Sadly, I need to post this reminder again. If you happen to be a crypto-fascist, or just a garden-variety anti-Semite, and you are contemplating trying to do some trolling here, or slip some of your garbage into my replies, you're wasting your time. Seriously, If I see your garbage, which I will, eventually, I will delete it and ban you. So you will have accomplished nothing, except annoying me for a few seconds.

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Wouldn't it be great if you hadn't had to say/do this? Thanks, as always, for your wit and insight; truly a joy to read every time. Happy Holidays.

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The people you banned weren't trolling no matter how many times you repeat it. Honest readers will recognise this and recognise you.

It's your blog and you can do what you want but now some of us know that you don't actually walk the walk.

I can assure you you didn't need to put a please come back in 7 days message, you've shown who you are. Why come back?

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I didn't put a "come back in 7 days" message in. Substack does that. My personal farewell message to anti-Semites is ... eat a bag of shit. I have zero interest in "walking your walk."

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Are you going to refund me, seeing as how I valued your insight enough to pay a year in advance?

Trust me, I have no interest in coming back even if that's what you did mean. And yes, I know you don't care. I'm not surprised.

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If you thought paying for a Substack subscription entitled you to do whatever it was I banned you for, you badly misjudged me. I don't work for Substack, but if you feel raw about it, you're welcome to contact them and request a refund.

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It's been a while Ceej, but I often write letters out and see if I still feel the same after some thought and reflection. That and, like remembering to call my mom at the same moment I have a phone and some time to do so, the stars are lining up.

The reason why you wrote "whatever it was I banned you for," is because you didn't actually respond to anything that I criticized you for. I raised several points as did countless others about how you were dishonestly portraying the idea behind mass formation.

I was interested in honest dialogue which for reasons I can not figure out, you were not. I could go and copy and paste all of the points I made, and all your strawmen, but why bother since when I and others did so individually, you just resorted to ad hominem attacks, lied some more and even went to the anti-semite smear.

Saying I participated in discussions because I felt entitled is just lazy ad hominem.

I bought your book long before this happened and it is funny to read how you describe what is happening in very similar ways to Desmet.

"After almost two years of mass hysteria..."

"mass conformity to a psychotic official narrative..."

"the phenomenon is better observed in cults and other sub-cultural societal groups." (I guess the cults just hypnotized themselves?)


I reached out to you many months ago you may remember for my brother and his restaurant in Washington D.C. and greatly appreciate that you took the time to speak with him as does he. There aren't many people as honest and principled as he.

What it was that you banned me for was pointing out your dishonesty, and entitled to do so would be the wrong way to describe it. I did expect to be treated more respectfully as someone who supported you, and who had previous interactions with you that clearly demonstrated my character and committment to fighting for what is right. Instead I got "wHY u mAd" and go ask someone who cares response. I do agree that I badly misjudged you. Good luck going forward...

No need to ban me, I ending my subscription immediately though I'd paid for a year.

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Ill-concealed whining cum amateur attempt at shaming & guilt-trapping <-- It only took an honest reader a few short moments to recognise 😂

Merry Xmas nonetheless in spite of just because! 🎄🙂

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I noticed how you failed to actually point out how I was wrong.

I'm such an amateur, it should be easy. You just have to remove your lips from CJ's ass to do so.

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Good for ya to notice stuff! Your high horse sure helps 😂 Lo, nice scenery over here; hard to leave, innit? 😏

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This is called ad hominem. It's the preferred tool of those without reason. I politely gave you a chance to support your previous ad hominem and you responded with more.

Thanks and Merry Solstice to you Dee.

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OMG Thank you so much, I laughed till I had tears. It is as if you peered into my mind. The latest in Canada, a junk science paper published in a med journal as well as all our Pravda papers that we unclean, unvaxxed are DANGEROUS DRIVERS. Considering the fact we were not allowed on train,plane nor bus we HAD to drive. Some of the dangerous drivers were unvaxxed pedestrians and unvaxxed passengers as you can be doing those activities whilst DRIVING apparently.

Thanks again,will buy your book or upgrade but sending extra $ to a paralyzed young mother, yes from the shot. Off now to blast through every stop sign I see😀

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Borrow or steal my book and help the paralyzed mother ... I'm OK.

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Funded by the Canadian government, no less…

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Dr. John Campbell (you tube) took it apart with some expert help in statistics. Harsh words at the end for him. He said it was “bunk”.

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There have been a number of incidents involving "vaxxed" bus drivers, pilots, etc., collapsing on the job and causing or nearly causing accidents.

This inversion is simply the latest example in a long list of many others from the McMedia.

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Did the auto accidents report assess how many of the people causing the crashes were wearing face diapers? (depleting their oxygen and dealing with excess carbon dioxide.... which affects brain functioning)

Just curious...

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Take a look at Dr John Campbell video on you tube. He takes it apart. Glaring omissions also it cannot be investigated as the data source is hidden. The face diaper is not addressed. Problem is only the original false messaging will remain in peoples minds,very few investigate or see the dismantling of these junk “studies”. Laughable at this point.

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Beware of the oncoming motorist who might have been jabbed! He/she might suffer the new fad = Sudden Unexpected Death Syndrome, brought about by too much Pfizer et al.

The same goes for air travel. If you're unlucky to have been jabbed and are allowed to get on a plane, you'd better hope they've got extra flight crew just in case of another POST VAX SADS SIDS (Sudden Instant Death Syndrome) another vax related health problem. It's rife out there - and getting worse by the day!

The New World Order (WEF) now control the redundant and now criminally inept World Health Organisation and are preparing the next Viral nightmare to be released upon humanity to sell even more USELESS but DEADLY injections (called 'vaccines'). To be announced by the obsolete and now criminal WHO.

Does anybody really believe any Pfizer 'in house' data? It's all about PROFIT so the Post Vax DEATHS & Injuries are minimised, hidden, mis-appropriated, 'lost', or ignored.

IVERMECTIN works! Decades of stats prove it really is SAFE & EFFECTIVE against Viral diseases.

Covid Vax DOES NOT WORK against Covid and can be DEADLY! It's really just a Cull of humanity!

We must all deny the credibility of the recently restructured World Health Organisation which, since being 'taken over' by Bill Gates (now the biggest benefactor = influencer) has lost its independent Health Mission and status. The WHO is now just a marketing arm of Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (although Melinda's has now jumped ship!). Working in unison with the WEF (New World Order).

The WHO now has no credibility and is now a meaningless part of World Health issues.

We, the public, deny all involvement and credibility of the 'expired World Health Organisation' and refuse to acknowledge their 'New World Order' control processes they intend to impose upon humanity - for the purpose of inventing non-existent Scamdemics, the imposition of (deadly) injections called VACCINES and other control methods such as lock-downs and mask-wearing!

'LIABILITY' must be reintroduced as COMMON SENSE for all medicine makers that continue to foist deadly injections into human beings without the consequence of Injuries or DEATHS that follow the process! It's nothing more than a 'LICENCE to KILL'.

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed because I can join dots.

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Kerry Sills: I refuse to wear my seatbelt around town now.

I'm glad I'm not the only one with Delayed Onset Oppositional Defiance Disorder

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The same people who believe the dangerous driver nonsense are those who line up for the next booster.

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Unfortunately, I do not think that the Gaslit will become unGaslit.

They don’t seem to have any capacity or willingness to look into the lies

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If you admit the facts to yourself, you have to make some uncomfortable choices, choices that can lead to very real and very personal consequences. If nothing else, you will suffer a guilty conscience..

If you pretend that all is well, you can avoid that confrontation, avoid consequences, and you can tell yourself that you are only doing what everyone else is doing.

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Just watched Yuri Bezmenov interview on YT, he predicted this. We are f’d.

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Yep - and all it takes is one generation and you can change everything :( Doomed, indeed!

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Well, you know what Mark Twain said: It's easier to fool people than to convince them they've been fooled. And people who consider themselves intellectually superior are easy pickings for any con artist who's just like them.

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The cognitive dissonance is severe. They can't admit to themselves that they willingly of their own volition took themselves to be injected with the damaging poison. Nor can they admit that they fell for all the lies. Many of them bear down even more on the propaganda, insisting it must be the truth and continue to poison themselves. Any information that indicates otherwise, must be rejected. This was all part of the evil plan I'm sure. It's the saddest thing I've ever seen in my life.

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"... he bought himself a couple of independent journalists "

Reminds me of the bad old joke about the guy who asks a girl if she'd go to bed with him for a million dollars. She says she would. He then asks if she'd do it for one dollar and she responds,

"No. What do you think I am?

He retorts, "We've already established that. Now we're haggling over the price."

Bari Weiss and Matt Taibbi are whores.

Probably very well paid whores.

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"Professionals" would be more polite. It's a pretty old profession.

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No disrespect intended toward the hardworking women in the oldest profession.

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Or scared. Or maybe realize that dumping all that info at once would be catastrophic

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"It’s possible that I’m not describing it correctly. As his devoted fans have repeatedly informed me, I don’t understand the nuances of Desmet’s theory. He explained it all on the Alex Jones show, while he was lying, which he does, repeatedly, but … whatever. I’m not a professor of psychology. The point is, the Covidian Cultists were all hypnotized! No one was threatening or gaslighting the masses! The poor confused things were doing it to themselves!" --

Correct that you are not describing it correctly. The misportrayal of Desmet's thesis contains a logical fallacy in that nowhere does he assert that gaslighting is not happening, that threats were not real, that 'it's all in your head'. He is explaining the phenomena of groupthink in complex terms perhaps, too easily misinterpreted by people too easily triggered into irrationality by confronting such a delicate topic of mass formation. He shows clearly how the populace is manipulated by fear-mongering, gaslighting, threatening behaviours and actions from media, government, agencies etc.

Mass reactivity resulting in predictable behavioural results amongst citizens who trust the mainstream, carefully primed and triggered by such as the psychologist groups used to advise media and governments on using 'nudging' to force compliance.

I don't know whether this misportrayal originated with a certain Dr. Breggin, but he is certainly now in a lot of hot water for having propagated that and other slanderous falsehoods in a wrong headed pursuit of chaos agents and controlled opposition. Missed the target by miles, and fell into the sticky trap of helping the gaslighters and official mis/dis info architects. Own goal...

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"Hot water" is a bit of an understatement. Desmet's buddy Dr. Malone has filed a lawsuit against the Breggins for $25,350,000 for the crime of criticizing him and Desmet. Given that the Breggins are in their 70s and 80s, that should tie them up in litigation, or bankruptcy, for the rest of their lives. https://breggin.com/Breggins-Sued-by-Dr-Robert-W-Malone-for-25-million-dollars

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You're getting closer to actually lying now. Desmet is not a part of this lawsuit, nor does Malone have any original research or expertise on mass formation.

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Apparently, you're just as much of a slippery liar as Desmet. Read the Complaint. It cites quotes like these (from Dr. Breggin's articles/statements criticizing Desmet) as examples of alleged "defamation," for which Dr. Malone is seeking $25,350,000 in damages ... (1) "The Desmet/Malone concepts are a dangerous smokescreen that blinds us to the real threat against all of us — organized totalitarian globalists.” (2) "Dr. Malone is the 'chief supporter' of Mattias Desmet, 'a leading apologist for political mass murderers'”. (3) “Desmet and Malone’s [mass formation psychosis] concept deflect, discourage and undermine attempts to place the blame directly on global predators who have been committing mass murder under the guise of COVID-19.” ... You can agree or disagree with Breggin, or Malone, or Desmet, or me, but the content and intent of Dr. Malone's lawsuit is clear. It is intended to punish (i.e., financially ruin) Breggin because he publicly criticized Malone and Desmet and his theory. Malone could have simply addressed and countered Breggin's criticism (like an honorable person), or just ignored it. Instead, he's paying a lawyer to try to ruin the man's life.

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So? If Malone followed Desmet and bastardized Desmet's theory (which he did by calling it "psychosis" which Desmet never used) how does that make Desmet guilty by association? It was Malone (who I've never trusted or liked) who glommed into Desmet without anyones approval. I've always resented Malone for that, but you can't make Desmet guilty of Malone'a sins. I'm not sure why you do that, it baffles me, because otherwise I have nothing but respect for you. I mean Charles Manson loved The Beach Boys, are The Beach Boys guilty of mass murder?

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Keep it up with the strawman crap, and I'll ban you. I'm in that kind of mood.

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I've been in that kind of a mod for days.

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Yeah, this is an incredibly sad & disturbing development. My spidey sense went off on Dr. Malone when he first stepped onto the scene, but he’s contributed a lot to the cause. One concern was why did he have handlers with him for the Rogan show & why was he being tipped off by the CIA during early days of Wuhan? He appears to be an intelligence asset & a damned good one at that.

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I agree. I don't purport to know exactly why Malone is suing Breggin, but I also had a general sense of something being off about Malone from the start.

The points made here about Desmet are good. Regardless of his actual intent, the idea that those aiding and abetting this tyranny are not consciously doing so is soft serve of the worst kind.

After spending two years locked out of society here in Germany, I see no reason whatsoever to give the enablers and hall monitors any amnesty. Had they gotten us into the metaphorical (or even literal in some places) cattle cars, most would have either enjoyed the process or simply shrugged their shoulders.

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Yeah, I'd like to know why he's so litigious ?? He even threatened to sue 'Health Freedom for Humanity' which had to close shop due to the dissension it triggered. It's such a shame that there is so much divisiveness among people who are basically on the same side of this issue.

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Well, I warned you. Troll better elsewhere.

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Thanks for wrapping up 2022 with another great piece! Are you aware of Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai calling out Elon as a government agent and being another scumbag globalist? Dr. Shiva was the first to expose the government twitter collusion to censor Americans through a federal lawsuit when Twitter censored Dr. Shiva during his campaign for office in Massachusetts. Complete silence from the mainstream media and even the alternative media until now with this controlled freedom fighting Musk bullshit controlled narrative.


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Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai found out 2 years ago the machinations of our govt with twitter (and facebook and google, etc.). No one listened to him. Not Tucker Carlson, no one.

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Never saying you're sorry will lighten everyone's wallets.

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It's a bloody theory, not gospel! And it's certainly not as important a theory as gravity!

Why do people need to go after the red herring instead of what really matters? Like: We have all been royally had, and we are unlikely to get our rights and freedoms and lives back unless we wake the frick up and say "no"! And pronto!

Everything else is window dressing.

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I know it's like CJ is instigating a "divide and conquer" strategy which I don't understand, unless he's not what we think he is.

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Writers and theorists criticize each other's theories. It's part of how the theory business works. What is weird is your cultish hypersensitivity to criticism of this particular writer.

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And if I didn't admire and respect you and your writing I wouldn't give a shit. I'd write you off as another lying propagandist. But you're not. That's what's frustrating.

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No what is weird is how you don't seem to understand that the Mass Formation is CAUSED by the very people you constantly and righteously criticize. Desmet never said it wasn't caused. This is like someone figuring out how the "magic fire stick" works after seeing people get holes bladed through their heads after someone holds a small device to their heads and there's a Big Bang. He's explaining the very mechanism which the bad guys are using, because the bad guys are VERY bad snd they've figured out human psychology to a point where they can CAUSE a mass formation in the mass population.

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I'm trying hard not to ban you, but you are getting on my nerves. Try to calm down. Sociopolitical/cultural theorists criticize each other. It is a normal thing that happens. Of course I understand Desmet's theory. Any college freshman could. It isn't that complex. I think it's wrong and misleading. I have explained why I think that. Now, stop freaking out in my replies like an apoplectic cultist whose guru I've insulted. You are making a fool of yourself, and annoying me.

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I wasn't referring to CJ. He is allowed to examine and come to his own conclusions. I find it however bizarre that so many readers feel they need to defend "mass formation" to the death. What is it to them? Why are they so invested in someone else's theory? Why not try to skip the divide and see the usable and the flaws in both, for instance? To me, the attachment to "mass formation" seems problematic. Is it a case of justifying disempowerment: because we got hypnotized, we are not responsible for our thoughts and actions? (To a certain degree that may be true, but I prefer to appeal to the human part in each of us...)

I will resist the temptation to follow this tangent, as it would go on for quite a while. But I found this, which might be of interest to you too:


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Sigh....it's not that we feel the need to defend MDs theory, it's that we are dismayed, perplexed, confounded and scratching-our-heads in bewilderment at CJ's vitriol towards MDs theory. It just seems so out of proportion and not calmly rationally scientific, either. It's bizarre. We're all wondering what the hell is reeeeeally going on here...

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I am not sure what is reeeeally going on here, and I am not sure that it greatly matters. I find the infighting is wasted energy and takes away from the core of the message and the real battle we are facing, if we finally find the courage to stand up for ourselves, that it.

Personally, what CJ writes resonates with me, I share a lot of the same sentiments and find his style highly entertaining to boot. That doesn't make me a fan or a groupie, but an appreciative reader who is grateful for every courageous, intelligently dissenting voice. And this CJ certainly is! Outside of that, each one of us has to hone their own skills of discernment to see through the many layers of illusions the matrix traps us in. The guiding light for this battle ought to be the same for all of us on this path, though: personal responsibility and self-empowerment (two sides of the same coin) and ultimately freedom. If we all focused our attention on the essential, maybe we would say "no" more often and through our example teach others to do so. Then we could finally accomplish something en masse! That would have a much larger impact than fighting a keyboard war against this or that element that bothers us about a fellow warrior.

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EXACTLY. Tell that to CJ

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Couldn't agree more, and am very disappointed that CJ fails to understand this. It's weird.

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Agree. Really weird.

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Thank you for this...I read The Psychology of Totalitarianism and agree. Mattias called GloboCap "Elite Technocratic Transhumanists" - he's well aware of what is going on and is just describing the psychological phenomenon - how it works. Because we were all scratching our heads unable to fathom HOW these people cannot see what's going on! Well, he describes how. I like both Mattias and CJ's theories. BothAnd, man!

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The phenomenon of mass formation Dr. Desmet describes is precisely the "Covidian cult" CJ Hopkins describes. And he never dismisses the political intent behind the gaslighting which created the mass formation. "It’s possible that I’m not describing it correctly" is the most honest thing Hopkins says about Desmet's work. And saying Desmet lies repeatedly is a cheap shot. For god's sake, the two of them are in agreement about (1) the three groups of the population -- those caught in the mass formation (or Covidian cult), those complying to avoid trouble, and the resistance. (2) They both agree the symptoms of this phenomenon are similar to the development of a cult. (3) They both point to the growth of totalitarian governments as a cult on a societal scale, with this latest example being on an int'l scale. So I do not understand why Hopkins feels the urge to discredit Dr. Desmet. I am disappointed in him, as much as I otherwise enjoy his writing.

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I "feel the urge" to criticize Desmet (who is not a doctor, by the way, except perhaps in your mind) because (a) he's a liar, who discredits himself, (b) he was appointed intellectual poster boy of the anti-New Normal movement, so it matters that he's a liar, and a fraud, and (c) he pathologizes the political phenomenon that is totalitarianism and thus misleads people into false beliefs about what it is and how it works (which is kind of exactly the opposite of what I have been trying to do for the last two and a half years). I hope that clears things up for you.

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If he's all of these things, you wouldn't have to misrepresent him or mass formation to take either down

Yet here we are with you threatening to ban people with reasonable critiques, some who appreciated your insight so much they paid you for it, because...

Oh nevermimd if you've not yet been edging towards conciliatoriness by now...

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Maybe he misleads you, but he doesn't mislead me or anyone else I know. Not sure why you and others have such a hair up your asses about him. You seem to think he's guilty of the sins of Malone (who is an untrustworthy egomaniac) but Desmet has nothing to do with Malone except in your mind. I don't get why you seem to suffer from this attachment.

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The point (IMO at least) is that he is a distraction, regardless of his intent. He is shifting the focus away from the psychotics behind the push toward the global digital plantation.

A loss of focus is exactly what the psychotics wish to see happen; many of the techniques they use to "flood the town square" are meant to achieve exactly this.

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No, he's not, his theory is about how and why people could FALL FOR such an obvious manipulation. Because we'll always have psychotics trying to exploit human weakness and stupidity and prejudice, but this thing was something different altogether, something that happens only a few times each century, and every time in the past it has happened, we all look back at it and say "how could the masses have fallen for this obvious bullshit?" That's important. Figuring out how and why people CAN be manipulated and brainwashed to such a self-destructive degree. It's vital, in fact, so we can avoid it in the future and recognize it when it's being imposed upon us by those psychopaths. I don't see what's so hard to understand about this. Mass formation is CAUSED. He never claimed it wasn't CAUSED. Caused by psychopaths.

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I don't agree that this is a special situation, other than the sheer scale of what we are witnessing. What we saw with the willingness (and even desire) among many to follow orders and punish the "other" was largely the desire to be part of the crowd.

People were fearful about taking a different path. This behavior at the macro level is mirrored at the micro level all the time (in schools, workplaces, sports, groups of friends, etc.). It is, unfortunately, human nature. There is a hierarchy. The larger group follows the leader or leaders, and they keep each other in line via social pressure; they do so because they cannot risk a negative reaction from the group. Many people knew very well that what they were and are still doing was and is wrong, but the ability to break out of the perceived mainstream is simply not possible for them, as they do not have the character to do so.

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Good stuff. But wrong about Desmet, I think...he does never suggest that "no one was threatening or gaslighting the masses" to my understanding, but rather he evokes how this New Normal Reich (as you call it) was able to gain foothold and lob their truncheon among so many of our friends and colleagues. In other words, how the masses were stoked to prepare for this onslaught. Makes sense to me. Otherwise, I look forward to your continued critical and comic appraisals of these times. Thanks.

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"he does never suggest..."

We have been telling this to CJ for months yet he keeps repeating it. It's puzzling.

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Thanks, CJ! I love you, man. Not quite to the level of “I’d have babies with you if you’d let me” but...grateful for your light shining in the darkness. Or your darkness balancing the bright, strobing blue light of GloboCap’s omnipresent media empire.

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I love CJ too. Too old to have his babies, but damn, his writing is the truth in the darkness.

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Once again, so well done. Thank you. I can count on you CJ to keep me on the right track. I find myself, at times, to actually be gaslighted...thankfully not in a big way, but a tad. I do not want to be even a tad gaslit. It always helps me to read your work in keeping my head clear.

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Well, there is a diabolic pact between the masses and their leaders, isn't there? Commenting on the Desmet mass formation. Of course there was the plan and the roll-out, but why for God's sake do the masses go along? If we don't? I find mass-formation or hypnoses is some kind of an answer. The ultimate devastating insoluble problem for me is not the evil promulgated by globocop and corporatetocracy but by the masses (i.e. my old friends and family) going along. Turning into zombies. Refusing any kind of intelligent conversation about what is going on. Because they b e l i e v e in the cult.

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You're supposed to believe the world is black and white and that no one who 'goes along' has any agency. Which leads to incredible insights such as 'bad people do bad things'.

Mass formation points out the cultists, and doesn't mistake them for other cohorts. But then the world wouldn't be black and white - can't have that, can we?

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Most go along out of fear.

Some also want to be part of those creating the fear. Little Eichmanns.

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“…on a moment-by-moment basis, between robotic obedience and impotent rage…”

Wow! That is a brilliant way to state it!

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Firstly Merry and Happy Everything Mr. Hopkins! A writer I am not so please forgive me - although I agree with everything you say - I really beleive this all started with Bill Clinton lying to the entire world when he looked into the camera and said he did NOT HAVE SEX with that woman!

It was from that moment on that lying became almost status quo - like a badge of honor. He was the one that I beleive crossed the line - where people became completely devoid of all consciousness and absolutely no regard for the truth! I remember growing up as a kid and when someone lied you not only knew it but immediately thought less of them as did the person telling the lie! Something known as guilt!

But it was with Clinton the lying commenced like never before - there was a small whiff of gaslighting but nothing like the degree it's become - hearing what Fauci said about there being nothing wrong with the vaccines on TV recently when he actually scoffed at the mere thought immediately conjured up thoughts of Bill Clinton!

Gaslighting is perhaps becoming to muddled of a term perhaps we should call it the Bill Clinton disease so it at least becomes associated with something disparaging! I mean technically all these bastards are sociopaths - who actually beleive the lies they spew! And of course we now live in the most solipsistic world to have ever existed.

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Clinton may have laid the foundation, but it was Bush II and his puppeteer Dick Cheney who said the quiet part out loud that reality is whatever they said it was. Then Jeff Bezos bought WaPo for the CIA, and here we are.

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Here in the UK we have people who genuinely think that the whole of the issues in Northern Ireland were exactly as Thatcher said they were and the Empire was a glorious thing.

These people queued up for over 24 hours in some cases to walk past the dead queen box.

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If the FBI use Twitter to monitor people why would they want people banned? It just means they can't monitor them. Has Elon come into the picture so that everyone they want monitoring comes back to Twitter?

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The alphabettis monitor us regardless of where we post. They just want us separated from the muppets so that we don't wake them from their slumber.

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It's not a simple as having people banned, which was actually much rarer than people think. What was more often done was shadow-banning—ensuring certain people, regardless of follower count or celebrity, did get seen very often. Or that posts inimical to the official narrative that started getting too much response suddenly disappeared, as with the Hunter Biden laptop story. Outright banning usually only happens if all of the other tools failed to do the job.

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Outright banning was actually common. Look at how many were banned even though they had quite a few followers - Jessica Rose, David Thunder, Michael P. Senger, El Malo Gato etc. That's apart from Berenson, McCullough, Kirsch, Naomi Wolf, Malone who had far more followers and more name recognition but were also banned. People with less than 5k followers were banned at an even higher rate than any of those names since they would have been deemed completely unimportant.

Shadow banning is more for important accounts or for people like Jay Battarchaya or Martin Kuldorff who are professors of repute. These people would be shadow-banned because people would have raised an eyebrow at the banning of a Stanford or a Harvard professor.

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Yes....Matt Taibi once called 911 Truthers dickheads....

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Tried to find that, no avail, but did find a thread where he indicates his disinterest in being involved in investigating the event. Mainly although he agrees that the official story is bunk, made up mendacity, he states his adherence to an essential paradigm of journalism which is "follow the evidence". The event was masterfully planned, as such there is precious little evidence, none for all practical purposes. (http://911truthnews.com/matt-taibbi-of-course-weve-been-lied-to-about-911) I don't really understand the antipathy yet...

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Here is some reading material of perhaps not his calling 9/11 truthers dicks but himself being a gigantic dick to one of the greatest 9/11 truthers of all time.

Matt Taibbi has been carrying water for years for the US government.


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I tend to agree. He has a history of sitting on the fence and jumping in when it is safe, after others have taken flak.

He displayed the same behavior during "Covid." Keep in mind, this entire fraud was based on a test that does not work. And no one has ever seen an isolate of "Covid-19"; all that exists is an in-silico (computer approximation) mockup.

This is the greatest fraud in human history.

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I can think of a greater one - 8” per mile squared - but that one even most truther cannot come to terms with.

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Curvature drop?

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I have read Desmet's book, and chapter 8, "Conspiracy and Ideology", is the important one with regard to the controversy. He says on page 131 that there are certainly all kinds of steering and manipulation being inflicted on the masses. But he does go on to say that this steering is driven by an ideology, an ideology that is mechanistic in nature. So he seems to be saying that the ideology is the thing that is really running the show, i.e., it's running the elite, the leaders who run GloboCap. This is one area where Desmet and CJ do not agree; if I understand correctly, "The Rise of the New Normal Reich" argues that the GloboCap is actually ideology-free.

Desmet also goes on to say that these elite give the people what they want. I'm not sure I agree with this. Instead, I agree with CJ that it's the incessant gaslighting that has brainwashed people into thinking they want what the elites are selling them.

So while I found Desmet's book useful for understanding why people were already conditioned to accept the gaslighting, it's not the whole story. CJ's book fills in the gaps for me.

I will say that I find Malone's involvement in this controversy very disturbing. People should be able to debate and criticize each other's ideas freely without threats of financial ruin.

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Thank you for your intelligent reply. GloboCap is not really ideology-free (or, rather, it is, but only technically). It has replaced ideology with "reality," which assumes the prior function of ideology. This essay explores that in some detail (https://consentfactory.org/2021/09/02/the-covidian-cult-part-iii/) as does the introductory chapter of my book, The Rise of the New Normal Reich.

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The real test of the "Twitter Files" will be the Covid stuff. Interesting interview recently on "The UnHerd" podcast with Dr Jay Bhattacharya, who was invited by Musk to look at his "Twitter files." Bhattacharya was one of many in the medical profession whose criticisms of lockdowns and the like got them suppressed on Social Media. Of course, True Believers just wanna True Believe. Excellent point on DeSmet's "psychological" rendering of what was a politico-economic Pandemic Regime...

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For some interesting historical references and other insight into the term "Gaslight" https://www.corbettreport.com/gaslight-flnwo-08/

"In this edition of Film, Literature and the New World Order we welcome Thomas Sheridan, author of The Anvil of the Psyche, to discuss Gaslight, the 1940 British psychological thriller that introduced us to the concept of 'gaslighting.' In the discussion we point out how common gaslighting is, ask "Are you being gaslighted?", talk about techniques for defending oneself from gaslighting, and talk about how this technique is used on a societal level by the psychopaths at the top of the pyramid."

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