (f)Elon's gran'pa wuz a card caryyin' one!
Does your litigation fund need topping up? Serious question.
And jumping on the Musk Nazi salute bandwagon is lame-o spaghetti-o. That was the shittiest salute I’ve ever seen (and of course it wasn’t one). Criticise the guy for the actual shit he’s doing, there’s plenty.
My "legal defense fund" is OK at the moment. Thank you for asking. My attorney is paid, and the Bundesverfassungsgericht (i.e. the German supreme court) is reviewing our appeal. So we're in a holding pattern until they decide whether to hear it.
Thanks. I trust you’ll give an update once things start moving again.
"Reviewing" is not the same as "hearing"?
About the Musk Sal"te
I actually discarded the salute talk as typical stupid American hype about not much and was not even tempted to look it up, until my 17-year old daughter asked my opinion if it "was a real one" or a "fake one". She saw it on Tik-tok and it goes wild in her age-group.
My 17-year-old is in a phase where everything I say (and I hold back to the absolute minimum and necessary) is negated and dismissed.
So, this was kind of a big deal. She really cared about this. She, for once, considered my assessment important because I am 62-year-old German. And for 17-year-old, Germans must be experts in "Hitler Salutes".
This is comical because the last place you will ever see a "Hitler Salute" in post-war Germany. I never saw a live version there ever, because you end up in prison doing one.
I didn't tell her that, of course. But there are countless photos and clips of it online to compare with and I watched many versions of it in history movies at school.
After I saw Elon Musk doing it, I asked her, "What on Earth makes you think that this is not a Hitler salute?"
It is the best Hitler salute by far I have ever seen. Hitler himself would be jealous.
Firstly, the hand on the heart gives it immense feeling and authenticity. And the facial expression of pride and determination with a hint of glory gives it depth.
Further, unlike most documented and filmed Hitler salutes, this one was meant, and I think, very spontaneous and unplanned.
When the Hitler salute was in widespread use in Germany, it basically replaced the handshake and, over time, became as emotionally meaningless as a handshake. Just an empty ritual performed for conformity.
But Elon's Hitler Salute was a meaningful and felt one. He almost teared up. I wouldn't be surprised if very early footage of historic Hitler salutes show a similar emotional charge to it.
You know what - I just decided to do a little Substack on that and throw in my two cents. After all - I must be an expert on this if my daughter thinks so.
To save time, I will steal your photo CJ. I hope you don't mind.
Mush-y actually did perform a Nazi salute. That is some of the actual shit he is actually doing. I don't find any of the rest of what he's doing less lame.
Is that what you mean? He should only be criticized for lesser lame things? Not really lame things?
Maybe you could make a chart of less and more lame things Musk is actually doing so we're all clear on which are worthy of criticism?
Alka lame and less lame Nazi Seltzer
Basically agree with you, whether he "meant it" or not.
It’s unfortunate that reading is a prerequisite for reading this. This seems very exclusionary for a large demographic of Americans. Could you put this in picture form for them?
A golden calf with the face of Donald Trump, surrounded by worshipers.
Better than the dog with his head up his ass.
It really doesn't take much reading to keep up.
It's fairly predictable.
Although reading this piece made me happy. Actually happy.
I get and share the skepticism. Who knows how much Trump and co will get accomplished or even want to get accomplished. Maybe this is the best yet establishment play to fool the gullible masses. I'm waiting to see what happens.
But Musk wasn't giving a Nazi salute by any stretch of the imagination. Anyone waving to someone far away can be snapped in a Hitler salute like pose.
And to suggest he's openly displaying his Nazism is the sort of gotcha nonsense that turns me off institutional media (among plenty of other things).
I liked to read about your free-speech battle with the German establishment and was keen to support you. But I got literally nothing out of this piece except a strong whiff of very bitter, very cynical, not very insightful skepticism that says nothing more than "we always get screwed by these people and this time it will be no different, watch".
Here is a question: let's suppose for a minute that Trump and co are the real deal and actually intend to reform things in the way they say. In what way would it look different to what they have done so far?
Agree entirely; and have also supported CJ. But he does seem to be caught in a victim/abuser relationship, both by remaining in Germany and continuing to post on X.
Hilarious, thank-you! If you're not on CJ's staff, you should be.
I concur - resorting to labeling of the other is not truly free speech but spiteful speech. - when can we return to civil discourse to make the same points - take the high road, set an example CJ one that reflects your true humanity.
Wow, I have not read anything so spot-on and yet hilarious in a long time. Thank you!
I'm not sophisticated or clever... and yet sometimes I wonder if both sides (and I've been on both sides) are genuinely, intensely, voraciously, and religiously following the script which has been meticulously prepared and fed to us - all the while believing we have discerning free will and choices.
I don’t know if you’re really the symbiotic lost brother genius I imagine you to be, or just another sharp-witted but deeply flawed ape like I actually am. It doesn’t really matter. You’re currently the only dude on the planet who gives me that old Twain/Mencken/Vonnegut/Dr Thompson jolt. Thanks again for the badly needed jumpstart.
Do I hear jealousy?
Linda G, jealousy, do you mean the author is jealous that the Trump approach might actually work. I would not have used the word jealousy but I find this piece extremely wrongheaded. It seems like complete nihilism to me.
Actually, DBoy, you’re exhibit A that CJ is directly over his target🎯
It's humor.
I suppose so. But it seems directionless to me: just anti-everything. It’s drool, clever only.
Its black pill on steroids posed as some sort of post modern "humour". It's very hard to find anything funny about censorship. If this is CJ's pre next round of German legal BS humour-- I am out. Its been real.
Agree with everything you say. I’m in because I wanted to support him financially in his legal difficulties. So I joined for a full year. Pretty sure it’s not my thing, full black pill.
Ditto-- my mistake clearly
It's drool? Like out of the corner of a mouth?
I'm not familiar with clever drool...
overdose on Antacids clearly
Drole my bad
Droll. Try one more time. You'll get it.
That's okay. The humor is lost as well.
hahahahahahahahahahaha brilliant
I would have thought so too except for the Obama comment. That gave it away. People often stick in the opposing side to say “see I am being fair”. I am criticizing both sides.
He's poking fun at them all. I don't understand your point.
Unless it's to say the author is being manipulative.
I don't want to argue. If you see jealousy then that's what you see.
I got a good laugh.
Well manipulative is a good word.
That's reading a lot into it.
I suppose I could assume you're Melania's cousin sent to Substack to defend and rebuff. But I won't.
CJ is boring.
I bet you have some video games just sitting there waiting to be played.
DB he is simply grappling with the material at hand for humorous inquiry.
It's humor. Remember laughing? Poking fun at reality? Having a good time?
Do I hear dullness like water slowly dripping? plop...plop...
No. That was just the PRESIDENT turning on the spigot to get WATER to California
Better late than never, I guess.
Does seem a little after the fact, though.
I guess he was pretty busy cutting deals that didn't stick with Israel.
5 days in? That idiot of a mayor had weeks and that asshole of a governor had years. But I agree Israel is far more important than communist california
You should move to Israel. Citizenship is easily obtained by some...
Those who value Israel over their own country, for instance...
You'd be a shoe-in.
Move to Israel? I did. In 1973 I volunteered to go to Israel the day the Yom Kippur War broke out. My girlfriend had gone out a week earlier. Have you ever volunteered to go to a war zone
1 Corinthians: When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me.
Corinthians, meet Donald Trump.
U. Bob, that’s very funny.
ITS DEAFENING... and now for some laughs:
MEDIAsteria: Best Elon Musk Gives a "Nazi Salute" Memes
Hand signal guide (so you know where NOT to put your hand), some NAZI salutes are more equal than others, where real NAZIs giving real NAZI salutes are and more Elon Musk gives a Nazi salute memes!
TOTALITARIANsteria: Best Germany Memes
Criticizing refugee rapists, posting accurate stats or memes, stopping stabbing sprees, etc is verboten. Then one day, the German people voted for you know who and more Germany memes!
Damn, CJ. I read your work with enthusiasm for your talent and despair that I will never be in your league. Great piece....
Pure sacrilege CJ. You ought to know by now that certain things can be said and certain things must never be mentioned. Because if there’s one thing that TeamRed and TeamBlue can agree on without debate it’s that Hope and Change and Make America Great Again must never, never, NEVER be conflated..
Not written well enough to not have to put (sarc).
Is that a sentence? Can't tell. Let's see...double negative. Check. "to not have to put".
I don't know what action "to put" is but I hope I don't have to do it.
Lol. Pirate, are you like the thought and grammar corrector by choice?
I'm just having some fun by pointing out unreasonable reasoning.
This is the saddest thing I've ever read. I hope you feel better in your inflamed brain. The TDS is strong
Nope. The “TDS” thing is so 8 yrs ago. Because the hopeless Dems “couldn’t find anything” Trump was guilty of only means their areas of interest had bodies in it put there by both parties.. “TDS” 😂
All by design. Tools of all kinds in the box.
And if anybody knows what a TOOL is...
...then they know how to use it.
And they have personal experience of what one is.
The new, new normal Reich. New boss, same as the old boss but totally different. Or whatever.
Get ready for Global Digital ID.
Ah the blackpill feels right at home-- yup Hopkins has snapped.