I've been saying for a while now that satire is dead, or at least gasping a last death rattle. I was thinking in terms of the unsatirizable insanity we see around us every day, but on reading the comments here, I guess it's also that so few have an ability to recognize it. Or are they mostly satire themselves, which means I'm among those who can't see irony or satire? Alas, I honestly can't tell anymore.

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Sadly, I don't think it's you, Grandma Bear.

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I have noticed for several years that, at least in San Francisco, nobody really has a sense humor at all, let alone being able to recognize satire.

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It is worth noting that the pranksters, the rule-breakers, the subversives, the roasters of sacred cows and the Tellers of Forbidden Truths are mostly found on the alt-right (and to a lesser extent the Dirtbag Left) while liberals have turned into priggish, humorless scolds who make The Church Lady look like Johnny Rotten or Lenny Bruce by comparison.

This is not because of any inherent puckishness on the part of the right or any inherent censoriousness on the left, but is a result of their respective relationships with power.

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Long gone are the days of the Biotic Baking Brigade, Guerrilla Girls and the Yes Men.

In Canada we had the Raging Grannies and I did the Corporate Bagman.

Or satire movies like Bob Roberts and Bulworth.

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Bob Roberts and Bulworth were satire ?

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🔥👌 Mic drop. Stunningly trenchant diagnosis & aetiology of our New Normal Reich, magnificently worded.

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In my experience the inability to recognize satire, sarcasm, dry humor, etc., is quite common and not unique to our current state of affairs.

There are a lot of idiots out there--something "Covid-19" has confirmed (in case there was any doubt).

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@night owl--regarding "There are a lot of idiots out there--something "Covid-19" has confirmed (in case there was any doubt)."

Indeed--and riffing on the same tune; when the "shelter in place" kicked in, I used to love driving through the city (people can't drive here very well either, another idiot indicator) on the literally empty streets; I used to call it "filter in place", filtering out all the morons:-)

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Intelligence had nothing to do with falling for COVID-19. It had to do with trusting the experts and a general world view. And maybe several unknowns. I know one guy who is near genius and has theoretical physicists and epidemiologists for friends (most likely from his university days). He fell hard for Covid and used the advice of his expert friends as his defense.

Meanwhile there's me working in a factory with a few anti vaxxers who are near insane. If you could get cancer from using ass backwards logic they'd have died a long time ago.

My point is that ascribing causality of the Covid hysteria to intelligence is incorrect and robs us of insight into what's happening.

Not that I've got it figure out. But I do notice that the anti narrative crowd have gotten a lot crazier in the last 6 months and I believe this is leading up to something. Covid wasn't an independent phenomena. It was done to bring in something that coming. It's a manipulation device.

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There is no such thing as Covid it's a total Illusion, it's designed orchestrated, manipulated by greed, pharma greed, doctors are trained to vaxx the world to bits and pieces, every virus they have come up with in the last 4-5 decades are by design, the reason why I know, I am severely immune compromised with sinus disease, and I don't wear a mask, never get tested and certainly will never get a vaxx, my last vax was 25 years ago, please listen to my short story and share, Fear Kills so does greed power control and stupidity

I don't Do "Covid" - My Story


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BTW I was fooled until Omicron and stupidly got the first two jabs. But then Omicron ripped through pretty much the whole population and was much less deadly which means herd immunity, and they were still pushing the jab, is when I woke up and knew I had been had.

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Fair, but then what quality of the psyche is it, that allows people to see it's a scam? Is it as random as media diet?

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The vibe in San Fransicko SUCKS! I was born and raised in that (now) hell hole, 3rd generation. I was also just fired from that city for not testing/jab. That city is NOT SF! It will never be the same. The Progressives destroyed it. No one in that city has a sense of humor and everyone is a victim.

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agreed. the public space in SF is mostly a 24x7 moronic shit show.

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Lol! Yes it is! That city WAS absolutely beautiful! Growing up there, it was like a small town (I know that’s hard to believe), and you’d always run into people you knew. It was very middle class with big families, great entertainment, and stellar restaurants. Most important, it was very down to earth. No one is from San Francisco, that’s why it’s lost everything. The worst part, is politicians are doing this. No one is “in charge”!

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Metaphorically and literally alike: fiction meets reality, and both promptly & enthusiastically undergo fusion for good (which is bad, ackshoolly).

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VERY bad.

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I remember wayyy back long ago when the National Lampoon magazine was literally dripping with satire. Pictures of Ike Eisenhower looking out of a hospital window with the caption, "Hi - I'm dead!," or a picture of a puppy with a gun to its head with the caption, "If you don't buy this magazine we'll shoot the dog," and a line comparing a certain politician's speech to "A Filapino with a cleft-palette and a mouth-full of BBs." Oh. Those days are gone and have been replaced with "Clean-Speak," or speech that is so limp, listless, and lifeless as to offend nobody (on the Left at least).

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It's a wonder that the UC Berkeley Adrifta NeoLeft hasn't yet purged the legacy of Paul Krassner by burning him in effigy on the site of the Mario Savio Steps of Sproul Plaza, using copies of The Realist as fuel. https://www.ep.tc/realist/

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well, on the note of satire, I've noticed over the last three years it's been getting harder and harder to tell what's well-written satire and what is actually happening in the Nooz propaganda mill.

I still see good satire, I just have to check if it's coming from a known satire outlet like Obvious Plant, The Onion, or Babylon Bee. if not, I have to do a little rummaging around in non-Google search engines to see if it's good satire or actual incident reports.

I love satire, but am not really fond of how the Powers That Be are getting so outrageously obvious about their intentional malfeasance that They could just as easily be being sarcastic.

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An obsolete kind of literary composition in which the vices and follies of the author's enemies were expounded with imperfect tenderness. In this country satire never had more than a sickly and uncertain existence, for the soul of it is wit, wherein we are dolefully deficient, the humor that we mistake for it, like all humor, being tolerant and sympathetic. Moreover, although Americans are "endowed by their Creator" with abundant vice and folly, it is not generally known that these are reprehensible qualities, wherefore the satirist is popularly regarded as a soul-spirited knave, and his ever victim's outcry for codefendants evokes a national assent.

'Hail Satire! be thy praises ever sung

In the dead language of a mummy's tongue,

For thou thyself art dead, and damned as well —

Thy spirit (usefully employed) in Hell.

Had it been such as consecrates the Bible

Thou hadst not perished by the law of libel.'

- Barney Stims

(The Devil's Dictionary)

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🗨 History, n. An account mostly false, of events mostly unimportant, which are brought about by rulers mostly knaves, and soldiers mostly fools.

🗨 Future, n. That period of time in which our affairs prosper, our friends are true and our happiness is assured.

🗨 Once, adj. Enough.


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A daughter of Hope and Fear, explaining to Ignorance the nature of the Unknowable.

(Devil's Dictionary)

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🗨 Pray, v. To ask that the laws of the universe be annulled in behalf of a single petitioner confessedly unworthy.

🗨 Revelation, n. A famous book in which St. John the Divine concealed all that he knew. The revealing is done by the commentators, who know nothing.

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Lustrous halcyon days for Poe's law of interwebz 😏

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I like that potential explanation: "they are mostly satire themselves" ---kinda fake people, no?

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I think satire is not dead. We are just acclimatizing to the deeper and wider understanding of what can be "satired". Humor is getting upgraded.

And as Cj nicely puts it: "The implementation of the new official (i.e., Orwellian) reality is a fait accompli."

There are many reasons why these times can be viewed as transitional period in which it is not completely ok to joke with everything. But humor will have none of it, being a relentless healer that humor is.

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Speaking of transitional 😇:

🗨 Western globalist circles are the last transitional state from human being to algae.

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Thanks CJ ... I love reading your stuff, and I appreciate your point of view and some humor to boot.

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I'm not like a - defense lawyer - or anything C.J., but if I were to give you legal advice, I'd suggest you begin to immediately work toward getting the MSM and shit-libs in Germany on your side before this legal thing goes any further. The tried and true technique would be for you to immediately come out as "trans." Hey, don't wig out, you won't like have to like shave your beard, or remove any portion of your anatomy, it's more like - um - "a feeling" - kind of thingy apparently these days. This "new trans you" will immediately endear your cause to the elite "progressive" segments of German society that control MSM - as you can now loudly accuse the German state of "transphobia" in every MSM platform that will have you. Being a victim of transphobia is of course a crime of unspeakable evil that immediately puts - "victim you" - "on the right side of history." I'm completely confident in our new legal strategy, but of course should things go seriously south and you end up doing some time, at least it will be in a women's prison - hey, I'm just saying. ; ) PS - I'm not making light in any way of your legal situation C.J. - it's obscene that you're dealing with this fascist bull shit. But I did hope to perhaps elicit at least a wry grin.

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Good one....or he could paint his face black, like Trudeau, or brown and put a dot on his forehead. You may as well laugh all the way to the gulag.

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For everyone who didn't want to take up the cause of political prisoner Ernst Zundel (and I am not blaming you, I myself didn't want to either. I got dragged into it.) We now, I hope, see why it is so important to focus on the principle. If Julian Assange can be tortured in public for years for the crime of journalism and Zundel can be kidnapped by the US's DHS to Canada and then extradited from Canada to Germany for raising a discussion about German history in Canada in some leaflets, are we living in a democracy? And what next will it be no longer allowed to discuss or investigate? And this might be a sore point to raise for many, but if we allow the social engineers to lure us out of our faith in God, then who can we claim gave us these rights to speech and belief and assembly and privacy?

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To make you feel even better, check this out on the Whitmer "kidnapping plot".


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People who believe actual human rights, such as freedom to speak, are privileges granted only by government, are the godless ones who must not be trusted.

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Wait, so Trump is Hitler now? I thought Putin was Hitler. Wasn't Trump already Hitler once? Is it a title that's passed around, or are they both Hitler? Who else is Hitler? Is CJ Hitler? Are you Hitler? Am I Hitler? Is everyone Hitler?

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Here in Germany, a world famous Thai microbiologist and immunologist also became a "Nazi" for speaking out about "Covid-19."

Anyone can become a "Nazi" today, you see.

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Aaaand here come all the Trump lovers. It's insane that people still think that Trump is not part of the establishment, but then again, people also think that RFK Jr. isn't either.

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One can point out that Trump is the subject of a witch hunt without being a Trump supporter.

I can also say that Trump is not proven to be behind the murder of Mickey Mouse and still not be a Trump supporter.

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Absolutely. I'm just pointing out how extreme people can be when it comes to their unconditional support for a politician or any individual for that matter.

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You don’t have to “love Trump” to realize he’s the best the system has to offer - and at least with Trump, you get energy independence, no money laundering via foreign proxy wars and climate alarmism. As a bonus, he will exit the WHO, again, and we can avoid Plandemic 2.0 at least until 2028...if, as CJ correctly points out, he is somehow able to overcome the machine that is dead set on preventing him from ever getting near the White House again. And that’s a bigger “if” than it ever was in 2016 - like by a power of 100. Not sure if you’re a believer in God, but it will take a literal miracle for that to happen in 2024. We shall see.

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The system has nothing to offer but evil. And Trump is the most dangerous because he has all the fake Christians fooled.

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Why only fake Christians? Why not anyone? He's not some type of faith leader.

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I'll vote for Trump, again. Prior to the 2016 election he was a name I had heard of but I had no interest in his efforts. However, when it was between Trump and Hillary it wasn't close.

Trump is the best US President since at least JFK. I say that as I fully acknowledge he wasn't that great, but all the others, before and after, were/are much worse. And as it looks right now, that's still the lay of the land; sad but true.

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What matters is the individual's ability to challenge what most Anericans abhor from the political class. Trump is a political outsider feared & loathed by the uniparty machine for his unpredictability & willingness to blurt out ugly truth like when he said US troops were staying in Syria for the oil.. we're taking the oil is not what DC Mafia endorses for talking points.. it would be hard to overestimate the appeal Trump has simply from endless efforts of corrupt DC powers to undermine him.. Congress has 9% approval rating which is 91% who will lean toward anyone seen as the enemy of Congress.. this isn't rocket science

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Trump isn't a political outsider. That's his part to play in the show and he's doing a damn good job. It's all theater. He is of the elitist class and you don't have to look too far to see it. Do you think it's just a coincidence that there are pictures of Trump and Epstein just like there are pictures of Epstein and Gates? What happened to draining the swamp and throwing Hillary in jail? He still brags about pushing these clot shots and how many lives they have saved.

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Again, he is a professional actor just like the majority of the politicians that we see on the world stage. He was literally in the fake wrestling world. The mainstream news and the government agencies have dome a great job in convincing Americans to love him or hate him and both sides believe in their own narratives that are not substantiated by what we see in reality. He has and continues to support a "vaccine" that has killed and maimed hundreds of thousands of American lives. It's probably in the millions now. They don't care about us, including Trump.

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So easy to see, isn’t it?

Stockholm Syndrome 😉

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Very accurately stated!

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GW, is that you? If so, go back to paining landscapes amigo!

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Yes he is a member of elite class but Trump was always outside the Washington machine. He knows little beyond the fact that donations bought favors & he made his share of those investments but as far as navigating the swamp & understanding the dynamics Trump has less of a clue than any junior staffer on the Hill how the DC Mafia operates.

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I agree. Vee has gone one layer deep and stopped (classic midwit). There is ample evidence that Trump, though rich and connected, is not part of the power structure in the way Vee is suggesting.

There is a reason the entire establishment spent four years doing anything it could to get Trump out of office. He is their enemy. He walked into Davos and told them so.

Jury is out on RFK, but he seems legit and as though he has moved away from many of his more questionable positions and actions in the past.

One thing is for sure: No politician is going to save us, and both Trump and RFK are a breath of fresh air compared to the WEF psychopaths running things here in Germany and the EU.

I'll take just about any true ally I can get in this fight. It is for all the proverbial marbles, after all.

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As a New Yorker both Trump & Bobby had huge local profiles by 1980's so this is the granny view & hometown way they were...

'The Donald' as he was called by his wife, inner circle & known on Page Six tabloid feature of NY Post has always been a publicity whore, crude, shady real estate deal maker & showy tri-state fixture... perfect turf to take a small fortune and build more. He has no intellectual curiosity nor interest in factual accuracy but he does gum up the gears of the war machine our career class keep running in high gear. That's a big plus.

Bobby has been a favorite since his early Riverkeeper days as lawyer for Hudson River fisherman losing livelihoods & suing big polluters dumping poisonous waste, including mercury, into public waterways. Endless court cases, remediation efforts and decades later the Hudson is the cleanest in the country & Riverkeeper has patrol boats & lawyers around the globe. https://www.riverkeeper.org/riverkeeper-mission/our-story/

While Trump built casinos in Atlantic City RFK Jr founded Childrens Health Defense under pressure from moms that mercury levels in vaccines should not exceed limits for safe to eat fish. Demanding profiteers respect human health risks - anti-mercury.. anti-vax.. anti-fish?


Bobby was also on the landmark case against Monsanto RoundUp aka glyphosate ruled carcinogenic by a court. He has one of the sharpest minds, voracious appetite for knowledge and most patient, open listening and damn fine orator.

Both will render damage unto the machine but Bobby knows the swamp like the back of his hand from suing revolving door agencies for decades as facilitators of deadly practices. He can surgically remove the rotted patriarchy and set a tone for the bulk of public employees what most prefer & serve the public.

Not laying bets how Trump madness might manifest he makes so many insiders lose their minds.. but for sure never a dull moment! :~)

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Thank you Pamela!! (there are occasions that I much prefer clear and precise language over satire)

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Ah yes, the 4D and 5D rationalizations that come from the die hard Trump supporters that refuse to look at actual reality who more often than not resort to name calling because we midwits don't recongize the genius that is Trump.

"He walked into Davos and told them so." Do you not see the absurdity in this statement? No one just "walks into Davos" and furthermore, he didn't do anything of that sort. He contiued to play his part so that people continue believing this clown world idea that Trump is somehow not part of the elitist parasitic class.

We definitely agree on one thing though. No politician is going to save us. It's up to us to save ourselves and the future of humanity.

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I see. So lump all the "elitist parasites" into a single class and call it "the club". Normal usage of "the club" is different. Some "elitist parasites" are part of "the club" while others are not. Trump is one who is not.

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He walked into Davos in part because he was president of the United States. The rest of your comment is equally absurd, presenting an analysis that goes no deeper than the superficial idea that "they are all in on it."

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Excellent points!

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Yes Trump is an elite of sorts, but none of the other elites like or accept him because they correctly see him as a phony and charlatan. So he is a political outsider.

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Apolitical prior to covid. Did not vote for trump or Hilary but I will vote for candidate that exitd WHO,UN ect. Would we be in war if NATO existed. NATO and all bureaucracies justifying their continuation. We need to dismantle orgs after their purpose is served. The plan has been written to absorb Russia resources into US financial system to infuse it ie controlled steal. This makes sense to me like Syria steal.

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Yep. The plan all along for Russia is multi-faceted. 1) As you imply, to balkanize the RF so that Russian resources can be picked up on the cheap like when the USSR collapsed and full-scale austerity can be brought to bear and 2) To break up the unitary body politic that flanks China's western borders. NATO is in place to sell expensive military equipment, sow chaos so as to justify future expenditures, and to provide a career where ex-diplomats and military men and women can fail ever upwards, with cool expense-free trips to Europe and stuff!

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RFK has been made to feel like he is not part of the establishment but he is part of the establishment, the Kennedy Family has been a part of our history in our American family . The libtards are rude to him and it just shows the AOC’s of the country have no idea about the history or our country and our beautiful great nation.

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RFK Jr has demonstrated his subservience to Israel, so anyone who puts America first will have a hard time with him despite many important points and an honorable track record of work. There will yet again be no viable candidate that will be allowed to reach the White House. The solution is still to build local "in real life" communities that can protect themselves from the mind control being spun through the gadgets and the main stream media and can prepare themselves spiritually to resist the spiritual war against us.

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Trump also exhibited a MAJOR subservience to Israel. He even assassinated Gen. Soleimani for them.

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Got a better alternative that has a chance to win?

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Like Obama - more than any president in modern times post-JFK - Trump, too, had fans. For sure he had some "voters" and "supporters" but he and Obama also have a large contingent of fanatics. Like a cult of personality. Fans of each give their chosen person credit for a wide range of things they really weren't uniquely and solely - sometimes even at all - responsible for, and they place the blame on anyone else (usually the "Left" for Trump fans and "Republicans" for Obama fans) or they chalk up failures and terrible decisions to things outside of their control. Examples:

Why didn't Obama close Gitmo like he had promised? Answer: Because of OBSTRUCTIONIST REPUBLICANS! Why did Obama destroy Libya and attempt to do the same to Syria? Answer: It was all done in good faith, freedom and human rights! But then those poor backwards fools failed to take advantage of our kindnesses!


Why did Trump assassinate Gen. Soleimani while he was on a peaceful mission of diplomacy? The DEEP STATERS IN HIS CABINET! (same basic answers for the missile attacks on Syria and indicting Julian Assange)

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RFK is, of course, saying a whole lotta things that will appeal those on the Left who are anti-war/anti-corruption/pro-vaccine-safety/etc. etc. But what is he *not* talking about?

While he occasionally refers to the WEF, Gates, Musk, and Bezos and their plans, I've yet to hear him mention UN Agenda 21 / 2030, which is just another means to the same ends (and far more under-the-radar, since it's happening at the level of regional commitees all over the world, who issue guidance to very welcoming local councils). But the WEF and the UN are now working together to fulfill the Sustainable Development Goals, so to denounce the WEF while remaining silent about the UN and the SDGs is highly suspect behavior, IMHO.

RFK also goes along with the Anthropocentric Global Warming myth (central to the Sustainable Development agenda), as brought out in a recent interchange with Mikki "Plandemic" Willis. RFK asserted that belief in AGW is a matter of opinion, and he can be friends with people who have different opinions. As support for his belief in AGW, he referred to some internal Exxon documents from the 70s. What about all the science that clearly shows that AGW is a total fabrication? Are vaccine harms equally a mere "matter of opinion," or is RFK as willing to engage in debate with top AGW-dissenting scientists as he is with vaccine-promoting scientists?

If a politician is not going out of his or her way to explode the AGW/Killer Carbon/Sustainable Development narratives, then is it not safe to assume they accept and support them (and if they do, how is that any different than supporting the WEF and its Great Reset agenda, as they are two sides of the same coin)?

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let's not vote and say we did. CJ, I hope your vacation by the sea was a good one and you now manage to stay out of the klink. thanks for the read. always a pleasure.

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I haven't voted for 30 years, and thanks, yes, the holiday was good, except for ... you know, all the global boiling.

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I haven't voted in decades either. It's always an argument if I say so. I love when they say "If you didn't vote you can't complain" Me: "so just the idjits who voted for an idjit get to gripe? That makes no sense."

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George Carlin agrees with you and so do I!

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I had never wanted to bother with politics until trump was elected and I saw how horrible people got about him. To me, that was so funny to see people who thought they were sane, rational people, just lose their shit when it came to Trump...and they still cannot stop. The sad part, was that the people who should have been funny about the whole situation (the SNLs, late night hosts, etc) all folded to the "we better hate Trump or we won't have a job". People were afraid to be funny, when there was a million things to joke about...and only 5-10% of that was actually stuff Trump did or said, and 90% of what was side splitting funny was the reaction to what Trump did or said. I love sending a meme to people losing their crap over Trump...it makes my day. I feel doomed no matter what octogenarian nincompoop we put in office, but I hope it is Trump because that is gonna be funny as hayall!

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TDS is hilarious.

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It truly is. It even led many to inject themselves with a mysterious substance for a disease never isolated in exchange for a free Big Gulp (or a Currywurst here in Germany) and virtue points.

Never did I think I would witness acts of such depraved stupidity en masse.

Good times.

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What is the correlation between those with TDS and those still wearing masks (non-Asian, btw...that's some whole other phobia there...)

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People with compromised immune systems such as my father still wear high quality full-seal N95 respirators and wear them properly when indoors among a lot of people (such as trips to Costco or WalMart).

"N95 masks are designed to create an extremely tight seal around the nose and mouth, thanks to elastic headbands and an adjustable metal band over the nose. That's part of what makes them so effective (health care workers are individually fitted for their N95 respirators).

The other thing that makes N95s effective? They filter 95% of particles as small as 0.3 microns in size, hence the 95 in the name. (Although SARS-CoV-2 virus particles are about 0.1 microns in size by themselves, remember that virus particles are usually attached to something bigger, like the respiratory droplets generated when talking.)"

The whole mask "debate" was really a mess because in some not small part, so were the studies. In fact loose fitting cloth masks are probably completely worthless unless you have a respiratory infection and you want to minimize the spread of aerosols and droplets from your own face when in public. For anyone else, they're shite. And don't get me started on the whole thing about wearing them only over the mouth without covering the nose. Most of the studies relied on self-reporting and didn't differentiate between mask types or how rigorously the wearer actually practiced wearing them.

TL/DR version: A mask is not a mask is not necessarily a mask - or - not all masks are created equal and the wearer must adhere to stringent protocols without lapsing if they are going to work. Hate to jinx him, but he's COVID free and hasn't caught it during his remission from cancer and chemotherapy destroying his immune system.

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i dont get americans, trump gave you the jab. hes a pharma paid guy. yet to admit they suck.

yet you all love him

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Not this American.

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Thanks for waking up parts of our human brains that need to be brought back to life, CJ!

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I just spent hours reading a lot of your previous work and it included the naked capitalism interview by Yves. My goodness most of the commentators were knee deep in the Covid propaganda conspiracy and I’m wondering how many of them have waken up and seen how wrong they were? And anyone who didn’t adhere to the ‘Covid is deadly and vaccines will save the world' agenda got quite a scolding from Yves and Lambert. Wowzer what an incredible journey.

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"My goodness most of the commentators were knee deep in the Covid propaganda "

They were nose deep! I stopped visiting naked Capitalism after several years checking daily, before 2020.

I made one comment, at the beginning of 2020, that the reason for increases in the number of "cases" may be explained by a sudden increase in mass testing and was immediately swarmed by morons.

They seemed to have decreased in value added after the Wapo called them out as useful idiots of Russian propaganda. I think that was in 2018.

Some of those regular commenters seem to be paid to me...kinda fake discussion going on there more frequently than before....anyway, a little sad.

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Yeah I’m getting tired of Yves and Lambert thinking that only their views matter and anyone who goes off script needs to be scolded. I’ve been thinking of saying just that since I rarely comment there.

I hadn’t thought about some people being paid to comment. Many of them are still stuck in the Rona psyops and still wearing masks and looking forward to the next jab. I see people saying that they are on their 4th infection and never question why the vaunted jabs aren’t effective.

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I truly appreciate the humour as at this point as reality for us all is not looking very bright. Humour makes it tolerable, or at least one can find amusement in the rash, ideological, destructive, and moronic, actions of those in leadership positions. Their promotional press gallery makes it even more amusing with the out right lies, distopian predictions, misinformation and disinformation. May as well chuckle as they destroy everything of value, including morality, ethics, and reality. That is until we begin starving and freezing to death from the distopian policies, dictatorship silencing of decent, coming from the Mao/ Stalin/ Post Modern, degenerates.

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As a youngish grandparent of very young grandchildren, none of this dystopian shit is funny. How many millions have died this totalitarian go around? And it’s not over yet - not by a long shot.

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Or a Long Convid shot

Pun intended?

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Fuck You! Your sorry ass belongs under the Biden Regime. Biden is the most corrupt President our country has ever had. Worse than tricky Dick, you know your savior Richard Nixon.

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It does seem Biden corruption eclipses all prior POTUS with what little we can prove now. As an old timer & Vietnam anti-war activist Nixon was my benchmark for evil corrupt politicians for decades. It was with some emotional challenges that deep research forced me to understand Nixon was the fall guy for CIA who were behind Watergate and more.. beyond that Nixon's creation of EPA and other public works put his politics left of Obama-Biden Hillary neolib DNC.. reluctantly ditching my hippie certainty to say now Nixon wasn't the bad guy history makes him out to be and Bob Woodward is a CIA tool w career crafting opinion..

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Deep research forced you to understand that Nixon was the fall guy for CIA?! I actually believe it.

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Looking back at Church Committee exposure of CIA media influence with a modern understanding of propaganda it's easier to see how the Watergate myth of adversarial press promoted by Hollywood in All The Presidents Men & newer remake fits with Woodward as the CIA asset and Bernstein relegated to the dustbin w 1977 CIA & the media.


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Agreed! The corrupt Biden regime is truly beyond description. They rank right up there with Kim Jung Eun.

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Trump was plenty corrupt. As was Bush and Obama and Clinton. Biden runs a literal international crime syndicate so he's a step or two above. But the point is they are ALL corrupt AF including Trump.

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Since the movie BARBIE caters to the straight normos, in the name of equality and inclusion I demand a transgender movie Mr&MrsPotatoHead!!!!!!!!!!!

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"I may not be able to stop what’s coming, but, in the immortal words of a very drunk Jim Morrison, I just want to get my kicks before the whole shithouse goes up in flames."

When all you can control is the enjoyment go for it, fab philosophy for life!

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Right outta the days of the Roman Empire: "Bread and circuses". "Jesus Christ vs. Godzilla" and on and on. Murrikkkans are the most propaganda-riddled "people" in human history.

Think Goebbels was a prime propagandist? Think again. You got another think coming. Goebbels got his whole shtick from Edward Bernays, nephew of old Ziggy and the world-master of public relations ploys and in your face propaganda.

After a very brief career as an ad copywriter, my direction then evolved/devolved into editing a suburban newspaper in the late 60's. After dropping out of that situation (mind you, the year was '69 and there was a felt need to truly becoming part of the cutting-edge of the counterculture by moving from the Twin Cities to San Francisco to catch the last act. Cue the Eagles: "Hotel California": "We haven't had that spirit here since nineteen-sixty-nine".

About a year later it was back to the Land of Lakes and a position with a twice weekly publication where I was obliged to wear a necktie, join the Kiwanis and sit in a congested aisle under the office wall-clock. Believe it or not, that element of the career lasted some two and a half years. Then mounting frustrations led to getting canned for not having the proper tone to the proboscis.

Point is, done there and been that...that being a very modestly paid serf...yes, an employee of an enterprise run by three Neo-Calvinist brothers. The reins were comparatively loose, but when it came to a matter of massaging the elder brother's Board of Directors seat on the largest corporate entity in that particular region, it was ultimately impossible to repress regurgitation.

They say "the show must go on". At that point and ever after, my presence as a cog in the wheel has ceased to exist. Hand-writing and hand-wringing was on the wall and Pink Floyd had something to say about that. And this was in the early 70's...which in retrospect seems to have been virtually a Golden Age in comparison to the mess we face nowadays...the terminally Woke and those who pull the strings orchestrating their dance macabre.

C.J. points to the (s)election looming next year as a "simulation of democracy". Straight On! The ruling elite wears many masks and due to their control of the mass media of misinformation, disinformation and general mindfuckery, the general public in the U$$A will get up into taking sides in that divide and rule maelstrom...getting swept up into the metastasizing pools of ignorance and rage against "the other side".

Meanwhile, the ruling elite and their many minions, stooges and camp-followers...a huge percentage of whom are government employees of one type or another...are laughing their allegorical asses off at the naïveté of the remnant majority.

For there does exist an upwelling, an emerging majority, perhaps, of those who are awakening to the state of madness currently regnant. Working class men, particularly in rural areas (those loci being sadly in the minority in this sub-urban soon to be Mad-Max faux Realityscape) are catching on to the game in growing numbers...preppers all over the place.

Will a Digital Currency/Social Credit WEF drive by the maladministration and the Feral Re$erve Bank schemes meet it's Waterloo by that potential "Bridge too Far"?

Keep an eye on the truckers. If the SHTF, that ever more pissed-off cussinon-account of being pissed-on may without prior planning, decide to shut down major population centers. That definitely would not make for a purdy outcome. But desperate times engender desperate responses.

We could be looking at a survival situation.

The ongoing schemes and plots by the ruling elite, headed up by the Bank$ters, could lead to unforeseen consequences, all of which could not possibly have been fully gamed-out by their "expert" advisors.

Imposition of digital currency may be the tell. Will those ba$$-turds have the elementary survival sense to pull in their horns...or not?

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Very insightfully stated! But, of course, we are already in " a survival situation" or what is really Civil War 2.0...

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Dear God in heaven (so to speak), we love you CJ. I wonder if you know what a lifeline your words are to those of us who truly see what's going on. Thank you so much.

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