It is certainly doing a good job of dividing those who opposed lockdowns and vaccine mandates!

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It's surreal. 9/11, Covid, the Nordstream pipeline bombing, and now this - The official narrative is absurd. We have proof its absurd. We have proof it was even more absurd before they unified the messaging. I think, no one could possibly believe this absurdity. And really, no one does. They don't believe in the absurdity, they believe in the status quo. If you have faith in a person, you'll believe what they say.

That people have put their faith in a system that actively hates them is the greatest absurdity of all.

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Oct 22, 2023·edited Oct 22, 2023

"Critically examining official narratives is part of my job as a political satirist."

Agreed. Critically examining official narratives to the best of one's ability is _everyone's_ job (today, transparently so) in _every_ society, but the vast majority still get away shirking it.

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Excellent, as usual. So nice to have a voice of reason buried in this mess.

I particularly liked: "If you’re a professional person, with a career, and a mortgage, and kids, or aspiring to be such a person, I would recommend going with The Powers That Be. It’s easy to do that."

Yes, it is "easy to do that"...and that is why most do it. TPTB make it very easy by presenting it all so black and white. You can see them scramble when something ambiguous happens, to chisel it into a "black and white," "good guy, bad guy" scenario. It is almost fun to watch, "how are they going to spin THIS one"...Actually it has become rather easy to do, the loyalists are pretty easy to fool.

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What we know: Hamas wants to destroy Israel. Iran wants to destroy Israel. Hezbollah wants to destroy Israel. What we don’t know is why the IDF took 7 hours to react, when there was enough Signal to Israeli and American Intelligence to warrant immediate IDF reaction. Even if electronic surveillance was down, that should have been a Signal for immediate IDF reaction. All the Horror caused by Hamas, the reaction to the Horror, the Propaganda from all sides, the real possibility of escalation into a World War, were all predictable. After all the massive lies we have been fed over the past 4 years, this Horror Event feels like it was purposefully planned and executed to ignite a World War. Innocent people, just wanting to live in peace, were and will be killed and maimed.

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As an Israeli who woke to a nightmare on October 7, I am appalled by this article. Videos of Hamas atrocities are all over the internet, Hamas themselves took them and publicized them to increase the effect of their terror. I wrote to you after your first post on Israel but the system for some reason would not accept my comment. I am pasting it in here, and hope it goes through this time.

Letter to CJ Hopkins

CJ, I am not asking at this point to be taken off the list, but I am relying on your promise to read what we write. I respect you greatly for your analysis of globocap and courage to stand up to it. But you are not as clear about the other global threat -- the Islamic one. Perhaps I am more sensitive to it than you because I am a woman; it would be understandable to me if men should feel in their heart of hearts that an Islamic takeover of the world would be less skin off their backs. We all feel most the things that affect those most like us. Anyway, that is what Israel is fighting, willy-nilly, and the situation cannot be fairly assessed unless that is taken into account.

Your equation of Israel's treatment of Arabs with their treatment of us when they get a chance, is glaringly unfair. You have not seen any photographs of Israelis decapitating babies, or other acts which I refrain from enumerating. Israel uses against Arabs only just enough force to keep them from killing us -- and sometimes not enough. If civilians are killed in Israeli operations against Hamas, it is because Hamas deliberately puts them in harm's way in order to accuse Israel of "war crimes." And the world falls for it. Lately even President Herzog, ordinarily a card-carrying liberal, was moved to sputter, "If you have a cannon in your goddamn kitchen and want to shoot me, does that mean I can't defend myself?" Arabs in Israel are treated as citizens and are more prosperous and have more rights than in most Arab countries. Arabs move freely in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, while Israelis are forbidden to go into Arab towns lest they be lynched. Israelis aspiring to be doctors often have to go abroad to study medicine because of affirmative action favoring Arab applicants to medical school. The Arabs in Area C, which was supposed to be Jewish according to the Oslo agreements if you remember, would be just as well off if they weren't always trying to kill the Jewish "settlers." You can give the Israeli Arabs -- that is, Muslims -- anything you like, and their response will still be "kill the Jews," because that is how their religion teaches them to respond. By the way there used to be more Christian Arabs in Israel than they are now; since the PA took over Bethlehem, for instance, the Christians have been pretty much driven out, not by the gentlest means.

Global capitalism and Islam are getting along pretty well these days, on the whole. Biden after all is supporting Iran, which is one of the most oppressive Islamic regimes and is behind Hamas and Hesbollah (so that Biden's declaration of sympathy for Israel sets some kind of record for hypocrisy).

Globocap could not care less about Islam's human rights abuses, while the imams for now seem to be waiting to tidy up Western morals until they have full control. I wouldn't place a bet on whether they will finally come to blows or form some hideous amalgam. But Israel is one of the few things that stand in the way of their complete dominance.

I would like to ascribe part of your reaction to the fact that a lot of the "sympathy" poured out on Israel at this time is as phony as Joe Biden, and you don't like phoniness. But please, ask yourself why you felt the need to equate Israel's actions with those of Hamas and its backers. It is not fair, it is not just, and it does not serve human freedom.

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Yeah. So we all know that war is a horrible thing. And we all know that governments lie and manipulate us all day long and that they all suck.

We also know that you say that you don’t want to take sides because, well it’s not exactly clear, and I think it’s likely not exactly true, but your narrative appears to be that somehow you can’t figure this one out and you don’t want to support the military industrial GloboCap complex and Israel. Sure terrorists are bad, but worthy of satire. After all their sissy rockets only kill a few people every time they shoot them, which is not infrequently and more commonly done than in the past. But whatever. And yet it’s still pretty clear that you are rooting for the people who elected the homicidal maniacs in Gaza who work for the homicidal maniacs in Tehran. You know the guys that push gay people off buildings and hang women for not wearing head scarves. The guys who can’t wait for the end of days, who are in a hurry to build nuclear weapons and blow up the great Satans that they hate, so they can all get teleported to a heavenly Las Vegas and bang 72 virgins constantly with their withered old bodies. The guys who kill and imprison anybody who publicly disagrees with them. Yeah it’s pretty hard to tell if those guys are bad for human civilization. Really a puzzle.

Especially for a committed advocate for human rights. Uh huh. I mean most educated Western people over the age of 45 can parse the question of whether they’d rather live under islamofascists or in a liberal democracy, warts and all. Harvard educated dingbats under 45 , not so much.But whatever.

But what would you do if somebody cut your fence and murdered your family and all your neighbors and did this in multiple locations? And the same guys constantly shoot their rockets at you? Which if they hit you, kill you. What would you do? Have a drum circle? Just pack up and leave, so the maniacs can have a few more acres to throw people off buildings?

Yeah, some assholes will get richer from the war. Some governments will use it to distract us from their other sins. But the homicidal maniacs, what do we do with them?

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Thank you for this—it’s such a relief to see in writing the complete madness expressed so accurately, and at the same time so so saddening 😔 You are bringing new dimensions to the art of satire. It becomes journalistic and educating, soul-searching and reliving. THANKS 🙏

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Fake "Kuwaiti incubator babies," fake "Gaddafi's viagra fueled rape camps," face "Iraqi WMD's," fake "Assad is gassing his own people" - all brought to you by our very trustworthy - "anonymous intelligence officials!" I mean why wouldn't you believe these guys?

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Breaking this morning: Hamas has chemical weapons! They aren't very creative. They seem to take their repeat stories from Hollywood.

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Excellent article. The title, "War On Horror" is most appropriate being that we're approaching the most horrific season of the year - Halloween.

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Oct 22, 2023·edited Oct 22, 2023

I read this quote this morning by Jeffrey St. Clair: "WHEN YOU DECLARE TOTAL WAR against Gaza, which has been under perpetual siege since 1967 after being seized by Israel during the Six Day War, what is it you’re going to war against? There are no airbases, no army bases, no tank battalions, no air defense systems, no naval ports, no oil refineries, no rail system, no troop barracks, no armored personnel carriers, no howitzers, no satellite systems, no attack helicopters, no fighter jets, no anti-tank batteries, no submarines, no command-and-control centers. Just people, most of them women and kids. It’s why the entire population must be dehumanized, turned into “human animals” whose lives don’t matter". I'll add: no food, no water, no electricity, no medical supplies. Something to keep in mind while reading and digesting the narratives and counter narratives.

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It is truly horrifying what is happening in Gaza right now. But it is opening more people's eyes to the complete and utter ridiculous mainstream narratives. The Great Awakening is upon us, and people are seeing the complete rot in our systems and institutions. They are seeing the depravity in our so-called leaders. It is getting way too hard for people to bury their heads in the sand anymore. I am having conversations with people in my community that I would never have imagined possible even a year ago.

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I giggled and chortled and hugged myself at your outstanding wit, which is rare for me at the moment. As for pinning down what type of war we are engaged in, may I make a suggestion?

This is (simply put) a War on Life.

Yes, all life..... even the most innocent of daisies.

Several years ago, I explained who is doing this, why they are doing this and what their ultimate objectives might possibly be. I uploaded and updated that article to Substack for safekeeping: https://francesleader.substack.com/p/the-mother-of-all-false-flag-events

As I say in my article, I would love to be wrong but, as the years roll by, I see nothing but evidence that I was a prophetess of extraordinary accuracy (and unbridled humility😉) in a sea of sad sack ignorance.

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Did you see the 2 cnn reporters get called out for the propaganda they reported it was great. Caitlin Johnstone wrote and uploaded it in her Substack post

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Used to think you were smart, now I think you're just clever with words and fixed on old ideas of fighting the Evil Zionists and have a lot of bias.

You said in a previous post Israel has been commiting ethnic cleansing for 75 years, how is that possible when there were about 700,000 Arabs within the Jordan and the sea back then and now there are 7 million? Check your math, or your brain.

Now you write that Israel is bombing hospitals, repeating a claim that has been debunked, it was a failed rocket launch by the Palestinian Islamic Jihad.

Honestly I can't bear to read you now so I only glanced, but I'm pretty sure you haven't bothered to mention that Hamas uses civilians as human shields, or the horrible intentional atrocities they committed to start this cycle, or the fact they have no interest in peace or compromise and will pay any price in Jewish or Arab lives to destroy all of Israel and establish a Palestinian Shari'a state over all its territory.

But why bother since your bias is obvious and you clearly have no desire for truth or respect for Israel's right to defend itself, so bye.

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