The censored video interview is mirrored by TruthComestoLight and viewable on Bitchute


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Some of us somehow will keep a few lights on.

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CJ, I never heard of you until someone sent me this interview...I now have two of your books and I am glad to know you write and stand up for what is real and true. The more GlobalCap disintegrates, the more desperate and criminal it becomes. It is a corpse slowly decomposing. My only answer to it is not to go into agreement with its despair, and to raise up the six qualities of the new humanism, as per John Ralston Saul: imagination, common sense, ethics, memory, reason and

intuition. Shine on brightly! Shine in all directions.

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Thank you ... those sound like good qualities. Hope you enjoy the books!

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I enjoyed watching the interview again.

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I enjoyed watching the interview again.

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Cool interview. The first thing I read by you was the "Manufacturing Truth" piece pubbed on the UNZ site back in late 2018 which I very much like because of its "classic" Machiavellian quality. Unfortunately, posts from Unz, which goes further afield than those in the "gubmint" can tolerate, have been "verboten" on F/Book for quite some time. I noticed that your subsequent posts -- especially after Covid -- became increasingly strident and more "partisan" as anger overtook the suspension of belief in "competing views" of events which is probably better for wider ranging "satire." It was good to see you acknowledge this complaint in the vid, and I can't say I blame you! As a person who follows International politics and economics, I think your conception of "Globocap" is more monolithic and scarier than global corporate control over events on the planet (tho certainly threatening and dangerous) actually is -- despite the ongoing powers of the West to use the IMF, World Bank and their respective Central Banks to prop up "financialized" capitalism, which at a certain point will collapse. Substantial "pushback" to blatant neoliberal corporatism has been and is underway by china and Russia and other countries who have built "mixed" economies that make sure their respective populations have bottom line healthcare and access to education, etc. This model -- featuring fundamental supports for domestic populations (socialism) and long term planning guiding industrial capitalism is far more "survivable" than naked predatory capitalism practiced in the U.S. leaving the masses unprotected while the "elites" skate, etc. A really good thinker to read on this is political economist, historian, and author of some extraordinary books, Michael Hudson. Keep on keepin' on!

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Thanks, yes, Hudson is great. "GloboCap" is just my pet nickname for global capitalism, the system/ideology, which is not monolithic at all, but rather, decentralized and multiplicitous.

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Is humanity going to make it out the other side of this scenario, do you reckon? Or is this just colony collapse disorder in slow motion?

It's just such a great story – the global fightback, sticking countless sticks in the machine – it would be a shame if we let it go to waste.

Thanks so much for your writing over the past year, CJ. Yours was one of the voices that I clung to like I was drowning. What a fucked up experience, feeling attempts to scrub your brain in real time. I wish I could get over the sense of horizontal betrayal.

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Yes, we're going to make it out, eventually. Totalitarianism is a control trip. In the end, life will not be controlled. Glad I was of some help to you ... thanks for letting me know. All best, CJ

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The more they censor, the more obvious it becomes they are wrong and they are afraid. Thank you for continually speaking out. My best efforts have had me banned on Twitter and heavily censored on FB until I had to give up and delete both platforms. I still refuse to wear a mask on public transport as is mandated here in NZ (though not law as most think). Sadly so many in this country think they've been "saved" by Ardern because our lives have been mostly "normal" for the last year thanks to being a small island in the arsehole of the world, not thanks to her government's actions. They have only kicked the can down the road. Now, Director of Health Ashley Bloomfield is publicly talking about the country moving to a permanent state of "lockdown 2.5 (whatever the fuck that is) - so that the country can open up for tourism. A problem that was obvious to anyone with a couple of brain cells when they first shut the borders.

Anyway, I am now emailing links such as this to those who I think still "get it" and are open to reason and critical thinking. I've lost so many friends and even family through this, it is hard to contain the anger but it is something we need to do to be able to keep thinking rationally.

Love your work Mr Hopkins, I've been reading you for a couple of years now. Initially through OffGuardian and I've since bought a couple of your publications. I'm enjoying Zone 23 very much! I will subscribe to your main site when I can afford it, currently I don't have a regular income so that is difficult for now. Thank you for speaking out.

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Thanks ... glad you're enjoying my work! Please don't worry about contributing money, as (a) you already have, by buying my novel, and (b) I depend on those who can afford it to do that. If you end up liking ZONE 23 when you're done, please recommend it to your friends ... that's another way to support my work, for which I'm grateful.

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