My apologies to anyone who tried to comment on this column at first but couldn't. I accidentally hit the "comments from paid subscribers only" button when I published it. It's fixed now, I think. It wasn't intentional. I am just really tired, and getting sloppy. All my columns are non-paywalled and open to comments from everyone. Or they should be. If one isn't, that means I screwed up. Please feel free to let me know when I screw up.

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P.S. I appreciate some readers' editorial concern regarding one sentence in my court statement (see replies below), but, seriously, if you thought that sentence was challenging, well, here's the opening sentence of my 2017 dystopian novel, ZONE 23 ...

"At approximately 0530 o’clock on the morning of officially 17 April, 2610, H.C.S.T., or 02 Iyyar, 6370, or 01 Shawwal, 2049, or Day 600 in the Year of the Lemur (or any of various other dates, depending on your proprietary calendar), throughout the Residential Communities of Northeast Region 709, having finished their traditional morning ablutions, waterless showering, laser shaving, anal bleaching, and other ablutions, and having broken the seals on the recyclable containers of their anti-oxidant soy-milk smoothies and lowfat totally gluten-free breakfasts, the Normals and their families were gathered together in their temperature-regulated, self-cleaning kitchens, heads slightly bowed in an attitude of prayer ... scanning, each on their All-in-One Viewers, or their MultiMax Viewers, or Mondo Viewers, or whatever brand of Viewer they were viewing, their personally-programmed proprietary streams of individualized Morning Content, a lively mix of information, entertainment and social messaging customized to reflect their interests and individual purchasing patterns."

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Yeah, that sentence drew me in...as being a description of, not the future, but the now. I was hooked and loved every page and minute I spent reading Zone 23. Glad to hear your day in court went in your favor, as it must if Germany were to continue to separate its current iteration from its fascist past

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You have a Time Machine Mr Hopkins.

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For a second I was having "Finnegan's Wake" flashbacks.

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Yeah, that was quite the introduction, brother, and an excellent preview, if my statistical sampling of the rest was accurate.

I was referred to your writing by someone randomly encountered online in-- 2015, I think. Have done my little bit to spread your wonderful work since.

The above statement to the German court is the best thing you have ever written, in my opinion.

As for Zone 23, I am as proud to own the book as I am to own all of your other books I can find, but that first page was as far as I got. No doubt that speaks more to my limitations than yours, ha ha, but getting across to one’s readers is kind of the point, no?

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No, getting across to one's readers is not always the point. Sometimes, challenging oneself and one's readers is the point. But I appreciate your criticism and support!

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I'm going to start reading your material, Mr Hopkins. Substack made me do it!

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Jan 26, 2024
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The baby powder or the cleaning of the kits/ fur/skin/or weathered jerky to be .. sanitation of and detox purification of anomalies or flaws in the system sounds about right .. what doesn’t kill you leaves calloused scars and monsters from the darkness..

but gives better soul and spirit ..

I would feel so .. disappointed I didn’t do better or be less pathetic if under such a boot and master ..

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Jan 27, 2024
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Jan 27, 2024
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Go away Satan!!!

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Thank you for using your platform to speak the truth.

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Got to keep sharing the best Hitler Rant ever- "And then there was Substack. How could we have not captured that platform like all the others. Free speach and truth." - ROTFLMAO


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Superb! Can’t believe I missed this when it first came out...

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I tried to get through this without tearing up at all the liberties we have willingly (read that underlined) given up in the west. Without true liberty, we are limited to an existence where the only open discourse is in our minds. And the state will eventually want control in there too. Thank you for speaking for all of us who are horrified at what is happening in Germany, the UK, the US, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, etc. Thank you for refusing to bend the knee. I am encouraged they thought it was politically inexpedient for them to go farther - at least for now. Be well. Be free.

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I actually think you should allow 24-48 hours waiting period before commenting. Give people a chance to actually read and think about what you have written before offering a genuine comment.

I think you will find the comments will be less spammy or in a rush to be the "first" to comment.

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That’s a very interesting idea. A good part of the point of Substack is the ability to comment but authors do have the ability to restrict that eg to paying subscribers only. A restriction in time could also be engineered either as eg 24 hours from any post being published or 24 hours from when the reader first reads a post. The difference would be partly analogous to the difference between conversation in real time and communication by letter. Taking time to think is usually productive with any non-trivial topic and leads to discovery rather than the repetition of known ideas. The Internet Age is so hyped up about speed (and bandwidth) that the intellectual metabolism of humans is not a concern. Of course individuals can always choose to take their time in activities that are free and voluntary but perhaps there are contexts where authors would prefer a ‘temporal calming’ option which would reduce the volume of predictable responses and might increase the proportion of more thoughtful and engaged ones.

I am delighted at the (one prays definitive) outcome of the court proceeding. As anyone must be who understands the proposition that absolute power corrupts absolutely. I was once given the job of writing a book about Germany’s international image from a brand perspective. But at the first editorial meeting I was told most emphatically that I must not refer to “die Nazi-Zeit.” This rather crippled my endeavour. That was back in 1998/9. The book appeared (from a well-known publisher) but went nowhere. At around the same time while queuing for a train ticket at Frankfurt an der Oder station I saw a drunk homeless guy who looked about 60 haranguing the queue with “Adolf hatte recht!” There is clearly a deep gulf in the sensitivities of (some) German people about their country’s totalitarian history and those of non-Germans.

Only much later did I personally become aware of the degree to which Nazism was supported from outside Germany from an early stage. For a detailed account see the book by Jacques R Pauwels: Big Business and Hitler.

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CJ, possible wrong-word alert! Shouldn't "deny" be someting like "claim"?

"You can haul me into criminal court and make me sit here, in Germany, in front of my wife, who is Jewish, and DENY that I am an anti-Semite who wants to relativize the Holocaust."

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Why (and how) would they want to make me claim anything? Read the sentence out loud. You'll get it.

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I read it. I got it .

A superbly written dismantling of the covid narrative. And it’s role in the larger picture. The installation of totalitarian regimes in the West. The twisting of truth to utter nonsense. We do stand at a fork in the road. That cannot be denied.

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The syntax (and register) of some of my longer sentences can be challenging for non-native English speakers. If it's any consolation to them, I've had my share of struggles with the German language, and continue to.

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It’s a great sentence from a great speech! A great piece of writing all around. Many thanks for sharing. 👏✍️

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Read it out loud.

That's exactly what I did. I was so happy to hear of your Not Guilty verdict that I went parading around the house reading aloud, to no one in particular, your beautifully written speech. So empowering!

I think I shall do that a few more times, shout it out to the universe. "Hey, Globocap, now hear this!"

Big thanks to all at Substack for the free speech space!

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The way I read it, "You" was doing the denying, not "me" (i.e., you).

I'm no proof-reader but I would have added "make me" between "and" and "deny".

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OK, I'm in a good mood, so, here's a free English lesson. Remove (1) the adverbial clauses "in Germany" and "in front of my wife", (2) the non-defining relative clause "who is Jewish," and (3) the commas that separate those clauses from the basic syntax of the sentence (and indicate they are not necessary to it), and then write down (and read) that sentence.

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Thanks for the lesson!

BTW, your speech was absolutely superb.

And congrats!

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P.S. I'm not sure whether you're a native English speaker, but I learned today that in German (or for most Germans) the verb "deny" (leugnen) indicates that the assertion being denied is necessarily true. This is not the case in English, where the assertion denied could be either true or false. Which is why LBJ's infamous dirty trick (see my reply below) is so popular among smear artists.

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Agree. Tremendous speech. Also agree that the non-defining relative clause about your wife being Jewish would be, in a better and more honest world, irrelevant and gratuitous, and therefore better left out.

But, alas, probably helpful and maybe even necessary to include in order to get the attention of these dishonest actors. We often say they have no shame. But evil is not absolute. It has gradations. Some of these cretins do respond to guilt and shame (especially when it is in public).

Thank you for your courage and integrity. You did what many who lacked the courage needed to do. Now get some well deserved rest. The fight, it seems, is just beginning.

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Hear bloody hear!

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I forgot to mention the fact that the sentence was from your lambasting speech!👏

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"You can haul me into criminal court and make me...DENY that I am an anti-Semite..." is how it reads.

Seems correct to me...though I will confess when I first read that part, I stopped and went back and examined it to see if the formulation was wrong. Passed muster, IMO.

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Multiple rereads for me...

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It was a hard stop for me! I read it and was forced to reread it before it struck me. The written text doesn’t do the spoken words justice.

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Jan 24, 2024
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I'm not that tired. Making people deny things is one of the oldest dirty tricks in the book. See, e.g., this anecdote from Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail '72 by Hunter S. Thompson ...

"This is one of the oldest and most effective tricks in politics. Every hack in the business has used it in times of trouble, and it has even been elevated to the level of political mythology in a story about one of Lyndon Johnson’s early campaigns in Texas. The race was close and Johnson was getting worried. Finally he told his campaign manager to start a massive rumor campaign about his opponent’s life-long habit of enjoying carnal knowledge of his own barnyard sows.

“Christ, we can’t get away with calling him a pig-fucker,” the campaign manager protested. “Nobody’s going to believe a thing like that.”

“I know,” Johnson replied. “But let’s make the sonofabitch deny it.”

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It’s the strain of translation back and forth between German and English because German has really long confused sentence structure--he is referring to authorities making him deny being antisemitic and not to the authorities claiming he is.

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That has to be speech of the Century and be taught to all schoolchildren worldwide. Well you can dream can't you?

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I was so pleased to hear your news yesterday. My joy was compounded when also learning that Canada’s Emergency Act declaration and orders, used to break up the Truckers/Freedom Convoy protest, were judged to be ultra vires, unjustified, unreasonable and unconstitutional. Doubleplusgood!

The awakening of truth and freedom must continue.

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Canada here. So relieved and happy for CJ! And for Canadas Truckers. Perhaps there is real hope after all. Please keep writing, Cj! Honk! Honk!

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Honk honk!

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This week there has so much good news...first the EA court decision in Canada and now this!!!! CJ, I bought your book at the start of all this and got both the local libraries to buy copies for the branches..... love your work, and your tenacity!!!! ❤

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yes! honk honk for both!

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But what's the relief? Any compensation to the truckers? Any consequence to the government evildoers?

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Thank goodness we still have some judges with integrity.

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Rather late than never. These judges were shining in their absence during all these human right abuses. Only now are they suddenly waking up. Probably because there will be no push back from the establishment

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The government will appeal this ruling.

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Yes but in addition to Justice Mosley's decision in Federal Court, a lot of FOIA information (explained in a PUBLIC substack) has come to light showing the false information on which the Emergencies Act invocation was based upon. Yup the usual-- RCMP etc. faked up a bunch of info on the Coutts 4 (currently in jail on remand - no charges- for 2 years- think Jan 6th).

That false info about the "actions" (sic) of the Coutts 4 was used (and disseminated through the 5 eyes network) to justify putting Canada effectively under martial law. Then the "twitchy witch" Freeland seized bank accounts.

This information that has come to light will force the system to release the Coutts 4 and will effect all the other govt cases and lawsuits by Canadians (Peckford et all on the travel ban) . It will be an interesting year.

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Yes! And to the astrologically-savy: Pluto just moved into Aquarius! The powers that be would do well to pay attention. I keep my fingers crossed that enough people are moving into their sovereignty....

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Isnt it exciting!!-- think of all that has been exposed and taken down (Pluto-transformation) and we havent finished January 😊

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I thought Pluto went retrograde back into Capricorn and will go direct into Aquarius and stay there in November. Just in time for the American presidential election.

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Nope-- came into Aquarius Jan 20th, staying there until Sept 2024 to move into Capricorn for 2 months. BTW The US signed the declaration the last time Pluto was in Aquarius 💖🌟😍

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Thank you for the clarification, Carol. I am aware of what occurred the last time. We live at a very exciting time in history. I believe we will see amazing things occur during the next year.

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Jan 26, 2024
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This is really too big a topic to reply to. But you can check out a few experts on youtube (like Molly McCord and Pam Gregory), they have lots of into on Pluto in Capricorn and now Aquarius. Very interesting for the US as well, since it is the Pluto return for that country, hence the US upheavals. Have fun exploring. (I used to live in Calgary, but I'm back in Europe where it's a little warmer)

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Jan 27, 2024
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full moon too

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Of course the Act and orders used to break up the truckers' convoy were unlawful.

What is anyone going to do about it, now that the protesters are safely dispersed and the Canadian establishment can move on to other things?

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Uh hello-- TONS of legal action on both sides-- see my post above for just a few of them.

Creates precedence legally --impt for the future, gives basis for suing the govt for loss of job, money etc., restores reputations and frankly gives all of us Canadians a glimmer of hope going forward. Resistance is not futile. Ask CJ.

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Jan 25, 2024
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Meaning that the protesters still must defend themselves.

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Jan 25, 2024Edited
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Not wanting to hijack this thread away from focus on things shifting somewhat in beautiful Canada but I am seeing some US truths abt Jan6 unfolding with the exposure of the pipe bomb story.

And ppl are still in jail from that Jan6 not-an-insurrection.

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Geez -- read about the FOIA information that will change that. Are you reading CBC-- you wont find it. See my post above.

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I still feel they are winning (the totalitarians). They have the upper hand in terms of the power structure. But we have the truth.

In the end, the truth wins.

(But when, she asks?)

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I beg to differ. People in the general population still think 9/11 was perpetrated by a small group of Muslim extremists with box cutters.

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Well read my comment. I said they are winning. Yes most still think 9/11 was the narrative we were told and COVID is deadly (and the only way we got up out of this pandemic was because of the vaccines 🤣 … as they slowly die off). We get to live knowing we didn’t fall for the lie. If that’s my only revenge I’ll take it.

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I don't think the truth will win. You do. That's where I beg to differ. I hope you're right and I'm wrong but so far the liars and the lies they tell are believed by the majority. Even if not believed most stay silent. Just like the Germans in Hitler's time. More recently those who took the jab and had no ill effects (that's roughly 799 out of 800) can't see what the fuss is all about.

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It’s almost as if we were right about the tyranny all along...

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Double plus with a scoop of vanilla bean ice cream on top! WHEN are you going to shake this asshole Leftist from the Prime Minister's office? He's beyond an embarrassment. Buy him a one way ticket to Beijing so he can fulfil his fantasies of licking the bottom of Xi's boots after he has stomped through the mud of a Uyghur concentration camp.

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You first

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Huh? Me first what?

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What a splendid statement, CJ! I'm relieved that you've come through this so far, and I pray that your acquittal will stand. Blessings on your courage and clarity, and blessings on your time of rest!!

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And after your eloquent statement the judge slaps on a mask? Wow. It's truly dumbfounding. I'm so sorry you've been put through this. For what it's worth you have my absolute respect and sincere gratitude.

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"The masks always send out a signal." They signal they sent out from 2020 to 2022 was, "I conform. I do not ask questions. I obey orders." It was a perfect example of CJ's point in this quote.

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I know how much you’ve suffered these past eight months, CJ, but you’ve alchemized that suffering into one of the finest and most important speeches decrying totalitarianism I’ve ever read, and to do so in the context of a judicial court in this farce of a case adds an exquisitely triumphant finale to this drama. This may be your best play yet. This was the theater of life, and you delivered a speech worthy of going down in history alongside Thoreau’s “On Civil Disobedience.”

Bravo, CJ, and enjoy a well-deserved rest!

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We are all just playing the parts we have been cast in by the Cosmic Casting Director. It doesn't really matter whether we realize it or not, but realizing it does allow for a bit more performative flexibility.

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Absolutely, CJ, and you delivered the performance of a lifetime.

For those who missed it, you can read more about CJ's philosophy on this topic in our Dissident Dialogue:


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A shameless plug. ;)

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You'll thank me for it if you haven't yet read it ;-)

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Thank you for the reminder. I enjoyed it so much in '22 I'm reading it again in light of recent events, The Verdict.

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We all have to play the part assigned to us. You deserve credit for empowering this reader to commit to never stop speaking out against the totalitarian agenda because your acts of courage and perseverance demonstrate there can be humor, victory and optimism amidst so much negative news.

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Beautifully put

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Brilliantly put🥰 things rise to meet us and it is up to us to respond.

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Not only is it a happy ending, but your statement is literally brilliant. Looking to republish it on Brownstone since you have given permission. Thanks for fighting this fight to the unexpectedly marvelous end.

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Please...and can Brownstown send it to the corrupt Judges on the DC Circuit court who have our J-6 political prisoners languishing in jail or punished for not even being inside the Capital?

This kind of persecution is right here under our noses and we do nothing?

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Well done CJ. A very well written speech. Complete and exhaustive but neither replete nor exhausting. Take a well earned breather and come back to us refreshed and ready for further fun and games as the show goes on. Congratulations.

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Very succinct: "Complete and exhaustive, but neither replete nor exhaustive."

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saw that too, much appreciated :-))

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Congratulations. You inspire me and many. Best to you.

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Enjoy the rest. You've earned it.

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Overjoyed! Much love, CJ!

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No, you are not a Nazi but if" never again is now" which Vera Sharav has clearly evidenced in her documentary series, then the comparison must be made without reservation; what actually must be emphatically said is that the holocaust never ended and what we have been subjected to today is a continuation of the same mind-sets that made the holocaust possible: elitist tyrannical governments, belief in eugenics and population control, the false faith in fake medical science to achieve power and control while making the masses expendable. etc. none of these themes are new but what is new is that the new generation of nefarious actors aim for a world-wide holocaust where the human species itself is expendable; in that sense we have already surpassed Nazi Germany on a global scale!

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And psycopathy.

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Exceptional statement to the court!

The court gave the only moral ruling.

Congratulations on a fight well fought!

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Praise God! Your statement is so powerful. Rest up.

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Excellent statement, and congratulations (for now). Garbage like what the German government has been doing these last few years is exactly why AfD has been rising in popularity, and rightly so. May the Good Germans decrease, and AfD increase.

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Damn! Think I got some dust in my eye while reading that last bit.

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Congratulations! You naiied it. This is one of the best speeches I've ever ever read! You shamed them. Now they're dust.

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Vaporized by an extraordinary, most brilliant missive !

Thank you Mr. Hopkins, for holding the line against fearsome, totalitarian tyrants.

Bravo ! and hip hip hooray !

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