"But I am going to focus more on my fiction and less on trying to get through to people … to get them to recognize where we are headed.
It didn’t work with the Covidian cultists, and it’s not going to work with the MAGA and Musk cultists. It was arrogant and stupid of me to imagine that it could."
We are aligning our knowing, wealth, adaptability and resilience with that of the forest.. following in our ancestors footsteps and augmenting their wisdom with modern understanding.
We are globally distributed, decentralized and we will not comply.
We draw our strength from the living Earth and give our strength to her in return. We will not use their digital currencies, we will not accept their edicts or threats as legitimate. We boycott all corporate thugs and we are legion.
Let the transhumanists obsess over their toys, brain chips and corrupt government systems... we will sever our ties to their flimsy top heavy empires and grow our communities independent of them. We will build a solid foundation of humility, courage, biomimicry and integrity and when the towers of hubris and greed come crashing down, we will compost them and plant the seeds for that which is yet to be seen on the face of the Earth.
Hi, Gavin! So good to see you! I re-subscribed after having a LOT of trouble "out here" in the so-called "Real World." I tried to get back with those pages I loved, but I couldn't remember them all, and HERE YOU ARE!!! Yay! Hope you're doing alright, old friend. xo xo
Thank you for your work, CJ. I gratefully read it to my teenager to help him cast a critical eye upon the world. Just last week I found myself explaining to some friends that I am “post-partisan” a term I wasn’t sure was a thing, but I needed to try to convey my inability or maybe it’s an unwillingness to go all-in with any of the streams of “information” that are being delivered to me via the “right” or the “left.” One of the tells that raises my antennae for bs is when things look too easy. Like if all the “good guys” suddenly take over, I start watching my back for the rear guard that’s going to take me out. Soldier in a past life? Ghetto adolescence redux in middle age? Epigenetics from my long dead war-traumatized European ancestors? Not sure but I know that tech bros are brutal, and I haven’t forgotten 20th century history and the way that IBM and other tech titans helped grease the slick and efficient wheels of war. Me and my family will keep reading your writing in whatever form you craft it in. I am grateful for your courage, wit, insights, and honesty. May we all find new avenues to our common humanity.
We can admit to losing a battle or two but still must try to regroup, reassess and persevere in the war for humanity and truth. You've got many allies, as apparently weak as we appear and feel individually.
I know this sounds trite and naive but I get great strength and motivation from study of the Bible, particularly those teachings of Jesus.
Many of us love you CJ. Please keep up your great work. Don't let those mindless, inhuman fuckers and money changers get you down.
It was your writings, your biting sarcasm and your consistent exposure of the malevolence happening over the last five years (Five f...ng years!) that kept me smiling and inspired. I don't believe for a minute you are "defeated."
Dear CJ, its always an excitement when your post arrives in my inbox, and today was no exception. I haven't ever experienced the kind of negative, escalating to outright menacing, feedback that you described. I'll spend some time trying to put myself in that place.
However I have experienced that 'alone in the wilderness' thing since I was in my teens and realised that the overwhelming majority of my fellow citizens were living 'fake' lives.
I've spent a lifetime sifting the fake from the genuine, questioning why things got to such a state, and experimenting with what might shift the balance to 'being real'.
The first article of yours that I came across had me squealing with happiness and relief, and despite the currency exchange from NZ I've been buying you a coffee ever since.
It doesn't sound to me like you've actually 'surrendered', more like that you've finally been pushed back from the front line from sheer battle fatigue. Um, even though I'm a peace activist I've been following the 'war news' since the first 'public fear message' on Radio New Zealand in January of 2020. So I can talk a little military lingo now, and its totally a thing that all warriors need to be rotated from the front line for R & R, and after that they are called 'battle hardened, and therefore more dangerous and resilient.
One insight i've picked up is that 'fake' is a function that's adopted to shield the vulnerable from the existential terror of being excluded from the pack. I learnt this from a retired gangster when I asked him what were they afraid of that drove them to assaulting their women. After a moment he replied 'afraid of being alone'. These dudes were terrifying! And this man had been a Pres of the gang!
So I'm messaging you to express my unending gratitude for helping me feel less alone in the midst of this madness, for helping me see thru some of the fog, and laugh out loud in the middle of it.
I can assure you that your success is the substance of your offerings, and the power and quality of them is evidenced by the intensity of the freakouts from the terrified.
Thanks so much for that excellent excerpt. You hit many, many nails on the head without a single ricochet in a wrong direction. That passage is the publishing industry, the celebrity culture, and the numismatic madness of our times in a nutshell. Keep it coming.
Don't underestimate your impact, CJ. While I confess not to being un-upset with the swing in the opposite direction (after all, I was ostracised and gaslit and pilloried by own unquestioning and rabid leftist family and friends, dammit), I am now fully aware of the wider picture, thanks to you. Seriously. Your covid writing - angry and dark as much of it is - was the most seminal in helping me understand and getting me up to speed.
You are understandably tired, wrung out, and still see the slow train. If it helps, I envisage that the upcoming times will be all about our lefty brethren desperately getting up to speed, whilst we catch a breath. Who knows - maybe you'll have a new audience 😉.
At any rate, I hope this is some small salve. What we've learnt to recognise isn't going to disappear. We are pattern-recognition creatures, after all. Don't write us off entirely.
Like James Corbett says in his little ant analogy - once we learn to recognise the forwardists/backwardists (left/right) - we start to see that this is more about the uppists/downists (elites/libertarians).
Ouch! I did snarkle a few times, just as I always do in your plays! I wholeheartedly support your decision to concentrate on your writing. Don't look back. Write another play. That's what I am going to do. It will be good for my soul and we only have this one life on this piece of rock.
Damn! I finally (think I) know about which century Zone 23 takes place in! Although I’m not sure I wanted to know, because one of the cool things in “Zone 23” is that history has been thwarted into oblivion.
Anyway, anxiously awaiting my pre-ordered copy of your second (not so fictional) work of fiction!
And, fuck no… you are not defeated. Whenever people stop listening or reading or watching, when they “unfriend” you after insulting and/or threatening you, when they smear you while you are not around; it only means the clouds are getting fewer. The sky gets brighter. All we need to do is hold on tighter…
(Oh, I sort of fell into quoting some old Chinese proverbs I just invented, sorry about that).
Ray Dalio said in his recent interview with Tucker Carlson (keep your judgments to yourselves please) that 60% of Americans have 6th grade or lower reading comprehension. That's astounding! Only thirty million Americans, he said, have post-graduate university degrees (not that they are the end all and be all, but they are a measure of some level of intelligence). Although it bears stating that while these numbers are higher in Canada and Britain, people still jumped on the Thought-control Train as quickly as most Americans did and according to some studies, the more highly educated people were the most vociferous in their demand that we all "comply" with the prescribed mandates and conform to their thinking. I blame the lack of REAL education - education in CRITICAL thinking and this fucking desire so many people have to be part of a tribe. Fear of being "alone" in their thinking and actions is more than most people can bear sadly. Sorry...this is just a rant...I'm looking forward to reading your piece when I have more time to give it the attention it deserves, but I am with you in your frustration. NOTE: ChatGPT says that 100 million Americans (40%) have college degrees. Hmm, these stats don't add up.
I think there might be more non-Maga/Musk cultists than you realize. They just don't always have the loudest voices. Again, I highly recommend Paul Kingsnorth, but also places like the Wagon Box in Wyoming and their substack. There are also folks like Naomi Wolf, Katherine Austin Fitts, or Whitney Webb.
In general, I think the initial honeymoon phase with Musk will wear off, the groups will fracture, since sooner or later the Trump/Musk union will turn sour. Unlike with Covid and it's fervent covidians , I believe it's ok to sit on the sidelines until then as a spectator and hopefully the damage of Musk's actions won't be too great or irreversible in the meantime.
Joe, do you see Musk as separate and apart from Trump? Do you believe that Musk’s and Trump’s goals diverge? I’m really curious about this. I personally believe they are closely aligned. Apparently a lot of others don’t see it that way (sort of a throwback to the idea that Trump was totally tricked by Pfizer and Fauci and all of his advisors. Just a poor gullible president).
I don't believe Trump was tricked by Fauci. Trump possibly listened to his son-in-law a bit too much, but in general, I think Trump is vain and loves publicity. Fauci and the vax gave him that. Just like Musk now does too. But I think eventually Musk's and Trump's' personalities and interests will clash. I see Trump as a huckster but Musk is a bit more ambiguous to read.
Musk is a midwit actor playing his part, just like Trump is playing his. SpaceX is a fraud, just as NASA was a fraud. Meant to steal money from the tax payers, just like the MIC and their made up wars. Remember that both red and blue make purple, and purple has ruled for thousands of years. Infiltration and deception are their tools of control. If its on the MSM its a lie, yet everyone buys into it and believes what they see is the truth. Makes you wonder why CGI has gotten worse in the past decade.
I just upgraded to a paying subscription as a way of showing solidarity & also because I wanted to leave a comment, which is that you shouldn't risk your own well being again and again for people to see. The work of being independent minded and free in our thought is our own work to undertake. I understand the value of speaking up and out and am grateful to you for your tenacity, clarity, and withering sarcasm, too, but after a point, after reaching the small number who are capable of changing their minds or seeing the light or whatever, the sheep can't be unsheeped. I don't think there is a will or wish to be, is there? The safety, security, and validation of one's own life lies are just too much to give up. Sheep aren't daring themselves to take up the rigors of truth. And yet, many people are thinkers and seekers, and I'm sure there are many who are watching and waiting at this moment of time. Take care of your health. It's worth it. And perhaps it will be that the clear-eyed come out of the woodwork when most needed. We can hope a little still, I think, in that strenuous hopeless way of all true hope...
I appreciate that immensely. I am least likely pay on Stack sites that ban "freeloaders" as some do even from reading comments. It seems cultish and arrogant. And are not comments, especially those well-thought-out and on-topic, in themselves valuable to the site and thus of course its author? There is nothing I do not like about yours!
Please do not be discouraged. Our true nature has one fight for one's own sense of right even if everyone else is opposed. Not to is to implicitly give up on oneself simply because humanity is not acting as one believed it should. Our natural reasoned aim is surely to find joy in struggle itself! Where the hell else could it reliably be found? And as the more the merrier. Your still-struggling-not-to-struggle-against-having-to-struggle fan!
"But I am going to focus more on my fiction and less on trying to get through to people … to get them to recognize where we are headed.
It didn’t work with the Covidian cultists, and it’s not going to work with the MAGA and Musk cultists. It was arrogant and stupid of me to imagine that it could."
I thank you for doing it anyway.
These cultists and techno-optimist/techo-tyrants have nothing on ancient forest power my friends.
We are aligning our knowing, wealth, adaptability and resilience with that of the forest.. following in our ancestors footsteps and augmenting their wisdom with modern understanding.
We are globally distributed, decentralized and we will not comply.
We draw our strength from the living Earth and give our strength to her in return. We will not use their digital currencies, we will not accept their edicts or threats as legitimate. We boycott all corporate thugs and we are legion.
Let the transhumanists obsess over their toys, brain chips and corrupt government systems... we will sever our ties to their flimsy top heavy empires and grow our communities independent of them. We will build a solid foundation of humility, courage, biomimicry and integrity and when the towers of hubris and greed come crashing down, we will compost them and plant the seeds for that which is yet to be seen on the face of the Earth.
Join us.
We will resist and plant the seeds for that which will replace their top heavy systems of fear and hubris.
Hi, Gavin! So good to see you! I re-subscribed after having a LOT of trouble "out here" in the so-called "Real World." I tried to get back with those pages I loved, but I couldn't remember them all, and HERE YOU ARE!!! Yay! Hope you're doing alright, old friend. xo xo
Glad to have you with us again.
Hope you are able to alchemize those problems into solutions in disguise this year through a shift in perspective.
Thanks for the comment(s).
My perspective seems to shift every few days or so…. ;)
And PS... RIGHT ON!!!
Thank you for your work, CJ. I gratefully read it to my teenager to help him cast a critical eye upon the world. Just last week I found myself explaining to some friends that I am “post-partisan” a term I wasn’t sure was a thing, but I needed to try to convey my inability or maybe it’s an unwillingness to go all-in with any of the streams of “information” that are being delivered to me via the “right” or the “left.” One of the tells that raises my antennae for bs is when things look too easy. Like if all the “good guys” suddenly take over, I start watching my back for the rear guard that’s going to take me out. Soldier in a past life? Ghetto adolescence redux in middle age? Epigenetics from my long dead war-traumatized European ancestors? Not sure but I know that tech bros are brutal, and I haven’t forgotten 20th century history and the way that IBM and other tech titans helped grease the slick and efficient wheels of war. Me and my family will keep reading your writing in whatever form you craft it in. I am grateful for your courage, wit, insights, and honesty. May we all find new avenues to our common humanity.
We can admit to losing a battle or two but still must try to regroup, reassess and persevere in the war for humanity and truth. You've got many allies, as apparently weak as we appear and feel individually.
I know this sounds trite and naive but I get great strength and motivation from study of the Bible, particularly those teachings of Jesus.
Many of us love you CJ. Please keep up your great work. Don't let those mindless, inhuman fuckers and money changers get you down.
'You've got many allies, as apparently weak as we appear and feel individually.'
That's right. Stay strong!
Love and endless gratitude to you CJ. You were an integral part of my “enlightenment”during the first 5 years.
It was your writings, your biting sarcasm and your consistent exposure of the malevolence happening over the last five years (Five f...ng years!) that kept me smiling and inspired. I don't believe for a minute you are "defeated."
Dear CJ, its always an excitement when your post arrives in my inbox, and today was no exception. I haven't ever experienced the kind of negative, escalating to outright menacing, feedback that you described. I'll spend some time trying to put myself in that place.
However I have experienced that 'alone in the wilderness' thing since I was in my teens and realised that the overwhelming majority of my fellow citizens were living 'fake' lives.
I've spent a lifetime sifting the fake from the genuine, questioning why things got to such a state, and experimenting with what might shift the balance to 'being real'.
The first article of yours that I came across had me squealing with happiness and relief, and despite the currency exchange from NZ I've been buying you a coffee ever since.
It doesn't sound to me like you've actually 'surrendered', more like that you've finally been pushed back from the front line from sheer battle fatigue. Um, even though I'm a peace activist I've been following the 'war news' since the first 'public fear message' on Radio New Zealand in January of 2020. So I can talk a little military lingo now, and its totally a thing that all warriors need to be rotated from the front line for R & R, and after that they are called 'battle hardened, and therefore more dangerous and resilient.
One insight i've picked up is that 'fake' is a function that's adopted to shield the vulnerable from the existential terror of being excluded from the pack. I learnt this from a retired gangster when I asked him what were they afraid of that drove them to assaulting their women. After a moment he replied 'afraid of being alone'. These dudes were terrifying! And this man had been a Pres of the gang!
So I'm messaging you to express my unending gratitude for helping me feel less alone in the midst of this madness, for helping me see thru some of the fog, and laugh out loud in the middle of it.
I can assure you that your success is the substance of your offerings, and the power and quality of them is evidenced by the intensity of the freakouts from the terrified.
Arohanui from me, Rosalie
Thanks so much for that excellent excerpt. You hit many, many nails on the head without a single ricochet in a wrong direction. That passage is the publishing industry, the celebrity culture, and the numismatic madness of our times in a nutshell. Keep it coming.
Don't underestimate your impact, CJ. While I confess not to being un-upset with the swing in the opposite direction (after all, I was ostracised and gaslit and pilloried by own unquestioning and rabid leftist family and friends, dammit), I am now fully aware of the wider picture, thanks to you. Seriously. Your covid writing - angry and dark as much of it is - was the most seminal in helping me understand and getting me up to speed.
You are understandably tired, wrung out, and still see the slow train. If it helps, I envisage that the upcoming times will be all about our lefty brethren desperately getting up to speed, whilst we catch a breath. Who knows - maybe you'll have a new audience 😉.
At any rate, I hope this is some small salve. What we've learnt to recognise isn't going to disappear. We are pattern-recognition creatures, after all. Don't write us off entirely.
Like James Corbett says in his little ant analogy - once we learn to recognise the forwardists/backwardists (left/right) - we start to see that this is more about the uppists/downists (elites/libertarians).
Go well, CJ. Peace and blessings.
Thank you ... peace and blessings back at you.
Ouch! I did snarkle a few times, just as I always do in your plays! I wholeheartedly support your decision to concentrate on your writing. Don't look back. Write another play. That's what I am going to do. It will be good for my soul and we only have this one life on this piece of rock.
I think I might be done with plays for this lifetime, but I wish you all the best with yours.
Thanks so much, I am determined to give it life despite or maybe because of my excommunicated status in the theater world.
Damn! I finally (think I) know about which century Zone 23 takes place in! Although I’m not sure I wanted to know, because one of the cool things in “Zone 23” is that history has been thwarted into oblivion.
Anyway, anxiously awaiting my pre-ordered copy of your second (not so fictional) work of fiction!
And, fuck no… you are not defeated. Whenever people stop listening or reading or watching, when they “unfriend” you after insulting and/or threatening you, when they smear you while you are not around; it only means the clouds are getting fewer. The sky gets brighter. All we need to do is hold on tighter…
(Oh, I sort of fell into quoting some old Chinese proverbs I just invented, sorry about that).
Ray Dalio said in his recent interview with Tucker Carlson (keep your judgments to yourselves please) that 60% of Americans have 6th grade or lower reading comprehension. That's astounding! Only thirty million Americans, he said, have post-graduate university degrees (not that they are the end all and be all, but they are a measure of some level of intelligence). Although it bears stating that while these numbers are higher in Canada and Britain, people still jumped on the Thought-control Train as quickly as most Americans did and according to some studies, the more highly educated people were the most vociferous in their demand that we all "comply" with the prescribed mandates and conform to their thinking. I blame the lack of REAL education - education in CRITICAL thinking and this fucking desire so many people have to be part of a tribe. Fear of being "alone" in their thinking and actions is more than most people can bear sadly. Sorry...this is just a rant...I'm looking forward to reading your piece when I have more time to give it the attention it deserves, but I am with you in your frustration. NOTE: ChatGPT says that 100 million Americans (40%) have college degrees. Hmm, these stats don't add up.
"Highly educated" does not mean "highly intelligent". It is better described as "highly adjusted to a profoundly sick society".
I think there might be more non-Maga/Musk cultists than you realize. They just don't always have the loudest voices. Again, I highly recommend Paul Kingsnorth, but also places like the Wagon Box in Wyoming and their substack. There are also folks like Naomi Wolf, Katherine Austin Fitts, or Whitney Webb.
In general, I think the initial honeymoon phase with Musk will wear off, the groups will fracture, since sooner or later the Trump/Musk union will turn sour. Unlike with Covid and it's fervent covidians , I believe it's ok to sit on the sidelines until then as a spectator and hopefully the damage of Musk's actions won't be too great or irreversible in the meantime.
Joe, do you see Musk as separate and apart from Trump? Do you believe that Musk’s and Trump’s goals diverge? I’m really curious about this. I personally believe they are closely aligned. Apparently a lot of others don’t see it that way (sort of a throwback to the idea that Trump was totally tricked by Pfizer and Fauci and all of his advisors. Just a poor gullible president).
I don't believe Trump was tricked by Fauci. Trump possibly listened to his son-in-law a bit too much, but in general, I think Trump is vain and loves publicity. Fauci and the vax gave him that. Just like Musk now does too. But I think eventually Musk's and Trump's' personalities and interests will clash. I see Trump as a huckster but Musk is a bit more ambiguous to read.
Musk is a midwit actor playing his part, just like Trump is playing his. SpaceX is a fraud, just as NASA was a fraud. Meant to steal money from the tax payers, just like the MIC and their made up wars. Remember that both red and blue make purple, and purple has ruled for thousands of years. Infiltration and deception are their tools of control. If its on the MSM its a lie, yet everyone buys into it and believes what they see is the truth. Makes you wonder why CGI has gotten worse in the past decade.
"It didn’t work with the Covidian cultists, and it’s not going to work with the MAGA and Musk cultists."
There are plenty of people who aren't members of either cult.
So, simplistic us versus them binary thinking doesn't apply to them.
What does apply to all of the cultists is their cult of personality addiction.
I'm currently reading Zone 23. Fan forever!
Thank You CJ
Thank you, Jim.
I just upgraded to a paying subscription as a way of showing solidarity & also because I wanted to leave a comment, which is that you shouldn't risk your own well being again and again for people to see. The work of being independent minded and free in our thought is our own work to undertake. I understand the value of speaking up and out and am grateful to you for your tenacity, clarity, and withering sarcasm, too, but after a point, after reaching the small number who are capable of changing their minds or seeing the light or whatever, the sheep can't be unsheeped. I don't think there is a will or wish to be, is there? The safety, security, and validation of one's own life lies are just too much to give up. Sheep aren't daring themselves to take up the rigors of truth. And yet, many people are thinkers and seekers, and I'm sure there are many who are watching and waiting at this moment of time. Take care of your health. It's worth it. And perhaps it will be that the clear-eyed come out of the woodwork when most needed. We can hope a little still, I think, in that strenuous hopeless way of all true hope...
Thank you ... and people don't need to have a paid subscription to comment. My comments are always open to everyone.
I appreciate that immensely. I am least likely pay on Stack sites that ban "freeloaders" as some do even from reading comments. It seems cultish and arrogant. And are not comments, especially those well-thought-out and on-topic, in themselves valuable to the site and thus of course its author? There is nothing I do not like about yours!
Please do not be discouraged. Our true nature has one fight for one's own sense of right even if everyone else is opposed. Not to is to implicitly give up on oneself simply because humanity is not acting as one believed it should. Our natural reasoned aim is surely to find joy in struggle itself! Where the hell else could it reliably be found? And as the more the merrier. Your still-struggling-not-to-struggle-against-having-to-struggle fan!