CJ - your piece sums it up for me. On every topic. I am still shadowbanned at Twitter and refuse to take a knee. I am still deeply unsettled by the C-19 era and people's blind fealty to authoritarianism and still reeling from the on-going, Western-funded carnage in Gaza and the personal attacks on me for reporting and caring about it. Horrified by the aggressions toward women and children by trans fanatics and on working people by elites. Talk about a mindfuck.

I always believed writing honestly, using my investigative skills and underpinning it with deep humanity was the way through this. But I am now doubting all of it. The free speechers now screaming for censorship. The kindly C-19 dissenters who don't see Palestinian children as human. The outsiders who have hit it big and now elevate themselves further by toeing the neo-globalist party line with massively funded organizations that underwrite huge events that solve nothing. They are performative, as is every solution we think we find. Petitions with elite signatories only, declarations that get no attention unless they serve the narrative -- get us nowhere. Excluding the heroic Great Barrington, of course.

But as a Christian who still believes in magic and miracles --my heart says to keep going and keep it small. Thousands of tiny neighborhood groups, fueled by goodwill are where the power will lie. If I was remaking my life right now I would become a Quaker. ...or something along those lines.

Merry Christmas CJ -- I have witnessed your absolute refusal to say or think what is demanded, even by people on our side and that is where the real courage and critical thinking comes from.

You are, aside from your brilliant and stylish writing, a profoundly decent man -- above all.

Proud to call you a friend and support you in any way I can.

Merry Christmas, chum. Somewhere the lights are shining.

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Merry Christmas back at you, Trish (and everyone else celebrating Christmas)! And hang in there. It always comes down to face-to-face contact and small magic and miracles … well, except for the slightly larger miracles your guy pulled off … oh, and, the driving the money changers out of the temple thing. We could use a bit more of that.

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It's is looking like the folks that run Missouri and Oklahoma are looking closely at driving those money changers out of those two states. By actually following Article 1 Section 10 of the US Constitution. Tell me if I'm wrong. There Is A Reason "They" Don't Listen to Us

Anymore https://www.courageouslion.us/p/there-is-a-reason-they-dont-listen

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Jan 20, 2024
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Can we think of Palestinans as human and view what is happening to them as within historical norms for vanquished people?

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Only if you don't adhere to the philosophy of the Zionist movement. Which is based on totally ignoring the reality that Israel in the middle east is NOT the Israel of the Bible.

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I’ve been trying to tell everyone this and they just look at you like you’re horrible. Israel was the name of the people not the land. The land was called Palestine. They just can’t grasp it anymore. Days of open and honest discussions are over.

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"can we"....? yes, we must. and shall. the vanquishing part happens as one of the vilest consequences of settler colonialism. but now we know and shouldn't let it happen again.

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Regarding shadow bans:


> Platforms have long held that shadow banning is necessary to deal with spam, but shadow bans do not fool bots. Shockingly, it turns out that when platforms talk about "spam," they're referring to content written by you and me, genuine users. But they have not been upfront about this definition.

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The sick truth about what is being perpetrated on us is too dark to discuss rationally so please keep serving us your "satirical" and "fictional" views as you see it. Some of us will stand with you CJ because we get the joke and are righteously angry about it too! It is painful as we bear witness to the planned injustices visited on innocent people daily.

If we don't try to laugh at it we will drown in tears.

Free Julian Assange. Free CJ Hopkins.

Occupy peace

Merry Christmas to you and your defenders of freedom of speech.

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Thanks ... and, yes, free Julian Assange if you can, and raise holy hell if you can't. My situation is Club Med compared to his.

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Luckily I exist in both 'life' and 'death'; a fearless 'plasma' soulful state, via my self-funded work in, and rebirth after, suicidal disintegration and survival, for far too long. There is a reason for everything, and 'life' IMHO is in every imaginable way illusory. Love always wins, and faster than light connects us all, as an infinitely higher intelligence and energy. Close your eyes and know love is a permanent state of being, free from any fear. Reality is not what we are equipped to comprehend.

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Yes, there is a reason for everything. Life is certainly not an illusion. Put your hand over an open flame and tell me that's illusory. Sin is the problem. When humanity escalates sinful behaviour, and lust in thought and deed cannot be bridled, more access is given to Satan to conduct his wickedness. Global repentance is required by all.

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"free from any fear." THAT, Alan is the KEY. LIONS are fearless. Sheep fear most everything.

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Free Julian Assange and give the white snake bastard the Limited Hangout of the Age Prize..

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Yes indeed. Agreement and blessings from Sydney Aus.

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Julian Assange fits into the very limited hangouts class that was described above.

Assange is a gatekeeper.

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What better way to celebrate the Year of the Mindfuck than to quote from Joost Meerloo’s “Rape of the Mind”:

“The specialists in the art of persuasion and the moulding of public sentiment may try to knead man’s mental dough with all the tools of communication available to them: pamphlets, speeches, posters, billboards, radio programs, and T.V. shows. They may water down the spontaneity and creativity of thoughts and ideas into sterile and streamlined clichés that direct our thoughts even although we still have the illusion of being original and individual.” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-menticided-a-12-step)

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Very good Substack essay of yours, M.A.A., with many excellent embedded next-step videos as well. And I agree with each of your 12-steps, especially the forgiving language of Step 1. Haven't owned a TV for 15 years (stopped listening to NPR around the same time), and read/have read many of the resources you mention.

To me, the biggest next-step (it's a steep one) is Whitney Webb's body of work. Her encyclopedic knowledge and detailed narration of people and organizations underlying the surface kabuki of shiny objects that dominate our attention reveal a shadow-world of actors unfamiliar even to those who believe they've seen the bottom.

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Thank you, William! And yes, I've got Whitney's "One Nation Under Blackmail" in my Audible queue and am looking forward (if that's the right term) to listening when my schedule permits.

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I would be cautious of Ms. Webb who has been identified as some as a Limited Hangout. It is rather interesting that the internet has been scrubbed of any negative articles regarding her. 🤔

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I appreciate the heads-up, PBinAB. I personally do not draw conclusions without hard evidence of guilt but rather judge by the net positive vs. negative impact of their work as I discuss in the essay following the poems in this piece:

• “Rites of the Tear-Downers”: https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/rites-of-the-tear-downers

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Agreed, Margaret. Only with outright proof of enemy affiliation is it reasonable to just dismiss possible allies. Judging by present content is the only reasonable way to proceed as any and almost everyone can be turned, given a carrot and stick of sufficient magnitude. In Whitney's case I've learned much from her many articles and essays that has been very useful. But, as always, one must use one's own analytical thinking to decide, on an article by article basis, what is good info vs. bad.

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Though gut instincts are reliable. How many dark alleys has one not gone down because it just didn't feel right?

Absolute factual proof of much of anything is also highly manipulatable. Ask any good lawyer.

"Don't convict if the glove doesn't fit."

Not sure I get the following sentence. It seems to contradict? -

" I personally do not draw conclusions without hard evidence of guilt but rather judge by the net positive vs. negative impact of their work..."

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By all means, trust your gut instincts. I'm not saying everyone gets a free pass without scrutiny. I'm just saying I personally avoid making definitive statements about whether someone is controlled opposition without evidence as it is too easy to damage someone doing genuinely good work when accusations get tossed around carelessly. I know too many people who have been targeted by baseless accusations, many by chaos agents themselves most likely. I myself have been subjected to a vicious whisper campaign by someone I thought was a friend, so I know how much hurt and bewilderment this crazy-making, covert passive-aggressive narcissism can cause:

• "How to Be an Upstander": https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/how-to-be-an-upstander

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I'm just curious...ever read the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion? If so, what is your take?

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No, but there is substantial evidence it is a forgery that has been repeatedly used in divide-and-conquer disinformation campaigns.

Mathew Crawford covers it a bit in this piece:


Ion Mihai Pacepa, the “highest-ranking Soviet Bloc official ever to defect to the United States” explains how it was used as part of an extensive Soviet disinformation campaign in his book, “Disinformation.” His obituary discusses some of the details:


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Identified by whom?

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Excellent question.

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Dec 29, 2023
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There is ALWAYS something "bad coming."

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Ms. Webb, TLAV, and several others does not touch certain relevant topics, Brendon Lee O'Connell has been exposing Israeli spy program, mainly Talpiot program for years. Specifically how Israel has effectively back-doored technology. He has given Webb this information and invited her and others to discuss it publicly and they always refuse. https://www.patreon.com/talpiot

When the mainstream (and their Alt media counterparts) put certain topics before the public, very few wonder "what are they not telling me?". That's how the grifters, controlled ops, 'not-so-obvious establishment', etc gain a foothold.

Dr Shiva Ayyadurai (inventor of email, 2024 US presidential candidate) is also going through similar censorship. He is the only candidate for the working class that does not zuck Zionist-cock (he actually said this publicly).

Dr Phil Valentine (University of Kemetian Sciences) called out many of these current events (e.g. elitist wanting to depopulate eaters specifically using mass vaccination, changing men into women (and vice-versa) to "faggotize" society...promote confusion) since the 1990s.

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An easy Google search was all that was required of people to figure out Ms. Webb. The info she is willing to part with is tantalizing but leads people nowhere. This is what limited hangouts are meant to be. Heck even figuring out her baby daddy would open people's eyes.

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https://rumble.com/user/Unit8200 I think Brendan is on Rumble.

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So I suspect you've read the Protocols. What do you think? Are they a blue print for Zionist takeover? Sure seems that what is written in it follows what has been going on the world for about 100+ years!

They claim the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion are a forgery. Well, can someone explain to me WHY so much of it seems to be in our face and followed by the control freaks? "They" claim it is anti-semetic. I can't see the least bit of anti semitism in it. Here is a good one from the 10th protocol...This whole section is italicized and the words that are capital I have kept that way. But you yourselves perfectly well know that to produce the possibility of the expression of such wishes by all the nations it is indispensable to trouble in all countries the people's relationship with their governments so as to utterly exhaust humanity with dissension, hatred, struggle, envy aznd even by the use of torture, by starvation, BY THE INNOCULATION OF DISEASES, by want, so that the Goyim see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else.


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The context of the document was true, but apparently the Protocols were plagiarized from some earlier document. Kind of like how mythological characters from one popular religious doctrine were actually repurposed/plagiarized from earlier doctrines. e.g. "17 Resurrected Saviors".

The Elitist usually tell you several times what they are planning. When I have time, I will try to point to some Council on Foreign Relations, Economists, WEF, et. al. documents that restate these points. "A rose by any other name...", correct?

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Dec 21, 2023
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I haven't been "controlled" too well even back into Elementary school. I'm the guy that was told to write 1000 times "I will not question my teacher or talk back to her." and the last one I wrote was in all capital letters saying I WILL ALWAYS QUESTION MY TEACHER IF I THINK SHE DOESN'T KNOW WHAT THE FUCK SHE IS TALKING ABOUT. At the age of TWELVE. They gave up on me...for a while. Today they would just claim I had ADD and put me on drugs which if I took them might mess with my mind like SSRI drugs have done with so many where they go out and shoot up a school. https://www.courageouslion.us/p/the-ssri-connection-to-suicides-spontaneous-2c0

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One of two books planned for January. Love Whitney!

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Ms. Webb, TLAV, and several others does not touch certain relevant topics, Brendon Lee O'Connell has been exposing Israeli spy program, mainly Talpiot program for years. Specifically how Israel has effectively back-doored technology. He has given Webb this information and invited her and others to discuss it publicly and they always refuse. https://www.patreon.com/talpiot

When the mainstream (and their Alt media counterparts) put certain topics before the public, very few wonder "what are they not telling me?". That's how the grifters, controlled ops, 'not-so-obvious establishment', etc gain a foothold.

Dr Shiva Ayyadurai (inventor of email, 2024 US presidential candidate) is also going through similar censorship. He is the only candidate for the working class that does NOT zuck Zionist-cock (he actually said this publicly).

Dr Phil Valentine (University of Kemetian Sciences) called out many of these current events (e.g. elitist wanting to depopulate eaters specifically using mass vaccination, changing men into women (and vice-versa) to "faggotize" society...promote confusion) since the 1990s.

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One day in the near future the world is gonna see that the Papacy is running the show! Black Pope/White Pope, it doesn’t really matter. The Vatican/Catholic hierarchy want to control the world with another Dark Ages. History is going to repeat itself because people have forgotten the past. The 5th beast of Daniel 7 and the 1st beast of Revelation 13 are one in the same. The old is pagan Rome, the new is Papal Rome. Everyone is looking at China and the Pope is grateful for that while he stealthily sets things in motion for a full world takeover with the US’s help.

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This piece is WONDERFUL! Glad I dredged these comments today otherwise I might have missed it. Once you begin to see how the game is played, you can't un-see it. I wonder how many folks we can raise from the fog of the minds?

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So happy you appreciated it, Dave! The challenge is the people who need to complete the 12-step recovery program from menticide the most are the ones who are the least likely to read past the title—or read, period.

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C.J's explanation of mind-fog & confusion & endless mindfucking manipulation, however, is preventing even many of us from seeing the total picture absolutely clearly so we can warn everybody else. It's a dam catch-up game & we're all behind. They move the pieces & people all over their WEF-fie/globalist mind-fuckng board & change the "rules" constantly. Nothing is stationary. Nothing remains observable, when Major Mindfuckers' censor sources we cite & endlessly prosecute truth-tellers.

Sorry. Debbie Doomism def kicks in alot lately which is why C.J.'s analysis is so dam refreshing. & critically important as 2024 looms even closer to their Agenda 2030.

Resist, of course, but understand the game-board will be kicked over at any time following insane "rules" changes while we're flogged w/NEWLY invented bald-faced lies about whatever diversionary tactics they can utilize (imagine) to divide us. Kinda hard to share all that w/normies who are still disbelivin' that covid was a BIG CON.

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Morning smile delivered! Thank you.

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Wow! As a teacher, this quote completely encapsulates what I see on a daily basis in my classroom. Each day, I look out upon a sea of incurious minds that seem to be calcified by an almost religious genuflection to their cell phones. There is no longer a desire to know much of anything. Why bother when you can just ask Siri?

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So well-articulated, Bart, and I do hope you can find a way to break through the trance and rekindle their critical thinking and intellectual curiosity. Maybe you need to start a Dead Poet's Society ;-)

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open-ended or essay-questions used to be the backbone of testing methodology in schools, which has been completely disappeard in favour of the horrendous multiple-choice. can Siri answer questions beginning with 'why' or 'why....not'?

didn't think so either.

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Agreed. They use Chat GPT for those. I think my point is that there seems to be an overall dulling of the intellect that is happening due to the constant swiping and scrolling. These acts have replaced the daydreaming and self-reflection that is in my opinion so vital for the development of an active and curious mind.

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well said. the current system seems to favour quantity over quality and to leave precious little space for creativity or the quest for posing, let alone seeking answers to the more fundamental, existential questions. we need to find the loopholes to get back to our 'daydreaming and self-reflection'.

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I spent a part of my life building devices called ion thrusters. These are essentially buckets containing plasma that are used to generate thrust in space. The thrust is about the weight of two sheets of A4/Letter paper. Not much but in space you get to accelerate with little or no resistance.

I worked on a mission called GOCE which had a spacecraft fly only at about 250 km above Earth (a very low orbit) and helping that aerodynamic satellite stay in place were the ion thrusters.

When it launched in 2009 and the thruster system was switched on, for a moment it put British engineering heads above everyone else. This was a Ferrari in space with the level of fine control. Then the mission data came in and the sensitivity of spacecraft (it was measuring gravity fluctuations) was something like 10 times better than needed.

I thought I was so right about why we did it to the spec but at that moment I realised the mindfuck:

I had spent a good few years designing a unique control algorithm to meet the spec when I could have used the simplest out-of-the-box one. We could have just stood our ground and pushed back on the spec. Doing so would have saved time, effort, stress and heartache. And money.

We also just got a pat on the back for our success. Oh and a voucher.

Nothing else. Because we were just employees.

It makes you realise that you aren’t seeing the world how it actually is. Nor is being smart and working hard on minute things going to save you from the reality.

So often the shiny surface (now designed by AI) is enough to move mountains but has no depth or sense or direction. And it seems randomly cruel.

So I learned to laugh and look at trees more. Which is a bit worrying as I’m Irish and I’ll probably end up as a Tommy Tiernan sketch.

But it’s so easy to believe that things have to be done just so.

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Pushing the envelope on a research satellite sounds reasonable. Nice work! I used to work on atomic clocks, obsessing over very little detail that might affect accuracy. It was a labor of love.

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'So often the shiny surface (now designed by AI) is enough to move mountains but has no depth or sense or direction....': very true, no context.

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I've not come across many who connected what's happening with menticide. I wrote about it way back in Sept 2021. Utopian Madness

“. . . the newspapers of Utopia, he had long ago decided, would be terribly dull.” ~ Arthur C. Clarke, 2001: A Space Odyssey https://open.substack.com/pub/khmezek/p/utopian-madness

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Delighted to see you are familiar with Joost Meerloo and menticide, Karen, and that you were writing about it back in September 2021! I'm not sure if you've read my first essay, but I mention menticide toward the end and share three exceptional videos by Academy of Ideas on the topic:


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Ha, we were definitely on the same wavelength! Glad to have discovered your writing.

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Wow. That's the most cogent and concise description of the mental V2 attack that was made of the human-made covid virus that I've read. Sanity is a busy street corner which everyone must cross alone, against traffic. Reading your work makes it feel less lonely, and less impossible. Thanks CJ!

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Please share the one study that proves any virus...much less the SARS-COV2 virus was isolated and purified. Sorry..... I have to ask.

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You have to isolate and purify a virus in order to sequence it and study it.

"Airway epithelial cells from infected patients were used to isolate a novel coronavirus..."


Not sure whether you're trying to ask something else?

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Do you know what genome sequencing is? It is nothing but a computer model....it is not a REAL THING..like a piece of your skin. You can't isolate and purify a computer model and call it a THING. "Genetic sequence and origin of the SARS-CoV-2..... "Sequencing DNA means determining the order of the four chemical building blocks - called "bases" - that make up the DNA molecule. " https://www.genome.gov/about-genomics/fact-sheets/DNA-Sequencing-Fact-Sheet

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Lol, you are gaslighting the wrong person. I was part of some of the first sequencing work done back in the 80s as a lowly undergrad, doing the grunt work on projects sequencing the genomes of the tomato and the blackfly. Back then we extracted fly DNA by raising them inside glass tubes of fly food (mostly molasses), gassing them with ether to knock them out, dumping them in a mortar, pouring in some liquid nitrogen to freeze them crispy and grinding them up by hand with a pestle! Then add the biochemicals to separate out the DNA.

Sequencing is quite physical and quite real I assure you. The computer is used to rapidly tabulate and process the data that results from the automated bio chemical sequencing processes. Your own link shows that.

You are a classic example of how a little bit of information about a complex subject can be dangerous in an ignorant mind. If you're really interested in learning more there are plenty of online courses you can take.

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The only one gaslighting here is YOU. You clearly are NOT a scientist in a laboratory....You don't understand and probably never heard of Koch's Postulates. Computers are not part of discovering and identifying diseases. Sorry, that is a fact.

Unless and until the gold standard of science for identifying and creating a disease using Koch's Postulates is followed....there is no disease. No pathogenic virus has EVER been isolated and purified...without that....you can't even experiment, you cannot test, you cannot claim a thing exists.

You're a computer geek.....not a physical scientist....sorry! I grew up in the 70's and 80's....BEFORE computers and before DNA was even "discovered"....so don't act as though the computer world is the SAME or even part of the scientific world of biology! You're deluded.

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Lol, we didn't use computers at all in the early sequencing work. The early vaccines using "killed" virus particles didn't use computers either. Vaccines have been made using isolated killed viruses for many years at this point.

"Koch’s postulates were formulated in the late nineteenth century as guidelines for establishing that microbes cause specific diseases. Because the rules were developed for living agents—particularly bacteria—their applicability to inanimate pathogens such as viruses and infectious proteins has been problematic."


They didn't even understand the EXISTENCE of viruses and prions back when Koch's Postulates were developed.

Again, you can't really learn Biology, Biochemistry, Immunology or Virology by surfing the Internet. You have to learn in more structured fashion if you don't want to have big gaps in your knowledge base. Good luck!

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The link you provide perpetrates the farse of the wet market in China as the origin of the virus. You are still there ? Really ? Or are you simply a mouthpiece of the crumbling official narrative ?

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Your comment is beside the point that I was making. The link was to provide evidence backing my post.

FWIW, yes the virus originated from the Wuhan lab, and I say that as someone who has worked on that general kind of research (studying gene sequences, of plants & animals not viruses).

The US Feds concluded that it originated from the lab in their audits of the evidence. Weird how the conspiracy theorists leave that fact out of their theorizing.


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please watch this and consider it https://www.bitchute.com/video/hxgK6B3phiCw/

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Dude. You're talking to someone who has literally done gene sequencing. GTFOH 😂

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First...I am not a "dude" and secondly, gene sequencing requires a computer. a physical thing isn't determined by computer code. I would think everyone would know this. Koch's Postulates don't recognize code. GTFOH !!!

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^^This person thinks they know more about gene sequencing than a biologist who has actually done it, who has posted proof in the form of peer-reviewed journal-published research 😂

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I am totally right with you. It is crazy, and getting more crazy. I waited for those Fauci files for months, they never came. I saw people I had thought were for free speech suddenly turn because it was speech they did not like, my Jewish friends have put blinders on so as to not see what is happening in Gaza, I see propaganda everywhere. And then this week I saw people fucking with the constitution to keep Trump off the CO ballot (not a fan, but I think what they are doing to him is unconstitutional) And all my liberal friends cheering and not realizing if it can happen to Trump, next time maybe it is their candidate who gets taken off the ballot. Peoples brains have turned to mush.

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Sickens me that the last time a GOP Candidate was removed from the ballot was back in 1860 when the Democrats would not allow Abraham Lincolns name on the ballet in their Southern Slave states.

What's even crazier is that the main stream media will NOT allow the historical truth to come out. They keep the masses brainwashed and focused on the next shiny object (breaking news story) so as to keep them ignorant of the past.

The Republicans passed the 14th Amendment in 1868 to guarantee the newly freed slaves equal protection under the law. 94% of Republicans voted for the amendment. 100% of Democrats voted no on the amendment. Don't see that on the TV now do you?

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That's simply incorrect - ChinaP88 - & is a bad made-up meme that is being repeated endlessly for who knows what purpose. Confusion maybe? Or division?

Please read this folks >

US citizens voted very differently in the early/mid 19th century & the party tickets only had their party's candidates name on them. There was no multi-party voting ticket. See:

No, Abraham Lincoln was not ‘barred from the ballot’ in Southern states in 1860 - The Smile News - https://thesmilenews.com/2023/12/20/no-abraham-lincoln-was-not-barred-from-the-ballot-in-southern-states-in-1860/

Excerpt: "Here’s why this claim is inaccurate:

First of all, there was no such thing as “the ballot” in 1860.

Generally speaking, a [an election] ballot today is an official piece of paper that lists candidates running for a public office and a place to mark which candidate you are voting for. We also say “the ballot” to refer to the list of candidates on that official piece of paper."

"That’s not at all what a ballot was in 1860. And there was no “the ballot” the way we think of it today at all."

"In Lincoln’s time, a ballot was either 1) a blank paper on which you wrote in the name(s) of who you were voting for or 2) a pre-printed piece of paper with the name(s) a specific candidate or candidates handed out by a specific party. There was no ballot that had a list of candidates to choose from like we have today. That kind of “blanket ballot” wasn’t used in U.S. elections until after 1888, when it gradually became adopted."

So... Lincoln couldn’t be barred or taken off a ballot when there was no list of candidates on a ballot to begin with. This info re: the actual 1860s US voting procedures is widely available, is in other political / historical sources & has been mentioned in other recent news sources too, altho that false Abe talking point is still being repeated w/out double-checking it over and over. History lies but it also tells.

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Typical mindless response when the message presented offends. I was surprised I didn't get a response earlier that "I googled it and that's fake..." or better yet "Snopes says its not true..." I really laughed at the "simply incorrect and a bad made-up meme." Let me guess your source comes from The Smile News aggregator website? Hmmm Do some real research and historical deep dives into topic material you "think" you know about before you opine.

Lincoln's name did not appear 9 states in the South and for those where his name was allowed to appear, he did have anemic support. You can delve into the actual numbers here - https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/statistics/elections/1860

If you want further good reading material. Try to quote from a website that is not an aggregator for "good news" in the future.



Enjoy your day and God Bless all of you and Merry Christmas. (hoping you're not butt hurt)

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Was curious about this. The original poster was correct in regard to the completely different methods of voting in 1860 vs today. Ballots were printed by the various parties represented in 1860 election and distributed to the states by said parties. If utilized by the voter, which most did, you voted for the party not the individual candidate. Lincoln and the Republican Party knew it would be a waste of money and resources to print and distribute the ballots to southern states. Lincoln knew he would need to garner enough votes in the north and the west to win the electoral college, why waste time and money on the lost states of the south. Lincoln was a great man of his time and a very astute politician. FYI I’m thinking the original poster butts doing just fine.

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ChinaP88 thinks that ridiculing a specific source will debunk the history of ballots in the US. Guess China doesn't realize additional research proves my original point & all they had to do was just a little bit of searching for this historical info. on the history of election ballots in the US - which is the topic that I raised. China doesn't even respond to the issue of the balloting at all.

See > How Americans Have Voted Through History: From Voices to Screens - From shouting candidates' names, to hanging chads to electronic scanning, the nature of voting has a long, sometimes bumpy history in the United States.

By: Dave Roos - Updated: October 31, 2023 | Original: April 13, 2020


The First Paper Ballots

The first paper ballots began appearing in the early 19th century, but they weren’t standardized or even printed by government elections officials. In the beginning, paper ballots were nothing more than scraps of paper upon which the voter scrawled his candidates' names and dropped into the ballot box. Newspapers began to print out blank ballots with the titles of each office up for vote which readers could tear out and fill in with their chosen candidates.

Then the political parties got savvy. By the mid-19th century, state Republican or Democratic party officials would distribute pre-printed fliers to voters listing only their party’s candidates for office. They were called Republican and Democratic “tickets” because the small rectangles of paper resembled 19th-century train tickets. Party faithful could legally use the pre-printed ticket as their actual ballot making it easier than ever to vote straight down the party line.

The Australian Paper Ballot

Partisan paper ballots ruled the second half of the 19th-century, leading to frequent accusations of voter fraud and calls for election reform. The solution came from Australia, which pioneered the first standardized, government-printed paper ballot in 1858.

The so-called Australian paper ballot, which was printed with the names of all candidates and handed to voters at the polling place, was first adopted in the United States by New York and Massachusetts in 1888.

So, as I had explained in my comment above, printed US govt ballots weren't used in the 1860 Presidential election - only printed political party ballots were used then. The first US paper ballot printed with the names of all candidates & handed to voters was first adopted in the United States by New York and Massachusetts in 1888.

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Dec 22, 2023
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Haven’t read it yet, but I already agree with the premise. I am sure this has all been intentional harm.

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That's the best thing I've read all year. The only bad thing about it is the accuracy.

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Just curious- where / what are we the inaccuracies to which you are referring ? Or were you being ironic? If not please be specific as inquiring minds (or the less informed) want to know- thank you.

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Wendy - I don't think Martin Doyle said the article is inaccurate (of course it isn't). I think he might have meant that the bad thing about the article is that it really is an accurate description of where we are, and of course that is very bad indeed.

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Words like "unfortunate" (opposed to "bad"), & adding "sheer" before accuracy may have conveyed the intention more clearly.

Just sayin'

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Michael Crofts is correct.

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At this point I don't know anything anymore, so I guess I am totally mindfucked?

Anyway merry mindfucked Christmas and happy mindfucked New Year to everyone following CJ substack...

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For the past decade or so I’ve had a saying: “A foolish man thinks he knows everything, a wise man knows he knows nothing”.

Apparently there’s a very similar quote attributed to Socrates (or maybe Plato or Aristotle?). I knew nothing about it and came up with the saying myself. Great minds think alike! 😁

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LOL same boat

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Thanks again for speaking your mind and not giving a damn about what others might think.

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And I would add: or whatever the cost to yourself. OF

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Best to you CJ in the upcoming Year Of The Dragon. May we roar and may there be fire and brimstone flown down upon the transgressors of our freedom.

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Ditto that Jerome Armstrong!

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For a long time, I've used an old technique - never mind the myriad terms used to describe it - that takes you out of the picture and places you in a position as "observer."

Of course, as long as you're physically here, you are part of it all, but your mind is elsewhere... offshore, off-loading every bit of mindfulness that is spewed from every direction. You inoculate yourself from every spoken pathogen.

In this mindset, you are alone, with your thoughts, and whatever spiritual touchstone that brings clarity. Only distress is in knowing that you can't extricate yourself from the stupid mundanity of repetitiveness - the perpetrators of this endless barrage are indeed stupid, and endlessly self-absorbed. They never tire of hearing themselves spew forth lies with a new spin.

Consider yourself a revenant if you can relate and stay observant to the black hole around you... the microbes will inherit what's left of the planet.

No, I'm not a fatalist - or an "-ist" anything... just standing on my observation deck - please join me.

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Agreed though no one can be completely objective about anything. There is always bias in the simple truth of being alive.

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Taibbi isn't new to the mindfucking business. He gaslit and ridiculed all who doubted the government's account of the events on 9/11.

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I yelled at him (on twitter) in the beginning of covid that he was completely missing / closing his eyes to the plot. It took WAY too long for him to accept it. Great writer but still chooses not to light the big fires.

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He did introduce me to CJ, I give him that much. But he's not going to touch pharma or the big conspiracies, and in that way he's controlled.

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I don’t want to sound like an advocate, but I greatly admire Matt Taibbi’s craft and his integrity. He is of a generation of journalists who follow the deep rules of accountability and depth, never flashy, but almost never on the wrong side of truth. I read widely. If I’m looking for scoops I may not look for Taibbi, but if I want a comprehensive analysis that I can trust, then I don’t have to look elsewhere. And as always, if I agree with everything a person thinks, then one of us is unnecessary.

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I'm in agreement with you, just adding that he won't touch things on the third rail so to speak. He could easily apply his research and writing to the way the Big Pharma industry has captured the regulatory agency, but he won't touch it. Not even masks, we heard nothing from Taibbi on that end. Not that he can't, but won't. In that way, his speech is controlled. I am not saying its by a 3rd party, its by himself, for his own self-preservation.

It might not bother you, but coming from someone who has tried to stop Big Pharma and gotten rolled, I know why he's silent. That's why it was pretty cool Matt brought CJ on, because CJ has spoken out against the mandates, masks and such, and paid the price.

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I agree, and yet we can’t design other people to our specifications. Taibbi’s work on censorship is as vital as anything in our world today, so I allow a fine writer to set his own boundaries.

He put up with a lot in the Congressional inquiries. I respect that. And, yes, he has good taste in associates, (for example, CJ)

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You're in top form C.J.! Great piece. It seems that this whole German State, New Normal Reich, criminal prosecution thingy has done nothing to dampen your inspiration or derail your shit detector.

It has indeed been - "The Year of the Mind Fuck."

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Divide and conquer along as many intersectional lines as exist in human culture is how empires prevail. I’ve been watching the Childrens Health Defense Fund intellectuals destroy each other over Israel Gaza. That’s a real shame because they have a lot of capability in fighting the insane Covid medical industrial complex but if they can constantly create internal frictions in any organization that bucks the evil empire, then evil triumphs.

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I am a midwestern grandma who posts and reposts anti-establishment themes on X. Now Elon Musk "follows" me. Should I be worried? Will the CIA show up on my doorstep one of these days?

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Sadly, the CIA doesn’t show up on doorsteps so much anymore. But they have read your post, and they’re reading this one as I type it, if they choose.

As far as the internet goes, ‘security’ agencies are like a bucket of red die poured into a reservoir. It can never be separated out, and if we need a drink, we drink what’s there, red dye or no.

It’s time for a new internet, designed for and by people who cherish freedom. Tragically, we’re an insignificant minority.

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I’m in Facebook “ jail “ often. I’d rather keep speaking freely and be on some list than be silent. (I’m 57 )

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I'm 75, but there's still fight in this old gal.

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Stay feisty!

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I'm a nobody and a couple-three weeks ago I got a notice that Elon Musk is following me. I don't even know what that means. Should I be worried? Etc. How did that happen? I'm not on anything or on Substack, etc. Is he funnin' with us?

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There are many fake Elons

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Check to see if its really his account. I've had several fake Elons follow me.

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Consuelo, maybe we'll meet in the camps.

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I have a fake Elon following me. 😊

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Is he rich? 😂

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Probably not 😂

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You should be rightfully proud.

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Thank you. I am. I feel I’ve been initiated into a group of wonderful people.

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A twist on a famous George Carlin joke :

It's a big club and you don't wanna be in it.

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Brilliant work, those of us who believe in humanity would like to make you King, President and Prime Minister. Please appoint Professor Norman Fenton and Dr John Campbell to run the NHS and CDC! Thanks and Merry Mindfucking Christmas...

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I don't think so.

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John Campbell NO is part of the problem.

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Neither you nor your readers will agree with my view but I view this all as a Satanic operation. Only Satan can do all this with such agility.

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I’m right there with you, consuelo, on your Wrong Think team. Actually, it’s the ultimate Wrong Think team. There are only two teams. The team of the devil (and 99.9% of the people on this team don’t believe that they are deceived and in the devil’s power) and the team captained by the Lamb of God. The numbers on the latter team are very, Very, VERY few.

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That's how I see it.

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As the saying goes "the reason there's a highway to hell and a stairway to heaven is the anticipated traffic patterns." Merry Christmas is the ultimate MF to earthly power, satan and his human minions. A tiny baby born in poverty ultimately destroyed TPTB born in riches.

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'With such agility' and also over so many generations.

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I don’t doubt it.

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