How thrilling, CJ. I’m looking forward to savoring this conversation between two of my favorite COVID heroes—three if you count OVALmedia, to which I owe an incalculable debt of gratitude for giving voice to so many courageous truth-tellers over the past two+ years. There’s a reason I featured them prominently in my twelve-step recovery program from menticide:

• “Letter to the Menticided: A 12-Step Recovery Program” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-menticided-a-12-step)

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Catherine Austin Fitts is the smartest woman I know. Can't thank her enough for trying to warn us all.

Am glad you both got together, looking forward to it.

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This conversation is SO important, and it's both potent and splendid that it's coming from the two of you, representing what you've described as a financial and a cultural perspective. I've made a donation to help you out, and I look forward to seeing where you go with this. Abundant gratitude to both of you and to the team at Oval Media, whom I've supported in the past for their courageous coverage of pandemic protests.

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beautiful boat, i wonder if thats the answer, lets all live at sea!

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I want to refurbish a U-boat, paint it yellow, declare it a sovereign state, become a citizen, and live in it.

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Done that . It certainly is a answer. And its usually an amazingly experience full answer. Turning your energy dependency for your "floating /sailing cave" into real life meaningful efforts . (the batteries, the solar panels and the wind-generator, all need to be managed) But such a relief from other 1st word problems. but none the less real.

The trick is . Finding and buying and falling in love with that half dead boat in the corner of a boatyard in a warm a warm climate . and restoring it to your own demands and expectations.

ABSOLUTELY gratifying.

Ps. dont forget tho you will need some basic startup skills and a little pot of the filthy lucre to get by on .

Pps... Do whilst you can . The longer you wait ,the harder the glue sets .and adaptability is the key .

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That is what the Nobs are doing. They use super-yachts though and they have independent internet via satellite - One Web.

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well thats something i suppose, all that co2 from their 330 litre per hour yachts is good for the plants

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You called it.... spot on! xx

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The OCEAN is dealing with the Co2 ... lol ... and have you ever questioned what your military is doing - do they drive (with their ships, planes, tanks etc) with an electric propulsion/motor? lol ...

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i think you missed my point, A LOT

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Well of course because - there is no point

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Excellent! I am looking forward to the rest of the series. BTW, I don't think you're on the left or right side. IMO, you're open-minded, rational, logical, and on the side of humanity.

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You are doing the world an immeasurably great service by bringing Catherine Austin Fitts to us. No one else has developed the kind of perspective she has, and few people understand the gravity of the truly evil plans these people have for us. If only more people understood what was happening, what is being done to us, and who is doing it. Thanks for getting her message out to a wider audience.

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CAF rocks!

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The potency of dystopia has a new name: Mr. Global "Globo" Cap.

I know what I'll be watching at 8:15pm - while many Germans are watching "Tatort".

Oh, and don't forget: #FireKarlLauterbach

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You are doing the world an immeasurably great service by bringing Catherine Austin Fitts to us. No one else has developed the kind of perspective she has, and few people understand the gravity of the truly evil plans these people have for us. If only more people understood what was happening, what is being done to us, and who is doing it. Thanks for getting her message out to a wider audience.

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This is great so far, and 40 mins long with another 3 parts to come!

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Classic interview. Looking forward to more details in the second part.

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Good conversation. Looking forward to the rest. I'm not crazy after all.

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I found the discussion inspiring. I'm extremely glad someone like Catherine Austin Fitts exists in the world, and that she has met up with someone like CJ.

I often wonder and felt a knowing that there are genuine, compassionate solution-oriented people within these corrupted systems. It's just that they seem to get spit out, unable to put their helpful ideas to work. As these life-giving ideas come to light, may there be a pathway for them to come to fruition. As Catherine mentions, "If life and intelligence could align with money, there's be no reason for poverty"

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Truly enjoyed this introduction/Part One. Looking forward to the rest! Thank you!

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This interview is so fucking good I just resent waiting what, like a million months since it happened to digest it, and yet it's GREAT to have a perspective as to what was happening/known/could be seen with clarity at that time.

Time to subscribe w/ $ to CJ if you can and haven't already. Keep it going.

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Many thanks for this lovely video!

We do know who 'they' are!

I use the name they gave themselves:



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