In WWII the Jews, the gypsies, and other people-groups boarded the trains. It doesn’t matter if there were soldiers holding guns…THEY BOARDED THE TRAINS. That’s akin to getting into a car bc someone is holding a gun on you. You KNOW that’s not going to end well so take the bullet on the front end rather than whatever horrific plans they have for you once they get you alone. In WWII, the people had NUMBERS on their side…JUST LIKE NOW and over the past almost 4 years. They could have stood en masse and NOT BOARDED the trains.

Fast forward to 2020, the masses—despite having #s on their side—boarded the Crazy Train Xpress. Of course, just a couple years earlier people were pushing and shoving to board the Trump Train many of whom fought even harder to get aboard the Crazy Train.

Folks how about saying (or singing if one is so inclined!) so long , farewell, auf wiedersehen to the “matrix? Just stop. Stop living on the internet and letting “influencers” and lying liars shape reality and truth. Stop allowing yourselves to be puppets manipulated by the schizotocracy (great name!). Stop consciously or unconsciously agreeing that 2+2=5. Go outside for a walk, spend time in the woods or on the beach or just relaxing on a park bench gazing at nature and the beautiful skies…talk to real people instead of living a “virtual” existence. No social media…it’s a trap of the devil. We follow just a few people on sub stack and have begun reducing that number as well. In our home we have cut off all wifi…Ethernet only…we no longer take our cell phones with us when we leave the house…our cell phones and iPad go into faraday bags in the evening and stay there until morning. We are no longer feeding the machine nearly as much as we were and in turn we no longer feel the invisible tether around our ankles.

Best of luck with your trial…I hope many people will show up in person and protest the bunko shimsham trial…and remember, no matter what they say 2+2=4.

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"That’s akin to getting into a car bc someone is holding a gun on you. You KNOW that’s not going to end well so take the bullet on the front end rather than whatever horrific plans they have for you once they get you alone." You got it. The advice I got from my mother when I was a teenage girl was, "Never let them take you from point A to point B. Make them shoot you on the street if you have to." She was talking about sexual assault and not State assault, but I think it applies. I think it will be more difficult to cart people off in the U.S., which is why they keep trying to overturn the 2nd amendment. I think here it's more likely to be a new Waco every other week, which is not ideal, but it is preferable to Room 101.

I wrote about it: https://scubacat.substack.com/p/when-they-come-for-me?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2

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Your mom was right and, yes, it very much applies across the board. I once thought it would be difficult to get Americans to go along but then “Covid” happened. My husband and I watched stunned as people fell over themselves to comply. The same people who “went along to get along” and/or who actually believed all the lies (stated another way: those unwilling to think for themselves and mindlessly obeyed) would/will turn in their weapons if they have them. Remember this about the 2A, it does not grant the right to possess weapons…we all inherently have the “right” to protect ourselves…2A protects from govt infringement. And if “they” come for you, they’re going to have to come for a lot of others…there may come a time (or not by the grace of God) when you have to draw the line and choose your hill but don’t live your life in fear of that. When you fear something or someone you hand over control and that’s a slippery slope.

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Hmmm. I reject all the appalling interventions especially the genetic poisons they had the nerve to call vaccines. But the fact remains some bug or other was making quite a few people unwell for a while from autumn’19. And with all the hype a kind of mass panic took hold of society. Understandable in many ways looking back. It’s the inability to take a fresh view subsequently that’s the disturbing thing. Mass formation around new mythologies in gestation instead of seeing how big interests were taking advantage and taking over the narrative. Then once that job’s been accomplished, everyone is too indoctrinated to think critically.

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Do y’all remember in 2020 when—at least here in the US—the criminals running the show predicted (with stunning {sarcasm} accuracy) where the outbreaks would occur? You could follow the “outbreaks” up interstates throughout the US. My belief is that they were deploying via aerosol, water, or some other mechanism a toxin to make people sick…in order to create an illusion to backup their lies. The death tolls were an absolute lie and the people who did die were murdered at the hands of doctors and hospitals.

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'The fact remains some bug or other was making quite a few people unwell". I'm not sure that is a fact. There is certainly no statistical evidence of any great shift beyond the normal baselines of all cause mortality. How, I wonder, with no extra deaths as evidence, can one make serious claims for an unusual outbreak of an illness?

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The last time I said 2+2 equals 4 I was named a freedom denying authoritarian who doesn't understand Gödel.

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I hope you laughed at whoever spouted that nonsense. That’s the outrage machine for you…that’s how they get you to shut up. Keep on saying it and take no offense…don’t become part of the outrage machine.

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Jesus is the way.

Loved all your comments

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I scoffed at the plandemic from day one. Now, 3 yrs later, I'm alone in a motorhome after losing house, family and friends... https://risingdawn360.substack.com/p/four-corners-of-the-earth-rediscovered

But I have the Lord. And what did he say in Luke 18:29-30 kjv?

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You’re not alone…you walk with Christ Jesus who will never leave nor forsake you. Satan will give you the illusion that you’re alone if you’ll accept it…that’s how he attempts to cull believers but he hasn’t the power to do so…don’t believe his lies. Read Hebrews 12:1, Joshua 1:9, and be of good courage! This world is NOT our home…keep your eyes and heart on Jesus and eternal things. You are loved by the King and Creator for all of eternity. Emmanuel: God with us.

And just so you know, many of us have lost family and friends to the plandemic division…including me and my husband. We found a neat substack writer named Mark Oshinskie who a couple years ago began writing to build a community of us who didn’t buy into the lies and have lost family bc of it.

Again, you are not alone. This life is but a “light and momentary affliction.” Use your motorhome to spread the truth and hope of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

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Thanks. Maybe you should read some of my Stack writings to know me better.


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I love you in the Name of Jesus dear Dawn.

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Seems it's all (every last bit of it) predicated upon the notion that the Nazi apparatus was and remains a separate and indelible template for all organized evil AND the capital H holocaust the greatest collective deed thereof. Makes a body wonder: might the former need to be looked via some method other than watching Hollywood movies? And might the latter be looked at other than via the same method. Of course this latter suggestion requires questioning what for most is impossible to question and in many countries is illegal to question.

And yes, what has occurred, and is occurring, in Gaza to all those soft targets is simply "war". How dare anyone call it GENOCIDE?

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You know how much I love neologisms, so “schizotocracy” is going straight into my running glossary.

“But psychosis is a horse of a different color.”

I appreciate the subtle reference to “Horse Country,” particularly apropos given you were playing with the nature of “reality,” perception, and psychosis in there, offering yet more evidence of your longstanding prognostication chops.

“… disinformation, racism, hate speech, conspiracy theories, anti-Semitism, anti-vaxxerism, transphobians, Communists, cultural Marxists, radical wokesters, the Cult of Musk, neo-Covidians, Zionazis, climate-change deniers, decapitated baby rapers …”

Oh man, I could’ve used some of these terms in the name-calling inventory (“selfish immoral science-denying far-right-wing–extremist anti-vaxxer conspiracy theorists”) I included in “Letter to the Amnesty-Demanders”:


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Thanks, Margaret ... I'm always pleased when anyone catches one of my obscure references!

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The more obscure the Easter egg, the more fun it is to find it!

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MAA/CJ, The most interesting thing was that when I read this incisive piece, my first thought was "MAA should have read this before writing her piece today...would have added more terms to her marvelous opus". Great minds...

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So maybe you can explain the Horse Country reference, for the uninitiated here.

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I humbly submit that while “schizotocracy” is good, “schitzocracy” is better ... same meaning but much smoother and far more melodious. Methinks schizotocracy is too awkward and jarring to catch on.

BTW, thanks for yet another stellar post.

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🙏🙏🙏 for the success of CJ against German censorship-tyranny. Perhaps they will become sufficiently self aware to be embarrassed by these proceedings. Schizotocracy is a pretty good descriptive term for this societal lunacy. Since I know some people with schizophrenia who generally exhibit better judgement than your persecutors, I will add some alternative permutations "Schitzocracy" or "Scheissocracy" to use whenever the mood strikes. 👍

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I just read your letter, with the Biderman's Chart of Coercion, which certainly accentuates the ridiculousness of the demands for amnesty. Relatives and colleagues would not listen, and now bear responsibility for many children and others who were jabbed. They don't want to hear what is now inescapable. And there are many others who regret taking the jab to keep their jobs.

Remember "the 7 deadly signs of cancer"? 10 years from now..... "know the 7 deadly signs of ribosomal frame shift", that generates myriad, garbage, foreign proteins, and spurs inflammatory immune attack.

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These people have had a lot bred out of them.

But inducing them to kill themselves,

While itself remarkable,

Is eclipsed by how easy it was to accomplish.


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Just a few days ago I went fishing with my good friend, an avid and proficient bass fisherman on his bass boat. It had been many many years since the last time I’d been out with him. We spent a few hours on the enormous lake conversing very little, content to be lulled into a sense of peaceful existence by the sounds of distant boats cruising the waters and the whizzing of our reels casting about. At one point before the fish started biting, he said “well, it looks like we might go back empty handed today” to which I replied “I don’t care if I do. If I wasn’t out here fishing I’d probably be at home reading ridiculous news stories bound to infuriate me.” The peace and quiet was extraordinarily therapeutic for me. And as a bonus I caught a couple of nice 3 pounders. I had a couple get away too.

I now know why he spends so many hours on the lake and is in a good mood all the time. He’s got it figured out.

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Thank you for that. Brought back fond memories. It has been years since we fished.

I recall one midnight we were out jitterbugging on a dark glassy pool lake. Whizzzzzz, went the lines lazily, followed by the occasional whup, whup, whup of the lure on surface of the glass pool. Again, it did not matter if we caught anything; it was the moment - accented by a tasty libation. And then, to our surprise, one of us hauled in a magnificent bass. We put it on a stringer, left it by the dock, scurried down in the morning, took a picture and released him to share his magnificence with the deep. A week later the successful fisherman learned his film had not spooled through the camera. There was no trophy shot. For years, when he spoke of the catch, we laughed him out of the room … “yeah, right.”

Time to take up fishing again.

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Very insightful for me. My dad is obsessed with "capitalism." It's his watch word, his be all end all for what makes reality and society work. I remember pausing during one of our discussions and remarking about how it needs must be tempered by moral values or something, perhaps the interests of competing nation-states, in order for it not to become an all-consuming monster. He scoffed. I became sad, knowing he didn't realize what he was advocating for, had a blind spot he was happy to nurture.

I wrote a book, The F.U. KiD, that's sold nothing, but which I am still proud of as it is a historical document about the schizoid covid years told from the point of view of a clear-eyed teenager forced to live through it that may be resurrected by historians one day after the true history of this shameful time has been memory holed and rewritten to fit their globohomo agenda. As to "how to fix it" there's a line toward the end of the novel that, though having a zillion to one chance of ever happening, would force the change for the better (the face to face communication) that you touched on.

And I quote: "The real revolution will begin when 300 million people take 300 million hammers and simultaneously smash 300 million phones."

[smart phones, which is obvious in the context of the broader text from which this quote's pulled from]

Smart phones have become such a locus of reality for those who hold them in their palms and develop a bad case of tech neck for their troubles. The government-media fascist complex monopoly on information and eradication of counter narratives have truly allowed them to mold some kind of mass formation global populace similar to The Borg. If you could somehow orchestrate a massive disconnection of this matrix, the giant sucking sound you'd hear would be power in the hands of the few returning to the people. Maybe? Dunno. Sounds good though.

Good luck with your trial.

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If it wasn't a phone, it would be something else. The problem is mind control. And escape is only possible by replacing the lie with the truth.

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Agreed. But what better vehicle for mind control than a pocket palantir that, due to its manufacturer's ( Big Tech's) frontend censorship (in collusion with Big Governemnt) is programmed to deceive. If we don't check out now there will come a time when we can never leave!

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Love the 'pocket palantir' :-))

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I use it for practical purposes. It doesn't control me and it can't deceive me because I can see right through the deceiver's plot. It's a spiritual war we are in and God, who preserved his word written down, has shown us the devil's hand. I'm free.

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I was talking to a friend the other day and he told me the same thing. He's in his 70s and long past the time his brain had completely come into its own and all that developmental stuff. But we both agreed that these diabolical devices have done a number on the children. I've got two at home who are addicted and that's on me.

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Thank you. THIS IS IT. Such real, true and lasting peace in all of what CJ has remarkably described.

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Being good conservative kind of person the first time one of the people I trusted started railing against Global Cap I felt a tinge of dissonance. It did not take long for me to manage the dissonance. Capitalism without trust and basic morality is antisocial. Trust is the basis of civilization, not freedom.

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I think trust is a fundamental foundation for any social grouping. Things break down when it is abused. The word 'freedom' is used a lot, but I think it's undergone a subtle, but probably unintentional shift in meaning from 'freedom to do as I please - as long as it doesn't harm others' to total, unbounded, consequence-free freedom.

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Capitalism without basic trust and morality is piracy. They used to hang pirates.

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The imposed mindset of the numerous victims of this mental meme was well described as those who know the price of everything, but the value of nothing. Under the current regime, reality formulation by all too many of the deliberately dumbed-down, is programmed "normalcy". To be normal in this system is to be a CONSUMER.

At the turn of the 20th Century, a then broadly used medical diagnosis was called "consumption". As the span progressed, the terminology transformed into tuberculosis. However, as a metaphor, consumption is certainly the primary disease of the socio-economic system which has been carefully cultivated by those whose interests are based upon trade and marketing as the be-all and end-all. In the current dystopia the slogan, slightly Teutonized, would be "profits uber alles". Profits over all other considerations, the primary consideration, the designated "Reality Numero Uno".

Transvaluation of values has been a concern for many close observers of cultural devolution. This meme is essentially materialism on steroids. No other value systems count under this level of market and consumer insanity. There is "No Exit to Brooklyn" ...or even more so the Burbs. Sub-Urbanization is the apotheosis of consumerism and a totally materialistic value system.

Thus, the only possible escape route, outside of a major breakdown on a system-wide basis, is a reconceptualization of spiritual values. I'm not talking organized religion here. The rebels against that rotting system were the likes of Des Cartes, Darwin and Marx. Their solution was based upon a scientistic, academicist and ultimately materialistic mindset. Thus, we are experiencing the transition in Hegelian terms , from the thesis to the antithesis.

This development begs the question: Hegel posited a SYNTHESIS...a further transition into a value system which, having realized the failure of both the thesis and antithesis...posits a third direction. The spiritual dimension is REAL, more real than Israel, more real than City of London or Wall $treet. Let's consider the word economy, as it was originally understood. To economize is to live by one's means. Can you afford to go in debt?

Currently, the entire economic...or should we say anti-economy in its original sense...system is predicated on indebtedness. Look closely at the $1 Fed note..."for all debts, public and private". Uh-huh. The proverbial cat is out of the bag. How many, Americans in particular, have dived deeply into credit-card indebtedness in order to maintain their consumerist lifestyle...their comfort zones?

The "revolution" will not be televised, just like the man said. In all truth, the more proper word would be Evolution...an evolution away from competition and domination as the dominant memes, in a Real-Eye-Zation that One is All and All are One and that the whole is equal to and greater than the sum of its parts. Seems simplistic to some, I will admit. However, we do need to think outside the box and unite humanity with a spiritually centered evolution into our higher potential as human beings.

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Oops! You left out the Lord Jesus Christ, the Creator of all the earth.

...then shall the Son also himself be subject unto him that put all things under him, that God may be all in all. 1 Cor 15:28, kjv. One can only be two things: spiritually dead, or spiritually alive in Christ, who made man in his image.

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I've been saying the world is insane, society is insane, this American society, in particular, since around 1975. People I knew then thought of me as an "extremist", though that's not the word they used. They thought I exaggerated, shall we say. Now that the US has spread its madness throughout the world, with GloboCap, the whole world has gone well over the edge into psychosis, as CJ says.

One thing I've noticed in recent years is that Americans rarely ever really talk to each other anymore. Whether it's distrust, fear, or not knowing where to begin, I don't know. Serious conversation about much anything is shied away from, or ridiculed as Debby Downersville. Staying superficial is the way to keep friends. Merry Christmas!

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Thanks for this one, CJ. I think there is a typo here: "If they could just us to see what they see, think the way they think...". I think "just us" should be "just get us" .

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Thank you ... always very grateful for typo catches!

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I love it, Bob! You must be an editor. I caught that too :)

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In re-reading your penetrating piece in Consent Factory about your travails with the fascist German state, it was helpful to revisit the idea that everything changed post-USSR. Without an external enemy, the regime demanded a clear and hold, i.e., all internal critics or resisters who stood in for the old Soviet boogeyman had to be eliminated. And hence, the New Normal--the normalization of the authoritarian state.

I was thinking today that plans for a NWO have been in place for at least 100 years, but it wasn't until the internet that people had ability to search for, find, and share sensitive/classified information that had been previously hidden. You mention 7 years; from my perspective that's when the ruling class plans accelerated to a fever pitch, culminating in the orchestrated lockdown of the planet. Now that the genie's out of the bottle--in terms of people waking up to The Truman Show and the inability of the overlords to propagandize/control the masses the way they used to pre-internet--we've all experienced a new level of authoritarianism, whether being deplatformed for wrongthink, or being charged by the state with the crime of exposing the inconvenient truth and threatened with a fine and jail sentence like you. Most people, I think, would be intimidated, angry, and bitter. And yet in your piece you exhort your readers to be reasonable with the unreasonable, to try to get through to others who are stuck in their addiction to conformity and fear, because in order to defeat this leviathan we need everyone we can get on our side. I needed to read that today. It's easy to be flip about not wasting time to persuade the unpersuadable, to adapt and find workarounds in order not to be trapped in their evil dystopian enslavement scheme. At some point it is about survival of the fittest and you can't allow another's refusal to leave hinder your escape. But in the meantime, to keep trying: that embodies the best human traits that all authoritarians lack.

Happy holidays, CJ, and may the Force be with you in January.

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The schizotocracy is actually a "psyoptocracy" designed by the loony maniacal national security state who the ruling elite rely on to trigger "mental mayhem" within Western populations.

An example of such lunacy, is the outrage mainstream media news wants viewers to feel towards college students protesting the slaughter of more than 20,000 Palestinians by the Israeli military and "US aid" better known as bombs.

They also want folks to feel sympathy for affluent privileged Jewish ivy league students who are fearful about being Zionists on campus.

Actually, if these Jewish students had any compassion they too would be demonstrating against apartheid Israel, but then they would no longer be Zionists. 🤔

Btw, could you imagine how Western mainstream media news commentators would've reacted if the Kremlin carpet bombed Ukraine like Israel is bombing the Gaza Strip.

Funny, how news commentators are no longer talking about injecting mRNA

toxins, however, Dr. Gupta on MSNBC gave a spiel about climate change and how it affects public health. I wonder, if Pfizer is working on a new injection to prevent the untoward effects of global boiling.😁

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So Israel should have done nothing after October 7th? Or I guess October 7th was an exaggeration. Wait better yet--I guess according to you it never happened.

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It didn't happen as described by the official mainstream media news narrative. Israelis even know that.

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Yeah go ahead play it down and keep presenting the Palestinians as perennial victims.

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If you do a little research you might not sound so ignorant.

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Here are some wise words from Amir Tsarfati which should resonate with the other "ignorant" people here who put no stock in your misguided worldview.

It has been a very difficult couple weeks in Israel. With the return of some of our hostages came stories of their captivity. When they first began to trickle in, many observers were surprised at how low-key they were. No great shows of emotion, good or bad. Now it has come out that Hamas gave the hostages Clonazepam, a sedative, so that they would appear peaceful as they returned. Once the drugs wore off, the reality of Hamas’s imprisonment of these innocents became evident.

Because time is passing and the voices of the deniers are growing louder (which I will address in a moment), I want to list here some of the hostages’ revelations that I detailed in my Telegram channel. Many captives were executed, denied medical treatment, and starved. Women were kept in cages. Some of the hostages were forced to eat toilet paper. They were separated from their families, sleep deprived, light deprived, and forced to watch the October 7 atrocities. Elderly women were required to sleep on plastic chairs. Children were branded with exhaust pipes, forced to whisper, and not allowed to cry. The perpetrators beat the hostages, kept them in solitary confinement, denied them basic hygiene, and confined them to cramped spaces. They denied them information about their families and forced them to participate in degrading propaganda videos. Their hopelessness was made greater by the fact that they didn’t even receive a single visit from the Red Cross.

What’s even more terrible is that we are just scratching the surface. There are many hostages still being held. Also, we haven’t yet heard from the children. Professor Itay Pesach, head of the children’s hospital in Tel Aviv, said, “When the children will start telling their stories, none of us will be able to sleep at night.”

Never forget what kind of torture was perpetrated upon those whom Hamas killed. Never forget what kind of torture was perpetrated upon those whom Hamas allowed to live.

The Increase of the Deniers

As often happens from the radical left, the volume of their voices increases in direct proportion to the stupidity of their arguments. The October 7 deniers are now at full shrill. It is amazing to me that the evidence, much of it filmed by Hamas themselves, can be so great, yet they can still say that it never happened. Similar to the three monkeys, they see no evil and hear no evil. However, these supporters of the Nazi-like Hamas certainly love to speak evil. They speak it in protests and out front of Jewish delicatessens and in government houses and in university classrooms and on major news networks.

What’s so interesting is that these are the same people who make their livings creating a victim class based on race or gender or lifestyle or government. But in this one particular case, they turn it around and call the victims the perpetrators. What is the only difference? These victims are Jews.

When the “Me too” movement was born, it was based on one woman’s unsubstantiated recollection of an event decades earlier. Yet, it was demanded that everyone must believe her. Now, we have hundreds of incidents with massive amounts of video and forensic evidence, and these same academics, media people, and radical elites have become deniers. The blatant antisemitism is truly appalling.

Thankfully, there are some who are beginning to accept the evidence. The BBC, in a radical turnaround, changed their tune when they finally viewed the proof of sexual violence with a critical eye. Others are beginning to realize that the Palestinian people are no different than Hamas. A recent poll showed that 75% of Palestinians support what Hamas did during the October 7 massacre. Only 13% opposed it.

Hamas Breaks Ceasefire

In a move that shocked absolutely no one who understands Hamas at all, it took the terrorist organization only seven days to break the ceasefire. Apparently, they had completed shifting around all their supplies and personnel, because last Thursday they began to send rockets into the Israeli town of Sderot. This was the very move the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) were waiting for, and the military immediately launched their next moves.

Currently, there are two major focuses. First, there is the destruction of the Gazan city of Khan Yunis. This is a hotbed of tunnels and military facilities. The IDF warned the citizens ahead of time, spurring a mass civilian exodus. Then the bombing began, and it has been massive. At the same time, along the coast north of the Shatti refugee camp, Israel’s military has situated five large pumps. With these machines, they will begin flooding the miles and miles of tunnels with seawater. It will take a while, but eventually the rats will be chased from their underground burrows.

Fighting continues to take place throughout Israel. Exchanges of fire and airstrikes persist in the north against Hezbollah. Also, the fighting in the West Bank is very hot as the IDF is forced to go in to extract leaders of Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ).

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More hasbara.....which never wants you to believe your lying eyes.


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I'm sure Pfizer has already anticipated this need - their solution renders you cold and dead.

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Death will occur only after Pfizer can abscond with fumds from numerous "climate change" boosters.

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If Rip Van Winkle woke up in today's world, he would naturally assume he was still dreaming and just roll over.

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And think he was in a mental asylum...😁

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Thanks for your thoughtful, insightful review.

Good writing and good thinking and analogies.

Happy Holidays to you and yours.

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Your theory Is very interesting. I ve read all your material. I think however you’ve got the globo cap thing backwards. Markets are reflections of human values. Most societies esp Western ones through history would not commodify everything. Western civ , white europeans recognized that the commodification of human beings (chattel slavery) was wrong and there was a long and ultimately successful movement to end it. The growth of the state and the permanent bureaucracy in the 20th century and beyond has coopted free markets in the name of “progress” and created the situation we have now. We have a massive confiscatory tax scheme, fiat money and endless burdensome regulation. The markets are not free. We live in a fascist authoritarian nightmare.

Abolish the federal reserve, end the income tax, eliminate the US federal depts of education , commerce, transporation and so many more and you would be human values reassert themselves and be expressed in the marketplace

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I have been pondering recently that, having invented the nuclear family as a means of isolating people from the larger extended families that were the norm and creating cells of consumers for easier exploitation, the Capitalists (as opposed to "capitalists", who are actually just people using their available resources intelligently) are now seeking to destroy their creation. It started with shaming young people who might live with parents after the age of 18 to save money and has now advanced to undermining the ability of parents to parent younger children (cf. state legislatures passing laws that allow children under 18 to make healthcare decisions without parental consent).

Good times.

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On the other hand, breaking up the nuclear family creates even more consuming 'units'.

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Precisely, and the more isolated we are from community support and the trust that we can get help when we need it, the more easily we become manageable. They're demonizing every single means for joining in some kind of supportive effort, largely using variations on the tactic that drove young people into living in apartments and only visiting now and then. Religion? All a bunch of Christo-fascist nutjobs. Social organizations? Mostly a lot of neo-Nazi White supremacists. It's an interesting exercise to choose a group or organization that used to be a mainstay of keeping us tuned in with each other and watch how the barrage of media/advertising does everything it can to make it "wrong".

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Janice Fiamengo had a recent podcast talking about how the demonisation of men by mainstream feminist groups has contributed to this problem through the alienation and isolation of men in western cultures.

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"And the kicker is, what capitalism does next, when it’s allowed to go hog-wild on society, is it sells the desiccated husks of people’s values back to them as lifestyle commodities. "

Gorgeously said. Merry Christmas to you, and best of luck in the dreaded Room 371.

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I agree this excerpt about selling people’s values back to us as lifestyle commodities- is so brilliant a description for almost everything we see now. It’s maddening and sickening all at once. And could be ANY more obvious; yet humanity is lapping it up like starving dogs.

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This is a wonderful piece of writing, analysis, and reads like a prose-poem, particularly the "colorful" description of psychosis. I also think that the shredding of everyone's attention spans contributes mightily to a sense of incoherence, making people more vulnerable to the latest moral mania (Trump, Covid, Ukraine, Hamas, etc).

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its the flouride in the water :)

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