N.B. I didn't expect to get through to the fanatical "anti-Zionist" demographic with this column, but, for others, Haaretz just published an article reporting IDF soldiers' accounts of the liquidation of Gaza, not 10/7 Truthers fantasy-propaganda, but actual reports by soldiers committing the actual atrocities ... "'No Civilians. Everyone's a Terrorist': IDF Soldiers Expose Arbitrary Killings and Rampant Lawlessness in Gaza's Netzarim Corridor." https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2024-12-19/ty-article-magazine/.premium/idf-soldiers-expose-arbitrary-killings-and-rampant-lawlessness-in-gazas-netzarim-corridor/00000193-da7f-de86-a9f3-fefff2e50000, https://archive.ph/gskmt

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The comments gave me goosebumps, mostly in a good way.

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Merry Right Wing Extremist Christmas and a Happy Domestic Terrorist New Year!

Your case is the prime example of their desperation to silence us all.

We the people are revolting and they are terrified.

We are all with you CJ, keep up your brilliant work, the world might stop getting worse!

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It is common knowledge that the closer you are to the target, the more noise, the more flak. Hate-images and shrieking hate-speech directed at those who oppose the interests of the corporate billionaire globalists is evidence that the BigMedBigPharmaBigAgBigMilitaryBigZionistBigTech is feeling more and more desperate as more and more people change their votes, change their buying habits, change their media choices, and refuse to be silenced.

I recently listened again to the speech Dr. Martin Luther King made, April 4, 1967, on why he was opposed to the war in VietNam. It is an articulate explanation on exactly why wars are planned and carried out. MLK's words are every bit as true today as they have always been in the past. He could not be silenced by threats and media attacks. The corporate war-mongers thought they silenced him with a bullet. But his words resonate more strongly than ever, and they resonate in your writing very clearly. The fascists in the German government are terrified of articulate writers who tell the truth. You truth-telling whistleblower writers are our modern day heroes and saints. Your thoughtful words will live on when the bought-and-paid-for little media and political creatures slink into shameful oblivion.

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independent critical thinking informed by a strong tonic of common sense must remain the guiding light regardless of political swings to the left OR the right. The author makes an important point, well-taken, regardless of whether you live in Germany or in America. Merry critical thinking Christmas and a Happy common sense New Year!

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Yes, it’s so troubling that the students were wearing face masks and actually chose to return to campus and pay tuition to universities that have no inclination to listen to them about what’s happening in the Middle East. This generation has internalized some of the oppression, and you see it through the facemasks. I wonder how many of them think about the injustice of having been locked down. Because if they can connect all those dots together, it would help bridge some of the divides, at least in America.

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Oh CJ. Herein this albeit well-written testament of yours against “zealotry” there’s as much zealotry as you’ll likely find anywhere. A zealotry of self if you will. Your juxtapositional conflation of the imbecilic worship of Musk with the measured, witnessed and well chronicled slaughter of the Palestinian people has taken conflation and both-sideism to staggering new heights. The biggest difference I see between the zealotry you’re attempting to articulate and that which you possess, is yours appears to be a rabid defense of the right, if not duty of the herd to remain emotionally unmoved from the homicidal diktats of Caesar. Here’s a better juxtaposition than yours:

“Israel is no more or less guily or innocent than any other so what’s all the blather?” - CJH.


“I’m being prosecuted for ‘thought crimes.’ - how unjust!” -CJ.

It’s not enough that the peasants so inclined, for a host of reasons - can’t physically get into Palestine much less fight there, as we could say for Spain in ‘36. No, you have to diminish and demean even our desire to do so - or belittle the hope that someone, anyone would mercifully napalm or fucking well bomb Israel out of existence for the crimes against humanity they continue to perpetrate. If pointing out that because you yourself are lacking in a cause bigger than yourself - 3 million x bigger than your legal case btw - for which you are willing to die, seems the genesis of a column such as this, if this makes me a “zealot” for saying so, then I am guilty as charged..

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But what about Syria, Kurdistan, Sudan, Hamas on October 7th, or indeed any other slaughter being perpetrated around the world?

Yes, of course, what Israel is doing in Gaza is terrible, but what marks you out as a zealot is your hatred solely of Israel, as opposed to any other perpetrators of carnage.

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I just love, love LOVE a voice of temperance: “But what about…?”


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No, the difference is not in the degree of the killing, but in the nature of the hatred, the brutality, and utter savagery of the Zionists. What other country debates the rationale of raping bound prisoners with broomsticks and metal rods, and then deciding that this is acceptable, deciding this openly during a session of their government?This was confirmed in the nation’s press, which as you may know must pass Military censors. They are proud of this. As for 10/7, we now know that the beheading of babies and mutilation of pregnant women was invented. How many Israelis were killed by missiles fired from tanks and helicopters? Where is the international investigation? What kind of people would invent things like this? I’ve lived among them, I could go on for pages, but I won’t. I’ll just repeat what a foreign journalist said: Whatever you think of the Nazi Holocaust, you can think of this Holocaust. Only…the Zionists are getting away with it.

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Hopkins is very consistent in his attempts to deflect from the Tel Aviv-DC-London axis of power that is daily attacking all of us. He had me fooled right up until his outright support for the Israeli Zionists. Hopkins' trial reminds me of the made-up Malone case suing the Breggins (his allies) for $25M, which he later dropped. Don't worry CJ, Berlin will drop the case against you eventually, guaranteed!

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Our rulers are doing their very best to normalize even the most barbarous behavior. In CJ’s case, he says that since barbarity is everywhere there is nothing at all special or unique about Palestine or fill-in-the-blank on Israel/USA’s latest victim. CJ is not alone on this. Beyond the active proponents of Zionism and the ongoing Israeli treachery, this normalization is in my opinion far worse. We are now “zealots” for calling this out. So be it.

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Very well said, Brahma. It's a deceptive variation on the MainStreamMedia just support the narrative outright. Hopkins spent a lot of time cultivating trust with seemingly sincere stories about his opposition. But as we have seen, position on Israel eventually becomes the dividing line. Initially he took the line that the Zionist/fascists were totally justified in their mass murdering of Palestinians. Now he has backed off two degrees and is just saying: "Everybody is doing it. What's the Big Deal?" So many frauds they are hard to keep track of.

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Actually, I remember distinctly that CJ mercilessly pilloried the people who reflexively jump to one side or the other of the Israel/Gaza conflict, like puppets. I recommend finding that essay and rereading.

He was one of the few who clearly understood how manipulated people are, every time the PTB stage another outrage. Divide and rule!

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I’m not manipulated. I spent part of my childhood in Jerusalem. I lived for nearly a year on a kibbutz. I had a dozen cousins, uncles, aunts, there, and I they were all racist monsters.

My grandparents, who were wonderful people, are buried there. But I’ll go farther. I have never considered Zionist to be Jews. I think that the Zionists are to the Jewish religion what the Ku Klux Klan is to Christianity. My view s were formed first hand, but manipulation is always a danger, and we all need to be aware of that.

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Bomb Israel out of existence? Napalm them all to death? Guilty as charged - quite so.

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Funny isn’t it, surreal actually, that given Israel’s perpetual propensity for genocidal violence that a call for its destruction is considered “Zealotry?”

Like so many others words, “Zealot” can be added to a litany of others that has more to do with the personality and politics of the user than it does its actual meaning..

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You're a bit deranged BF

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Your way with words will never seize to thrill and amaze me, CJ. But since I’ve put feathers up your ass quite often already, let me address some of the comments here:

When you vehemently oppose genocide, like almost everybody does, and you are vocal about that, and you protest, even fanatically… and you read this piece by CJ, please read it good!! Nowhere does it say you should not be appalled by what is happening in Gaza, or anywhere else. Or that you shouldn’t protest it. It does say that you should not lie, or vilify, or dehumanise etc. (or wear a medical looking mask of course) while protesting. It says so quite clearly, actually.

Merry Christmas to y’all! The fact you read Hopkins is reassuring!💪

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So Germany has become an oppressive Nazi State in the name of Covid promotion and the denial that the mRNA injections (called vaccines) are worse than useless because they kill or maim recipients who believed Pharm's 'SAFE & EFFECTIVE' lies! They can kill or render recipients' natural health defences redundant, or simply reduce their Life Expectancy with every extra jab!

Why else would Pfizer, etc, deny responsibility for any jab adverse reaction or DEATH resulting?

Unjabbed Mick (UK) Refuse another mRNA injection which will harm or potentially kill you.

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As I see it, if the the so called "vaccines" were truly safe and effective than the makers would not need the government to provide them legal impunity and safety from any and all potential lawsuits.

Stand by your product right?

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Yes! Another of Biden's parting gifts to Trump, Kennedy, etc. is to extend this DEADLY 'Licence to Kill' for 'DEADLY mRNA Vax' makers until 2030! Absolutely unbelievable!

Obviously, Biden is now incapable of making such decisions - Obama, Clinton, etc , now pull his 'policy' strings! Mick (UK).

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So few rightly distrust Elon.

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This essay is all about Two Minutes of Hate, and Oceania, Eurasia and Eastasia. Orwell understood this stuff completely. I call it polarisation. Almost everyone is polarised. Sometimes a polarised person finds they are on the same side as someone else only to discover when the next polarising narrative is launched upon them that their recent friendship has become bitter enmity. Our most vital task now is to find an anti-polarising meme or narrative which we can use as an antidote to the polarising mind virus, because if we don't the ancient strategy of divide and rule will defeat us completely.

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What is so fascinating this year with using the most popular word in 2024, “polar” this and “polar” that…? Me thinks dialectical thinking has captured the zeitgeist. Sad state of affairs for a world stuck in this rudimentary thinking. Any wonder manipulation is so easy?

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Hmmm and that the polar bears still have plenty of ice! Did that get any airtime?

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What I've learned through the zealotry: if you don't pick a team, you are the enemy. So be it. I refused the jab and tests, and I refuse to pick a team. I'm fine with that. Many of us are still here with our critical thinking, ethics, and morals intact--even our sense of humor--which is more than some can say. And truly, what better gift at this time of year especially? Merry Christmas, CJ. And all the best for the New Year, regardless of what slouches towards Bethlehem.

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Wow that was intense. So basically there are only zealots and you are against everyone 😂.

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"It took two years, but that multiplicitous mass of opposition has been torn asunder. It has been branded, commodified, purified, and controlled. It has been taxidermied. Its organs have been harvested. Its lifeblood has been hypodermically extracted, distilled into an innocuous elixir, and sold back to its desanguinated self. It has been zombied. Its soul has been scooped out. It has been replaced with a simulacrum of itself.

All that remains of it now is the Musk Cult."

Your insights always inspire, C.J., but this one cut to the bone. (I mean that in the best possible way.)

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There is no fence left to sit upon. Psychopaths blew it up, with US and British bombs.

On that, we can all agree.....

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Oh there is, but the next fence is another octave higher. The one where you look down upon it all

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Thr non-zealot is always at a disadvantage, relative to the zealot, since the nonzealot recognizes boundaries, while the zealot will do Whatever It Takes in service of the cause.

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I have been a zealot for tolerance, which to my shock has been gravely misunderstood, and frankly, gotten me into quite a lot of trouble. I suspect it is time to mend my ways, speak softly, let us be, and treat with kindness the bomb-throwing irrational killers we all are. No one's going to be persuaded of anything they don't already believe.

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Humans are herd animals to rival any sheep, lemming or dog.

Cats are so superior, even if we can't catch tuna very readily.

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I’m not sure that doing what one can’t help but do, whether that’s herding or soloing, is to a greater or lesser degree admirable or valuable. Humans do as they do, as does the cat. But, humans can alter their behavior. Whether the choice to go solo (the monk, the hermit, the recluse) is really a choice (we imagine so, though neuroscience indicates not so), or another determined event doesn’t make that behavior less remarkable. I don’t say “superior” to the cat, or the many other living species that are solo performers, but which do not indicate they can either choose or imagine to choose going social.

Cats are nevertheless pretty cool. Maybe it’s because they’re independent that humans find them charming.

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Calling it the year of the "political zombie" would be much more apropos.

Just today, Tim Ryan the former representative of Ohio was on the spook show "Morning Joe" discussing with Mika and Scarborough (the mediocre duo) why voters in Youngstown Ohio who earn $30,000 a year would vote for a billionaire.

Well, Joe look in the f--kin mirror! 😁

Most of the population are propagandized to the gazoo, as well as totally dumbed down by a very inferior educational system.

The only reason corporate thugs pay Mika and Joe "each" $8 million dollars per year is to misinform viewers with BS narratives.

However, this dismal duo is just the tip of the mainstream media news and co-opted independent social media platform iceberg.

The raison d'etre for all these outlets is to manipulate the prole electorate into becoming "political zombies." Believing billionaires will shape-shift into cartoon heroes. To put it simply, the key objective is to placate the plebs so they willingly wander into an ideological graveyard. 😵‍💫

This NSA/GPS into political nowhere land was made possible by a supporting staff of sellout Left, phony Liberals, and the corporate DNC funded by the same bunch of billionaires who contributed to Mr. Warpspeed.

I don't see how it's possible to be a catatonic zealot, unless you're passionate about your own demise. 🤔

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Thank you, your rant is my rant, human beings who do not understand bodily autonomy are obviously not your friends, it's like saying that rape can be seen as lovemaking so you have to enjoy the ride, in the case of state sponsored violence it is rape by the state, mental, emotional or physical.

'Violence can only be concealed by a lie and the lie can only be maintained by violence' by

Alexander Solzhenitsyn

I wish you and your family a peaceful Christmas season and a joyous 2025, may truth prevail,

and justice somehow find its way to earth, Grüß Gott.

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