Jul 31, 2023Liked by CJ Hopkins

I've been saying for a while now that satire is dead, or at least gasping a last death rattle. I was thinking in terms of the unsatirizable insanity we see around us every day, but on reading the comments here, I guess it's also that so few have an ability to recognize it. Or are they mostly satire themselves, which means I'm among those who can't see irony or satire? Alas, I honestly can't tell anymore.

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Thanks CJ ... I love reading your stuff, and I appreciate your point of view and some humor to boot.

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I'm not like a - defense lawyer - or anything C.J., but if I were to give you legal advice, I'd suggest you begin to immediately work toward getting the MSM and shit-libs in Germany on your side before this legal thing goes any further. The tried and true technique would be for you to immediately come out as "trans." Hey, don't wig out, you won't like have to like shave your beard, or remove any portion of your anatomy, it's more like - um - "a feeling" - kind of thingy apparently these days. This "new trans you" will immediately endear your cause to the elite "progressive" segments of German society that control MSM - as you can now loudly accuse the German state of "transphobia" in every MSM platform that will have you. Being a victim of transphobia is of course a crime of unspeakable evil that immediately puts - "victim you" - "on the right side of history." I'm completely confident in our new legal strategy, but of course should things go seriously south and you end up doing some time, at least it will be in a women's prison - hey, I'm just saying. ; ) PS - I'm not making light in any way of your legal situation C.J. - it's obscene that you're dealing with this fascist bull shit. But I did hope to perhaps elicit at least a wry grin.

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For everyone who didn't want to take up the cause of political prisoner Ernst Zundel (and I am not blaming you, I myself didn't want to either. I got dragged into it.) We now, I hope, see why it is so important to focus on the principle. If Julian Assange can be tortured in public for years for the crime of journalism and Zundel can be kidnapped by the US's DHS to Canada and then extradited from Canada to Germany for raising a discussion about German history in Canada in some leaflets, are we living in a democracy? And what next will it be no longer allowed to discuss or investigate? And this might be a sore point to raise for many, but if we allow the social engineers to lure us out of our faith in God, then who can we claim gave us these rights to speech and belief and assembly and privacy?

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Wait, so Trump is Hitler now? I thought Putin was Hitler. Wasn't Trump already Hitler once? Is it a title that's passed around, or are they both Hitler? Who else is Hitler? Is CJ Hitler? Are you Hitler? Am I Hitler? Is everyone Hitler?

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Aaaand here come all the Trump lovers. It's insane that people still think that Trump is not part of the establishment, but then again, people also think that RFK Jr. isn't either.

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let's not vote and say we did. CJ, I hope your vacation by the sea was a good one and you now manage to stay out of the klink. thanks for the read. always a pleasure.

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I had never wanted to bother with politics until trump was elected and I saw how horrible people got about him. To me, that was so funny to see people who thought they were sane, rational people, just lose their shit when it came to Trump...and they still cannot stop. The sad part, was that the people who should have been funny about the whole situation (the SNLs, late night hosts, etc) all folded to the "we better hate Trump or we won't have a job". People were afraid to be funny, when there was a million things to joke about...and only 5-10% of that was actually stuff Trump did or said, and 90% of what was side splitting funny was the reaction to what Trump did or said. I love sending a meme to people losing their crap over Trump...it makes my day. I feel doomed no matter what octogenarian nincompoop we put in office, but I hope it is Trump because that is gonna be funny as hayall!

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i dont get americans, trump gave you the jab. hes a pharma paid guy. yet to admit they suck.

yet you all love him

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Thanks for waking up parts of our human brains that need to be brought back to life, CJ!

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Jul 31, 2023Liked by CJ Hopkins

I just spent hours reading a lot of your previous work and it included the naked capitalism interview by Yves. My goodness most of the commentators were knee deep in the Covid propaganda conspiracy and I’m wondering how many of them have waken up and seen how wrong they were? And anyone who didn’t adhere to the ‘Covid is deadly and vaccines will save the world' agenda got quite a scolding from Yves and Lambert. Wowzer what an incredible journey.

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I truly appreciate the humour as at this point as reality for us all is not looking very bright. Humour makes it tolerable, or at least one can find amusement in the rash, ideological, destructive, and moronic, actions of those in leadership positions. Their promotional press gallery makes it even more amusing with the out right lies, distopian predictions, misinformation and disinformation. May as well chuckle as they destroy everything of value, including morality, ethics, and reality. That is until we begin starving and freezing to death from the distopian policies, dictatorship silencing of decent, coming from the Mao/ Stalin/ Post Modern, degenerates.

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Fuck You! Your sorry ass belongs under the Biden Regime. Biden is the most corrupt President our country has ever had. Worse than tricky Dick, you know your savior Richard Nixon.

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"I may not be able to stop what’s coming, but, in the immortal words of a very drunk Jim Morrison, I just want to get my kicks before the whole shithouse goes up in flames."

When all you can control is the enjoyment go for it, fab philosophy for life!

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Right outta the days of the Roman Empire: "Bread and circuses". "Jesus Christ vs. Godzilla" and on and on. Murrikkkans are the most propaganda-riddled "people" in human history.

Think Goebbels was a prime propagandist? Think again. You got another think coming. Goebbels got his whole shtick from Edward Bernays, nephew of old Ziggy and the world-master of public relations ploys and in your face propaganda.

After a very brief career as an ad copywriter, my direction then evolved/devolved into editing a suburban newspaper in the late 60's. After dropping out of that situation (mind you, the year was '69 and there was a felt need to truly becoming part of the cutting-edge of the counterculture by moving from the Twin Cities to San Francisco to catch the last act. Cue the Eagles: "Hotel California": "We haven't had that spirit here since nineteen-sixty-nine".

About a year later it was back to the Land of Lakes and a position with a twice weekly publication where I was obliged to wear a necktie, join the Kiwanis and sit in a congested aisle under the office wall-clock. Believe it or not, that element of the career lasted some two and a half years. Then mounting frustrations led to getting canned for not having the proper tone to the proboscis.

Point is, done there and been that...that being a very modestly paid serf...yes, an employee of an enterprise run by three Neo-Calvinist brothers. The reins were comparatively loose, but when it came to a matter of massaging the elder brother's Board of Directors seat on the largest corporate entity in that particular region, it was ultimately impossible to repress regurgitation.

They say "the show must go on". At that point and ever after, my presence as a cog in the wheel has ceased to exist. Hand-writing and hand-wringing was on the wall and Pink Floyd had something to say about that. And this was in the early 70's...which in retrospect seems to have been virtually a Golden Age in comparison to the mess we face nowadays...the terminally Woke and those who pull the strings orchestrating their dance macabre.

C.J. points to the (s)election looming next year as a "simulation of democracy". Straight On! The ruling elite wears many masks and due to their control of the mass media of misinformation, disinformation and general mindfuckery, the general public in the U$$A will get up into taking sides in that divide and rule maelstrom...getting swept up into the metastasizing pools of ignorance and rage against "the other side".

Meanwhile, the ruling elite and their many minions, stooges and camp-followers...a huge percentage of whom are government employees of one type or another...are laughing their allegorical asses off at the naïveté of the remnant majority.

For there does exist an upwelling, an emerging majority, perhaps, of those who are awakening to the state of madness currently regnant. Working class men, particularly in rural areas (those loci being sadly in the minority in this sub-urban soon to be Mad-Max faux Realityscape) are catching on to the game in growing numbers...preppers all over the place.

Will a Digital Currency/Social Credit WEF drive by the maladministration and the Feral Re$erve Bank schemes meet it's Waterloo by that potential "Bridge too Far"?

Keep an eye on the truckers. If the SHTF, that ever more pissed-off cussinon-account of being pissed-on may without prior planning, decide to shut down major population centers. That definitely would not make for a purdy outcome. But desperate times engender desperate responses.

We could be looking at a survival situation.

The ongoing schemes and plots by the ruling elite, headed up by the Bank$ters, could lead to unforeseen consequences, all of which could not possibly have been fully gamed-out by their "expert" advisors.

Imposition of digital currency may be the tell. Will those ba$$-turds have the elementary survival sense to pull in their horns...or not?

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Dear God in heaven (so to speak), we love you CJ. I wonder if you know what a lifeline your words are to those of us who truly see what's going on. Thank you so much.

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