Once again, I have to ask angry readers to please put their angry comments here in my Comments section, and not send them to me via email. I delete such emails unread, but I do look at these BTL comments for a while after I publish a new column. If you put your insults in the Comments, I'll see them, and feel insulted. I promise.
USAID has pushed nearly half a billion dollars ($472.6m) through a secretive US government financed NGO, “Internews Network” (IN), which has “worked with” 4,291 media outlets, producing in one year 4,799 hours of broadcasts reaching up to 778 million people and “training” over 9000 journalists (2023 figures).
Bill Gates has spent $300 million on media to push his GAVI bullshit.
It is stunning to me that people appear to have just discovered that NGOs like USAID and NED are CIA cutouts, and that the corporate media is infested with spooks, which has been general knowledge for years, and are now posting snotty passive-aggressive comments like yours while presumably chortling triumphantly to themselves, ignorant of their ignorance.
I haven’t listened to NPR or PBS in over a decade. I’m pleased they’re getting raked over the coals. Hopefully it will be painful and humiliating and it’ll wipe the arrogant smirk off their faces.
In my understanding, the global corporate-banking oligarchy operates through BOTH its wings, both the fake left and the fake right. Both through the liberal democrat leadership (who act in very iliberal ways) who use inauthentic slogans of love and caring (which they don't mean) to advance billionaire profiteering & domination, as well as through the oligarchy's other wing- the fake "populist" billionaires right (who are sold to their propagandized deceived worshippers as "anti-elite" and "pro-freedom" while IN REALITY are tyrant elite scum who work diligently to concentrate the planet's wealth in the hands of the 0.1%, to build the digital technocratic prison of humanity for the sole purpose of the domination of the few over the many, and to incite you to HATE HATE HATE anyone who isn’t aligned with their global militarized empire of greed and billionaire domination and abuse of the have-nots
In terms of the psychology that drives the two wings of the empire - unlike the inauthentic love slogans of the fake "left", the other empire's wing - the fake "populist" billionaire right - are inciting their half of the population through a God-ignorant childish fascist mentality that views "greatness" as DOMINATION, power over, force, subjugation, profiteering by crushing others to benefit oneself, and the US (light) vs THEM (darkness) sectarian tribalist mentality
The tragedy, IMHO, is that most of humanity has been herded (using the oligarchs' algorithms) into partisan enclosures/echo-chambers, where we are taught to cheer for one or the other wing of the global oligarchy and to view the other half as 'the evil ones'. Very few seem to recognize BOTH halves of the elite, and very few seem to want real freedom from empire and dignity for all humans, but most seem to just want that the empire be under the right management, the management of "our billionaires" (not “their billionaires”), seem to just want the domination of the one wing of the oligarchy that they learnt to identify with
"It is stunning to me that people appear to have just discovered that NGOs like USAID and NED are CIA cutouts...." Did you ever bring receipts? Did you show how they actually operate? Did you show the actual money funded and spent? Did you reveal the extensive network now quite easily traced because the actual money provides a paper trail?
I agree with Disillusioned. You need a chill pill and to get the hell out of a fascist totalitarian state known as Germany, or is your vitriol purposely crafted for clicks? Are all nation states fairly much fascist totalitarian? Yep. But we in the U.S. now have a hell of better chance than you do, CJ. Will the authoritarian net drop again? Yes, undoubtedly. By that time, how many more Americans will have awakened and smelled the coffee? Probably quite a few. Particularly the 100s of thousands who won't be employed by the federal .gov.
I think CJ likes to be a rude curmudgeon. Also... being a lefty right now is miserable. So he shrieks at the Villains TM. Eh... following the left right now is tedious. All freak-outs and veiled threats. No sense. :-)
It’s not news to me. Whenever there’s an “ Operation Whatever “ from the DOD or whoever there’s mostly some kind of malicious f*ckery afoot. Chill your fluff CJ. The world has always been a hot mess. It’s nothing new and screaming and swearing at your supporters isn’t going to help anyone.
Oh, wait, I see why you were upset with me. The "maybe you should apply for a USAID grant", was an attempt at a joke. Sorry, it wasn't meant as a passive-aggressive dig.
Apologies for snapping at you. I am being bombarded with replies, comments, and emails from creeps accusing me of being a paid USAID agent, or trying to convince others that I am, so I have a rather short fuse at the moment.
I will copy and paste your article to someone who hates Trump and he'll appreciate it. Patrick Wood, Catherine Austin Fittss, Jim Corrbett ,Whiteny Webb have it right we shouldn't trust any of the Banksters or Technocrats. I am going to read Whitney Webbs new article "Paypal Government" or something like that. I love RFK.
I would like our REFUND to be that they stop taking our money and then spending it on WAR in other countries, I want REFORM, in taxation (our income should NEVER be taxed), I want the Central Govt to GO AWAY-- we go LOCAL, and maybe a whole different way of having local, too, and I want to see something happen to address the wealth = power paradigm that has brought the world to this present existential CRISIS we are living through right now... Not too much to ask, is it? ;) Woof.
Oh, and I want FAMILY FARMS back, no more toxic food, I want CLEAN WATER, I want housing for EVERYONE, and I want the toxic EMF situation that few people seem to even know about to be addressed and FIXED.
ha ha but only "OhBidet" gave refunds... Trump is plannin'....RE-FUNDS (mix it up! DEfund diss-favored projects, FUND the StarGate, may gawd help us an' may William Shatner at LEAST star in the Re-Fund Re-Make an' may he pleeeeze have a singin' role ;-)
It was a bit difficult for me to understand, why after decades of successful upgrading of the world under Liberal agenda, the visioners decided to insert Trump with all his bunch of supplement buddies.
You give me a hint. The totalitarian narrative must go on, but they decided, it is now your turn to promote it, and gave you the long anticipated opportunity to donate to common frenzy. Use you window. It may close soon.
CJ, since you live in Germany, you're missing one important piece of information. The general climate here in the states is not one of fear or hysteria. It's one of hope and optimism. After years of watching helplessly as the ruling class engaged in the most blatant fraud and corruption imaginable, we are seeing something that looks like transparency and accountability from Washington. The only people running around with their hair on fire are the ones who have benefited from the fraud and corruption and are now being held to account.
You're absolutely right to warn against the cult of personality that surrounds Elon and Trump. But this is the first time in living memory that the systems of repression are actually being reduced. Look at the people Trump is bringing in: RFK Jr., Tulsi Gabbard - they aren't right-wing fanatics, they are lifelong Democrats who were vilified and smeared for speaking truth to power. You, of all people, should appreciate that.
It's the illusion they want the believers to hold. Do not believe whatever they're doing to be truly for us. Remember it's ALL theater. They're manipulating us like drones, just as they've done the studies on us to do. Trump has filled his cabinet and staff with WEF, CFR, MIC contractor, Binderberg Groupies, beholden to the same ole Agenda 2030 "new normal" control grid. Elon is 💯 trolling us.
Watch for a bunch of anvils painted like life-preservers
As Whitney Webb says here, they're saying and doing things to pander to certain demographics to manufacture consent for their products and same ole surveillance control agenda: https://x.com/daRealWolverine/status/1889033507844018347
I know you well from Jenna’s SS. I always read your comments and respect you. Jenna often speaks of you in her articles as the person who objects to her perspective. I find that Jenna has a very positive and open heart. I love that about her.
How is it that you live, love and breathe? Everything is bad and contrived in your mind. I honestly ask you to explain how Trump, Musk, RFK Jr, Gabbard, et al are conspiring against the will of the people who want the change?
I am honestly asking for your take. I am open to hearing. Thank you if you actually read this. If everything is theatre how is there any joy? Your world is all darkness, evil, and suffering. That to me is endless pain.
Hi KatWarrior, I recongize and respect your comments as well, as I try to do with most people who show the same kindness. I also love how open hearted and positive that Jenna is and the same is true for most of the followers.
As Suzanne has pointed out in her comment that I liked and responded to, this is all theater. Here is her response from above:
"It's the illusion they want the believers to hold. Do not believe whatever they're doing to be truly for us. Remember it's ALL theater. They're manipulating us like drones, just as they've done the studies on us to do. Trump has filled his cabinet and staff with WEF, CFR, MIC contractor, Binderberg Groupies, beholden to the same ole Agenda 2030 "new normal" control grid. Elon is 💯 trolling us.
Watch for a bunch of anvils painted like life-preservers
It's not a belief that these people are playing their parts in the show that you and others think is real. Musk' grandfather was a technocrat from Canada and all of his business is literally funded and subsidized by the federal government, yet, he is the leader of the government efficiency department? They are literally laughing in our faces.
Not everything is bad and contrived in my mind. The vast majority of people are good and the fact that people are waking up and becoming responsible for their own lives is inspiring and encouraging for humanity. These politicians that you put on a pedestal are not going to save us. We are only going to save ourselves.
I will be convinced otherwise when Trump, Musk, Gabbard, RFK Jr, etc call covid out for the scam that it was and when the death jabs are permanently banned, along with all mrna vaccines. Once that happens, the entire bio pharmaceutical military industrial complex needs to be held accountable for the evil that they brought upon our world. If this happens, I will believe that the current administration is truly fighting for this country and for humanity. Otherwise, I will continue to see it for the farce that it really is. An illusion to keep everyone asleep while they continue to march us towards a technocratic digital control grid.
Good to meet you, Vee. I have to admit that I am with you. I read Suzanne’s comments and cannot deny that it all makes perfect sense. We are on our own. I recently had a terrible fall, and people came to help for a short time. I had to help myself, and helping myself was really hard. I had to reach out and ask for help, which isn’t something I do. Trusting other people to do the right thing is hard. You have to be strong and clear with people regarding what you need. Folks are so distracted and programmed to be isolated.
We need to get back to basics. Plant seeds, grow your own food, and create a community. Everything can be locally produced. I know that I can produce a ton of veggies. My garden is relatively small, but last season, the heirloom tomatoes were scattered all over my living room. Hundreds of big and small tomatoes everywhere. The simple act of picking your vegetables and knowing that they aren’t laced with dangerous pesticides and chemicals is gratifying.
The government wants us to depend on Big Pharma, Big Agriculture, Big Technology. etc., etc. I do hope Bobby Kennedy Jr exposes all the lies and bullshit going on with “healthcare.” Jenna believes that Bobby will expose the evil and lies. Time will tell.
In the meantime, I will do what I can to share what I know about gardening. It’s not rocket science! Plant the best seeds, water, and feed your soil with good organic matter. Before you know it, the soil is teaming with good minerals and worms!
All these narratives are to generate fear and to keep us stuck there. Or in anger. We make bad decisions in those states of being. We’re easily manipulated. “You’re going to kill grandma if you don’t take this jab” caused how many millions to inject themselves with poison? Or being told “you can’t pick up your kid from kindergarten” unless you demonstrate loyalty to the covidians with a poison jab. Diabolic lies and abuse.
When we’re in a state of courage, we see through these kinds of tricks much more quickly.
I believe we also need to build local systems that are globalist-free. There are folks doing that already in various directions. I’m not sure what amazing ideas will end up helping the most, but there are some positive motions and I believe there are more of them than we realize.
Oh and simply not buying into whatever the globalists are selling will serve anyone well.
Everything you wrote Suaznne very nicely put! I will throw out there, Charles Eisenstein is thinking and writing a lot on this topic and gathering folks together. Whether his approach resonates or not, he is an example of folks thinking about a better different future.
Connect people doing it to other people doing it. Share ideas. Share historical ideas that shed light. Get together to brainstorm. Do test systems and see how they work. Think out of the box. Start with the energy of the goal. Imo good place to start: Sovereignty of human beings. Authentic communication. Transparency. Privacy. Genuine care. Transactional freedom. We’re going to have to Buckminster Fuller this. We haven’t experienced what we’re aiming to build.
Very true, Alex. Was just going to write similar, but you did it for me. Seems like CJ has a bug up his arse about something lately, even jumping down Eugippeus’ throat (apologies for the mixed metaphors but I’m in a hurry) for complaining about migrants in Germany. Oh and Germany is an absolute mess with a worse media and more insane Leftists than we have here. Sometimes I wonder just who he thinks could have withstood what Mr Trump has to go the distance to even get in office and why be so incredibly unappreciative of the accomplishments in just three weeks. Pisses me off really.
I am done with the Prince of Darkness. That army of bugs up his arse have resulted in a bad case of constipation. Like fecking cement.
No one should have to listen to constant negative bullshit. CJ had better remember he lives and breathes freely because of the United States of America and yet he torches it every chance he gets.
I can distrust Trump and Elon and see the technocracy coming in hot while still fully appreciating their exposé of the deep state Uniparty fraudulent use of our tax dollars. When we are $36 TRILLION* in debt I do not mind this scorched earth policy of looking at the books at all. ... especially since our money went to harming us through bioweapons creation.
* please at least try to comprehend this number... a billion is 1000 millions. a trillion is 1000 billions. p.s. technocracy is coming no matter who's in power. Get ready to resist when digital ID is pushed.
Bravo, Susan. Our little ant steps make a difference. I am sick and very tired of the darkness of CJ. No hope is his answer.
God has His plan and it's not known to me or anyone. That is the answer. He expects us to fight good over evil. Love thy enemy. They know not what they do.
Hope requires action. Resisting material evil requires you to do something.
Putting your trust "in princes and sons of men" means you get to sit on your ass as the most demonic technocratic control structure in the history of the world is born around you and that's not God's will.
Over $30T has been disappeared in undocumented adjustables at DOD alone. Note that they are not being audited, even though they are supposed to be audited yearly by existing law.
Sometimes it's fun to watch the magician's wand but that's not how you learn how the trick works.
Are you hear for a magic show or are you here for the truth?
This whole line and conversation is very interesting. Thanks. Also, I’m aware through “The Lords Of Easy Money” (Great book) that another interesting problem happens - this when the minions monitoring it go to work to find nobody wiling to buy the US treasuries. More shell games then ensue. Boy, I thought I was bad with money - until I learned how Central Bankers operate!
All that money was created out of thin air and given to citizens in exchange for goods and services. Each year, some of that money was taxed (turned back into thin air), but with the government running deficits, the amount of money created grew larger.
If the 36 trillion were taxed back or "paid back" no one would have any money in their bank account. The national debt is actually national savings.
That's not how it works. Most of the national debt is actually interest. It never went to individual citizens, it went to the banks, corporations and governments that invest in government bonds. Just like the interest you pay on your credit card bill doesn't actually provide you with anything, the interest accruing on the national debt is the same way. In our case, we're paying $2.4 billion DAILY in interest.
UNITY is key. Don't allow ourselves to be manipulated into petty squabbles and division. RESIST, and after that, DO NOT COMPLY. You don't "get them to happen," you just DO them.
We won’t have to, they’re coming around now, and when the boot really starts to hit the necks, they will wake up and be ready to engage. We have a loooong history on this planet of having the establishment kicking us around… It won’t take that much for us to rally up, when things get ruff. I think we’re already seeing this beginning to coalesce.
Ah, ok. I’m glad that hope among folk is there. That’s always a good sign. There wasn’t an unprecedented amount of hope in the air when Obama got elected after years of the Cheney torture and spying run, was there…? Now how did all that turn out again?
When will the either side of the aisle cheerleaders realise it is all a Punch and Judy show with the system’s left and right hand wedged firmly up either side’s rear end. No matter who plays admin bod for four years, your money, time and energy is going ever deeper into the increasingly bulging pockets of a system that sees no value in you, except for the dollars you can shove in its G String whilst useless fucks Trump, Musk and co put on a wonderful lap dance. Don’t holdout RFK as a change - mr fucking jello who swallows boat loads of israel money and just says what is politically convenient, and Tulsi can fuck right off with her performance over american tax payer funded livestreamed genocide.
How can anyone have any faith at all in such a spineless bunch of bastards (dems are no different, useless spineless fuckwanks too) to do anything meaningful for their lives. Really? Like when is enough enough.
Anyway, i hope i’m wrong and i hope your hope proves well placed, i really do.
Hope and optimism as Trump and republicans are deleting trillions from food stamps and Medicaid for the poor and still giving their billionaire friends a tax cut.
Weird how they never talk about cutting corporate welfare isn’t it which costs much more money.
1. hope & optimism we need way more than a monkey needs a brain chip! This ALONE counts lots fer folks not sinkin' inta serious depression (I've seen it!) BUT (but but too:)
2. yup, the "cult" of (f)Elon (he Himself I don't trust at'tall) & DJT also needs EYES (ours, not the 5 eyes) on 'im, ZO re #1 above I'm addin' a YUGE cautionary "Yield" sign... too soon ta see how these "chips" (digital & otherwise!) will FALL
3. Naomi Wolf captured my "wurst" concerns 'bout all the easy access to our "wreckhurds" privit' & once secure... THIS (imho) is a MusK-hear:
Daisy, thank you for once again proving that puns truly are the hallmark of intelligent discourse. Hopium is dangerous, sure, but hopeless cynicism and apathy are, in my opinion, worse.
A distressed, demoralized population is easy to control, because once the limbic system is activated, the rational parts of our brain go offline. Elon and Trump are part of the technocratic power elite, no doubt, but they are not Communists, and right now, it feels a whole lot like the enemy of our enemy is our friend.
💯 + 🎯 an' yer right 'bout the ohLIMPic system failin' in the face of dejection... like the dogs in the 'speriment that gave up an' just let themselfs be SHOCKED (like really)... I "walk the line" which means I straddle 'tween hope & caution while avoidin' the wood chipper (I WOOD ruther stay chipper!)... yes, neither (f)Elon nor Teflon Don are commies an' THAT is (t'day) a far greater worry.
My biggest BEEF with DJT is the AI & (f)Elon an' his "auTistes" havin' access ta so much personal data... I watched beMUSED with a slight gimlet eye... (I cannot but guffaw at the Roadster in the Sky!)
(thx fer the hat tip ta my cornball... without such woid-play we'd all be dull boys & gals indeed!)
Alex Fox: the Dems have just passed the batton to Trump, Musk and tec-bro central so they can continue to build the surveillance- digital currency- social credit- internet of bodies- self assembly nano-tech mandated injection-anti human prison planet that oligarcal dynasties have long planned. Unfortunately, these compromised fools or evil deceivers (take your pick) have their roots in tthe private sector which means the digital prison planet with built in austeriy
In theory, I agree with you. But Elon's transhumanist technocratic aspirations are tomorrow's problem. Today, they're purging the entrenched kleptocracy, so I'd like to look on the bright side and take the win.
Hi Alex....great post/reply. Thank you. I do feel the same 'relief' coming over us here in Canada, too. However, if I've learned anything from CJ Hopkins is that is that my short-term memory has been wiped clean and I often forget that's it's the same coin, just opposite sides. We think the next four years will be better.....
I've been through enough election cycles myself to agree, in theory. Obama's "hope and change" wound up being the opposite. However, in the first few weeks of this administration, we've seen more corruption and fraud exposed than in the last 100 years. So, I'm going to choose cautious optimism.
Yes, you’re… “seeing something that looks like transparency and accountability…” That’s all it is. Something that “looks like” (transparency and accountability).
Politicians never admit they were wrong. But he could argue that Fauci and the pharma bros lied to him and falsified the safety data (which is true), and that if he had been in office in 2021 he would have pulled the plug like Gerald Ford did. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/09/02/opinion/coronavirus-vaccine-trump.html
I am a paid subscriber of CJ. That is insanity on my part. CJ can speak his mind freely because of the US Constitution, yet he chooses to live under a dictatorship in an ugly country named Germany.
CJ has complained about losing paid subscribers on several occasions. I remember one post of literal whining because he lost paid subscribers 🥹
Reap what you sow, CJ. Sorrow upon sorrow. No God, no Jesus, just darkness.
I freely chose to unsubscribe CJ. You and your darkness can contaminate others, but I end the black here and now.
Thank you, Alex for stating the obvious. CJ lives in Germany. He has no clue what the hell is going on here in the US. How could he? His whole brain has been infected with being completely censored by the German dictatorship.
I have no disdain for CJ. He chose to live under such egregious terms, yet brow beat the US? It’s a curious situation that CJ has the balls to accuse things he isn't or hasn't experienced. Laughable, really.
I successfully canceled my latte-per-day subscription to the Prince of Darkness. How does this man find joy? He betrayed the US and yet finds the balls to bash every last bastion of the US! He lives and breathes because of our country's might. CJ is a small man living in a country he deserves. I never have to read a bs word again. I am free of his darkness and bullshit. Just wait for his whining about losing paid subscribers. It is coming soon...
But, even with new optimism and hope for transparency, not touching the genocide the Mil. Industrial Complex (and the elite political donors) supports and causes. Interesting to see that remains a third-rail of US politics. Will that money be traced? Will that foreign meddling on a humongous scale be put to a smell test?
This response always cracks me up. I have written scores of columns and three, going on four books, skewering the "other side," over the course of the past nine years. I've been criminally prosecuted for one of those books. Please troll better.
I went back and skimmed your last year of columns. Perhaps I missed it but again nothing but Trump is mentioned. Did I miss your column calling out people covering for a vegetable and skipping the democratic process? You were prosecuted for a book and Doug Mackey for a meme. He got 10 years. Did you write a column is sympathy for a fellow victim of tyranny. I guess trolling is challenging bullshit but whatever.
Yes, you did miss that column, moron. You also missed the entire books of essays I published making fun of liberals for calling Trump Hitler. But please, keep making a total jackass of yourself in my replies.
Let's see if CJ will apologize for calling you a moron. Ain't holding my breath. I can't think of another writer on substack who expresses such disdain for his readers.
Maybe he was silent, I don't follow people's criticisms of right-left and measure their loyalties by it. The right-left paradigm is a theatrical farce to keep people from noticing they all work for the same people in power behind the curtains. Trump was set up to be the savior the past few years. Biden was selected to create chaos and push people back toward mr. operation warp genocide. Every clown is SELECTED for a reason to keep the audience in awe within the circus tent. Leave the damn tent and free your mind. The media was in on it given their coordinated election day label "like Pheonix rising from their ashes." Of course. And the lawfare magically ends within days. Then he is sentenced to a formality in January. All f-ing kayfabe. TDS is just as retarded a label as Trumptards or conservatards or libtards. A convenient way to dismiss anyone who is not supportive of the MIGA cult. Trump works for Israel. Just like Biden did, and every president before going back to the guy whose brains were splattered on his wife's dress who tried to register them as foreign agents and monitor their nuclear weapons program. They've controlled the US directly ever since. The sooner Americans realize this the sooner they might be able to dispense with the gay right-left mind control theatrics and save their nation.
What else do you call it, GC? Ranting about Trump as Hitler is so cringe and such bullshit. We all know it's fucking kayfabe. Nothing's going to change until the money masters are toppled. /Sigh I guess I'll just disappear and watch the world burn.
Trump as Hitler is cringe. Agreed. Though I didn't read that anywhere in this piece. If he's used it in the past, who Trump works directly for makes it a kind of oxymoron. However, Trump as anything other than a controlled muppet is also very cringe. Trump as a savior of any kind is hilarious.
GC, we both know who rules the world. I do read your columns. I felt this column was rather hypocritical. Trump said he was doing this and while some things have been bullshit, others have not. Maybe Trump's clearing the books for Iran and the Greater Israel Project. Dunno but the revelations of how bad things really are is insane. Nothing will happen of lasting value without Congress acting and then we'll see how real things are. I remain convinced this is all theater, however entertaining, until the next act. Things don't always work out for the Globalists though.
There is indeed a group for whom things just magically always work out in their favor. They rarely hide it anymore. But people are more comfortable not seeing it. It's the easy path, but not the righteous one that will lead to change.
As it has always been. This all about materialism and therefore mammon. So, the marionette show operated by the kleptocratic puppet-masters in DC and the EU will continue unabated as long as the audience is full of materialists like them.
Yeah. I hear that old chestnut getting tossed around quite a bit. It’s actually wrong. Left and right are merely positions in politics and economics and are no more obsolete than a calendar or clock..
Not only has he not apologized he's celebrated them as "saving a hundred million lives" and recently ushered two CIA-Mossad controlled Silicon Valley clowns to sell you mRNA cancer cures, calling it all tremendous. Irritation is a mosquito buzzing the ear lobe. This is a genocidal chosen maniac billionaire shitcoin salesman laughing in your face who has been controlled since Roy Cohen in the 80s, and Wilbur Ross and Epstein in the 90s and aughts.
So sorry CJ but if the reaction to Naomi Wolf's latest piece is anything to go by, you are about to be savaged and insulted. Critical thinking by considering other points of view and either logically debating why you believe they are wrong or changing your opinion as new information has been presented to you, appears to have been replaced with a quasi religious fervour for Trump and Musk.
I have been astonished to see those who were ridiculed, insulted and intimidated by the covidians, now doing the same to anyone raising questions about the tactics and purpose of Musk's actions. We appear to never change.
Thanks for trying to cut through this debacle with satire and humour. I always appreciate it as I like being made to smile while my opinons are challenged.
It’s hard to believe that people get so emotionally invested, why not just take it in and gain from a wider perspective or use the information to refine their argument for what’s going on. I do think that throughout history a degree of this has always been going on, and during that time people found ways to feel fulfilled and have a good life. I guess the question is have the ruling class finally found a means to plug all loopholes so that there is no path to stick handle through.
Your recurring message, CJ, is that we should not trust anyone in powerful positions. A healthy dose of skepticism should always be front and center, despite our naive desire to find someone or something to actually believe in.
“My friend, Thomas Jefferson is an American saint, because he wrote the words ‘all men are created equal,’ words he clearly didn’t believe, since he allowed his now-children to live in slavery. He’s a rich wine snob who got sick of paying taxes to the Brits. So, yeah, he writes some lovely words and roused the rabble and they went and died for those words while he sat back and drank his wine and fucked a slave girl.”
-Jackie, “Killing Them Softly”
Constitution, Declaration of Independence - and whatever other ruling-class documents you give a convenient reference and nod to aren’t worth the dried piss in a broken urinal to me. Nothing about any of these tired scripts are at all sacred to anyone but the class of people that etched their names to them. Trump and Musk are but the latest in a long line of oligarchs that rouse you sad, pathetic fools to adulation with nothing more than the corn plucked from their feces..
What exactly? All direct benefits are still being paid. CMS is still making payments. For now, Trump is playing by the rules. Personally I'd rather have an emperor than a retarded democracy.
I knew it was all over for PBS/NPR about 15 to 25 years ago when all their advertising slots gradually but very still very noticeably (and then rapidly) changed from small independent local businesses to... Exxon-Mobil, IBM, Pfizer, etc.... wasn't long after that that Tuesday's and Thursdays 2pm time slot for "Alternative Radio" (with speakers like Chomsky, Zinn, Hedges, etc, etc, etc) was eliminated. PBS/NPR are now just total (as opposed to "mostly" back then) corporate/establishment mouthpieces. Since I know there is no chance for reversion in that respect then... good riddance to those (supposed) "news/information" outlets.
It was over when Daniel Schorr died. With him, died PBS and has ever since been a deep state radio show. And of course "Car Talk". PBS is not worth keeping on life support. Telling people that they receive money from the BMG foundation - and still asking for listeners' donations four times a year is depraved at best.
Trump proposed a conference with Putin and Xi to cut half of defense budgets.
He says all kinds of things, but when was the last time you heard any head of state that mattered call for such action?
If he pulled off the defense budget cuts delivering JFK's lasting + broad peace the left would still shriek nonsense. Interesting they r finding their heart and voice again now that Trump wants to own/run gaza
The hypocrisy of the deliberate and tragic genocide in Gaza + West Bank isnt lost on me.
We will see what the Arab states develop to counter the USA/israel after watching Gaza destruction
I see differences between Trump 2016 and Trump 2024, I also see differences between the people who support him, like big tech, and virtually ever zionist.
It appears that the entire US national debt is due to fraud...This is going to change the world, and the entire budget process as wholly corrupt agencies are eliminated...And you are mad because Musk and his young autists are discovering all this, in the face of powerful opposition from the crooks?????
Pyrrhus: Musk and his assorted/ ventures have greatly benefitted from government contracts & huge subsidies re combatting the fraudulent , unscientific anthropomorphic "climate- change" non-issue that Musk lies about & aggressively pushes as an excuse to usher in digital data IDs, CBDCs or private crypto currencies coupled with a social credit system, 24/7 surveillance & compulsory nano-tech internet of things injectables to link the brains of those who have survived the experimental phases of the operation directly to the internet & thereafter be able to do all manner of diabolical things to people remotely. Yep, both sides of the political spectrum are controlled by the very same oligarch technocrats who have been patiently planning & implementing ove centuries or millenia the complete takeover and control of everything on earth. They now have the technology to finally complete the project. Trump, Musk etc seem to be wasting no time in implementing policies to put the final pieces of this dystopian digital prison planet in place. This really is mans' worst nightmare. Everyone in power is captured or compromised (possibly not Massie). Don't let them distract you with their BS opposition to the BS wokeness agenda which is merely tinsel designed to divide people & take energy and attention away from the real threat. Do not let yourself fall into the divide & rule traps that are constantly dangled front & centre. We have to overlook the small differences between us & focus on saving the rights & freedoms that are so necessary for humanity's survival.
Of course he's benefitted from Government contracts, which are public and known, and he delivers some value..someone has to rescue those astronauts...But he hasn't benefitted from fraud, waste or payments to foreign governments and terrorist groups or writing penpal letters, like Malia Obama and Chelsea Clinton...
DOGE won't say shit about the biggest corrupt waste of money, the military industrial complex, because Elon is one of those who makes his money on that BS plus tax credits for shitty electric cars.
This executive order bullshit is ridiculous. They cried about that until their side is doing it. Sheep 🐏
This is why I always felt musk and others were stupid despite their "intelligence".... It's a form of brain disability
I’m not good at picking up on sarcasm so I genuinely have great trouble trying to understand what you say. I want to understand all sides so I can see the lies.
I’ve followed the great awakening for five years. I spend hours digging and digging.
I admire the people who voice their opinions against the narratives.
This is so confusing to me.
I don’t know what to trust.
I think I get what you are saying but I think by now I should know exactly what you mean- but I only end up with a very vague idea of what it is.
I hate that I don’t have a deeper understanding of the sarcasm. It confuses me. At a time when I don’t want to invest more time figuring out what was said.
It’s mind boggling and too much effort with so little time.
Our lives have all been Consumed with this!
I get so tired but I understand this is just the beginning. 😥🙏🇨🇦
Don't get overwhelmed and remember to relax. Sometimes information can just sit in the back of your mind and will suddenly make sense when the time is right.
sarcasm can be a cop out on being specific or sincere about what you want. sarcasm tends to be passive aggressive because it's not advocating or doing but passively reacting, commenting, never casting the first serve or risking DOING or PITCHING something like a better idea and risking being embarrassed or completely horribly wrong.
i get excited whenever he writes, but it's because i read ZONE 23. here i skim CJ's sarcastic snide side to find his broken heart or real ideas, which tend to show up in what he's actually DOING:
writing publishing and showing up for more beat downs.
i don't pay attention to his snide side as i feel like he's a romantic idealist still testing and weeding out the riff raff.
I have no angry comments. Nothing I say or do is going to make one iota of difference in the long term to anyone but my family who are urging me to spend less time on the internet. So as a 74th birthday gift to myself I am unsubscribing from all lists, blogs, media and social media.
Freedom ain't free. Better keep paying. I spec you some kind of commie. You one of those sissy commie boys ain't you? You know they gonna send you to the gulag too. You know what happens to pretty little commie boys like you in the gulag?
Reading Zone 23 for me was a huge stretch in the nature of humans and a dystopian way of life. Unfortunately I recognized some of the narrative and characters that already actually exist, scary…cool book.
The voice of reason CJ. How can so few have that sick feeling in the pit of the stomach about this entire situation? We should just blindly trust that a team of five people, none of whom are forensic accountants or trained auditors, can magically find proof of all the corruption in each agency (in a week or so) while they’re downloading the good stuff for later. But they don’t have to document their findings because Elon posts everything on Twitter and he’s so super duper cool and honest and transparent and he has nothing to gain because he loves Trump and America! Yay our team!
they're a' gonna MAKE a CHERRY PIE with all them cherries they picked... a flashy one that'll look just FINE on the table, but as yer sayin', it's only cherries...lotta other rotten fruits they'll ignore AND the only thing that's BAKED (fully not even half!) is (f)Elon & his team of "Autists!" (that's puttin' it...."blunt-ly" ;-)
Don’t forget “he’s the world’s richest person” which I find a bit rich in itself🤭. Strange how that phrase is repeated over and over and over in reference to him. I believe, I believe, I believe….🤣
Once again, I have to ask angry readers to please put their angry comments here in my Comments section, and not send them to me via email. I delete such emails unread, but I do look at these BTL comments for a while after I publish a new column. If you put your insults in the Comments, I'll see them, and feel insulted. I promise.
USAID has pushed nearly half a billion dollars ($472.6m) through a secretive US government financed NGO, “Internews Network” (IN), which has “worked with” 4,291 media outlets, producing in one year 4,799 hours of broadcasts reaching up to 778 million people and “training” over 9000 journalists (2023 figures).
Bill Gates has spent $300 million on media to push his GAVI bullshit.
Maybe you should apply for a USAID grant?
It is stunning to me that people appear to have just discovered that NGOs like USAID and NED are CIA cutouts, and that the corporate media is infested with spooks, which has been general knowledge for years, and are now posting snotty passive-aggressive comments like yours while presumably chortling triumphantly to themselves, ignorant of their ignorance.
I haven’t listened to NPR or PBS in over a decade. I’m pleased they’re getting raked over the coals. Hopefully it will be painful and humiliating and it’ll wipe the arrogant smirk off their faces.
In my understanding, the global corporate-banking oligarchy operates through BOTH its wings, both the fake left and the fake right. Both through the liberal democrat leadership (who act in very iliberal ways) who use inauthentic slogans of love and caring (which they don't mean) to advance billionaire profiteering & domination, as well as through the oligarchy's other wing- the fake "populist" billionaires right (who are sold to their propagandized deceived worshippers as "anti-elite" and "pro-freedom" while IN REALITY are tyrant elite scum who work diligently to concentrate the planet's wealth in the hands of the 0.1%, to build the digital technocratic prison of humanity for the sole purpose of the domination of the few over the many, and to incite you to HATE HATE HATE anyone who isn’t aligned with their global militarized empire of greed and billionaire domination and abuse of the have-nots
In terms of the psychology that drives the two wings of the empire - unlike the inauthentic love slogans of the fake "left", the other empire's wing - the fake "populist" billionaire right - are inciting their half of the population through a God-ignorant childish fascist mentality that views "greatness" as DOMINATION, power over, force, subjugation, profiteering by crushing others to benefit oneself, and the US (light) vs THEM (darkness) sectarian tribalist mentality
The tragedy, IMHO, is that most of humanity has been herded (using the oligarchs' algorithms) into partisan enclosures/echo-chambers, where we are taught to cheer for one or the other wing of the global oligarchy and to view the other half as 'the evil ones'. Very few seem to recognize BOTH halves of the elite, and very few seem to want real freedom from empire and dignity for all humans, but most seem to just want that the empire be under the right management, the management of "our billionaires" (not “their billionaires”), seem to just want the domination of the one wing of the oligarchy that they learnt to identify with
"It is stunning to me that people appear to have just discovered that NGOs like USAID and NED are CIA cutouts...." Did you ever bring receipts? Did you show how they actually operate? Did you show the actual money funded and spent? Did you reveal the extensive network now quite easily traced because the actual money provides a paper trail?
I agree with Disillusioned. You need a chill pill and to get the hell out of a fascist totalitarian state known as Germany, or is your vitriol purposely crafted for clicks? Are all nation states fairly much fascist totalitarian? Yep. But we in the U.S. now have a hell of better chance than you do, CJ. Will the authoritarian net drop again? Yes, undoubtedly. By that time, how many more Americans will have awakened and smelled the coffee? Probably quite a few. Particularly the 100s of thousands who won't be employed by the federal .gov.
I think CJ likes to be a rude curmudgeon. Also... being a lefty right now is miserable. So he shrieks at the Villains TM. Eh... following the left right now is tedious. All freak-outs and veiled threats. No sense. :-)
It’s not news to me. Whenever there’s an “ Operation Whatever “ from the DOD or whoever there’s mostly some kind of malicious f*ckery afoot. Chill your fluff CJ. The world has always been a hot mess. It’s nothing new and screaming and swearing at your supporters isn’t going to help anyone.
Oh, wait, I see why you were upset with me. The "maybe you should apply for a USAID grant", was an attempt at a joke. Sorry, it wasn't meant as a passive-aggressive dig.
Apologies for snapping at you. I am being bombarded with replies, comments, and emails from creeps accusing me of being a paid USAID agent, or trying to convince others that I am, so I have a rather short fuse at the moment.
No worries! I’ve always liked what you have to say and congrats on your new book!
BS….not covered by MSM as they were being paid by USAID!!! Hahhaahhah
Regret buying your books.
Suspect you to be on USAID payroll by now
I love reading all your essays, I have learned so much.
I live in Australia and I really only just last year have come to know about NGO’s, yes apparently we have them down under here.
yes, that Internews story shows some high-end propaganda.
I will copy and paste your article to someone who hates Trump and he'll appreciate it. Patrick Wood, Catherine Austin Fittss, Jim Corrbett ,Whiteny Webb have it right we shouldn't trust any of the Banksters or Technocrats. I am going to read Whitney Webbs new article "Paypal Government" or something like that. I love RFK.
Who was it, and when, that decided we should EVER trust any govt??? If I find 'em, I'm gonna chew their bootox arf.
I want a refund
I would like our REFUND to be that they stop taking our money and then spending it on WAR in other countries, I want REFORM, in taxation (our income should NEVER be taxed), I want the Central Govt to GO AWAY-- we go LOCAL, and maybe a whole different way of having local, too, and I want to see something happen to address the wealth = power paradigm that has brought the world to this present existential CRISIS we are living through right now... Not too much to ask, is it? ;) Woof.
Oh, and I want FAMILY FARMS back, no more toxic food, I want CLEAN WATER, I want housing for EVERYONE, and I want the toxic EMF situation that few people seem to even know about to be addressed and FIXED.
ha ha but only "OhBidet" gave refunds... Trump is plannin'....RE-FUNDS (mix it up! DEfund diss-favored projects, FUND the StarGate, may gawd help us an' may William Shatner at LEAST star in the Re-Fund Re-Make an' may he pleeeeze have a singin' role ;-)
It was a bit difficult for me to understand, why after decades of successful upgrading of the world under Liberal agenda, the visioners decided to insert Trump with all his bunch of supplement buddies.
You give me a hint. The totalitarian narrative must go on, but they decided, it is now your turn to promote it, and gave you the long anticipated opportunity to donate to common frenzy. Use you window. It may close soon.
Since I deleted my comment, I will apologize here.
So sorry you deleted your comment. I apologize for this comment. Please delete it.
I don't delete people's comments. But now I'll ban you for lying.
Oh, that banana republic feeling!! I say CJ, it is BRACING!! I missed El Coronel!l
Now that you give me permission to say angry stuff, I'm not angry any more, so can't think of anything. That's so weird
CJ, since you live in Germany, you're missing one important piece of information. The general climate here in the states is not one of fear or hysteria. It's one of hope and optimism. After years of watching helplessly as the ruling class engaged in the most blatant fraud and corruption imaginable, we are seeing something that looks like transparency and accountability from Washington. The only people running around with their hair on fire are the ones who have benefited from the fraud and corruption and are now being held to account.
You're absolutely right to warn against the cult of personality that surrounds Elon and Trump. But this is the first time in living memory that the systems of repression are actually being reduced. Look at the people Trump is bringing in: RFK Jr., Tulsi Gabbard - they aren't right-wing fanatics, they are lifelong Democrats who were vilified and smeared for speaking truth to power. You, of all people, should appreciate that.
It's the illusion they want the believers to hold. Do not believe whatever they're doing to be truly for us. Remember it's ALL theater. They're manipulating us like drones, just as they've done the studies on us to do. Trump has filled his cabinet and staff with WEF, CFR, MIC contractor, Binderberg Groupies, beholden to the same ole Agenda 2030 "new normal" control grid. Elon is 💯 trolling us.
Watch for a bunch of anvils painted like life-preservers
As Whitney Webb says here, they're saying and doing things to pander to certain demographics to manufacture consent for their products and same ole surveillance control agenda: https://x.com/daRealWolverine/status/1889033507844018347
Absolutely! Well said, Suzanne.
I know you well from Jenna’s SS. I always read your comments and respect you. Jenna often speaks of you in her articles as the person who objects to her perspective. I find that Jenna has a very positive and open heart. I love that about her.
How is it that you live, love and breathe? Everything is bad and contrived in your mind. I honestly ask you to explain how Trump, Musk, RFK Jr, Gabbard, et al are conspiring against the will of the people who want the change?
I am honestly asking for your take. I am open to hearing. Thank you if you actually read this. If everything is theatre how is there any joy? Your world is all darkness, evil, and suffering. That to me is endless pain.
Hi KatWarrior, I recongize and respect your comments as well, as I try to do with most people who show the same kindness. I also love how open hearted and positive that Jenna is and the same is true for most of the followers.
As Suzanne has pointed out in her comment that I liked and responded to, this is all theater. Here is her response from above:
"It's the illusion they want the believers to hold. Do not believe whatever they're doing to be truly for us. Remember it's ALL theater. They're manipulating us like drones, just as they've done the studies on us to do. Trump has filled his cabinet and staff with WEF, CFR, MIC contractor, Binderberg Groupies, beholden to the same ole Agenda 2030 "new normal" control grid. Elon is 💯 trolling us.
Watch for a bunch of anvils painted like life-preservers
It's not a belief that these people are playing their parts in the show that you and others think is real. Musk' grandfather was a technocrat from Canada and all of his business is literally funded and subsidized by the federal government, yet, he is the leader of the government efficiency department? They are literally laughing in our faces.
Not everything is bad and contrived in my mind. The vast majority of people are good and the fact that people are waking up and becoming responsible for their own lives is inspiring and encouraging for humanity. These politicians that you put on a pedestal are not going to save us. We are only going to save ourselves.
I will be convinced otherwise when Trump, Musk, Gabbard, RFK Jr, etc call covid out for the scam that it was and when the death jabs are permanently banned, along with all mrna vaccines. Once that happens, the entire bio pharmaceutical military industrial complex needs to be held accountable for the evil that they brought upon our world. If this happens, I will believe that the current administration is truly fighting for this country and for humanity. Otherwise, I will continue to see it for the farce that it really is. An illusion to keep everyone asleep while they continue to march us towards a technocratic digital control grid.
Good to meet you, Vee. I have to admit that I am with you. I read Suzanne’s comments and cannot deny that it all makes perfect sense. We are on our own. I recently had a terrible fall, and people came to help for a short time. I had to help myself, and helping myself was really hard. I had to reach out and ask for help, which isn’t something I do. Trusting other people to do the right thing is hard. You have to be strong and clear with people regarding what you need. Folks are so distracted and programmed to be isolated.
We need to get back to basics. Plant seeds, grow your own food, and create a community. Everything can be locally produced. I know that I can produce a ton of veggies. My garden is relatively small, but last season, the heirloom tomatoes were scattered all over my living room. Hundreds of big and small tomatoes everywhere. The simple act of picking your vegetables and knowing that they aren’t laced with dangerous pesticides and chemicals is gratifying.
The government wants us to depend on Big Pharma, Big Agriculture, Big Technology. etc., etc. I do hope Bobby Kennedy Jr exposes all the lies and bullshit going on with “healthcare.” Jenna believes that Bobby will expose the evil and lies. Time will tell.
In the meantime, I will do what I can to share what I know about gardening. It’s not rocket science! Plant the best seeds, water, and feed your soil with good organic matter. Before you know it, the soil is teaming with good minerals and worms!
What steps forward would you like? How would we get them to happen?
Excellent question. I believe the very first step is to train ourselves how to get out of fear mode more quickly. It was my first substack. https://open.substack.com/pub/suzanneokeeffe/p/getting-to-courage
All these narratives are to generate fear and to keep us stuck there. Or in anger. We make bad decisions in those states of being. We’re easily manipulated. “You’re going to kill grandma if you don’t take this jab” caused how many millions to inject themselves with poison? Or being told “you can’t pick up your kid from kindergarten” unless you demonstrate loyalty to the covidians with a poison jab. Diabolic lies and abuse.
When we’re in a state of courage, we see through these kinds of tricks much more quickly.
I believe we also need to build local systems that are globalist-free. There are folks doing that already in various directions. I’m not sure what amazing ideas will end up helping the most, but there are some positive motions and I believe there are more of them than we realize.
Oh and simply not buying into whatever the globalists are selling will serve anyone well.
Everything you wrote Suaznne very nicely put! I will throw out there, Charles Eisenstein is thinking and writing a lot on this topic and gathering folks together. Whether his approach resonates or not, he is an example of folks thinking about a better different future.
How do you scale this up?
Connect people doing it to other people doing it. Share ideas. Share historical ideas that shed light. Get together to brainstorm. Do test systems and see how they work. Think out of the box. Start with the energy of the goal. Imo good place to start: Sovereignty of human beings. Authentic communication. Transparency. Privacy. Genuine care. Transactional freedom. We’re going to have to Buckminster Fuller this. We haven’t experienced what we’re aiming to build.
Very true, Alex. Was just going to write similar, but you did it for me. Seems like CJ has a bug up his arse about something lately, even jumping down Eugippeus’ throat (apologies for the mixed metaphors but I’m in a hurry) for complaining about migrants in Germany. Oh and Germany is an absolute mess with a worse media and more insane Leftists than we have here. Sometimes I wonder just who he thinks could have withstood what Mr Trump has to go the distance to even get in office and why be so incredibly unappreciative of the accomplishments in just three weeks. Pisses me off really.
Sure seems that way, doesn't it? CJ is just lashing out against everyone and everything. He knows better than everyone else, I guess.
I am done with the Prince of Darkness. That army of bugs up his arse have resulted in a bad case of constipation. Like fecking cement.
No one should have to listen to constant negative bullshit. CJ had better remember he lives and breathes freely because of the United States of America and yet he torches it every chance he gets.
Curious character
Well put, Kat
Fire up that Fentanyl/Hopium pipe.
I can distrust Trump and Elon and see the technocracy coming in hot while still fully appreciating their exposé of the deep state Uniparty fraudulent use of our tax dollars. When we are $36 TRILLION* in debt I do not mind this scorched earth policy of looking at the books at all. ... especially since our money went to harming us through bioweapons creation.
* please at least try to comprehend this number... a billion is 1000 millions. a trillion is 1000 billions. p.s. technocracy is coming no matter who's in power. Get ready to resist when digital ID is pushed.
Bravo, Susan. Our little ant steps make a difference. I am sick and very tired of the darkness of CJ. No hope is his answer.
God has His plan and it's not known to me or anyone. That is the answer. He expects us to fight good over evil. Love thy enemy. They know not what they do.
Hope requires action. Resisting material evil requires you to do something.
Putting your trust "in princes and sons of men" means you get to sit on your ass as the most demonic technocratic control structure in the history of the world is born around you and that's not God's will.
Over $30T has been disappeared in undocumented adjustables at DOD alone. Note that they are not being audited, even though they are supposed to be audited yearly by existing law.
Sometimes it's fun to watch the magician's wand but that's not how you learn how the trick works.
Are you hear for a magic show or are you here for the truth?
This whole line and conversation is very interesting. Thanks. Also, I’m aware through “The Lords Of Easy Money” (Great book) that another interesting problem happens - this when the minions monitoring it go to work to find nobody wiling to buy the US treasuries. More shell games then ensue. Boy, I thought I was bad with money - until I learned how Central Bankers operate!
Would it shock you to learn that the 36 trillion national debt is not actually a debt?
All that money was created out of thin air and given to citizens in exchange for goods and services. Each year, some of that money was taxed (turned back into thin air), but with the government running deficits, the amount of money created grew larger.
If the 36 trillion were taxed back or "paid back" no one would have any money in their bank account. The national debt is actually national savings.
That's not how it works. Most of the national debt is actually interest. It never went to individual citizens, it went to the banks, corporations and governments that invest in government bonds. Just like the interest you pay on your credit card bill doesn't actually provide you with anything, the interest accruing on the national debt is the same way. In our case, we're paying $2.4 billion DAILY in interest.
What steps forward would you like? How would we get them to happen?
UNITY is key. Don't allow ourselves to be manipulated into petty squabbles and division. RESIST, and after that, DO NOT COMPLY. You don't "get them to happen," you just DO them.
How do we convince a sufficiently large majority, whose root belief is us-vs-them, to unite instead against the establishment?
We won’t have to, they’re coming around now, and when the boot really starts to hit the necks, they will wake up and be ready to engage. We have a loooong history on this planet of having the establishment kicking us around… It won’t take that much for us to rally up, when things get ruff. I think we’re already seeing this beginning to coalesce.
Ah, ok. I’m glad that hope among folk is there. That’s always a good sign. There wasn’t an unprecedented amount of hope in the air when Obama got elected after years of the Cheney torture and spying run, was there…? Now how did all that turn out again?
When will the either side of the aisle cheerleaders realise it is all a Punch and Judy show with the system’s left and right hand wedged firmly up either side’s rear end. No matter who plays admin bod for four years, your money, time and energy is going ever deeper into the increasingly bulging pockets of a system that sees no value in you, except for the dollars you can shove in its G String whilst useless fucks Trump, Musk and co put on a wonderful lap dance. Don’t holdout RFK as a change - mr fucking jello who swallows boat loads of israel money and just says what is politically convenient, and Tulsi can fuck right off with her performance over american tax payer funded livestreamed genocide.
How can anyone have any faith at all in such a spineless bunch of bastards (dems are no different, useless spineless fuckwanks too) to do anything meaningful for their lives. Really? Like when is enough enough.
Anyway, i hope i’m wrong and i hope your hope proves well placed, i really do.
Completely agree.
Hope and optimism as Trump and republicans are deleting trillions from food stamps and Medicaid for the poor and still giving their billionaire friends a tax cut.
Weird how they never talk about cutting corporate welfare isn’t it which costs much more money.
Oh come now. Stop with the sob stories. Falling on deaf ears. So entirely predictable.
1. hope & optimism we need way more than a monkey needs a brain chip! This ALONE counts lots fer folks not sinkin' inta serious depression (I've seen it!) BUT (but but too:)
2. yup, the "cult" of (f)Elon (he Himself I don't trust at'tall) & DJT also needs EYES (ours, not the 5 eyes) on 'im, ZO re #1 above I'm addin' a YUGE cautionary "Yield" sign... too soon ta see how these "chips" (digital & otherwise!) will FALL
3. Naomi Wolf captured my "wurst" concerns 'bout all the easy access to our "wreckhurds" privit' & once secure... THIS (imho) is a MusK-hear:
Hopin' all them "savings" from USAID (who said?) won't just go right inta the Tesla RoadsTurds in the sky (oy/egads)
Avidly watchin' the chariot race but sittin' back enuf not ta git hit (I sure hope!) if a wheel comes unhinged...
Daisy, thank you for once again proving that puns truly are the hallmark of intelligent discourse. Hopium is dangerous, sure, but hopeless cynicism and apathy are, in my opinion, worse.
A distressed, demoralized population is easy to control, because once the limbic system is activated, the rational parts of our brain go offline. Elon and Trump are part of the technocratic power elite, no doubt, but they are not Communists, and right now, it feels a whole lot like the enemy of our enemy is our friend.
💯 + 🎯 an' yer right 'bout the ohLIMPic system failin' in the face of dejection... like the dogs in the 'speriment that gave up an' just let themselfs be SHOCKED (like really)... I "walk the line" which means I straddle 'tween hope & caution while avoidin' the wood chipper (I WOOD ruther stay chipper!)... yes, neither (f)Elon nor Teflon Don are commies an' THAT is (t'day) a far greater worry.
My biggest BEEF with DJT is the AI & (f)Elon an' his "auTistes" havin' access ta so much personal data... I watched beMUSED with a slight gimlet eye... (I cannot but guffaw at the Roadster in the Sky!)
(thx fer the hat tip ta my cornball... without such woid-play we'd all be dull boys & gals indeed!)
The term "imperfect ally" comes to mind.
Alex Fox: the Dems have just passed the batton to Trump, Musk and tec-bro central so they can continue to build the surveillance- digital currency- social credit- internet of bodies- self assembly nano-tech mandated injection-anti human prison planet that oligarcal dynasties have long planned. Unfortunately, these compromised fools or evil deceivers (take your pick) have their roots in tthe private sector which means the digital prison planet with built in austeriy
In theory, I agree with you. But Elon's transhumanist technocratic aspirations are tomorrow's problem. Today, they're purging the entrenched kleptocracy, so I'd like to look on the bright side and take the win.
Very well articulated, Alex. I couldn't agree more with those sentiments.
Much appreciated!
Hi Alex....great post/reply. Thank you. I do feel the same 'relief' coming over us here in Canada, too. However, if I've learned anything from CJ Hopkins is that is that my short-term memory has been wiped clean and I often forget that's it's the same coin, just opposite sides. We think the next four years will be better.....
I've been through enough election cycles myself to agree, in theory. Obama's "hope and change" wound up being the opposite. However, in the first few weeks of this administration, we've seen more corruption and fraud exposed than in the last 100 years. So, I'm going to choose cautious optimism.
Yes, you’re… “seeing something that looks like transparency and accountability…” That’s all it is. Something that “looks like” (transparency and accountability).
A month ago, did the general public have any idea what USAID was funding? That alone was more disclosure than we've seen in my lifetime.
Do you think the “father of the vaccines” will come clean about all the human carnage and devastation they caused?
Politicians never admit they were wrong. But he could argue that Fauci and the pharma bros lied to him and falsified the safety data (which is true), and that if he had been in office in 2021 he would have pulled the plug like Gerald Ford did. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/09/02/opinion/coronavirus-vaccine-trump.html
I am a paid subscriber of CJ. That is insanity on my part. CJ can speak his mind freely because of the US Constitution, yet he chooses to live under a dictatorship in an ugly country named Germany.
CJ has complained about losing paid subscribers on several occasions. I remember one post of literal whining because he lost paid subscribers 🥹
Reap what you sow, CJ. Sorrow upon sorrow. No God, no Jesus, just darkness.
I freely chose to unsubscribe CJ. You and your darkness can contaminate others, but I end the black here and now.
Thank you, Alex for stating the obvious. CJ lives in Germany. He has no clue what the hell is going on here in the US. How could he? His whole brain has been infected with being completely censored by the German dictatorship.
I have no disdain for CJ. He chose to live under such egregious terms, yet brow beat the US? It’s a curious situation that CJ has the balls to accuse things he isn't or hasn't experienced. Laughable, really.
I successfully canceled my latte-per-day subscription to the Prince of Darkness. How does this man find joy? He betrayed the US and yet finds the balls to bash every last bastion of the US! He lives and breathes because of our country's might. CJ is a small man living in a country he deserves. I never have to read a bs word again. I am free of his darkness and bullshit. Just wait for his whining about losing paid subscribers. It is coming soon...
Just one, lol?
But, even with new optimism and hope for transparency, not touching the genocide the Mil. Industrial Complex (and the elite political donors) supports and causes. Interesting to see that remains a third-rail of US politics. Will that money be traced? Will that foreign meddling on a humongous scale be put to a smell test?
Cue the wrath of MIGA cultists in 3, 2, 1...
"You don't get it CJ! The good billionaires are saving us from their friends!"
"It's not a mind virus if it comes from our side."
Edit: Annnnd ten minutes in we have our first winners.
"This is just another self-indulgent idiotic piece. Unsubbing!"
Lol MIGA. Well played
This response always cracks me up. I have written scores of columns and three, going on four books, skewering the "other side," over the course of the past nine years. I've been criminally prosecuted for one of those books. Please troll better.
I went back and skimmed your last year of columns. Perhaps I missed it but again nothing but Trump is mentioned. Did I miss your column calling out people covering for a vegetable and skipping the democratic process? You were prosecuted for a book and Doug Mackey for a meme. He got 10 years. Did you write a column is sympathy for a fellow victim of tyranny. I guess trolling is challenging bullshit but whatever.
Yes, you did miss that column, moron. You also missed the entire books of essays I published making fun of liberals for calling Trump Hitler. But please, keep making a total jackass of yourself in my replies.
Well then I apologize.
Let's see if CJ will apologize for calling you a moron. Ain't holding my breath. I can't think of another writer on substack who expresses such disdain for his readers.
Maybe he was silent, I don't follow people's criticisms of right-left and measure their loyalties by it. The right-left paradigm is a theatrical farce to keep people from noticing they all work for the same people in power behind the curtains. Trump was set up to be the savior the past few years. Biden was selected to create chaos and push people back toward mr. operation warp genocide. Every clown is SELECTED for a reason to keep the audience in awe within the circus tent. Leave the damn tent and free your mind. The media was in on it given their coordinated election day label "like Pheonix rising from their ashes." Of course. And the lawfare magically ends within days. Then he is sentenced to a formality in January. All f-ing kayfabe. TDS is just as retarded a label as Trumptards or conservatards or libtards. A convenient way to dismiss anyone who is not supportive of the MIGA cult. Trump works for Israel. Just like Biden did, and every president before going back to the guy whose brains were splattered on his wife's dress who tried to register them as foreign agents and monitor their nuclear weapons program. They've controlled the US directly ever since. The sooner Americans realize this the sooner they might be able to dispense with the gay right-left mind control theatrics and save their nation.
What else do you call it, GC? Ranting about Trump as Hitler is so cringe and such bullshit. We all know it's fucking kayfabe. Nothing's going to change until the money masters are toppled. /Sigh I guess I'll just disappear and watch the world burn.
All American presidents are basically fascist. That's his point.
Until Trump actually does something about that, he's just repeating the cycle.
Notice how DOGE isn't addressing the biggest waste, the military industrial complex.
Meet the new boss same as the old boss.
Trump as Hitler is cringe. Agreed. Though I didn't read that anywhere in this piece. If he's used it in the past, who Trump works directly for makes it a kind of oxymoron. However, Trump as anything other than a controlled muppet is also very cringe. Trump as a savior of any kind is hilarious.
GC, we both know who rules the world. I do read your columns. I felt this column was rather hypocritical. Trump said he was doing this and while some things have been bullshit, others have not. Maybe Trump's clearing the books for Iran and the Greater Israel Project. Dunno but the revelations of how bad things really are is insane. Nothing will happen of lasting value without Congress acting and then we'll see how real things are. I remain convinced this is all theater, however entertaining, until the next act. Things don't always work out for the Globalists though.
There is indeed a group for whom things just magically always work out in their favor. They rarely hide it anymore. But people are more comfortable not seeing it. It's the easy path, but not the righteous one that will lead to change.
And who does Israel work for?
As it has always been. This all about materialism and therefore mammon. So, the marionette show operated by the kleptocratic puppet-masters in DC and the EU will continue unabated as long as the audience is full of materialists like them.
People always get the leaders they deserve.
“The right-left paradigm is a theatrical farce..”
Yeah. I hear that old chestnut getting tossed around quite a bit. It’s actually wrong. Left and right are merely positions in politics and economics and are no more obsolete than a calendar or clock..
And who claims to be father of the vaccine? When people can cast off their partisanship, maybe we can finally get somewhere.
I agree; Trump has never apologized . It's the one-sided hypocritical rants that irritate me.
Not only has he not apologized he's celebrated them as "saving a hundred million lives" and recently ushered two CIA-Mossad controlled Silicon Valley clowns to sell you mRNA cancer cures, calling it all tremendous. Irritation is a mosquito buzzing the ear lobe. This is a genocidal chosen maniac billionaire shitcoin salesman laughing in your face who has been controlled since Roy Cohen in the 80s, and Wilbur Ross and Epstein in the 90s and aughts.
You're getting me riled up GC, rant rockets are being fueled. =j
So sorry CJ but if the reaction to Naomi Wolf's latest piece is anything to go by, you are about to be savaged and insulted. Critical thinking by considering other points of view and either logically debating why you believe they are wrong or changing your opinion as new information has been presented to you, appears to have been replaced with a quasi religious fervour for Trump and Musk.
I have been astonished to see those who were ridiculed, insulted and intimidated by the covidians, now doing the same to anyone raising questions about the tactics and purpose of Musk's actions. We appear to never change.
Thanks for trying to cut through this debacle with satire and humour. I always appreciate it as I like being made to smile while my opinons are challenged.
I'm under no illusions about the response I'm going to get. I've been getting it for some time, actually. So it goes.
Yet still able to make us laugh with "If you put your insults in the Comments, I'll see them, and feel insulted. I promise." LOL
It’s hard to believe that people get so emotionally invested, why not just take it in and gain from a wider perspective or use the information to refine their argument for what’s going on. I do think that throughout history a degree of this has always been going on, and during that time people found ways to feel fulfilled and have a good life. I guess the question is have the ruling class finally found a means to plug all loopholes so that there is no path to stick handle through.
I want a tax refund for my entire life. They all suck.
Your recurring message, CJ, is that we should not trust anyone in powerful positions. A healthy dose of skepticism should always be front and center, despite our naive desire to find someone or something to actually believe in.
PBS is for the public to get news, not for political opinions of journalists. In fact we don’t need PBS at all. I hope it gets deleted permanently.
I don’t like PBS either. But I like Trump and Musk making decisions by fiat a whole lot less. Fuck off.
“My friend, Thomas Jefferson is an American saint, because he wrote the words ‘all men are created equal,’ words he clearly didn’t believe, since he allowed his now-children to live in slavery. He’s a rich wine snob who got sick of paying taxes to the Brits. So, yeah, he writes some lovely words and roused the rabble and they went and died for those words while he sat back and drank his wine and fucked a slave girl.”
-Jackie, “Killing Them Softly”
Constitution, Declaration of Independence - and whatever other ruling-class documents you give a convenient reference and nod to aren’t worth the dried piss in a broken urinal to me. Nothing about any of these tired scripts are at all sacred to anyone but the class of people that etched their names to them. Trump and Musk are but the latest in a long line of oligarchs that rouse you sad, pathetic fools to adulation with nothing more than the corn plucked from their feces..
What steps forward would you like? How would we get them to happen?
Yes and he will “pause” mostly what provides any benefit to the working class. We are descending further into a phase of Romanesque Fascism.
Thrilling ain’t it?
What exactly? All direct benefits are still being paid. CMS is still making payments. For now, Trump is playing by the rules. Personally I'd rather have an emperor than a retarded democracy.
Maybe, just maybe, it would be better to have direct democracy than a retarded emperor? Generally speaking, of course.
Well you got one.
“I’d rather have an emperor than a retarded democracy.”
That’s precisely what you got there, fucknutz. Now quit embarrassing yourself by pointing to the Constitution.
Yeah let's just have public television run by corporations instead. After all, they need to make profits on the back of taxpayers.
I knew it was all over for PBS/NPR about 15 to 25 years ago when all their advertising slots gradually but very still very noticeably (and then rapidly) changed from small independent local businesses to... Exxon-Mobil, IBM, Pfizer, etc.... wasn't long after that that Tuesday's and Thursdays 2pm time slot for "Alternative Radio" (with speakers like Chomsky, Zinn, Hedges, etc, etc, etc) was eliminated. PBS/NPR are now just total (as opposed to "mostly" back then) corporate/establishment mouthpieces. Since I know there is no chance for reversion in that respect then... good riddance to those (supposed) "news/information" outlets.
It was over when Daniel Schorr died. With him, died PBS and has ever since been a deep state radio show. And of course "Car Talk". PBS is not worth keeping on life support. Telling people that they receive money from the BMG foundation - and still asking for listeners' donations four times a year is depraved at best.
Don't worry, after more cuts from DOGE who won't touch military spending, PBS will be full of commercials to get funding.
Great job Elon
Trump proposed a conference with Putin and Xi to cut half of defense budgets.
He says all kinds of things, but when was the last time you heard any head of state that mattered call for such action?
If he pulled off the defense budget cuts delivering JFK's lasting + broad peace the left would still shriek nonsense. Interesting they r finding their heart and voice again now that Trump wants to own/run gaza
The hypocrisy of the deliberate and tragic genocide in Gaza + West Bank isnt lost on me.
We will see what the Arab states develop to counter the USA/israel after watching Gaza destruction
Yeah I give him credit for saying it.
Back during his first term he said he was gonna get us out of Afghanistan but then didn't and blamed it on the military or some shit.
Biden gets a withdrawal and rushes it so fast that it's a disaster?
If that doesn't tell you that someone else calls the shots, I got a bridge to sell you.
All the recent wars including Ukraine, Gaza. Syria, lybia, Yemen, among others have been started and executed by dem administrations.
Trump did hit Syria, but not like Obama did.
Skepticism is warranted
Do you see no differencs from Trump 1 to this 2nd time around?
I hear differences but I'm still waiting on actions.
Talk is cheap.
I see differences between Trump 2016 and Trump 2024, I also see differences between the people who support him, like big tech, and virtually ever zionist.
PBS and NPR have always carried water for the left side of the dialectic.
The sponsors are irrelevant.
It appears that the entire US national debt is due to fraud...This is going to change the world, and the entire budget process as wholly corrupt agencies are eliminated...And you are mad because Musk and his young autists are discovering all this, in the face of powerful opposition from the crooks?????
Pyrrhus: Musk and his assorted/ ventures have greatly benefitted from government contracts & huge subsidies re combatting the fraudulent , unscientific anthropomorphic "climate- change" non-issue that Musk lies about & aggressively pushes as an excuse to usher in digital data IDs, CBDCs or private crypto currencies coupled with a social credit system, 24/7 surveillance & compulsory nano-tech internet of things injectables to link the brains of those who have survived the experimental phases of the operation directly to the internet & thereafter be able to do all manner of diabolical things to people remotely. Yep, both sides of the political spectrum are controlled by the very same oligarch technocrats who have been patiently planning & implementing ove centuries or millenia the complete takeover and control of everything on earth. They now have the technology to finally complete the project. Trump, Musk etc seem to be wasting no time in implementing policies to put the final pieces of this dystopian digital prison planet in place. This really is mans' worst nightmare. Everyone in power is captured or compromised (possibly not Massie). Don't let them distract you with their BS opposition to the BS wokeness agenda which is merely tinsel designed to divide people & take energy and attention away from the real threat. Do not let yourself fall into the divide & rule traps that are constantly dangled front & centre. We have to overlook the small differences between us & focus on saving the rights & freedoms that are so necessary for humanity's survival.
Of course he's benefitted from Government contracts, which are public and known, and he delivers some value..someone has to rescue those astronauts...But he hasn't benefitted from fraud, waste or payments to foreign governments and terrorist groups or writing penpal letters, like Malia Obama and Chelsea Clinton...
Blink twice if you need help.
DOGE won't say shit about the biggest corrupt waste of money, the military industrial complex, because Elon is one of those who makes his money on that BS plus tax credits for shitty electric cars.
This executive order bullshit is ridiculous. They cried about that until their side is doing it. Sheep 🐏
This is why I always felt musk and others were stupid despite their "intelligence".... It's a form of brain disability
And neuralink will never read minds...
I’m not good at picking up on sarcasm so I genuinely have great trouble trying to understand what you say. I want to understand all sides so I can see the lies.
I’ve followed the great awakening for five years. I spend hours digging and digging.
I admire the people who voice their opinions against the narratives.
This is so confusing to me.
I don’t know what to trust.
I think I get what you are saying but I think by now I should know exactly what you mean- but I only end up with a very vague idea of what it is.
I hate that I don’t have a deeper understanding of the sarcasm. It confuses me. At a time when I don’t want to invest more time figuring out what was said.
It’s mind boggling and too much effort with so little time.
Our lives have all been Consumed with this!
I get so tired but I understand this is just the beginning. 😥🙏🇨🇦
Don't get overwhelmed and remember to relax. Sometimes information can just sit in the back of your mind and will suddenly make sense when the time is right.
Sometimes we need to take a break from information. Write your own thoughts, trust your judgment, focus on the small joys of life. Don’t lose hope! ❤️
Dear Georgina,
sarcasm can be a cop out on being specific or sincere about what you want. sarcasm tends to be passive aggressive because it's not advocating or doing but passively reacting, commenting, never casting the first serve or risking DOING or PITCHING something like a better idea and risking being embarrassed or completely horribly wrong.
i get excited whenever he writes, but it's because i read ZONE 23. here i skim CJ's sarcastic snide side to find his broken heart or real ideas, which tend to show up in what he's actually DOING:
writing publishing and showing up for more beat downs.
i don't pay attention to his snide side as i feel like he's a romantic idealist still testing and weeding out the riff raff.
sarcasm: the use of irony to mock or convey contempt.
Watching Glenn Greenwald's snark-o-meter might help:
Good work, CJ. You are right on point!
I have no angry comments. Nothing I say or do is going to make one iota of difference in the long term to anyone but my family who are urging me to spend less time on the internet. So as a 74th birthday gift to myself I am unsubscribing from all lists, blogs, media and social media.
Happy birthday!
Thank you CJ, much appreciated. I'm looking forward to delving into the continuing saga of Zone 23.
What an idiotic piece. Unsubscribing now. Buh bye.
Oh wow. One disagreement and you're out?
Did you also cancel Trump when he promoted and still promotes the clot shots?
Notice how DOGE isn't addressing the biggest waste, the military industrial complex.
Adios, retard!
Ok, please just pay for your drinks and exit with minimal disruption.
Good riddance, bootlicker.
CJ has hired a brass orchestra to give you a proper send-off.
Freedom ain't free. Better keep paying. I spec you some kind of commie. You one of those sissy commie boys ain't you? You know they gonna send you to the gulag too. You know what happens to pretty little commie boys like you in the gulag?
Loved the piece. I just pre-ordered Zone 23.
Reading Zone 23 for me was a huge stretch in the nature of humans and a dystopian way of life. Unfortunately I recognized some of the narrative and characters that already actually exist, scary…cool book.
The voice of reason CJ. How can so few have that sick feeling in the pit of the stomach about this entire situation? We should just blindly trust that a team of five people, none of whom are forensic accountants or trained auditors, can magically find proof of all the corruption in each agency (in a week or so) while they’re downloading the good stuff for later. But they don’t have to document their findings because Elon posts everything on Twitter and he’s so super duper cool and honest and transparent and he has nothing to gain because he loves Trump and America! Yay our team!
They are finding cherries and picking them very carefully. Rest assured the rest of the corruption will be overlooked.
they're a' gonna MAKE a CHERRY PIE with all them cherries they picked... a flashy one that'll look just FINE on the table, but as yer sayin', it's only cherries...lotta other rotten fruits they'll ignore AND the only thing that's BAKED (fully not even half!) is (f)Elon & his team of "Autists!" (that's puttin' it...."blunt-ly" ;-)
Don’t forget “he’s the world’s richest person” which I find a bit rich in itself🤭. Strange how that phrase is repeated over and over and over in reference to him. I believe, I believe, I believe….🤣