It is certainly doing a good job of dividing those who opposed lockdowns and vaccine mandates!

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Actually, it's showing who has completely opened their eyes and those who haven't.

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It's showing who has completely opened their eyes and those who REFUSE TO (a slight edit)

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Indeed! Amazed at how some people who fully saw through the covid scam, now cling to the old story of can’t blame israel (jews), without allowing any deviating thoughts from that to enter their mind, as if the act alone of entertaining such thoughts constitutes treason.

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I hear you and understand what you are saying, and just wanted to add a slight correction (away from the main topic you brought up) that Israel does NOT represent or speak for Jews. I'm Jewish and Israel does NOT represent me or speak for me. The exact opposite!! In my perspective, fascist supremacist Zionism and its century-long project of extermination and dispossesion of the local people in Palestine is the POLAR OPPOSITE of Judaism and of any human decency..

PS. For anyone wishing to truly learn in-depth and see with one's own eyes the PROFOUND CRUELTY and systematic racist dispossesion that the supremacist Zionists inflict on the local people that they rob, erase and dehumanize, then please watch this amazing and shocking documentary. One of the best created on the subject https://youtu.be/3psMGQE0iW4?si=8XINwSj7-riwSHwU

And I'd also highly recommend this excellent article to understand the CONTEXT of the conflict (which is deliberqtely obscured by NeoCon Zionists PR machine from the vast majority of westerners)


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Way to comment. 👍

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Thank you William. I watched the video you linked. A couple of things to say in this regard:

1. Every single deceptive point he brought up in the manipulative propaganda video you shared is addressed in this profound in-depth and highly detailed documentary https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3psMGQE0iW4 that describes the ACTUAL REALITY on the ground, as I have personally experienced it first hand (I was born and raised in Israel). I humbly invite you to watch it and educate yourself (though I know that that the chances for that are slim, because hatred, arrogance and rage (as expressed in your sister comment below) - which are fostered by the lies of the supremaciat Zionist right-wing PR machine - blindly repeated in your reply - do terrible things to a man's heart and therefore will likely stop you from actually watching the REALITY with open eyes (not with the arrogant filter of "I already know, the supremacist Zionists already told me everything I need to know") and learning about the PROFOUND CRUELTY AND INHUMANITY of the supremacist Godless Zionist project of dispossesion, theft, dehumanization and erasure of the local people in Palestine (dehumanization which the rigjt-wing zionist deceivers taught you so well and which you displayed so swiftly in your comment below, equating palestinians with terrorists, as the cynical supremacist heartless Zionist mass-murderers, abusers & torturers love to do and repeat nonstop, while themselves engaging in the most brutal ruthless murderous and life-destroying state terrorism project on the planet. See the documentary for details).

If you have even a shred of humanity left in you and your heart hasn't been completely corrupted and poisoned by the very intense zionist dehumanization project against the local people of Palestine, then I invite you to watch in full this profound and shocking documentary, which addresses every single point that the slime propagandist in the video you shared put forth. KINDLY HAVE THE COURAGE TO LEARN THE TRUTH.

2. Which brings us to the second point - the slimeball in the video you shared. I know him personally. His name is Yosef Hadad, a christian arab from a family intimately conmectwd to the zionist military-security complex, a real sleazy guy, he is on the the payroll of several rabidly supremacist zionist organization who pay him very hadsomely as one of their rising stars to be their propaganda poster boy (you should see the kind of house and car he bought with the money they lavish on him) to divert the attention away from the unspeakable cruelty and crimes against humanity they are committing nonstop.

I know him personally and I wouldn't buy a used car from this guy. A real crook. But anyway, the corrupt character of this crook isn't the main point here, the important thing is that every single manipulative point he brought up is addressed in the documentary I gave you, which I hope you'll have the courage and humanity to watch (though i highly doubt of it would happen, seeing the intense hostility and arrogance of your comment below).

And if you'd like to hear more of my own personal experience in Israel and the Israeli military and especially with the PROFOUND EVIL of the neo-Nazi settlers (I'm sorry, but I have no other word to describe their extreme SUPREMACIST ideology, violence, inhumanity and cruelty towards those they view as less than human) then I'll be happy to tell you more, including how I view the root issue of the conflict and the solution to it. I won't say more now becasue the hateful venom in your arrogant comment below doesn't give me the impression that you're someone who has the capacity to listen to depth and to engage in a mature sane dialogue..

In addition, (and speaking of being thoroughly blinded) I'd also very highly recommend this very wise and in-depth substack article that lays out the CONTEXT of the violence happening, context which the Zionist media and PR machine does everything to obscure from you (and the vast majority of westerners), and paint a picture as if history started on Oct.7, as if everything was just nice and peaceful before that, and things just happened out of the blue, for no reason whatsoever, unprovoked. This wise article shows you the actual CONTEXT that the zionist media (cnn, fox, msnbc, washpost, bbc, guardian, daily mail, nytimes etc etc) are hiding from you.

If we want to take a metaphor for this hiding of the context from you, then we can say it's like the case of rape for example. Lets say that a video of a rape is shown to you, BUT the zionists' media don't show you the entire video, don't show you the entire CONTEXT of the rape, they show you only a few seconds of the video, ONLY the part where the woman reacts aggressively to free herself from the attacker and hits him in the face. That is the ONLY part that the cunning Zionist deceivers and their media show you, they don't show you the CONTEXT (that it is a rape and she is reacting to being raped), they show ypu ONLY her aggressive reaction and then they say 'look how evil she is. She attacks him for no reason at all. He did nothing wrong, he was just minding his own business and wanting to live in peace, and she just attacked him becasue she is evil, she hates him for no reason, she's an antisemite, she is darkness, he is light.

That's what abusive Zionist murderers do..

So this wise article will show you the CONTEXT that the Zionists' PR machine do everything to hide from you. Please have some maturity and read it to educate yourself on reality


And lastly, also for the sake of context (which the zionist propaganda media never show you or tell you about) kindly see this short but very important video


Thank you for your time and attention

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Preach, brother!

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❤️ bless you for that. Unfortunately, following wwii the two are equated by many. A subject not to be discussed in any negative way. The thinking seems to be that If you speak out against Israel, you speak out against Jews, thereby denying in a way the atrocities perpetrated against them in wwii. Hence the treason comparison. And here in the Netherlands (where many people happily collaborated with the nazis to betray their Jewish neighbors) that is an area you cannot go into. So government, state tv and newspapers speak and write pro the ‘beleaguered’ Israel. And close their eyes and mind to the actual war on the Palestinians that has been going on for ages, as you so rightly describe.

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As a Dutch person, I can underline your statement that many people collaborated with the Germans (including the government, who handed over the well administered information on who and where the Jews were!). The Dutch still have not found a way to deal with their colonial 'horrors' in Indonesia, I was born in that region and I know my father's pov. We, the civilised West, is (very) slow to acknowledge our own actions in an objective way. Meanwhile, I get the notion that the rest of the world is moving on, leaving us in the dust.

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The vast majority of westerns have, fallen for the new "Current Thing" pro-Jihadist mass psychosis. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RlPegRjl1XU

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Thank you William. I watched the video you linked. A couple of things to say in this regard:

1. Every single deceptive point he brought up in the manipulative propaganda video you shared is addressed in this profound in-depth and highly detailed documentary https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3psMGQE0iW4 that describes the ACTUAL REALITY on the ground, as I have personally experienced it first hand (I am Israeli). I humbly invite you to watch it and educate yourself (though I know that the chances for that are slim, because hatred and rage (as expressed in your comment) - which are fostered by the lies of the supremacist Zionist PR machine - do terrible things to a man's heart and therefore will likely stop you from actually watching the REALITY with open eyes (not with the arrogant filter of "I already know, the Zionists already told me everything I need to know") and learning about the PROFOUND UNSPEAKABLE CRUELTY AND INHUMANITY of the supremacist Godless Zionist project of dispossesion, theft, dehumanization, murder and erasure of the local people in Palestine (dehumanization which the zionist deceivers taught you so well and which you displayed so swiftly in your comment, equating palestinians with terrorists, as the cynical supremacist heartless Zionist mass-murderers, abusers & torturers love to do and repeat nonstop, while themselves engaging in the most brutal ruthless murderous and life-destroying state terrorism project on the planet. See the documentary for full details).

If you have even a shred of humanity left in you and your heart hasn't been completely corrupted by the very intense dehumanization project against the local people, then I invite you to watch in full this profound and shocking documentary, which addresses every single point that the slime propagandist in the video you shared put forth. KINDLY HAVE THE COURAGE TO LEARN THE TRUTH.

2. Which brings us to the second point - the slimeball in the video you shared. I know him personally. His name is Yosef Hadad, a christian arab, a real sleazy guy, he is on the the payroll of several rabidly Zionist organization who pay him very hadsomely as one of their rising stars to be their propaganda poster boy (you should see the kind of house and car he bought with the money they lavish on him) to divert the attention away from the unspeakable cruelty and crimes against humanity they are committing, to disposses, elominate and erase the local people. I know him personally and I wouldn't buy a used car from this guy. A real crook. But anyway, the corrupt character of this crook isn't the main point here, the important thing is that every single deceptive and manipulative point he brought up is addressed in the documentary I gave you, which I hope you'll have the courage and humanity to watch (though i highly doubt of it would happen, seeing the intense hostility and arrogance of your comment).

And if you'd like to hear more of my own personal experience in Israel and the Israeli military and especially with the PROFOUND EVIL of the neo-Nazi settlers (I'm sorry, but I have no other word to describe their extreme SUPREMACIST ideology, violence, inhumanity and cruelty towards those they view as less than human) then I'll be happy to tell you more, including how I view the root issue of the conflict and the solution to it. I won't say more aboit thos right now becasue the hateful venom in your arrogant comment doesn't give me the impression that you're someone who has the capacity to listen to depth and to engage in a mature sane dialogue..

In addition, (and speaking of being thoroughly blinded) I'd also very highly recommend this really really good and in-depth substack article that lays out the CONTEXT of the violence happening, context which the Zionist media and PR machine does everything to obscure from you (and the vast majority of westerners), and paint a picture as if history started on Oct.7, as if everything was just nice and peaceful before that, and things just happened out of tbe blue, for no reason whatsoever. This really really good and wise article, shows you the actual CONTEXT that the zionist media (cnn, fox, msnbc, washpost, bbc, nytimes etc etc) are hiding from you.

If we take a metaphor for this hiding of the context from you, we can say it's like the case of rape for example. Lets say that a video of a rape is shown to you, BUT the zionists don't show the entire video, don't show you the entire CONTEXT of the rape, they show you only a few seconds of the video, ONLY the part where the woman reacts aggressively to free herself from the attacker and hits him in the face. That is the ONLY part that the cunning Zionist deceivers and tjeor media show you, they don't show you the CONTEXT (that it is a rape and she is reacting to beimg raped), they show ypu ONLY her aggressive reaction and then they say 'look how evil she is. She attacks him for no reason at all. He did nothing wrong, he was just minding his own business and wanting to live in peace, and she just attacked him becasue she is evil, she hates him for no reason, she's an antisemite, she is darkness, he is light.

That's what abusive Zionist murderers do..

So this wise article will show you the CONTEXT that the Zionists do everything to hide from you https://plagueonbothhouses.substack.com/p/the-palestinian-israeli-conflict

And lastly, also for the sake of context (which the zionist propaganda media never show you or tell you about) kindly see this short but very important and eye-opening video


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THANK YOU for these resources

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Thank you. Was this reply meant for me or a mistake? If for me, then I don't see what is the relation of this reply to my comment..

(And as a side note, I wouldn't take at face value anything coming from the Guardian propaganda rag after 2013, when it was taken over by the British "intelligence" agencies (with close cooperation with CIA/Mossad) and pushes nonstop the narratives of the anglo-israeli-american corporate empire to promote war on those who challenge their empire's global control and domination over the planet's resources

And would highly recommend these profoubdly important and eye-opening couple of pieces to learn the facts and context of this conflict (which the vast majority of westerners seem to be ignorant of, and under the spell of the NeoCon Zionist's media massive PR campaign to present the butcher, abuser, murderer, occupier, thief and torturer as the victim). I hope that anyone reading this doesn't miss this opportunity to educate themselves




Please don't miss this video, to see and understand the PROFOUND CRUELTY and criminality that Godless supremaciat Zionist Nazis are inflicting on the local population (and I fully mean it when I say Nazis. Watch the video in its entirety to understand)






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Yes, i think their conscience is def working against them here...they probably think by accepting (zionist) Isra'el (prince of God) as the big psyop, they are denying God's first people, and the denying them a right to being God's child as well.

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Have considered the possibility that you might have fallen for the new "current thing' mass psychosis?

- The Day Team Reality Died -


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Maybe - I was struck by how many people were wearing face masks at that (roughly anti-Israel-pro Palestinian) Harvard Yard protest last week. 70-80% of the on the steps group and 50%+ of the larger participating crowd. (More than I have seen in 2+ years.) Organizers had distributed cloth masks in the "interests of safety". My point? I think very few in that Harvard yard crowd had opposed lockdowns or mandates. Those who did, are probably fairly united in being Israeli-supportive to some degree - or agnostic, not-our-fight types. In short, Oct 7, may have reinforced division but did not create new fractures within either ("Covid response") camp.

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There are reasons to wear a mask other than protection against imaginary zombie strands of RNA.

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Like not getting dox'ed.

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Bank robbers understood that.

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Still, putting a fascist symbol on your face to get involved in a distant, thousand year old blood feud seems rather extreme.

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Not sure if the blood feud is that old. Not that the Muslims and the Jews lived peacefully with each other but judging by history roughly till the Balfour declaration the actions of Muslims against Jewish diaspora were not against the faith but rather against single groups of people that did something directly before (Granada Pogrom for instance). That has changed when the Brits decided to give the Holy Land to the Jews, uninhabited as it were (/s). There is of course an element of faith conflict to which you refer to. Now it is almost inseparable but this particular conflict would not exist without building the state Israel where the Jews were a small minority for almost 2k years and treating the people living there as garbage ever since. Saying this I do not condone actions of Hamas as I do not even know what exactly happens there - it is just as the author of the article says: we have no clue what happens, the media lie and the politics deliver the scripts. If the West wants its credibility restored it would have to keep itself out of this conflict and admit certain problems with the existence of the state Israel. I cannot see anybody even bothering to discuss with us in honesty otherwise.

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Yeah, I knew masks wouldn't do any good because they never have against respiratory viruses, but if I were in a demonstration that I might get fired over attending, I might well wear a mask.

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You know why they don’t work? Because viruses are a fiction and virology is a scam. I say a scam - it’s their main vehicle for poisoning and destroying biological life. And it works as cover for the rest of the poison they blanket the planet with.

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Yes, I do know why they don't work, but it's not that viruses are a fiction and virology is a scam. It's because the viruses are so tiny they go right through the mesh of the masks.

I learned that in Immunology 101.

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You were misinformed.

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It's very hard to think. Even in the Ivy League, absorption and regurgitation predominates.

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I would say especially in the Ivy League, but that's me.

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Not just you, wide and robust resources back this up..... including thousands of studies which emerged from ivy league institutions!

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This pro-Jihadist mass psychosis is the new "Current Thing" that the anti-western neo-marxists are rallying behind. Very disappointing that some in the covid "resistance" are falling for this. https://open.substack.com/pub/katewand/p/the-day-team-reality-died?r=f447b&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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"Disappointing" perhaps - but not surprising. Two things: (a) what I have found disappointing is the large overlap of Covid "resistance" and Holocaust denialism - ("skepticism" is the better term - denialism is CIA lexicon) and (b) personally, I was hugely disappointed to see the state of Israel in the forefront of the Covid operation particularly the vax operation. Even if Holocaust skepticism is not in play, that may be driving some in the covid "resistance" towards "pro-Jihadist" positions. Though obviously, if we have learned anything it should have resulted in a refusal to be "driven".

Thanks for the links - I have printed out the katewand remarks and the Fenton essay and will read tonight.

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They did not want to be recognized.

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Seriously? In Boston? If you are in rural Idaho and get together outside to sing Christmas Carols with neighbors (in 2020, 21) you might not wish to be recognized. But that would makes singing difficult, so they just got arrested sans masks.

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I think there are simply further fault lines appearing that have always been there but were hidden under the ones we have already got used to. There does seem to be very broadly a correlation between social justice identitarians and empathising with the Palestinians on one side, and conservatives and Israel on the other, but there's a lot of messiness in between showing up. I'm feeling like it's 2020 all over again. It's exhausting but I guess we just need to get used to it. The war of all against all.

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Yep that’s the first thing I noticed. Those who have seen through all the other propaganda scams have fallen off the wagon and now they believe this latest **** whatever it’s called. I’m seeing many of them believing what the mainstream media tells them.

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Bongino and RedState, for example, are positively homicidal. The baying for blood is terrifying.

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Really? Who is jumping on this again? Any sane person after covid still watch and trust mainstream media? Are they crazy? I don't think this could divide anyone, either you are there and reporting truth or you are again just parroting propaganda.

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Off guardian addresses your comment.


It starts off with how the globalists were upset about alternative media breaking through the BS they were spouting and they couldn’t find a way to break its fight against their agenda. It talks about how people knew that Israel pushed its citizens to get jabbed and were Pfizer’s lab, but that’s been forgiven for those who support Israel. Like I said earlier I noticed this right off the bat just after the war started.

Good pickup on your part. I hope people will read this.

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My bad..it’s this article.


Long day and my brain is fried.

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Yes, quite extraordinary how all who saw through one psyop, see through the rest with flying colours! It would be great to know how many people by now see through all this. Starting 3 years back. They must really get some new ways to try and fool the seeing eye of the of humanity by now. They are using old techniques but with the speed of lightning through their social media tools. I see netanyahu and jordan peterson spoke on mainstream youtube, listing all his credentials and just the fact that he worked for the cia should raise ones hair, but no, the replies don't reflect anything negative on him, just PRAISE... and how these zionists used their role as victim to get the sympathy of the Christians, unbelievable... hallelujah!

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Your analysis is as tired as my response.

People can walk and chew gum at the same time.

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And the sexual indoctrination of our children in our schools.

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It's dividing everybody of every ilk and stripe.

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CJ, in is blind embrace of the new “current thing” mass psychosis, is literally parroting globalist talking points, meant to trivialize & relativize the October 7th genocidal massacre. https://twitter.com/HillelNeuer/status/1717197050880643177

Don’t forget that undermining everything the West represents is at the heart of the Globalists’ UN SDGs / Agenda 2030 / New Normal Reich.

October 7th wasn’t a 9/11 (or Reichstag) type event, it was a Kristallnacht type event.

Here’s an essay on the subject that might interest you.

- The Day Team Reality Died -


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Hmm, do you really think "the West" represents a healthy humanity? I was under the impression we have been conned for a very, very long time and "western values" are part and parcel of this con. We only have material wealth at the expense of the exploitation of our own workers, past and present, and of the "non-Western" countries we have colonised. It may feel great for some, but have you managed to talk to a miner or factory worker from Victorian England or an African slave on the plantations? Are our "western values" of consume, exploit, have a right to be entertained at all times etc really so great?

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I don’t think we are divided

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For extra expression of absurdity, CJ should ask George Carlin to read his essays (no, George isn't dead, just somewhere in a German prison).

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It's surreal. 9/11, Covid, the Nordstream pipeline bombing, and now this - The official narrative is absurd. We have proof its absurd. We have proof it was even more absurd before they unified the messaging. I think, no one could possibly believe this absurdity. And really, no one does. They don't believe in the absurdity, they believe in the status quo. If you have faith in a person, you'll believe what they say.

That people have put their faith in a system that actively hates them is the greatest absurdity of all.

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Are you still "wet behind the ears?" It started long before 9-11. You don't remember the incubator babies? Tonkin Gulf? The Warren Commission was not the start. Of course, we all knew Gary Powers never overflew the USSR, so they couldn't have shot him down! The attack on Pearl Harbor? Why, those dastardly Japs started a shooting war after the US blockaded oil tankers from Indochina bound for Japan! The Lusitania couldn't have been carrying munitions since it was a civilian vessel. Clearly, the Spanish blew up the Maine, and Mexico started the Mexican War by shedding American blood in a Mexican village along the disputed Rio Grande River!

I've come to realize the deep corruption of "domestic" agencies as a result of the scamdemic. It's time for flag-waving jingoists to recognize the corruption of US military-foreign policy.

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Please read my comment

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That's why we call it the War on War.

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"Critically examining official narratives is part of my job as a political satirist."

Agreed. Critically examining official narratives to the best of one's ability is _everyone's_ job (today, transparently so) in _every_ society, but the vast majority still get away shirking it.

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Very well said! I can say, though, that it is becoming a full-time job these days.

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Yes, which is why most just rely on NPR and the NYT to supply them with the "facts." People have children, full time jobs, etc. And the propagandists know this. "Trust us" they say. Remember the mocking of those "doing their own research?"

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Sure do, well said.

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"it is becoming a full-time job these days."

Yup. "Life During [Hybrid] Wartime"

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Nice Talking Heads reference!

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Great call. I'm gonna go listen to that classic rn!

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I tried an experiment this week. I did not actively read anything about the hospital bombing. Some words crossed in front of my eyes of course, but I did not dive in for details. CJ‘s article today pretty much provides the anti-conclusion that I had arrived at. So I am very happy for the amount of time I saved by not reading.

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"CJ‘s article today pretty much provides the anti-conclusion that I had arrived at."

But you didn't do your due diligence. CJ (as any other person) could be wrong, factually and/or morally. So it (appears to you it has) worked this time ... But you don't *know* -- you simply sat in the caboose, and trusted him.

That was how America went from CBS/Walter Cronkite/Vietnam to CNN/[pick your exemplar inane talking head]/Ukraine. In other words, “Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.” ― G. Michael Hopf, Those Who Remain

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No claims to perfection. Just an experiment. I will admit that, in my working/travel years, my news sources might have been NYT, CNN, USA Today, NPR, BBC, plus a local paper. (And that makes me cringe now!) These days, my sources feel like tenfold that. Great when I have time to read all day. But not realistic. So I seek out writers who, now that I’m awake, I realize saw so much more, so much earlier than I did. CJ is one such author.

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The "vast majority" are little more than an inert mass. They have been deliberately dumbed-down by machinations even in the late 19th Century by the likes of the emperor of all Robber Barons, the long-lived, but finally the late, John D. Rottenfeller. Establishing the "rules" for education, medicine, mass-media and besides debt-based currency; the ruling elite have long schemed and plotted to anesthetize the masses.

However, we happen to be approaching the terminal status of not only the Age of Pisces, but also of Kali Yuga itself. The Great Awakening...or perhaps the Greatest one...is fast upon us. Virtually all major institutions have become terminally corrupted. People everywhere are seeking new ideas, new solutions and new opportunities to go on with their lives in a new Real-Eye-Zation of reality.

As the greatest Jewish prophet of the 20th Century sang it out so many decades ago, during the dawning of the Age of Aquarius: "The Times they are a-Changin".

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and did the name change routine

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Excellent, as usual. So nice to have a voice of reason buried in this mess.

I particularly liked: "If you’re a professional person, with a career, and a mortgage, and kids, or aspiring to be such a person, I would recommend going with The Powers That Be. It’s easy to do that."

Yes, it is "easy to do that"...and that is why most do it. TPTB make it very easy by presenting it all so black and white. You can see them scramble when something ambiguous happens, to chisel it into a "black and white," "good guy, bad guy" scenario. It is almost fun to watch, "how are they going to spin THIS one"...Actually it has become rather easy to do, the loyalists are pretty easy to fool.

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One of the biggest questions in my mind these days about the Totalitarians' apologists, especially among people I know personally, is just how much of each they are (a) stupid/ignorant, (b) in denial, (c) secretly aware, and/or (d) in cahoots. The first two involve unconsciousness, the latter two involving selfishly deflecting danger from themselves and amassing power.

I do think more than one of these usually operates, in varied combinations with compartmentalization, sometimes combining a/b with c/d. But it makes a world of difference how to approach each individual. Given your professional POV, would you give some thoughts on these?

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I think you've got it scoped out pretty accurately. The (a) "stupid/arrogant" reason I would think could be dealt with through education, but that doesn't seem to do much good. (b) "denial" is probably more prevalent than realized and is indeed "unconscious"...I've have written quite a bit about denial on my substack. (c) "secretly aware"...I would say may be unconsciously aware, but consciously in denial, those two usually go hand in hand. (d) "in cahoots" well, very well could be, but we, as common folk, generally do not have much access to those people who are part of the agenda. And if we do, then of course they will resist anything we may have to say.

I think another reason to dismiss truth, and it is related to denial, is fear. This too may be unconscious...it is the ol' "plug up the ears and yell 'la, la, la, la, la'"..."I just don't want to hear it."

With all that is going on today, it is quite a frightening prospect to throw out the illusion in favor of the reality. As long as they can keep eating the juicy steak, why not keep pretending. (ala "The Matrix") Psychologically people will develop all sorts of false rationalizations to avoid pain. Most of psychotherapy deals with cognitive distortions...all created to avoid either an objective truth, or a fabricated reality (one fabricated reality, avoids facing another). In this case there is no fabricated reality, only a "real" one, and many people will do anything to avoid looking at that.

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Thanks, Todd. I will take a look at your substack as well.

By "in cahoots", I meant co-operating, but not necessarily operating with power. So yes, the levels of power vary, and matter. Thanks for distinguishing that.

Fear, yes -- that seems a clear part of (b) and (c). I asked someone close to me to read a handful of ("easy-reading") alt-news articles, they promised to, ... but a month later they hadn't. I'm realizing now that many people who have never followed news closely are probably feeling overwhelmed and perplexed now, like deer in the headlights, at any unavoidable "glitches in the matrix".

Due to my personal history, I do not empathize with people who are unmotivated to be "truth-tellers". But I've come to recognize it is their way of being, one that they may consider fully ethical, in parallel to my own POV. Therefore I can maintain respect for them as humans, while still protesting their beliefs.

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I would love to see you over at the Shrew corner...lively discussions over there. Please join us!!

Yes, I see what you mean about "ca-hoots" and yes, IMHO, they are all in ca-hoots...meaning they support the narrative 100% and co-operate 100%.

Oh, the reading thing is funny, "sure, send me what you've read that makes you believe the garbage you believe" (to put it nicely)...never read...usually a reason is given..."what you sent was not in a peer reviewed journal" "the person that wrote that (Harvard graduate virologist with 40 years in the field experience) was debunked and taken off YouTube" "the news source that article came from is known to be far right, or pro Russia, or pro Trump (take your pick)"

Agree with your last paragraph 100%...

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Oh this so resonates with me. Most people have a sort of hierarchy of motivation (with money at the top and helping others at the bottom) and giving their attention to an easy read for 5 minutes - that they know is going to sink the carefully maintained illusions that make them feel 'safe' - is somehow always just beyond their available time.

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We, as a human culture, have made it to a place where nearly everything we experience is “externally defined.” We have succumbed to the myth that the external world’s safety factor is determined by a handful of individuals…government leaders, doctors, scientists (only those approved by the leaders) and “experts.”

Humans used to rely heavily on “internal definitions”…such as practical and empirical e knowledge, intuition, gut, and God (or spirits, superstition, gods). We have become entirely “manipulatible”

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Traditionally and particularly during our recent decades of denouement, taking the "easy way out" has achieved the status of majoritarian disconnect. C.J. really nailed that phenomenon. Yet,yet,yet, the iceberg of public opinion shows only the small portion of itself as being above the surface of events.

One can only lie to oneself to the point where the SHTF scenario looms within even the comfort zones of acceptionalist sub-urbia. There is a growing mumbling and grumbling, closely held amongst some family members, fellow Joe and Jill paychecks (carefully vetted) and even the occasional just met strangers...anonymity, dontcha know.

Imagine the 17 Feral spy agencies needing to over-ride their AI systems and closely listen to "private" phone conversations and internet exchanges. They are now approaching systems overload...even as some of the human operatives are scratching their heads, wondering how long their comfortable, cushy positions and full job security are gonna last.

The ancient Chinese curse "may you live in interesting times" appears to be burgeoning into full fruition.

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What we know: Hamas wants to destroy Israel. Iran wants to destroy Israel. Hezbollah wants to destroy Israel. What we don’t know is why the IDF took 7 hours to react, when there was enough Signal to Israeli and American Intelligence to warrant immediate IDF reaction. Even if electronic surveillance was down, that should have been a Signal for immediate IDF reaction. All the Horror caused by Hamas, the reaction to the Horror, the Propaganda from all sides, the real possibility of escalation into a World War, were all predictable. After all the massive lies we have been fed over the past 4 years, this Horror Event feels like it was purposefully planned and executed to ignite a World War. Innocent people, just wanting to live in peace, were and will be killed and maimed.

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50 years ago Hamas was created and funded by Israel as a political rival for the powerful Palestinian Liberation Organisation under Arafat. Hamas are specialists in false flag operations and this faked invasion of Israel, apparently from Gaza, was designed to provide Netanyahu with an excuse to completely destroy what is left of Palestinian resistance.

So, if Hamas is ‘charged’ with crimes against humanity, who will be standing in the dock, do you imagine? Why, it would have to be Netanyahu for authorising the deliberate murder of his own citizens for political clout.

Do you think that will happen? Of course it won’t! Netanyahu was, in turn, acting on orders from above! Who pulls his strings? Well, it is the same crowd that pulls ours, no matter which country we live in, no matter which religion we adhere to….. The Black Nobility!


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Yes, this is what I am thinking too. This has been all planned.

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Yet another reason Julian Assange languishes undeservedly in a cold prison cell without having been tried of or convicted of anything.

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"What we know.." is that you gave here an extremely inaccurate and distorted description of reality (and sounded very confident about it :-) you started your historical observation ("what we know") ONLY from the point where there is resistence to a hostile invading force, but you've ignored and failed to mention why the resistence is there to begin with? what is it resisting?

I'm Jewish and Israeli and studied the history of Zionism for my universoty degree (actually read the original writings and speeches in Hebrew). The supremacist Zionist project (which does NOT represent or speak for Jews, by the way) is from its very early beginning about the dispossesion (including extermination, if necessary) of the local population in Palestine in order to make way for a political entity for Jews only. I can write volumes on that but will leave it at that.

Now, you started your comment from the point of reaction to that hostile invading political ideology (and in fact, even that reaction you described very poorly and inaccurately) while not mentioning the FULL picture and what preceded the reaction. I think this does a disservice to reality and our understanding of reality.


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Bingo. If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, walks like a duck, it's likely a...

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As an Israeli who woke to a nightmare on October 7, I am appalled by this article. Videos of Hamas atrocities are all over the internet, Hamas themselves took them and publicized them to increase the effect of their terror. I wrote to you after your first post on Israel but the system for some reason would not accept my comment. I am pasting it in here, and hope it goes through this time.

Letter to CJ Hopkins

CJ, I am not asking at this point to be taken off the list, but I am relying on your promise to read what we write. I respect you greatly for your analysis of globocap and courage to stand up to it. But you are not as clear about the other global threat -- the Islamic one. Perhaps I am more sensitive to it than you because I am a woman; it would be understandable to me if men should feel in their heart of hearts that an Islamic takeover of the world would be less skin off their backs. We all feel most the things that affect those most like us. Anyway, that is what Israel is fighting, willy-nilly, and the situation cannot be fairly assessed unless that is taken into account.

Your equation of Israel's treatment of Arabs with their treatment of us when they get a chance, is glaringly unfair. You have not seen any photographs of Israelis decapitating babies, or other acts which I refrain from enumerating. Israel uses against Arabs only just enough force to keep them from killing us -- and sometimes not enough. If civilians are killed in Israeli operations against Hamas, it is because Hamas deliberately puts them in harm's way in order to accuse Israel of "war crimes." And the world falls for it. Lately even President Herzog, ordinarily a card-carrying liberal, was moved to sputter, "If you have a cannon in your goddamn kitchen and want to shoot me, does that mean I can't defend myself?" Arabs in Israel are treated as citizens and are more prosperous and have more rights than in most Arab countries. Arabs move freely in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, while Israelis are forbidden to go into Arab towns lest they be lynched. Israelis aspiring to be doctors often have to go abroad to study medicine because of affirmative action favoring Arab applicants to medical school. The Arabs in Area C, which was supposed to be Jewish according to the Oslo agreements if you remember, would be just as well off if they weren't always trying to kill the Jewish "settlers." You can give the Israeli Arabs -- that is, Muslims -- anything you like, and their response will still be "kill the Jews," because that is how their religion teaches them to respond. By the way there used to be more Christian Arabs in Israel than they are now; since the PA took over Bethlehem, for instance, the Christians have been pretty much driven out, not by the gentlest means.

Global capitalism and Islam are getting along pretty well these days, on the whole. Biden after all is supporting Iran, which is one of the most oppressive Islamic regimes and is behind Hamas and Hesbollah (so that Biden's declaration of sympathy for Israel sets some kind of record for hypocrisy).

Globocap could not care less about Islam's human rights abuses, while the imams for now seem to be waiting to tidy up Western morals until they have full control. I wouldn't place a bet on whether they will finally come to blows or form some hideous amalgam. But Israel is one of the few things that stand in the way of their complete dominance.

I would like to ascribe part of your reaction to the fact that a lot of the "sympathy" poured out on Israel at this time is as phony as Joe Biden, and you don't like phoniness. But please, ask yourself why you felt the need to equate Israel's actions with those of Hamas and its backers. It is not fair, it is not just, and it does not serve human freedom.

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Couple things: (1) I do in fact read or at least skim the replies to my columns. I have to, given the number of crypto-fascists that try to sneak their garbage in here like little weasels; (2) whenever I encounter bigoted hatred of a people, i.e., "Jews are all X," "Muslims are all Y," it breaks my heart. I realize and accept that it's part of human nature, but it still breaks my heart that people actually walk around thinking and feeling that way.

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There is a difference between saying "All X are like Y" -- which I did not say -- and saying, "Culture or religion X encourages a certain type of behavior, as the record clearly shows." I do not think you would really like it in Iran.

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You wrote ... "You can give the Israeli Arabs -- that is, Muslims -- anything you like, and their response will still be 'kill the Jews,' because that is how their religion teaches them to respond." If you can't see the bigotry of that assertion, try flipping the terms and see if that helps.

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You didn't say that, and it appears that neither does the Israeli government. As you said, Esther, there are Arabs and Muslims living in Israel and some are part of the government and the high Court. If the Israeli government believed that all "X" are "Y," they would not be there. It will be interesting to see how day workers from Gaza will be handled in future. To C.J.: I don't think that you need to pick sides regarding Palestine or Gaza, but you have to see that there is a significant subset of Muslims that blatantly and often violently discriminates against the "other." It is a failure of other Muslims not to call this out. It is a failure of moral education across the west that they have so many young sympathizers.

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You are right to point this out. Just because we can see the wrong in something, shouldn't mean that we can't see the right. Israel is a civilised country where there is the rule of law, where citizens have equal rights and where there is the same pretence at democracy as in other Western countries. In the Arab world, they don't even pretend. I know which country in the Middle East I would prefer to live in. Non-Jews are not subject to the draft in Israel but there are many female Muslim volunteers in the IDF - we can all understand why.

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Excellent comment, J.

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Many adults and politicians as well.

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Those who manipulate narratives that revolve around culture and teligion create the behavior.

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P.S. I would add, that you might take comfort from the fact that much of the sympathy poured out by various public actors on Israel is pure hypocrisy, and you could have a good time debunking it. The EU announced they were cutting aid to the Palestinians -- and then restored it. Biden and Blinken visited Israel ostensibly to offer support (some of the American people still care about us) but really to pressure Israel in various ways -- they have been bankrolling Iran, which is behind this attack, for years.

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Good grief. Israel gets $3.8 billion a year and much more that we aren’t aware of for decades. As for Biden bankrolling Iran that’s just nonsense. We have been sanctioning them for decades and the $6 billion America gave them was money that we stole from them and it’s been rescinded. Qatar would have controlled the money and made sure that it was only spent on humanitarian needs. You seem to be uninformed about so many things. Where are you getting your information?

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The idiocy to me is that there seem to be people that believe they chose their mothers and told them to be born in a certain place on earth. You guest it, there is not a single human being on earth who did that. So why the fuck would anyone look at another human being and say: "You were born not where I was. You were born to a different mother than I was. Therefore you must be my enemy."

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Your reply to Esther was gross, couched in your little heart-breaking pantomime because somehow you must accept that her deep prejudice is just part of rhe darkness in the hearts of so many people.

She didn’t say anything about all anyone’s but honestly addressed the real facts on the ground. She deserved an honest reply not your performatively polite insult.

Of course Israel didn’t bomb the hospital. Im sure you know that despite your pretending otherwise. The actual video footage of the barrage of rockets shot nearby prove it, not to mention the lack of any crater whatsoever. And more, laugh as you will at the “Cheech and Chong” clip, it sounds authentic, Hamas hasn’t tried to seriously deny it.

In fact, it’s common-place that around 20 percent of the Palestinian rockets invariably go awry and land and land explode haphazardly killing any unlucky people nearby. And who’s that? The countless Palestinians that Hamas won’t leave to safety in the south.

Here are some quotes from five Muslim leaders:

“If the Jews left Palestine to us would we start loving them? Of course not. We will never love them. Absolutely not. Your belief regarding the Jews should be first that they are infidels and second that they are enemies. They are enemies not because they occupy Palestine. They would have been enemies even if they did not occupy a thing.”

“We will treat the Jews as our enemies even if they return Palestine to us because they are infidels.”

“In short, these are the Jews. As Muslims, our blood vengeance against them will only subside with their annihilation, Allah willing, because they tried to kill our prophet several times.”

“Our hatred of the Jews is based upon our faith. The Koran tells us to hate them and not to love them.”

“The worst enemies of the Muslims - after Satan - are Jews. Who said this? Allah did.”

If you could talk with any one of them what would you say?

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Thanks for your articles!

It is not necessary to rely on the assessments of various intelligence agencies to develop a tentative opinion on the cause of the hospital explosion. The difficulty is finding the actual evidence and best arguments - and then spending time to think about it all.

My comment https://public.substack.com/p/gaza-hospital-misinformation-further/comment/42275455 has links to more evidence and arguments than I have seen on any one web page. I think this can be viewed with a free subscription.

There are two videos of the explosion, one (Al Jazeera) https://twitter.com/yousuf_tw/status/1714367757968384106 from the west north west, shows a Palestinian Islamic Jihad rocket failing, exploding in mid-air, and then a distant explosion on the ground followed by a closer explosion on the ground, presumably from two fragments of the rocket. The second, closer, explosion is in the hospital car park.

The second "balcony" video https://www.theguardian.com/world/video/2023/oct/18/gaza-footage-shows-ahli-arab-hospital-blast-video is from the opposite side of the hospital, perhaps only 150 metres to the east south east. This includes a very distinctive sound of the projectile which caused the explosion. The rising and falling pitch of the sound is only consistent with that projectile traveling at high subsonic speed, with a significant horizontal component to its trajectory, approximately overhead. So the projectile approached, approximately, from the east south east. This seems possible as a result of the mid-air explosion of a PIJ rocket.

My comment links to other evidence and arguments. I make no claims for my analysis - I have no expertise in ballistics. I support all those in Palestine, Israel, Iran and elsewhere who want to live in peace. There are plenty of fundamentalists who want to rid the Middle East of their enemies - Jews, Arabs, Sunnis or Shiites. There's more than enough of these people - and supporters from outside their countries - to drag their larger populations into never-ending conflict. I wish I could be optimistic.

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It's obvious that Netanyahu and his cohorts in Likkud desire to genocide the Palestinians. Why waste so much space rationalizing it and attempting to turn the table on Palestinians?

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If Israel wanted to genocide the Palestinians it would have happened decades ago. People intent on committing genocide don’t exactly dance around and do it nicely. You have to be seriously stupid to believe this.

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Thomas, you claim that the Israeli gov't wants to commit genocide against the Palestinian people. How do you explain the fact that the Palestinian population has increased exponentially?

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He can’t. Math is not a strong point. But he can cry on command.

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So dumb. There is no genocide of Arabs. There is no effort, nor there ever bern an effort to kill off the Arabs by Israel. Two million Arabs are Israeli citizens, living inside Israel, serving in the military, judges, Knesset members, bakers, cabinet makers,etc..

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As a fellow Israeli who has fled the country with my twin infant sons, who hid in our shelter for a week, whose neighborhood took a direct missile hit, and who knows many people who died in horrific ways on October 7th, thank you for writing this.

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Hang in there.

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"Israel uses against Arabs only just enough force to keep them from killing us -- and sometimes not enough."

First off I think what Hamas did was abhorrent and what they want to accomplish is going to see hundreds of thousands of Palestinians dead and displaced. However if you think that Israel hasn’t treated Palestinians just as abhorrently you haven’t been paying attention to what Israel has been doing for 75 years. Can you honestly deny it after reading this history of the last 75 years? Do you think it’s right for Israel to kick Palestinians out of their homes or demolish the centuries old olive groves and the other things described here?


I hope people will take time to read this and learn what the mainstream media has covered up. There is always 2 sides to the story.

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Glad you're saying it Esther. I don't think you'll change CJ's mind but that don't make no nevermind. You're presenting facts and feelings from ground zero that need be heard.

& yes I'd suggest staying on his list, this site, even though, actually especially because, you've reason, good reason, not to accept his take on Hamas and Israel. Remember he allows he's viewing it all from Berlin. I expect he'd be willing to consider perhaps the 24/7 propaganda influences his opinion, no matter all efforts to avoid such. Even if my expectations are wrong he does present a counter to many "Truths" held dear by far too many today. & particularity regarding staying on this site: We all need to hear different voices, different takes on the world's happenings, even, and perhaps especially, those differing from our own.

OK, I just noticed I'm talking about him behind his back here on his site, I think he does and I think he shoulds. I'm not sure if that rude or silly but it feels germane to the discussion.

Closing wishing you, Esther, and Israel well.

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Not that anyone on here would read this but it proves everything those in Palistine and the left say to be untrue. Who is the oppressed? Beep, beep, back up your buses, but please let’s not let facts stand in the way of blaming America and Israel. I stand with Israel. And so should everyone who lives in a free and democratic country who is an ally of Israel.

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Oct 22, 2023
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It seems to me that one would be wise to take one step backwards and ask, well where did this hostility come from? What is it reacting to? Does it have anything to do with the FACT that the supremacist Zionist project from its very beginning was all about the dispossesion (and extermination, whenever necessary) of the local people in Palestine, to make way for a for-Jews-only political entity, on top of their dispossesed homes and lands (I say this as an Israeli Jew who studied the history of Zionism at great depth). Wouldn't you feel hostile if this profound crime and trauma was committed against you? (I'm not justifying anything, just bringing a context that the vast majority of westerners - and certainly israelis - never seem to take into account, and just view the reaction to the trauma that the Zionist ideology created as if 'oh, they just hate us for no reason at all. They are just evil people, they are antisemites..'

Kindly see https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3psMGQE0iW4

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Well said!!

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Oct 22, 2023
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Good point you make to ponder. There is a double standard regarding Israel, and I would like to hear the answer to your question about what people would do if the Native Americans started arming themselves, demanding that Americans vacate and attacking innocent civilians.

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The Indians have casinos. They are already winning their land back without shedding a single drop of blood.

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Sobering. Am I surprised? No, sadly no.

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Oct 22, 2023
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I am not sure why you are directing this to me. I have not stated a judgement either way. I have just stated that I was confused maybe conflicted. Please save this type of comment for someone else. I do not find it helpful.

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Oct 22, 2023
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Tried to find sources other than X, but most of the footage has been removed from media outlets for reasons known to those who removed it. The IDF hosted a film screening of graphic footage today and invited members of the press: https://www.i24news.tv/en/news/israel-at-war/1698077342-the-most-well-documented-massacre-in-history

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Oct 23, 2023
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You're biased. Got it.

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Yeah. So we all know that war is a horrible thing. And we all know that governments lie and manipulate us all day long and that they all suck.

We also know that you say that you don’t want to take sides because, well it’s not exactly clear, and I think it’s likely not exactly true, but your narrative appears to be that somehow you can’t figure this one out and you don’t want to support the military industrial GloboCap complex and Israel. Sure terrorists are bad, but worthy of satire. After all their sissy rockets only kill a few people every time they shoot them, which is not infrequently and more commonly done than in the past. But whatever. And yet it’s still pretty clear that you are rooting for the people who elected the homicidal maniacs in Gaza who work for the homicidal maniacs in Tehran. You know the guys that push gay people off buildings and hang women for not wearing head scarves. The guys who can’t wait for the end of days, who are in a hurry to build nuclear weapons and blow up the great Satans that they hate, so they can all get teleported to a heavenly Las Vegas and bang 72 virgins constantly with their withered old bodies. The guys who kill and imprison anybody who publicly disagrees with them. Yeah it’s pretty hard to tell if those guys are bad for human civilization. Really a puzzle.

Especially for a committed advocate for human rights. Uh huh. I mean most educated Western people over the age of 45 can parse the question of whether they’d rather live under islamofascists or in a liberal democracy, warts and all. Harvard educated dingbats under 45 , not so much.But whatever.

But what would you do if somebody cut your fence and murdered your family and all your neighbors and did this in multiple locations? And the same guys constantly shoot their rockets at you? Which if they hit you, kill you. What would you do? Have a drum circle? Just pack up and leave, so the maniacs can have a few more acres to throw people off buildings?

Yeah, some assholes will get richer from the war. Some governments will use it to distract us from their other sins. But the homicidal maniacs, what do we do with them?

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Perhaps if the Israelis had not confined the Palestinians to what has been called the "largest open air prison in the world" and a "concentration camp" (Gaza) the Palestinians in general and Hamas in particular would leave Israel alone.

There is only so much human beings can take. It's blatantly obvious to anyone with eyes to see that Netanyahu wants to wipe-out Palestinians; that is he wants to commit genocide against Palestine. But he's smart enough to know that, with the world watching, he can't do it outright.

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Section Commander of the Gaza Fence: “The obstacle is built so that even a fox cannot pass it”.

They Let It Happen. The Hamas Attack Was Allowed to Close the Book on Palestine.


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No, they didn’t. But you already made up your mind it would seem. And you didn’t answer the question.

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Former IDF are questioning the "failed intelligence" narrative:

https://efrat.substack.com/p/israel-hamas-war-an-update I served in the IDF 25 years ago, in the intelligence forces. There’s no way Israel did not know of what’s coming. A cat moving alongside the fence is triggering all forces. So this?? What happened to the “strongest army in the world”? How come border crossings were wide open?? Something is VERY WRONG HERE, something is very strange, this chain of events is very unusual and not typical for the Israeli defense system.

"To me this suprise attack seems like a planned operation. On all fronts. This is a failure to protect the people of Israel, for sure, perhaps the biggest failure since the Yom Kippur war exactly 50 years ago, if not bigger. – by the way – is it a coincidence it’s exactly 50 years ago, almost on the day? The Yom Kippur War was on Oct. 6th 1973. If I was a conspiracy theorist I would say that this feels like the work of the Deep State. It feels like the people of Israel and the people of Palestine have been sold, once again, to the higher powers that be. At the same time, this is still very difficult to fathom.” (link to her on video here: Video: Israel-Hamas War: Netanyahu’s “Planned Operation on All Fronts” Oct. 7th, 2023, an update from the field, with my key insights, questions and concerns. https://www.globalresearch.ca/israel-hamas-war-update/5835578)

https://www.sott.net/article/484970-Israel-in-state-of-war-with-Hamas-after-Palestinian-militants-launch-unprecedented-incursion-into-Israel-UPDATES#comment475653  False flag!!! I’ll spare you the videos, but my morning started with my father sending me videos of IDF soldiers slaughtered in their barracks still in just their underwear, to which both of us as former service people ourselves immediately agreed that it’s im-fucking-possible! I did a service with IDF and have been to most bases in the south, and the ones close to the borders are always on highest level security alert: armed guards on towers 24/7 and all personnel are required to carry their personal weapons at all times… including sleeping with it literally under your mattress exactly for such situations! So how the hell could a group of Palestinians break into a base and make it all the way to the barracks unnoticed and unheard? I saw the media trying to sell a story that Iranians provided some equipment that jammed the electronically monitored fence, but any disturbance immediately notifies command and control center in Israel’s equivalent of the pentagon and someone would be immediately in touch with the bases’ commanders especially in the middle of the night. But even if that story is true, where were the night guards not to see the combatants approaching and alert everyone? With bases neutralized, there were no one to come to help the civilians in the area… how convenient.

https://twitter.com/Dr_logicaI/status/1710794054953553927 ex-IDF soldier explains that the events that took place today are impossible. She was a boarder observer with the highest tech available. “If a bird came close we knew” “Even even a cockroach came to our fenced border we knew” “How did 400 hamas pass through today”?

https://rumble.com/v3nt2wa-two-testimonies-from-israel-about-the-erev-rav-betrayal-hebrew.html The first video is from a former IDF combat commander. Here is a summary someone wrote up. It is accurate: The first man is an ex IDF Golani officer and lawyer Daniel Ginat, this is the original post:

https://t.me/hitnagdoot/1592 He says that there is no way that this infiltration of terrorists happened and almost 10 hours of complete silence from the IDF, he says that they used to train for such an occurence and hundreds of cars would be at the Gaza border within seconds, He says that similar to the pfizer clot shots, this too is an inside operation and cant be something either than that, it is deliberate against the people The other video with the man in the hospital, he is a citizen of a town near the border and was shot by a terrorist and he is rightfully upset and is cursing the corrupt govt/IDF etc that didnt come for many hours, he said 6 hours and not 1 plane in the sky

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It appears that you know much more than otheres with your biased and already mind numbing intelligence work. Perhaps some looking into the other side and listening to what they say would be in order. No one mentions the deep division in Israel caused by the ideological left there as well. They are in the midst of almost civil war but god forbid they must of known. Your cherry picking and giving one sided information due to your own bias. Until you quit looking for one bad guy you will always feed off yourself. Go and listen to the Bari Weiss interview on Triggernometry and hear what she has to say. Why not listen to some of the jewish people. You wont because your mind is made up.

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Exactly right, Marylou.

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Generally a well presented take. My further speculation is that elements within Hamas pulled off a classical double-cross on the Israelis. They actually pulled off a far larger operation, with more unexpected turns than Net and Yahoo and his fellow fanatic Talmudists had anticipated. At the same time, apparently oppositional elements within both the IDF and Mossad kinda gummed up the works during the early hours...leaving the fanatical clique hanging high and dry and thereby obliged by their own arrogance and hubris to reveal their ultimate genocidal inclinations.

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Fellow fanatic talmudists...just another antisemite

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I know all of this. But that is one person’s opinion. There is evidence that this was planned and trained for in Lebanon. There is evidence that the U.S. withheld intelligence from the Israelis.,There is evidence of failure within the intelligence community. So it’s possible, but not likely. And you didn’t answer my question. Go to tabletmag.com for lots of articles on your point.

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Thank you for sharing. I subscribed.

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The reason the terorist got in is because Israel allows Palistinians to come over for work. It is what aided in the murder of thousands.

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Ok, you got a 1 out of 10 for quality. Boilerplate crap.

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Do you happen to be a Hasbarfa?

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Keep talking. Show everybody what you are.


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"But what would you do if somebody cut your fence and murdered your family and all your neighbors and did this in multiple locations?"

Kill their wife and kids I guess? That seems to be Israel's answer right now since the actual fighters have tunnels and ratholes and shelters (and the leaders in Qatar staying in luxury hotels) whereas the civilians are out in the open in hospitals or churches like the 1500 year old one Israel bombed the other day.

I mean that's just justice right? If someone hurts your family, bomb their neighborhood to rubble. The neighbors are guilty to for not doing more to stop it.

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What is your answer? What should Israel do?

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The Geneva Conventions and earlier concepts of the law of war were created with the intent of reducing unnecessary suffering in wartime, particulary for non combatants. The best means they could find to do that was to create a set of privileges accorded to those who wear uniforms and bear arms openly. Clearly, Hamas will not do that. Israel has to go in and get close to identify combatants and it would necessarily entail many casualties as Hamas is undoubtedly prepared for this.

Nevertheless, the fact that the job is difficult and dangerous does not justify the wholesale targeting of civilian population. Israel is treating Gaza strip as a sort of medieval castle that they will surround and starve out while also bombarding them indiscriminately. They are punishing the civilian population to harm the combatants indirectly. That should be condemned by everyone no matter the provocation as it is precisely the same logic as any other act of terrorism, with the paper thin justification of "they did it first."

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Very nice. But you still didn’t answer the question. Pretty talk is nice, but try and tell me what Israel should do.

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I already did: enter Gaza strip and use weaponry on identified Hamas targets that reduces damage to civilian non-combatants instead of bombing and starving people indiscriminately.

I get that you are angry, but anger doesn't justify starving or bombing civilians unless you want to concede that Hamas anger made what they did to Israel acceptable? I am advocating for a principle that opposes that for any side in any conflict.

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Most of the targets are likely underground. They can’t be accessed without collateral damage because Hamas won’t let civilians leave and the targets are directly under civilian occupied structures. So there is either no collateral damage and lots of terrorists or innocent people will die while eliminating terrorists. This isn’t about emotion. It’s about practical implications of urban warfare and difficult decisions, rather than utopian nonsense.

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Your arguing on the wrong side. My god what kind of world do we have. How can Palistinian people be free when HAMAS dictates over them. The only way there can ever be peace is to remove HAMAS so it no longer has control over the Palistinians. Do you know they teach their children in the schools in Palistine to hate the jewish people. How can you ever stand beside pure and utter hatred.

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Dude. There's something called "cause and effect". Israel is the cause. Terrorism is the effect. Use your brain. It's not that complicated. Israel needs to stop being mass murdering terrorists if they want terrorism against them to stop. When you were born? You realize, I hope, that Israel's violent and terrorist creation against the Palestinian people is what literally and directly caused this. There's even a name for this atrocity -- the Nabka. Look it up. Some people, like you, were born yesterday, but most people have long memories especially when it involves their families being slaughtered and their land and homes destroyed and stolen. Look it up, realize how it started, then try not to be embarrassed for the rest of your life. Okay?

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Yes, Israel has a decades long history of false flag terrorism, which has been used to demonize the Palestinians and prevent peace:

Ari Ben-Menashe on Israeli Black Operations


Ari Ben-Menashe, a former Israeli military intelligence operative, revealed how Israel used proceeds from secret arms sales to Iran to finance black operations and false flag terrorism.

Book: Profits of War: Inside the Secret U.S.-Israeli Arms Network (Ari Ben-Menashe, 1992)

Quote: “The slush fund helped finance the intelligence community’s “black” operations around the world. These included funding Israeli-controlled “Palestinian terrorists” who would commit crimes in the name of the Palestinian revolution, but were actually pulling them off, usually unwittingly, as part of the Israeli propaganda machine.” (Ari Ben-Menashe, Profits of War, 1992, chapter 8)

Abu Nidal - Mossad terrorist


Israel’s Use of False Flags in Global Terrorism


the Achille Lauro affair. Ari Ben-Menashe, Profits of War, p. 122:

An example is the case of the “Palestinian” attack on the cruise ship Achille Lauro in 1985. That was, in fact, an Israeli “black” propaganda operation to show what a deadly, cutthroat bunch the Palestinians were.

The operation worked like this: Eitan passed instructions to Radi that it was time for the Palestinians to make an attack and do something cruel, though no specifics were laid out. Radi passed orders on to Abu’l Abbas, who, to follow such orders, was receiving millions from Israeli intelligence officers posing as Sicilian dons. Abbas then gathered a team to attack the cruise ship. The team was told to make it bad, to show the world what lay in store for other unsuspecting citizens if Palestinian demands were not met. As the world knows, the group picked on an elderly American Jewish man in a wheelchair, killed him, and threw his body overboard. They made their point. But for Israel it was the best kind of anti-Palestinian propaganda.

Israel's Sacred Terrorism: A Study Based on Moshe Sharett's Personal Diary and Other Documents


Moshe Sharett, one of Zionism's chief diplomats before 1948 and Israel's first foreign minister and prime minister from 1953 to 1955, kept a personal diary in which he candidly recorded how key Israeli policy decisions were made, including his own doubts and opposition to the strategies pursued by Isreal's "security establishment," men like David Ben Gurion, Moshe Dayan and Arik Sharon. The diary reveals how in the early 1950's Israeli leaders deliberately provoked Arab states by military operations and covert terrorist actions, stirred up mass hysteria in Israel, and began plotting the takeover of southern Lebanon, Gaza and the West Bank. Rokach has selected from the diaries and other documents, and provided a fascinating commentary and analysis.

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Your comments are incorrect, inaccurate, and too fucking bad. Israel isn’t going anywhere. Deal with it. Terrorism is a choice. It’s not forced on you. I’d tell you to figure it out, but it would be a waste of pixels.

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What should Israel do? Dissolve their op in Occupied Palestine and buy a chunk of land in N.W. Australia from the Aussie and Western Australia governments. The northwestern corner of that continent is virtually unpopulated. So with control over most of the $$$hekels in the world; wealthy Zionists could convince those governments to cede a space, perhaps 20 times that of Israel...in order that a people without a land (rightfully theirs) can obtain a land without a people.

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Why don’t you give up your home and move to parts unknown, bigot? I have a better idea. Let’s destroy Hamas.

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"Bigot"...a smear...or is it shmear...term used by those who have no concrete arguments to buttress their allegations. Such usages are often employed by those who might be referenced as mega-multigenerational walking wounded-weenies. Neuroses much?

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But you are a bigot, man. Your comments prove it. I don’t care about that. It just discredits your argument. That’s the point, asshole.

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You mean, what would I do if a bunch of people were murdered in Baltimore, Chicago, Memphis, Philly, etc.? Would I launch random missile strikes in the killers' general vicinities...probably not.

But you're suggesting that if I were to say put an arbitrary (or not, w/e) border between some of those people, I could launch missiles over the border in the vicinity of the killers? Hmmm.

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Not a good analogy. This was a military operation.

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"War is Terrorism with a Bigger Budget" - Howard Zinn

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Further clarification is of essence. The "Bigger Budget" is specifically for that of the U$$A's last major element of industrial production...the incredibly powerful WarDefense Industry. The largest component corporation amongst that financier clique and their minions and underlings happens to be Lockheed-Martin. Several years back, I discovered that the largest single shareholder for that apparatus happens to be a consortium of London Bank$ters.

Do the math.

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Everything is not connected. Some things are. There are conspiracies. There are random events. Both things are true. Every situation has to be considered in its own context.

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Howard Zinn is a Marxist and full of shit IMHO. And you didn’t answer the very basic question.

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I'm Jewish and Israeli and have studied the history of Zionism at great depth as part of my degree (actually read the original writings and speeches in Hebrew). It seems that like most supremacist and indoctrinated Zionists you seem to be doing two things here -

1. Putting the life of those who were born into the label 'Jew' as above and superior to the local people of Palestine, and like all deceptive Zionists always mentioning ONLY the casualties of one side and NEVER mentioning the FACT that brainwashed heart-corrupted anti-God neo-Nazi Zionists are murdering local Palestinians at a rate of 37:1. But when the life of those who are the Chosen people (those who have the sacred 'Jewish blood' running through their veins) is superior in importance to all other life then why even mention the lowly ones whom tje God-denyimg Nazi Zionists are slaughtering en masse (in much MUCH greater numbers than nationaliat palestininas aee murdering Israelis)

2. Like all Zionists deceivers you also start your "analysis" only from the point when the local people react and resist to the profoundly hostile invading force that dispossesed them of their homes and lands, but never ever mention what they are actually reacting to!! Never mention the FULL PICTURE!!

Does theIr reaction have anything to do with the FACT that the supremacist Zionist project from its very beginning (more than a century ago) was and is always oriented towards the dispossesion of the local people out of their homes and lands (which also includes their extermination, whenever necessary, which the brainwashed and heart-corrupted Zionists did and do in spades, including 83 pogroms/mass-slaughters,and includimg razing to the ground more than 600 local villages and towns), to make way for a for-Jews-only political entity, on top of their dispossesed homes and lands Don't you think that this might be an important little piece of information to mention and add to your "analysis" in order to understand the profound indescribable crimes and traumas (both in the past as well as still ongoing) that are etched in tje bodoes of the local people and to which they are reacting to..

PS. And as a side note - the actual Hamas attack has ENORMOUS anomalies to it (with your permission I won't start listing all of them right now because tjat's a huge subject in its own right) and it is quite clear to many Israelis that the neo-Nazi israeli gov't had a lot to do with it, to advance many of its objectives (which it certainly does). To say nothing of the FACT that Hamas itself is the creation of the Zionist state who use it as a tool/weapon to suit their agenda (again, I won't go into this whole vast subject here) not least of which is to split and weaken the Palestinian movement of resistence to the hostile supremaciat invadimg and dissposseing force (created as a counter weight to Secular PLO) and to dehumanize the local people in tne eyes of the world, one of cruel Godless Zionists' highest goals (and you clearly fell for it) in their dispossesion, strangling and taking over project .

And by the way, the Hamas creation by the Zionist establishment is very similar to how the fundamentaliat mujaheedin were organized, created, armed and funded by USA in afghanistan to be uaed as a weapon against the soviets (it was done at roughly the same time that Hamas was created. Mossad and CIA work very closely together). These Mujaheedin later turned into Al-Qaeda which is still used by the western empire to this day as their attack dog (for example, to force regime change in Syria, where Israel and USA are working closely together with Al-Qaeda/ISIS)

Lastly, I respectfully urge you (and everyone else) to see these profound and highly informative videos which show you the REALITY that 99.9% of westerners have no idea about

https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wbbRvBVJYlQ all about tje Gaza concentration camp. How it came about and were the attacks really 'unprovoked?

https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3psMGQE0iW4 shocking firat hand account of the entire vast apparatus of control dispossesion amd division into upper humans and lower humans that supremacist neo-Nazi Godless Zionists have built for the local people in Palestine, copying and perfecting the supremacist apparatus of Apatheid in south Africa. A shocking and highly informative video!!

https://twitter.com/danish_amooz/status/1714759771880911134?t=AJaRbDn7hTWD3WuPoM2a1g&s=19 a wise and brilliant Jewish man tells you the brutal TRUTH about Zionism and the Zionist state. One of the best and most enlightening video I've ever seen. Don't miss this!!

https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xEUIR_JG_b8 shocking first hand accounts of EXACTLY what the neo-Nazi Zionists are doing to the local population

A very wise Jewish Holocaust survivro talks aboit the phrase 'Never Again'. Never again' isn't a tribal slogan (never again will this be done to US, the sacred and supreme people, the Chosen people), but it actually means NEVER AGAIN will human beings treat each other this way. The supremacist Nazi anti-God Zionists are a complete negation of what this phrase means, complete negation of the true wisdom compassion of Judaism


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Bless you. There are a growing number of Jewish truth-seekers, particularly a large contingent of college-age BDS supporters, as well as the likes of Aaron Mate' , walking in the footsteps of his forbear, along with Michel Chossodovsky and Ron Unz. One should never forget Neturei Karte and other anti-Zionist Jews who are human beings first and then reformists within the pre-Zionist Jewish traditions.

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Save it for the cadre, Comrade. You’re a bullshit artist and an insulting ignoramus. You’re not an Israeli Jew. Sell that hateful nonsense to somebody else.

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Answered within seconds. Read nothing and didn't look at ANY of the evidemce presented. Thank you my friend, your fear and hate is palpable. Translation of your reply: "I absolutely totally and completely refuse categorically to hear or read or see anything that differs from the conclusions I already reached. I close my eyes and shut my ears and scream ' la lal la I can't hear you'. My undeveloped childish ego is FULLY INVESTED AND IDENTIFIED with the identity and conclusions I've reached. I am therefore terrified and scared shitless to hear or read or see anything that doesn't align with my pre-established conclusions, terrified of seeing the EVIDENCE that shows me how one-sided and partial is my perspective, and how enclosed I am within a sectarian one-sided bubble " .

And as for your claim that I am not Jewish and Israeli (becasue you can't seem to fathom the reality that there is anything other than automatic tribalism and nationalistic siding with "my group". Therefore,you conclude, 'if you say anything that isn't cheering for the supremaciat Zionist ideology then you can't Jewish and Israeli'..

That's how the tribalistic brain thinks.

So how would you like me to prove to you i'm israeli? What would you like me to do? Write in Hebrew? מה אתה רוצה שאכתוב לך אחי?

תרגיש חופשי לענות בעברית, אם אתה יודע.

Or what else woud you like me to do?

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You started spewing venom right out of the gate. If you want a civilized conversation, then be civilized. But that’s not what you want. Next.

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No i didn't. The venom came only AFTER your immature disgusting reply which sought to ignore, belittle and erase my original comment (to which you replied within seconds, and didn't even look at). The original comment was civilized and factual, and now you are using this excuse (of the second reply) to continue not looking at it or at the evidemce provided in it. In other words, you're still terrified of seeing any evidemce that differs from your pre-established conclusions.

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“whom tje God-denyimg Nazi Zionists are slaughtering en masse (in much MUCH greater numbers than nationaliat palestininas aee murdering Israelis)

2. Like all Zionists deceivers you also start your "analysis" ...

From your initial post.

Call somebody else names. Call somebody else a Nazi. Go 🖕🏻yourself - self hating phony.

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"But the homicidal maniacs, what do we do with them?"

Which ones? Just the Hamas leaders? Then how do we handle the Neocons?

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Right. Very clever. But the NeoCons didn’t start this round up. They didn’t burn children alive in front of their parents and rape women in front of their husbands. A little moral clarity please and less dissembling.

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The Neocons go back to the late 40s (at least), and have been active ever since. So I'm a little perplexed that they can be excised from the perpetual chains of cause and effect. If one has to pin starting points of the Middle East problems, things like the monumental traumas inflicted by the Nazis, and during the Nakba, seem more natural.

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I understand about NeoCons. I’m not a fan of NeoCons. I get it. What do you do when your country is attacked and your civilians are savagely murdered by a military operation?

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There's defensive warfare, and there's everything else. Maximum offensive war that's labeled "defense" -- like moving NATO to Russian borders, or flattening Gaza, and all the hybrid madness going on for a century now -- is not "defense". Many have convinced themselves it is, and the protagonists are now in full control of the levers of power, but the rest of the world disagrees. And latter are starting to realize they have little left to lose by fighting it. Thus the new crimes of Hamas are, shockingly, "supported" by protests about the Palestinian plight.

Then, I'd say we need to go back to the origins I mentioned. The difficulty of course is there is no definitive origin to history, but we can certainly make good-faith efforts and subject them to debate and fine-tuning.

Conduct truly open discourse with a full, open record; take the time needed to do so; and be willing to accept where it leads under (clear) majority rule. This process has become so FUBAR that it is near impossible to see how it ever worked, but it has in the past. There are devils in the details, don't let it stop us.

Otherwise, the problem is simply never solved. Living in denial makes it far too easy to become a racist. Working hard to pile-drive a cover down onto "the irrational ones" only makes the problem worse, never leads the miscreants to acknowledge "the errors of their ways", and, eventually it (literally) all blows up. Like now.

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You are assuming that both sides are open to discourse, which is not the case. Protestants and Catholics slaughtered each other for hundreds of years until they decided it wasn’t worth it. Hamas is waging jihad. It’s not rational. It’s islamofascist crazy shit. Israel and NATO are not the same paradigm. NATO is composed of a bunch of weaklings and liars provoking Russia for reasons that don’t include anything reasonable. Israel is trying to simply survive.

Israel could flatten and bulldoze Gaza in a week if that’s what they wanted to do. It’s not the case. They are trying not to inflict civilian casualties, but Hamas has made it impossible, killing their own civilians to keep them from fleeing. War is destructive and some wars are fabricated. But war is also unavoidable in many cases. History shows the Israelis have tried everything to coexist. The Islamists have vowed to kill all the Hews and take Israel. There’s no in between.

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To add to this these same people are flowing into the countries where most Christians and Jewish people are. Now tell us all again who is being oppressed by whom.

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Mincing away with your personal agenda...whether innate or subtly sifted into your level of consciousness by the minderbinders of the mass-media of mesmerization and general mindfuckery.

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Gobbledygook. It’s like reading the Jabberwocky.

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Okay, so you do have a somewhat elevated vocabulary. However, as you certainly give all indications of having a dog in the fight; judgement on this tete-a-tete shall emanate from the many lurkers and posters who will view our postings.

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Who cares? You’re a bigot and a third rate debater. Go finger paint in the corner.

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Regarding, "And yet it’s still pretty clear that you are rooting for the people who elected the homicidal maniacs in Gaza who work for the homicidal maniacs in Tehran."

Assuming those elections were honest and fair (big assumption), the median age in Gaza is seventeen. That means half of the people who live there are minor children. Who did they vote for? As for the adult population, it's likely that at least half are women who may or may not be allowed to vote in an election that may or may not be rigged.

Methinks you shouldn't complain about homocidal maniacs in Gaza or Tehran while you support the homicidal maniacs in Tel Aviv.

The Human Cost Of The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict


Personally, I'd rather oppose all those homocidal maniacs wherever they may rule.

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Try to answer the question. 2000 islamofascist terrorists just killed and muikated your family and friends in a military attack across the border. Are you going to give them a statistical reference? That will totally solve the problem.

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Try to respond to my points instead of siding with your favorite homicidal maniacs.

By the way, how do you know that those people who killed Israeli citizens were not members of Mossad or the IDF posing as Palestinian Arabs? It wouldn't be the first time a Zionist group of homicidal maniacs have tried to pull off that ruse. Not saying that's what happened here, but knowing the history of the region, I won't deny that it's in the realm of possibilities.

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"By the way, how do you know that those people who killed Israeli citizens were not members of Mossad or the IDF posing as Palestinian Arabs?"

Yes, see my post above on Israel's decades long history of false flag terrorism. Here are more to add to the list:


Shamir and his faction certainly continued this sort of behavior into the 1940s, successfully assassinating Lord Moyne, the British Minister for the Middle East, and Count Folke Bernadotte, the UN Peace Negotiator, though they failed in their other attempts to kill American President Harry Truman and British Foreign Minister Ernest Bevin, and their plans to assassinate Winston Churchill apparently never moved past the discussion stage. His group also pioneered the use of terrorist car-bombs and other explosive attacks against innocent civilian targets, all long before any Arabs or Muslims had ever thought of using similar tactics; and Begin’s larger and more “moderate” Zionist faction did much the same.

As far as I know, the early Zionists had a record of political terrorism almost unmatched in world history, and in 1974 Prime Minister Menachem Begin once even boasted to a television interviewer of having been the founding father of terrorism across the world.

The Israeli attack on the USS liberty:


The Lavon Affair


The Lavon affair was a failed Israeli covert operation, codenamed Operation Susannah, conducted in Egypt in the summer of 1954. As part of a false flag operation,[1] a group of Egyptian Jews were recruited by Israeli military intelligence to plant bombs inside Egyptian-, American-, and British-owned civilian targets: cinemas, libraries, and American educational centers.

King David Hotel bombing


The British administrative headquarters for Mandatory Palestine, housed in the southern wing[1] of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, were bombed in a terrorist attack[2][3] on 22 July 1946 by the militant right-wing[4] Zionist underground organization the Irgun during the Jewish insurgency.[5][6][7] 91 people of various nationalities were killed, including Arabs, Britons and Jews, and 46 were injured.[8]

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I've read that the person who disguised himself as an Arab and set off the bomb at the King David Hotel was Benjamin Emanuel, the father of Rahm Emanuel, our current Ambassador to Japan, as well as a former Chief of Staff for Obama and a former mayor of Chicago.

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Yes, that's what I've heard too.

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A fascinating fact regarding Rahm Emanuel, an agent for the Pritzker crime clan of Chicago. When Obaminable was assembling his cabinet and standing behind a lectern, with his cabinet members gathered around him; there was his controller, Rahm Emanuel, standing in front of the entire assembly with arms akimbo and letting the world know, in that front-page photo in the New York Times. That photo was published between Barak's election and his Inaguration. The message was loud and clear: "He is our puppet" and much like Biden's monitors today, the control mechanism may be traced to City of London and Wall $treet.

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How do you know the moon is not made out of Gruyère cheese?

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Now you're just being silly.

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You got one right. Nice.👍🏻

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You need a new brain. Because "Hamas" did horrible things does not somehow -- magically -- make everything "Israel" does -- good and proper. That's the trap they created, and the trap you have fallen into. Which means you don't use your brain but only your glands.

Really. It was a trap, and you're in it.

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Enough with the stupid insults. Answer the question. Try to solve the problem. Israel and Hamas are real. They don’t need quotation marks. Jesus Christ.

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“Real” in what sense? If the actual power behind them is supra-national/governmental and/or linked on a web/pyramid of power, would you admit that would put to lie the supposed fact of their reality?

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What if you supplied evidence of your assertions? Yes, still real.

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I’d be glad to have a conversation with you, open my thinking to sincere scrutiny and be transparent as to the working of my mind if you pledged to do the same. I would first like to hear that you actually understand my/our position, because we obviously understand yours as we all shared your point of view once upon a time and when our ilk questions the reality of sovereign, independent states and their front facing governments we are asserting that the real power - and hence the very reality of the narrative that presents them to our understanding- is beyond the nation state and exerts that power much more widely than we always assumed.

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You don’t understand my point of view. I do understand your point of view very well. I understand and agree with the idea that there are transnational economic and social engineering forces driving a lot of our problems. But I’m trying to get people to grapple with the reality of the immediate problem. So far nobody faces up to the issue. You either are for civilization or you aren’t here. There’s no in between. Israel cannot allow Hamas to stay, any more than Iraq could allow ISIS to stay. But when iSIS mass murdered Iraqis and Kurds, nobody here (screaming about Israel fighting back) said “ Gee Iraq shouldn’t get rid of ISIS.” Nobody took the ISIS side. Everybody agreed that iSIS was a group of savages murdering innocent people in order to establish the Caliphate,and that ISIS had to go. Hamas is no different than ISIS. But all the ignorant people without an understanding of history and the anti-semites are howling now about Israel fighting back. Where were the demonstrations after HAMAS attacked in support of Israel? Nowhere - because most of the people defending the Palestinians who support Hamas are uninformed sheeple and/or bigots.

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Jesus Christ. Now he was one righteous Jew, opposing the Sanhedrin and driving out the moneychangers from the Temple. He did not claim to be the "Son of God", rather the son of Man. He was the Great Spiritual Teacher. However, his spiritual messages, as are found in the deleted Gospel of Thomas, centered on his insight that "the Father is within". We are all emanations of Creator and happen to be spiritual beings currently experiencing a material lifetime.

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https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/may/02/persecution-driving-christians-out-of-middle-east-report Yes. Now please tell us just who is oppressing who!! It’s not a contest and Christian’s and Jews are now the minority across the world thanks to people such as yourself. Yet you deem them to be the oppressors. Seems many people have become so blinded by ideology and dogma of the left that you can not see the truth before your own eyes. These same people from the Middle East and Africa are pouring across the borders of all western nations. I bet you think they are doing it for economic reasons, until war starts and your the enemy. .

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Okay. So we know where you are coming from...a not so subtle booster of the grand narrative.

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No. Not at all. Beyond all the spin and the theories and the posturing, there is a real, urgent human problem here to be solved. And none of the people want to confront and deal with the problem. It’s easy to speak in the abstract. So I’m challenging people to try and deal with the real issue of mass murder by a military organization dedicated to the destruction of Israel and all of its inhabitants.

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One-track pony. Mass murder of indigenous people cannot be considered as an "abstraction".

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The Jews are indigenous to Israel. Ever hear of biology and DNA analysis? Perhaps the Dead Sea scrolls? Perhaps archeology? Perhaps the Bible? Anybody? Bueller? Bueller?

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Thank you for this—it’s such a relief to see in writing the complete madness expressed so accurately, and at the same time so so saddening 😔 You are bringing new dimensions to the art of satire. It becomes journalistic and educating, soul-searching and reliving. THANKS 🙏

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Agreed, I wasn’t sure who or what to believe. Now I understand this confusion is intentional. It’s exhausting.

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Fake "Kuwaiti incubator babies," fake "Gaddafi's viagra fueled rape camps," face "Iraqi WMD's," fake "Assad is gassing his own people" - all brought to you by our very trustworthy - "anonymous intelligence officials!" I mean why wouldn't you believe these guys?

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Yes, I don't know why people immediately buy into the atrocity propaganda--all wars are based on deception and lies.

Looks like the "40 beheaded babies" lie came straight from the Israeli PM office and the CNN reporter has history of promoting lies to justify war:

CNN Retracts Hamas Beheading Babies Claim and Apologizes. Sara Sidner Says It Came From The Israeli PM's Office And Was Originally "Confirmed," But Later Disintegrated Into "Cannot Confirm"

It Should Trouble Everybody Deeply That Israeli PM's Office Mainlined The Most Inflammatory Story Imaginable To The Entire World. This Alone Could Be A Whole Book


CNN reporter who "confirmed" fake beheaded Israeli babies story promoted Libya intervention propaganda in 2011

12 years before Sara Sidner helped pave the way for ethnic cleansing in Gaza, she generated "mass hysteria" about rape to justify NATO's Libya intervention


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Breaking this morning: Hamas has chemical weapons! They aren't very creative. They seem to take their repeat stories from Hollywood.

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Excellent article. The title, "War On Horror" is most appropriate being that we're approaching the most horrific season of the year - Halloween.

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I read this quote this morning by Jeffrey St. Clair: "WHEN YOU DECLARE TOTAL WAR against Gaza, which has been under perpetual siege since 1967 after being seized by Israel during the Six Day War, what is it you’re going to war against? There are no airbases, no army bases, no tank battalions, no air defense systems, no naval ports, no oil refineries, no rail system, no troop barracks, no armored personnel carriers, no howitzers, no satellite systems, no attack helicopters, no fighter jets, no anti-tank batteries, no submarines, no command-and-control centers. Just people, most of them women and kids. It’s why the entire population must be dehumanized, turned into “human animals” whose lives don’t matter". I'll add: no food, no water, no electricity, no medical supplies. Something to keep in mind while reading and digesting the narratives and counter narratives.

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Thanks for this quote. Ever since October 7 it is always Israel-Hamas "War". What "war"? Hamas's attack wasn't exactly an act of war, more like an "atrocity" (assuming all that stuff actually happened as they said, which...); cutting off food, water, electricity, medical supplies to a whole city full of mostly civilians is also not "war", more like "atrocity", undoubtedly. I just haven't really been able to put my finger on it, but that quote does it.

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You seem to have missed one thing that is in Gaza that no body dissputes.

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It is truly horrifying what is happening in Gaza right now. But it is opening more people's eyes to the complete and utter ridiculous mainstream narratives. The Great Awakening is upon us, and people are seeing the complete rot in our systems and institutions. They are seeing the depravity in our so-called leaders. It is getting way too hard for people to bury their heads in the sand anymore. I am having conversations with people in my community that I would never have imagined possible even a year ago.

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I giggled and chortled and hugged myself at your outstanding wit, which is rare for me at the moment. As for pinning down what type of war we are engaged in, may I make a suggestion?

This is (simply put) a War on Life.

Yes, all life..... even the most innocent of daisies.

Several years ago, I explained who is doing this, why they are doing this and what their ultimate objectives might possibly be. I uploaded and updated that article to Substack for safekeeping: https://francesleader.substack.com/p/the-mother-of-all-false-flag-events

As I say in my article, I would love to be wrong but, as the years roll by, I see nothing but evidence that I was a prophetess of extraordinary accuracy (and unbridled humility😉) in a sea of sad sack ignorance.

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Did you see the 2 cnn reporters get called out for the propaganda they reported it was great. Caitlin Johnstone wrote and uploaded it in her Substack post

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Used to think you were smart, now I think you're just clever with words and fixed on old ideas of fighting the Evil Zionists and have a lot of bias.

You said in a previous post Israel has been commiting ethnic cleansing for 75 years, how is that possible when there were about 700,000 Arabs within the Jordan and the sea back then and now there are 7 million? Check your math, or your brain.

Now you write that Israel is bombing hospitals, repeating a claim that has been debunked, it was a failed rocket launch by the Palestinian Islamic Jihad.

Honestly I can't bear to read you now so I only glanced, but I'm pretty sure you haven't bothered to mention that Hamas uses civilians as human shields, or the horrible intentional atrocities they committed to start this cycle, or the fact they have no interest in peace or compromise and will pay any price in Jewish or Arab lives to destroy all of Israel and establish a Palestinian Shari'a state over all its territory.

But why bother since your bias is obvious and you clearly have no desire for truth or respect for Israel's right to defend itself, so bye.

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You’ve been brainwashed. We all have, some have just shaken it off. The conflict in the Middle East was purposely created out of the rubble of the two world wars to set up a third. The masses on both sides have been used, victimized, and terrorized but the Arab/Palestinian side has gotten it much worse. Resist being a plaything for the worst entities in this world.

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Wasn't Hamas originally created by Israel and America as a counter weight to the PLO? Or am I just a conspiracy nut?

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History: Was Hamas A Creation of Mossad?


Here's what HAMAS does best: "The Hamas had built its strength through its various acts of sabotage of the peace process, in a way which was compatible with the interests of the Israeli government."

Arafat said that “Hamas is Israel’s creature” Israeli Deep State likely to have set this up as their 911. https://wikispooks.com/wiki/Hamas

“Hamas Was Started by Israel”? Rep. Ron Paul


“You know Hamas, if you look at the history, you’ll find out that Hamas was encouraged and really started by Israel because they wanted Hamas to counteract Yasser Arafat,” Paul commented


Who Is Hamas?

Indeed, on its own soil, Israel has long been documented as creating “fake” al-Qaeda groups to justify its treatment of the Palestinian people.

With that in mind, it is important to note that Israel’s arch nemesis, Hamas, was created by Israel itself for the purpose of splitting the PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization) and Fatah, the leading outfit for the Palestinian freedom and resistance movement.

As Justin Raimondo of AntiWar.com wrote in his 2006 article “Hamas, Son of Israel,”

Amid all the howls of pain and gnashing of teeth over the triumph of Hamas in the Palestinian elections, one fact remains relatively obscure, albeit highly relevant: Israel did much to launch Hamas as an effective force in the occupied territories. If ever there was a clear case of “blowback,” then this is it. As Richard Sale pointed out in a piece for UPI:

Israel and Hamas may currently be locked in deadly combat, but, according to several current and former U.S. intelligence officials, beginning in the late 1970s, Tel Aviv gave direct and indirect financial aid to Hamas over a period of years. Israel ‘aided Hamas directly – the Israelis wanted to use it as a counterbalance to the PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization),’ said Tony Cordesman, Middle East analyst for the Center for Strategic [and International] Studies.Israel’s support for Hamas ‘was a direct attempt to divide and dilute support for a strong, secular PLO by using a competing religious alternative,’ said a former senior CIA official.


There is no way in the world that an attack of this size by Gaza militants could have taken place without the foreknowledge of both Mossad and Shin Bet. Impossible. Unreal. Never gonna happen. Just like the CIA owns Al Qaeda, Hamas is a pawn in the service of the Israeli ruling elites. Remember, Hamas was created by Shin Bet. They wanted an alternative to the PLO. (Unfortunately I can't find my file with the Shin Bet info on Hamas. From memory it was a Shin Bet colonel who relayed the details.)


According to Charles Freeman, former US ambassador to Saudi Arabia, "Israel started Hamas. It was a project of Shin Bet [Isreali domestic intelligence agency], which had a feeling that they could use it to hem in the PLO."

Essentially, as analyst Ray Hannania pointed out, in "Sharon's Terror Child", published in Counterpunch, "undermining the peace process has always been the real target of Hamas and has played into the political ambitions of Likud. Every time Israeli and Palestinian negotiators appeared ready to take a major step forward achieving peace, an act of Hamas terrorism has scuttled the peace process and pushed the two sides apart."

Ron Paul: Hamas was created by Israeli and US intelligence services to counteract Yasser Arafat, Ron Paul explains – NaturalNews.com


The recent terror attack on Israel by Hamas is a senseless tragedy that we can already see is going to have lasting repercussions on world affairs, especially in the Middle East.

Why, then, did the United States and Israel itself create Hamas back in the 1970s?

Before Hamas was what it is today, it was just a fringe group of Palestinian Muslims with no real power.

Today, Hamas rules Gaza with an iron fist, and all because of the U.S. and Israel, according to former congressman and presidential candidate Ron Paul.

Former Israeli officials like Brig. Gen. Yitzhak Segev, who served in the Israeli military in the 1980s, fully admit to this.

Segev told a New York Times reporter that he helped finance the Palestinian Islamist movement as a "counterweight" to the secularists and leftists of the Palestinian Liberation Organization and the Fatah party, which was led by Yasser Arafat.

Arafat himself famously referred to Hamas as "a creature of Israel," and Segev agrees, having taken money from the Israeli government to create this terrorist group in the first place.

"The Israeli government gave me a budget," Segev confessed about what happened.

"And the military government gives to the mosques."

Former Israeli religious affairs official Avner Cohen, who worked in Gaza for more than 20 years, told the Wall Street Journal back in 2009 that he, too, played a direct role in the creation of Hamas.

"Hamas, to my great regret, is Israel's creation," Cohen is quoted as saying.

(Related: Ron Paul has always been rejected from Big Politics for his unpopular, but oftentimes correct, viewpoints that contradict the established order of things.)

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Superb comments Sandra! Shared to Notes.... xx

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Netanyahu Bragged About Zionist Support for Hamas


Scott Horton, the editorial director of the Antiwar website, has found further evidence that Hamas is an Israeli-controlled terror organization. Horton points to a recent post at the Israeli newspaper Haaretz. The article is locked up behind a paywall. However, it is posted on the Archive.org website.

During Netanyahu’s fraud trial, writes Gidi Wewitz, the prime minister is quoted as declaring,

“Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas,” he told a meeting of his Likud party’s Knesset members in March 2019. “This is part of our strategy—to isolate the Palestinians in Gaza from the Palestinians in the West Bank.” (Emphasis added.)


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The question that very few are asking is: where are the photos of the bombed hospital? I only see a parking lot with a big hole in it. Are you telling me 500 people died there? The same w.r.t to the church that was supposedly bombed. Can we not just agree that both sides are lying for PR purposes?

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"both sides are lying for PR purposes?"

Agreed. Today, we live in a mass media house of mirrors. And now, new-and-improved -- with AI!

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Yes 500 people died in the hospital compound. They were sheltering under the trees. They thought they would be safe as they assumed a hospital would not be bombed.

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Please expand your researches.

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Please enlighten me. There is still no clarity who is responsible for the blast. What is clear is that the hospital wasn't hit and it's highly unlikely that 500 people were killed.

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Currently overdue to get some tasks accomplished before winter sets in. So no "enlightenment" today. You may not have done sufficient research on various alternative sites in order to come to a different conclusion as to the several and sequential explosions on and around that afflicted hospital. By no means should you heed the garbage regurgitated by the talking heads on Mainscream mass media. Seek and perhaps you shall find.

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Yea, and for each one that states that Isreal did it another one says it was an Palestinian rocket. Even the one from so called independent sources couldn't state with certainly. So I'll reserve judgement till there is conclusive proof.

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*points and laughs*

Hahaha! What a clown! Hillarious!

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Clearly one of the most biased, one-sided ripostes on this thread.

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