Apparently, I have failed in my previous attempts to discourage creepy, anti-Semitic morons from posting their garbage in my Substack comments, so I'll try this again. If you a creepy, anti-Semitic moron, or any other variety of bigoted moron, and you think that my comments are a forum for your garbage, you are wasting your time. When I see your garbage, I will delete it, and ban you. There are many forums on the Internet where you can freely post your idiotic garbage. This is not one of them.
This touches on a thought that come up in my head when I try and work out what has been happening. Who is behind it? I know some point the finger at bankers but they are not alone at the top pf the pyramid are they? Do you think some old families are still ruling the roost and they are not religious at all apart from worshiping at their own altars, as you have explained so well in your writing.
"Penguin Random House recommends “authenticity readers” to any of its authors who are “writing outside their personal experience” (i.e., using their imaginations),..."
It's all part of bullshit 'identity politics', designed to sidetrack real political thought, analysis and actions into brainless cul-de-sacs, counting the number cunts on the head of a pin, so all real thinking is drowned in a sea of irrelevancies masquerading as real concern for... well dwarfs instead of 'little people', the weight challenged instead of fat or whatever, so while we chase these will o' the wisps', real events go unquestioned. It's like 'fact checkers' isn't it.
grrlrocks - ICYMI To edit comments, just click on the 3 dots after it says "collapse" & then on the edit box that opens up. You can then edit your original post & save the corrections without having to start another post underneath it. And you can edit days later too if you thought of another point or if you re-read it & notice a misspelling. :-)
The standard is their identity credential, with the idea being that once the writer/editor/
publisher get attacked on Twitter for being racist, they can say, Hey, we hired an Official Representative of the Black Community™, so pls don't cancel us.
It's a nice combination of rigid racial hierarchy and Soviet commissar.
Yes, the Inauthenticity of the Imagination---since we humans dreamed this whole GlobalCap thing up, this means we can declare all of it inauthentic, right?
Breaking news: Orwell's classic book 1984 has just been "revised" and "purified" by the sensitivity readers. Here is a brief sneak peak into the new edition. This is the new "revised" scene where Big Brother is holding up fingers and poor Winston is trying to guess how many Big Brother "wants" him to see.
In this new edition Big Brother is totally "Woke" - instead of fingers, Big Brother brings in a trans woman (read - a "woman" with a penis) - and he asks poor "unwoke" Winston - "how many penis's do you see?" Poor Winston knows it's a trick question, but he does his best to answer, he exclaims - "One penis," "no two penis's," "no five," no three!" Finally sobbing and mentally broken "unwoke Winston" simply mutters "I don't know! "I don't know." - at this point in the action "Woke Big Brother" exclaims loudly - "you don't see ANY PENIS'S - THAT'S A VAGINA - YOU FREAKING TRANSPHOBE!"
I could not agree more with your assessment C.J. - any time the entirety of academia, the corporate world, the big NGO's, governments, Media, the military and intelligence services right down to my local YMCA - all start magically singing the same irrational song - and it's a "song" that completely fractures any possibility of solidarity on the so called "left" and really across the entire spectrum of thought - well, it's pretty damn clear that you're being gaslighted big time by the big boys.
None of these endless and dreary arguments about cultural appropriation, whether a white person is allowed to write a novel with black characters and whether it's racist if he doesn't, none of these bull sessions how many LGTBQXYZPDQ can dance on the head of a pin, endless and endlessly performative struggle sessions, none of this changes the power structure of the empire, nor do they change the way the economic pie is sliced.
Put another way - to paraphrase Chris Hedges - elites will gladly discuss race, they will decry gender inequality most piteously, they will demonstrate a touching sensitivity to the rights of sexual and gender minorities so oppressed that they have not been discovered yet. Those same elites will not readily discuss economic class.
Furthermore, they are using all those -isms to avoid criticism and cast blame, not because they care about those populations. If you criticize Kamala Harris' record as a prosecutor, for instance, they want to be able to say that you're really just criticizing her because you're a racist or sexist or both. Have you noticed how many of the noisiest victims in their special populations are actually privileged elites from a class standpoint?
“I can’t wait for the new edition of ‘Fahrenheit 451’ in which the firepersons are depicted as heroes for conducting flaming bonfires of far-right–wing extremist racist antivaxxer misinformation.
You’re right, because the proof is in the pudding, and the pudding is being flung in our faces all day long now with a giant metronome to time the flinging perfectly around the world.
You’re also throwing the baby out with the bath water a bit ( ...and I know you know this because you’re extraordinarily perceptive) because commerce is not evil. The perversion of commerce into a tool to control and oppress everybody on the planet is evil. But at the end of the day I can’t argue with your model or the simple elegance of the bad guys’ plot. Even the Communists are not Communists any more. They’re making money. China is not really Communist. It’s a big corporation with a giant armed security and enforcement division. Russia is also about money. And so are the theocracies of the Middle East. Big problem.
For the record, I enjoy commerce, in both the contemporary and dated meanings of the term. I buy and sell things (and have social dealings with other people) pretty much every day. I'm also fond of babies, and bathwater, if it is hot.
I like the concept of global capitalism as a values erasing movement. Although I've always considered these various social campaigns as an outgrowth of cultural marxism, their agenda has indeed melded seamlessly with capitalist corporate interests at this point. The impulse of the cultural marxists to rewire society to maximize government power and the capitalist impulse to reduce the vast majority of humanity to consumer serf are quite compatible and both involve erasing ideas that don't contribute to their totalizing program, just as you say.
Whenever I consider some new campaign of thought rectification like these shameless rewrites, I now try to consider what the newly imposed ideas are intended to be in opposition to. For instance, LGBTQ, etc. is, in part, an attack on the family and population growth. Open society is an attack on nationalism as it enshrines constitutions that guarantee individual rights held in opposition to government power. The defense of obesity is an attack on health. Many of the other initiatives are to sow discord by splitting everyone into warring tribes over trivialities.
What I have more trouble with is deciding what to do about it all. Certainly I can teach my children to see through the illusions and have a less clouded view of what is really going on around them. On the other hand, simply promoting the values that are important to me and protecting my family and checking out from as much of the impeding system as possible isn't going to contribute much to fixing the situation for the future. Organizing attracts the heavy hand of the police state. Public protest is pointless when the media is fully compromised.
I don't see how big, institutional changes can be made without a lot more people realizing how ill served they are by all of this and I don't see how that can happen short of a major economic crisis or war or other situation that imposes mass hardship.
Those institutions didn’t meld together with cultural Marxism, the cultural marxists (and hard leftists generally) took them over from the top.
Every major institution (private companies and government bureaucracies)has been infiltrated by the Left, and we are seeing the results.
They are now using the combined power and influence of this alliance to impose their will upon society...... without the consent of anyone except themselves.
It’s called fascism......
A good example is Twitter ‘working with’ the FBI, for our own good of course......
Very astutely stated! And it can't be emphasized enough that there was top-down infiltration , well planned and ongoing for decades; it was nothing less than the take-over of hearts and minds on a globalist scale using all manner of lies, deception, authoritarian controls and non-stop propaganda; mass formation or mass hypnosis? that was the EFFECT, not the CAUSE, as more and more of the populace lost hope in the face of loss of personal identity and national sovereignty and started to believe in such dictates as "you will own nothing and be happy" which is equivalent to selling one's soul to the devil.
Fascists aren't only the "Left" or "cultural Marxists"though but include "diverse" political peeps. HAH Little joke, there.
See how the PTB trap us all into thinking something is all "cultural Marxism" or "far-right"??
Just reading the actual definitions of a word help us to see how the words are manipulated. > Fascism refers to "a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader [or complicit "PTB/elites/govts" too], severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition."
Haven't we had authoritarian so-called "fascist rule" under both US parties - the uni-party - for many decades? And since the founding of the US under the "imperial colonization"??
Why blame only one party for this nightmare shit-storm? p.s. Librals are NOT "the Left".
I blame the Left because they are the ones who are responsible.
No one on the right is trying to impose their will on others or getting anything out of this crap. In fact, anyone to the right of Vladimir Lenin is getting stepped on ( censored, marginalized,etc.), by the FBI and ‘Justice’ Department.
Every day there are more revelations of government and corporate wrongdoing, in many cases blatantly breaking federal law, and the Justice Department does nothing.... because the perps are lefties or are favored by those in power (who just happen to be leftists, see how that works?).
I’m not going to play the definitions game. We can all come up with definitions from sources that agree with us. Hitler’s fascism was different from Il Duce’s version. Franco’s was the only one that could be considered as ‘rightist’.
It is generally recognized that fascism involves the government and private industry/big business working together (usually with government being the senior ‘partner ‘) in order to impose their will on society.
It is undeniable that the Left has infiltrated most of the important institutions in this country, public and private.
It is also undeniable that they have used the resulting power, money, and influence to move this country (and much of the West) as far Left as they can.....
Imposing policies that are wrecking our world and from which we may never recover.
You’re damn right that I’m blaming the Left. They have planned and implemented this ‘shit storm’.
Everything that Biden and the Dems have done has been calculated to damage the country (equity, anyone?). I know that is hard for some people to comprehend, but it’s true.
Incompetence, ignorance, stupidity, and even corruption cannot explain everything that is happening. A group of high school graduates could run this country more successfully than those in power, if success was the goal. It is not.
I also blame many Republican politicians. Some are almost as bad as the Dems (the McConnell wing of the party..... they are in it for money and power). Others didn’t see it coming and didn’t want to see it coming.
There are still many who don’t seem to see it at all.....
Lucky for us, it looks like some in the House are starting to catch on.
Very insightfully stated! We are already in a civil war or more accurately a global war because the ideological divisions are so extreme; we will continue to be on the losing end because the masses have become complicit in their own self destruction and have resigned themselves to a comfortable slavery; this began with loss of personal identity and sovereignty and placing faith in technocratic and economic rulers to the point of selling out individual freedoms; as Marshall McLuhan warned us in the 60s the new technology was creating a global village with the negative potential for nefarious actors to seize power and control and direct mankind to electronic and economic ruin, not to mention the steady erosion and elimination of cultural, religious, academic values and anything else; the "attacks" you delineate are very accurately stated and part of the "grand design" as much as all of the political machinations and non-stop threats to keep society in a state of perpetual destabilization.
After the existential shock of 2016, when the peoples of Britain and the USA had the temerity to vote the wrong way, the global corporate state married the Social Justice New Left, hoping to make sure that such an unfortunate outcome never happens again. (Hey, they're defending Democracy!)
The corporatists receive moral legitimacy for all their projects (We love the marginalized! Diversity! only bigots disagree!), a Twitter Red Guard and an army of angry tranissaries always primed to attack their enemies, plus control of social-media mob justice, which is an incredibly powerful tool to silence any opposition.
The Soc Just people get what every religion wants: official state recognition, at least one of their commissars on the payroll everywhere, and of course their first and deepest need met: to destroy their ideological enemies and ruthlessly install their morality anywhere and everywhere.
A Church/State coalition has been the basic ruling scheme since probably the first major civilizations, and this one is shaping up to be pretty powerful.
Very well put. When we focus on the corporate interests as capitalist entities, it always strikes me as odd that corporate leaders would engage in programs that actively harm their bottom line but advance social justice type issues. Putting ideology over profit doesn't strike me as an Adam Smith capitalist motivation.
If, however, as you describe, we look at this as a strategic alliance whereby short term profit loss leads to long term gains via the fascistic merger of state and corporate power, then the situation becomes more clear. The corporate elite give up their immediate profit to further the power of their state and ideological allies. State power turns into vast profit in all sorts of insidious ways.
It is the smart move on their part, and people should never underestimate the power of moral legitimacy. If u can hide behind the pride flag or Diversity! it makes it harder for others to attack or disagree, bc that reads to most people as attacking the victim.
And by adopting the Social Justice worldview, you've also aligned with just about everyone under 30 (not to mention so much of media and culture), as this is their official moral and politcal worldview aka religion—the young and educated certainly feel much more aligned with Pride Month than w 4th of July or Ash Weds.
Really for me the great addiction for modern Western man is CONTROL, to feel in CONTROL, to maintain even the illusion of CONTROL, and this is why Democrats don't mind reigning over crumbling cities and the Fortune 500 doesn't mind slicing off a 10% cut to pay the Social Justice priests—it is a small price to pay to keep CONTROL.
Well good luck to the sensitivity editors because language is continually evolving so it will be a never ending task. For example, the words 'Gay' and 'Queer' used to be highly offensive and have now been totally appropriated by the community. Good luck with that.
It's getting like Orwell's 1984 where everything is rewritten all the time and eventually nothing is a true account, so long as it fits the current narrative. They even swapped the name of their enemy during Hate Week, just like the USA, with Russia and China taking turns as the biggest Baddie.
I can't wait to see what they make of The Bible! I doubt they'll get past Genesis chapter one where God made man and woman...
Once upon a time "gay" (primarily) meant "happy", etc. Also "queer" just meant "odd" or "unusual", etc. As such were very mundane and unremarkable words like their synonyms.
It was only by colloquial hijacking of the language that they became, first bad, and now (as you've pointed out), acceptable -- albeit in a vastly different context. And the people that have moved into the position of preferring those words as identity are also insane.
"I set My rainbow in the cloud, and it shall be for the sign of the covenant between Me and the earth." Gen 9:13
Indeed, the devaluation of everything is an abomination to God's creation. Ultimately, although it may take longer than we will live, they will fail because God will win. This is the "time of trouble" and it will pass.
Xingyi, Of course you are right! You've gone back even further in time when lots of songs talk of having a gay old time and that so 'n' so was so very queer: it all sounds very quaint now.
Yup! I listen to 40's Music on satellite radio. And coincidentally out at lunch, I heard Fats Waller singing "This Joint is Jumpin'", where the opening lines of the song are:
"They have a new expression along old Harlem way
That tells you when a party is ten times more than gay"
In fact, the whole song would make the PC police, similar to CJ Hopkins books, go into seizures and require forgiveness for even hearing! I know they've made previous runs at old-time Xmas greats ("Baby it's cold outside") but I've been wondering for a while now when all 40s music will be too much for the cleansing to continue to allow.
Yep that's terribly offensive to just about everyone. Did Coke invent rum & coke too? Wasn't Father Christmas enough? I know they invented Fanta for the Nazis.
In what way is using 'person of colour' different to saying 'coloured person'? In one way only - one shows that you've prioritised keeping abreast of the new demands of the goodthinkers and one shows you haven't bothered.
My father used the term “colored person”. He was born in 1937 and it wasn’t meant to be racist. I watch old, black and white (no pun intended) movies and the term “gay” is always used as being happy. You got it!
Yes... Either they'll just cancel it completely outright, or, if they make a stab at it, it'll end up about twice as long, or maybe three or four... lol
They want to ban all religion so I doubt they'll bother to have The Bible rewritten. If they do decide to though, they'll just pay their order followers millions of dollars of their fake currency. Plenty of drones are willing to take bribes.
They need a fake one-size-fits-all blandy bland religion, though - I guess to provide meaning... lol. What a bizarre time we're living in/through... Meaningless religion to provide meaning.
Even the Christians can't agree amongst themselves, or the Muslims or the Jews etc. - there's so many inter denominations. Then there's the Atheists and Earth worshippers - how would they all fit in.
I wouldn't want to be the one to get in the middle of that fight!
I'm having some difficulty understanding how Penguin Random House (or any other publisher, for that matter) can make non-editorial changes to someone's originally published work, and then sell it as simply a new printing of the original work, with the original author's name on the cover as the writer.
Regarding "censored" books, I like Issac Asimov's saying: "Any book worth banning is a book worth reading." I find lots of good stuff to read using that yardstick!
When I was a kid and Tipper Gore put the adult content warning stickers on records, it did two things. One, it was the death knell of record stores that complied because kids knew they got sold out. Next, it made you want to buy the record more. Then came the manipulation by the subversive forces in the entertainment industry and the rise of gangster rap. This was more devastating than prohibition and killed our inner cities and millions of american kids in gang wars. Censorship is not benign.
Gangsta rap didn’t kill people or cities. It was only the soundtrack. The Great Society - notice the inversion - the “war on drugs,” and “globalism” are the mechanisms they used.
"...the deafening roar of millions of voices shrieking gibberish on social media..."
That is exactly what I've thought of social media years now, which is why I've quit it years ago. In fact, the most exemplary of that description is Twitter which coincidentally is what people have begun to (inexplicably) declare as "the town square" and essential for "democracy" or something. It's absolute madness.
This can only go so far before it all implodes. I think we're coming near that point. The revival in Kentucky, in my mind, is a sign. Humans like meaning, we make meaning, and so a desert of the real can't sustain.
Yes. Humans NEED meaning. If something doesn't come with meaning built in, we create meaning to fit to it, or fit it into. I, too, think we're getting close - and, thank God for that! lol
The Kentucky revival reminds me of Woodstock, an entirely manufactured event that was made to look like a grassroots coming-together of disaffected youth. Then as now, the media's role in the event's growth makes the legitimacy of the event questionable at best. This is not to say that actual participants--at Woodstock or this revival--are insincere. But, in both cases, corporate media is shepherding them toward their "revolution," which of course means it is not a revolution at all.
In the '60s, the mainstream was right-of-center, so resistance to governmental tyranny was characterized as left- wing, and if you criticized the government, you were lumped in with drug-addled, ineffectual hippies. The world' s understanding of that "movement's" beginning, evolution and destruction (hello, Charlie Manson!) was media-controlled from the get-go.
Now the media is egging on and fomenting a right-wing rebellion to the left-wing mainstream. If this "revival" thing gets picked up by the media to become a big-time "movement," it can only be to set up an utterly absurd, mind-boggling, and thoroughly dispiriting ending.
I totally get that people are starved for this, as they've been deprived of a fundamental connection to spirituality, transcendence, community and ritual for FAR too long.
I'm no atheist, nor am I against religion in the absolute. However, my first thought upon watching these scenes is, "There it is." The second: This situation is ripe for takeover by some guru, a messianic figure. Very worrisome, not because it won't fill people's need for spiritual practice/connection, but precisely because it WILL, at least for a time. People will be drawn to this movement's figurehead—who's poised to materialize out of thin air any minute now—like moths to a flame.
Swapping out one fundamentalism for another never ends well. Oof.
The minds of our children are being polluted by this garbage. My nieces and nephews are constantly barraged by woke assignments only every subject at the high school level. They know that if they write what they really think there will be negative repercussions with teachers, classmates and on their marks. They have chosen engineering science for university in the hope that this will be the least polluted and more factual though that remains to be proven truthful.
My daughter has chosen Biology at a Scottish University- Scotland, where they can't define woman (blame the kilt?) - so that is going to be interesting. Would you like a large or a small gamete with your tea, Vicar?
Apparently, I have failed in my previous attempts to discourage creepy, anti-Semitic morons from posting their garbage in my Substack comments, so I'll try this again. If you a creepy, anti-Semitic moron, or any other variety of bigoted moron, and you think that my comments are a forum for your garbage, you are wasting your time. When I see your garbage, I will delete it, and ban you. There are many forums on the Internet where you can freely post your idiotic garbage. This is not one of them.
This touches on a thought that come up in my head when I try and work out what has been happening. Who is behind it? I know some point the finger at bankers but they are not alone at the top pf the pyramid are they? Do you think some old families are still ruling the roost and they are not religious at all apart from worshiping at their own altars, as you have explained so well in your writing.
I particularly liked this observation:
"Penguin Random House recommends “authenticity readers” to any of its authors who are “writing outside their personal experience” (i.e., using their imaginations),..."
Utter madness!!!
How exactly are such "authenticity readers" any more "authentic" than the writer? What's the standard, and how do they meet it? Ugh. I hate bland.
It's all part of bullshit 'identity politics', designed to sidetrack real political thought, analysis and actions into brainless cul-de-sacs, counting the number cunts on the head of a pin, so all real thinking is drowned in a sea of irrelevancies masquerading as real concern for... well dwarfs instead of 'little people', the weight challenged instead of fat or whatever, so while we chase these will o' the wisps', real events go unquestioned. It's like 'fact checkers' isn't it.
I couldn't edit my comment, so here's the rest. Bland sucks.
grrlrocks - ICYMI To edit comments, just click on the 3 dots after it says "collapse" & then on the edit box that opens up. You can then edit your original post & save the corrections without having to start another post underneath it. And you can edit days later too if you thought of another point or if you re-read it & notice a misspelling. :-)
The standard is their identity credential, with the idea being that once the writer/editor/
publisher get attacked on Twitter for being racist, they can say, Hey, we hired an Official Representative of the Black Community™, so pls don't cancel us.
It's a nice combination of rigid racial hierarchy and Soviet commissar.
Yes, the Inauthenticity of the Imagination---since we humans dreamed this whole GlobalCap thing up, this means we can declare all of it inauthentic, right?
Breaking news: Orwell's classic book 1984 has just been "revised" and "purified" by the sensitivity readers. Here is a brief sneak peak into the new edition. This is the new "revised" scene where Big Brother is holding up fingers and poor Winston is trying to guess how many Big Brother "wants" him to see.
In this new edition Big Brother is totally "Woke" - instead of fingers, Big Brother brings in a trans woman (read - a "woman" with a penis) - and he asks poor "unwoke" Winston - "how many penis's do you see?" Poor Winston knows it's a trick question, but he does his best to answer, he exclaims - "One penis," "no two penis's," "no five," no three!" Finally sobbing and mentally broken "unwoke Winston" simply mutters "I don't know! "I don't know." - at this point in the action "Woke Big Brother" exclaims loudly - "you don't see ANY PENIS'S - THAT'S A VAGINA - YOU FREAKING TRANSPHOBE!"
I could not agree more with your assessment C.J. - any time the entirety of academia, the corporate world, the big NGO's, governments, Media, the military and intelligence services right down to my local YMCA - all start magically singing the same irrational song - and it's a "song" that completely fractures any possibility of solidarity on the so called "left" and really across the entire spectrum of thought - well, it's pretty damn clear that you're being gaslighted big time by the big boys.
Don't laugh, 1984 is literally on a list of books in the UK that are said to promote "far-right extremist sympathies." You think I am joking. I am not:
You and George Carlin are the only two that make me laugh and think at the same time! thanks for that
I've been saying the same thing since March 2020.
I find Jimmy Dore funny.
Well, not the "only two" for me, but certainly two among the few!
None of these endless and dreary arguments about cultural appropriation, whether a white person is allowed to write a novel with black characters and whether it's racist if he doesn't, none of these bull sessions how many LGTBQXYZPDQ can dance on the head of a pin, endless and endlessly performative struggle sessions, none of this changes the power structure of the empire, nor do they change the way the economic pie is sliced.
Put another way - to paraphrase Chris Hedges - elites will gladly discuss race, they will decry gender inequality most piteously, they will demonstrate a touching sensitivity to the rights of sexual and gender minorities so oppressed that they have not been discovered yet. Those same elites will not readily discuss economic class.
Furthermore, they are using all those -isms to avoid criticism and cast blame, not because they care about those populations. If you criticize Kamala Harris' record as a prosecutor, for instance, they want to be able to say that you're really just criticizing her because you're a racist or sexist or both. Have you noticed how many of the noisiest victims in their special populations are actually privileged elites from a class standpoint?
Under Communism man exploits man. Under Capitalism the reverse is true. Old Polish Proverb.
I'm still smiling from that one!
Double-plus bad.
As I wrote on Gerald Posner’s post about this:
“I can’t wait for the new edition of ‘Fahrenheit 451’ in which the firepersons are depicted as heroes for conducting flaming bonfires of far-right–wing extremist racist antivaxxer misinformation.
“And then we can enjoy a romp through Room 101 with the beloved O’Brien graciously instructing Winston in New Normal Math.” (
I mentioned this upthread, but 1984 is literally on a list of books in the UK that are said to promote "far-right extremist sympathies."
Of course it is 🙄
You’re right, because the proof is in the pudding, and the pudding is being flung in our faces all day long now with a giant metronome to time the flinging perfectly around the world.
You’re also throwing the baby out with the bath water a bit ( ...and I know you know this because you’re extraordinarily perceptive) because commerce is not evil. The perversion of commerce into a tool to control and oppress everybody on the planet is evil. But at the end of the day I can’t argue with your model or the simple elegance of the bad guys’ plot. Even the Communists are not Communists any more. They’re making money. China is not really Communist. It’s a big corporation with a giant armed security and enforcement division. Russia is also about money. And so are the theocracies of the Middle East. Big problem.
For the record, I enjoy commerce, in both the contemporary and dated meanings of the term. I buy and sell things (and have social dealings with other people) pretty much every day. I'm also fond of babies, and bathwater, if it is hot.
I like the concept of global capitalism as a values erasing movement. Although I've always considered these various social campaigns as an outgrowth of cultural marxism, their agenda has indeed melded seamlessly with capitalist corporate interests at this point. The impulse of the cultural marxists to rewire society to maximize government power and the capitalist impulse to reduce the vast majority of humanity to consumer serf are quite compatible and both involve erasing ideas that don't contribute to their totalizing program, just as you say.
Whenever I consider some new campaign of thought rectification like these shameless rewrites, I now try to consider what the newly imposed ideas are intended to be in opposition to. For instance, LGBTQ, etc. is, in part, an attack on the family and population growth. Open society is an attack on nationalism as it enshrines constitutions that guarantee individual rights held in opposition to government power. The defense of obesity is an attack on health. Many of the other initiatives are to sow discord by splitting everyone into warring tribes over trivialities.
What I have more trouble with is deciding what to do about it all. Certainly I can teach my children to see through the illusions and have a less clouded view of what is really going on around them. On the other hand, simply promoting the values that are important to me and protecting my family and checking out from as much of the impeding system as possible isn't going to contribute much to fixing the situation for the future. Organizing attracts the heavy hand of the police state. Public protest is pointless when the media is fully compromised.
I don't see how big, institutional changes can be made without a lot more people realizing how ill served they are by all of this and I don't see how that can happen short of a major economic crisis or war or other situation that imposes mass hardship.
Those institutions didn’t meld together with cultural Marxism, the cultural marxists (and hard leftists generally) took them over from the top.
Every major institution (private companies and government bureaucracies)has been infiltrated by the Left, and we are seeing the results.
They are now using the combined power and influence of this alliance to impose their will upon society...... without the consent of anyone except themselves.
It’s called fascism......
A good example is Twitter ‘working with’ the FBI, for our own good of course......
Very astutely stated! And it can't be emphasized enough that there was top-down infiltration , well planned and ongoing for decades; it was nothing less than the take-over of hearts and minds on a globalist scale using all manner of lies, deception, authoritarian controls and non-stop propaganda; mass formation or mass hypnosis? that was the EFFECT, not the CAUSE, as more and more of the populace lost hope in the face of loss of personal identity and national sovereignty and started to believe in such dictates as "you will own nothing and be happy" which is equivalent to selling one's soul to the devil.
Fascists aren't only the "Left" or "cultural Marxists"though but include "diverse" political peeps. HAH Little joke, there.
See how the PTB trap us all into thinking something is all "cultural Marxism" or "far-right"??
Just reading the actual definitions of a word help us to see how the words are manipulated. > Fascism refers to "a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader [or complicit "PTB/elites/govts" too], severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition."
Haven't we had authoritarian so-called "fascist rule" under both US parties - the uni-party - for many decades? And since the founding of the US under the "imperial colonization"??
Why blame only one party for this nightmare shit-storm? p.s. Librals are NOT "the Left".
I blame the Left because they are the ones who are responsible.
No one on the right is trying to impose their will on others or getting anything out of this crap. In fact, anyone to the right of Vladimir Lenin is getting stepped on ( censored, marginalized,etc.), by the FBI and ‘Justice’ Department.
Every day there are more revelations of government and corporate wrongdoing, in many cases blatantly breaking federal law, and the Justice Department does nothing.... because the perps are lefties or are favored by those in power (who just happen to be leftists, see how that works?).
I’m not going to play the definitions game. We can all come up with definitions from sources that agree with us. Hitler’s fascism was different from Il Duce’s version. Franco’s was the only one that could be considered as ‘rightist’.
It is generally recognized that fascism involves the government and private industry/big business working together (usually with government being the senior ‘partner ‘) in order to impose their will on society.
It is undeniable that the Left has infiltrated most of the important institutions in this country, public and private.
It is also undeniable that they have used the resulting power, money, and influence to move this country (and much of the West) as far Left as they can.....
Imposing policies that are wrecking our world and from which we may never recover.
You’re damn right that I’m blaming the Left. They have planned and implemented this ‘shit storm’.
Everything that Biden and the Dems have done has been calculated to damage the country (equity, anyone?). I know that is hard for some people to comprehend, but it’s true.
Incompetence, ignorance, stupidity, and even corruption cannot explain everything that is happening. A group of high school graduates could run this country more successfully than those in power, if success was the goal. It is not.
I also blame many Republican politicians. Some are almost as bad as the Dems (the McConnell wing of the party..... they are in it for money and power). Others didn’t see it coming and didn’t want to see it coming.
There are still many who don’t seem to see it at all.....
Lucky for us, it looks like some in the House are starting to catch on.
I hope it’s not too late.....
Very accurately stated!
Very insightfully stated!
Very insightfully stated! We are already in a civil war or more accurately a global war because the ideological divisions are so extreme; we will continue to be on the losing end because the masses have become complicit in their own self destruction and have resigned themselves to a comfortable slavery; this began with loss of personal identity and sovereignty and placing faith in technocratic and economic rulers to the point of selling out individual freedoms; as Marshall McLuhan warned us in the 60s the new technology was creating a global village with the negative potential for nefarious actors to seize power and control and direct mankind to electronic and economic ruin, not to mention the steady erosion and elimination of cultural, religious, academic values and anything else; the "attacks" you delineate are very accurately stated and part of the "grand design" as much as all of the political machinations and non-stop threats to keep society in a state of perpetual destabilization.
After the existential shock of 2016, when the peoples of Britain and the USA had the temerity to vote the wrong way, the global corporate state married the Social Justice New Left, hoping to make sure that such an unfortunate outcome never happens again. (Hey, they're defending Democracy!)
The corporatists receive moral legitimacy for all their projects (We love the marginalized! Diversity! only bigots disagree!), a Twitter Red Guard and an army of angry tranissaries always primed to attack their enemies, plus control of social-media mob justice, which is an incredibly powerful tool to silence any opposition.
The Soc Just people get what every religion wants: official state recognition, at least one of their commissars on the payroll everywhere, and of course their first and deepest need met: to destroy their ideological enemies and ruthlessly install their morality anywhere and everywhere.
A Church/State coalition has been the basic ruling scheme since probably the first major civilizations, and this one is shaping up to be pretty powerful.
Very well put. When we focus on the corporate interests as capitalist entities, it always strikes me as odd that corporate leaders would engage in programs that actively harm their bottom line but advance social justice type issues. Putting ideology over profit doesn't strike me as an Adam Smith capitalist motivation.
If, however, as you describe, we look at this as a strategic alliance whereby short term profit loss leads to long term gains via the fascistic merger of state and corporate power, then the situation becomes more clear. The corporate elite give up their immediate profit to further the power of their state and ideological allies. State power turns into vast profit in all sorts of insidious ways.
It is the smart move on their part, and people should never underestimate the power of moral legitimacy. If u can hide behind the pride flag or Diversity! it makes it harder for others to attack or disagree, bc that reads to most people as attacking the victim.
And by adopting the Social Justice worldview, you've also aligned with just about everyone under 30 (not to mention so much of media and culture), as this is their official moral and politcal worldview aka religion—the young and educated certainly feel much more aligned with Pride Month than w 4th of July or Ash Weds.
Really for me the great addiction for modern Western man is CONTROL, to feel in CONTROL, to maintain even the illusion of CONTROL, and this is why Democrats don't mind reigning over crumbling cities and the Fortune 500 doesn't mind slicing off a 10% cut to pay the Social Justice priests—it is a small price to pay to keep CONTROL.
And after 2016, nothing else matters to them.
Well good luck to the sensitivity editors because language is continually evolving so it will be a never ending task. For example, the words 'Gay' and 'Queer' used to be highly offensive and have now been totally appropriated by the community. Good luck with that.
It's getting like Orwell's 1984 where everything is rewritten all the time and eventually nothing is a true account, so long as it fits the current narrative. They even swapped the name of their enemy during Hate Week, just like the USA, with Russia and China taking turns as the biggest Baddie.
I can't wait to see what they make of The Bible! I doubt they'll get past Genesis chapter one where God made man and woman...
Once upon a time "gay" (primarily) meant "happy", etc. Also "queer" just meant "odd" or "unusual", etc. As such were very mundane and unremarkable words like their synonyms.
It was only by colloquial hijacking of the language that they became, first bad, and now (as you've pointed out), acceptable -- albeit in a vastly different context. And the people that have moved into the position of preferring those words as identity are also insane.
And look what they did to the 🌈...God’s beautiful creation.
"I set My rainbow in the cloud, and it shall be for the sign of the covenant between Me and the earth." Gen 9:13
Indeed, the devaluation of everything is an abomination to God's creation. Ultimately, although it may take longer than we will live, they will fail because God will win. This is the "time of trouble" and it will pass.
Renee, At least because it is so colourful, it goes with everything. lol
God’s creation always “matches”! 🌻
Xingyi, Of course you are right! You've gone back even further in time when lots of songs talk of having a gay old time and that so 'n' so was so very queer: it all sounds very quaint now.
Lashings of ginger beer anyone?
Yup! I listen to 40's Music on satellite radio. And coincidentally out at lunch, I heard Fats Waller singing "This Joint is Jumpin'", where the opening lines of the song are:
"They have a new expression along old Harlem way
That tells you when a party is ten times more than gay"
In fact, the whole song would make the PC police, similar to CJ Hopkins books, go into seizures and require forgiveness for even hearing! I know they've made previous runs at old-time Xmas greats ("Baby it's cold outside") but I've been wondering for a while now when all 40s music will be too much for the cleansing to continue to allow.
Yep, and it's not just the songs: all the old films will have be censored, especially the musicals. No more Fred & Ginger.
And I love CJ Hopkins too!
Another good example, off the top of my head, is the Andrews Sister's singing "Rum and Coca Cola", where they say:
"It's a fact, man, it's a fact
In old Trinidad, I also fear
The situation is mighty queer
Like the Yankee girl, the native swoon
When she hear Der Bingo croon
Drinkin' rum and Coca-Cola"
That's another song that must infuriate the SJWs! 😁
I love Rum and Coca-Cola! 🎶 That’s all I drank in high school…along with everything else!
Yep that's terribly offensive to just about everyone. Did Coke invent rum & coke too? Wasn't Father Christmas enough? I know they invented Fanta for the Nazis.
I guess that's why they want to call this the "post-truth" world?
But, that's gonna cancel my "truth"... wah!
Think of these language games as a class signifier.
In what way is using 'person of colour' different to saying 'coloured person'? In one way only - one shows that you've prioritised keeping abreast of the new demands of the goodthinkers and one shows you haven't bothered.
Insufficient forelock tugging to one's betters.
My father used the term “colored person”. He was born in 1937 and it wasn’t meant to be racist. I watch old, black and white (no pun intended) movies and the term “gay” is always used as being happy. You got it!
Yes... Either they'll just cancel it completely outright, or, if they make a stab at it, it'll end up about twice as long, or maybe three or four... lol
They want to ban all religion so I doubt they'll bother to have The Bible rewritten. If they do decide to though, they'll just pay their order followers millions of dollars of their fake currency. Plenty of drones are willing to take bribes.
They need a fake one-size-fits-all blandy bland religion, though - I guess to provide meaning... lol. What a bizarre time we're living in/through... Meaningless religion to provide meaning.
Grrlrocks, (love your name) One size fits all?
Even the Christians can't agree amongst themselves, or the Muslims or the Jews etc. - there's so many inter denominations. Then there's the Atheists and Earth worshippers - how would they all fit in.
I wouldn't want to be the one to get in the middle of that fight!
Of course, a never ending task is exactly what they want: secure employment!
I'm having some difficulty understanding how Penguin Random House (or any other publisher, for that matter) can make non-editorial changes to someone's originally published work, and then sell it as simply a new printing of the original work, with the original author's name on the cover as the writer.
Regarding "censored" books, I like Issac Asimov's saying: "Any book worth banning is a book worth reading." I find lots of good stuff to read using that yardstick!
I find it immoral to change someones words. Especially after their death, seems cruel, they can't defend themselves.
When I was a kid and Tipper Gore put the adult content warning stickers on records, it did two things. One, it was the death knell of record stores that complied because kids knew they got sold out. Next, it made you want to buy the record more. Then came the manipulation by the subversive forces in the entertainment industry and the rise of gangster rap. This was more devastating than prohibition and killed our inner cities and millions of american kids in gang wars. Censorship is not benign.
Gangsta rap didn’t kill people or cities. It was only the soundtrack. The Great Society - notice the inversion - the “war on drugs,” and “globalism” are the mechanisms they used.
I shouldn’t say “only.” Cultural degradation is an important handmaiden.
Great insight!
"...the deafening roar of millions of voices shrieking gibberish on social media..."
That is exactly what I've thought of social media years now, which is why I've quit it years ago. In fact, the most exemplary of that description is Twitter which coincidentally is what people have begun to (inexplicably) declare as "the town square" and essential for "democracy" or something. It's absolute madness.
This can only go so far before it all implodes. I think we're coming near that point. The revival in Kentucky, in my mind, is a sign. Humans like meaning, we make meaning, and so a desert of the real can't sustain.
Yes, the psycho globalists don't know what meaningful means! They cannot see past their own megalomania.
Yes. Humans NEED meaning. If something doesn't come with meaning built in, we create meaning to fit to it, or fit it into. I, too, think we're getting close - and, thank God for that! lol
The Kentucky revival reminds me of Woodstock, an entirely manufactured event that was made to look like a grassroots coming-together of disaffected youth. Then as now, the media's role in the event's growth makes the legitimacy of the event questionable at best. This is not to say that actual participants--at Woodstock or this revival--are insincere. But, in both cases, corporate media is shepherding them toward their "revolution," which of course means it is not a revolution at all.
In the '60s, the mainstream was right-of-center, so resistance to governmental tyranny was characterized as left- wing, and if you criticized the government, you were lumped in with drug-addled, ineffectual hippies. The world' s understanding of that "movement's" beginning, evolution and destruction (hello, Charlie Manson!) was media-controlled from the get-go.
Now the media is egging on and fomenting a right-wing rebellion to the left-wing mainstream. If this "revival" thing gets picked up by the media to become a big-time "movement," it can only be to set up an utterly absurd, mind-boggling, and thoroughly dispiriting ending.
What's happening in Kentucky, @Kathleen?
Thanks for the link.
I totally get that people are starved for this, as they've been deprived of a fundamental connection to spirituality, transcendence, community and ritual for FAR too long.
I'm no atheist, nor am I against religion in the absolute. However, my first thought upon watching these scenes is, "There it is." The second: This situation is ripe for takeover by some guru, a messianic figure. Very worrisome, not because it won't fill people's need for spiritual practice/connection, but precisely because it WILL, at least for a time. People will be drawn to this movement's figurehead—who's poised to materialize out of thin air any minute now—like moths to a flame.
Swapping out one fundamentalism for another never ends well. Oof.
Yes and yes, I get your concern. We'll have to see how it unfolds.
There seems to be a substantial number of people around these days who wish to undo The Enlightenment.
hey Foucault said "reason is terrorism"—we're livin in his world now!
The minds of our children are being polluted by this garbage. My nieces and nephews are constantly barraged by woke assignments only every subject at the high school level. They know that if they write what they really think there will be negative repercussions with teachers, classmates and on their marks. They have chosen engineering science for university in the hope that this will be the least polluted and more factual though that remains to be proven truthful.
My daughter has chosen Biology at a Scottish University- Scotland, where they can't define woman (blame the kilt?) - so that is going to be interesting. Would you like a large or a small gamete with your tea, Vicar?